
The Diva's Assistant
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 As the car raced through the streets, edging beyond just the legal speed limit, Jimin's heart hammered against her ribcage, with each beat echoing her rising panic. Her mind then, raced with a million scenarios, with each thought getting more and more dire than the last.



"Jimin? Minjeong wouldn't be able to drive you to the audition today"


Jun-woo's words were spiralling through her mind.. unable to go away no matter how much she had tried...



"She was involved in a car accident earlier and had been taken to the hospital. I understand today's audition for you is an absolute must, for  both you and the company, so we've organised someone else to take you there instead in the meantime- hello? Jimin-"



The conversation faded into the background as the actress's phone slipped from her grasp, tumbling silently to the floor. In that moment, she felt disconnected from her surroundings, as if her body and mind were drifting apart...



The silence in the car was suffocating... The only interruptions were the occasional expletives from Aeri as she cursed out any driver who dared to impede her progress as she continued to drive towards the only hospital they know Minjeong could be.



"COME ON!" Her friend would yell, slapping the edge of her wheel as she attempted to swerve in front of a dude whom dangerously cut her off.



Aeri typically wouldn't be such a angry driver... but on this occassion with times being so desperate.. she was finding it harder and harder to keep her composure... especially since...



Glancing to her side...



Jimin's face looked completely pale....



Her hands trembled in her lap as her nails dug into her skin, fighting to keep her breathing as even as possible.



"I'm sure she's alright..." Aeri made an attempt to comfort the actress... putting on a strong face as she did "From what you told me, Jun-woo sounded way too nonchalant, for this to be a serious matter, I'm sure we're really just worrying for nothing"



It's funny really...



The way Aeri had said that.



She wanted to sound so assuring...






Jimin didn't miss that hint of uncertainty mixed within her voice...



She appreciated the gesture, but right now, nothing was going to rest her heart at ease, until she saw the blonde for herself, safe and sound.



So, without answering, Jimin continued to remain in tense silence as another wave of different scenarios ran through her head. She knew she shouldn't be letting this happen, but her mind was absolutely running wild with potential images of Minjeong's bloody-covered face or body, the fear in her eyes, and the thought of her not being able to wake up.



"Hah-" Jimin's breath hitched as that very imagery became more and more vivid. Burying her head into her hands, the actress did everything in her power to prevent a complete mental breakdown to commence...



"Please... just.. drive faster" She begged... causing Aeri's heart to break along with Jimin's voice.




Without another word, the hostess bit the corner of her lip, her grip on the wheel tightening. Stepping on the accelerator, she hoped that if there were any speed cameras, she would be going fast enough for the pictures to turn out blurry.









As they pulled up to the hospital, Jimin's heart lurched painfully in her chest. She practically leaped out of the car, her legs carrying her swiftly towards the hospital entrance, with Aeri following closely behind. Every step felt like an eternity, her mind spinning with a whirlwind of fears and and potential possibilities...



Daunting ones...



She couldn't lose Minjeong. Not now, not ever. The thought alone was enough to send a shiver down her spine, propelling her forward with a renewed sense of urgency. All she could do now was pray to whatever higher power was listening that Minjeong would be alright.



Cutting through waves of people and potentially even bumping into countless patients, Jimin didn't even stop to think about what to say the moment she made it to the reception.



"Minjeong, where is she? Is she okay? Is she going to be okay? How bad is it?" Those words were completed blurted out without any context... causing the poor nurse behind the desk to furrow her eyebrows in confusion.




"Sorry," Aeri finally catches up and gently pushes Jimin aside. "What my friend is trying to ask here is, we believe earlier this morning, a girl by the name of Kim Minjeong was brought to your hospital due to a car accident. Could you please provide us with her current state of health and let us know if she's going to be okay? Any information would be greatly appreciated."



"Kim Minjeong?" The nurse repeated "Let me have a look."



The girl began tapping away at her computer...



with every of the keyboard, Jimin found it harder and harder to keep still... the horrors of the unknown was absolutely killing her and she really felt like she was about to explode. 



"Excuse me, but this is very urgent" The actress finally breaks, unable to hold anything in any longer "Could you please look faster-"


"Jimin," Aeri interjected, gently holding up her hand to signal for her to pause, before lowering her voice to a whisper. "I understand the urgency, but rushing won't help. Let's wait to hear what she says, okay?"




