It Began With A Bet


Drinking was painful, especially for the first time, so Chanyeol was nearly suffocating. It made him forget his pain for a hour or so then Baekhyun filled his mind again. It was useless. A few girls tried to come up to him to get heated but he refused; Chanyeol wouldn't kiss or touch anyone but Baekhyun. Ever again. And no one was allowed to touch him but Baekhyun. 
When it became too much, to the very apex, Chanyeol quickly left the bar completely drunk and mindless and drove off to Baekhyun's door step. He needed to see Baekhyun.
No matter what.
Suho was in Baekhyun's bedroom, talking on his phone and Baekhyun was watching (not really) some kind of comedy show on tv, when all of a sudden, the doorbell rang. It was almost ten on a Friday night and neither boy was waiting for anyone to come over. Baekhyun uncertainly walked up to the door, not afraid to open it since he wasn't alone anymore. So he opened it causing his breath to hitch in his chest. Baekhyun was frozen to his spot, not moving, not blinking, and not even breathing.
All these days that have passed without Chanyeol became nothing. And all the thoughts of becoming strong and better were totally crushed. All when Baekhyun saw Chanyeol and his gangly mess standing in front of him. 
Baekhyun was just beginning to feel better but even though everything was nearly normal during the day, at night when Baekhyun was under his blankets, trying to sleep, Chanyeol would come to his mind and he had felt so depressed, staying for more than four hours just trying to sleep by getting Chanyeol off his mind. It was hard. His past week or so was horrible and so difficult to go through. He didn't need Chanyeol to come make his next week even worse.
Or maybe he did need Chanyeol, and who cares what happens then.
"Baek..." Chanyeol's voice warmed his heart up.
But Baekhyun couldn't utter a word. He could olny stare wide-eyed at the taller boy.
"You're so cute in that beanie." Baekhyun was puzzled but despite that, he blushed. Chanyeol never failed to make him blush. Chanyeol stepped closer and Baekhyun just remained frozen, even when Chanyeol grabbed his head and kissed him feverishly, right on his lips. Baekhyun's eyes went even wider and he gasped which resulted in Chanyeol sliding his tongue in the other's mouth.
Baekhyun missed this so much, even though it was rough, but to be honest Chanyeol kissing him was what he missed the most, so he, for the life of him, couldn't push Chanyeol away. 
But there was something terribly wrong and unusual; Chanyeol smelled and even tasted like alcohol. When Baekhyun realized (realizing too late because his senses were a mess with Chanyeol kissing him deeply) that Chanyeol was undoubtly drunk, he raised his hands and pushed Chanyeol away forcefully. 
Chanyeol grunted and looked at Baekhyun with wet and glassy eyes, as he stumbled backwards. He looked a mess. And he was obviously drunk and Baekhyun didn't know how he didn't see that from the beginning. But Chanyeol didn't drink. Since when? And he drove here drunk, what if he got into an accident? Baekhyun's stomach turned painfully at the thought.
"Why don't you let me kiss you anymore, Baek?" Chanyeol stammered."I love you. Stop doing this to me, I-"
"Why.....Why are you drunk?" Baekhyun questioned even though his heart was racing at the confession.
"I miss your voice more than anything, its so sweet and so-" Chanyeol didn't even seem like he heard Baekhyun's question.
"Chanyeol, why?!?" Baekhyun was getting impatient. He was so afraid. Chanyeol wasn't supposed to drink, it was too dangerous for him. 
"Because I m-miss you and I need you, but you don't and I'm losing my mind. I just wanted to forget the pain by drinking but I still couldn't. Baek, why don't you love me anymore? Why not?" Chanyeol's tears finally came out, but he kept rambling on and on, not stopping since he was too drunk."That's all I want, but you're so cruel you know, I'm still waiting for you to sleep with m-me on our bed. I haven't touched it since you l-left. Our home misses you too. So much. I really want you to make yummy food and feed me with your beautiful hands like before. I can't--"
There was only silence in the air for long moments as they stared at each other, eyes burning with tears.
"Come back. Just please please please come back."
Baekhyun could almost hear his own heart break. He didn't imagine Chanyeol being this way. He thought Chanyeol was fine with the breakup but it looked like he was suffering even worse than him. It was too painful to see Chanyeol in that devastated state.
"Baekhyun, talk to me! Stop being so mean! Tell me you love me too! Tell me and come back to me, please." Chanyeol grabbed Baekhyun's shoulders and shook them, gripping them tightly as he spoke near Baekhyun's horrified expression."Baekhyun, I'm going to die if you don't come back. I swear I'm going to end myself."
Baekhyun gasped as new tears spilled from his eyes."Chanyeol, don't...."
