It Began With A Bet


Monday, March 18

I can not believe I’m doing this, Chanyeol thought in his head as he walked in the hell-hole called school.

Kim ing Jongin just had to bet him that so unwanted bet.

Why the nerd out of all people? But oh well, his friend is mischievous and cruel like that to everyone. Except of course, not to his BabySoo.
His BabySoo doesn't deserve to be hurt or troubled like everyone else in the world does. His BabySoo is sweeter than the sweetest sweets. At least that's what Kim Jongin believes.

Chanyeol ignored all the screams of ‘Oppa!I love you so much!’ from the girls that surrounded him everyday. Being the rich, popular and handsome guy in their school, no doubt he’d be chased by crazy obsessed girls. Even if they acknowledged that he’s biual and might not even have a chance with him, they still jump at him whenever they can. He doesn't pay any attention to them at all. Yes, his head hurts from their high-pitched voices but he deals with it. He’s almost used to it, almost, not entirely.

He continued striding down the hallway searching for a particular nerd.

What was his name again? Ah right Byun!

No. Byun Baekhyun!

Chanyeol remembered his name and as soon as he did, he spotted the petite brunette with the big nerdy glasses hanging on his nose. His eyes were glued to the floor and he was walking alone, as usual.

‘It won’t be that bad’ Chanyeol convinced himself, ’It’s only one week and it’ll be over. And that nerd wouldn't mind, he’d just go back to studying and being what he is. A nerd.’

Well, here goes nothing…

Chanyeol paced faster to the older boy and stopped right in front of him.



Baekhyun had seen the tall popular Chanyeol aka the love of his life enter the school with all the girls swarming around him. Which by the way made his blood boil out of jealousy, but what he wasn't expecting was for the younger boy to stop him right in his tracks.

He peeked up at the extremely tall guy in front of him then looked back down immediately. Baekhyun couldn`t look at him for long or he’d just lose his mind completely. Just as he was going to step away to go around Chanyeol, the boy spoke.

“Go out with me.” the girls surrounding the two froze in their spots. Gasps and soft whispers of “oppa” could be heard from them.

No matter how surprised they were,it was nothing compared to Baekhyun’s surprised state. Surprised was an understatement. Yes, he wanted this but it only happened in his dreams. It couldn't be happening in reality. It just couldn't, it was impossible.

“Are you…t-talking to m-me?” he asked in a small voice and he stuttered. Stuttering when he first talked to someone was his thing. It was almost considered one of his personal talents. If that even was considered a talent.

Chanyeol cleared his throat.”Yes, who else then? So…?”

It was really happening. He was talking to Baekhyun. But Baekhyun just couldn't believe it, just no.

Why now someone approaches him? He hasn't had any friends since the day he lost his only very dear friend. And now Park Chanyeol, the only person Baekhyun had feelings of affection and adoration towards, was coming up to him and asking him out.

Just like that.

It was insane. If he knew this was going to be part of his day, he would've just never even woke up. It was far too much for him.

Baekhyun gulped before parting his lips to respond,”I..w-why would I d-date you?”

It took a second for Chanyeol to realize what the nerd just said to him. Why?

Chanyeol was taken aback but he was able to keep his expression cool. Well, it wasn't as easy as he thought it would be. He cursed Kai once more in his head then answered the boy.

“Because I….I like you.”

“You do?” Baekhyun’s heart was on overdrive, everything was too overwhelming for him and he could barely think straight.

“Yes, I do.” Chanyeol suddenly took the shorter’s hand in his, startling the already flustered boy.

“But…I-I don’t w-want to go out with…you.” Baekhyun replied in a low but audible voice.

Chanyeol’s eyes widened at the reply he just received. What?! 


What the?




Not to mention the crowd around them, they were having a hard time comprehending what was happening before their eyes.

Park Chanyeol as in The Park Chanyeol was asking Byun Baekhyun out, as in the nerd Byun Baekhyun. And not just that, but the nerd was rejecting him? Who in their right mind would reject Park Chanyeol?

Wait. Wait, wait…Did he just turn me down?
Chanyeol never really asked anyone out and he wouldn’t be doing it now if it wasn't for the dumb ing bet, because now he was embarrassed and shocked. He, in all honesty thought no on would be able to reject him, but…

Pissed off a bit, but he doesn't show it, Chanyeol forced his voice to come out,”You don’t?”