Jimin's chest tightened as she nodded silently, her fingers curling into fists at her side. She forced herself to take slow, steadying breaths, attempting to calm the turmoil of swirls inside her.



Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the nurse turned back to them, her expression somber. "I'm sorry, but I can't find anyone by the name of Kim Minjeong currently admitted here right now"



Jimin's heart sank, a cold dread settling in the pit of her stomach. "But... there has to be some mistake," she stammered, her voice cracking with desperation. "She was in an accident, she needs help!"

The nurse shook her head sympathetically. "I'm truly sorry, but there really isn't anyone by that name currently admitted here"


Jimin felt like the ground had fallen out from beneath her feet. She exchanged a helpless glance with Aeri, the reality of the situation crashing down on her like a tidal wave. Minjeong was out there somewhere, injured and alone, and they had no idea where to find her.



Aeri squeezed Jimin's shoulder reassuringly, her expression a mirror of Jimin's own worry. "We'll find her," she vowed, her voice firm with determination. "We'll find her, no matter what it takes. Maybe this is the wrong hospital, we must've gotten the wrong address... blondie can't be too far away..."



"Actually-" The two woman's head snaps towards the nurse, the moment she spoke "I can see here, whilst no one is currently admitted... there is a single record here of the woman by the name of Kim Minjeong who had already been discharged."



"Discharged?" Jimin immediately leaned over the desk. "How could that be? t, surely she couldn't have been treated that quickly.. were her injuries that minor?"



"Injuries?" The nurse's confused complexion only made both Jimin and Aeri even more confused by the second. "According to our records, Ms. Kim Minjeong was admitted to the hospital after experiencing a fainting episode in her car. However, there were no indications of any injuries sustained from a car accident. It appears she was found unconscious in her vehicle, and upon examination, it was determined that her fainting spell was likely due to a fever and overexertion. In cases of extreme stress and fever, the body can react in unpredictable ways, sometimes resulting in fainting spells. Ms. Kim received intravenous fluids to address dehydration and was discharged with instructions to rest for a few days. With adequate rest and care, she should recover fully."



Two bubbles above the two woman's head popped at the same time as the nurse's words finally settled in through their skull.



Jimin, although her heart had finally leaped with a flicker of hope... couldn't quite put coherent words into her head to speak... so Aeri broke the silence first. 



"Wait so she's been sent home?"



"After regaining consciousness and undergoing a thorough assessment of her vital signs, Ms. Kim was deemed stable and fit for discharge. She was subsequently released from our care and was collected by a companion. Regrettably, I do not have information regarding her current location. However, it is reasonable to presume that she followed the doctor's advice and returned home to recuperate."



"Okay... that's reassuring... thank you for the information," Aeri breathed out, a relieved sigh escaping her lips. She glanced back at Jimin with a small smile, noting the visible relaxation in her posture. It seemed like Jimin was finally able to breathe freely after what felt like an eternity of worry.



"Oh, by the way! I recognize you both! You're Yu Jimin, right?" The nurse suddenly exclaimed, pointing excitedly at Jimin before turning with equal enthusiasm towards Aeri. "And you're Uchinaga Aeri from the Uchinaga show, correct? I'm such a big fan of both of you! I couldn't believe it was really you two, but the more I looked, the more certain I became. Could I please have an autograph from both of you?" The woman grabbed a clipboard without hesitation, seemingly unaware of the important patient information attached to it, and it in front of the actress and hostess, who were left speechless by the sudden request. "Please, sign this!"














"Car accident huh" Aeri chuckled as she drove her car, no longer fighting against the legal speed limit any longer now things were clear "That Jun-woo sure knows how to spin a story, making people worried sick" She shook her head at the thought of how worried they had been initially over nothing. 



Jimin sat beside her, head leaned against the window as she breathed out a sigh of relief, the sensation spread through her chest, as she felt the tension drain from her shoulders, allowing them to relax. The knowledge that her manager was safe and not in critical condition, bleeding profusely, or undergoing surgery, was finally information that was able to unwind the knots in her stomach. 



"And you were so worried too" The hostess continued to friend, with the aura around them feeling lighter than ever.



"You didn't seem that better yourself." Jimin retaliates in a monotoned and quiter fashion, the initial adrenaline from that whole rush to the hospital had drained her of any argumental and banter energy left. 




