Ch 29

Savage Love
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29 | Drunk in Love




Seohyun had been glancing at the quiet husband of hers when she realized his phone is vibrating on the sofa, behind him. She tried to see who's the caller but she couldn't see it from her place.


"Wae?" Yoong noticed her.


"Your phone, someone's calling. I got it." She answered, taking the apple from him.


Turning his body, Yoong took his phone and was glad it wasn't Chanyeol. "Hey." It's Sohee rather.


[Hi there, Yoong-ssi. Where are you?]


He glance at Seohyun before he answered, "I'm at the hospital, wae?" He decided to get up and walk to the window.


[Well I just want to share something.]


'This must be about the company.' "What is this about?" His voice is low to prevent himself from being heard by his wife.


[Do you know Jummyeon?]


"That young man in our department? Wasn't he one of the new employees?" He remembers he's one of those young guys in the waiting area during the interview.


[Yes. He's also a programmer and comes to the company around nine after office hours. I think I've seen him once, entering that room last week.]


"Last week?" He raises his voice in surprise. 'But he was in that interview a couple of days ago. Dang, this is getting interesting.' He thought and sighed.


Seohyun can barely hear but she feels like he's talking with a woman. Seoyoung suddenly lays down next to her and uses her lap as her pillow, she smiles and pokes her nose. "You have enough watching cartoons?"


"Yes, I'm sleepy Omma." Seoyoung let out a huge yawn and close her eyes.


She gently tuck her daughter's hair behind her ear and leaned down to kiss her forehead. "I love you, sleepyhead."


"I love you, Omma." Answered Seoyoung as she giggled.


Going back to the apple, Seohyun took a bite and shifted her eyes to her doe-eyed husband nearby. She squints her eyes and tries to read his lips but she's not good with it. 'Aish, he better share that with me.'


Moments later, Yoong returned to them and smiles lovingly at his wife. "Seoyoung will sleep next to you?"


"I bet. It's the last night either way." Seohyun chuckled softly. "Who was that?" And didn't miss to ask.


"Officemate. Just sharing what we are going to work on, tomorrow." He lied, couldn't involve his wife in it. She might get stressed if he shares it.


"What's the name?"


"Han Sohee." But he doesn't want to lie about her name.




"Yes. Omo, don't worry, she's not like Stephanie." He immediately reassures. He finds Sohee a nice person with their first lunch together. And sharing about that mysterious lab is something. That means, she trusts him.


Seohyun shrugs her shoulders. "You know how you easily attract women."


"I'm not, why are you - you're jealous." He grins as he teases her.


"I have a super handsome husband, why shouldn't I be jealous?" Seohyun yelled as she sends him glares.


"Fine. Sohee's a friend, okay? She's just helping me because I'm new to the company. Aigoo, you're so adorable." He can't help and pinch her cheeks.


"I'm still awake." Seoyoung opened her eyes while pouting.


"Omo, I thought you were fast asleep." Chuckled Seohyun. She quickly kisses her on the cheek and pats her arm to coax her to sleep.


Yoong can't help and tickle his daughter which earns giggles and laughter from her.


"Yah! Why would you do that? She's about to sleep, Yoong." Seohyun scolded shutting his mouth.


"I'll step out first." Said Yoong as he walked out of the room with an amused smile of his face.


Seoyoung also shut and decided to close her eyes back, afraid she'll hear her mother's scold.




Seohyun: I hate it when I hear my husband talk to a woman. It reminds me of Stephanie. Seriously traumatized by her.


Tiffany chuckled as she reads her best friend's message. But she sighs as she turns to her side and there goes Taeyeon, back facing her. She pouted sadly. She tried all her best to talk to him again but he never give her the chance. Their ride to the apartment was freaking gloomy. Bit she didn't regret being on Yoong's side. She is sure the doe-eyed doesn't have anything with the hacker. But Taeyeon has to be the opposite and she hated that. She hated that he has to blame his brother now for the incident.


Do you know what I hate right now? I hate that Taeyeon and I couldn't agree with one thing. Good night, Hyun. See you when I see you.


Turning off the night lamp, she finally close her eyes, and for just a couple of minutes, she fell asleep while back-facing Taeyeon as well.




A week later...


Running as fast as she can, Tiffany hurriedly opened the door by the backseat of Taecyeon's car. She's running late for a rehearsal for the first live show of the singing contest she auditioned but thankfully and Taecyeon came to rescue her.