A million questions were going through Baekhyun’s head, why in the world was Chanyeol asking him out or even speaking to him in the first place? He wasn't going to get answers because he didn't have anyone to ask the questions in the first place.

“No.. I don’t want to because… I don’t know you. Please e-excuse me, I h-have to get to class.” Baekhyun removed his hand from Chanyeol’s soft grip and left without another word.

Chanyeol stared blankly at the empty spot in front of him. Oh !

He can’t just fail like that! No! No…


“Hey!… Wait!” he ran to the older boy and turned him around gently by the shoulder.

“Just… just give me a chance… I will prove it!” 

He can’t just lose his $1000 allowance to Kai that easily! He doesn't want to lose it at all!!!

Baekhyun sighed and gathered up all the courage God gave him then looked at Chanyeol straight in the eyes.

Immediately, Baekhyun regretted looking at Chanyeol’s eyes, they were too mesmerizing and it wasn't helping his racing heart.

“I-I..” of course he’d still stutter.”…w-what do you even like in me?"



Well.. what the hell was he supposed to say?!


“I like everything! I like your style in clothes, your huge glasses, the way you stutter…. everything!” Chanyeol answered hurriedly, trying not to sound like he was straight up lying.

He sighed and took the other boy’s hand in his own again.

“I never asked anyone out and I never accepted anyone too…. give me a chance. Please.”

… He’s literally begging.

Baekhyun pushed up his glasses with his unoccupied hand and cleared his throat. On the outside he looked pretty calm for someone that was being asked out by Park Chanyeol. But on the inside, his heart was aching from the overwhelming feelings. Chanyeol actually knew he existed and he was telling him he liked him. Baekhyun could feel his heart beat faster and faster by the second. It was getting harder to breath with Chanyeol so close to him. He could feel his face heat up.

Before he was to give himself away with his red flushed face, he pulled his hand away from Chanyeol’s for the second time.

“I’ll think about it.” and with that almost inaudible answer, he quickly turned away from the crowd to lock himself in a safe and empty bathroom stall.

Chanyeol stared at the small figure getting further and further away from him. It took him a minute to realize everything that just occurred.

So he still hasn't agreed but that was definitely better than a no. That nerd was really something. Something he wasn't expecting and also something Chanyeol never guessed would be part of a bet from his stupid friend.

With a few blinks he stood up straight, cleared his throat, straightened his shirt and walked off to his first class of the day.



Baekhyun stared at himself in the mirror. He was ten minutes late for class and he knew it. But he wasn't ready to be seen by everyone after the embarrassment he was put in.

“Did he… just ask me out? Why me out of all people? Why!?” he practically yelled at his reflection in the mirror.”I don’t understand, I’m so confused! I feel like I’m being played with…. why?”

He brought his hand up and smacked his own forehead, then pouted at the pain.

“Great. Now I’m talking to myself. I'm going nuts all because of you, Park Chanyeol!” he thought out loud, staring up at the not-so-clean bathroom ceiling.

“Ummm…. aren't you supposed to be in class?”

Baekhyun jumped at the voice coming from the bathroom entrance. He glanced to his right and found two of his classmates. Not friends. Just classmates. He talks to them a lot. But not friendly talk. Only schoolwork related.That’s it.

The nice, sweet, and smart, Do Kyungsoo and Lu Han were now staring silently at Baekhyun, who was staring right back.

Luhan broke the awkward silence, smiling sweetly.

“Are you ok Baekhyun? We were just walking back from the principal`s office and we heard a voice from the bathroom….”

“We haven’t seen you in class yet… you should go now. The teacher asked about you.” Kyungsoo jumped in.

Baekhyun looked away quickly and swallowed.

Did they hear me by any chance? What am I thinking? Of course they heard me!

“Baekhyun…” Luhan went up to him and touched his shoulder.”Is something bothering you? You can tell me, I’ll help.”

Baekhyun wouldn't tell him what’s bothering him. Not before, not now, not ever. He only spoke to these two for school matters. He doesn't want to lose any friends again. So he figured if he doesn't get any, there wouldn't be any to lose and mourn over after they leave.

“Uh… nothing. I’ll just leave.” Baekhyun gathered his belongings and scattered out the bathroom.


Luhan glanced at Kyungsoo with a worried expression.”What was that all about?”

Kyungsoo shrugged.”Is it me or did he yell Chanyeol’s name?”

“No… he did. I wonder why though?”

