
Irene woke up in high spirits the next day, welcoming the rainy morning cheerfully. After their fun dinner and late conversation last night, she can't help but smile to herself at the idea that she will see Seulgi again soon.
She checked the list of her online friends when she got in the office. She was glad to see Seulgi's already in but has been idle for seven minutes.
She went to the ladies' room first to check herself. She went back to her station and grabbed her tumbler for her morning tea.
As she was nearing the pantry, she heard Seulgi and Krystal's laughter coming from the inside. She pushed the door and got a glimpse of the two sitting at the table.
"Good morning, Irene!" Krystal waved.
"Morning." Irene smiled.
Seulgi turned to look. "Good morning."
"Hi, Seulgi." Irene smiled but totally avoided meeting Seulgi's eyes. She walked directly to the vending machine and pressed the tea button. "What are you two doing here? And Krystal, you're early, huh?"
"Seulgi and I are having breakfast," said Krystal. "And as for your next question, well, somebody picked me up and drove me here this morning."
"Somebody?" Irene raised an eyebrow. She grabbed her tumbler and approached the table. "Is that person the reason for your undeniably cheery aura today?"
Krystal giggled.
"Should we call that somebody Amber?" said Seulgi.
"Eeeee. Seulgi!" Krystal hit Seulgi's arm playfully. "Since when you two are on the same team? You two are ganging up on me."
"We are not. " Irene sat down beside Seulgi. "It's pretty obvious. It's not like I never had an idea about it."
Krystal reached for Irene's hand on the table. "Sorry for not telling you. I was afraid you will disapprove it."
"It's all right, Krystal. I'm happy for you," said Irene. "I think it's time for you to be in a serious relationship now."
"Really?" Krystal squeezed Irene's hand. "Wow. This is amazing. I thought you don't approve such things?"
"As long as she makes you happy, I'm all good with it." Irene gave the sincerest smile she could before she turning to Seulgi. "What are you eating?"
"Chicken fillet," said Seulgi, pointing at her meal. "I bought it from a newly opened restaurant near my place. Want a bite?"
"I'm glad you're eating some real breakfast today, huh?" Irene pulled her chair to lean closer. She grabbed Seulgi's fork to plant it into one of the chicken strips.
Seulgi pulled her body away from the table to give room for Irene. "Yeah, I don't want boss getting mad at me, y'know."
Irene chuckled as she took a bite of the chicken. "Mmm. This is nice."
"Is that boss your girlfriend, Seulgi?" asked Krystal. Irene choked a bit.
"Ahh. No. She is a good friend of mine."
"She was the one who requested for you to get a haircut, right?"
"Yup, the same person."
Krystal folded her arms on the table. "A special friend of yours, perhaps?"
"Yeah, you could say that."
"Is she pretty?"
"Uh... yes..."
Irene continued munching Seulgi's food. Pretending not to hear whatever the two are talking about.
"Are you sure you're only friends? Why do I have a feeling that you like that friend of yours?" said Krystal.
Irene coughed. Good thing she has a small deal of food in , otherwise she might have spat those on Krystal's face.
"Are you all right?" Seulgi rubbed Irene's back and pushed the glass of water to her.
"Yeah. I'm Sorry. Something was just stuck in my throat." Irene downed the glass.
Seulgi went back to Krystal after Irene recovered. "Where were we again?"
"I was saying that I have a feeling that you are crushing on your boss," Krystal reiterated.
"W-what makes you think so?"
"Well, look at yourself in the mirror." Krystal chuckled. "You're blushing."
Irene smiled at the sight of embarrassed Seulgi.
But she knows she needs to in to rescue.
"Hey, Seulgi, this is delicious." Irene scooped a spoonful of rice into Seulgi's mouth.
"Not mbad, wayt?" said Seulgi in between bites.
"Yeah. It's nice. We should hang out there with Amber too. What do you think, Krystal?" said Irene.
Krystal had a serious look on her face. "Hmmm... I think..." She brought a hand to her chin and shoot suspicious looks at the two people in front of her. "I think there is something peculiar between you two."
Seulgi and Irene were frozen.
"Since when did you become THAT close?" asked Krystal.
"Close? What do you mean?" asked Irene.
"You, feeding Seulgi? When did this start happening?"
"Just now," said Irene, acting cool. "I'm planning to feed you too in a while. Don't worry."
"It's not just that, Irene. I don't know. There's just something different."
"Like look at how you sit next to each other now, elbows touching and all that sweetness," said Krystal. "And you both looked comfortable around each other. Am I missing something here?"
Irene pulled herself back slowly after realizing how close her body is to Seulgi.
"Well, we're friends. Of course, we're comfortable with each other," she said.
"Yeah. It's just the same thing as how you're comfortable with me," Seulgi agreed.
"Yeah, but... something's just different... Oh, is that a tattoo on your hand, Irene?" asked Krystal.
Irene was glad it rained that morning and Seulgi was wearing a hoodie jacket with built-in gloves, hiding the henna on her hand.
"Nope, just henna. It'll wear off in a few days," said Irene.
Krystal held Irene's right hand to observe the design closely. "It looks so cute. I never thought you're the person who wants things like this."
"I was hanging out with some friends yesterday and they all had this. I couldn't say no."
"Really, Irene, you're hanging out? That's a miracle. You never liked going out that much, right?"
Irene chuckled. "Yeah."
"I think something's just changed with you, and I don't know what that is," said Krystal before she eyed Seulgi. "Whatever that change is, I think it is good. You even approved me and Amber without cringing."
"Come on, Krystal. You know I love you. I'll accept whoever you want as your partner," said Irene, thankful that the topic shifted.