"Don't worry, we can make it." Taecyeon is amused, glancing at her from the backseat who is still applying makeup.


"What if there's traffic? The PD will definitely scold me if I don't make it on time." She said then grabs her hairbrush and fix her hair. She curled it yesterday with her curler. She has to change her outfit too once she reached there.


"There's no traffic, I'm sure of that. And if there is, I know shortcuts." Taecyeon shared like he is a pro driver.


"Did you check your flash drive again?"


"Yes. I've checked a few times."


"Did you know what number am I later?" She applied some eyeliners and finally ended it with a brush to her cheeks.


"I don't know yet but based on your previous performance, you will be third to the last." Taecyeon replied softly as his eyes are focused on the road. He keeps overtaking cars and has maintained a speed limit. They're not so fast, just normal driving.


Placing back her stuff inside her bag, Tiffany finally can breathe in relief as she rested her back on the seat and look outside. She has rehearsed a few days back to her apartment and is confident for the first live show.


"By the way, tonight they will open the live voting after all the performances. That means, only half will move next week."


"Whoa, that fast?" She is surprised to hear it.


“The show is not going to last for a month. So yeah, hopefully from 20 contestants in your category, I hope you made it to the top 10 tomorrow.” Taecyeon explained further.


“What the, they’re giving only a day the people to vote?” She exclaimed, totally did not expect it. She thought they will have time to vote.


“Absolutely. That show is pretty biased as well. I mean, there are few contestants that are popular online. They’re taking advantage of it to earn.”


“I need a lot of votes then... but how... can I get that when I will only appear once on tv.” Tiffany’s confidence just dropped. She doesn’t have a lot of following on social media, it won’t be enough for her to move to the next round.


“You have to stand out so they remember you.”


“Well, I hope miracles happens.”


Taecyeon smiled briefly. “There will be if it means for you.” However, he believes if it’s really for her, it will happen.


Sighing, Tiffany looked out of the window again. She thought of Taeyeon who hasn’t she talked to for a week now since the night they returned to his apartment. She however used the days without seeing him to practice for her next performance.

She’s missing him already, though. She texted him about the live show, she hopes he comes or even at least watch her on tv.


Suddenly her phone chimes—she casually took it from her bag and smile to read the message.


Seohyun: Good luck on the live show! I and Seoyoung are cheering you on!


“How can she text me with one hand?” She wonders. “Or is it Seoyoung typing it for her?” chuckles her and types her response right away.


“Seohyun-ssi?” Taecyeon raised his brows as he looked at her through the mirror.


“Yes, she’s watching later.” She giggles and puts her phone back. ‘While someone out there didn’t even text me back.’ She sulks, couldn’t believe her boyfriend is really avoiding her still. She doesn’t have any updates now about Chanyeol because of it.


Moments later they arrive at the building and hurriedly run to the studio. They are lucky the PD hasn’t started their rehearsals. But they’re one minute late from call time. No one in the studio noticed it somehow.


“Rehearsals in thirty minutes! Get ready!” The PD announced loudly earning nods from every contestant.


Tiffany and Taecyeon are in the side, stretching before it began.




Walking in the company with boards of directors following him, Taeyeon slightly bowed to every employee bowing to them until they reach the lift. He checks his wristwatch and loudly exhales. He has series of meeting outside and inside lately; he barely even takes a break. His mind is too occupied with the company; to make sure it’s stable and return its loss from the previous incident. They got a lot of complaints from it that they’re trying to handle for a week now.


Walking into his office, he takes his suit jacket off and hangs it to the rack before he takes his seat and checks the reports on his table.


His focus was slightly disturbed when he heard a knock on the door.


“Come in.” He just simply announced while his eyes are busy on one particular report.


Yul walks in, flashing a friendly smile. “Here’s the new status of our server.” He places his report on the desk but didn’t even receive a look from the chairman. “Congrats on Tiffany by the way. I’m sure you’re so proud.”


The mention of his girlfriend stopped him from doing anything as he looked up to Yul. “What do you mean?” He innocently asks.


“She didn’t… tell you?” Yul is confused. Tiffany called him a few days ago about it.


Taeyeon blinks and blinks as he tried to remember but he only reminds himself how is so cold towards her that it leads Tiffany to leave his apartment and never receive any call from her. Or did he but he didn’t mind?


He exhales so loud as he felt bad. He wasn’t really in his mind lately.


