Ch 03

Savage Love
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03 | Jealous






After successfully parked the car in front of the supermarket, Seohyun stepped out of the car and put on a face mask before she opened the car from the backseat and unbuckle Seoyoung's seatbelt.


"We buy foods, Omma?" Seoyoung got excited to see where they are. 


"Yep. Grocery time, sweetheart." Sweetly Seohyun smiled, picking her little girl and carry her out of the car. She put on her pink beanie and briefly caresses her face. "Aigoo, too cute." 


Seoyoung cutely smiled, taking her mother's hand. "Appa not come?" Ask her while walking hand in hand with Seohyun, as they entered the supermarket.


"Yup. He'll be a little late but we'll have dinner with him." Explained Seohyun. She pulled a pushcart and lift her little her to put her on the kid's seat. 


"Why don't I have a mask?" Ask Seoyoung innocently.


"You don't have to. But Omma will have to wear this because people will recognize me." Said Seohyun, starting to stroll around the supermarket while putting the stuff they needed into their cart especially milk for Seoyoung, diapers, cereals, and snacks for school. 


"Omma." Seoyoung however took a bag of marshmallow, smiling cutely right away to her mother. 


"Omo, those are sweets, honey." Seohyun reminded and shakes her head. 


"But I love this." Pouted Seoyoung cutely. "Pweasheee... buy this, Omma."


"Okay, I will but you're only eating this every Friday, is that okay?" 


Seoyoung instantly nodded while smiling cutely. 


"Aigoo." Rubbing her daughter's head gently, Seohyun attempted to get the marshmallow from her but she refused to let go. She's hugging it tightly. "Tsk." she could only smile in amusement and resumed to get what they needed.


While checking on the fish, Seohyun didn't realize the pushcart is slowly moving away from her. 


"Omma!" Seoyoung called out to her but she didn't hear. "Ommaaaaa!!!" she got panic and she started whining as the cart is getting farther and farther until it stopped as it crashed to the boxes. She sighs in relief.


Seohyun her side just to see the cart is no longer there which quickly made her look around and found the cart a couple of steps from her. "Omo." Hastily she runs to her daughter and hugs her right away. "You alright? Mianhe." she pulled her mask down to kiss her head and rubs her back continuously. Her heart is beating, as it got her really worried.


"You didn't hear me." Seoyoung said as tears are forming in her eyes.


"I'm sorry." Apologizes Seohyun, cupping her daughter's small face and rubs her cheeks gently. "That won't happen anymore." she kissed her forehead and her cheek, earning her cute smiles again. "We'll be careful now, hmm?" she softly said and Seoyoung nodded. Sighing in relief, she gently pushed the cart back to the seafood while smiling at her daughter, who can't let go of her left hand.


"Samchon, Taeyeon!" Seoyoung suddenly spotted her Uncle, pointed at where he is.


Seohyun turned her head and indeed Taeyeon is in the same supermarket as her but he isn't alone. "Who's that girl, Seoyoung-ah?" and she had no idea.


"Not fany Unnie?" ask Seoyoung innocently.


"Not it's not. But they looked a bit awkward with each other." Said Seohyun as she observes. "Wait, I'll ask Appa." she took her phone out and captured Taeyeon with the girl he's with. They're apparently getting snacks on the basket and bottles of soju is inside. After sending the photo, she called her husband. "Do you recognize the girl?"


[Yes, Hyung's ex-girlfriend and the only relationship he had. So you guys are doing groceries?]


"Yes, Seoyoung... oh they're leaving."


[Wow after years though they're hanging out again?]


"Catching up probably." Seohyun shrugs her shoulders.


[Let me talk to Seoyoung first.]


"Yeah, sure." covering the mic on her phone, Seohyun turned to her daughter first. "Don't tell appa what happened earlier, okay? He will scold me."


"Promise." Seoyoung smiled giddily, immediately sealed the deal with her mother through their fingers. 


"That's my girl." giggles Seohyun, rubbing her daughter's head and finally gives the phone to her daughter.


