Ch 30

Savage Love
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30 | Proposal




"What are you doing here?" Yul asked Yoong as he looked at him then Taeyeon back and forth.


"I called him last night to talk about Chanyeol." Said Taeyeon as he got up and approach his younger brother. "And the company he is working at apparently." He smirked.


"No one's going to give me a coffee?" Yoong playfully grinned. He walks to the sofa and takes his seat.


"I'll ask my secretary." Said Taeyeon as he walks back to his desk and call her on the telephone.


"You're working with a different IT company now?" Yul sits across from him.


"Yup, and apparently Chanyeol is too. However, he is hiding. He had been since last week." Said Yoong as he opened his backpack and look for the photos, he brought with him.


Taeyeon sits next to Yul after he told his secretary to send three cups of coffee. "So what you got for us?"


"They weren't just hacking companies, they are also doing ography." revealed Yoong, placing the photos he got Jummyeon. And scattered them on the table.


Taeyeon and Yul look closer. All photos are showing off guys in the lab and their desktops show the evidence.


"Whoa, Yoong, you just got into an illegal company." Yul commented, having goosebumps. It disgusts him.


"How would I know when they have a good mission vision."


"How did they get their license to operate?" Taeyeon wonders.


"It's either they bribe someone from the government or they fake their company to the government."


"Sheesh, what a ing company." cursed Yul, couldn't hold it. "We have to tell the police."


"We're. But we have to be careful, this company may have connections with them. You see how they just let Chanyeol escape." Taeyeon had been suspecting it. If the company doesn't have connections with the police, they would've put Chanyeol in the cell already but escaped easily.


"Are you sure of that, Hyung?" Yoong furrows his eyebrows. "I mean, why are they still looking for him if they have connections with the company."


"Yeah, Yoong is right." Yul simply commented.


"Well, I hope I'm wrong." Taeyeon shrugs his shoulders.


"Anyway, just give it to the detective you think you can trust. I'm leaving now." Yoong carried his backpack again.


"Yah, you're not going back?" Getting up, Taeyeon looks at his brother with hopeful eyes.


"Indeed." And Yul nodded to agree.


"I will when I get more evidence. But for now, it will be weird if I suddenly file for resignation." Said Yoong as he patted his brother's shoulder. He smiles briefly and casually walked out of the office. He passes on his office and sighs to see someone is occupying it.


"I thought you guys are still hating each other?" Yul chuckles, getting up as he walks to the door. "Looks like, everything is good now."


Taeyeon smiled a little. "We're brothers either way." And he took his seat back, recalling what happened last night after he drop Tiffany at her apartment.




Stepping out of his black Mercedes car, Taeyeon noticed the presence of his young brother near the lift on the ground floor. He let out a sigh and continue his way until he reaches him.


“It’s late, why are you here?” He calmly asks as he presses the button to the lift.


Yoong stands next to him. “I know you know I lied. So, I’m here to tell you the truth.” His voice is also calm.


“About Chanyeol?” He didn’t even look at him. He knows it’s about that punk.


“Yeah, so before that… let me tell you something.”


The lift opens and they walk in as one guy walks out.


Once the door opens, Yoong took the chance. “I hate you, yeah, I really do… but it’s hard to continue it when you’re my brother—when you’ve been with me since I was born. How am I going to deny that? That night I save the company, I thought I did something horrible. I was too full of myself that I just realized I’d hurt you the way you hurt me. It wasn't really me... I’m sorry.” He ended it as he looked at his older brother. “And I forgive you.” He sincerely added.


Taeyeon tilted his head and smiles bitterly. “I didn’t know I would hear that right now.” He chuckles and hugs his brother. “I’m so sorry as well. For everything. I regret all of it, dongseng.”


“Promise me you won’t do it again.” Yoong whispered as he hugs his brother back couldn’t hold back his tears as well.


“I promise.” Replied Taeyeon, pulling back and laughing with him.


