
The moment they arrived at the restaurant, Irene noticed how the staff welcomed Seulgi with big smiles, giving Irene an idea that Seulgi is a known regular there.
Their arrival obviously captivated most of the ladies. Some are looking at Sungjae, some are thrilled over Seulgi. Irene can't help but smile to herself each time she sees some glare of disappointments from the female staff as she walked hand in hand with Seulgi.
Sorry ladies, she's Irene's property tonight.
They sat on the couch facing each other by pair. While waiting for their food, the manager and the chef approached Seulgi. Irene noticed how glad they were to see Seulgi there. From what she heard, Seulgi hasn't shown in that restaurant for a month. They even excused themselves to talk to Seulgi alone.
"I'll be right back." Seulgi squeezed Irene's hand as she was about to stand up.
"Sure, enjoy yourself," said Irene. She felt like a baby when Seulgi patted her head before leaving.
Sungjae stood up from his chair too. "Okay. Excuse me for a while, ladies. I need to make a call."
Both Joy and Irene nodded. And just like that, they were left alone at the table.
"The staff here surely loves Seulgi a lot, huh," said Irene, trying to start a little talk.
Joy shakes her head and smiled. "Seulgi is in love with the food here. She goes here twice or thrice a week and he always talks to those two each time we go here before."
Irene took it down in her mental notepad, how Joy kept pointing out the things Seulgi had done with her before.
"What do they usually talk about?"
"It's mostly about food and recipes, which I don't understand." Joy rolled her eyes. "They always try to get Seulgi's point of view on the food. Sometimes it's the other way around, Seulgi is asking them about the food."
"Why are they doing that?"
Joy's eyebrows rose. "Hmm? Didn't you know that Seulgi is a good cook?"
"Really?" Irene blinked. She suddenly remembers the breakfast she had with Seulgi in the office pantry, when she told the latter that she always imagines herself being with someone who loves to cook.
And now she's blushing.
"Yes, she loves cooking a lot. I'm surprised you haven't figured it out yet." Joy chuckled. "If it wasn't for her love of photography, I think she'd get culinary in college instead. She hasn't cooked food for you yet?"
Irene shook her head. "She mentioned she loves cooking, but she only enjoys it if there is someone to share the food with. I've only gone to her apartment once."
Joy looked surprised. "For real? How long have you been together again?"
"J-just recently..." Irene cleared .
"You mean you're not official yet when I came to her apartment last December?"
Irene shook her head no. "I was drunk the night before after a little party. I passed out on our way home. She doesn't know where my address is."
"I see." Joy nodded. "So, Seulgi wasn't lying when she told me you're not her girlfriend, huh?" She crossed her arms over her chest. "Where did you guys met again?"
"In the office. We're on the same floor, just different departments," said Irene, relating things as close as she can to reality.
"So, how was it? I assume there are other girls that are annoyingly trying to get close to her, right? Do you guys fight over that?"
Irene smiled, remembering the fangirls in the office. "There are some girls that are crazy about her. So far, none of them has gotten on my nerves yet."
"I admire your patience and understanding there." Joy waves a finger. "Seulgi's just a ball of... kindness, you know. She easily gets along well with strangers, with everyone. The funny thing about it is, ironically, that's what I hate about her too."
Irene chuckled, realizing that she felt the same way somehow. "She can't just help to be nice."
"Yeah, right? I don't understand how Seulgi grew up like that." Joy shifted her position, leaning over the table. "If you don't mind me asking, how did you two got together?"
"Seulgi and I started out as good friends," said Irene, coming up with an impromptu story, relating it to reality as much as she can. "And as time goes by, it grew deeper until everything was out of our control. It didn't take long before we finally admitted to each other that what we're feeling is mutual. We made it official when she called me on New Year's Eve."
Joy's mouth formed an O shape. Irene intentionally did that, relating their fake love story to what happened with Joy and Seulgi before.
"How long have you known each other?" asked Joy.
"Five months."
"Has Seulgi told you about me?"
"She did. We talked about you that day you came to her apartment."
Joy smiled. "What did she tell you?"
"She told me all about your special friendship with her," said Irene.
"Oh. Doesn't it bother you to know that and be with me now?" asked Joy.
"No. Not at all." Irene smiled. "Seulgi is very open regarding her thoughts about you."
"Do you have issues with how Seulgi handles this?"
"I don't have problems with anything because Seulgi is over you, Joy."
"Oh really." Joy ran her fingers through her hair. "That made me think "
"About?" Irene closed her fists, expecting a blow.
"Don't get me wrong here. I'm just wondering."
"Go ahead."
