
Irene was drying her hair in front of the mirror when she noticed the reflection of a door from behind. It is the same room with hanging pictures before.
Curious, she went in, only to be surprised. Because even though nothing has changed in Seulgi's apartment, a lot has changed in this room.
All the pictures have been rearranged. There are also additional pictures from Seulgi's Haeundae and Bali trip. But above all that, what caught Irene's attention is the new picture frame in the center. It wasn't Joy's anymore. Joy's frame is now on the side. This time the picture is of a woman--although not looking at the camera--that has a heart-melting smile drawn on her face. The shot was taken in a beach-like background.
Irene turned around and saw Seulgi already peeking from the door.
"Oh, um. The, uh, food is ready..." said Seulgi, looking embarrassed.
"What's this, Seulgi?"
"Umm, a picture... of you...?"
"And why do you have a picture of me hanging in here?"
Getting more embarrassed at the situation, Seulgi hugged Irene from behind around her waist and kissed the side of her head.
"Don't I have the right to put my girlfriend's picture in my room?"
Irene smiled as she looks back at her picture. "Since when was this displayed here?"
"Right after the Haeundae trip."
"Yeah. I can't resist putting that picture there. It is a perfect shot. I always love seeing your sweet smile. Always."
"And you always give me another reason to fall for you even more, huh?" Irene turned to Seulgi.
"Of course. Making you fall out of love is the last thing I have in mind. I just hope there won't be a need for me to change that picture again anymore."
Irene cupped Seulgi's face. "Don't worry, you won't."
After dinner (which was not boiled eggs), the couple settled on the couch to watch a romantic comedy film. Irene is sitting upright with Seulgi's head comfortably resting on her lap.
Seulgi woke up after Irene jiggled her. "W-what?"
"Are you seriously going to sleep on me?"
"No, I'm not, I just--" Seulgi sat up. "Oh, I'm sorry. I was too tired. Plus, your hand on my head is very relaxing."
"If I'd known you're just going to sleep early, I should have gone home instead." Irene pouted.
Seulgi wrapped an arm around Irene. "No. I'm not going to sleep yet. We will stay up late watching movies, right?"
"Admit it. You just don't like the movie I picked."
"I-it's not that I don't like it," Seulgi reasoned out. "I was having a terrible headache earlier. I guess I felt relieved after you massaged my head."
Irene twitched in annoyance. "Are you feeling okay now?" she asked, bringing the back of her hand on Seulgi's forehead.
"Yeah. The power nap did the trick, and your massage."
"That's a relief." Irene dropped her hand, causing her big shirt to get pulled down low on one side.
"Oh. y, huh..." said Seulgi, looking at her girlfriend's exposed shoulder and collarbone.
"y what?"
"What's this?" Seulgi leaned over to kiss the exposed shoulder. "Trying to seduce me?"
"." Irene pulled her shirt back up and fixed it so it wouldn't fall. "Why would I seduce you?"
"I don't know. You always had a y and evil plan towards me, right?"
"You're the one who gave this shirt, remember? You're the one with an evil plan here."
"And what's that plan, hmm?" Seulgi pulled Irene closer. "Like woo-hoo?"
"Woo-hoo your face. You don't even know how to kiss yet and you're thinking of woo-hoo already? Gosh, Seulgi. gosh."
Seulgi laughed. "Did you seriously think I'd want to do that now?"
"Well, you looked like a psychopath maniac just a while ago."
Seulgi laughed again, louder this time. Then she wrapped her arms tightly around her girlfriend. "Those things could wait. Believe me or not but holding you close like this is enough for me now."
Irene pulled back to give a sweet contented smile. She reached up and kissed the tip of Seulgi's nose. "Me too."
"Could you tell me why you keep on kissing me but you keep on avoiding my lips?" asked Seulgi.
Irene just flashed out a coy smile as an answer and hid her face in the warm crook of Seulgi's neck.
They turned their attention back to the movie. Seulgi finds the scene uninteresting because the lead characters were just exchanging corny lines with each other. But just when she thought it wouldn't get any better, just when she thought she had completely lost interest, her eyes were suddenly glued to the film after the male lead grabbed his girl by the waist and kissed her tenderly. The kiss eventually became passionate as the characters continued to make out under the full moon.
Seulgi's throat dried up. This is the first time she felt uneasy watching a kissing scene. It's not because it's a bad kiss, but it is because she felt her girlfriend's body stiffened against hers.
As if on cue, they both look at each other at the same time, making them feel totally awkward.