The lift opens and they are greeted by a young lady who looks at them confusedly. They hurriedly walked out and runs to his apartment animatedly.


End of Flashback…


Taeyeon dropped his smile when he thought of Go Tech that almost want to hire his girlfriend. Good thing and she doesn’t want to be in a new company.


Picking up his phone, he smiles to see Tiffany’s photo on his lock screen. Which reminds him, he opened the drawer on his right side and took the piggy bank. He shakes it but barely can hear anything because most of it is 500 bills.


‘500 bills every day until our 100th day.’ He smiled giddily. He is doing it because of her. “And I’m going to buy that engagement ring.” He giggles as he dropped another 500 bill. He kissed it and returned it to the drawer before he focused his attention back on his desktop.




Seohyun is having a chocolate drink in their mini garden when she heard her daughter shout, calling her. She heaved a sigh and took a sip first before she runs back inside.


“What’s the matter?”


“There’s a cockroach in my bed, Omma. Hurry and kill it.”


“What?!” She quickly runs upstairs and took a spray from their drawer before heading to her daughter’s. “Where?” She looked around.


“Under my bed.” Seoyoung is hiding behind her, peeking. She’s afraid.


“Okay, step back.” Lowering herself, she widened her eyes to see it coming toward her. “Kyaaa!” she squeals and sprays on it so hard while closing her eyes tight. “Get away from my daughter!”


Seoyoung laughs at her. “Omma you’re scared too?”


Sitting on the floor, she let out a huge exhale. “who wouldn’t, honey? They have wings and antenna that looks like going to hurt you.” She giggles not even embarrassed. “But just when did a cockroach start living here?”


“No idea.” Seoyoung shrugs her shoulders.


“Or maybe when I was at the hospital? Come here.” She opened her arms and her daughter hugs her. “You’re safe now, Hmm?” She squeezed her and kissed her forehead, earning giggles. “Come outside, let’s have some snacks.” She ushered her daughter as they got up and leave the room.


"Omma, did you call Tiffany Unnie?" Seoyoung looked up to her.


"Yes, earlier. But she told me she has an interview today so she might later hang out with us." Seohyun explained to her daughter, flashing a sweet smile. She rubs her cheeks briefly as they made their way out.




It was almost late—Tiffany reached the third floor of hansu company, catching on her breath. Wearing a white blouse and black skirt, she adjusts her seat once she’s calm. There are other job seekers too and most of them are female. Probably applying for the same position as her.


She's professional in every interview. So, she doesn't feel anxious at all.


When it was her turn, she bowed to the lady by the door and walk into the room with full confidence. She took her seat in the chair at the center and flashes her brightest smile. Three interviewers are in front of her, checking her resume for a while.


"You were a manager."


"Yes." She simply answered, still smiling.


"Why did you choose our company to apply?"


"I believe this company is not just good with their products but also good with their employees. And certainly, believe that this company will help me grow as a person with a position I haven't tried before." She answered and earned a brief smile from the one who asked her. She takes that as a good sign.


"Being a secretary means you have to work fast."


"Yes, my job previously can help me with that. I'm experienced with running errands, preparing documents, schedules and I am socially good at talking." Her eyes formed into a crescent moon which made the other interviewees chuckle.


"If your boss has a business trip, are you willing to fly with her or him?"


"Absolutely." She replied in an instant.


"Do you have a boyfriend?"


The question caught her off guard that she can't answer right away.


"Because if we hire you as a secretary, your time with your boyfriend will be limited. You see, we have busy schedules every day."


She smiled again as she gathers her thoughts first. "I have but my boyfriend understands my work. Thus, it won't be a problem at all."


All three of them nodded and smiled. "Our company will call you with the result within this week. Have a good day, Ms. Young." And the one at the center told her before letting her leave.


She bowed and casually left the room. She let out a sigh of relief while going back to her seat. Opening her phone, she received a couple of messages from Taeyeon.


Love: Did you love the soup?

Love: I can’t stay for long because Yul called me. But let’s have lunch later.

