It Began With A Bet


Students being shocked at Baekhyun and Chanyeol's regained relationship was an understatement. Everyone had thought Baekhyun had turned out to be just a part of a bet but they were wrong. So wrong.

Stella thought she had a chance with Chanyeol. But she was wrong too. So so wrong. 

Baekhyun's heart was still burning with jealousy each time that revolting memory of her kissing Chanyeol played in his mind. Just two days ago he couldn't do anything about it, but now he was going to do anything to get revenge and tear her apart like she had done to him. Sure he was a nice guy, but she deserved it. It was the least he could do for revenge.

Right as Baekhyun spotted her staring aghast at his and Chanyeol's intertwined fingers, he abruptly stopped Chanyeol from walking and pushed him lightly against the locker that was beside Stella's, then tiptoed to kiss Chanyeol nice and slow, taking his time. Right in front of her face.

"Woah~" Chanyeol gaped at Baekhyun when he pulled away from the surprise kiss.

Baekhyun smiled at Chanyeol's cute expression and pressed one more peck on the tempting lips before glancing at Stella, whose face was red in rage. He stuck his tongue out at her childishly, making her gasp speechlessly. 

"Mine." Baekhyun bragged proudly, linking his arm with Chanyeol's and turning them around to continue their path.

"And what was that for Baek?" Chanyeol mused, pulling his boyfriend close to assert to people that they were definitely back together.

"Just sweet revenge." Baekhyun replied with a raised eyebrow and a smile.

"Woah, I didn't know that you could be evil. Well, there goes a new thing I've learned about you." 

"I'm not evil, she deserved it you know."

"Don't you think it's a bit too much though, it's too cruel to her poor heart." Chanyeol carefully watched Baekhyun's expression. 

Baekhyun footsteps gradually became slower."Do you really think so?"

"Yeah, maybe." Chanyeol shrugged.

"Well alright then, you can go kiss her again if you'd like, I won't stop you. Goodbye, I need to be in class soon." Baekhyun said without looking at him, but Chanyeol could see that a pout was forming on his cute lips.

"Is someone jealous?" Chanyeol stopped the other from walking away  and pulled him back by his wrist until their foreheads connected.

"No, I'm not jealous."

"Yeah, lie to someone else Baek." Chanyeol whispered, lifting Baekhyun's chin with his index finger."You know I wouldn't want to kiss anyone but you. You know that, don't you?"

"C-Chanyeol, people are watching." Baekhyun stuttered as Chanyeol's hand came to rest on his waist just to pull him even closer. 

"That didn't concern you earlier when you pushed me against a locker to kiss the out of me." Chanyeol reasoned. He almost laughed when Baekhyun blushed.

"Now, tell me. You do know that your lips are the only lips I want?" Chanyeol smiled sweetly, almost blinding Baekhyun with his handsomeness."All the time."

"Mmm.." Baekhyun only hummed. He had no idea how to reply to Chanyeol.  Of course he was embarrassed that every one was looking but as the seconds passed, he only cared about Chanyeol and the proximity between them. It kind of made him flush all over.

Then Chanyeol kissed him. Probably way more passionately than Baekhyun did earlier. Despite, acknowledging the students walking by and watching, Baekhyun couldn't help but kiss back. Chanyeol's magic had pulled him in once again to not care about anything but his irresistible lips sliding against his own in a way that made Baekhyun's knees weak.

Soon they pulled away slowly, smiling happily at each other.

"What if a teacher caught us? You know that means detention, right?" Baekhyun raised his eyebrows, blush still on his cheeks.

Chanyeol merely shrugged."I guess we're lucky then. But I don't mind detention if I get to be with you."

"Well, I certainly don't want detention to be in my school record, Mr. Park." Baekhyun playfully hit Chanyeol's arm, causing Chanyeol to laugh.


