Life's Sense of Humour

The Diva's Assistant
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Dr Ning Yizhuo, the esteemed psychologist in her field of the present time, with by far one of the more successful clinics in Seoul... commenced her day with a modest cup of coffee—or rather, what passed for modest in her bustling schedule...



Three shots of espresso filled her cup because business for the young woman had seriously started picking up recently, with her days getting more and more filled to the point it's not uncommon for her to end her day at around 10:30 pm at night.



And it's threatening to get even later than that.




So there she was, Dr. Ning Yizhuo, finally snagging a rare night off after weeks of nonstop work. And what did she end up doing? Enjoyed herself at a spa? Catching up on her favourite shows? SLEEPING?






She spent it getting absolutely blackmailed by her so-called best friend into running errands and setting up her friend's date. And after all that work, Minjeong had basically gone off the face of planet Earth.



Seriously, the girl could have at the very least, sent a simple text to acknowledge all the effort she had put in? Or at bare minimum let her know that she'd deleted those embarrassing college pictures of herself.



But no.






Minjeong basically ghosted her after all the work she went through to make everything; oh so perfect, for her little date. Not responding to even one single spam the doctor had sent in succession, since the night of her little rendezvous.



Ningning was honestly quite ticked off at first, but eventually, she let the anger subside, thinking that the silence could only mean Minjeong and Jimin had finally taken the next step in their relationship...



Or it could also mean the completely ugly opposite... but she figured if things had gone awry, Minjeong would have shown up at her doorstep in tears by now.



But still, that little ounce of annoyance was still understandably present at the back of her mind.




"Can't believe that airhead found a way to blackmail me like that," Ningning muttered to herself, rolling her eyes before opening her schedule for the day on her laptop. "I bet she doesn't even have Uchinaga's number and it was all a ruse. Why was I so nervous anyway? That woman doesn't even know who I am; she's a famous hostess of all time, while I'm just a humble doctor," she continued to mumble to herself, frustration evident in her tone.




Ningning had been a fan of Aeri's since the latter had first risen to fame during her college days. She used to rave about the celebrity to Minjeong back then, and now Minjeong had taken that information to use it against her.



She loves the blondie, she really does. But lord... sometimes, Minjeong could be a bit of a devil behind that halo and angel wings she always seemed to have on her outer appearance.



A bit of a Machiavelli perhaps... Except the girlie has a large heart despite her moments... 



Only that heart seems to have been completely taken away by Yu Jimin.



Shaking her head with a little amused chuckle now, Ningning told herself to not dwell on the matter any longer.



At the end of the day, Ningning was happy her best friend had found the one for them. She really is. Though they had always joked Minjeong would be the last person to ever be in a relationship before herself... seeing her friend happy made all the chaos of the day worth it.



It's funny after all... it throws something at you but things tend to always somehow work out in weird ways.



Ningning likes to believe everything plays out for a reason, no matter how bad things can get, when there's a will, there is always a way.



Life just has a hilarious sense of humour like that.



Like how she herself ended up becoming a successful therapist, despite hating the idea of studying and having argued with her parents she didn't even want to go to college in the first place.



Oh.. how things have changed since then...




And as for Minjeong, who had taken an unconventional career path that led her to an unexpected managerial position, it ultimately allowed her to find the one person who lit up her life like no other.



It must just be life's plan




Without another moment's hesitation, the doctor began carefully reviewing her first patient's file of the day. Her time was limited today, after all; she had work to do and couldn't afford to dwell on Minjeong's likely already official relationship status any longer.



Her first appointment was with Mr. Jung, who insisted that his irrational fear of clowns was directly linked to an alien abduction he experienced as a child.



"And then I was grabbed on the day I turned 4, grabbed while I was playing with my block of toys I tell you with the rest of my buddies" The man described his experience of his encounter with the extraterrestrial with wide eyes and expressive hand gestures. "It was wild, I'm telling you. They disguised themselves as clowns and after grabbing me, he picked me up and carried me and then a flash encapsulated the both of us! I can't remember the rest of what happened, just I just remember I was so scared, I cried myself to sleep for 3 nights after..."



