It Began With A Bet

Baekhyun awoke when cold air hit his  bare thigh. He stirred around, trying to find some source of warmth but was greeted with nothing but thick sheets around and all over him. Sure, they were warm, but that wasn't the warmth he needed. 

Slowly, he opened his eyes and found himself looking up at a familiar white ceiling. He was on a familiar bed in a very familiar room. Baekhyun was confused for a few more seconds because he'd been sleeping for so long, it eventually came into his perplexed head.

This was Chanyeol's room, Chanyeol's bed.

Shock hit him like a train for a second, Baekhyun shot up to a sitting position only to groan at the sudden searing pain on his lower back, and down there.

"Oh god..." Baekhyun threw his body back on the bed, attempting to lessen the terrible pain. He glanced down at his body and almost lost his breath as he did. It was full of red and purple marks. Some on his stomach, some on his chest, and that particular one standing out on his right inner thigh.

Panic surged through him as memories of last night flew in his mind. Chanyeol and he had . They really did. He lost his ity. To Chanyeol. 

It really did happen.

Of course, he didn't regret anything of last night. It all felt like an enthralling dream to him. But the problem was another thing, it was if Chanyeol didn't like it. If he didn't satisfy Chanyeol. If Chanyeol probably regretted it. If his body wasn't appealing enough for Chanyeol's eyes. If-

Where was Chanyeol anyway?

Baekhyun looked around the room again. There was no one but him. There was also no sight of his clothes. No sight of any clothes actually. Baekhyun hid his body further under the sheets. He felt as if his heart was going to leap out his chest. He was extremely nervous, beyond nervous. He was, for goodness sake, under Chanyeol's sheets and there were no clothes at reach. A low troubled sigh left his lips.

Baekhyun could have swore his heart stopped when Chanyeol suddenly appeared from behind the door that had just opened. He had a tray of food in his hands and a warm smile on his face.

"Good morning."

Baekhyun bit his lip as he willed himself to stop shaking.

The tall boy walked over to the bed, placing the tray on the drawer next to it. Baekhyun noticed that Chanyeol wasn't dressed up formally. He was only in sweatpants and a black wife beater. The sight made Baekhyun's body heat up in a entirely different way that wasn't embarrassment. 

Baekhyun's breath hitched when Chanyeol sat on the edge of the bed, trying to catch Baekhyun's eyes that were avoiding him. 

"You okay?" Chanyeol asked, concerned.

Baekhyun simply nodded.

"Baek..." Chanyeol shifted a little in his spot. It seemed like he wanted to say something but was reconsidering about it.

"Eat," Chanyeol spoke gently, although there was a hint of flustering in his voice."You haven't ate for a while. It's almost lunch time and I thought you'd be hungry. I tried cooking something, but I don't know if it's good, I really hope you like it. I learned it for you, it's something I wanted to make-"


Chanyeol snapped his head up when Baekhyun cut into his nervous and fast upcoming words. 


"I need....my clothes." Baekhyun was turning scarlet rapidly.

Chanyeol had forgotten that Baekhyun was still cloth-less under the sheets. He instantly had the urge to remove the blankets off Baekhyun just to kiss all over his body once again.

"Oh, I put them in the washer. But I can give you something of mine."


Chanyeol walked over to the closet and after just a few minutes -which was totally not enough time for Baekhyun to gather himself- he came back. He set the clothes down beside Baekhyun. The older boy took them into his hands causing the sheets to slide down his chest, baring it to Chanyeol's hungry eyes. There was a pregnant silence as Baekhyun waited for Chanyeol to leave for just a minute until he got dressed. But Chanyeol was too engrossed in staring at Baekhyun's pale skin to notice.

"Umm...I," Baekhyun paused, hoping that Chanyeol got the message.

Chanyeol fortunately did. He shook his head and cleared his throat. 

"I'm sorry, I'll go out for a bit." 

Then he was gone. 

Baekhyun took the breath he was holding in out of his heated body. He wanted to take a shower so badly. He felt like he wasn't clean compared to Chanyeol. Chanyeol smelled so good and alluring. Who knows how he smelled like? Just thinking about that made Baekhyun get out of bed, trying his very best to ignore the pain that came back as he walked over to the bathroom with the clothes Chanyeol gave him. In the bathroom, he wanted to brush his teeth but he didn't have a toothbrush. He only saw Chanyeol's and something in him stung when he didn't see his. He knew he had forgot his but he didn't know that Chanyeol would get rid of it. Baekhyun stuck with mouthwash and took a hot shower in under five minutes, only using shampoo for his whole body. Truthfully, he was hungry and he also wanted to be with Chanyeol even if he was embarrassed about last night, especially when Chanyeol was around.