Love: How’s the interview? You nailed it, didn’t you?


She felt his support and love which never fails to give her strength. Holding her phone in both hands, she types her response and sends it without hesitation.


Yes, I love it so much. I feel like I forgot my name for a couple of minutes.

And yes, I nailed it!!! Hoping this will be the start of something new.


Love: Yasss! I knew you would. Never doubted you.


She chuckles to read his instant reply. So, she types right away for her response.


You’re not busy, love?


Love: Yup. I just had signing reports, especially for the new paycheck for our programmers.


Whoa, I’m envious. They’re so lucky to have you as their boss.


Love: No, I’m lucky to have them. Without them, this company won’t be working. Also, we’re hiring new secretaries, I will be interviewing some of them for their final interview.


Tsk, I couldn’t imagine being interviewed by you. Hahaha.


Love: I would flirt rather.


Exactly. But you know what? One of the guys earlier ask if I have a boyfriend and I said yes.


Love: Wow, they ask you that?


That’s because being a secretary means, being with the boss every minute, hour, and day.


Love: Indeed. Now I’m jealous of whoever you will be with you ☹


Yah, be professional.


Love: I know but I hope one day you would consider being my secretary so your time will be with me all the time. ^^


Tiffany paused as she thought of it. It’s definitely inviting work for her. But will that be good for the company? Or will it be good for them only? She suddenly realizes it will really mean, seeing him only on day-offs and after working hours.


“Ugh, why is it hard to decide out of a sudden?” She groaned, couldn’t come up with a decision.


Shifting her eyes from elsewhere, she suddenly spotted the PD who was among the judges. She lowered herself to hide behind another chair. "What? What is he doing here?" She peeks and sees him talking with one of the interviewees earlier. "He knows them?" 




“Ms. Jung, having headaches again?” One fellow nurse got concerned when she saw Jessica is lying down in their rest bedroom.


“Yes. But I have taken a pill already. This might leave in a while.” Jessica softly assures her colleague. She hugs the extra pillow and closes her eyes.


“Did you see a doctor for a checkup?”


“No need. It’s just because of sleepless nights. I mean, I have night shifts then later I’m on day shift.” Her voice is almost audible.


“Was it because of nurses that took a day off?”


“Definitely. They want me to fill for them.”


“Aigoo, poor you. Have a good rest. Don’t worry about the other patients, I got it for you.”


She opened her eyes and smiled in gratefulness. “Thanks, Nurse lee.”


“Your boyfriend is coming later, isn’t he?”


She chuckles at her question but she nodded nonetheless. “I hope this headache disappears before he comes.” She mumbles and closes her eyes back.


Moments later, she fell asleep… and an hour later, she heard the phone ring, which woke her up. She’s relieved now that the headache is gone. “I’m in the bedroom. I’m coming out now.” She beats him to speak.


[I’m already at the cafeteria.] Yul’s voice is excited.


She felt that she runs all the way to the lift. She fixes her hair and sniffles which made her rub her nose.


Soon, she walked out of the lift and passes a lot of patients and nurses on the way until she reaches him.


“Omo, hangover porridge?” She was greeted by 2 bowls of it even though she wasn’t really drunk last night.


“I figured you will have headaches after last night so I ordered these.” Yul explained as he stirs and blows on it.


She’s touched that her heart flutters, watching him. And she suddenly finds herself admiring quietly the person before her. ‘Why does he suddenly look… cool? But precious at the same time?’ she’s sure she’s falling for him again.


Yul look at her and smile charmingly. “There.” He placed the bowl near her and do the same with his.


“Thanks, Babe.” Whispers her softly. “I really had… headaches earlier. But it’s now gone.” She assures earning a nod.


“Glad to know. Dig in, before it gets cold.” Said Yul, gesturing to her.


Jessica smiles and took her spoon so she can finally have a bite. She literally closes her eyes as the warm porridge passes through and ends in her stomach. It was a comfort for her. “It feels so good to be eating this after a headache.” She shares, having another bite.