"Appa! I got a marshmallow! Omma bought for me." greeted Seoyoung enthusiastically while Seohyun returned to the fish she has left. But this time, she's holding the cart, afraid the same thing will happen later. 






As soon as Yul and Jessica have left the apartment, Tiffany turned to see the drunk friend of hers, trying to get up from the sofa but would eventually fall. She rolled her eyes and approached him with heavy steps. "Yah, just lie down. You are not going to walk properly either way."


"Tiffany?" Taeyeon smiled like a fool. His visions are still blurry but he can recognize her well.


"Yes." Tiffany flicks his forehead earning a cut pout.


"Mianhe." mumbles Taeyeon as he closes his eyes entirely. He tried to sit up but fails miserably. "Ugh. I want to puke." he sits up again still eyes are open and this time he was able to make a balance.


"W-wait." Hurriedly Tiffany runs to the sink got a basin. As she returned, Taeyeon's dancing dorkily. "What the." chuckled her. "Yah, just sit. You'll fall again."


Taeyeon instantly sits down just as Tiffany returned. He didn't waste time and throw up on the basin. "My stomach... Ugh." he tried to say something but he continues to feel so sick and throw up.


"Aigoo, don't speak." Tiffany smiled in amusement, patting his back gently while the latter keeps throwing up. She can't help and grimace but there's nothing she can complain about. Taeyeon will make a mess if she doesn't help him.


After a while, Taeyeon had enough and he flashes a childish grin at Tiffany. "I'm sorry." and apologizes again. He let out a huge yawn and just lay down on the opposite side of the sofa.


"Aigoo, whatever happens to you?" Tiffany asks softly. She attempted to leave but the young bachelor said something that changed her mind.


"Did not drink intentionally," Taeyeon responded he close his eyes back as he continues. "I was with someone." mumbles him. "But I thought our simple conversation is good until... she mentioned... she's getting married. She keeps telling me good things about her fiance that suddenly make me feel like trash." he idiotically chuckled as he continued. "Her fiance takes her to a good dating place while I brought her that time to street food, isn't that mocking me? Also, her fiance buys her gifts every birthday or any special occasion but I did not even give her those. Just a simple seaweed soap and that's it. I am not that poor but I don't think those things... She also mentioned he makes time for her a lot which I failed to give to her. Aish, she was all mocking me the entire conversation that I couldn't help and - I'm not drunk okay? I'm telling you this because I want you to know how I feel right now. I don't really deserve to be with someone... do I?" he can't contain it and he started crying and sniffling. "My heart hurts, Fany-ah." 


'Why would you compare yourself to someone who doesn't even know your story. Tsk.' Tiffany sighs and once again rubs his back. "But that freaking ex of yours definitely wanted you to know she's happy now and that you should also do the same to yours." She can't help and slapped his back, earning his giggle. "Tsk, just sleep. It will be over." She suggested, getting up and took the remote to turn off the lights in the living room.


"Thank you... Tiffany." Said Taeyeon as his cries are subsiding.


"Cheer up, Tae. You are better than yesterday now." Tiffany smiled briefly and walk back to the kitchen to get rid of what he pukes. She almost wants to puke as well as she cleaned the sink and the basin.


After cleaning up, she returned to the living room to check him just to hear loud snores already. "That's right, just sleep." She softly utters and went to her room to get an extra comforter and gently tuck him. Her heart flutters watching him sleep like a precious baby. She gently pinches his cheek and giggles quietly. "Good night, Tae-Tae." Softly she whispered, smiling at him. She took a couple of minutes admiring his features before she finally left for the kitchen. She hasn't eaten dinner, her plans to cooked for him looks like going to be delayed as she just has a cup of noodles.






"Hey, I'm sorry earlier." Said Yul as he stopped Jessica from going inside the Jung Residence. "Tomorrow, how about lunchtime? I'll make sure you and your sister will get to see how our team plays." He sheepishly smiled at Krystal who just returned home alone because of the sudden change of plans.


