Move it

The Diva's Assistant
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"M-move in with you?"



"Yes, I have plenty of space... more than enough.. it gets lonely sometimes... just come and stay with me from now on" 


Minjeong sprawled out on her couch like a starfish, her eyes fixed on the ceiling lights flickering above, as she grasped onto her chest that was thumping so erratically, she swears it was about to break free from her ribcage. 






The woman could practically feel the bouncing in her palm as her heart showed no signs of slowing down against her hand...



One might say she was acting rather over dramatic in this very instance...



It was just a mere suggestion after all... An offer of a rather indicative solution to one of Minjeong's very big problem....







It was more like a declaration really...




She had never seen Jimin being so certain whilst saying something like that before...




Well to be fair, she's never heard Jimin say anything of the kind to her.. PERIOD.




And Minjeong appreciated it... she really did...




But move in with her?




She couldn't help but acknowledge the sheer practicality of it all. After all, let's face it, she's practically got a full-time job just managing the rollercoaster ride that is Jimin's unpredictable schedules. Being closer would definitely streamline the chaos, not to mention save her a pretty penny in rent. But then again...




At the end of the day..




Regardless of the convenience, logic, or any other angle you try to spin this...




She'd be cohabiting with Jimin...




LIVING with her...




Spending her day-to-day with the one and only JIMIN...




Her super smart, beautiful, talented, bossy, and Diva girlfriend...




But also...




We're talking about JIMIN!




Don't get the blonde wrong.. she was happy... really happy... she was genuinely thrilled that Jimin had proposed such an arrangement. Just the idea of waking up next to the actress's ethereal, sleepy morning expressions sent shivers down her spine, a tantalizing mix of excitement and apprehension.




But of course, Minjeong being Minjeong, couldn't help but overthink and began to fixate onto every tiny detail...




They had only just affixed the label to their relationship; the glue had hardly dried yet. So, the idea of moving in together like this... Minjeong couldn't help but wonder if it was too fast. Were they speeding ahead too quickly? But then again, what did it even mean to move too fast in a relationship?




She pondered the negative connotations attached to taking the next step too swiftly. should it really be frowned upon when human beings as individuals are so different from each other... wouldn't their relationships also progress differently? Surely, there was a point to it. You wouldn't want to live together with someone you'd just met and barely begun dating, right?




But for Jimin and her... hadn't they been dancing around each other long enough already? Having literally been managing Jimin's life for so long now.... Minjeong felt like she knew the actress better than anyone else.




She's practically got a PhD in Jimin-ology, for crying out loud! She's memorized all of the actress's pet peeves like they're her own social security number. Things Jimin hates? Check. Things Jimin loves? Double check. She knows Jimin from her favourite colour... to even the way the girl likes to tie her shoelace (Because Minjeong had to tie it for her a lot recently). It's like she's living in Jimin's brain rent-free, and honestly, it's getting a little crowded in there. But hey, she wouldn't have it any other way... Besides, the very knowledge that Jimin despises the sound of people chewing with their mouths open or that she has an inexplicable fear of anything living with wings on them from a six foot radius, was just another part of Jimin's character that the blonde had fallen heads over heel for.




Anyway her point is.... The move in would make sense... at least to her... she felt like it definitely wasn't out of the question...




But despite the logic behind it, Minjeong couldn't shake the unease bubbling in her stomach. It was as if she feared that this move could unleash a Pandora's box of potential issues. What if Jimin saw too much of her? Not just the polished version she presented, but the messy, imperfect side as well? The thought made her squirm uncomfortably.




What if she accidentally revealed some quirk or habit that Jimin might found irritating? What if they clashed in ways they never had before, now that they'd be sharing the same space day in and day out? What if... what if...




What if this move ended up driving a wedge between them instead of bringing them closer together? The mere thought of losing Jimin over something like this was enough to make Minjeong's heart sink. She couldn't bear the idea of losing the woman she'd grown to care for so deeply.




Not one bit.




And also, to address an even bigger elephant in the room....




Lately, Minjeong couldn't ignore the undeniable fact that her feelings for Jimin had reached an all-time high. It seemed that every time she laid eyes on the older woman, her cheeks would flush crimson and her heart would race like a marathon runner on steroids. The desire to be close to Jimin—to touch her, to feel her warmth—was almost overwhelming. And now, the prospect of being with her 24/7 was both exhilarating and terrifying.




The truth was, Minjeong wanted to be close to Jimin constantly, always. It was like a persistent nagging at the back of her mind, urging her to seek out the actress's presence at every opportunity.




But with this newfound proximity, Minjeong couldn't help but wonder: What if her feelings intensified even further? What if she couldn't control herself around Jimin now that they'd be living under the same roof? The mere thought made Minjeong's pulse quicken even more, and she found herself caught in a whirlwind of excitement and apprehension.




What if Minjeong just explodes....



Feeling the weight of indecision bearing down on her, Minjeong glanced at her watch, realizing that time was slipping away. If she wanted to make it to her new part-time job on time, she knew she'd have to make a decision—and fast.




But as she stared at her phone, knowing that Jimin was waiting on the other end for her answer....




Minjeong just doesn't know what to do anymore....




God damnit heart, could you just calm down for 5 seconds so I can think straight?











Minjeong wasn't calling her...




She wasn't even texting her...




Heck she didn't even give her a definitive answer when they were in her car right as Jimin had 'oh so generously' handed Minjeong a golden pass to relieve her financial burden...




The girl just stared at her with wide eyes...




Before went off again into some kind of panic ramble in which Jimin couldn't decipher one meaning from...




And now here she was... back home, not knowing if Minjeong was even going to go through with answering her at all...