Truth is Seulgi's been thinking of kissing Irene the moment they got together. She's not just pushing it because Irene might not be ready for it yet, and she wants to take things slow for now. Although other things could wait to happen sometime in the future. But yeah, the thought of kissing those voluptuous lips had never left Seulgi's imagination since day one.
When she couldn't take it anymore, Seulgi stood up. She needs to fight the urge for now because she doesn't want to force Irene into it.
"Um... uh... I uh... I'm gonna get us some snacks. What would you like me to get you?"
"Hmm... I'd prefer gummy bears if you have..." said Irene.
"All right. Be back in a while."
"Could you... turn off the lights when you get back?"
Seulgi's mouth fell open. She stood frozen at her spot, suddenly paralyzed by the jolts that run through her spine.
Seulgi started fidgeting and feeling nervous about it. It may be not that obvious because she's being cocky all the time, but she is as equally inexperienced as Irene about these types of things. She started getting worried if she could even do it properly.
"Uh, yeah, sure," Seulgi confirmed.
Seulgi head straight to the fridge without knowing what exactly she needs to get. She took out a pitcher, quickly filled a glass full, and drank it straight to the bottom.
She leaned over the counter, staring at Irene who's still busy watching the movie. Seulgi clenched her fists thinking if tonight should be the night.
"Damn. I shouldn't screw this one!"
Seulgi went back with some snacks and sweets in a bowl, turning off the lights before sitting beside her girlfriend.
"How are you feeling?" asked Seulgi, feeding Irene a gummy bear.
Irene wrapped her arms around Seulgi's waist, still occupied with the movie. "Just fine."
It was dark all over the place. Seulgi stared at Irene as she's no longer in the mood to watch the movie. Seeing Irene getting amused is a far better view compared to the movie itself.
Then she started feeling lightheaded. Seulgi's not sure if it's because of the romantic ambiance that hangs around the room or if it's because of the calming sound of the rain outside. What's clear to her now is she's already bombarded with the thought this is the perfect moment for them to kiss.
Seulgi leaned down to plant a kiss on Irene's head, making the latter look up to her to give a quick sweet smile.
"I love you," Seulgi whispered.
Irene looked back at her. "I love you too."
"No, I'm seriously in love with you..." said Seulgi, putting down the bowl on the table.
A confused chuckle escaped Irene's throat. "Are you all right?"
"Mmm-mmm. Come here, check this out," said Seulgi, guiding Irene's head to her heart.
Irene's eyes widened after she felt Seulgi's shallow breath and fast heartbeat through her shirt. "Seulgi, what's wrong?"
"It's nothing, don't worry."
"No, you're not fine." Irene brought a hand to touch Seulgi's forehead. "My gosh, Seulgi, you're cold!"
Seulgi caged Irene's hands in between hers. "Hey, don't worry. I'm fine, I really am..."
"Are you sure?"
"Y-yeah, I'm just... just nervous..."
"N-nervous? W-why?"
"Um... because..."
Instead of finishing her sentence, Seulgi touched the smooth skin of Irene's temple, letting her hand slide down to the cheek. The light illuminating from the TV helped her see Irene's face amidst the darkness.
Slowly, so damn slowly, Seulgi leaned towards Irene in hesitation, making sure it was okay to kiss her. She moved gradually until she could feel Irene's breath on her face. Seulgi's whole body is shivering and her breath is shaking.
She knows she needs to do this now. Otherwise, she'll surely regret it for not even trying.
As if the stars were all conspiring to make it happen tonight, Irene gave the most sensuous response by closing her eyes in assent.
That's when Seulgi felt like her heart will explode. She closed her eyes and readied herself for what will happen next.
It's too late to turn back.
Seulgi let her feelings took over as she finally closed the gap between their lips.
... ... ...
... ... ... ...
... ... ... ... ...
Aside from the sound of the rainfall echoing outside, and the dialogue in the movie, the silence continued to drift between them. Nobody moved. Both were trapped in a state where everything is wonderful and dreamy.
Seulgi felt a tingling sensation all over her body. Her mind ceased functioning for a time being. It's one of the purest moments she had experienced in her entire life.
Irene's lips were velvet-smooth; it felt soft and squishy, wet, and warm. Seulgi never knew that it's possible for someone to feel lost and complete at the same time.
When she finally filled herself with Irene's softness, Seulgi slowly pulled back, enough to part their lips and gaze upon her girlfriend. But before Seulgi could even take a full breath in, Irene drags her head back in a swift to press their lips again. This time it wasn't simple. It was a full, committed kiss; no hesitation, no reservation. It was slow and gentle. There is tenderness as their lips are being pressed together time after time.
