
"Yup, I'm already here in the office," Seulgi confirmed after putting her headsets on. She pushed the car door closed and enabled the alarm.
"Somebody's too early for the office today, huh? It's only 7:17 on my watch," said Wendy on the other line.
"I know, but my body was up early. I don't even know why."
"Psshh... You're just excited to see Irene."
"I guess I am." Seulgi giggled. She feels lucky to find someone with whom she can confide everything about Irene. It's easier for her to tell Wendy about it since they don't have common friends.
"Do you think she'll like your new hairstyle?" asked Wendy.
"I don't know." Seulgi fixed her cap. "I'm just afraid that she won't talk to me if I won't do what she says."
"You know she's not serious about that. And you've cut it shoulder-length, like how she wants it. Besides, it's a good way to start the year, right? I can't wait to see you, Seulgi. I wonder how you look now."
"Don't worry. I'll visit you one of these days." Seulgi stepped into the elevator and pressed 17 on the floor panel.
"I hope you'll bring along a friend of yours when you do that."
"I can't promise you that but I'll try." Seulgi gazed up at the floor signal.
B2... B1... 1...
The elevator stopped on the first floor. Seulgi moved aside to give space to anyone who's about to enter.
The door swung open. Seulgi felt her heartbeat rose when she sees Irene behind the door.
And for the first time in days, Seulgi felt alive again.
Irene is wearing a white blouse with a black ribbon lace, partnered with a black skirt. Seulgi was so mesmerized she had to shift her eyes away because she's feeling conscious. Irene, on the other hand, looked shocked to see Seulgi in the elevator.
Irene was about to greet her but Seulgi turned away when she heard Wendy's voice on the other line.
"Seulgi? Are you still there?"
"Yeah, I'm sorry. The line was jammed," she said, still feeling Irene's eyes on her.
"Can you give me Irene's full name? I'll try to search for her on social media. I'm really curious about her looks."
"Ummm, Wendy. I can't do that."
"Huh? Why? I'm just asking for a name."
"Exactly, I can't give it now."
"And why is that?"
Seulgi took a deep breath and looked around the elevator, trying to avoid eye contact with her fellow passenger. "Here."
"I said, HERE."
"Who's there?"
"My friend."
"Your friend? Who?" Then Wendy finally got it. "Irene is in the elevator with you?"
"Exactly, Wendy. Bravo." Seulgi looked around to check Irene's reflection on the mirrored wall, thinking if the latter can hear the conversation even if she's on headset.
"Oh, really? Are you two alone there?"
"Then why don't you grab her and kiss her?"
"Agh! You're crazy, Wendy!"
"I'm just kidding. You're overreacting. Haha! Why do I have the feeling that you're already blushing?"
Seulgi leaned against the wall, defeated. "Oh, Wendy."
"Okay, I guess I have to exit the scene now. You can't make a move if you're talking to me now."
"What? Do I really have to make a move now?"
Seulgi realized that she said it aloud. Her initial gesture was to check on Irene's reaction. To her surprise, Irene was already looking at her.
"Just enjoy your day, okay? Call me or I'll call you soon, I gotta go. Good luck!" Wendy hung up the phone immediately.
Seulgi felt nervous. The elevator is on the 10th floor. It seems they are on the expressway straight to the 17th floor.
"Hey..." Seulgi removed her headset to somehow inform Irene that she's over with her phone conversation.
"Hi, Seulgi." Irene smiled a little.
Seulgi almost melted. "You're early, huh?"
"Yeah, I woke up early today."
Seulgi nodded. "Me too."
There was a moment of silence. Seulgi wanted to say she missed Irene however she's not sure how the latter would take it.
"So, you..." there was a bit of shyness in Irene's tone. "You got a haircut."
Seulgi scratched the back of her neck. "Yeah... well... the boss asked me to..."
Irene covered when she chuckled. "Your boss is demanding, huh?"
"Slight. But what can I do, that's her command."
"What a difficult boss you have there."
"Oh, I'm glad you mentioned it. Yeah, she's difficult."
Irene giggled.
"Do you think boss will like it?" asked Seulgi.
The elevator door opened before Irene could respond. She went out first and Seulgi followed after.
Seeing Irene walking directly to her station, Seulgi aimed to go straight to her department too.
Seulgi turned around and saw Irene still standing.
"Could you take off your hat for a sec?" said Irene. Seulgi obeyed. Irene folded her arms. "Hmm. I don't think your boss will like your hair..."
Seulgi dropped her gaze at the cap in her hand.