Minjeong's reaction—or lack thereof—had left her feeling perplexed and slightly anxious. Was she overthinking things? Had she misjudged Minjeong's feelings?




With each passing minute, Jimin's mind raced with a million questions, but she couldn't find any answers. It was as if the blonde's silence had cast a shadow over their relationship, leaving Jimin in a state of limbo.




She paced back and forth in her apartment, her thoughts swirling like a whirlwind. Should she reach out to Minjeong again? Wait for her to make the next move? Or maybe she should just accept that Minjeong wasn't ready to take that step yet.




As the hours dragged on, Jimin found herself checking her phone obsessively, hoping for a message or a call.. But each time she glanced at the screen, it remained stubbornly blank, adding to her growing sense of unease.




Smartly enough however, with a strategic move, The A-lister had set a deadline for Minjeong after not receiving the response she had hoped for. If Minjeong chose to go to her new job, it would effectively signal her rejection of Jimin's proposition. Initially, Jimin had imposed this deadline with confidence, convinced that Minjeong would make the right decision.




However, as the clock continued to tick and Minjeong remained silent, Jimin's initial confidence began to waver. With each passing moment leading up to Minjeong's first shift...



She didn't see an issue initially with her offer...




Minjeong had an issue.




Jimin solved it.




And maybe on a side note... she wanted to the blonde around more often too.... Ever since the day Minjeong had come over to take care of Jimin's sick self... it had turned into a permenantly saved memory she couldn't stop picturing...




But now she was second guessing her actions completely.




What if it was too soon?




What if her words had outrun her thoughts this time?




Did she come on too strong?




And worst of all, what if Minjeong felt overwhelmed and backed away because of it?












That blonde may be an idiot at times... a cute golden retriever idiot... but come on... this is black and white here ... Jimin didn't even mention rent! The offer was completely free of charge! Minjeong would be utterly bonkers to slave away just to afford some mediocre apartment when this opportunity was on the table.




"Minjeong...." Jimin muttered to herself, perched on the edge of her bed, her eyes fixed on the phone screen beside her. "You better make the right decision."




With just five minutes remaining until the start of Minjeong's shift, Jimin couldn't help but feel a tinge of anxiety. She hadn't anticipated Minjeong would wait until the last minute to respond, but surely she would receive a call or at least a text from her soon.



She starts to rock back and forth, a nervous habit she hasn't indulged in for years.




Attempting to distract herself, she opens a game on her phone, but after just 30 seconds, she finds herself staring blankly at her screen again, waiting desperately for a notification to appear.




Setting the phone down, Jimin begins pacing back and forth in her room, hoping to pass the time more quickly. However, she soon realizes that this wouldn't do either as all she found herself doing was anticipating that sound of a ping or buzz...




With a sigh of frustration, she decides to distance herself from her device altogether.




Running down stairs... she went to her kitchen... and began washing her hands...








Well it was just something to do... something to take her mind off the very fact... that as the clock ticks further... the more likely Minjeong would have silently rejected her offer...




But at the same time, she also yearned for time to pass more quickly—or at least to avoid checking her phone incessantly... so she didn't have to be there for that disappointment... or the likelihood of it anyway... 




Because truthfully... 




So when the time finally arrives.. and she finally picks up her phone again, she hopes to see a text message or a missed call from Minjeong




Surely that would happen.




There is no way Jimin miscalculated.




Her impromptu proposal to the blonde wasn't out of the blue....




Her house was spacious, after all—it could accommodate twenty people. It just made perfect sense.




Minjeong will accept it....




She will right?




No way she just had her expectation up for nothing.




Has it been 5 minutes now?




Should Jimin finally return back up and check if Minjeong's called?








Just a little longer!




She flicks on the television, hoping to distract herself. Yet, nothing manages to capture her interest. She finds herself unable to immerse herself in any storyline presented. Eventually, she settles for anything, resorting to estimating how much time has passed based on the characters' actions.




One conversation roughly equates to a minute, and she's already endured through at least three. Should she continue watching a little longer to increase her odds of avoiding disappointment when she finally checks her phone?









Alright... NO!




Jimin just couldn't hold it in any longer.




There's no way 5 minutes haven't passed already.



She just needed to know if Minjeong had responded




So dashing right back up to her room... Jimin immediately swooped up her phone.




Your name better be on my phone you little golden retriever.





She powered on her screen, keeping her eyes shut for a moment, needing a brief respite. Then, with a deep breath, she opened them, half-expecting to be bombarde

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reveluv316 813 streak 0 points #1
wow i cant believe its finally over
2186 streak 0 points #2
Chapter 42: thank you for finishing this story authorㅠ.ㅠ
narutoaespaa 0 points #3
Chapter 42: the ending was so beautiful i think i shed a tear
Aeri_chan 0 points #4
Chapter 42: And thats a one beautiful wrap🥰🥹 thank you otor nim. And hope you recover fully🫰
897 streak 0 points #5
Chapter 42: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Taitai84 1233 streak 0 points #6
Chapter 42: The fake out of the wedding was cute, and it helped to make the actual wedding description to be shorter.

How cute that they found make up to work for them, these two very stubborn individuals. Hence I can imagine how stubborn their daughter would be! And minjeong happily being their assistant forever.
SSERAITZ 11 streak 0 points #7
Chapter 42: This is such a cute and beautiful ending, thank you for creating this fic 🩷🩷
0 points #8
Chapter 42: ❤️❤️❤️💙💙😭😭
0 points #9
Chapter 42: This is so beautiful. Thank you for creating such a wonderful story. your writing is amazing 💞
Sakunako08 0 points #10
Chapter 42: A beautiful ending my god i cried. Im so happy for them. They deserve this so much. Thank you for this!