Luhan and Kyungsoo had been trying to get close to Baekhyun since the beginning of the school year. They were the top three in their class, with Baekhyun being number one. They also had to get together lots of times to help around in class.

All their attempts seemed useless as Baekhyun would only stay in school-zone. They knew something was up with their classmate but they didn’t know what. And both boys were extremely curious, nearly all the time, especially Luhan.

Luhan’s boyfriend, Sehun would call him ‘My monkey Lu Lu' referring to the show they watch together occasionally, Curious George. Lame, but Luhan thought it was cute. Luhan thought everything Sehun said or did was cute.

Even though Luhan and Kyungsoo were a lot like Baekhyun, they weren't called nerds of the school. That was because they were friends with Chanyeol. Since like, forever. Along with Kai and Sehun, but Luhan only joined their little group about two years ago, when he came from China to study. Being the outgoing person he is he became close with the four pretty quickly, especially Sehun. He was lucky to meet them, because really, he was supposed to be done with high school last year, but because of his lack of Korean they pushed him down a grade, where Kyungsoo and Chanyeol were. He didn't mind, it was just one year. Besides he met great friends and his Korean improved greatly, he was as fluent as everyone around him. He blended in perfectly.

“Come on Kyungsoo, let’s go back to class.”



By lunch time nearly everyone in the building had some sort of knowledge about the scene between Park Chanyeol and the nerd. Some hated what was going on and some just accepted it. Neither could do anything about it really.

“So…when are you gonna hand over the money?” Kai asked Chanyeol with a smirk as they were just sitting down at their lunch table.

“He didn't say no, I don’t have to give you anything.” Chanyeol snapped and began to eat, not sparing a glance at his cocky friend. He was still sorta upset and angry because that nerd had rejected him. It was really unexpected, someone to actually reject him. But maybe Baekhyun wasn't interested in guys in the first place, but if he wasn't he would've just said that. And he wouldn't have said that he’ll think about it.

Also Kai wouldn't bet him to ask a straight guy out, he won’t go that far. Kai must of knew somehow that Baekhyun was into guys rather than the girls. Chanyeol didn't even bother to know how his friend knew.

“Uh-huh… but I don’t see you guys dating. The bet was you have to date him for a week. You don’t even know where he is! So just give up, dofus!”

“Give up what?” Luhan butted in out of nowhere. He sat down on his regular seat and pulled Sehun beside him.

“Nothing.” Chanyeol deadpanned rather rudely, before Kai would open his big mouth and spill everything out.

“Yah! Don’t talk to Luhan that way! I’m gonna throw my lunch in your face if you do that one more time, Chanyeol.” Sehun glared at Chanyeol with a rather cute/angry expression and Luhan patted his thigh to calm him down.

“O-kay…” Chanyeol didn’t bother to say more or rather didn't dare to say more, for he knew that Sehun would actually attack him relentlessly with food for speaking in an unfavorable way to Luhan.

“You guys are stupid,” Kai spat out of no where.”And Luhan…where in the world is my BabySoo?”

“Umm, Kyungsoo said he w-….” Luhan began only to be cut by his now furious boyfriend.

“Your Baby Soo said he won’t come because he doesn't want to see your shameful face anymore and he doesn't want to hear your grating voice anymore either…”

“Sehun!” Luhan covered the younger’s lips with his hand quickly before he would piss Kai off to the tip and end up with a black eye.

“No one asked you, lameo!”

“Who are you calling a lameo? What is that anyway, turdnugget!”

Kai scrunched his noes at the unpleasant name Sehun threw at him.



“Me? A couchpotato? If anyone here is a couchpotato it’s Chanyeol!” Of course only Kai would.

“Hey! I am very active!” Chanyeol snapped his head up at the mention of his name and what had came along with it.

“Whatever. I dance every single day and I have some nice exercise slash quality time with my BabySoo nearly every night, and not just once either! Multiple rounds unlike you. Or Chanyeol, who doesn't even get one round.” Kai gave Chanyeol a teasing glare. ”So, it just doesn't make sense calling me a couchpotato, try better, loser.”

“I don’t need to. You’ll get it from your mama behind you who isn't happy with what you just screeched out.” Sehun smirked at the confused Kai.

Kai turned his head slowly. Before he could speak, Kyungsoo pinched one of his ears and pulled at it, making his dirty mouthed boyfriend wince and try to move back a bit.

