No sleep

The Diva's Assistant
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"Omg, finally! Can't wait to see these two in action together!"



"They're not just a couple off-screen, they're going to slay as co-leads on-screen too!"



"Literally counting down the days until this movie drops! The chemistry between these two is going to be electrifying!"



"My heart can't handle this level of excitement! Jimin and Jihoon, you're going to crush it!"



"Brace yourselves, folks! The power couple is about to take over the big screen and our hearts! "



"This announcement just made my day! Jimin and Jihoon are going to deliver an unforgettable performance, I can feel it!"




The relentless barrage of social media comments proved too much for Minjeong to handle. With a frustrated sigh, she shuts off her phone... no longer thinking this overwhelming amount of screentime was healthy for her. Unable to keep still whilst sitting on her chair the blonde began restlessly fidgeting on her chair... as she anxiously awaits Jimin's return from the change rooms so they can leave together.



The sheer orchestration of the events that unfolded today and the ones that lead to this point had been achieved so perfectly... not even Minjeong could deny that factor. From the calculated moves of the director to the swift response of the media, it all feels like a long-winded chess game.. and Minjeong was the pawn. 



And just when she thought it couldn't get any worse, an article drops, revealing Jihoon as Jimin's co-star, quite literally the second the director had dropped that bombshell of a news. The blonde checked on her phone for the times.. so she can confirm that as a fact....



It's as if the universe is conspiring against her.



There was no doubt in her mind, that this setup had been meticulously planned for some time now. The secrecy surrounding the announcement was so tight that not even the closest staff members were privy to the surprise until it unfolded before their eyes.



Surprising not just the actors today, but also the entire public...






Well... it did just that didn't it.



It surprised her. 



Actually no, it freaking shocked her....



And now here she was...



Sitting there...



Mind blank... not really sure what in the world she was meant to do whilst she stared into nothing of particular interest... a plunging feeling in her chest that was slowly consuming her...



Well in all honesty... it should be straightforward, shouldn't it?



She shouldn't intervene... there was nothing she should be doing at all...



This relationship, after all, is just a concoction of fiction, a mere facade.... and Jimin still has a job to do.



In fact, this announcement would've done wonders in sparking excitement and anticipation for the already most talked about upcoming film of what felt like the century.



The sudden revelation of Yu Jimin and Kang Jihoon as a couple, cast as lovers in the movie, was a of marketing brilliance. What better way to captivate audiences and create intrigue than with such a bold and unexpected twist?




If anything, Minjeong ought to feel content, even elated, for Jimin's sake. The filming for the movie had barely commenced, still in its preliminary stages, yet Jimin's name was already making waves across the media landscape.



She was garnering more international popularity than she ever had before...



Which meant that all those years of relentless dedication and hard work were finally paying off. 



It should be an exciting time shouldn't it..?



So why...



Why can't Minjeong just feel happy for her...?




Why couldn't she shake off this dreadful feeling weighing on her chest?



Her fidgetting was getting worse an outsider she must've looked like she was shivering....



Finally putting her body to a halt, Minjeong was about to stand up as a means to perform any physical activity as to forget about whatever emotions were taking over her... when her eyes landed on a moving figure that made her way out of the trailer...



"Jimin..." She muttered as she slowly approached the taller cautiously....



The actress watched as Minjeong approached, unsure of what to say or how to react. She had only just found out about Jihoon's co-lead position earlier today with Minjeong herself. The situation felt completely out of her control, it was by no means her fault... but still... she couldn't shake the feeling of guilt for how things had turned out, especially after locking eyes with Minjeong earlier...




They just looked...



So down....


It was the first time today she was able to truly meet Minjeong's gaze... something that had eluded her attention all day...




Even as filming commenced, Jimin found herself unusually distracted. Unable to focus on the job at hand, her gaze wandered between scenes, searching in vain for Minjeong, who was nowhere to be found.




Considering her persistent distraction as she searched for the blonde every free second she had... the action in itself might have even given the director a less than favorable impression of her performance today.



She definitely needed to make up for that next week...



As her girlfriend drew nearer, Jimin's mind raced with a million questions...



She wondered in that moment... what Minjeong's reaction would be.... after literally being slammed in the face with information overload...



Was she going to be angry?









Maybe she'll even be bewildered.. or worse yet.. continue being silent the way she had been all morning...












"Are you alright?"



"What?" Jimin couldn't help but ask in response... her eyes widening slightly... having expected everything but that particular question from her...



"Earlier... it must've been shocking to you... the situation practically put you on the spot.... so I just wanted to make sure you're okay" Minjeong clarified... her eyes carried nothing but crystal clear sincerity...






It was worry....



There was no anger visible from the blonde at all... nor confusion... and whilst sadness was a debatable emotion... there was no doubt about it.. Minjeong was just soley worried about Jimin... that much was clear.. especially in the way her attention was solely fixed onto the actress as her eyebrows furrowed together in concern...