“I reserve a movie cinema later, by the way.” Yul softly informs.


“What?!” And it surprised her. “Why would you do that?”


“Because you’re special.” He answered, smiling genuinely. “And a special person like you deserves special treatment.”


She scoffed. “Seriously?”


“I invited Krystal though, so it would be fun, and… she won’t sulk.” Yul chuckles softly.


“You’re becoming a good brother-in-law.” Jessica playfully said.


“I will be marrying you soon either way.”


“Yah, it was just a joke.” She laughs because he looks serious.


“I’m dead serious.” But Yul really insists. They’re just dating a few months so far but he knows she will be the person he’ll marry.


Jessica blinks and blinks, couldn’t find a word to say. Her cheeks flush and her heartbeats increased.


“That would be later, no worries.” He chuckled and feeds her casually.


“Aish.” She literally hit his arm earning a laugh.


“Go on now, let’s talk about marriage when it’s time.” Yul playfully said before he took another bite of his porridge.


‘After making me fall again. He would talk that.’ Jessica thought as she finds it a coincidence. But she’s giddy inside, could totally imagine their wedding already.


A young male nurse suddenly approached her and handed her banana milk. She smiled sweetly as she accepted it.


“Don’t drink this, there might be poison.” But Yul grabs it from her and drinks it instead.


She frowned. “What the—that’s mine!” and she tried to grab it but Yul stuck his tongue out.


“Why do they give like this to their seniors?” Yul can’t understand. He would’ve been jealous if he doesn’t know rookie nurses do it to their seniors like it’s a thing in the hospital.


“They want to be friends, that’s all. So, they won’t have any trouble too while working.” Jessica explained and glares at her boyfriend. “You should’ve bought banana milk instead of free water.”


Grinning, Yul handed it back.


“It’s already empty, idiot.” She throws it to him earning his laughter. “Tsk.” She shrugs and just returns to her porridge.


“I love you, Jung Jessica.” Yul sweetly says to makeup with it but the young nurse rolled her eyes only. He didn’t give up. He got up to buy her new banana milk. “Here, from my heart.” He said, softly as he hands it to her.


Jessica is speechless. “Aish.” But she took it right away and smile sweetly. “I love you too, Kwon Yul.” She leaned in and meet his lips halfway which them giggle as they returned to their seats. "You were just jealous though."


"What?! Of course not." Yul strongly denies it.


"Well, banana milk tastes better if it comes for you." Jessica shrugs her shoulders and drinks it.


A proud smile formed on Yul's lips. 




After having a lunch break, Taeyeon drives Tiffany to the nearest park, where they enjoy some

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Chapter 42: Another end of a great story.

Thank you author.

Looking forward for your next stories.
CrissYoung #2
Chapter 42: Will there be a part 2?? Is it Chanyeol??
multistory #3
Chapter 42: 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 sad conclusion..

Great suggestion to time skip 4 yrs to see what happens to the kids.. Miyoung + Yuljung falling for each other??
Katara_28 #4
Chapter 41: I really looking forward to see taeny interaction with the twins but time skip for 4 years so there goes my dreams 🙂. Still thanks author u continue writing this story till this chapter.
multistory #5
Chapter 41: Epic.. thanx for dragging this out with one more chapter..

The kids are adorable!!
multistory #6
Chapter 40: Hilarious...
1120 streak #7
Chapter 41: RIP to Yul's scalp and hair then 😂😂😂... In that four years did Yoong and Seohyun gave Seoyoung a sibling/siblings? Aww the twins are so cute... And lol Miyoung hates Yuljung just because he kissed her on their previous bday
multistory #8
Chapter 39: Pleasantly surprised I'm behind on my reading...

Awesome chapter.. sadly you're wrapping this up.
Katara_28 #9
Chapter 41: Awww so cute, but sad it will finish soon.
LlamaAmerica #10
Chapter 40: THE GIRLS ARE BACK!!!!! 🥹🫶🏻❤️