“What are you saying Kim Jongin?” Kyungsoo scolded through clenched teeth.”You know that it’s inappropriate and I’ve told you a million times.”

“Ow, baby, please let go. You’re hurting my ear!”

“Jongin, I warned you and this was you last straw. Nothing for you this whole week.”

Sehun burst into a contagious laughing fit, making Luhan and Chanyeol laugh also, but not as loud as him.

“NOOOO!!!! Baby, I’m sorry, don’t do that to me please. I can’t live without touching you! I’ll suffocate without your scent! Do you really want me to die? Do you?” Everyone would think Kai was overreacting but he truly and surely believed he’d die and rotten without Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo blushed and cursed to himself for ever knowing such a cheesy, embarrassing, irresistible,
y, cute ert and having him as a boyfriend that he loved so very much.

“At this moment, yes. I do want you to die.”

Jongin pouted, then a small smirk quirked his lips.”Now you do but later you’ll be begging for me, just like you alwa-mmhph!”

Kyungsoo abruptly sat down and stopped Kai from his embarrassing blabbering with his small hand.
He only moved it to quickly shove a big bun in Kai’s mouth, preventing him from speaking out another word.

“Thanks hyung, you should’ve came earlier to do that.” Sehun remarked while trying to control his unstoppable laughter, which only got worse at the sight of Kai’s full cheeks and pouting lips.

Kai was aiming his plastic fork at the unknowing Sehun, when he saw from behind the younger, a particular someone coming in the cafeteria door alone. He quit on throwing the fork and instead pointed at the nerd with it.

“Mphmpmjp!!” Kai tried to get Chanyeol’s attention but no one understood him because of the bun he was desperately trying to get rid of by eating it. If he would spit it out he knows Kyungsoo will nag at him because apparently, it’s wasting food. And that’s a big no no with Kyungsoo. And a big no no to Kai was disappointing Kyungsoo.

“We don’t understand you alien.” Sehun mocked.

Kai ignored him and reached out to Chanyeol. He pulled at Chanyeol’s hair causing the said one to lift his head and give Kai an expression to show his annoyance. He was about to hit the younger back but his head was twisted pretty harshly, to look behind him.

“What the , Ka-” he stopped his words as he spotted what Kai wanted him to see.

Baekhyun was standing in the lunch line, obviously getting his lunch. Chanyeol watched as Baekhyun smiled to the lunch lady. He had to admit that the nerd had a pretty smile.

He received another pull of his hair by Kai. He turned his head to meet the said boy’s face all up in his personal space. Chanyeol had to laugh again at Kai’s face which was hysterical with the bread still stuffed in his mouth.

Kai gave him a glare, he motioned with his head towards Baekhyun and then moved his fingers together in front of Chanyeol’s face. Chanyeol knew where he was going at.

Go ask Baekhyun again or give up the money now.





Alright, the first chapter.:)
Sorry, I  was really nervous when I began it. I swear it gets better though! ^_^
I would love to know your thoughts on this.
Thanks for reading!





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guys im done with the last chapter but too afraid to post it cause it might ;(


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My_Baek_ #1
Start: April 15, 2024 11:44 a.m.
Listening To: 24H By Seventeen
In: Earth , Space and Science Class about to go to lunch in 1 minute
Reading It: In my school computer
Crying: Because my man Taeyong enlisted today 😭
akipop #2
Beau1996 1370 streak #3
Chapter 1: Rereading and enjoying the Kai/baby Soo vibe!!
Chapter 34: Hello. I've been around since I was a teenager, so the first time I read your story, I was young and a hardcore exo-l as well. But now that I'm a grown woman, I can now tell that Chanyeol had his bouts of red flags here. Realistically speaking, the flow of their story is impossible, yet my adult is still screaming from all the fluff. Nostalgia hits hard when you re-read what you used to obsess with. And I'm happy with my decision to re-visit this along with the other stories I've loved when I was younger. Have a blessed life!
SolJiwan #5
Chapter 29: Okey.. But why none of them go and slap the stella ? Idc if she's women or what she deserve to be hit
Beau1996 1370 streak #7
Chapter 34: Found this on a recommendation list and so glad I read it - nicely done author-nim ✌️
Chapter 25: Awwww chanbaek is falling appart :(
Chapter 17: Awww my babys!
Chapter 17: I have a strange feeling like Chanyeol really knows nothing about Baekhyun....