Ch 12

Savage Love
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12| Win Or Lose






"Uwaaaaa!!!! Uwaaaa!!! Appaaaa!!!"


Tiffany almost dropped the tumbler when she heard Seoyoung's cries from the master bedroom. She hastily rushed to her side and wipes her tears away. "Seoyoung, Please stop crying. Unnie is here." She also rubs her back and her head to coax her. "Tiffany Unnie will be here to look after you."


"Where is Appa? Where is Omma?!!!" Seoyoung however keeps crying. She woke up expecting to see either her father or mother but none of them are present.


"Omma is still in the shoot and Appa, he needs to go to Busan to work. And guess what, Seoyoung-ah? He will make sure to bring your favorites once he returned. So please calm down now." Said Tiffany desperately. She keeps wiping her tears but new tears would drop as the latter now wails.


"I want Omma, I want Appaaaa!!!" Seoyoung is stubborn and she just can't stop crying. It hurts her and she doesn't like the feeling that she wants to cry it out.


Tiffany brought the younger girl into her arms as she comforts her. "I understand what you feeling right now sweetheart. But Appa and Omma will come... Soon. Not right now, okay? It's you and me in the meantime... And Taeyeon samchon." She told ber, kissing her forehead and rubbing her back continuously. "Shshshs... Unnie is here. You're not alone." She felt the girl's heavy chest as she continues to cry as well. She didn't expect she will be like this that she had no more words left to comfort her. Maybe hugging her would help and that's what she's doing. 


Taeyeon who just returned from a convenience store is standing by the door, proud to see Tiffany is handling his niece. He wouldn't handle it for someone who doesn't have a child. She is really helping a lot already.




"Aaahhh Seoyoung, stop it!" Tiffany, however, proceeds to take Seoyoung into a bath and the latter keeps pressing the chick water canon towards her. "Unnie is already soaked!" She keeps complaining but Seoyoung isn't listening. After her cries, she had the mood to play, grabbing the chance her parents aren't around.




"Omma loves water." Seoyoung reasoned as she stops and giggles, watching her favorite Unnie totally wet while glaring at her. "We love to play during a shower." She added.


"We have no time for this. Honey. Look, there's only an hour left. You have yet to eat breakfast." Tiffany reminded and took the shower hose, hold her head to finish her off.


Seoyoung laughs and enjoys the shower more.






Despite the crowd around the train station, Jessica didn't give up as she looks for Yul and Yoong. Last night's hang out was truly memorable for her. She wanted to give something in return for teaching her sister. But surprising him without knowing their time to leave isn't easy. She has to wake up earlier than her alarm clock and prepare the lunch boxes for Yul. 


She keeps looking for them around and around, not minding the time and the people she's bumping accidentally. She's lucky her shift is the night this time and she had all the time in daylight.


Glancing at her wristwatch for the nth time, she abruptly looked up when she finally spotted the two guys, who just reached the train station. And is now waiting for their booked ticket to Busan.


Turning her body around, Jessica fix herself and do a little retouch on her makeup before she cleared then turned. Her lips curved into a big smile as she braces herself, walking forward to approach the two gentlemen. Her hold over the paper bag on her right hand tightens as she gets closer and closer until she's a couple of steps from them.


"Jessica Noona?" Yoong spotted her first, surprised to see her. 


Yul tilts his head to his right and hastily gets up. "Yah, what are you doing here?" He chuckled in disbelief.


Jessica flashes a friendly smile as she approached them closer. "I... thought it's going to be a long ride to Busan. Um, I prepare some lunch boxes for you guys." she explained, showing the paper bag she's been holding.


"Wow." Yoong gets up as well, doesn't have any word forming in his mind to react.


"You, really did this?" Yul took the paper bag and check the inside. He looked at her back with a shy smile. "Th-thanks."


"Thanks, Noona." Yoong sweetly smiled and steps forward to give a loose hug to the nurse. "But I guess the lunch is only for Yul." he whispers to before he pulled back, earning a hit on his shoulder. He laughs and the latter sends glares and smiles awkwardly at Yul.


"You surprised me. I would definitely enjoy this." Yul doesn't know what to say more. "I'll make this-"


"No need. Not everything needs something in return. Enjoy your ride and don't forget to eat. Fighting!" Jessica cheered on with her two fist pumps earning giggles from the two.


"Thank you again." Yul said he flutters and couldn't stop smiling. Jessica just smiles at him also and it's making him a little embarrassed. Yoong even hugs her but he couldn't. His legs are frozen for unknown reasons.


"Our train is here." Yoong announced, taking his luggage nearby. "Noona, you can visit my home if you want. Seoyoung would like to see more friends." he can't miss the chance and tell her.


"Wae?" Yul and Jessica chorused.


"Seohyun is out of town as well. Hyung and Tiffany Noona is taking care of her in the meantime." Yoong explained a bit shy. 