He was soon drying off and at the same time staring at all the hickeys and marks all over his body in his reflection on the big mirror. Thoughts of last night had him smile to himself as he touched all the marks with his fingertips. Baekhyun closed his eyes in pleasure when he remembered Chanyeol kissing him all over as he was buried deep in him. His thoughts trailed off to that moment where he reached his and how glorious that felt and how his body shook at the intensity and how Chanyeol felt against his body and just how-

I did not just made that sound.

But he had. Baekhyun had shamelessly moaned softly because of the arousing memories. Thank goodness he was alone.

He forced himself to stop thinking about yesterday and instead took the clothes Chanyeol had gave him. Baekhyun's eyes went wide when he saw what the clothes were.

A t-shirt that would most likely be oversized on him -that was ok. But what wasn't ok was the boxers that Baekhyun immediately recognized as his own. It wasn't the one he was wearing yesterday. It was one he had forgotten here. Of all things....

Baekhyun blushed to himself. What had Chanyeol thought about that? He sighed and pulled the boxers up his legs, and to his horror they were a bit too tight, and a bit too short. Baekhyun hoped that the shirt was large enough to cover the majority of his bare skin. He quickly grabbed Chanyeol's shirt and put it on. It was long, as he predicted but it didn't cover all he wanted to be covered up. It stopped about two inches under his briefs, which was about mid-thigh and all Baekhyun wanted was to hide under a rock. Too much skin was revealed, he didn't know wether to be okay with it because it was Chanyeol. Nor did he know if he was supposed to embarrassed because it was Chanyeol. 

He gathered all the courage he had left and daringly opened the bathroom door. He saw Chanyeol sitting on the bed, staring right at him, making Baekhyun flush even deeper. But he walked and kept walking until he was standing beside the bed.

Chanyeol smiled at him and it was helping with easing Baekhyun's nervousness.

"You look cute...." Chanyeol said as he kept his eyes glued on Baekhyun.

"Thanks." Baekhyun tried to hide his shy smile as he climbed on the bed, covering his bare legs with the covers.

Chanyeol turned around abruptly to grab the tray of food and put it in the space between them.

"This is it." Chanyeol said as he pushed the tray closer to Baekhyun."Enjoy."

Baekhyun grabbed a pair of chopsticks and began eating. However, after a few bites Baekhyun couldn't eat anymore because Chanyeol wasn't joining him with their meal. He stopped chewing and looked at Chanyeol who was staring at him in a way that had Baekhyun swallow slower than normal.

"Why don't you eat?" Baekhyun asked.

Chanyeol smiled softly."I'm full, you go ahead."

"But..." Baekhyun looked down."You need to eat too."

"How about....I'll only eat if you feed me." Chanyeol grinned, inside he was dying for Baekhyun to feed him because gosh he has been missing it like crazy. 

Baekhyun smiled a little before he picked up a bite and led it to Chanyeol's mouth. Unfortunately for him, Chanyeol's lips were pressed together, refusing to let the food in. Baekhyun gave Chanyeol a questioning look.

"Can I have a kiss first?" Chanyeol asked sheepishly. Kiss before food was crucial to Chanyeol. He didn't want just one, he wanted both and he wanted both only from Baekhyun.

Chanyeol felt lightheaded when Baekhyun leaned closer and pressed a small kiss on his smiling lips. Heat went through his whole body while he watched Baekhyun's soft smile as he picked a bite from the plate and brought it to his lips again.

"Ahhh...." Chanyeol opened his mouth for Baekhyun to enter the food.

Baekhyun laughed lightly and Chanyeol had to take a deep breath in and out in order to hold himself from shouting out his love for Baekhyun.

A few more minutes passed with them eating together, hardly saying anything. When they finished, Chanyeol promptly grabbed the tray and moved it away from them and onto the nightstand. Then he glanced back at Baekhyun who seemed busy with staring at his slender fingers.

Chanyeol felt his heart swell the more he stared at Baekhyun. He moved over until he was right next to him and carefully pushed the smaller male to lay on his back. Chanyeol then laid down on his side, scooting impossibly close to Baekhyun. 

Chanyeol began their kissing session by kissing Baekhyun's cheek and then all over his face, leaving his lips till last. Baekhyun merely closed his eyes and kissed back, trying to calm his wild beating heart. They kissed for long moments, slow and comfortable.