"Then come back to me. I can't even breathe without you. I miss you more than anything. Come back-"
"I.....I can't." Baekhyun breathed out, hot tears wetting his cheeks.
Chanyeol slid his hands from Baekhyun's shoulders to his cold hands, holding Baekhyun's fingers tightly in his big hands.
"Why? You don't understand how much I need you Baek. Why can't you come back and I promise you that I'll take care of you and I won't ever make you sad again. J-Just believe me, please?" Chanyeol's voice wavered because he was so desperate for Baekhyun to just say ok.
Baekhyun wanted to intertwine their fingers since their hands were already clasped together. He felt his whole body warm up at Chanyeol's touch. Baekhyun missed the taller's soft and gentle touches, he wanted more but he knew there was a red line he couldn't cross, but he was already stepping over it with his first foot by allowing Chanyeol near him this way willingly. Baekhyun was hurting himself and he knew it.
"Chanyeol, please go." Baekhyun sounded completely wrecked. Probably because he really was wrecked, inside and out. 
Chanyeol brought Baekhyun's hands closer to his lips and kissed each hand gently, then held them tighter against his."I don't want to. Let me stay with you, for just a bit."
Chanyeol guided Baekhyun's trembling hand to his chest and placed it right on his fast beating heart. They looked into each other's eyes in pure agony.
"It's broken.." Chanyeol said as he pressed Baekhyun's hand closer to his heart."It ing hurts, Baekhyun. I miss you."
What Chanyeol did next surprised Baekhyun, he dropped down on his knees, never letting go of Baekhyun's hands.
"Baekhyunnie, I promise you that I'll do anything, anything you want. Just make this pain stop, I need you back. I'm so damn tired without you."
Baekhyun only looked down at Chanyeol who was tearing apart right before his eyes. He never wanted Chanyeol to be a mess or sad or tired or depressed or anything negative. Baekhyun wanted Chanyeol to be the happiest person alive. 
Baekhyun swallowed the lump in his throat and as soon as he was about to tell Chanyeol to get up, he was interrupted by a voice behind him.
"Baekhyun?" Suho was at the door and when he saw Chanyeol holding onto a distressed Baekhyun he immediately pulled the small male away from him.
Baekhyun kept his teary eyes on Chanyeol, who stood there staring at Suho like he wanted to murder him. 
"This is him?" Suho asked near Baekhyun's ear and Baekhyun only nodded slowly because yes, this is the guy who he loves and this is the guy who broke his heart and this is the guy he needed more than anything.
"Who is this, Baek?" Chanyeol kept his stare fixed on Suho.
"Is he....Is he your new boyfriend or what?" 
Both Baekhyun and Suho stayed quiet, letting Chanyeol assume whatever he wanted. Although Baekhyun wanted to tell him that no that's not his boyfriend and he will never love anyone like he loves him. But he couldn't utter a thing.
"That's why you won't come back." Chanyeol looked like he was ready to throw up as he slowly got up to his feet, seeming more miserable than ever."I see."
Tense moments passed by with Suho holding Baekhyun tightly as Baekhyun was trembling and letting tears stream down his cheeks as quietly as he could, watching Chanyeol looking every where as he gripped his forehead and scrunched his face in pain.
With a groan, Chanyeol rubbed his forehead with the heel of his hand. His head was about to burst and it hurt even more when he looked at Baekhyun and Suho again. 
He was supposed to have Baekhyun to himself, not anyone else. No one. 
But Baekhyun chose, so Chanyeol, with a really heavy and even more broken heart accepted it right on the spot. He should've never ever came.
"You." Chanyeol glared straight at Suho. "Take care of Baekhyun, or I swear on my life that I will ing kill you. Don't let even a bug hurt him."
Chanyeol paused for a second then shocked Baekhyun and Suho with his words as he continued on.
"If you don't know already, he has nightmares so keep him company at night. And h-he hates fish, don't even talk about fish to him."
Chanyeol was obviously too drunk to be in his right mind.
"Also, don't ever lie to him. Always be-" Chanyeol hiccuped suddenly, but he still kept his finger pointed towards Suho."Always be honest with him. A-Always."
"He-" Another hiccup." He loves apples, so keep giving him apples. Especially green ones, remember that. And take him to the butterfly exhibition often, alright? It's in the city next to ours, about a full hour away."
"Watch out for him from stalkers or bullies or....people like me." Chanyeol furrowed his eyebrows in pain."What's your name even?"
He didn't wait for an answer for he was already gazing at Baekhyun again with a smile that made Baekhyun's heart drop to his stomach.