"Unnie, I'm okay with that." Krystal didn't think twice and agreed.


"You have a class tomorrow." Reminded Jessica.


"Yeah but no more after lunch." Replied Krystal truthfully.


"Chincha? You're not going to ditch, are you?" Couldn't believe her sister right away, Jessica crossed her arms near her chest and raise her eyebrows towards her sister.

Yul couldn't help and chuckle in amusement.


Krystal rolled her eyes and then she handed her phone. "Call my teacher. She doesn't lie." She dared, earning her older sister's smile.


"I don't need to. But if you're telling lies right now you know what will happen." Jessica warned which made Krystal nod her head and smile confidently.


"I guess after lunchtime then. I'll see you guys tomorrow." Announced Yul flashing a bright smile before he walked to his car.


"Be careful on the road!" Jessica reminded, loud enough for Yul to wave his hand in the air before he drives off.


"What really happened earlier? I almost want to call the police." Joke Krystal as she got curious too.


"We spotted Mr. Im with his friend Tiffany on the side of the road. He was pretty drunk that we have to help them."


"Oh, that's a good reason to change the plan." Krystal briefly smiled at her sister and finally opened the gate.


Jessica let out a huge exhale before she follows her sister inside. An unconscious smile formed on her lips and she shakes her head when she recalled how awkward she was with them earlier. There are only a few words the ex-couple exchanged and it was obvious Yul didn't like the idea of Taeyeon staying in Tiffany's place.


"Should I stay too? I mean, you might not able to take care of him." 

He even asks Tiffany the question yet she declined and reasoned he needs to drive her home.


"Unnie, that's Seohyun, right? The wife of  Mr. Im Yoong?" Ask Krystal when she stops to see the tv screen their grandma is watching, showing a woman dancing on a variety show.


"Yes." Jessica nodded and couldn't help but recall the last time she met her, she was really so starstruck. "She's really still energetic." And she would never stop idolizing her. She's one of those actresses that really has the humblest heart.


"You still have her signature?" Krystal wonders. 


"Of course." And Jessica confidently smiled. 





The next morning...


Singing a song while she's preparing breakfast, Seohyun would constantly smile as her mind would crosses to last night's events where she and her family had a few laughs over a movie. It was one of the best memories for her and her family especially that Yoong was all night entertaining them, not even a slight of exhaustion from work was shown. He maybe had a good mood in the office.


After putting the last piece of food on Seoyoung's lunch box, She unwrapped her apron and put it on her small backpack. She put it gently to the table where her daughter's chair is located and walked out of the dining area to proceed upstairs. Only to find her husband is lying on the floor with their daughter sleeping in his arms. 


"Aish, Yah! You still have work later and Seoyoung will be late!" But despite how good a mood she wakes up in, she can't help and scold her husband, kick his and knock his forehead.


Yoong groaned and mumbles, "I don't have early work today. Let me sleep more."


"With Seoyoung in your arms? She was already awake when I woke up. Don't influence our daughter with your laziness!" Seohyun scolded and kick his again. "Get up, choding!"


"Ugh, fine." Yoong involuntarily let go of his daughter who just gained consciousness from a couple of minutes of sleep.


"Omma." Seoyoung smiled sweetly as she lifted her hands, asking for a carry.


"Aigoo, my baby." Seohyun lowered herself and carried her daughter in her arms. She kissed her cheeks as greetings but the sleepy head daughter of hers only hug her on her neck as she leaned on her shoulder. "Get up." again, she kicks Yoong's back when he refused to pull himself up.


"Aish." Sitting, Yoong scratches the back of his head in frustration. He involuntarily stood up and automatically wrapped his arms to Seohyun. "Good morning kiss first." he demanded, pursing his lips towards her.


"Wash Seoyoung first." Seohyun however asks back, flashing the friendliest smile.


"But Yoongie needs a kiss first." Yoong childishly replied, leaning in to get a kiss from his wife but the latter avoided him. "Babyyyyy!!!!" he whined childishly.