"Right..." Ningning finally responds after listening with sceptical ears.... "And did you happen to have a photo of this 'Alien clown'?" 



"Why yes!" The man replies, digging right into his wallet to grab the picture for the doctor "I found this in my mum's possession, just the other day! They're watching us I'm telling you! Watching me!" He continued to exclaim...



And as for Ningning... 



Well... she continued to listen to the middle-aged man intently as empathetically as possible, trying her best to resist the urge to suggest that maybe his fears had originated from a more earthly origin... where the clown he encountered was just a regular party entertainer, hired for his birthday celebration, and the flash of light came from a camera capturing memories, not an alien abduction.



Next up, was Mrs. Johnson, a foreigner who had recently moved permanently to Seoul with her husband, who tearfully confessed that her obsession with organizing her sock drawer was driving a wedge between her and her spouse. Making Ningning immediately give the woman her whole tissue box, before gently guiding the woman towards the realisation that sometimes, love means accepting your partner's quirks, even if they involve colour-coordinated hosiery.



The patient who just left was even better. Ningning isn't one to judge her patience, especially not in the field she chose to be in.. but this girl that entered her office had been a challenging one for her. A woman in her 30s now, living at home rent-free and doing nothing to contribute to the household, was in her office talking about how much disdain she had for her parents and the trouble they were causing her for simply suggesting to her that it was finally time for her to find a job.



The doctor found herself holding back her tongue a couple of times on that one.



Finally, as she bid farewell, to yet another patient and the door to her office closed, the woman let out a sigh of relief as she sunk on her chair.




One of the perks of working in this field is the variety it offers. Not a single day is ever the same. Sometimes Ningning hears deep-seated issues, sometimes there are sorrowful tales, and then there are clients who simply seek general life advice. And then there are days like today—completely and whimsically random.



Checking her phone for the time, she notes to herself she has exactly 15 minutes before her next patient. 



Just enough time for another shot of expresso!






She looked over to her phone again... and what would you know...



The one girl who had been MIA for the past 20 hours finally decided to respond to her assortment of messages.



From Airhead Kim

Hey Ning! Sorry for the late reply, I've been extremely.. um, let's just say occupied last night and I only just got home then, but fear not, I'm still alive and all is well!



From Dr Ning The Wise

I take that everything went smoothly with Jimin then?



From Airhead Kim

Hehehehe... maybe... maybe.. and maybe not.. ;)



Ningning rolled her eyes at the blondie's attempt to be sly and mysterious.



From Dr Ning The Wise

Great glad things worked out for you Winter. Now onto more important matters. MY PHOTOS. THEEEE PHOTOS. DELETED OR NOT!?



From Airhead Kim

Yes yes, they're gone, don't worry, when have I ever broken a promise huh?



From Dr Ning The Wise

I don't know, but seeing you had the audacity to threaten me with Uchinaga's name intact, I'll say you're capable of many things.



From Airhead Kim

Hey hey! Don't put it like that, I needed some help... and I just needed someone who was willing to pull through as that help. And besides, look at the outcome! I'm with the girl of my dreams no thanks to you! You know what they say, 'the end justifies the means' and that's totally so true!



From Dr Ning The Wise

Oh my god, Minjeong that is literally THE Machiavellian quote. Please get your dark triad personality test taken, I can source you one if you like, I have a feeling I know exactly where you fit on that scale.



From Airhead Kim

Oh come on Ningning, don't pretend you weren't dying to find out if things worked out between Jimin and I.



From Dr Ning The Wise

Just never use that tactic again please. Next time, just tell the girl and communicate with her about how you feel and what you want, instead of putting your poor bestfriend through another whole shenanigan on her only day off. 



From Airhead Kim

You're right, you're right, sorry. I won't do it again, I promise, I really was just desperate at the time...  I'll treat you to a steak dinner to make up for it?



From Dr Ning The Wise




From Airhead Kim

Two steak dinners!