Just how..



How was Minjeong so selfless...



Jimin didn't understand...



"Yeah..." The A-lister's response was barely a whisper, her voice soft and subdued.



"you promise?" Minjeong pressed on... her hands pressing firmly on either side of Jimin's shoulders, guiding her to meet her gaze. She searched Jimin's eyes then as if trying to read Jimin through them...



"I promise, Minjeong," Jimin replied, her words sincere as she didn't pull away from those unwavering gaze....




"Okay." With a gentle release, Minjeong noticed Jimin's exposed shoulder in the chilly night air. Without hesitation, she removed her jacket and draped it over the actress's shoulders. "Let's go then..." Her hand found Jimin's, her grip firm yet reassuringly tight. With a gentle pull, she guided Jimin toward the exit, determined to protect her every step of the way.












"Did you have any idea at all?"



Jimin's head snapped up from staring at her fumbling hands. Once again, she found herself in the car with Minjeong, the familiar silence enveloping them. But just as she thought the day would end in quiet, the blonde's question cut through the air.



"Idea of what?"









The question caught Jimin off guard. It wasn't offensive per se, but she had assumed Minjeong knew she was just as much a part of the surprise as anyone else.



"Of course not. "






"Why would you ask?"

"I don't know."



Minjeong went quiet again after that... but this time Jimin couldn't let her behaviour slide.



"I don't understand." Her impatience rang clear in her tone as she turned to face Minjeong's side profile, though she made an effort to keep her temper in check. "What's going on with you today? Why are you acting like this?"



"And how exactly am I acting?" Minjeong countered.



"Distant, dismissive, cold... like you're constantly giving me the cold shoulder. It's been the whole day. Even this morning before everything happened. It's like you're holding some form of grudge against me, and now you're even asking me about Jihoon. I don't understand, did I do something wrong?"



Even from the side, Jimin could see the slight widening of Minjeong's eyes, though her posture remained unchanged as she continued to drive calmly. Her eyes softened after the brief widening. "I'm just tired."



"I know you're lying to me," 



"I don't know what you're talking about—"



"That, Minjeong." Jimin shifted back around to face the front, unable to maintain her eyes on the blonde any longer. Her arms crossed defensively as she felt her frustration growing. "I'm talking about that. Exactly what you're doing right now. You've been deflecting since this morning, you can hardly even look at me"



"That's because I'm driving," Minjeong retorted defensively.



"Even before that, Minjeong!" Jimin couldn't hold back any longer, her frustration boiling over. "You've been silent all day, and we both know you're never silent... not like this. And that aside, you've just seemed completely disassociated from everything—from me. Are you trying to punish me for something? Are you purposely trying to make me feel like ? I don't understand what's going on, and I never will if you don't tell me!"



"Nothing's going on!" Minjeong's tone began matching Jimin's as if something the older said triggered something within her. "I'm not doing anything!"



"Really then why does it feel like you're pushing me away on purpose!?"



"I'm not!"



"Are too!"



""Why are you suddenly accusing me out of the blue!?" 



"I wouldn't be accusing you of anything if there's nothing wrong Minjeong! And clearly there is something going on! You're holding something against me I can feel it!" To that, Minjeong's foot abruptly slammed on the brakes as she unexpectantly reached a red light, causing the car to screech to a sudden halt.. "Ah-" Jimin heaved, trying to recover from the sudden impact "What!" She was on the verge of yelling at this point, "Are you going to punish my car now too!?"



"Stop saying that Jimin!" And Minjeong wasn't much quieter in response "I'm not punishing anyone or anything!? I really don't like it when say crap like that you know?"



"Oh really now! You think what I'm saying is crap? Well can you kindly explain to me then WHY IN THE DEVILS HAVE YOU BEEN CRAPPY TO ME THE WHOLE DAY THEN!?"



"WELL CAN YOU EXPLAIN TO ME WHY IN THE FREAKING WORLD YOU AND JIHOON ARE STILL DATING!?" BEEEEP "URGH" The blonde stomped on the accelerator after missing the green light... her usually levelled head was wavering completely as the drivers behind her was only pressing on her buttons further. "Look what you made me do!"



Jihoon again?



"ME!?"  Oh Jimin was just beyond herself at this point. Unable to even begin to believe her ears as she turned her neck towards the accusing blonde so quickly she almost got whiplash "Are you serious right now! YOU'RE THE DRIVER HERE MINJEONG"






"NO, pull over now!" Jimin demanded






"NOW!" Out of sheer frustration that Minjeong wasn't just arguing with her now, she was completely ignoring her request, Jimin grabbed the wheel to emphasise her point, which unsurpisingly was not met with a warm welcome. "I SAID NOW!"


