Ch 34

Savage Love
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34 | Ring




"Mr. Lee, please put that razor down. We're not going to hurt you. Let's settle this in a calm way."


"Liar! You're here to take me!" Dongwook furiously responded to the police. "Get out here!" He yelled as he threatened once again by pressing the razor on Tiffany's skin.


"NO!" Taeyeon shouted in panic but they stepped back at the same time. Tiffany slightly shakes her head, asking him not to move. 


"I can't believe you guys fooled me." Dongwook said as he glared at him. "From my father to me. Your family never did something right to my family."


Yoong is confused. "What is he talking about, Hyung?"


"Fooled? I think it's the other way around. Your freaking father fooled my father from running Im Tech. He thought he was his friend but no, he was greedy!" Taeyeon strikes back seriously. "He wants everything from the company that he took my parents from us!" He can't control his frustration and yell. 


"My father was never like that. It was your father who wants everything!" Dongwook also shouted furiously. "He punched my father in front of me during an argument! I know back then he doesn't like my father to be his co-founder." He added as he remembers before the family dinner with the Im, he saw his father having an argument and he was surprised to see the punch Mr. Im punched his father. Since then, he has never liked their family.


"No way our father would do that." Yoong joined as he got pissed too. He wanted to continue when his older brother beats him.


"Then if my father was the one who fooled your father, why did your father and his men take our father the night after the dinner? I saw it with my own eyes. Our father was missing for a week after that and he returned with a lot of bruises and a broken arm. Mr. Lee threatened our father to give up on the company instead. What kind of a co-founder is that?! They're supposed to be friends not like that!" Taeyeon continues to reveal everything as his heart beats fast and tears are leaving his eyes. "And don't you know? While going back home from the hospital, my parents got into an accident. According to the police, a truck hit their car. I find that odd because there weren't any cars on the road beside them. That truck obviously wanted to kill our father!" He angrily yelled and steps forward when a police officer held him by his waist. "I WON'T EVER FORGIVE YOU, IDIOT!"


Yoong didn't think twice and he rushed to throw a punch straight at Dongwook's face, causing him to let go of Tiffany and he falls to the floor. He quickly got into his waist and punch another one. "That's for my father!" He yelled angrily as tears fell. He punches him again and again as Dongwook couldn't dodge every hit on his face. "And that's for my mother... and every young female high school!" 


Taeyeon wanted to stop his brother when he realized there was a cut on Tiffany's neck as blood dripped. "Fany-ah." He gasps and quickly covered it with his hands. "Let's get you some treatment."


Tiffany smiled weakly at her only as they walked out of the restroom while the police went to Yoong's side to stop him but the latter keeps going until he scream and stop punching him.




Fast steps and breathless, Seohyun stopped at the front desk of the hospital.


"Where's Im Yoong and Tiffany Young?" She asked the lady nurse hastily. She got a call from Taeyeon that they headed straight to the hospital after the confrontation. 


"The lady with a cut on her neck?" The nurse asked.




"And the man with wounds on her hands?"


She nodded frantically. "Yes. Where are they?"


"Ms. Young is in the emergency room, a doctor is stitching her cut while Mr. Im just received ointment from our nurse. I think I saw him with his brother outside the emergency room." The nurse informed. "You're Seohyun, right?" She grinned right away when she recognized her.


"Yes. Thank you." Seohyun hurriedly runs to the emergency room and almost bumped into a doctor before she reached Taeyeon and her husband. 


"Omo, Seohyun-ah. What are you doing here?" Yoong greeted her with a question right away.


Seohyun checked her hands automatically. "Is this all you got?" She wanted to make sure as she looked at him in concern.


"Yes." Yoong nodded gently. "Where's Seoyoung?" And realize she's alone.


"I left her to our neighbor. I can't let her see you like this. I told you to be careful!" She reminded as she sends glares in disappointment.


"I'm okay. It was Tiffany Noona who got a serious cut." Yoong replied in assurance.


"A doctor is still stitching on her cut." Taeyeon informed as he got up and smile a little at his sister-in-law.


"She'll be out in a few minutes." Yoong added, guiding her to the bench.


"That's good to know." Seohyun exhaled in relief. "How about Nurse Jung?" She remembers the surgery will take place within the day.


"Heard from Yul earlier, she just got inside the OR." Said Taeyeon as he took his seat next to his brother. 


"Her family and Yul are also in the waiting area. Aigoo, this day has a lot of happenings." Yoong can't help and sigh as he rubs his nape. He recalled what happened in the restroom including the revelation from his brother, it hurts him inside remembering his parents. "I can't believe it was his father, the co-founder of Im Tech." He looked at his brother serenely. 


"I'm sorry if you learned that way." Taeyeon softly says. 


"That's the reason he wanted the company shut down, wasn't he?" 


Seohyun silently took Yoong's hand gently as she listens to them.


"Yes. He wants to get revenge. I don't know how his father died but I think he thinks it was because of our father." Taeyeon sighs heavily. "Glad he's in custody now."


"I hope he rots in jail for a long time." Yoong muttered as he holds Seohyun's hand tightly.