“I think she did. I forgot about it.” He sheepishly explained to Yul.


“Whoa, I thought you guys had been—”


“Thanks for reminding me, Yul. You may leave now.”


Yul got speechless. He decided to just leave after a small bow. “What’s wrong with him?” He can’t help and feel strange.


Taking his phone from the side, Taeyeon hastily opened his receive call history just to see a few of it are from Tiffany. Then he checks their conversation, his eyes widened in surprise.


Love: I’m sorry about everything. I know you don’t understand my point but please, let’s forget about this now.


Love: Talk to me, please :( It hurts that you’re avoiding me.


Love: I received the message from Mnet, I’m going to live shows in a few days! I hope you can come and cheer me on.


Love: Before I leave for rehearsals today, I just want to say I love you so much. Wish me luck tonight :)


“Aish.” He ruffles his hair in frustration. “Babo, Taeyeon, Babo.” And he hit his forehead a few times too. Getting up, he presses the call button and started pacing back and forth. Unfortunately, she isn’t picking up. He tried to call again but had no luck.


He returned to his seat to search on the singing contest.


“Seven. Okay, I’ll make sure to come.” He noted to himself after learning the time of the live show.




The rehearsal went on smoothly. It’s now time for every contestant to go on stage one by one to practice their songs. Tiffany was indeed at seventeenth, which give her time to practice from the side of the backstage.


“Fany-ah!” She suddenly heard a familiar voice, which stop her from singing and she turns her head behind. “Yah, what are you doing here?! You’re not completely healed yet.” She is surprised to see Seohyun with Seoyoung approaching her.


“Taecyeon called me about this rehearsal. We’re here to cheer on you.” Said Seohyun as she put the box of muffins on her lap and handed her one of it.


“Unnie, congrats!” Seoyoung said while smiling cutely.


“Thanks, Seoyoung-ah.” Tiffany smiled back, gently pinching her cheeks. “You guys came on time. I thought I will be lonely.” She’s happy that she has a cheerer now.


“Where’s Taeyeon Oppa?” However, Seohyun looks for her brother-in-law around.


“He might not come. Honestly, been a week since he is so cold towards me.”


“What?” Seohyun raised her voice in surprise but quickly covered with one hand when she realized she got people’s attention.


Tiffany chuckles. “It’s true.” And handed Seoyoung a muffin too even though she’s already enjoying it. "He's busy, so yeah." She smiled as she shrugs her shoulders.


"Your last message to me though, does that have something to do with that?" Seohyun is suspicious. She can see her best friend's smile as fake.


"Omma, are they all singing later?" Seoyoung asks suddenly which brought their attention to her. She can hear someone singing on the stage which is curious her.


"Yes, Seoyoung-ah. We're all competing later." Tiffany sweetly caressed the young girl's face.


"Tsk, it'll be fine." Seohyun doesn't need to know more as she patted her friend's back and smiled assuredly.


A warm smile also formed on Tiffany's lips as she nodded her head and took another bite of her muffin.


"I guess we have to leave for now. We'll be back later." Seohyun figured her friend is practicing. "Finish the muffin while practicing. Fighting!" She cheered on with a fist pump.


"Fighting, Unnie!" Seoyoung also does the same and leaves backstage with her mother.


Tiffany wasn't able to respond as the two left hurriedly. She could only smile at the muffins on the chair. It warms her heart and gives her strength. "Let's go, Tiffany!" She couldn't help and shout to cheer herself then finish the muffin before she returned practicing her song.




Taking his seat in front of his desk, Yoong opened his desktop but suddenly saw Jumyeon leaving. He grabs the chance and quickly followed him. He was heading to the comfort room. He checks the hallway before he followed him inside and locks the door.


“Jummyeon-ssi.” He called him before stepping into the cubicle.


“Yes, Yoong-ssi?” Jummyeon simply looks at him.


“Have you seen Chanyeol?” He raised his eyebrows.


Jummyeon shakes his head in an instant. “I think he had some problems.”


“Chincha? What do you think it could be?”


“I don’t know.” But Jummyeon just shrugs his shoulders and was about to step into the comfort room when he holds the door.


“I’m sorry but can I know what’s beyond that computer lab?” Yoong shoots the question seriously. “I’m just really curious.”


“It’s none of your business, Yoong-ssi.” Jummyeon tried to open the door but he holds it tight which made him groan. “Please, I need to poo.” He begs as he stomps his feet.