However, a lingering worry still remained at the back of her mind, despite the reassurances she had received. She needed to see the younger woman herself to confirm Minjeong's wellbeing and completely allow her mind to be at ease. Aeri had agreed to be her designated driver for that particular purpose.



Although Jimin did start slightly regretting that decision once the very girl decided she was going to break the silence with a game of "Time to make fun of Jimin." 



"You're right but I wasn't the one with tears in my eyes."




"Oh my god, just shut up and drive already," Jimin finally exclaimed, sitting back up straight to turn to her friend with her complaint. "Ooft!" However, her back immediately thumped against the backrest as Aeri obliged instantly by stepping on the accelerator.












"Did you want me to wait for you?" Aeri opened her window to call out to Jimin who just left her car as she found parking.



"You've done enough driving today, Aeri, I'm happy for you to just leave, don't waste your time on this any further"



"Yep ok, I'm convinced now. I'll wait for you."





"Well it's not like blondie is going to take you home correct? Unless your diva self is really going to force her-"

"Of course not!"


"Great! So it's settled. Besides, I heard it's not good to keep ordering Ubers. You never know when you're going to meet a bad blood out there, now go and settle things with your blondie already" Aeri reclined her seat and unbuckles her seatbelt. "I need a nap after this morning"












"Hey Aeri..." 






"Thank you."

"For what?"








Without the another word Jimin her heels and made her ways towards Minjeong's apartment complex... all the while Aeri's stared lingered for a moment... being placed onto the taller as her figure gets smaller and smaller...



"Heh" She chuckled to herself one last time before breaking her gaze and leaning her head back to relax.



"You really have changed Jimin."














Standing in front of what she presumed was Minjeong's door, Jimin took a moment to gather herself. "This should be the right one... I think," she muttered to herself, scanning her memory for any clues from her previous visits to Minjeong's place. Since ther last time was admist a rather meltdown that she hadn't been particular proud of... the actress hadn't had the chance to pay much attention to the exterior of the building, but she vividly recalled a small snowflake sticker above the peephole.



Positioning her knuckles so it was now leveled to her eyes, Jimin prepared to knock when the door suddenly swung open, startling her to take a few steps back in shock. 




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stray_zone21 0 points #1
This is by far one of the best, if not, the best winrina fanfic i have ever read
daydreamer37 0 points #2
Chapter 42: wowwww
byulsmoon 0 points #3
Chapter 42: aaaa thank you author for this beautiful story, I will support you when you return with another story, again, thank you for this, take care of yourself author
Dyosabear 0 points #4
Chapter 42: thank you for the lovely story otor!
mysweetstarr 0 points #5
Chapter 42: this has been one of the best winrina stories I've read 😭 i promised myself to read it slowly but i ended up reading the whole lot in one go because of how amazing this was written. cant wait for the next one but don't push too hard and recover first!
Rin_HM 0 points #6
Chapter 42: They're finally married! I'm so happy for them. They finally have a family of their own 😭 and it's all because of the power of the toolkit! Jk hahahaha I really love
Jiminjeong character here. Karina's character development and Winter's patience are admirable.

Author, this is such a wonderful story. I can't believe it finally ended. I'm looking forward to more of your work.❤️
Antothebest 0 points #7
Chapter 42: It's definitely one of the best Winrina stories I've read TT. Thank you so much for being an amazing writer. I don't usually comment much because I speak Spanish. To read the stories, Google Translate translates them very well when it is well written, in fact I am using the translator for this comment hehehe. I hope to continue appreciating your amazing work in the future. Greetings from Latin America 😉
88 streak 0 points #8
Chapter 42: I will always miss the feeling of anticipation everytime this story gets an update 😭 i love them dearly and would gladly reread it over and over again! Thanks for giving us diva and her sunshine manager ❤
Winteeeerrr 0 points #9
Chapter 42: Thank you so much for this work, she is very gentle and has definitely left her place in my heart. At first, the rough Jimin, who eventually opened up and became gentle thanks to Minjong. They found a family and the happiness they deserved after going through so many trials. The author, you are the best, thank you for your story, I have already sat down to translate it and as many people as possible will find out about it!
0 points #10
Chapter 42: i've been reading this since day 1 and now that its finally over made me cry... im so attached to the both of them and im so happy that they finally got the happy ending that they deserve. i love them so much, thank you so much for this beautiful work <333