Their eyes opened and remained staring into each other's brown orbs in silence. Chanyeol enjoyed the silence but he still wanted to talk with Baekhyun, he still wanted to desperately hear Baekhyun's sweet voice. He didn't know what to say to start a conversation so he pondered over it until he suddenly remembered that Baekhyun was having a hard time walking when he came out the bathroom. Was he hurt? Chanyeol wanted to know and the only way was to ask, obviously. 

"Does it hurt?" 

Baekhyun's peaceful expression changed into a slightly confused one. 

"Huh?" Chanyeol smiled at the small boy's cuteness. 

"Does....umm" Now it was hard for Chanyeol to ask. How the hell was he supposed to ask Baekhyun that? Stupid stupid stupid. Suddenly, he was afraid of making any wrong move, or say any wrong word that could separate them again. It was complicated but Chanyeol was honestly afraid of messing up. Maybe Baekhyun didn't trust him like before; he had to be careful with every word he said.

"Well umm....does it hurt....there?" Chanyeol tried again and fortunately  succeeded. After much messing up though. He never really messed up with his words, what was happening? His mind was off that once he focused on Baekhyun's face again, which was completely red. 

"I....j-just a little bit." Baekhyun stammered, keeping his embarrassed face down, choosing to look at their brushing thighs instead.

"I'm sorry." And Chanyeol meant it. He didn't mean to hurt Baekhyun. He never wanted it to hurt and now he was convinced that he didn't take care of Baekhyun as much as he thought he had. He wasn't careful enough.

"It's okay." 

Comfortable silence ensued. Each boy was thinking about what they should say to the other. It wasn't exactly awkward because they weren't speaking, maybe they just needed a bit more time to communicate like before. It would work out, they both hoped so.

Chanyeol wanted to clear everything between them. All the misunderstandings that have happened and all of them that may happen. First was the most important, the thing that's been itching at him ever since he opened his eyes that morning.

"So," Chanyeol began."I guess it's time we have the talk."

"Yeah, better sooner than later." Baekhyun agreed slowly, although he seemed a little reluctant about it.

"Baekhyun." Chanyeol moved just a little closer."About last night...."

He paused when he saw the flustered look Baekhyun wore, but inwardly gave himself a kick to continue because it was very crucial.

"To me, it wasn't just ." Chanyeol took in a breath."I was making love to you. I hope you don't misunderstand."

Baekhyun could only bite his lip and blink down at his feet, feeling his cheeks burning up.

"Also, to make it clear, I don't regret a thing about it. I wish you don't too, because what happened last night is special to me."

Chanyeol swallowed once he was done. He barely had the guts to say all that but he knew he had to and after he did, he felt good. All he needed now was for Baekhyun to say something, anything. Chanyeol waited but not for long.

"I d-don't regret it. I....enjoyed it also."

Chanyeol felt a wide smile spread on his face. He pulled Baekhyun to his side and hugged him by his waist, then kissed him sweetly. They remained in that position and kissed for a couple of seconds. When they pulled apart Chanyeol connected their foreheads gently and gazed into Baekhyun's sparkling eyes.

"I've missed you." Baekhyun's heart beat increased at those words.

"So much." Chanyeol added and resumed to hug Baekhyun tightly against him. 

"Chanyeol.....I'm sorry for not believing you. I'm sorry for staying away this long. I was too confused about everything." The words were said softly into Chanyeol's neck.

Once again, Chanyeol didn't understand why Baekhyun was apologizing. Everything that had happened was his fault, all of it. 

"Baekhyun, stop it please. I'm the one that needs to say sorry. I'm sorry for doing all of what I did. I'm so so so sorry for not telling you from the beginning."

Chanyeol caught one of Baekhyun's hand in between them and intertwined it with his own.

"Most of all, I'm so damn sorry for being mean to you when you came yesterday. - Baek I really don't know what came on me but I swear that I didn't mean a word."

"It's fine, I actually deserve it, after what I did," Baekhyun looked down at their hands and decided to play with Chanyeol's fingers, so he could ease the nervousness in him."You want to know something?"


"It's weird, but after all that happened, now that I think about it..." Baekhyun swallowed."I'm happy that that bet ever existed."

"What? Baek-" Chanyeol tried to understand but he really couldn't. Baekhyun continued to talk after he pulled his head back enough to look at Chanyeol.

"What I mean is that if it never happened then I would have never been able to be with you like this. You would had never noticed me." 

The last words hurt Chanyeol, especially with the morose way Baekhyun's voice had sounded when he let them out his lips. Chanyeol didn't know how to reply at first but then the words just came out."Then maybe I'm happy it happened too. Except, I am beyond stupid that I never noticed you. I'm a , right?"

"No, you're not."

"I am actually." Chanyeol retorted seriously. He was the dumbest for not noticing Baekhyun.

