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The Diva's Assistant
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Jimin's eyes slowly opened to the faint patch of sunlight that had just managed to stream it's way through her curtains... bringing her initial blurry vision to finally focus... however.. as she subtly moved her head away from the light... the pounding in her temple suddenly made her body freeze still... a sharp pain that snapped her right back into reality.



That was the unfortunate effects of drinking after all.



She swears after this, she's never touching even a drop of that poison again. 



Hissing at the pain, Jimin gave up on making any sudden movements and desperately tried to drift back to sleep. It was still too early, and her body clearly wasn't ready to tackle the day ahead... but just as she was about to succumb to the drowsiness, she felt a certain weight beside her stir, ruffling the bedsheets and blanket around her.




Feeling slightly more conscious now, the actress carefully turned her head, ensuring no sharp movements would cause her headache to spike... her eyes are fully opened at this point trying to grasp in the sight before her, discovering... just exactly what was causing that ruckus beside her.




She barely had time to react when the blonde woman, still asleep (or so Jimin thought), to her side... draping her arms right over Jimin's body before pulling her close....when a deep, satisfying sigh escaped Minjeong’s lips, as if the familiar scent enveloping her brought instant comfort. The warm breath tickled Jimin's bare shoulder, and she felt the shorter's breathing deepen once more, signaling her return to a peaceful slumber.



That's right....



Jimin thought to herself as the events from last night comes circling back to her....



She had fallen asleep in Minjeong's arms while they were both on the ground—that much her foggy memory could recall...



So the blonde must've been the one to carry her back into her room... and decided to stay with her through the night...



Her eyes widened at that  realization.



The headache from what should have been a hangover completely dissipated as her heart began to beat faster.



She hoped that its loud thumping wouldn't wake the shorter up



But god... she just couldn't contain the overwhelming happiness and contentment flooding through her veins....



Jimin didn't what she had expected... waking up this morning... nor did she what was going to happen or how they were going to be able to properly address everything that has unfolded between her and the love of her life... but knowing that Minjeong...



Her Minjeong was right here in this instance... snuggling up to her.... completely relaxed because of her... touching her....



Let's just say.



The actress couldn't ask for anything more right now...



Feeling the warmth of Minjeong's body radiating through her now... Jimin's eyes began growing heavy.... yielding to that gentle pull of sleep... she allowed that weight to slowly close her eyes... until they were shut completely again.



It was way too early to be getting up on a Saturday anyway....



She had no idea what was awaiting her.... The uncertainty of what lay ahead still weighed heavuly on her mind, and the looming confrontation they would undoubtely have to face when they both awoke was a concept that made her feel rather uneasy....



But for now...



All Jimin wanted to do, was enjoy the moment while she can....



To have Minjeong sleep beside her again...



To be able to feel her breath lightly tickle her own skin...



To have the blonde holding her close....



They were the tiny things... after all... that Jimin had always looked foreward to coming back to...














Jimin woke naturally to the gentle sound of birds chirping outside her window. The pain in her head had mostly subsided, though a faint throb remained, and felt parched. She groaned softly, shifting slightly beneath the covers as her mind started to catch up with her body where she was slowly becoming more aware of her surroundings



With a hopeful heart, she instinctively turned her head to the left, anticipation and hope bubbling within her. In that quiet moment, she expected to be greeted by Minjeong's adorable sleeping face, a sight she had never admitted out loud... but had always fonded over... especially with the way the blonde usually had the tendency to sleep on her side... with her cheek mushed up against her pillow as she breathed lightly throught slightly parted lips...



There's been times in the past where the actress had even caught a bit of drool leaving ...



But she had spared Minjeong the embarassment... prompting to chuckle lightly at scene before gently dabbing a tissue on the corners of her lips... careful to not awake the younger...



This had been a repeated occurance on multiple occassions since they had began sleeping in the same room....



So with that image etched into her mind.... you can imagine the sudden drop she felt in her chest... when she glanced over... but instead of meeting the face her heart had been yearning to see again... all she was met with... was an empty vacant space




Her heart felt like it plummeted with the absence of the blonde girl's presence. It was kind of funny, really—just mere hours ago, her heart had felt so full, overflowing with a light, bubbling sensation when she could've sworn she felt Minjeong pull her closer to cuddle her.... And now, that same heart felt empty once again, a hollow ache spreading through her chest.




It didn’t take long before Jimin’s eyes began to mist up as she reached out to touch the empty spot, which didn’t even linger with any remnants of warmth...



Her fingers curled against the bedsheets then... feeling it's cold... which indicated to her that the blonde must've left for a while now...



But with a heavy heart... she shut her eyes tightly... just hoping against hope that maybe... just maybe she was still stuck in some kind of cruel dream...



That she was still in her little alcohol induced haze...



That she didn't imagine any of it... that Minjeong really did stay with her last night... that she really was there holding her... breathing next to her...



No... please... Minjeong- where are you



That was all she could think as she sat up, looking around her room as if she were seeing it for the first time. Her eyes darted back and forth, scrutinizing every detail, trying to make sense of her space.



The feelings from their time apart came rushing back, crashing over her with renewed intensity. The fear she had harbored spread like wildfire, consuming her as she grappled with the sudden emptiness beside her....



She may have been under the influence last night...



But what she had confessed, every word she had spoken, and all the feelings she had revealed, were true, straight from the heart... they were words poured out from her soul....



Jimin had meant every single word...



And even if it was beyond optimistic, she had held onto a sliver of hope that perhaps... just perhaps after that emotional explosion with Minjeong, the latter might have chosen to stay...



To be around just a little bit more....



And if not in the mansion forever with Jimin...



At least long enough for them to meet eye to eye once again, in the same bed they used to share....



But now...



Jimin didn't even know what think...