From Dr Ning The Wise

Make that three and all with a bottle of wine, of my choice. Goodbye now. I still have work to do.



And with that last message sent. The woman once again settled her phone down, before going right back onto her laptop to skim through her next client's profile.



It was her last patient of the day... and if things go smoothly she might even be able to finish her day an hour early!



So with a dash of excitement, the doctor proceeded to open up the profile....



Only for her eyes to widen in absolute shock.. just by reading this person's name...



"No. ing. Way." 



And as if on cue, the door opened to reveal her last patient of the day, coming in exactly ten minutes earlier than she needed to. 



But it wasn't just any regular person that passed through that door...



Because this person wasn't regular at all.



She is a freaking celebrity.



Ningning's first celebrity crush since the very beginning.




"Hello there~~~" Uchinaga Aeri greeted as she entered, a bright smile lighting up her face. "Sorry for arriving early, um..." She squinted to read Ningning's name badge. "Ah, Doctor Ning, just the person I was looking for! You see, not too long ago, someone slipped a business card through the crack of the window in my car while I was sleeping in it. It landed right on my forehead and woke me up in quite a shock. I never caught the person, they must've run off... so at first, I thought it was a prank, but I ended up looking up this clinic out of curiosity. I thought maybe it was a sign from the universe that I should finally seek some general life advice. I don't usually share my feelings much, as my life's pretty good, but I think it's good to casually unload sometimes. Life's not always smooth sailing, after all..."




During the whole time, Aeri was explaining why she chose this clinic...



Ningning could hardly compose herself. She had to consciously keep her jaw from dropping and also make sure she didn't just start screaming out of nowhere...



Because Ningning was the one who had slipped her clinic's business card into Aeri's car, during the time when she had just left Minjeong's house after collecting the blonde from the hospital.



After bumping into THE Yu Jimin,



After finding THE Uchinaga Aeri, in her friend's car park.




But before she could even say a word, the celebrity, with a naturally curious mind, began walking around her office to take in her surroundings. "Oooh, this is a nice place you have here, doc," she said with a smile. "It sure creates a good atmosphere for your clients to talk about absolutely anything..." Her words, however, trailed off when her gaze landed upon a certain photo that Ningning had decorated on one of her shelves. It was a picture of the doctor, smiling very prettily, holding her university degree. But that wasn't what intrigued her, not entirely anyway. It was actually a certain brunette that stood beside her in the photo.



The hair colour, made her almost miss it, but Aeri was certain.. that person was no other than Minjeong, she looked younger but there was no doubt about it. It was definitely Minjeong... before she had started bleaching her hair that is....



And as if all puzzle pieces began fitting together, Aeri, immediately... began placing those pieces together one by one.. slowly realising.. who may have been the one that pushed this very business card into her car... That one faithful day when she rushed a very worried Jimin to Minjeong's place, under the pretence that the blonde was sick.



With a small smile,



The woman sat down on the therapy couch.



"Well doc" The hostess began "I'm ready for my session now. You charge by the hour correct? Let's not waste anymore precious time then..."



Her words made Ningning swallow a lump down from .... just why in the world did she have to say it like... that.



Never in her life had she been so nervous to work with a client....



"But I do need to ask" Aeri's sudden words made Ningning's eyes snap right back at the woman "Have you ever had a session where the patient asks the questions... and then the therapist does most of the talking whilst the patient listens?" She leans in and chuckled curiously as she asked that question... leaving the doctor even more nervous than she already was... "I guess I'm just more curious to know a little bit about you, than just spouting about mine the whole time"






Isn't life just freaking hilarious sometimes...











After spending quite literally an entire night outside on the grass field, Kim Minjeong finally settled down into her small couch at home, her body exhausted from getting hardly any sleep... but lord does this tiredness feel so good.



It was the most fulfilling exhaustion she had ever experienced in her entire life.



Kissing Jimin all night on the fluffy grass felt better than most cushions she had ever slept on. Staring into each other's eyes as a light pink dusted across both their cheeks and noses, their connection seemingly deepening with each second that passed by...