Baekhyun narrowed his eyes at the younger boy."You are not."

Chanyeol imitated Baekhyun's cute expression and brought their faces closer."I am a ."


"I am."


"I am."

"Fine! You are, but at least you're my dumb- whatever.....I'm not saying that word."

"You can't curse? Such an angel." Chanyeol cooed.

"I'm not an angel. It's just that I never was used to cursing."

"You. Are. An. Angel. Byun. Baekhyun."

Baekhyun blushed at the determined way Chanyeol said those words. He didn't understand why Chanyeol believed he was an angel. There were lots of things he has done that would make him anything but an angel. He could give Chanyeol a whole list and number one would be something he was truly sorry for ever doing.

"I'm not. You know why?" Chanyeol gave him a small 'why'. "Because...... I broke our mugs. I'm sorry."

"Aw come on Baek, it's fine. I'm just thankful your picture didn't break, because that's the only thing that I had left. Your smile that I missed so much."

"We can take new pictures if you want." Baekhyun said slowly. He really did feel guilty because of what he did.

"Yes, and this time can you kiss my lips?" Chanyeol said entirely too eagerly.

"Chanyeol...no I can't do that, it's-"

Chanyeol pulled Baekhyun closer."It's what?"


"But I really want my mug to have that on it. Baek....please."

Baekhyun had his eyes slightly wide because Chanyeol was actually pouting and if that wasn't darn cute, then nothing was. Baekhyun felt himself falling and before he knew it the word slipped off his tongue.


The younger smiled widely and pulled Baekhyun until he was splayed over his long body. Baekhyun gasped at the sudden change of position, but soon found himself becoming comfortable and cuddled closer to Chanyeol.

"I love you." Chanyeol whispered on Baekhyun's neck.

A smile came upon Baekhyun's face, as he responded to Chanyeol.

"I love you too."

They fell silent, enjoying the sounds of their steady breaths. It was comfortable, so much so that Baekhyun was about to fall asleep where his head was placed on Chanyeol's chest. He was happy it turned out this way. Yesterday, fear was wracking his whole body but now he thought it was all worth it as he relished in Chanyeol's warmth and presence.

Suddenly a thought flew through his peaceful mind.


"Yes, baby?"

Baekhyun nearly rolled his eyes at that name but chose to ignore it for now.

"Don't ever drink again please."

Chanyeol didn't respond right away. It worried Baekhyun that maybe Chanyeol didn't want to talk about that. Or maybe he still wanted to drink even if Baekhyun asked him not to.

"About that, I only drank because I was so tired. You were all I could think about and you were all I wanted and all that I couldn't have." Chanyeol paused for just a moment to hold Baekhyun's chin, looking straight at him.

"I won't do it again. As long as you're with me. I promise."

Baekhyun gazed at Chanyeol, feeling like he was about to cry happy tears or something. This guy beneath was making his heart skip a beat, and this guy was turning his frown upside down, and this guy was keeping those hype butterflies in his stomach, and this guy filled him with adoration.

"Why are you so perfect?"

"No one's perfect but you." Chanyeol suddenly said to him with a appreciative smile.

Baekhyun's eyes went wide. Did he just say that out loud or did Chanyeol read his mind? He was pretty sure it was the first and now he was turning red because why and how???

Baekhyun quickly buried his burning face back into Chanyeol's chest. He heard another laugh from the taller male and blushed even more. 

"So now we could just confess anything and everything?" Chanyeol asked teasingly, loving the way Baekhyun was burning with embarrassment.

"I have something....." Chanyeol said slowly."I like your s."


"What? I'm only confessing, it's fine."

"But you're not supposed to confess things like t-that!" Baekhyun protested, not strong enough apparently, because Chanyeol was already going on.

"And I also like your thighs. I adore them so much, like - they make me go crazy."

Baekhyun didn't say anything for he was biting his lip in order not to make a sound as Chanyeol the back of his bare right thigh. He failed with being quiet though when Chanyeol slid his hand upwards to his-

"So perfect, damn Baek." Chanyeol gave his behind a squeeze and Baekhyun couldn't stop the small desperate moan that escaped.

"Chanyeol~" Before he knew it, Baekhyun was on his back and Chanyeol was hovering over him, looking down at his red face with an overly attractive smile that Baekhyun thought wasn't fair.