Later, Chanyeol did get detention but for an entirely different reason. After he had dropped Baekhyun to his class after lunch, he had bumped into the three unforgettable faces that were bullying Baekhyun that one also unforgettable day. Chanyeol merely smiled maliciously when he noticed that it was just them in the hallway. They may had had power over Baekhyun because they were larger than him physically and Baekhyun was vulnerable to begin with. But compared to Chanyeol they were smaller and much weaker, both physically and in their self confidence. He ended up punching all three of them in their faces, bruising the crap out of them. He had just managed to kick one of them in the balls (the one that had pushed Baekhyun, Chanyeol remembered) before a teacher came out of no where. That's how he got detention, and that's how Baekhyun ended up crouching at the door of the detention room, doing some homework while waiting impatiently for Chanyeol's two hours to end. 

After what seemed like several hours, Chanyeol finally walked out the room. Upon hearing the door open, Baekhyun jumped to his feet and glanced towards the sound.

"Oh god Chanyeol, why'd you get yourself in trouble?" Baekhyun immediately scolded the taller boy."You really didn't have to punch them and waste two hours doing nothing in that room. You could have been doing something far more-"

Chanyeol merely smiled, placing a finger on Baekhyun's lips."First of all, I did have to punch them or I wasn't going to rest for the rest of my life. And second, using my time thinking of you in that room, or any place in fact, isn't time wasted."

Baekhyun blushed, his heart beating faster at Chanyeol's reply. He still wanted to scold Chanyeol but he knew he couldn't after the giant charmer's sweet words.

"I-I just want you to keep out of trouble." Baekhyun admitted in a low voice.

"I know that, but I can't promise you it. I will always get myself in any trouble for you, Baek." Chanyeol pecked Baekhyun's forehead."I won't let anyone bother you."

"....I'm sorry," Was all Baekhyun could say."I'll try to take care of myself."

"It's okay, I'm always beside you baby." Chanyeol then noticed the books spread on the floor."Were you sitting here the whole time?" 

"Yeah, I wanted to wait for you until-"

"You were waiting for me for two whole hours?"

"Yeah, I guess. I did some homework while-"

And of course Chanyeol would cut him off just to kiss him randomly.

"Park Chanyeol, do you want to go back in the room with your cute little boyfriend, or what?" Baekhyun immediately pulled away with a gasp when the teacher's voice reached his ears.

"I-I....we w-were..." Baekhyun stammered over his words.

"You know kissing is prohibited in school, right?"

"Y-Yes, ma'am." Baekhyun looked down, ashamed. He was always a perfect ideal student but now...

"I would say I'm sorry, but I'm not sorry for kissing Baekkie. So I don't know what to say?" Chanyeol shrugged and made a helpless expression.

"You can kiss, but just not in school. But I'll let it slide this time." The teacher revealed a grin."Now go home, it's getting late."

"Thank you, ma'am." Baekhyun bowed in respect and Chanyeol did the same before gathering Baekhyun's books together and walking hand in hand to the car.


The school week passed perfectly fine. It was heaven after being in hell for so long. Of course Chanyeol had asked Baekhyun to pack his clothes and go back to his house, but Baekhyun had a different idea in mind. He asked Chanyeol to move in with him for a while, he wanted to pay Chanyeol back and make him feel at home just like Chanyeol had done to him. Chanyeol didn't refuse and since they were so used to living together, they decided to take turns with staying in each other's houses. A few weeks at Baekhyun's, and a few weeks at Chanyeol's. 


It was already the weekend, an early Saturday night. Chanyeol surprised Baekhyun by asking him out for dinner, which Baekhyun couldn't refuse even though he was already cooking for them. So he got dressed in the best clothes he could find, although he still wasn't satisfied and he wished Luhan was around to help him out. But then the way Chanyeol looked at him like he was an angel made him feel an infinite times better. He now knew and understood that Chanyeol found him beautiful always, unconditionally.

What surprised him more than the date was when Chanyeol stopped in the middle of their ride to blindfold his eyes.

"Is it really necessary?" Baekhyun complained but let Chanyeol finish tying the blindfold anyway.

"Yes, just a few minutes, baby." 

It wasn't very long until the car stopped again, but Chanyeol didn't remove the blind fold just yet. He got out the car and quickly walked around to open the door for Baekhyun and lead him out.

"I can walk on my own, Chanyeol." 

"No, you might trip and I'm not letting that happen." Chanyeol said as he gripped onto Baekhyun tighter."Ok, we're here."