"Baek, don't wear our pajamas with him, alright? And don't kiss him if you ever tutor him. Don't name your teddy bear after him. Don't sing out loud too."
Chanyeol really couldn't see through blurry eyes but Baekhyun was staring at him with eyes that were begging Chanyeol to stop talking. To stop talking because his words hurt so deeply. Even if Baekhyun said that directly, Chanyeol maybe wouldn't have stopped because he wasn't sober. He didn't know what he was even saying. Babbling over and over, warning Baekhyun about things he shouldn't be doing with his so called boyfriend. They were mostly things that they have done together or things they had wanted to do. Either way Baekhyun's heart was too weak to handle any of it.
"And definitely don't draw hearts with his name in i-"
"Stop! Chanyeol, go! Leave and don't ever come back!" Baekhyun bit his lower lip harshly, until he left clear teeth marks on it."Go!!"
That effectively shut Chanyeol up. 
And also effectively hurt Chanyeol further. 
"And d-don't drink anymore you idiot!" Baekhyun cried out, his voice hoarse, before pulling away from Suho harshly and running back in the house. 
Chanyeol just stood there, speechless. Baekhyun in his mind was so cruel. But it didn't make Chanyeol love him any less. He looked at the red-headed guy still standing there; Chanyeol wanted to beat him up to be honest. But that might get Baekhyun even more angry. 
"You're so lucky." Chanyeol said instead and with that he left, feeling like Baekhyun literally stomped all over his heart then literally stabbed it with sharp, blood seeping daggers. Even though he was drunk, he felt the pain thoroughly.
Suho watched the tall guy drive away then sighed, knowing that he was going to have to deal with a downhearted Baekhyun in a second. He walked over to Baekhyun's bedroom and surely, Baekhyun was there sobbing into his pillow. He was yelling some words that took a few moments for Suho to understand through the loud cries.
"He's so stupid!! I hate him, I hate him, I hate him!!"
Suho swallowed and sat down beside his mourning cousin. He didn't really imagine for Baekhyun to be in this kind of relationship, in this kind of situation. But now he saw with his own eyes. It really was complicated.
Baekhyun's shoulders were shaking from the force of his cries, so Suho put a hand on his upper back, rubbing it in circles, trying to comfort Baekhyun. Ten, maybe twenty minutes passed with Baekhyun never disconnecting his face from the pillow and just lying there crying. His cries eventually reduced to small whimpers and sniffs as Suho stayed near him the whole time.
He was surprised when Baekhyun lifted his head then abruptly sat on his knees. Baekhyun glimpsed at his older cousin for a split second then back down onto the mattress, almost seeming guilty for some unknown reason.
"H-Hyung?" Baekhyun barely whispered, although Suho heard him due to the deadly silence in the room.
"Can you call Luhan-hyung and ask him to....." A small pause. "...to check on C-Chanyeol?" 
Suho raised his eyebrows in shock but despite that he slowly took Baekhyun's recently new phone and went through the contacts until he found Luhan's number.
Baekhyun stared at his phone, waiting anxiously for Luhan to answer. He couldn't, just couldn't rest until he knew where Chanyeol was. He freaking drove when he was drunk and Baekhyun didn't know how he let Chanyeol do that. What if he got into a severe accident? It was highly possible to happen with the way Chanyeol was so out of his right mind. Baekhyun had to check on him before his heart jumped out his chest of endless worry.
A sudden wave of panic surged through Baekhyun's small body. His heart palpitated wildly in his chest. A thousand questions whizzed through his mind. What should he do? What if something terrible would happen to Chanyeol because of him? Should he just let go of his selfless thoughts and run back to Chanyeol? Baekhyun wanted Chanyeol to know that Suho was in no way his boyfriend. And that in not a million years would Baekhyun be able to replace Chanyeol. He thought maybe it was in his hands to stop all this heart wrenching chaos; if only he would have the courage to go to Chanyeol.
Baekhyun sat there, new tears b in his eyes as he listened to Suho at the doorway talking to Luhan, telling him that Chanyeol came over drunk and even left drunk. And he added in that Baekhyun was a mess because of the worry eating him up. He hung up pretty quickly and walked into the room where Baekhyun was sitting on the bed with his knees folded up to his chest and arms hugging them tightly in an attempt to keep calm. But there was no use even trying to keep calm.
He lifted his head quickly to face his cousin."What did he say?"
"He's going to go to Chanyeol's house and check on him."
"But...w-what if he's not there?" Baekhyun bit his trembling lip.
"Luhan will let us know, just relax."
Baekhyun let his eyelids close and took in a sharp breath, panic and frustration flowing through his whole body."W-Why is this happening? Why is my luck always so stupid??"