"God ing damn it, why are you always so gorgeous?" Chanyeol rasped out, his heart throbbing in his chest at the sight of Baekhyun blushing underneath him. With the little self control he had left, Chanyeol pushed himself off the smaller boy and sat up. He knew if they stayed like this, like this as in Baekhyun dressed that way and them just lying on the bed and kissing, it wouldn't end so innocently. He had been holding on tightly to his control ever since he saw Baekhyun under the sheets with adorable bed hair. Of course Chanyeol wanted to touch Baekhyun but one, Baekhyun may still be in pain from last night, and two, Baekhyun might think he was just all the time. He wasn't though, he just felt the need to trace every inch of Baekhyun's skin with his fingertips and lips. He wanted Baekhyun to feel good, and he wanted to be the cause of his pleasure. Chanyeol couldn't wait for the next time to happen, he was dying to touch Baekhyun in new and amazing ways. Before his mind went wandering further Chanyeol mentally smacked the thoughts out. 

"Let's go somewhere today." Chanyeol announced the first thing that came to his mind.

"But...I don't have any clothes." Baekhyun said.

"That's a very trivial problem Baek. You could always wear my clothes." Chanyeol reasoned and got off the bed and onto his feet.

"But I look ridiculous in them."

"No, you don't." Chanyeol was already at the closet, searching for something Baekhyun could wear."If anything, you look so adorable that I just want squeal like a girl."

He turned around to face Baekhyun and almost laughed at Baekhyun's wide-eyed expression.

"Yes, I would squeal because of you. I would do anything because of you." Chanyeol grinned and turned back to the closet. A minute or so passed without words said between them, until Chanyeol walked up to Baekhyun with a pair of black sweat pants. 

"You could just wear this. The shirt you're wearing is good enough." Chanyeol handed him the soft cloth.

Baekhyun pouted slightly as he examined the pants that was obviously too big for him. He didn't really agree with this idea.

"But I can't go out in public dressed like this, Chanyeol."

"Too much buts." Chanyeol sighed, looking right into Baekhyun's eyes."Baek, sweetheart, you look amazing in anything. Trust me."

A sudden question popped in Chanyeol's mind as he said those last two words.

Can he trust me?

"Okay...." Baekhyun agreed finally, dropping his gaze back to the pants.

Maybe he does trust me.

Chanyeol snapped himself out those worrying thoughts and went back to the situation at hand.

"Besides, we're not going to a public place so stop worrying." 

"Really? Then where are we going?" 

"Somewhere." Chanyeol smiled and threw a shirt over his head."Get dressed while I pack some snacks."

Despite being confused Baekhyun nodded and did what Chanyeol asked him to once Chanyeol was out the door. If Baekhyun were to tell the truth, he would rather not have Chanyeol wear a shirt over his wife beater, because that shirt covered all that Baekhyun wanted to see. He actually regretted not taking his sweet time last night to take in Chanyeol's body. Because he was stupid, he was too busy being embarrassed and shy.

Maybe next time, he'll trace his eyes all over Chanyeol's skin. If there was a next time anyway. Baekhyun wasn't going to admit it, not even to himself, but he hoped next time would happen. Sooner than later. 



They're back together, I'm back to my lovely readers, but this story will be ending after a few chapters. As much as I don't want to end it, I have to because my life will start getting even busier soon and besides I don't want to prolong this story. I think it's fine the way it is. Anyways, thanks for everything, reading, commenting, subscribing, and I hope you enjoy!

Have a nice day or a good night! :)

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guys im done with the last chapter but too afraid to post it cause it might ;(


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My_Baek_ #1
Start: April 15, 2024 11:44 a.m.
Listening To: 24H By Seventeen
In: Earth , Space and Science Class about to go to lunch in 1 minute
Reading It: In my school computer
Crying: Because my man Taeyong enlisted today 😭
akipop #2
Beau1996 1370 streak #3
Chapter 1: Rereading and enjoying the Kai/baby Soo vibe!!
Chapter 34: Hello. I've been around since I was a teenager, so the first time I read your story, I was young and a hardcore exo-l as well. But now that I'm a grown woman, I can now tell that Chanyeol had his bouts of red flags here. Realistically speaking, the flow of their story is impossible, yet my adult is still screaming from all the fluff. Nostalgia hits hard when you re-read what you used to obsess with. And I'm happy with my decision to re-visit this along with the other stories I've loved when I was younger. Have a blessed life!
SolJiwan #5
Chapter 29: Okey.. But why none of them go and slap the stella ? Idc if she's women or what she deserve to be hit
Beau1996 1370 streak #7
Chapter 34: Found this on a recommendation list and so glad I read it - nicely done author-nim ✌️
Chapter 25: Awwww chanbaek is falling appart :(
Chapter 17: Awww my babys!
Chapter 17: I have a strange feeling like Chanyeol really knows nothing about Baekhyun....