"It's the field, right?" Baekhyun asked knowingly, it was the place that Chanyeol took him to most after all.

"You'll see very soon, babe." 

"Have we been here before?" Baekhyun asked, for he could sense that the place was familiar to him. Just the way they were walking and the scent gave him hints.

"Of course, we've been here." Chanyeol replied softly. He halted their steps and placed himself behind Baekhyun, back hugging the small boy, and almost squealing delightfully at the perfect way Baekhyun's body fit against his.

"Ready?" Chanyeol whispered in his ear, after resting his chin on Baekhyun's right shoulder.

"Yeah," Baekhyun said in an equally low voice. And with that the blindfold was slipping off and it took a moment because his eyes were still adjusting, but Baekhyun figured out that they were in Chanyeol's backyard. It was a dark night, moon hardly gleaming so Baekhyun could barely make out anything. 
He thought he saw a small round table with two chairs a few yards away, he wasn't sure.

Then suddenly Chanyeol's hands moved at his waist, clapping twice as he watched Baekhyun's expression. 

A second passed. Another second. Nothing happened.

"Dammit." Chanyeol grumbled and clapped again a little louder. Still nothing changed.

"They just know how to ruin everything, ."

Baekhyun found himself laughing underneath his breath. He thought he had a good idea about who was behind the scenes and not doing what they were supposed to do when Chanyeol gave them the sign. 

He twisted his neck slightly around and up to look at Chanyeol, and gave the disappointed boy a sincere smile.

"I'm sorry, Baek. Just give me a moment, I'll fix this." He was about to detach himself from Baekhyun but the small boy held his arms tightly to prevent him.

"It's okay, just don't be upset." Baekhyun turned around and tip toed to place a tender kiss on Chanyeol's lips."Please?"


"It's alright. I appreciate whatever wonderful thing you're planning, and it's okay even if it doesn't work. Your intention on pleasing me is enough, Chanyeol." Baekhyun leaned up again to kiss Chanyeol carefully, slowly. His arms wrapped themselves around Chanyeol's torso. Baekhyun felt himself float on air as Chanyeol kissed back just as slowly and lovingly. 

Nearly a whole minute passed with them kissing leisurely. Baekhyun was the one to pull away, dragging Chanyeol's lower lip with his lips as he withdrew.

"I love you." Baekhyun whispered to a dazed Chanyeol. That kiss was making Chanyeol splutter and go crazy inside, for Baekhyun had initiated it and it was so sweet and earnest that he thought his heart was going to burst.

"I love you, t-" Chanyeol got cut off when bright lights suddenly began filling the air. This was it, he thought happily. He watched Baekhyun turn around and gape at the small gold and silver lights coming on, one after another. A pretty design around the house, some on the grass forming a trail to an almost sparkling dining table, and around the table was another line of gold lights forming a heart.

"Oh my god." Baekhyun breathed out, as he took in the beautiful sight. He turned back to Chanyeol and saw the tall boy smiling, pleased with himself. And then Baekhyun threw his body on Chanyeol's, hugging the giant as tightly as he could, chanting "thank you" over and over again. 

"You are the best, Chanyeol." Baekhyun beamed, almost stumbling over his words."This is so beautiful, I love you. I love you so much." 

"I love you too, Baek." Chanyeol smiled, seeing Baekhyun happy was when he became the happiest. Baekhyun's adorable smile was all he needed in life. "Happy?"

Baekhyun nodded and gave his tall boyfriend a to-faint-for eye smile.

Chanyeol admired that smile for a moment before he snapped himself out of his love-induced trance. He held his hand out to Baekhyun."Dinner time, my princess."

Baekhyun chuckled at the cheesiness but took Chanyeol's hand anyway. 

"I can't wait till you're walking down an aisle like this." Chanyeol said as the walked down the lighted path. "I'll be on the other side waiting for you, and we'll then get married and make babies." 

"Chanyeol, really?" Baekhyun give him a judging look through his stupid smile.

"What? Don't you want it too?" Chanyeol winked.

"Yeah, of course I do. But for now let's just live now." Baekhyun squeezed Chanyeol's bigger hand, hoping his blush wasn't so clear for the other to see.