Joy picked a fork on the side. "Well, it has been more than a year since Seulgi and I last saw each other. I'm pretty sure you knew how long we stayed together in the past. Has she told you that?"
Irene nodded. "She did."
"I'm thinking of the possibilities that could have happened if I'd come back earlier."
"What do you mean?"
Joy arranged back the fork to its original setup before looking at Irene. "You just got together a week ago. And I was wondering if," she pauses, and exhales, "do you think you'd be together if I had shown to Seulgi's apartment a month earlier?"
Irene leaned back against the backrest. The question was hard for her to answer. First, because she and Seulgi aren't real. Second, because she knows it might have been a different story if Joy had come back to Seulgi's life earlier.
Joy had surely paralyzed her with that question. Irene saw her opponent's lips lined a smile of victory.
"Hey. What are you two chatting about?" Seulgi approached them in her best mood, eradicating the war ambiance in the area.
Irene doesn't know what to say. She cuddled Seulgi's arm instead when the latter sat beside her.
Seulgi looked at her. "Is my baby okay?"
Instead of answering, Irene nodded and held Seulgi's hand with hers.
"Are you sure?" Seulgi squeezed Irene's hand.
That's enough to fix Irene's mood. She hooked her chin on Seulgi's shoulder and smiled.
"Guys, it's Joy's birthday next week. Do you want to come with us?" asked Sungjae.
Their food was served shortly after he got back. Over dinner, they had a little discussion about some random stuff like modeling, photography, Singapore, and some throwback memories from Joy and Seulgi's college life.
"Where are you going?" asked Seulgi.
"In Busan. We will take an off to Haeundae beach."
"Umm. No. Sorry." Seulgi glanced at Irene. "Irene and I have plans too."
"Aw. That's too bad," said Sungjae, disappointed.
"Can't you maybe move the plan to some other time so you can go with us?" asked Joy. "C'mon, Seulgi. I haven't seen you for a year and you're gonna ignore me just like that?"
Irene raised an eyebrow.
"I'm sorry guys, can't cancel it," said Seulgi.
"I guess we could come with them," said Irene out of the blue. She knows Seulgi doesn't want to drag her anymore into this mess but she feels competitive and wants to prove something.
Seulgi looked at her. "Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I haven't been there once. Besides, it's your old friend's birthday, right? You wouldn't want to miss celebrating it with her." Irene turned to Joy, flashing a sly smile.
Joy answered with a lopsided smile.
Seulgi looked confused. "But, Irene--"
"Come on, Seulgi. Irene wants to go too. Don't be a killjoy," said Joy.
"Yeah, let's go with them. It'll be just over the weekend," Irene agreed.
Seulgi looked even more confused. "Irene, this is not what we planned for. Remember?"
Irene knew exactly what Seulgi is pointing out. But it's too late to back off now.
"I know. But I want to go with them." Irene glanced at the couple in front of them before touching Seulgi's chin. "Please. Please. Can we?"
Seulgi's answer was a defeated sigh.
Seulgi felt awkward in the car as she drives Irene home. The woman has been silent for a while now.
Seulgi tried to recall her acting earlier, wondering if she overdid something that made Irene feel uncomfortable.
"Are you sure you really want to go with them to Haeundae?" asked Seulgi.
"Yeah. I told you, I haven't been there yet." Irene was looking out the window.
"Maybe we could just go there some other time with the other people in the office?"
Irene turned to her. "Why you are so afraid to be with Joy?"
"I'm afraid of her. I'm worried about you," said Seulgi.
Irene snorted. "If it really hurts you to see them together, then I guess we can cancel the trip with them."
"What?" Seulgi glanced at Irene. "Look. It's not about Joy. You're thinking the other way around."
"Then, who is this all about, me?"
"Yes, it's all about you," said Seulgi, shifting her eyes back and forth the road and Irene. "I'm worried about you. Joy is a nosy person. I'm sure she'll ask you questions about me, about us. Apart from that, we'll still need to pretend we're together if we go out with them. I don't want to drag you anymore with these things."
"Do you have issues with pretending? We seem to have handled it well earlier, right?"
Yeah. It was good because Seulgi wasn't acting there.
"I just don't see the point why we still have to go with them," said Seulgi instead.
"You'd want to go with them, Seulgi. Trust me. Your chick, she's jealous of me. I'm sure that our little acting affected her."
Seulgi was lost for words, not sure if that's what she really wants to happen.
Out of nowhere, Seulgi's phone on the dashboard rang.
"Hello?" Seulgi answered the phone and put it on loudspeaker.
"Hi, bear. Where are you?"
"Oh. Hey, Joy. What's up?" Seulgi threw a quick glance at Irene who's still looking out the window. "I haven't seen you in like thirty minutes, right?"
