
It was midweek, two days before the trip, when Seulgi received a chat message from Irene.
"Seulgi, I realized this just now. Have you booked our room yet?"
Seulgi giggled. The term 'our room' is too much for her to take. Just imagining that she'll be alone with Irene in a room sends her into a frenzy.
Seulgi typed in her reply. "Joy took care of it for us."
"Wow. Your ex is very generous, huh?"
"She said it's her late graduation gift for me. And she's not my ex."
"Oh, really (•_•)"
Seulgi chuckled. "Btw, our check-in date is on Friday night. We'll check out Sunday noon."
"So, we'll drive straight there after office on Friday?"
"Something like that. Travel time would take 3 to 5 hours."
"That means you must pick me up on Friday before going here to the office. I don't want to carry my things up here."
Seulgi still can't believe that this is happening: a trip with Irene alone. This is way better than a date. Plus, the fact that they need to pretend as a couple really makes it the best trip she'd sign up for.
"Seulgi, could you come with me later?"
"Where to?"
"Shopping. I still have to buy some things for the trip. I'm sure Krystal will just annoy me with too many questions if I take her."
"I understand. I think it's a perfect idea. We still need to talk about some details concerning the questions that Joy might throw at us. A little practice or rehearsal would help."
"Oh yeah. Let's talk about that over dinner?"
An idea popped into Seulgi's mind. "Is it okay if we'll drop by a flower shop before we go to dinner? I'm making a reservation for Joy."
"Sure. I'll see you later at the parking area after five o'clock."
"Got it."
"Hey, Seulgi. Look at this!" Irene tugged the taller woman when she saw a stand featuring the cherry-flavored edible lipstick they worked on before.
"This was our first project together, right?" Irene picked one item and raised it between their faces.
Seulgi looked speechless. It was when the blush was evident on Seulgi's face when Irene realized what the other woman could be thinking. Irene's eyes automatically landed on Seulgi's lips, remembering what happened last Friday in the latter's car.
They never talked about it when they met in the office after the weekend.
Unknown to Seulgi, Irene's face was burning red that night when she went out of the car. There's no better way she could think of to get back at Joy who had surely pushed Irene almost on the edge.
That night, after getting inside her house and finally closing the door, Irene slowly slid down the wall into a sitting position. She was glad that her mom was upstairs because she doesn't know how to handle her heart beating wildly against her chest.
"Look, that's the tagline you've thought of, right?" said Seulgi this time.
Irene looked at where Seulgi was pointing. "Make him crave for more."
"Cool, huh?" Seulgi nudged her. "I told you, you've done a great job on that."
Irene raised again the lipstick on her hand to observe it.
"I wonder," said Seulgi, looking at the lipstick, "does it really taste like a cherry?"
Irene looked at Seulgi with a devious smile. "."
"What? I didn't mean it that way!"
Irene smirked. "I didn't say you mean it that way. I'm just teasing you." She turned around and walked away.
"Where are you going?"
Irene waved the lipstick in the air. "I'm buying this."
Seulgi smiled. "Oh, Bae."
Cling! Cling! Cling!
Seulgi was surprised by the sound of the chime bells when she opened the door to the flower shop.
She met eyes with the woman at the counter who's already looking at her.
"Seulgi!" Wendy exclaimed, striding towards the new customer to give a powerful hug. "You're here! Look at you, you're so cute!"
Seulgi laughed. "You look fine yourself, Wendy."
Wendy removed her hands she realized Seulgi has company. "Hello there."
Seulgi turned to her colleague. "Wendy, this is Irene, my friend. Irene, this is Wendy, she's a good friend of mine too."
"Hi, Wendy." Irene made a small wave.
"Wow. Seulgi was right, you're beautiful!"
Irene looked at Seulgi who cleared .
"Well, Seulgi has been telling me about some of her colleagues she's really fond of." Wendy nudged Seulgi. "Your one of those people she talks about."
"Right. Right." Seulgi nodded. She turned to Wendy. "By the way, I'd like to reserve for a bouquet of white and purple Tulips. I'll be picking it up Friday afternoon."
"Tulips? A good choice. May I know what the occasion is?" Wendy walked back to the counter.
"It's for the birthday of an old friend. I believe I already mentioned Joy to you, right? Tulips are her favorite."
"For Joy? Yeah. I remember." Wendy typed something on her laptop. "Are you still going out this weekend with them?"
"Yes. With Irene here." Seulgi gestured to the smaller woman.
"Cool! I heard it's a nice place. I hope you two enjoy it." Wendy smiled.
Seulgi looked around the shop. "You have a nice place here, Wendy."
"Thanks, I'm glad you liked it."
"But I think you should improve your signage outside. It's kinda hard to notice."
"I'm planning to, but I don't know what design to do yet."
Seulgi looked back at Wendy. "I can create designs for you."
Wendy looked up. "You can? That would be great."
"Yeah. That's what I do at work."