As soon as they got to the dining table, Chanyeol pulled out a seat for Baekhyun then sat down on the chair opposite Baekhyun's. "I asked Kyungsoo to prepare your favorite foods. Hope you'll like them, I kinda helped with cutting the salad." Chanyeol smiled sheepishly.

"Then the salad shall be my favorite." Baekhyun grinned.

Chanyeol could have replied, but music was abruptly switched on and soothing out the speakers placed at the back door of his house.

Chanyeol widened his eyes and Baekhyun furrowed his eyebrows in confusion at the choice of the song. 2ne1's Come Back Home, really.

"Baekhyun, , I'm sorry." Chanyeol began to panic."It's not me, I swear. I-"

"Chanyeol, it's fine." Baekhyun laughed calmly."I know it's not you. Of course, I know."

"Let me go fix it." Chanyeol stood up and didn't have to take a step forward because the sad song changed into a very romantic one. He's sure he hasn't heard this song ever, but it sounded perfect. He glanced at Baekhyun to see him smiling as if he liked the song. Chanyeol slowly sat back down with a cough.

"I have no idea what this song is, but I guess it'll work."

"It's Full Moon by Sunmi, and it's perfect Chanyeol. I actually love this song very much." Baekhyun reassured him.

"Really?" Baekhyun nodded.

"Can we eat now? I'm getting hungry." Baekhyun admitted cutely.

"Yes, let's eat." Chanyeol sat up straight. 

"Keep this on repeat!" Chanyeol shouted towards the door then looked back at his food.

"So your helping elfs are in there." Baekhyun took a bite of the fresh salad, looking at Chanyeol, amused.

"I don't know wether to thank them or kill them off one by one." Chanyeol chuckled.

"Keep them." Baekhyun grinned."They're the best you can find."

"I know," Chanyeol smiled thankfully. He had everything he could ever ask for. His amazing friends. Baekhyun. That's all he wanted.

"Say ahhh.." Baekhyun reached towards him with a piece of lasagna.


"Oh my god, if they're gonna feed each other they'll take a century to finish up." Kai groaned as he watched with Kyungsoo, Luhan, and Sehun.

"Why are you in such a hurry, just eat your dinner and time will go by faster." 

"But our dinner isn't as half as fancy as theirs." 

"Well maybe if you plan a surprise dinner for me like Chanyeol did for Baekhyun, then I'll make us a very fancy dinner." Kyungsoo pursed his lips at his boyfriend.

"But then it wouldn't be a surprise." Kai groaned again. He really did want to give Kyungsoo surprises to see the owl boy's eyes grow even bigger and smile to grow brighter but he wasn't really the best at surprises.  Except in bed he was full of surprises and he knew very well that Kyungsoo enjoyed his in-bed surprises. He'll ask Chanyeol for help someday on other things,

"When are we going out to dance?" Kai asked.

"After they dance together for a while."

"These pictures are perfect." A happy Luhan beamed as he showed Sehun the photos he's been taking ever since Baekhyun and Chanyeol arrived.

"The mistakes made the scene even more adorable. I actually, for once, thank you, Kai." Luhan smiled.

"I didn't do it on purpose. I thought Sehun had already got everything ready and all I had to do was flick the switch." Kai defended himself. He blew a kiss afterwards to Kyungsoo who was feeding him.

"Last time I checked, the lights were your job from beginning to end." Sehun glared at the boy whose mouth was almost full by then."You also ruined the music, which was my job you twerp."

"Oh yeah that." Kai laughed cutely."That was on purpose."

"Jongin, please. Sallow then speak." Kyungsoo rolled his eyes at his ever childish boyfriend.

"Your stupid mistakes always turn out to be magical." Luhan admitted, he didn't have to say out loud what worst mistake Kai had made that turned into a miracle for Chanyeol. 

"Yeah, I know. I'm genius Kaistein." 

"I think they're done eating" Kyungsoo said after a while. They looked out the window to see Chanyeol and Baekhyun standing up from the table. It was another sign from Chanyeol; when they stand up the slow dancing music comes on. Kyungsoo quickly ran to the music player and touched the slow song they had gotten ready. 

"Awwwwwwww.." Luhan cooed when Chanyeol knelt to the ground in front of Baekhyun, most likely asking him to dance. "Isn't that the cutest thing?"