"But I'm sure she'll love it," continued Irene, letting out a sweet smile.
That immediately brought Seulgi to a smiling mess. She shook the cap up and down, her eyes darting around the area.
She turned her eyes back to Irene and put her cap back. She waved her hand and turned to walk, humming her way towards her department.
As Irene had expected, the fangirls went crazier this time.
Irene was not sure anymore if pushing Seulgi to get a haircut is a good idea or not. A lot of them were visiting the graphics department lately. And according to Krystal, there were even new recruits in Seulgi's fan club.
It already past five o'clock in the afternoon and most people are excited to go home for the weekend. Irene is still in her terminal doing some minor work. She's already done for the day but is still delaying some tasks hoping that Seulgi or Krystal would ask her to go out again for a little party like last time.
Ever since that night happened, Irene's weekends started to get boring. The only thing she's excited about the weekend is the fact that she doesn't need to wake up early. Since it's Friday, and it will be a hell of two more days before Monday, she was expecting to have a little bonding this time before she goes home.
"Hey, Irene, did Seulgi go home already?" asked Taemin, fixing his things.
"I dunno. I'm not her keeper."
"I know you're not her keeper but why are you acting so defensive?" Taemin hooked his bag on his shoulder.
"Because I don't know anything about her whereabouts. I'm not her girlfriend, Taemin."
Taemin got confused. "I'm just asking if you happen to notice Seulgi. What does it have to do with being her girlfriend? Besides, you don't need to be her girlfriend to notice if she left or not."
Irene rolled her eyes. "Fine. What is this about?"
"It's for our February project. I've printed the materials and sent her a soft copy. She needs to get these copies." Taemin showed some papers. "I tried to chat with her, but she's been idle for minutes now."
"Then just bring the materials to her station then leave."
"I can't. My boyfriend is already downstairs. He doesn't want me to keep him waiting."
Irene scoffed. "If your boyfriend cannot wait for you for another five minutes, then you should dump him."
"It's easy for you to say that. Unlike you, it's not every day I get someone to like me the way I am."
"Fine. I'll bring them." The truth is, Irene just saw it as an opportunity to go to Seulgi's department.
"Really? Oh, Irene, you're so great!" Taemin came close to give Irene a peck on the cheek. "You're so beautiful! I love you!"
"Okay. Okay. Enjoy your date now."
"Will surely, Irene! Thanks!" Taemin hastily went out of the area.
"Where are the others?" asked Irene, walking straight to Eric.
"Oh. Hi, Irene." Eric stood up halfway but went back to sitting. "They already left. How can I help you?"
"Taemin wants Seulgi to have these."
"Oh. Let me take care of those." Eric placed the documents on his table. "The management called her. The photographer called in sick today and the artists are arriving anytime now."
Irene leaned on the table and folded her arms on her chest. "She's gonna take pictures today?"
"Yeah. It was an emergency call."
"That's nice. I heard you've been receiving lots of visitors lately, huh?" asked Irene.
Eric laughed. "Oh. So you noticed it too? It's all Seulgi's fault, you know, and that boss of hers."
Irene blinked. "Her boss?"
"Yeah. I heard some girls asked what's with the haircut and all she says is that it was a request from her boss. She didn't clarify if that boss is a girlfriend or what. Those girls are so envious of her."
Irene pressed her lips together to control her smile. "Maybe it's a special friend of hers."
"Special friend? I don't buy that, Irene. I don't think it's just a friend. I'm pretty sure it's more than that."
"More like what?"
"Well, you know, it's probably Seulgi's girlfriend."
Irene felt the chocked.
"Girlfriends are those who usually make those requests," added Eric. "And for Seulgi to obey it, I don't think that woman is just a friend. Just their luck. Somebody has already won over Seulgi's heart."
"What's the photoshoot again for, the one that Seulgi's on right now?" asked Irene, wanting to change the topic. She can no longer handle the pressure in her chest.
"It's February issue. Valentine's special. They can't cancel the shoot today because the artists are very busy." Eric handed the outline of the magazine.
"Who are the artists?"
"I'm not sure. Seulgi and I haven't looked at the outline yet. But based on what I heard it'll be a couple. The theme for next month's issue is entitled 'The Couple'."
Irene ran through the pages of the outline. She scanned the pages one by one and sees nothing but hearts, flowers, chocolates, weddings.
Until her eyes widened upon seeing the last page.
"Eric, where's the photoshoot happening?" she asked.
"Uh, it's in the usual room on the 23rd floor. Why?"
"Nothing. I have to go. Thanks, Eric."
