A Lovesick Fool

The Diva's Assistant
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Moving into her new place turned out to be a breeze for Minjeong than she had originally thought. Surprisingly, her usually stern landlord, Mr. Park, revealed an unexpected side of himself—gracious and accommodating. With a nod and a warm smile, he accepted her decision to end the lease early, understanding the circumstances that had led her to this choice.



"To our best tenant," he had jokingly mimicked a toast to Minjeong as he firmly accepted the keys handed over to him. To add more fuel to the surprise, the man even granted her a very generous week-long gap for the blonde to take her time to pack up her belongings for her move.



With the extra time on her hands, Minjeong settled into her new space with relative ease. However, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment that she wouldn't be sharing a room with Jimin.



The older really took her by surprise with that number she pulled... and Minjeong can't help but notice the sheer amusement plastered on Jimin's face every time the blonde would whine about that very factor.



It's like the girl had planned her very reaction from the get go 


And Minjeong couldn't help but feel she's fallen into some type of game the actress had orchestrated under her nose... with the rules of it being: 



Pull away ever so slightly whenever you can to drive Minjeong crazy and leave her desiring more!



And the latter was strapped into it like a freaking fool... right into the centre of Jimin's palm... being played like a yo-yo.



But Minjeong had yet to confirm that very circumstance and it just wasn't her to make conspiracy theories like that without some form of concrete evidence.... so in the end... Minjeong chose to turn a blind eye....



although... hypothetically speaking....




If Jimin was to be playing something here with Minjeong... 




Let's just say... the blonde was no doubt a willing participant in her game..



Because no matter which way you put it. Minjeong was not only a fool. She was a lovesick fool.


Someone who is not only willing to fall into Jimin wrath, she was willing to face it with her eyes blind no matter the circumstance... and you know what? That very fact sat just fine with Minjeong.. as long as it was with the actress.


Afterall, on purpose or not, at the very end of the day, they were still under the same roof, and that was enough to keep Minjeong's spirits high.



Baby steps, is what the blonde likes to call it



And besides, perhaps these new living arrangements would end up in her favour after all..



Because lord...  was Jimin's sudden increase in presence doing wonders in stirring up a rather messy.. yet delightful kind of madness in Minjeong....



A madness that had her mind wandering to places it probably shouldn't be...



So much so, she swears it was starting to affect her thought process during even just normal events or conversations...



Just like the other day for example 













By the end of her first week at Jimin's, Minjeong had mostly finalised her move in, she didn't have too many things, every item finding its place in the new space like pieces of a puzzle falling into perfect alignment. Though her possessions were modest in quantity, the time limit bestowed upon her by the landlord had become a challenge she gladly accepted. Instead of opting for the convenience of a moving van, she embraced the opportunity to tackle the task solo. Jimin even gave her the okay to use her SUV as well, allow her to transport even more stuff per round of trip.



"I just don't understand you" Jimin remarked, her voice tinged with bemusement, as she observed Minjeong's industrious efforts of shuffling back and forth whilst leaning casually against the wall.



"What do you mean?" The blonde quirked an eyebrow, pausing mid-stride with a box in her arms.



"I could have easily hired a truck, and we would have all your stuff here within the next two hours. But instead, you've been dragging this out for the past three days doing this all by yourself. I just don't understand your thought process sometimes" Jimin confessed, her arms crossed in front of her.



Chuckling to the woman's confusion, the shorter quickly placed down what she was holding. "It's like how ants move houses," she mused. "Sure, I could take the easy route, but where's the adventure in that? There's a certain thrill in being completely hands-on, in every step of the process."



"That's stupid"



"No, it's fun." Minjeong insisted with a playful twinkle in her eye.



"Whatever" With a nonchalant shrug, Jimin straightened up, a rather mischievous glint dancing in her gaze that would've been missed, if one did not catch on quickly. With a swift, fluid motion, she peeled off her shirt, revealing a sleek sports bra underneath. "I'm off to the gym. Let me know if you change your mind about the truck."




"Yep no worries-" Minjeong had been distracted tending back to her boxes to notice Jimin... until she finally turned around....