"You mean ewwwwwww, isn't that the cheesiest thing??" Kai said instead.

"Would you stop being so pissy tonight?" Luhan retorted.

"He's just mad cause he hasn't been getting some lately." Sehun smirked.

"I still get more than you, ." 

"Guys, shush and watch, please." Kyungsoo hushed the two forever bickering boys.


"May I have this dance?" Baekhyun's eyes widened in amusement at Chanyeol's words. He didn't expect the slow music and he definitely didn't expect Chanyeol getting on his knee to ask him for a dance.

"Chanyeol," Baekhyun looked at the boy kneeling on the ground with eyes full of adoration."I would love to. But.."

"But what?" Chanyeol's face contoured in confusion. 

"I can't dance." Baekhyun whispered in embarrassment.

Chanyeol laughed whole-heartedly causing Baekhyun to hit his shoulder."Stop laughing!"

"I'm not any better, Baek. So don't worry." Chanyeol admitted also."We'll just move our feet slowly and maybe learn together, tonight."

"Ok, it won't hurt to try." Baekhyun sighed then added quickly."But don't laugh!"

"I won't," Chanyeol reassured him and smiled brightly when Baekhyun placed his hand on Chanyeol's, indicating for them to get started. Chanyeol got up on his feet and stepped closer to Baekhyun, lacing the smaller's right hand with his then wrapping his left arm around Baekhyun's waist. Baekhyun went along and placed his left arm on Chanyeol's shoulder, long, thin fingers playing with the hair on the younger's neck.

"We got the pose, now we just move?" 

"Yeah, I guess." Baekhyun blushed at the proximity of their bodies.

They moved their feet experimentally  for a minute or so, Chanyeol even stepped on the smaller's foot by accident, it was something to laugh at before going back and trying again. Somehow, they began moving in unison, rotating in circles slightly, mistakes becoming less and less. Neither knew that slow dancing could be so intimate, for neither had tried it before. Being so close and with soothing music playing in the background was much more passionate than either boy had thought. Soon enough Baekhyun was letting go of the other's hand in favor of letting his hand slide up Chanyeol's arm and to his neck, connecting with his arm that was already there. Chanyeol brought his own arms to Baekhyun's waist, embracing him closer until their faces were merely centimeters away. They continued dancing silently as they kept their gazes deep into each other's orbs, that were practically sparkling with happiness. 

The song ended soon but another one (which Chanyeol knew the lyrics to perfectly) came on. This time he let Baekhyun rest his head on his chest while he leaned down into Baekhyun's ear to whisper softly.

"I adore you, so much."

Baekhyun smiled contentedly. Then that's when Chanyeol began singing the lyrics into the other's eager ears. Baekhyun closed his eyes and took in every letter Chanyeol sang to him, his heart going wild at the sweet words. He never knew Chanyeol could sing, it was so unique, so pleasant.

"Is my voice irritating? I can stop if you want." Chanyeol paused his singing after a minute or so to ask Baekhyun.

"No, I love it." Baekhyun whispered and pulled back to look at the other's face. He brought Chanyeol's face closer to his, hands tangled in thick hair.

"I feel like I'm the luckiest person in the world." Baekhyun whispered and nuzzled their noses softly.

"Yeah, but I believe that I'm luckier than you." Chanyeol disagreed."I have my own angel."

"Silly," Baekhyun bumped their noses together again.


"You won't leave me again, right?" Chanyeol asked with a little fear in his voice.

"No. Not ever. Even if you get bored of me."

"Which will never happen." Chanyeol replied with a kiss to Baekhyun's button nose.

"And besides, I won't risk someone else taking what's mine."


"Especially that Stella..." Baekhyun made a face.

"You're still not over that?" Chanyeol chuckled at Baekhyun's cuteness.

"And I will never get over it. She's a-"

"A what?" The taller boy raised an eyebrow in amusement.

Baekhyun bit his lip then whispered in a very low, almost inaudible voice, as if afraid anyone else other than Chanyeol would hear him."A female dog."

Chanyeol then laughed out loud, not being able to control himself."You still can't curse, I actually thought you were going to do it."