Irene left the outline on the table, showing the last page that says: Joy and Sungjae, Singapore model couple.
Seulgi is getting ready for the shoot when a good-looking guy approached her.
"Hi! I assumed you're the photographer?" He pointed to the camera hanging around Seulgi's neck.
Seulgi smiled and stretched out her hand for a shake. "Yeah. I'm Seulgi."
"I'm Sungjae," the angelic-faced-model introduced himself. "Nice meeting you." He narrowed his eyes. "Are you sure you're just taking pictures here? I really believe you're more qualified to be a model."
Seulgi laughed. "Now you're kidding me."
"I'm serious. Really."
"Haha! Thank you though, that's too much compliment." Seulgi tapped Sungjae's shoulder. "Are you guys ready?"
"Yeah. I'm pretty excited. This is the first photo shoot for a magazine I'll do here in Korea."
"Oh really? Where did you come from?"
"I'm a Korean too. But my modeling career began in Singapore." His eyes shifted to the other person approaching. "There you are, Joy. Come here, I'd like you to meet our dazzling photographer."
Seulgi turned around and saw the familiar woman whom Sungjae had his arm around her waist.
The said woman raised her head to look and the beautiful smile on her face faded when she met eyes with their photographer.
The time stood still.
"Uhhh... guys...?" said Sungjae.
"Bear..." said Joy.
Seulgi cleared . "Hi, Joy. Fancy meeting you here, huh?"
"Seulgi is a good friend of mine from university." Joy turned to Seulgi. "She used to take my photos before."
"Oh really? That's cool." Sungjae's phone suddenly rang. He took it out from his pocket. "Oops. Excuse me. I need to take this." He left the two ladies.
"You work here?" asked Joy, getting a simple nod from Seulgi. "I... uh... I didn't know you graduated already."
"Just last year," said Seulgi, pretending to check something on the DSLR she's holding.
"That's good. So, you finally finished school, huh?"
"Yeah. I had to rethink my life."
Joy nodded. "So, who was with you during graduation?"
"My dad."
"Oh. I'm sorry if I wasn't able to make it."
"Don't worry. You're busy with your career. I perfectly understand that."
There was silence after.
Joy stared at her. "By the way, my schedule is crazy at the moment that's why I haven't gone back to your apartment yet."
"No worries. I'm kinda busy too."
"Oh." Joy looked around first and went back to Seulgi. "Where were you this New Year's Eve?"
"Your dad is still traveling a lot, huh?"
"Yeah, I don't think he'll ever get tired of that." Seulgi feigned a smile. "By the way, is Sungjae your..."
"Boyfriend, yes."
"I'm sorry that we have to meet this way. I was planning to introduce him to you sooner after we talk."
"No worries."
"Are you okay, Seulgi?"
Seulgi closed her eyes for a second. That's how Joy talks to her during their alone time before. Hearing her talk like that somehow triggered something inside Seulgi.
Are you okay, Seulgi?
Are you okay, Seulgi?
Are you okay, Seulgi?
Suddenly, flashes of memories flooded her mind. That was Joy's usual question whatever the situation is. Hearing that same old line from that same old person using that same old tone just made Seulgi feel something she's not supposed to feel.
"Are you asking me if I'm jealous? I'm not." Seulgi shrugged.
"Yeah, why would you be?" asked Joy.
Seulgi felt her heart tightened. Hearing Joy's way of talking brought back memories of when they were still close. It's like her feelings for the girl she buried inside just burst out from the depths.
Then she felt envious of Sungjae. Joy's smile was only hers before; her attention, her care, her affection. All of those things now belong to the new guy. Seulgi is now close to finally admitting it to herself. She knows she's losing the battle. She felt her knees getting weaker.
Then suddenly, out of nowhere, someone approached Seulgi from behind and clung to her left arm.
"Hey, honey. I've been looking everywhere for you," said the familiar voice.
Seulgi whipped her head to the presence beside her, couldn't believe what she's seeing.
Yes, it's none other than Bae Irene.
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63 streak #1
Chapter 51: WE CHEER
63 streak #2
Chapter 50: Im happy I guess
63 streak #3
Chapter 49: hahshshs cutie
63 streak #4
Chapter 48: Cute
63 streak #5
Chapter 47: I smile
63 streak #6
Chapter 43: Go Wendy!!
63 streak #7
Chapter 42: LOL
63 streak #8
63 streak #9
Chapter 37: Irene i hate you, why are you doing this?
63 streak #10
Chapter 34: Ahhhhhhh noooo 4 days without the lovey dovey