And let's just say...



The woman was utterly caught off guard by what she saw.




Completely stunned, Minjeong stood there frozen, her mind reeling as if it had short-circuited, nearly sending her into cardiac arrest at the sight of Jimin without her top on....






She really didn't expect that from the actress at all...



It was like a scene straight out of some high school romance film... with Minjeong's eyes widening and hanging open. She couldn't help but continue to stare as if she was in a world of her own. The sight of Jimin casually revealing her sports bra underneath, showcasing skin and curves in all the right places, only added fuel to the fire of the woman's already flustered state.



"Hello?" Jimin's voice cut through the haze, snapping her fingers in front of Minjeong's face "Earth to Minjeong?"



"Huh?" It took a series of rapid clicks to finally jolt the blonde out of her daze.



"I said" Jimin slowed down her words... but there was an unmistakeable smirk on her lips that the shorter of the two didn't miss.... as if the girl knew exactly what she was doing and exactly how to play Minjeong right into the palm of her hands leaving her absolutely flushed and disoriented. "I'm heading to the gym now. Give me a shout if you need any help with the move."



"Gym?" The blonde blinks a couple of times, "Wait! Like that!?" She couldn't help but protest out loud, a wave of protectiveness (possessiveness) washing right over her like a tidal wave. "But people might see you! I mean, like... like that. In all your glory- " Her eyes involuntarily drifted downward, emphasizing her point, but she quickly snapped her gaze away, realizing the inappropriateness of her actions. "And also, you don't like going out in public, especially not alone—"



"I have a home gym, Minjeong," Jimin interjected smoothly gesturing to the room next door.












"oh.." The blonde's mouth formed an O shape causing the actress to lightly chuckle at her before shooting her a quick wink and strolling away.



Leaving Minjeong alone, swallowing down a big audible gulp...



Did... did she do that on purpose...? 



Minjeong's mind raced with a thousand thought all at once, her hand instinctively clasping onto her racing heart as she attempted to dismiss the lingering image of Jimin in her workout attire... and just how divine the woman had looked...



Surely... this would confirm the very game Minjeong had suspected from the beginning... right?



"No... I'm just losing my freaking marbles," she finally muttered to herself, shaking her head in a useless attempt to get rid of that everlasting effect Jimin had on the younger woman...



With a last inched coping mechanism, she tended back to her remaining boxes, trying her best busy herself away from those very thoughts... that could very well cause another nosebleed to arise if she wasn't careful. 



But if that wasn't enough to rattle Minjeong's first week of moving into Jimin's....



The morning after... DEFINITELY... did little in settling down the blonde's poor little rapidly beating heart...













Minjeong had been up all night, grappling with the relentless task of finalizing her move. With each passing hour, she found herself embroiled in the process of deciding what to pack and what to leave behind. The weight of these decisions seemed endless, particularly as the deadline imposed by her landlord loomed ever closer, leaving her with no choice but to almost pull out an all nighter.



Damnit... I'm so tired... maybe I should've taken Jimin's offer...



Despite her exhaustion, Minjeong knew the morning would demand an early start to prepare herself and Jimin for work. Her company had sprung a surprise on them, calling upon the actress to step in for rehearsals despite the directors' indecision on the movie's co-leads. It seemed they were keen for Jimin to immerse herself in her character, even before the final cast was set.



Before diving into the day's challenges, Minjeong resolved to whip up a quick breakfast for both of them, staying true to her promise to Jimin of always wanting the slightly older woman continue to eat her cooking



Typically, The blonde would found herself bubbling with excitement at the prospect of cooking for Jimin, relishing in the older woman's delighted reactions to whatever culinary creations she conjured up. What had started as a weekly treat had now blossomed into a daily affair, with Minjeong seizing every opportunity to experiment with new dishes, Jimin serving as her willing taste tester.



But today... not even having her morning coffee yet... her usual enthusiasm was just running a bit thin. Groggily stumbling into the kitchen, her hair a tangled mess and her pyjamas askew, she was about to look for ingredients when what she saw literally froze her on the spot.