"I'm not cursing, Chanyeol." Baekhyun stuck his tongue out in embarrassment."I want to keep my mouth clean."

"You're so precious." Chanyeol sighed happily, pulling Baekhyun impossibly closer."By the way, can we go to the store tomorrow to take pictures for our new mugs?"

"Yeah, we have nothing important tomorrow so it's okay." 

"And you're going to kiss my lips still, right?"

"You're so mean." Baekhyun pouted.

"It's a promise baby. Can't break it." Chanyeol winked.


Chanyeol suddenly paused their movements and let go of Baekhyun, keeping only Baekhyun's hand in his and holding it high above their heads."Twirl?"

Baekhyun didn't hesitate and immediately twirled carefully as he kept his hand connected with Chanyeol's. And then just like that, he was back in Chanyeol's warm embrace and Chanyeol's lips were back at his ear.

"You know what I want to do tonight?" Chanyeol kissed the mole on the smaller's ear.


"I want to kiss every inch of you." 

If Baekhyun said he didn't get effected by that then he was a big fat liar. His toes curled, his stomach twisted in arousal, and he was biting his lip to keep that small threatening moan inside him. 

"I want you all the time." Chanyeol kissed down Baekhyun's smooth neck slowly. He lowered his hands from Baekhyun's waist to his hips and pulled him just a little closer. Baekhyun wasn't stupid, but sometimes he just tried to convince himself that he imagines things that weren't real. Like now, he could swear he felt something not so soft poke his thigh, but he still was unsure about it.

"I want to give you everything." 

"C-Chanyeol...." His eyes almost rolled back when Chanyeol kissed an especially sensitive spot on his neck. He couldn't lie, he couldn't resist, Baekhyun wanted Chanyeol too. Right then. Making love in the romantic scene they were in sounded like a marvelous idea to Baekhyun. He didn't care about anything. He only wanted Chanyeol.


"Alrighty, that's enough lovebirds!" Came a loud voice out of nowhere, startling the two out of their intimate moment. The soft music changed to a pop song that sounded fun to dance to.

Chanyeol groaned lowly before forcing himself to let go of the older boy. They both had totally forgotten about the others.

"We want to dance too!" Kai yelled excitedly as he grabbed Kyungsoo by his waist and started making the other laugh with his silliness. Luhan and Sehun were already dancing together too. Luhan's smile was brighter than ever and Sehun was actually smiling, an adorable smile for once.

Baekhyun glanced at Chanyeol and blushed at the lust and love swirling in the taller's eyes.

"Let's dance a little more with them." Chanyeol smiled reassuringly, trying hard to push back his strong desire for Baekhyun temporarily."Then maybe we can sneak inside for other things."


Next chapter is the last ;__;

Hope you enjoyed all the baekyeol romance! ;)


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guys im done with the last chapter but too afraid to post it cause it might ;(


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My_Baek_ #1
Start: April 15, 2024 11:44 a.m.
Listening To: 24H By Seventeen
In: Earth , Space and Science Class about to go to lunch in 1 minute
Reading It: In my school computer
Crying: Because my man Taeyong enlisted today 😭
akipop #2
Beau1996 1371 streak #3
Chapter 1: Rereading and enjoying the Kai/baby Soo vibe!!
Chapter 34: Hello. I've been around since I was a teenager, so the first time I read your story, I was young and a hardcore exo-l as well. But now that I'm a grown woman, I can now tell that Chanyeol had his bouts of red flags here. Realistically speaking, the flow of their story is impossible, yet my adult is still screaming from all the fluff. Nostalgia hits hard when you re-read what you used to obsess with. And I'm happy with my decision to re-visit this along with the other stories I've loved when I was younger. Have a blessed life!
SolJiwan #5
Chapter 29: Okey.. But why none of them go and slap the stella ? Idc if she's women or what she deserve to be hit
Beau1996 1371 streak #7
Chapter 34: Found this on a recommendation list and so glad I read it - nicely done author-nim ✌️
Chapter 25: Awwww chanbaek is falling appart :(
Chapter 17: Awww my babys!
Chapter 17: I have a strange feeling like Chanyeol really knows nothing about Baekhyun....