"With Yihyun's statement, I hope it will help him riot in jail." Taeyeon is positive about it.


"I hope the other victims will also be brave and release their statement." said Seohyun, knowing not only in Go Tech, that PD has been doing like that in the entertainment industry.


"We need the media to cover his arrest, so everyone will be aware." Yoong suddenly had an idea.


"No need for that." Yul said out loud while he was jogging toward them.


"Yes? What do you mean?" Taeyeon raised his eyebrows.


Sharing the screen on his phone, Yul speaks again. "It's on the news now."


Seohyun, Yoong, and Taeyeon's eyes slightly widened as they listen to the report.


'Mnet's PD has been arrested earlier in the airport. According to witnesses, he holds a lady a hostage in the restroom. And it looked like it involved the Im Tech brothers. More details from reporter Ji.' 


'Go Tech a new company for months now had been shut down by the police after discovering illegal activities. Mr. Lee, Mnet's PD is said to be the chairman of this company and he is now under custody, not only for the illegal company but also for holding his own secretary as a hostage... '


"Whoa, that's so quick." Commented Seohyun, glad to hear it now on the news.


"Now this will help the other victims to speak up." Taeyeon smiled in relief. He's hopeful it will serve as a lesson to Dongwook. 


Just then, the door from the emergency room opens. Everyone's attention shifted to Tiffany that walked out.


"You okay?" Ask Taeyeon as he quickly approached her first followed by the rest. He took her hands gently as he stares at the bandaid pad on her neck that covers her stitch. "It doesn't hurt anymore?"


"Yes. The doctor has prescribed me medicines only and asked me to rest so it will heal fast." Tiffany assuredly says. "Aigoo, why is everyone here?" She chuckled in the process.


"That's good to know, Noona." Said Yoong with a smile.


"You better take a good rest." Seohyun also added. "I was worried for you."


"Me too." Yul smiled briefly. "Even though I wasn't there, you guys are in my thoughts since this morning."


"Tsk, how's Jessica?" Ask Tiffany softly. 


"The surgery will take six hours. So she might be out at midnight. She will be fine, don't worry." replied Yul earning nods from everyone.


"Why don't we grab some food in the cafeteria?" Taeyeon grabs the chance and asks.


"I don't think we will stay for long, hyung. Seoyoung might look for us." Yoong however declined. "Maybe next time."


"Yeah, Yoong is right." Seohyun softly says, hugging Tiffany gently. "Get well soon." She whispered.


"Thanks, Hyun. You too. I don't think your arm has healed." chuckled Tiffany as she finds it funny that they were both hurt. 


Seohyun pulled back and lifted her bandaged left arm. "It's healing fast, don't worry." she giggles.


"Alright, let's not keep this long." Yoong butted in. "Let's go home. Oh Yul, could you update us once Jessica Noona got out of the surgery?"


"Yeah, sure." Yul replied in an instant.




"See you again tomorrow." Seohyun wave her left hand as Yoong drags her gently.


Taeyeon smiled in amusement as they watch the married couple leaves. 


"What do you guys want to eat? There's actually a good restaurant beside their cafeteria. I want to takeout too for Jessica's family."


"Your lead then, Yul." Said Tiffany and they walk after him as she and Taeyeon holds hands.




Dongwook felt uncomfortable sitting in a room alone with his hands handcuffed. He had been in the room for hours since he was brought to the station and he felt sleepy and hungry since no one hasn't entered.


"YAH! AT LEAST GIVE ME SOME FOOD!" He was patient yet he can't keep it for the next hours and screamed complaints.


The door opens as if on cue and Sohee entered which surprised him.


"Aren't you... "


"Not all in your company can be trusted, tsk." Sohee pulled the chair across him and sits down. "I've been getting information about it and..." She placed the photos on the table for Dongwook to see. "We got enough evidence here. So there's no reason for you to deny all the charges thrown to you."


"How about food?" Dongwook asked for it again.


"Tsk. It will come later. Tell me the reason first and did you hack Im Tech?" Sohee crossed her arms as she leaned back. 


"Ha! I thought you got enough evidence? Why are you asking me that first?" Dongwook laughs sarcastically. 


"Because Chanyeol already confessed that it was you... the man behind xxmonkxx. That it was you who asked everyone in the lab to hack those websites and earn money by holding their server. I just couldn't figure it out on why are you trying to shut it down..., especially Im Tech." 


"My lawyer will be here, ask him later." Dongwook said and winced when he felt stung on his cheeks. The pain reliever of the wounds on his face wasn't enough to put the pain down entirely. 


Sohee scoffed in disbelief. "Your lawyer won't help you with this." 


"What if these are just-"


"We have searched on your company and got everything." She cut him off and he sent glared at her. 


"I'm going to wait for him." Dongwook playfully stuck his tongue out.


"Then the food is not coming." Sohee replied back, as she gets up and walk to the door. 


"Yah, you can't leave me like that!" Dongwook grumbles in frustration.


