It Began With A Bet


“I do stay with you and the others too. Kyungsoo, Luhan, Ka-“

“You only talk to them at lunch and you just say very little words. But I actually meant before…we were together. You were always alone. You didn’t have anyone to be with you all the time. It’s just……I-“ Chanyeol instantly stopped when he saw that Baekhyun was looking down at his ice cream and he seemed somewhat….hurt.

“Baekhyun, I’m sorry, you don’t have to tell me. I won’t ask a-“

“No. It’s okay, I can tell you.”

Chanyeol remained quiet. What could he say in this situation?

“I actually had a friend before, long time ago, but he, ” he murmured sadly.”…left.”

“Why... why did he leave?”`

“Because..w-when I told him that…I was gay-“

“That is not a true friend Baekhyun! You shouldn’t give a thought about that basta-“

“No! He was a great friend, but they forced him to leave.”

“Sorry.” Chanyeol felt bad for bursting out like that.”Who’s they?”

“His father and brother.”

“Oh. Why?”

“Because when I told him…..his brother overheard us.” Baekhyun swallowed and closed his eyes.”His brother was about 10 years older than he was. Their mother died when he was nine, leaving them with a father that smoked weed and drank beer every single day. As if it was water.”

“May I ask his name?”

“His name?” Baekhyun paused.”Tao. He was Chinese by the way.”

“Tao? Isn’t that some kind of fruit in Chinese.”

“Yes, it’s a peach.” Baekhyun smiled.”You’re learning Chinese?”

“Nah. Just picking up a few words from Luhan hyung.”

“That’s good, you could actually learn the whole language if you want.”

Chanyeol smiled and shook his head for a ‘no way’.

“Did Tao talk to you in Chinese?” He asked hesitantly.

“He had taught me a few basics but we didn’t have much more time together anyway.” Baekhyun gazed at the ground. He didn’t even know why he was talking about Tao. He hadn’t talked about him for quite a long time and now here he was, telling Chanyeol the whole story. His mouth suddenly felt like it was running on electricity because he was actually talking, way more than any other time. And not to just anyone, but to Chanyeol.

“Anyways, I’ll tell you everything. I think it’s about time to let go…” He mumbled timidly. He took one last breath and began, with a heavy heart.

“We’ve known each other since he was eleven. I was thirteen then. We met when my family moved to the house next to his. He was a very kind kid, I liked him a lot so I went to talk to him. I found out that he was really shy around new people but we became very close anyway, and didn’t have any other friends but each other.”

Chanyeol gazed at nothing in particular in the air in front of him, his ears were listening to every word that came out Baekhyun’s lips.

“I had always known that his dad and brother weren’t good people. Lots of nights I would hear them arguing and it made me want to go pull Tao out of his house at times like those. And I did, he would cry and tell me how much he missed his mother and how everything went wrong when she left. I was always there for him.”

Baekhyun bit his bottom lip and tried not to cry at the bittersweet memories that were flowing into his mind. He didn’t want Chanyeol to see him cry.

“It was the second year of high school for me, when I told him my secret. His maniac brother was right behind us and he pulled Tao away from me then left while calling me names, like and stupid basic things like that.”

Chanyeol heard a soft sniffle.

“For one whole week I didn’t see Tao. I was beginning to believe that he hated me then, but he was a good friend that didn’t really care what I did as long as it didn’t hurt me.” silence for a moment.”I knew that when he snuck up from behind me one night with a smile and hugged me tightly.”

A tear finally fell out of Baekhyun’s closed eyes but he was still smiling. Chanyeol didn’t know what to do, he wasn’t good at comforting people when they cried, he only sat there awkwardly and feeling dumber than he has ever felt.

“He was ranting about how much he missed me. Then he began to cry…..he wouldn’t let go of me when I tried to pull away. And that’s when he said it.”

