
Irene has been zoning out after that call with Seulgi.
She felt excited and worried.
Excited, because she also wanted to clarify the real deal between them. But at the same time, she's afraid that talk will lead them to cross the line. She's sure she won't be able to hold herself back any longer.
But what would happen if her mom finds out? She knows there's no way her mom would accept something like that.
In the middle of her musing, Irene noticed an unfamiliar black car parked in front of their house.
"I can smell a new suitor here," she said, kissing her mom who met her after she entered the gate.
"Shh. Lower your voice. I met this new client this morning. We're going out with him for dinner." The older woman pulled Irene inside.
"We? Why do I still have to come along? You don't need a chaperone to watch over you."
"No more questions." The older lady pushed Irene into the house. "You look okay with your attire. You entertain him first while I go get dressed. Okay?"
"Sure." Irene couldn't help but feel more excited for her mom. She shook her head as she watched her mom strode upstairs.
She looked around and noticed a tall-slender image standing in their living room. The guy's busy looking at the picture frames, an opportunity Irene didn't pass to observe him a little more. He's in a white long sleeve polo, black fitted slacks, a coat over one arm.
She has to admit, that back looks handsome. Irene's glad her mom still has a good taste in men.
The sound of her heeled shoes tapping across the tiled floor made the guest turn around.
"Hey," he said with a smile.
Irene's mouth fell agape when she found herself staring at those familiar eyes. "Bogum?"
"Uh. Yeah? What's with the shocked face?" He chuckled.
"Uh... I'm surprised to see you here..."
"It surprised me too to see your mom earlier." Bogum glanced at the pictures one last time before turning back to Irene. "We hired them as our new supplier. I was tasked to do the meeting with them. Didn't know your mom works there. She asked me if I have a date tonight. I said none. Then she invited me out."
As if on cue, Irene's mom appeared. "Kids, mind if you go alone tonight? I'm having a terrible headache."
Irene rolled her eyes, knowing perfectly what's on her mom's mind.
"Are you going to be all right if we leave you alone?" asked Bogum. "We can just cancel the dinner so Irene here could look after you."
Irene blushed hearing Bogum call her name. She remembered Minho and him calling her Tiny when they were younger.
The older lady waved a hand. "I'm gonna be fine, son." She went over to Irene and winked, pretending to fix her daughter's collar. "You two enjoy yourselves, okay?"
Irene glared at her mom. "This is awkward, Mom."
"You said you don't have a boyfriend, right?" whispered her mom. She turned to Bogum. "If it's fine with you, Bogum?"
"Yeah. It's... it's fine. As long as it's okay with Irene too."
Irene saw her mom's triumphant smile and knew she can't escape this setup anymore. "Yeah. Sure. I'm cool with that."
"Oh. Good." Bogum glanced at his wristwatch. "Shall we?"
"I sincerely apologize if everyone mistook you for my girlfriend." Bogum shook his head as he pours salt on his food. "I swear if your mom didn't ditch us this wouldn't seem like a romantic date."
Irene chuckled. "I don't mind. Can't blame them. It's the time of the year."
Bogum puffed his cheeks. "Yeah. This is the place where we usually hold meetings with our clients so we're pretty much friends with the staff. I believe this is the first time they had seen me alone with a woman."
"Oh. So, that's where their excitement came from."
Bogum smiled and put down the salt shaker. "Are you sure nobody's going to kill me for having dinner with you tonight?"
"Nobody that I'm aware of," said Irene, slicing her steak. She heard Bogum chuckle. "Seriously. I don't have a boyfriend."
"Oh. Enjoying your individuality?"
"You could say that. I don't know. Honestly, I'm not really a big fan of dating."
"Being single has its perks." Bogum brought a slice of steak into his mouth. "It is something I'm also enjoying at the moment."
"I can't imagine Minho saying that."
Bogum laughed. "That dude cannot stay single even for a minute only. I already lost count on how many girlfriends he introduced to us."
Irene continued to observe the man in front of her. He looks more relaxed and vibrant now compared to how he was during New Year's Eve. Irene is glad they're conversing naturally now even though this is the first time they've been alone.
"I never knew that you can be talkative," said Irene.
"Do I always seem boring to you?"
"Not really boring but, you know, just a little harder to read compared to Minho."
"Well, we won't be able to enjoy this dinner if I won't talk, right?"
"You're right. Maybe I'm just used to seeing you with that mysterious aura all the time."
Bogum covered his mouth with the tablecloth as he laughs. "Should I take that as a compliment?"
"Well, you should. Being mysterious can sometimes be attractive."
Bogum smirked. "You think so?"
It's just now that Irene realized what she said. "I mean... there are some girls who really prefer mysterious guys over the talkative ones, right?"
"Maybe... maybe..." Bogum shrugged. "Since we're already in this, why don't you tell me what happened to you after we met on New Year's Eve?"
Irene looked around the room, trying to recall anything from these past few months.
"Nothing really special. I'm still working in the same office, taking care of the interns."
"No tripping or whatever?"
"I went to Haeundae last month with a friend."
Bogum's face lit up. "Ahh. Yeah. That place is awesome."