Suho sat beside Baekhyun and his head."Baekhyun-ah, stop being so upset. It'll pass."
"But....I d-don't want it to pass like this."
"Then what do you want exactly?" Suho asked gently. Baekhyun gazed up at him and Suho was sure he saw a flash of something else in his eyes. As if Baekhyun wanted to say something but was afraid to admit it. 
"Tell me, it's okay. I'm here to help you, not judge you." Suho reassured him and Baekhyun knew it was ok; this was his favorite cousin that understood him like an open book.
"You still want him, don't you?"
Baekhyun couldn't stop the small nod he gave the older.
"Then what's the reason you're not going back?"
"I'm afraid." Baekhyun admitted sourly."He might not want me like I want him a-and he's perfect......I'm not."
"Baekhyun, I know you're not perfect but he isn't either. Everyone has their own flaws. And if you think he doesn't love you then I'm going to say that you're completely wrong. He obviously needs you. This is the first time I've seen him but I'm convinced that he most definitely at least likes you." 
Baekhyun stayed quiet, biting into his lip hard enough to break the delicate skin.
"You know what he told me before he left?" 
Baekhyun looked at Suho, wanting to know eagerly.
"He told me, "you're lucky", and by that I knew that you're to him something he wants badly but is forbidden from having. Just think about it and listen to your heart. Take all your time to make your decision, Baekhyun. But you also should know that you should think about what he feels too."
"But what if I make a wrong choice?" Baekhyun asked doubtfully.
"Think carefully about it and trust your heart. Wherever it leads you then go that way."
Baekhyun's phone rang in the midst of silence, causing Baekhyun to jump up and grab it, not even giving Suho a chance.
"Hello?" Baekhyun answered shakily, sounding like he had no life in him. He couldn't help it; he was worried to death.
"Hey, Baekhyun." It was Luhan, exactly who Baekhyun needed now. He didn't even look at the caller id before he answered.
Baekhyun got cut off by the older boy by getting to the point."He's fine. He's just passed out on the couch."
Baekhyun let out a sigh, literally feeling relief wash through his body. He kept quiet, thanking god that Chanyeol was safe.
"Baekhyun, are you okay?" Luhan's worried voice came out the phone.
"Y-Yes, I- thank you." Baekhyun stammered.
"No problem."
Baekhyun wanted to ask Luhan to please please stay near Chanyeol and watch out for him so he won't drink anymore or do anything reckless but not another word was able to leave his lips. Suho noticed and took the phone from Baekhyun's frozen fingers.
"Thank you for letting us know." Suho kindly told Luhan. They talked for a minute or so then hung up while Baekhyun lied back on his bed, a little bit relaxed after he checked on Chanyeol. Without a word Baekhyun pulled the blanket on him, covering his entire body in an attempt to block the whole world away from him. He needed rest but no matter what he did he couldn't rest as he desired until he was in Chanyeol's arms; Baekhyun finally admitted that to himself. 
"Good night, Baekhyun." That was Suho's voice near him and even though he appreciated his cousin's kindness, right now he wished and wished and wished that it would be Chanyeol whispering "good night" in his ear then kissing him instead.


I`m sorry for being late. 

Writer`s block has hit me. Hard. In the face.

Wish me luck please. I really want to write but ?????

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guys im done with the last chapter but too afraid to post it cause it might ;(


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My_Baek_ #1
Start: April 15, 2024 11:44 a.m.
Listening To: 24H By Seventeen
In: Earth , Space and Science Class about to go to lunch in 1 minute
Reading It: In my school computer
Crying: Because my man Taeyong enlisted today 😭
akipop #2
Beau1996 1371 streak #3
Chapter 1: Rereading and enjoying the Kai/baby Soo vibe!!
Chapter 34: Hello. I've been around since I was a teenager, so the first time I read your story, I was young and a hardcore exo-l as well. But now that I'm a grown woman, I can now tell that Chanyeol had his bouts of red flags here. Realistically speaking, the flow of their story is impossible, yet my adult is still screaming from all the fluff. Nostalgia hits hard when you re-read what you used to obsess with. And I'm happy with my decision to re-visit this along with the other stories I've loved when I was younger. Have a blessed life!
SolJiwan #5
Chapter 29: Okey.. But why none of them go and slap the stella ? Idc if she's women or what she deserve to be hit
Beau1996 1371 streak #7
Chapter 34: Found this on a recommendation list and so glad I read it - nicely done author-nim ✌️
Chapter 25: Awwww chanbaek is falling appart :(
Chapter 17: Awww my babys!
Chapter 17: I have a strange feeling like Chanyeol really knows nothing about Baekhyun....