Chanyeol took a look at Baekhyun. He regretted the second he did that, Baekhyun was now shedding much more tears with his eyes still screwed shut, as he struggled to stay silent. It broke Chanyeol’s heart seeing the older cry that way. Baekhyun’s pretty lips were trembling as he tried to speak again. Chanyeol felt stupid and useless, he wanted to hold Baekhyun but his body wouldn’t move.

“He told m-me that he has to go back to China. And he’ll never come back. He left me the next day…..for good.” By then Baekhyun was sobbing quietly, shoulders shaking.

Chanyeol couldn’t stand it anymore, he knew perfectly well that he’s not good at all at comforting anyone. But Baekhyun…..he desperately wanted him to stop crying. Chanyeol thought at the moment that he would do anything for Baekhyun to stop crying. Anything. Even jump off a cliff.

He put down his precious ice cream cup on the ground and did the same to Baekhyun’s. It took him just a few seconds to gather the smaller boy in his arms. Chanyeol wrapped Baekhyun’s legs around his hips as Baekhyun was sitting on his lap. He brought his arms around Baekhyun and hugged him close, closer than they had ever been. Closer than they had ever imagined.

Baekhyun buried his face in Chanyeol’s soft shirt and let himself cry in the arms of the person he’s always wanted to be held by. At the moment he didn’t care about anything, he was sad and depressed just thinking about Tao and this time he did much more than just think about him. Baekhyun let his arms hang limply at his sides as his heartbreaking sobs increased.

If anyone walks by and sees their position, they would definitely let their minds wander elsewhere. But no, it was just a loving gesture from Chanyeol to the joyless boy that he seriously began to believe he was falling for.

All that went through Chanyeol’s mind was he had to make Baekhyun happy. 
He wanted to make him happy.


“Oh. My. Gosh.” Luhan practically spelled out.”I never knew Chanyeol would be that way. It’s really-”

“Sweet.” Kyungsoo finished off his friend’s sentence.

“It looks like he really likes Baekhyun.” Sehun muttered.

“Looks like? It’s obvious he’s head over heels for Baekhyun.” Kyungsoo corrected.

“How long has he liked Baekhyun?” Luhan whispered.”Because to me, it seems he’s been into him for a long time”

“I just can’t believe this is Chanyeol, he’s been so not outgoing and unemotional even though he’s the talk of the school everyday and now.” Sehun brought his hands up to his cheeks to support his head as he began to ponder.”This is a whole other side of him.”

“I thought he might end up with one of his crazy, screaming fangirls, but apparently no.” Kyungsoo added then shrugged his lithe shoulders.

“I don’t understand, why didn’t he tell us that he liked Baekhyun though, we could’ve hooked them up. I mean, we always see Baekhyun in class!” Luhan exclaimed.”It all happened so abruptly, it’s sorta creepy.”

“Why are we not questioning the more important thing now?” Kyungsoo raised his eyebrows.


“Why is Baekhyun crying?” He asked, biting his lips.

“That’s not crying,” Sehun said.”It’s sobbing.”

“He must be upset of something that made Chanyeol’s heart soften, cause seriously, since when does Chanyeol hug people, let alone having them cling to him that way?” Luhan noted, he was still trying to get over the surprise of seeing Chanyeol act this way.

Kyungsoo moved his eyes from Luhan to his boyfriend, why the heck was Kai so unusually quiet?

Kai kept observing the scene a couple of feet away from them. His eyes weren’t believing what they were seeing, does Chanyeol really like Baekhyun? Baekhyun, as in the nerd he was dating for the sake of a bet. Maybe he was only hugging Baekhyun when he was crying just out of pity and he was only feeling sorry for the older boy for whatever reason. Kai was almost convinced with his theory until he remembered the butterfly.

Chanyeol was actually chasing a butterfly. ing chasing a ing butterfly. Just to give it to Baekhyun. Not to mention the way he was gazing at the small guy as he was admiring the butterfly. Also, he allowed Baekhyun to sit in front of his hot car. Hell, he doesn’t let anyone touch the front with the tip of their finger. Kai began to get really confused, was Chanyeol acting or was it for real. He honestly couldn’t tell and it was almost frightening.