Wendy showed her grin, flashing out her pearl white teeth.
"I'm hungry now, Seulgi..." said Irene after they stepped out of Wendy's shop.
Seulgi unlocked the car and checked her wristwatch. She realized that it's almost seven in the evening. "Where do you want to eat?"
"I don't know..."
"You don't know? I guess that restaurant is hard to find."
Irene stomped. "Seulgi!"
Seulgi laughed. "Haha! Sorry, sorry. What are you craving for, your highness?"
Irene placed a finger on her chin and frowned. "I don't know..."
"Mmm... pasta?" Seulgi made a wild guess to help. Irene shook her head. "Hmm. Chicken? What, you still don't know? How about Chinese food?"
Irene shook her head again.
Seulgi got even more confused. "You don't like it or you don't know if you like it?"
"I don't know..." Irene jutted her lower lip out in a pout.
Seulgi scratched her head. "You're gonna be one difficult girlfriend, Irene."
"Then don't pretend to be with me." Irene rolled her eyes.
Seulgi raised her right hand showing three fingers. "Let's put it this way. I have three things in mind right now. Choose whichever you like: option one, two, or three?"
"What are those?"
"I have assigned a specific restaurant for each. You decide which option you like and I'll tell you where it'll be."
"What if I don't like the option I chose?"
"It's either you decide now where you want to go or choose from these three." Seulgi pointed at the three fingers again.
"Okay." Irene looks up while carefully thinking. "I think I like option three."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah. What is one and two first?"
"Option one is grabbing seafood in Jyoti." Seulgi raised her index finger while counting. "Option two is the Jungsik Seoul restaurant."
"Wow. You really know where the nearest restaurants are, huh. And where is option three?"
"Option three is Burger King Drivethru."
Irene folded her arms on her chest. "Burger again?"
"Hey, you're the one who picked it. Besides, I haven't eaten a burger in a week now."
Irene knitted her brows. "Fine, but where should we eat that? You said drive-thru right?"
Seulgi smirked. "Oh. I know the perfect place for that."
The rooftop to Seulgi's apartment building gives them a panoramic view of Seoul at night: city lights, vehicles, and tiny people walking.
Seulgi brought Irene thereafter they bought the food. She was glad that no one is there to disturb their little date.
"Do you often eat here alone?" asked Irene before scooping the last piece of fries left in her box. They are sitting on the parapet while eating.
Seulgi sipped her juice. "It's quiet and the view is nice."
"Have you brought Joy here before?"
Seulgi shook her head as she puts down the box of juice. "I discovered this place only after Joy left for Singapore."
"Oh." Irene took a sip of her juice too.
"You're the first person I brought here," said Seulgi, rubbing her palms together between her legs.
Irene smiled. "This is a nice place, Seulgi. Thank you."
"You're welcome." Seulgi set her eyes on the view in front of them. "About Joy's questions, I think we have to discuss that now."
"Ah, yeah. The last time Joy talked to me I felt like I was in the session court, or I was being interviewed for a job position."
"I told you, she's a nosy person. What are the things she asked you?"
"The usual things that are being asked to couples: how long have we been together, where we met, things like that."
"How are we supposed to know what are the other things she would ask us? Should we create a fake love story?"
"Why don't we search the internet for couple quizzes?" said Irene. "That might be easier than coming up with a story. All we need to do is relate things as much as possible to reality and let's add spices to make it romantic."
"Hmm. Let's see." Seulgi grabbed her iPad inside the bag and opened Safari.
Irene scooted closer to Seulgi to get a better view of the screen. Their arms now touching.
"There. I think this is a good one." Seulgi tapped the screen and the first question flashed.
'Where did you first meet?'
"That's an easy question, in the office, right?" Irene hooked her chin on Seulgi's shoulder.
Seulgi secretly loved that feeling. "Yeah, piece of cake." She tapped the screen again.
'Who made the first move?'
Irene raised her head, pulling back. "It has to be you."
"What? Why me?"
"It would be weird if I made the first move."
"Huh? Is it not possible that you made the first move?"
"You want to tell Joy that I seduced you? No way, Seulgi!" Irene slapped Seulgi's arm. "Give me some pride. You should be the one who made the first move."
"That's unfair, Bae. You're the one who came into my department first, do you remember that?"
"Excuse me. It was Krystal who wanted to meet you, not me," said Irene. "She dragged me there because she knows I can make Eric introduce you to her."
"Ugh. Fine. If I made the first move, then what move did I make?"
Irene pondered for a moment. "You smiled at me."
Seulgi raised an eyebrow. "Huh? I made a move just by smiling at you?"
"I mean, you smiled first then you befriended me. Hey. Why are you looking at me like that?"
"You mean... I got you with just one smile?" Seulgi nudged Irene.
Irene rolled her eyes. "Say whatever you like."
Chuckling, Seulgi tapped the screen again. "Okay. Next."
'Who said I love you first?'