“I want to be promoted there, so can you help me?”




“I won’t let go of this door if you won’t help me.”


“How would I do that?” Jummyeon whined in annoyance. “I was just—”


“Sohee told me you were there before even going into an interview. Wae?” Yoong is persistent. He can’t let go without hearing any information.


“Aish.” Jummyeon decided to enter the next door and quickly sits on the toilet bowl.


“You are not a simple employee, aren’t you?” Yoong just couldn’t stop. He wanted to provoke.


“Yah, I have nothing to say to you! Can you leave me alone?!”


“Because if you’re just like me, I bet you are not an automatic programmer.” He continued, not minding his complaints. He heard silence so he proceeds. “For your information, Chanyeol is wanted by police. And he’s hiding that’s why we’re not seeing him for a week now.”


“Omo, he was caught?” Jummyeon gasps loudly but he realized what he said and covered his mouth immediately.


Yoong smirks and continues, “Caught? For what?” ‘He knows too well.’


“I-I mean… I didn’t know he’s… hiding and... “ Jummyeon can’t continue his words. He suddenly felt scared and he is shaking uncontrollably.


“Just tell me if you don’t want the same thing happens to him.” Yoong warns firmly.


There was silence again before he heard a flash sound and Jummyeon came out, looking at him with a sweaty face. “Don’t ever share this with anyone, okay?” And his voice is shaky.


Yoong smirks as he nodded his head gently.




The moment the clock strikes, three, Taeyeon hurriedly came out of his office and told everyone he was leaving early. He even signals Yul to keep doing what he is doing before reaching the lift. He has to be in the theater later but before that, he plans to buy something for her. Something that can hopefully melt her and forgive him.


A sound of screech echoed on the ground floor as he pressed the gas pedal hard once he stepped into his car, almost breaking the speed limit when he was already on the road.


Just fifteen minutes of drive, he parked the car outside the mall and jogs inside right away. He looks for the gift he wanted to give her—the last time was a necklace, now he has no idea yet. So, he stroll every store around until someone spotted him.


“Whoa, Mr. Chairman, what are you doing here at this hour?” It’s Jessica, caught him checking women’s clothes.


He smiled awkwardly. “Hi.” As he waves his hand a little. “Um, can you call me by my name?” Then he complains.


“You’re here to give something to Tiffany?” Jessica realized he was holding the sleeve of a coat.


Taeyeon nodded a little. “Yes.” As he suddenly got shy, he rubs his nape.


“What occasion? 100th day?”


“Oh, no-no. That would be in a month.” He corrected. “I… honestly… did something that upsets her.” and has to share it.


Jessica raised her eyebrows. “Yes?”


“I mean, I want to make up for being cold towards her for a few days.” Taeyeon dropped it and quickly looked down in shame.


Chuckling, Jessica crossed her arms and nodded. “I see. Want me to help you?”


“Chincha?” Taeyeon got brightened. “You will help me?” He doesn’t want to go around again when he’s wasting time for it.


“Tiffany is a simple woman. Just give her something like a stuffed toy, flowers, or a book? She

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Chapter 42: Another end of a great story.

Thank you author.

Looking forward for your next stories.
CrissYoung #2
Chapter 42: Will there be a part 2?? Is it Chanyeol??
multistory #3
Chapter 42: 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 sad conclusion..

Great suggestion to time skip 4 yrs to see what happens to the kids.. Miyoung + Yuljung falling for each other??
Katara_28 #4
Chapter 41: I really looking forward to see taeny interaction with the twins but time skip for 4 years so there goes my dreams 🙂. Still thanks author u continue writing this story till this chapter.
multistory #5
Chapter 41: Epic.. thanx for dragging this out with one more chapter..

The kids are adorable!!
multistory #6
Chapter 40: Hilarious...
1120 streak #7
Chapter 41: RIP to Yul's scalp and hair then 😂😂😂... In that four years did Yoong and Seohyun gave Seoyoung a sibling/siblings? Aww the twins are so cute... And lol Miyoung hates Yuljung just because he kissed her on their previous bday
multistory #8
Chapter 39: Pleasantly surprised I'm behind on my reading...

Awesome chapter.. sadly you're wrapping this up.
Katara_28 #9
Chapter 41: Awww so cute, but sad it will finish soon.
LlamaAmerica #10
Chapter 40: THE GIRLS ARE BACK!!!!! 🥹🫶🏻❤️