Seulgi doesn't know how they're doing it but she knows they're doing it right. They started to have their own rhythm as they kept squeezing each other's lips. She felt so much closer to Irene because of it.
They slowly pulled away after a minute and leaned against each other's forehead.
"Did I do it right?" asked Irene, concerned.
"I... I think you were amazing," said Seulgi, pulling back to look at her girlfriend.
"I think it's addictive."
"Really? I thought that you're not ready for this yet. If I had known I should've done this earlier."
Irene pinched Seulgi's nose. "It's because you're slow."
"Who's slow, huh?" said Seulgi, squeezing Irene's ribcage, making the latter squeal 'you'. "What did you say, huh? What did you say?"
"Stop! Stop!" Irene grabbed Seulgi's hands and wrapped them around her waist to save herself from more tickling. "In case you've forgotten, this wouldn't happen if I hadn't woke you up."
"I wasn't sleeping, okay? I just dozed off for a while."
"Hmp. I practically gift-wrapped myself to you and you were just planning to sleep on me? Ugh."
Seulgi raised an eyebrow at the newfound information. "Wow. So, you really planned this?"
"Not really planned, but yeah, I will be mad at you if you won't kiss me tonight."
"You should have told me that directly."
"And why would I do that? Shouldn't you be the one who'll make the first move?" Irene scowled, rolling her eyes.
"Of course, I know that, Princess," said Seulgi, pulling Irene for another kiss. It's more relaxed more natural this time.
"Why are you smiling?" asked Irene in between their kisses.
"It's because your lips are sweet..."
"Stop the sweet-talking, Seulgi."
"No, I'm serious. Your lips are literally sweet. It's like um..."
"Uh... cherry?" Seulgi glanced at the bowl on the table. "Is it because of the gummy bears?"
Irene laughed. "Cherry? Oh gosh. No, it's not the gummy bears, honey."
"Then what is it?"
"Remember our project before, the cherry-flavored edible lipstick?"
Seulgi's jaw dropped.
"I bought one before we went to Haeundae, remember? I'm still using that until now."
Seulgi brought a hand to her face in amazement. "Wow. Just wow."
"Hmm-mmm. So, I guess it really tastes like a cherry, huh? You like it?" asked Irene.
"Are you kidding? Like is hardly the word for it." Seulgi leaned over, pausing halfway to smile. "It just makes me crave for more."
The soothing sound of the steady rain outside is calming Seulgi into a deep, relaxing slumber.
She knew it is morning but there's no way she's going out of bed early.
She felt Irene curled up beside her, back pressed against her chest, her head comfortably resting on Seulgi's arm. Seulgi spooned her closer by tenderly covering Irene's waist with her other arm.
She rested her chin against the top of her girlfriend's head and smiled as the rhythm of the rainfall lulled her back to sleep.
Ring... ring... ring...
Seulgi doesn't know whose phone is ringing but she knows it's definitely not hers. She's not even sure if it's real or if she's just dreaming until Irene sat on the bed to answer the phone.
Irene stood up to walk out of the room. Seulgi forcibly opened her eyes just to get a glimpse of Irene's back with her blouse pulled down again on one side, exposing her shoulder. Seulgi smiled at the view but is immediately sent back to dreamland.
Seulgi doesn't know how long the call took. After some time, she felt a movement on Irene's side of the bed. And then out of nowhere a body landed on top of her.
"Wake up, wake up, wake up..."
Seulgi felt her world shaking as Irene wiggles her head. "Umm..."
"Honey, wake up now," said Irene again, giving a quick cheek kiss.
"Uh... why is the baby up so early...?" Seulgi grunted, bringing her arms around Irene's waist.
"It's not early. It's already nine in the morning."
"But I'm still sleepy."
"Get up now and take a shower. We're going out."
"It's too early to go out, baby. Can we just do it by lunch? I still want to sleep..."
"It can't wait. You need to dress up now because we need to go somewhere."
Seulgi's furrowed her brows. "Where?"
"My mom called. She said she'll cook lunch for us. She wants to meet you today."
And Seulgi was sleepy no more.
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64 streak #1
Chapter 51: WE CHEER
64 streak #2
Chapter 50: Im happy I guess
64 streak #3
Chapter 49: hahshshs cutie
64 streak #4
Chapter 48: Cute
64 streak #5
Chapter 47: I smile
64 streak #6
Chapter 43: Go Wendy!!
64 streak #7
Chapter 42: LOL
64 streak #8
64 streak #9
Chapter 37: Irene i hate you, why are you doing this?
64 streak #10
Chapter 34: Ahhhhhhh noooo 4 days without the lovey dovey