Seoyoung turned her head and smile in amusement. "Appa, kiss." and so she decided to be the one giving it to her father.


"Awww sweetie my baby girl." Yoong giggles and kiss his daughter on the lips. He then gets her from his wife and stuck his tongue out.


Seoyoung giggles when Seohyun send playful glares at them.


"Araso, araso, we're going to shower now." Yoong hastily walks to the bathroom.


"Hurry up! Brush her teeth thoroughly!" Seohyun yelled and exhales so loud. "Aigoo, he's getting lazier each morning." and mumbles in disappointment, shaking her head in the process.






Hands over his head while massaging it gently, Taeyeon takes his time to recall what happened last night. He must have done something bad that he wanted to remember it but as he forced himself to recall the memories back it only brings more pain to his head that he close his eyes tighter to endure such pain. It took at least a couple of minutes until some of the memories are coming back.


"Are you still that inconsiderate person, Taeyeon? I hope you are not anymore. I want to see you happy too just like I am right now."


"You have to be more mindful with your actions, you sometimes hurt people around you without you knowing."


"Aigoo you are a jerk but you don't know that. Look how Yoong seems taking that to you too, getting involved in fights in school."


"But you know what Tae? You still have that charm in you. I wish you find that girl that deserves you." 


"Listen, if you want to share some things with me, you can contact me with that number."


All the words from his ex are just as painful as his chest tighten. How is he so unaware of some of those things that he just realized now? He chuckled bitterly and smile foolishly on his own. 


"Aigoo..." He sighs and slowly looked around the living room just to also realize he isn't home. "Tiffany?" His eyes widened as he gets up and started walking in a circle in just one place. "Wait... Last night... I drunk too much... And... And... " He stopped as the memories of getting off the substation crosses his mind. "Aish!" He smacks his forehead and winced in pain. "Babo! Babo! Babo!" But ends up smacking it more. "You ing stupid! She probably doesn't like what she saw last night."


Suddenly he heard the door from the bedroom unlocks, he panics and he hastily lowered himself to hide behind the sofa and cover his mouth with two hands.


Tiffany who is walking out of her room, let out a huge yawn as she ties her hair into a ponytail. She stopped midway when she noticed Taeyeon is hiding behind the sofa as if she couldn't see him. "Yah, Im Taeyeon! What are you doing?" Chuckled her as she crossed her arms near her chest.


Reluctantly looking up, Taeyeon grinned sheepishly as he waves his hand a little. "Hi, Fany-ah."


"Do you think I wouldn't see you?" Tiffany is amused. "Get up before I would think you're some thief." She softly chuckles, walking

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Chapter 42: Another end of a great story.

Thank you author.

Looking forward for your next stories.
CrissYoung #2
Chapter 42: Will there be a part 2?? Is it Chanyeol??
multistory #3
Chapter 42: 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 sad conclusion..

Great suggestion to time skip 4 yrs to see what happens to the kids.. Miyoung + Yuljung falling for each other??
Katara_28 #4
Chapter 41: I really looking forward to see taeny interaction with the twins but time skip for 4 years so there goes my dreams 🙂. Still thanks author u continue writing this story till this chapter.
multistory #5
Chapter 41: Epic.. thanx for dragging this out with one more chapter..

The kids are adorable!!
multistory #6
Chapter 40: Hilarious...
1120 streak #7
Chapter 41: RIP to Yul's scalp and hair then 😂😂😂... In that four years did Yoong and Seohyun gave Seoyoung a sibling/siblings? Aww the twins are so cute... And lol Miyoung hates Yuljung just because he kissed her on their previous bday
multistory #8
Chapter 39: Pleasantly surprised I'm behind on my reading...

Awesome chapter.. sadly you're wrapping this up.
Katara_28 #9
Chapter 41: Awww so cute, but sad it will finish soon.
LlamaAmerica #10
Chapter 40: THE GIRLS ARE BACK!!!!! 🥹🫶🏻❤️