"Yes, it is."
The place is indeed a paradise. But Irene seemed to remember only the moments she had there; the Joy issues, Sungjae's kindness, Amber's words of wisdom, especially moments with Seulgi.
"You sure it's just a friend?" asked Bogum.
"You said you went out with a friend, right? You sure that person is only a friend?"
Irene blinked. "Yeah. Why?"
"I dunno. Your mood just changed when you mentioned that friend of yours."
Irene went back to her stake. "How about you, what happened to you after New Year's Eve?"
"Honestly, it wasn't easy." Bogum sighed. "I'm not sure if you do remember, but my dad was correct when he said I recently broke up with my long-time girlfriend."
"Oh. I'm sorry to hear that," said Irene. "Was it a bad breakup?"
"It was, for me." Bogum nodded. "She was my girlfriend for five years and I just can't believe everything's over like that... just... just in a snap." He snapped his fingers. "Yoojung is the outgoing type of person. I was the opposite. She started having issues with my dullness and I guess she just wants some adventure that I'm not capable of giving her."
"You took it the hard way?" asked Irene.
"I did. I've been crying every night for the first few weeks," admitted Bogum with a chuckle. "It's just recently that I was able to regain myself again. But yeah. It serves as a lesson to me. To lessen my boringness next time."
Irene smiled. "You're not as boring as you think you are. You just haven't found your right puzzle piece for you yet."
Bogum stared at her for a moment and smiled. "Thanks."
"How was it?" the older lady asked when Irene entered the house. Her mom's in the living room, watching TV. "Did you guys have fun?"
Although Irene always imagined that it would be awkward to be alone with Bogum. Surprisingly, everything went well tonight.
"I had fun... I guess... I just don't know about him," said Irene.
"Are you worried that you bore him?"
"No. Not really."
"Do you think he likes you?"
Irene grunted. "Mom, I still haven't forgiven you for setting me up for a date."
"I thought you enjoyed it?"
"I did."
"Then what's the matter?"
Irene brought her palms to her cheeks. "It's just embarrassing. I think he knows that you set us up."
"Isn't it a good sign that he stayed even though he felt it was a setup?"
"He only stayed because he can't say no to you."
"I believe you got it wrong, sweetie," said her mom, shifting on the couch. "I got him to say yes when I told him I'll invite you over."
"Mom, I know you like him but you're being delusional."
"I'm not being delusional."
"You are."
"Are you telling me you don't like him anymore?"
Irene was about to answer but the news on the TV caught her attention.
'Authorities have received reports of some flooding and landslides after the storm made landfall in Indonesia.'
Irene stared blankly at the TV, somewhat worried about the person who's been the reason behind her unexplainable feelings.
She didn't like what her mom did because she felt like she was betraying Seulgi for going out with Bogum tonight. And the fact that she enjoyed their little date made her feel worse.
"I'm not forcing you to him," said her mom, breaking Irene's thoughts. "I just want you to give yourself a chance, to be with the right one for you."
"Are you're saying he is the right one for me?" Irene pointed at herself.
"What I'm saying is you should try letting some men in your life. You always reject anyone who tries to court you."
"It's because we don't click. You know that mom," said Irene. "It's not like I never tried going out with them. And if I remember it correctly, you liked none of those guys too, right?"
The older lady sighed. "But I like this one now. I've known him since your diaper days so I'm comfortable with the idea of you going out with him. And don't you think there's a reason we met today, why you both met again today?"
"But, Mom--"
"You wouldn't know if he's the right guy for you if you wouldn't try it with him, right?"
Irene's shoulders fell at the term 'the right guy for you'.
She reiterated the statement in her mind as she turned her attention back to the TV. She knows no matter how much she likes Seulgi now it won't matter because her mom will never agree to it.
On the other hand, Bogum has already gotten a ticket for her mom's approval.
"We don't even know if he likes me or not," said Irene instead.
"Then why don't we make a deal? If Bogum comes back here and asks you for a date, you'll try to go out with him. If he doesn't then I would never set you up with another guy, okay?"
Irene stared at her mom for a few seconds, trying to sense if she's serious about it. "Why are you doing this, Mom?"
"Because I know that there's a part of you in there that still likes him. Just give it a try. Who knows, you might thank me after this."
Irene didn't have to think it thoroughly. She knows Bogum hasn't fully moved on from his ex-girlfriend. Although at some point she still likes him, she's not hoping for anything. If what happened earlier happened a long time ago, she would be the happiest girl in the world. But things are just different now.
Knowing that the chances of Bogum coming back are slim, Irene agreed.
"Sure, Mom. Deal."
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63 streak #1
Chapter 51: WE CHEER
63 streak #2
Chapter 50: Im happy I guess
63 streak #3
Chapter 49: hahshshs cutie
63 streak #4
Chapter 48: Cute
63 streak #5
Chapter 47: I smile
63 streak #6
Chapter 43: Go Wendy!!
63 streak #7
Chapter 42: LOL
63 streak #8
63 streak #9
Chapter 37: Irene i hate you, why are you doing this?
63 streak #10
Chapter 34: Ahhhhhhh noooo 4 days without the lovey dovey