"JIMIN!" The blonde had to push the older's hand off. "You're acting crazy right now! Don't push the wheel like that; we could crash-"




"NO! I SAID YOU'RE ACTING CRAZY, ACTING JIMIN- URGHHH- FINE." Frustratingly giving in, the blonde pulled over to the side before turning to face her now VERY angry girlfriend. "What!?"



"WHAT!?" Jimin's eyes darted to the side and then back in disbelief. "What do you mean what!? Explain yourself, Minjeong! What do you mean by Jihoon and I are still dating?"


"Do I need to explain? Is it not self-explanatory enough, you and Jihoon are in a loving, committed relationship," she said in a rather childish, mocking voice before returning to her abrasive, sarcastic tone. "Everybody knows that!"



"Everybody knows what!? Minjeong, did blonde bleach actually leak into your brain this time? You're talking nonsense. You know Jihoon and I's relationship is all a ruse. Why are you mentioning this to me now all of a sudden?"



"BECAUSE NO ONE ELSE THINKS IT'S A RUSE JIMIN! Everyone is talking about it! not just on your movie set, but all over social media too. EVERYONE JIMIN!"



"That's because our companies released the statements so people would think that! You were there for it!"



"I know! I know it's the statements, and that's what's driving me freaking insane! They said two months, and it's been way beyond that. Why hasn't anything been said!?"



"I don't know, Minjeong. I don't, OKAY! But with what has transpired now, there's no point in thinking about that now!"



"AND WHY NOT, and let's not even forget about the way you let him grab you today... the way you laughed with him, and acted all cute and cuddly," Minjeong's voice tightened with a mixture of hurt and frustration as she recalled the scene, "like you guys are actually a couple."



"MINJEONG, I had to— they already released the official statement that we would be playing the roles together— I—" Jimin's tone was strained with exasperation. "IT'S FAKE, OKAY? IT'S ALL FAKE!"



"But everyone else thinks it's real!"



"Who cares about what anyone else thinks!?!"






Those words hung heavily in the air... In that moment, it felt as though their entire world was teetering on the edge of something unknown, something uncertain. And neither of them knew how to find their way back.



Jimin just remained seated there...



stunned by the force of Minjeong's outburst... of how loudly she had just yelled at her....



But more importantly.... completely shocked by the accusation made within that outburst.




"Do... do you think that lowly of me, Minjeong?" Jimin's voice trembled with hurt, her eyes reflecting the pain she felt.



The blonde's eyes widened immediately, realizing her mistake. "Jimin..."



but the damage was already done.



"I'm going to uber home." Jimin declared, her tone heavy with resignation.



"No-" Minjeong was about to grab the woman who had just unbuckled her seat belt, but Jimin avoided her grasp.



"If you even think about stopping me, Minjeong, I swear to the devil himself, I'll make sure your life become a living hell," Jimin threatened, her words sharp and final. With that, she slammed the car door shut and walked away, leaving Minjeong stunned and speechless.












"DAMNIT," Minjeong's fist collided with the side of the door as frustration boiled within her after Jimin had left.



She was angry—so, so angry—but not with Jimin. It was directed inward, a seething fury at herself for allowing the argument to escalate this far. For hurting Jimin with baseless accusations in a moment of emotional frenzy.



She had taken it too far...



It was her fault...



I screwed up.. I screwed up big time...











"Jimin!" Minjeong's voice echoed through the hallway as she dashed out of her car and pushed open the front door of the actress's mansion...



The woman to this day, doesn't actually have a key to the place at all—never had needed one, as she and Jimin always entered and left together.



So the fact that the door was left unlocked for her right now....



Let's just say it gave her a little tinge of hope through her anxiousness.



"Jimin-" She tried to call out again, but her voice faltered, drowned out by the resounding slam of a door from upstairs.



At least I know she's home and safe...



Letting out a heavy sigh,

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2186 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 42: thank you for finishing this story authorㅠ.ㅠ
narutoaespaa 0 points #2
Chapter 42: the ending was so beautiful i think i shed a tear
Aeri_chan 0 points #3
Chapter 42: And thats a one beautiful wrap🥰🥹 thank you otor nim. And hope you recover fully🫰
897 streak 0 points #4
Chapter 42: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Taitai84 1233 streak 0 points #5
Chapter 42: The fake out of the wedding was cute, and it helped to make the actual wedding description to be shorter.

How cute that they found make up to work for them, these two very stubborn individuals. Hence I can imagine how stubborn their daughter would be! And minjeong happily being their assistant forever.
SSERAITZ 11 streak 0 points #6
Chapter 42: This is such a cute and beautiful ending, thank you for creating this fic 🩷🩷
0 points #7
Chapter 42: ❤️❤️❤️💙💙😭😭
0 points #8
Chapter 42: This is so beautiful. Thank you for creating such a wonderful story. your writing is amazing 💞
Sakunako08 0 points #9
Chapter 42: A beautiful ending my god i cried. Im so happy for them. They deserve this so much. Thank you for this!
382 streak 0 points #10
Chapter 42: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