"Answer is obvious, Seulgi. It should be you."
Seulgi scratched her head. "This is unfair, Irene. You're making it look like I courted you. Joy knows I don't believe in courtship."
Irene blinked. "You don't? Why?"
"Because lying is the biggest issue in courting." Seulgi placed the iPad on her side. "A person will always display the best colors he/she has when he or she is hitting on another person. I still believe that the best foundation of a relationship is a great friendship. You have to start as friends first, without wanting to date each other right away, and just let fate decide for the both of you."
Irene looked like she's taking it and thinking about it.
"Then let's just say we've been friends for a couple of months and we just grew closer after our first project together, the lipstick ad," said Irene.
"That's good. What happened next after our first project?"
Irene looked up the sky with a finger on her chin. "After our first project, we started going out alone. Although we're going out as friends we weren't aware that what we're feeling for each other was more than what we thought it was. And for some twists and turns of fate," she paused, leaning closer to Seulgi's ear to whisper in her sweetest tone, "In the end, we realized that we fell in love with each other."
Seulgi felt the hot breath in her ear, causing her to whip her head to her side. However, it was a bad move because Irene's face was too close to her, literally like an inch away.
Feeling a big gush of awkwardness coming between them, Seulgi and Irene turned away immediately from each other.
"I'm sorry," both said at the same time.
Seulgi picked the iPad and continued looking at the questions to distract herself from doing something inappropriate to the lady beside her.
'What's your lover's favorite color?'
"Purple, right?" She looked at Irene, showing her screen.
Irene glanced at Seulgi for a second and then to the tablet. "How did you know?"
"How would I not know?" Seulgi eyed Irene who's currently wearing a purple blouse and has a purple bag.
Irene smiled. "How about you?"
"Yellow maybe? Or orange? But I like to try different palettes too on my clothes." Seulgi tapped the screen again for the next question.
'What is your lover's nickname for you?'
Seulgi lowered the tablet to her legs. "Why did you come up with honey?"
"It was the spur of the moment," said Irene, eyes on the tablet. "I had to think of something to make it obvious that we're together. The first thing that came into my mind was that."
Seulgi bit her lower lip, remembering that Irene called her the same when she was drunk before.
"You don't like honey?" asked Irene.
"It's fine. It's sweet. I like it. I like the sound of it."
That made Irene smile. "Honestly, that's what I've always imagined myself calling my future lover. Maybe that's the reason that it was the first endearment that came into my mind."
"I'm sorry. I guess you've associated that to a wrong person instead of reserving it for the future."
"It's okay. I can still use it, anyway."
"Okay. Let's move forward." Seulgi tapped the screen. Her eyes widened when she saw the next question.
'Where was your first kiss?'
Seulgi tapped the screen right away. "Okay! Let's just skip that question."
'Where is the wildest place you have made woo-hoo?'
"Wohohoho!" Seulgi locked the screen of her iPad and put it back down. "Let's just stop this, Irene. I think the questions are for married couples. Let's just say that we're still in the early stages of our relationship and are still getting to know each other."
Irene nodded. "But isn't it a bit too early for a woo-hoo?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well, for a fresh couple who'd been together for a few weeks, don't you think it's a bit early to do something like that right away?" asked Irene innocently.
Seulgi scrunched up her face. "Uh... I'm feeling awkward now with what you're saying, Bae."
"Why do you feel awkward with woo-hoo? What if Joy asked us about it?"
Seulgi stared at Irene as she tries to come up with an answer.
But Irene seemed to have misinterpreted her silence. She slapped Seulgi's arm. "Hey! Are you imagining it?"
"What!" Seulgi's eyes widened. "Of course, not!"
"Then why are you blushing? You !" Irene slapped Seulgi's shoulder this time.
"Hey!" Seulgi raised her arms to block her attacker. "It's just too awkward to talk about it! I bet Joy won't even ask that!"
"Yeah. She won't ask that because she knows you're slow."
Seulgi snorted and glared at Irene.
"What?" asked Irene.
The cold wind blew, making the two turn their gaze to the view in front of them. They stayed silent for a little while, savoring the peaceful moment they are experiencing.
"Don't forget to pick me up on Friday, okay?" said Irene.
Seulgi nodded. "You ready for our weekend getaway?"
"I'm excited, Seulgi. Very much excited."
"Me too." Seulgi smiled. "Come on. It's getting late. I'll drive you home."
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63 streak #1
Chapter 51: WE CHEER
63 streak #2
Chapter 50: Im happy I guess
63 streak #3
Chapter 49: hahshshs cutie
63 streak #4
Chapter 48: Cute
63 streak #5
Chapter 47: I smile
63 streak #6
Chapter 43: Go Wendy!!
63 streak #7
Chapter 42: LOL
63 streak #8
63 streak #9
Chapter 37: Irene i hate you, why are you doing this?
63 streak #10
Chapter 34: Ahhhhhhh noooo 4 days without the lovey dovey