She was on the verge of tears at this point, her emotions threatening to overwhelm her once again.



But just as the first tear began to roll down her cheek, the sound of the door brushing open caught her attention... causing her to quickly turn her head toward the noise, a mix of hope and anxiety flooding her chest.




"Oh, you're awake!" Minjeong's vibrant voice cut through the air just as tears began streaking down Jimin's cheeks. These tears, however, were no longer ones of sorrow but of relief.... though the blonde was too busy turning around to close the door behind her to notice Jimin's state. "Sorry I didn't wake you," she continued, shuffling the plastic bag in her hand and peeking inside to make sure she had everything. "I quickly popped down to the convenience store to grab a few things for you. I thought after last night, you might need a few things to properly start your morning." Minjeong began counting the items in the bag. "I brought some painkillers for your headache, if you have one that is. Gatorade for hydration, and I also bought some Tiny Teddies because little cute snackies always make me feel good on the inside." She chuckled at her spontaneous purchase, before finally looking up to meet Jimin's eyes. "Oh my god—" her voice faltered as she saw the tears streaming down Jimin's face.



Dropping the bag immediately, the blonde dashed right to Jimin's side, dropped on her knees and cupped the A-lister's cheeks gently in her hands



"Are you alright? Did something happen? Are you hurt? Did something hurt you?" she asked, her face filled with worry as Jimin's once silent sobs turned into a small cry. "Jimin, I'm here—I'm here, don’t cry—" Her voice was rather panicked as she wiped away the tears streaming down the actress' face... her thumb gently brushing against her cheek. Minjeong tried to be as tender with her touch as possible... but for some reason... that just seemed to make Jimin cry even harder...



"Jimin..." Her voice softens... though her mind was racing as she was growing increasingly unsure of what to do to make the older woman feel better...



Should she continue to ask if the woman was okay?



Should she rush to get her a glass of water...?



Maybe she should just bring out the tiny teddies already and let the snacks do the helping...



She wasn't sure... she wasn't sure at all...



But lord did she want to do anything to help...



To do anything to stop that faucet and see Jimin smile again...



opened... a sentence forming on the tip of her tongue... but she was never given the chance to complete it.. because before she could utter a single word.. the taller of the two had lunged foreward and engulfed the blonde into a tight hug that.



"Don't leave..." Jimin sobbed out... which made Minjeong's eyes widen... partly at the sudden hug attack she just experienced... but mostly because of the way Jimin's voice had sounded...



That desperate tone of pleas.... marred by cracks caused by her nonstop crying....



Minjeong hated hearing that voice from Jimin... 



The sound of true fear... and complete sadness...



It just didn't suit Jimin...



It didn't suit her at all.



"I'm here," Minjeong repeated once again, her words tender and soft, each syllable laced with reassurance. "And I'm not going anywhere."



"But what if that changes?" Jimin's arms tightened around Minjeong's neck, her voice trembling with uncertainty. "What if I cause you to doubt me again? What if you decide, on a whim, that you don't want to be here anymore?"



"It won't," Minjeong interjected firmly as she pull back away so her gaze could meet Jimin's. "I'll be right here.."



"But what if—" Jimin's voice wavered, her thoughts spiraling into a whirlwind of fear and doubt.



"JIMIN!" Minjeong's urgent voice sliced through Jimin's spiraling thoughts, bringing her back to the present. Their eyes met again, and in that moment, the desperation in Minjeong's tone anchored Jimin, pulling her back from the edge of her fears.



"I need you to understand," Minjeong continued, her voice gentle but determined. "That nothing in this world could possibly pull me away from you right now...I'm here" For a third time, Minjeong repeated

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stray_zone21 0 points #1
This is by far one of the best, if not, the best winrina fanfic i have ever read
daydreamer37 0 points #2
Chapter 42: wowwww
byulsmoon 0 points #3
Chapter 42: aaaa thank you author for this beautiful story, I will support you when you return with another story, again, thank you for this, take care of yourself author
Dyosabear 0 points #4
Chapter 42: thank you for the lovely story otor!
mysweetstarr 0 points #5
Chapter 42: this has been one of the best winrina stories I've read 😭 i promised myself to read it slowly but i ended up reading the whole lot in one go because of how amazing this was written. cant wait for the next one but don't push too hard and recover first!
Rin_HM 0 points #6
Chapter 42: They're finally married! I'm so happy for them. They finally have a family of their own 😭 and it's all because of the power of the toolkit! Jk hahahaha I really love
Jiminjeong character here. Karina's character development and Winter's patience are admirable.

Author, this is such a wonderful story. I can't believe it finally ended. I'm looking forward to more of your work.❤️
Antothebest 0 points #7
Chapter 42: It's definitely one of the best Winrina stories I've read TT. Thank you so much for being an amazing writer. I don't usually comment much because I speak Spanish. To read the stories, Google Translate translates them very well when it is well written, in fact I am using the translator for this comment hehehe. I hope to continue appreciating your amazing work in the future. Greetings from Latin America 😉
88 streak 0 points #8
Chapter 42: I will always miss the feeling of anticipation everytime this story gets an update 😭 i love them dearly and would gladly reread it over and over again! Thanks for giving us diva and her sunshine manager ❤
Winteeeerrr 0 points #9
Chapter 42: Thank you so much for this work, she is very gentle and has definitely left her place in my heart. At first, the rough Jimin, who eventually opened up and became gentle thanks to Minjong. They found a family and the happiness they deserved after going through so many trials. The author, you are the best, thank you for your story, I have already sat down to translate it and as many people as possible will find out about it!
0 points #10
Chapter 42: i've been reading this since day 1 and now that its finally over made me cry... im so attached to the both of them and im so happy that they finally got the happy ending that they deserve. i love them so much, thank you so much for this beautiful work <333