“Jongin.” He heard his boyfriend, who was the only one who he allowed to call him by his real name.”Are you okay? You’re silent, that’s weird.”

“I don’t even know what to say..” Kai looked at the other three with similar expressions then glanced back at the hugging couple. Well, was hugging couple.”! They’re leaving!”

The secret spys quickly and as quietly as they could scrambled to their feet and dashed to the place the other two really thought they were at. Just as they sat down and finished making it seem like they’ve been there the whole time, Baekhyun and Chanyeol appeared from the corner, holding hands.

Chanyeol looked at his friends, giving them a questioning mein.

“Why the hell are all of you out of breath?”

“We were playing tag!” Luhan covered up quickly and swiftly. Almost swiftly.

“Oh okay, are we leaving now, it’s almost 6.” Chanyeol glanced at his watch.

“Yeah..we’re leaving now, it’s gonna get dark soon. Pack up guys!” Kyungsoo announced hurriedly, stood up and immediately began to pack the games and pick up unwanted trash. After five minutes of cooperative cleaning and packing they were finally in the car again. Baekhyun, of course still sat in front and of course the rest were stuffed again, much to Kai’s dismay.

Baekhyun kept his head down, only staring at his lap most of the car ride. While the others were surprisingly quiet except for the occasional arguments of the two youngest. The only reason they were hushed down was because they were busy observing Chanyeol and Baekhyun with every move the two made. Baekhyun hardly moved while Chanyeol glanced at the quiet brunette nearly every 30 seconds. It made Kyungsoo sort of freak out, because what if they got into a car accident when Chanyeol wasn’t keeping his eyes on the road?



Kyungsoo let out a breath of relief when they arrived to Baekhyun’s place. They all were still in one piece and not thrown all over the street, broken and bleeding to death.

Chanyeol parked his car in front of Baekhyun’s house and opened both their doors with the automatic button. He got out the car and went around it to get to Baekhyun, leaving his friends in the luxurious vehicle. Chanyeol took Baekhyun’s hand in his and the older’s knuckles with his thumb. Both of them kept their eyes on their connected hands, they undoubtedly fit perfectly.

“Baekhyun,” Chanyeol whispered softly.”Don’t cry anymore, okay?.”


Baekhyun stayed silent although he was sure he’ll faint any second from the overwhelming feelings he went through today and Chanyeol had to finish off with his deep but sweet voice.

“Can we go somewhere tomorrow, if you’re free?” Chanyeol suggested as he finally raised his eyes to look at Baekhyun.

“Actually…I have to go places tomorrow and get things done for my parents.” Baekhyun notified, although he wanted to abandon all his work and just stay with Chanyeol but no, it was important.”They’re not here to check on their house and everything they own, I have do it every month.”

“I can take you if you want.”

“It’s too far, two hours from here…and I already have someone taking me.” Baekhyun responded.

“Who is it?” Chanyeol asked.

“My dad’s close friend.”

“Oh, when will you be back?” Chanyeol gave up in attempting on giving Baekhyun a ride, he sort of felt like he was invading Baekhyun’s privacy.

“At night, around 9 or 10.”

“Okay then, take care and..” Chanyeol spoke, disappointed that he won’t be seeing Baekhyun tomorrow.”Bye, good night.”

“Bye.” Baekhyun smiled then made his way into his comfy house. Chanyeol didn’t get in his car until he saw Baekhyun close the front door.



“Why didn’t you kiss him!?” Luhan shrieked, startling Chanyeol with his raising voice.


“Kiss! Goodbye kiss? Why did you not kiss him? ” Luhan repeated, he looked disappointed and pissed while the others seemed the same way but they were just quiet.

“…I don’t know.” Chanyeol muttered and started the car.

“You haven’t kissed him at all, right?” The youngest deadpanned with a smirk.