"Thanks, Irene. How about you, Seulgi, do you love me too?" asked Krystal, acting like a baby.
"You are one of my friends here in the office plus you're my best friend's girlfriend. I don't have any reason not to care for you," said Seulgi.
Krystal brought her hands over her heart. "Awe. That's so touchy. Do you love Irene too?"
"Jung Soojung, stop that." Irene glared at her friend.
"What? It's just a simple question. What's wrong? I'm not talking about loving romantically," said Krystal, obviously enjoying teasing Irene. "I'm just asking her if she loves you as a friend, why are you reacting like that?"
"Because I've known you for over two years now and I know that you really meant something else, Krystal."
"Maybe yes, maybe no..." Krystal gave her a smile which made Irene thinks she's in for a private interrogation later.
"Umm. I think I need to go back to my station now, it's almost eight o'clock," said Seulgi, standing up.
Both women nodded and stood up from their chairs.
Krystal had been teasing her about Seulgi the entire day, making Irene think maybe it's best to avoid Seulgi for now until the issue subsides.
She made up excuses during their lunch to avoid going out with Krystal alone. Irene knows Krystal is itching to have some girl talk with her. It's too early for interrogation now.
But what if Amber already told Krystal everything? How will she explain the fact that she volunteered to be Seulgi's fake girlfriend?
Office hours are finally over. Irene was glad she escaped Krystal the entire day. After retouching a little in the ladies' room, she grabbed her shoulder bag quickly and readied herself to go home straight.
As she was about to exit the ladies' room she saw Krystal coming in.
"Irene! Are you going home now?"
Irene faked a smile so it won't be too obvious that she's in a hurry. "Yes, I'm about to." She held her bag and started to walk towards the door, hoping that she could just pass by Krystal with no problem.
Krystal blocked Irene's way. "You seem to be in a hurry."
"Yeah. It's raining all day and I want to avoid the rush hour."
"Can't you wait for me for five minutes? Let's go down together."
Irene knew she can't escape anymore. The most she could hope is for Krystal not to ask her questions.
Krystal walked in and put down her shoulder bag on the counter. Before looking at herself in the mirror which was her usual habit, she peeked into each cubicle to see if anyone is in there.
"Okay, all clear..." Krystal mumbled. "It seems like we're all alone here."
Irene leaned back on the tiled wall beside the hand dryer.
"So..." Krystal opened her bag to get her hairbrush out. "There's something I've been itching to ask you, Irene..."
Irene gulped. She can see Krystal in the mirror. "What is it?"
"I'm sure you know what it is about." Krystal smiled as she combs her hair.
"I don't have any idea."
"Come on. Are you sure you want me to ask you directly?"
Irene doesn't want to give in. Even though there's only a tiny chance for it, she's hoping it's not about Seulgi. "What is it about?"
Krystal just finished putting a clip on her bangs first before turning to Irene. "Do you like Seulgi?"
Irene felt her nervousness level rise. She looked around the area first to make sure that nobody is around. She'll be dead if any of the fangirls would hear that conversation.
"I don't know what you're talking about. Where did you get that notion?"
"Would you believe me if I told you that your body language says it all?" said Krystal.
"What's different in my body language?"
"It's not just you..." Krystal was putting on some pressed powder on her face this time. "Seulgi's body language sends the same vibe. She started acting differently when you came earlier. You know, like a teenager who's conscious after seeing her crush."
Irene pressed her lips together to hold off her smile at this newfound information.
"It's like you can read each other's minds." Krystal glanced at Irene. "One move and the other moves too. You don't need to tell each other what you would do. Everything is just mutual."
"Like you said, we look comfortable around each other?"
"It's not just about being comfortable, Irene, but it's... it's sweet. You should have seen how you guys looked earlier; like a real couple."
"But that doesn't mean I like her," said Irene. "I admit I'm comfortable around her, but I don't like her."
"Oh, sweetie. No woman in this office doesn't like Seulgi."
Irene sighed. "Look. I admit she's charming. I won't deny that. But I don't like her the way you or the other girls like her."
"Are you sure about that?"
"Why are you so being hard on yourself, Irene? I thought you're okay with Amber and me?" asked Krystal.
"What do Amber and you have to do with me and Seulgi?"
"Well, I just thought you're okay now to be in that kind of relationship."
Irene stared blankly at the designs on Krystal's blouse. She knew herself that the moment she pretended to be Seulgi's girlfriend she already entertained the idea of being in a relationship with a woman.
"Or are you just still afraid of what your mom would say?"
Irene looked up and met Krystal's eyes. She stayed silent.
Krystal held both Irene's hands. "What are you afraid of, people judging you, your mom, or yourself? I'm gonna tell you what you just told me earlier. I think it's time for you to let yourself be in a serious relationship now. Just remember that whoever you choose, I won't judge you."
Irene couldn't make a word for it, but she's happy and relieved to hear that.
Krystal zipped her bag. "Just remember I'm always here in case you've decided that you're ready to talk about it, hmm?"
Irene felt a tap on her shoulder as Krystal walked past her.
"Let's go. Amber is waiting for me downstairs."
"Oh. Okay." Irene grabbed her bag and followed Krystal out.
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63 streak #1
Chapter 51: WE CHEER
63 streak #2
Chapter 50: Im happy I guess
63 streak #3
Chapter 49: hahshshs cutie
63 streak #4
Chapter 48: Cute
63 streak #5
Chapter 47: I smile
63 streak #6
Chapter 43: Go Wendy!!
63 streak #7
Chapter 42: LOL
63 streak #8
63 streak #9
Chapter 37: Irene i hate you, why are you doing this?
63 streak #10
Chapter 34: Ahhhhhhh noooo 4 days without the lovey dovey