"You are going to wait for your lawyer, right? Then go wait with him for the food." Sohee stuck her tongue out and walked out of the room which leads to a lot of frustrations from Dongwook. She scoffed and block the detective who is holding the food of tray. "Let him starve." She ordered and grabs the tray back to their office. 


"YAAAAAAA!!! GIVE ME FOOOOOOD!!!" Dongwook continuously screams. 




As soon as the coffee was done, Taeyeon snapped out of his thoughts and returned to the living room. He handed the other mug to Tiffany and gently tuck her hair behind her ear. 


"It doesn't sting anymore?" ask him softly.


"Yes." Tiffany leaned her head on his shoulders and sighed. "Thank you for coming on time to the airport." She softly says. "I didn't know what could've happened if we made it to Jeju."


"You did a great job holding him there. But that hostage-taking was so stupid of him. That's how evil he is that he can do it to you."


"I didn't know he had a razor there. I tried to escape but he grabbed me." 


Taeyeon softly exhales as he gently holds her hand. "No one's going to hurt you now, I promise."


"That can't be avoided, to be honest. He was desperate. And glad he didn't hurt you neither Yoong." Tiffany briefly looked at him and smile a little before she took a sip of her coffee.


"Now that his company is going down, I hope you find a new job at a decent company or you could be my secretary." He couldn't still forget it. He needs her by his side to keep her safe.


Tiffany chuckles. "I know you would bring that up. I will think about it, don't worry." She taps his cheek briefly and returned to his shoulder.


"I mean, why find other companies when there's a closer job."


"I will think of it, okay? Be patient." She giggles in amusement.


"But before that, get some rest and have enough vacation first. I mean maybe a month before you look for a new job." He suggested, concerned for her mental health also. 


"Yeah, I'm planning for that. Seohyun doesn't have projects for now so I might hang out with her often. Are you planning to ask your brother to comeback too?" asks Tiffany as well when the doe-eyed crossed her mind.


"I already told him earlier about it. He didn't reply but I think he will comeback." Said Taeyeon positively. He's happy everything is now back to normal between him and his brother. It's what he had been waiting for. 


"I'm sure he will. He won't leave his brother alone." 


He's fluttered to hear it and smile quietly. "And I won't leave you too." So he strikes back.


Tiffany smiled giddily as well. "I know."


They got quiet as their attention was on the movie playing on the tv screen. When it ended, Taeyeon broke his silence."Do you want to have a walk after your coffee?" 


"Omo." Tiffany put the empty mug down and looked at him. "I was also thinking of it." She grinned in the process.


"I'll get our coats." Getting up, Taeyeon excitedly runs to the bedroom and grabs their respective coats from the closet. He returned and help her wear it before taking her hand and walking out of the apartment hand in hand.




It's a peaceful atmosphere, the couple strolls down the neighborhood enjoying the night quietly. Both love the peace in their hearts. After what they have gone through, everything is finally going back to normal which they missed the most.


The weather had been cold lately indicating that autumn is coming as the leaves are slowly turning as well.


"Do you still remember that song I promised you will hear on our 100th day?" Tiffany suddenly thought of that song that was bought by another artist.


"Oh yeah, it's almost there." Taeyeon smiled genuinely. "Wae?"


"I think it will be releasedd before that."


"Chincha?" He stopped and looked at her in disbelief. "Why?"


"They're excited to release it. And by the way, a lot of music label had been contacting Taecyeon about hiring me as their composer." She happily shared.


"Whoa, you've been keeping that from me, aren't you?"


Tiffany nodded. "Yes. I want to finish the mission first before I share this good news."


"So that means you will accept one of the music labels?" Taeyeon is excited to see her doing what she loves since then.


"Absolutely. But I will think it through, since you offered me a job." She assured as she leads their walk again.


"Wow, you will have a hard time." He chuckled in amusement.


"I will think of it later in the coming days. For now, let's enjoy th

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Chapter 42: Another end of a great story.

Thank you author.

Looking forward for your next stories.
CrissYoung #2
Chapter 42: Will there be a part 2?? Is it Chanyeol??
multistory #3
Chapter 42: 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 sad conclusion..

Great suggestion to time skip 4 yrs to see what happens to the kids.. Miyoung + Yuljung falling for each other??
Katara_28 #4
Chapter 41: I really looking forward to see taeny interaction with the twins but time skip for 4 years so there goes my dreams 🙂. Still thanks author u continue writing this story till this chapter.
multistory #5
Chapter 41: Epic.. thanx for dragging this out with one more chapter..

The kids are adorable!!
multistory #6
Chapter 40: Hilarious...
1120 streak #7
Chapter 41: RIP to Yul's scalp and hair then 😂😂😂... In that four years did Yoong and Seohyun gave Seoyoung a sibling/siblings? Aww the twins are so cute... And lol Miyoung hates Yuljung just because he kissed her on their previous bday
multistory #8
Chapter 39: Pleasantly surprised I'm behind on my reading...

Awesome chapter.. sadly you're wrapping this up.
Katara_28 #9
Chapter 41: Awww so cute, but sad it will finish soon.
LlamaAmerica #10
Chapter 40: THE GIRLS ARE BACK!!!!! 🥹🫶🏻❤️