They didn't want to let go of each that night...



Not one bit. 



But it wouldn't have been wise to keep holding on to each other like that—not in the big wide open, and especially not on top of a cliff that was tens of meters above the ground.



So, like any wise person would do, they took their business back into Minjeong's car.



To put it quite simply, the new couple just couldn't bring themselves to separate....



Being in each other's touch had become a newfound addiction for them, a constant need they just had to fulfill.




Their heated make out sessions eventually migrated from the grass to standing on their own two feet. Moving in sync with each other, they backed up a couple of meters until Jimin's back was pressed tightly against Minjeong's car. Their tongues battled for dominance, but who would've thought... it was the shorter woman who emerged victorious in that little skirmish.



Unknowingly after that... somehow... Minjeong managed to unlock the car door without ever breaking their kiss. Then, in a seamless motion, the car door swung open, and before they knew it, Jimin found herself pushed onto the car seat, pulling her blondie right on top of her in desperation, their desire for each other igniting like wildfire.



And then...



Let's just say... right after...



Things eventually....



DID NOT proceed any further than their passionate make outs [you erts ;D]...



Minjeong, feeling lightheaded, reluctantly broke away first, gasping desperately for air, followed by Jimin.



For a moment, they just stared at each other like that, their chests rising and falling rapidly with each breath..



Minjeong's probably thought this about a million times by now, but Yu Jimin, seriously... SERIOUSLY just makes her feel so freaking starstrucked.... No matter at what setting, at what angle, what context, what weather, whether it was raining, sunny, night-time or like right now in the tight confines of this car... Jimin will always remain the same to her...






Inside and out...




The way the older's eyes were half-open, how her cheeks were coloured so prettily, the way her left mole looked just above her chin, and the way her lips looked so voluptuously plump after Minjeong had been nibbling on them for so long...




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stray_zone21 0 points #1
This is by far one of the best, if not, the best winrina fanfic i have ever read
daydreamer37 0 points #2
Chapter 42: wowwww
byulsmoon 0 points #3
Chapter 42: aaaa thank you author for this beautiful story, I will support you when you return with another story, again, thank you for this, take care of yourself author
Dyosabear 0 points #4
Chapter 42: thank you for the lovely story otor!
mysweetstarr 0 points #5
Chapter 42: this has been one of the best winrina stories I've read 😭 i promised myself to read it slowly but i ended up reading the whole lot in one go because of how amazing this was written. cant wait for the next one but don't push too hard and recover first!
Rin_HM 0 points #6
Chapter 42: They're finally married! I'm so happy for them. They finally have a family of their own 😭 and it's all because of the power of the toolkit! Jk hahahaha I really love
Jiminjeong character here. Karina's character development and Winter's patience are admirable.

Author, this is such a wonderful story. I can't believe it finally ended. I'm looking forward to more of your work.❤️
Antothebest 0 points #7
Chapter 42: It's definitely one of the best Winrina stories I've read TT. Thank you so much for being an amazing writer. I don't usually comment much because I speak Spanish. To read the stories, Google Translate translates them very well when it is well written, in fact I am using the translator for this comment hehehe. I hope to continue appreciating your amazing work in the future. Greetings from Latin America 😉
88 streak 0 points #8
Chapter 42: I will always miss the feeling of anticipation everytime this story gets an update 😭 i love them dearly and would gladly reread it over and over again! Thanks for giving us diva and her sunshine manager ❤
Winteeeerrr 0 points #9
Chapter 42: Thank you so much for this work, she is very gentle and has definitely left her place in my heart. At first, the rough Jimin, who eventually opened up and became gentle thanks to Minjong. They found a family and the happiness they deserved after going through so many trials. The author, you are the best, thank you for your story, I have already sat down to translate it and as many people as possible will find out about it!
0 points #10
Chapter 42: i've been reading this since day 1 and now that its finally over made me cry... im so attached to the both of them and im so happy that they finally got the happy ending that they deserve. i love them so much, thank you so much for this beautiful work <333