"I see. No worries. I'll try to drop by." Jessica flashes a bright smile as she waves her hand. "You go ahead now."


Yoong bowed his head a little and steps inside the train first.


Yul was about to follow when he finally had the courage to hug the nurse. "See you in three days, Sica." whispered him and slowly pulled back, flashing another smile before he followed Yoong inside.


Jessica keeps waving at them as the train is slowly leaving and the two are waving back. Once they're out of sight, she let out a huge exhale, feeling like she accomplished something big. A big satisfied smile formed on her lips as her cheeks blush unconsciously. Her entire sleepiness since this morning subsides after she saw Yul and his smiles. She can't help and giggle. But a sudden ringing on her phone snapped her back to reality. "Auntie?" she answered right away.


[Are you free at the moment?]




[Can you be with Minguk to his sports fest day today? I have a lot of clients later and I can't make it today.]


"You-you mean... you want me to babysit him for today?" Jessica gasps in surprise.






Pulling the car over in the parking lot, Taeyeon unbuckled his own seat belt was about to open the door from the passenger seat when Tiffany is fast from getting off of the car and opened the door from the backseat to get Seoyoung out. He just casually stepped out of the car and meet with them outside. 


"The school is rich, Huh?" Tiffany commented since the venue is on a football field. 


"No, the families are rich. You know they have to ask the guardians where to hold the sports fest." Taeyeon said as a matter of fact.


"Samchon, let's go inside now!" Seoyoung whined, shaking her Uncle's arm, and pouted. 


Bending over, Taeyeon lifted his niece to carry. "Let's go!" And he announced brightly, casually walking inside with Tiffany walking beside them.


"I think there are some t-shirts to wear for every family." Tiffany noticed the color uniform they're crossing path and realize there's a booth nearby.


"The Teacher's notice, I think there's something there."


"Oh yeah." Opening Seoyoung's backpack, Tiffany took the paper and check it. "Yeah, there's a note here that says, this should be presented on their booth before we proceed. I'll handle this." she didn't wait for Taeyeon and Seoyoung's reaction as she jogs towards the tent.


After a while, she returned with such a bright smile, holding the three pink shirts with Im Family text behind. Every shirt has 'Dad, Mom, and Daughter at the front. "Kyaaaa, I love it!" she got hype and immediately put it on Seoyoung first. "You're so pretty, Seoyoung-ah." she said and kiss her cheeks.


"Put it on me too." Taeyeon instructed, grinning widely.


"Aish, of course." Tiffany put on the dad shirt on Taeyeon and did not miss to hit his chest playfully, earning his giggles.


"Unnie, should that be Samchon and Unnie?" Seoyoung wonders as she can read the texts. "Omma and Appa are not here."


Taeyeon and Tiffany both chuckled awkwardly at the little girl. 


"The school didn't know we're coming instead of your parents, Seoyoung." Tiffany explained softly. "They don't have Samchon and Unnie shirts. So we're wearing this. But, it's okay, right?" and she hopes the latter is only confused about the text.


Seoyoung nodded. "It's okay." 


"Don't worry, Omma and Appa will get to wear this next time." Taeyeon added, giving a kiss to his niece's cheek and smile cheerfully at her.


"Yes. Thank you, Unnie, Samchon." Seoyoung replied, bowing her head as she held her stomach.


"Aigoo, too cute." Taeyeon praises and couldn't resist pinching her cheeks.


"Come on, let's not waste time." Tiffany announced as she leads the two.


Putting the young girl down, Taeyeon holds his niece's hand as they followed Tiffany's lead inside the venue.






Jessica and Mingkuk are waiting for Krystal to arrive when they spotted familiar faces.


"Noona, that's Seoyoungie!" Minguk immediately pointed at his classmate as he brightly smiles.


"You guys are friends?" Jessica is happy to hear it.


"Yes. But she's with people I don't know." said Minguk, raising his eyebrows.


"Yeah, they're her Samchon and Unnie." Jessica informed. "Let's go greet them." and they meet with them halfway.


"Omo, look who's here." Brightly, Taeyeon reacted upon seeing a friend in the same place. 


"I'm here for my nephew. My Aunt can't make it." Jessica explained, flashing a friendly smile to her nephew. "Yoong mentioned about this when I met with them earlier." and she unconsciously added.


"You meet with Yul and Yoong?" Tiffany raises her eyebrows.


"Oh yeah." Softly Jessica chuckles. "I handed them lunch boxes. You know those guys don't mind stopping by for food." and awkwardly come up with a reason. 


"It's good that you guys are here too." Taeyeon changed the topic. "Who are you with?"


"This is Minguk. Minguk, this is Taeyeon Hyung and Tiffany Noona." Introduces the young nurse, sweetly smiling. Her nephew bowed in respect as he introduced himself as well. But he grinned at Seoyoung who immediately hides behind Taeyeon.