Chanyeol didn’t say a word as he tried to focus on the road.

“Gosh! You haven’t?” Luhan scolded.”Learn from Kai, he kissed Kyungsoo the very first minute they were official.”

“Hey!” Kyungsoo protested.”Don’t bring that up, it was embarrassing.”

“He kissed him cause they’ve known each other since January 14, 1994. It’s different with me.” Chanyeol suddenly spoke up making Kyungsoo blush and Kai laugh.

“You know baby, every time I think of that, I can’t help but laugh at its amaziness.”

 “Amaziness?” Kyungsoo looked at his stupid boyfriend with a stupid expression.

“Yeah, you were right there when I came out my mommy, as if you were waiting for me.” Kai smiled cheekily.”I’m so glad our mommies are best friends.”

“I was not waiting for you, your mom just happened to break her water when we were in the car, far way from any hospital. So my mom had to do the job and I had to watch!”

“That means you saw my right? I was big from the start, wasn’t I? Even bigger now and no one knows but you.” Kai smiled, all teeth as he watched his cute, squishy boyfriend’s face turn as red as his shirt.

“Ewwwww!!” Luhan and Sehun echoed together and Kyungsoo couldn’t even hit Kai. Instead he smacked his own forehead and pasted his burning face on the window.

Chanyeol only laughed lightly because even if it was sort of gross, it was still funny. Kai and Kyungsoo have literally been together since Kai’s birth and it never failed to amuse him. They weren’t going to have any problems kissing because seriously, it just wasn’t hard for them, especially Kai.

But him…..he didn’t know.

He really didn’t know why he hadn’t kissed Baekhyun. He has looked at Baekhyun’s lips plenty of times but he never really thought about kissing them. It just never really went into his mind but now that Luhan has mentioned it, Baekhyun’s lips wouldn’t leave from his head. Now he started to regret.

Why hadn’t he kissed those perfect, thin, red, beautiful lips?

He tried his very best, to not think about Baekhyun and Baekhyun’s tears, Baekhyun’s smile, Baekhyun’s lithe body in his arms, Baekhyun’s beautiful velvet voice, Baekhyun’s hands, Baekhyun’s eyes, Baekhyun’s soft hair he got to touch today, and Baekhyun’s lips that he didn’t get a chance with.

Chanyeol shook his head and focused on the road. He really wanted to get his annoying but great friends and himself home safely.

Because he was actually looking forward to seeing Baekhyun after tomorrow and he had to be alive for that.


Well, I`m back for now :)
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guys im done with the last chapter but too afraid to post it cause it might ;(


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My_Baek_ #1
Start: April 15, 2024 11:44 a.m.
Listening To: 24H By Seventeen
In: Earth , Space and Science Class about to go to lunch in 1 minute
Reading It: In my school computer
Crying: Because my man Taeyong enlisted today 😭
akipop #2
Beau1996 1371 streak #3
Chapter 1: Rereading and enjoying the Kai/baby Soo vibe!!
Chapter 34: Hello. I've been around since I was a teenager, so the first time I read your story, I was young and a hardcore exo-l as well. But now that I'm a grown woman, I can now tell that Chanyeol had his bouts of red flags here. Realistically speaking, the flow of their story is impossible, yet my adult is still screaming from all the fluff. Nostalgia hits hard when you re-read what you used to obsess with. And I'm happy with my decision to re-visit this along with the other stories I've loved when I was younger. Have a blessed life!
SolJiwan #5
Chapter 29: Okey.. But why none of them go and slap the stella ? Idc if she's women or what she deserve to be hit
Beau1996 1371 streak #7
Chapter 34: Found this on a recommendation list and so glad I read it - nicely done author-nim ✌️
Chapter 25: Awwww chanbaek is falling appart :(
Chapter 17: Awww my babys!
Chapter 17: I have a strange feeling like Chanyeol really knows nothing about Baekhyun....