It was Jimin leaning against the counter. The very sight should have been innocent enough, ordinary even, but the scene before Minjeong was anything but...  Jimin, the epitome of effortless grace, lingered in her thin, low-cut nightgown, its fabric draping her form in a tantalizing display. Every line and curve seemed to be accentuated, teasingly revealed by the soft glow of the morning light filtering through the window behind her whilst she was distracted with her smartphone in hand...



And then there was the way she leaned, a casual posture that should have been normal to the sight... that had been way too captivating for Minjeong than she would like to admit... With her chest pressed against her arms... along with the low-cut of her outfit... let's just say... it left little to the imagination....



But did wonders in cursing a heat surge into Minjeong's cheeks in an instant.



"Rough night?" The actress' voice broke through the awkward silence, her gaze lifting from her phone to meet the no longer tired woman ahead of her.



Minjeong chuckled nervously, trying to control her eyes to look anywhere but down. "Was it that obvious?"



"You have panda eyes, so yeah," Jimin teased, her tone playful as she went back to scrolling on her device..



"Hah," The blonde quickly averted her gaze, walking towards the fridge immediately, trying to control her running thoughts




Shut up brain-









"Not only that, I must've passed out funny last night; my back is killing me." Minjeong's words tumbled out in a rush, an attempt to mask the inner turmoil brewing beneath the surface.



Jimin listened intently, before settling down her phone and taking a step towards Minjeong. The scent of her perfume enveloped the shorter, sending her pulse racing. "Well, maybe I can help you relax," she almost whispered... trailing a delicate finger along Minjeong's arm... as she did so... causing the woman's cheeks to instantly flush a crimson red as if it was on demand by Jimin...



"I, uh..." she stuttered, caught off guard by their sudden close proximity.



"I ordered this massage machine not too long ago. Let me see if I can find it for you," Jimin offered, cocking her head to the side innocently before stepping back with a playful grin and running off to her room to seemingly look for that very item. 



"Oh..." Minjeong's voice trailed off, her gaze lingering on the spot where Jimin had vanished.



Yet her brain in that instant turned into a pile of mush as she leaned her forehead against the cold fridge door to try to cool herself down...









I swear... she's doing this to me on purpose!



Minjeong was getting played! She just know she is, there was just no way Jimin had no idea EXACTLY what she was capable of doing to the blonde...





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164 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 42: Thank you for such a wonderful story. You deserve a break author~ Take care of yourself first 😊
fhaust 0 points #2
Chapter 42: Omg I'm so happy for Jiminjeong, they've come so far 🥹🥹 And thank you for writing this amazing fic! We are all looking forward to your future works after you recover! Get well soon! 💞💞💞
0 points #3
Chapter 42: it was such an amazing ride Author-nim!!! make sure to rest up & get in a better condition!!! can't wait for your future works~
poka_dots 0 points #4
Chapter 42: Thank you for completing such a lovely story. I really enjoyed how both characters developed and progressed throughout their relationship. I'm looking forward to your next story.
stray_zone21 0 points #5
This is by far one of the best, if not, the best winrina fanfic i have ever read
daydreamer37 0 points #6
Chapter 42: wowwww
byulsmoon 0 points #7
Chapter 42: aaaa thank you author for this beautiful story, I will support you when you return with another story, again, thank you for this, take care of yourself author
Dyosabear 0 points #8
Chapter 42: thank you for the lovely story otor!
mysweetstarr 0 points #9
Chapter 42: this has been one of the best winrina stories I've read 😭 i promised myself to read it slowly but i ended up reading the whole lot in one go because of how amazing this was written. cant wait for the next one but don't push too hard and recover first!
Rin_HM 0 points #10
Chapter 42: They're finally married! I'm so happy for them. They finally have a family of their own 😭 and it's all because of the power of the toolkit! Jk hahahaha I really love
Jiminjeong character here. Karina's character development and Winter's patience are admirable.

Author, this is such a wonderful story. I can't believe it finally ended. I'm looking forward to more of your work.❤️