"What's wrong, Seoyoung?" asks Tiffany as she tries to see the little girl.


"Minguk teases me, Unnie." Seoyoung explained, pouting.


"What? I don't , Noona." Minguk denied firmly. "I was just playing with her the last time."


"But you said things that I don't like." Seoyoung answered the other boy. 


"Aigoo, don't do that, Minguk." Taeyeon softly told the boy. "That's bad."


"Taeyeon Hyung is right." Tiffany agreed that instant. "Don't do that again." she firmly said.


"But it was the truth though. I heard it from Omma." Minguk pouted as he looked down on his feet.


"What is it about?" Jessica curiously asks the little boy.


"Omma said, Mr. Im, Seoyoung's father is bad because he met with a lady, not Seoyoung's mother." Minguk explained lowly but it didn't miss the adults' ears as they looked into each other's eyes.


"Appa is not bad!" Seoyoung shouted from behind her Samchon.


"He isn't, Seoyoung, don't worry." Taeyeon told her as he picks her up to carry again and the latter hug him on his neck, resting her head on his shoulder. "Let's find our seat." he said and walked away to where the chairs are nearby.


"Where did your mother get that?" Tiffany immediately asks, feeling weird about it. She decided to stay to know more about it.


"I think Omma saw it on her phone. But I clearly heard it from her. I don't know what is it about. Noona, should we get going?"


"Y-yeah, of course." Jessica replied and sheepishly smiled at Tiffany, following Seoyoung and Taeyeon to take their seats.


Tiffany decided to check her phone. She hasn't been online because of work, so she probably missed a lot. As she opened a portal site, there's an article in the top 5 on the front page immediately that headlined Yoong and Stephanie. She clicked it and it was a picture of the company's party. The article says the model is Yoong's close friend. 


She checks the comments and most of the reaction talks about Seohyun being not at the event and Yoong being close with the other lady. They're calling him a cheater. "Damn. Just when I thought they're really doing well."






After a short discussion about the rules of every game, every family took on their spot, getting ready for the first game which is the sack race. As soon as the whistle was blown, Seoyoung and the rest of her classmates started hopping forward towards the small chair, holding the sack to their waist.


"Go Seoyoung! Go Seoyoung!" Cheered Taeyeon and Tiffany on top of their lungs, along with other parents. Both keep glancing at Seoyoung's opponent, who is also fast as her. Minguk however is leading the race.  


"Keep going baby! You're doing great!" Tiffany gives more encouragement, feeling competitive. The younger girl is on the current third spot as they are now going back to the starting line after turning around from the chair.


"Minguk-ah! Jessica Noona will buy you a lot of toys if you win this!" Krystal on the other hand gives a promise to the young boy who is now nearing them.


"What?" Jessica literally hit her younger sister who only giggles at her.


"Omo, Omo! Seoyoung is going fast! Keep it going honey!" Taeyeon cheered on this time, clapping his hands with Tiffany. "Just a few more hop, Seoyoungie! Appa's favorite girl!" and he decided to mention his brother.


"And of course, Omma's favorite girl." Tiffany added earning a genuine smile from Taeyeon. "Come on, baby girl! You can do it!"


Seoyoung brightly smiled hearing it and she doesn't mind any opponent as she keeps hopping and hopping, thinking of how will she make her parents proud if she wins. She imagines Tiffany as her mother and her Samchon as her father, giving more confidence inside her. 'I love you, Appa, Omma.' Her smiles never left her lips.


"Omo." Both Jessica and Krystal gasps when Minguk trips and fell. They were about to go to him when one of the teachers block them, preventing t

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Chapter 42: Another end of a great story.

Thank you author.

Looking forward for your next stories.
CrissYoung #2
Chapter 42: Will there be a part 2?? Is it Chanyeol??
multistory #3
Chapter 42: 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 sad conclusion..

Great suggestion to time skip 4 yrs to see what happens to the kids.. Miyoung + Yuljung falling for each other??
Katara_28 #4
Chapter 41: I really looking forward to see taeny interaction with the twins but time skip for 4 years so there goes my dreams 🙂. Still thanks author u continue writing this story till this chapter.
multistory #5
Chapter 41: Epic.. thanx for dragging this out with one more chapter..

The kids are adorable!!
multistory #6
Chapter 40: Hilarious...
1120 streak #7
Chapter 41: RIP to Yul's scalp and hair then 😂😂😂... In that four years did Yoong and Seohyun gave Seoyoung a sibling/siblings? Aww the twins are so cute... And lol Miyoung hates Yuljung just because he kissed her on their previous bday
multistory #8
Chapter 39: Pleasantly surprised I'm behind on my reading...

Awesome chapter.. sadly you're wrapping this up.
Katara_28 #9
Chapter 41: Awww so cute, but sad it will finish soon.
LlamaAmerica #10
Chapter 40: THE GIRLS ARE BACK!!!!! 🥹🫶🏻❤️