Joy laughed. "Good thing you haven't changed your number yet."
"I'm surprised you still remember mine."
"Of course, Seulgi, of course. By the way, I'm hearing some feedbacks, am I on loudspeaker?"
"Yup. Forgot my headsets at home."
"Is Irene still there?"
"Oh, hi there, Irene!"
"Hello, Joy..." Irene's voice was back to being cheerful again.
Seulgi felt weirded out, witnessing how Irene changes her mood just like that. "So, why are you calling, chick?"
"Well, Sungjae and I visited Amber's bar tonight. Do you guys want to come over?"
Irene signaled her hand no.
"Um. Irene has other plans," said Seulgi.
"That's too bad. Well, Irene, is it okay if Seulgi will come with us after she drops you home?"
"Yeah, sure. No problem," said Irene. "Just make sure she won't drink any alcohol tonight. She's still driving home."
Seulgi felt giddy inside, trying her best not to smile.
"Don't worry. I'll be the first person to scold her when she takes in alcohol," said Joy.
Seulgi smiled, amazed at Irene's acting skills. "Okay. I'll be there in thirty minutes, chick."
"Sure. Call me when you're here. I'll meet you in the lobby, okay?"
"Got it."
"Thanks, Irene. I'll see you later, Seulgi." After that, Joy hung up.
"Are you sure you're okay to go there alone?" asked Irene while unbuckling the seatbelt. They already arrived in front of her house.
"Amber is there. We'll have fun," said Seulgi. "Besides I don't want to bother you anymore for tonight."
"Just don't drink and drive, okay?"
"I won't." Seulgi raised her right hand.
Irene was about to open the door but she hesitated. "By the way, Joy believes we're really together so don't do something stupid in there, okay?"
"What do you mean?"
"Could you be faithful to me at least if Joy is just watching?"
Seulgi wanted to scream in delight. Sometimes she doesn't know if they are just pretending because it feels like it's real.
"I just don't want her to think you're not serious about me," said Irene, looking away.
"Oh. I got it. Don't worry, Irene--I mean, honey."
Irene chuckled. "You better call me that more often when Joy is around. I'm telling you she's jealous of me."
Seulgi smiled.
"Okay. Thanks for the ride." Irene motioned to open the door.
"Umm. Irene?"
"I haven't thanked you yet for what you did today."
Irene settled herself back on the seat. "Don't worry about it."
"I don't know why you are doing this, and I don't even want to ask why," said Seulgi, avoiding Irene's eyes. "I just want to thank you for everything. I appreciate it. I really do. Next week I'll try to settle everything with Joy. But I want you to keep in mind that we're not going there because of them. I want us to go there just to have fun, okay?"
A small smile drew on Irene's lips. "Are you saying that you're taking me out there, like a date?"
"Uh... well... call it whatever you like..."
Irene chuckled "Okay. I gotta go now. Take care."
"Enjoy your weekend, Irene."
"You too." Irene opened the door halfway and stopped to close it again. "Oh. I forgot something."
"What's that?"
Without any word, Irene turned to Seulgi, leaning closer at a speed that Seulgi wasn't able to process.
All she could register is Irene's sweet scent before everything went blank.
... ... ...
... ... ... ...
... ... ... ... ... ...
After a few seconds of silence, Irene skipped out of the car and walked towards her house without looking back.
Seulgi was left dumbfounded inside, not sure what just happened.
It took her few more seconds before she moved, touching her cheek with a hand. She felt her heart still pounding fiercely in her chest.
Bae Irene just kissed her.
"I'm glad your girlfriend is okay with you going here," said Joy who's already waiting in the lobby area when Seulgi arrived at AmBar.
"Yeah, she's already met Amber so it's fine," said Seulgi.
"Well, you got one clingy girlfriend there, bear." Joy crosses her arms.
"Yeah, that's what I love about her. She's really sweet."
Joy held Seulgi's face. "What's this? A dirt?"
Seulgi didn't move. "A dirt?"
Joy chuckled. "What a sly girlfriend you have there, bear."
"Nothing." Joy pulled out a handkerchief to wipe the kiss mark on Seulgi's cheek.
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63 streak #1
Chapter 51: WE CHEER
63 streak #2
Chapter 50: Im happy I guess
63 streak #3
Chapter 49: hahshshs cutie
63 streak #4
Chapter 48: Cute
63 streak #5
Chapter 47: I smile
63 streak #6
Chapter 43: Go Wendy!!
63 streak #7
Chapter 42: LOL
63 streak #8
63 streak #9
Chapter 37: Irene i hate you, why are you doing this?
63 streak #10
Chapter 34: Ahhhhhhh noooo 4 days without the lovey dovey