Le Corbusier's

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Seungwan sat in her office, gazing out of the floor-to-ceiling windows. Her fingers tapped rhythmically against the ceramic surface of her coffee mug, her mind consumed by the crisis looming over Gangnam Estate. The boycott orchestrated by Mr. Hirai had dealt a severe blow to Seungwan's company, rendering their efforts to develop projects in Japan futile. With their license revoked and business operations prohibited, Gangnam Estate faced substantial losses. Seungwan's brow furrowed as she contemplated the implications of Mr. Hirai's relentless campaign against her company. In the midst of her contemplation, Miyeon, her loyal secretary, entered the room, her voice breaking the silence.

"Ms. Son, all the board of directors have proposed an immediate meeting to discuss our projects in Japan. They seem to be growing increasingly concerned about Mr. Hirai's boycott. What should we do?" she inquired, her tone laced with urgency. Seungwan took a deep breath, her gaze still fixed on the windows, before responding. 

"Has there been any news about our proposal for Ruby Jane Estate?" Seungwan queried, her voice measured. Miyeon shook her head in response.

"No, this is the third time we've sent a proposal, but it seems Ruby Jane is not interested," Miyeon relayed, her expression reflecting a hint of frustration. Seungwan turned to face Miyeon, her resolve evident in her gaze.

"Let's go," The CEO declared, rising from her seat with purpose. Miyeon, taken aback by the sudden directive, furrowed her brow in confusion.

"Where?" Miyeon asks, trailing behind Seungwan as she strode out of the room.

"To Ruby Jane estate," Seungwan answered decisively, her footsteps echoing in the corridor.

"If they ignore our proposal, we need to find out the reason why. We cannot afford to let this opportunity slip away without understanding the underlying cause. Is there any new information that you have dug up about the Ruby Jane estate?” Seungwan added as they entered the elevator. "Ruby Jane's Seoul branch will be inaugurated in a month. The CEO, Kim Jennie, is confirmed to be in Korea for some time.” Miyeon, her fingers poised over the button panel, responded.

"We don't have much time," Seungwan muttered to herself, the weight of the impending deadline pressing down upon her. 

"If Kim Jennie returns to New York, it will be difficult for us to change her mind. Plus, the board of directors will definitely not keep quiet if I don't act immediately," she lamented, her frustration evident in her voice.

"But, I think it will be hard to meet Ms. Kim Jennie even though she's in Korea, Ms. Son. She must be really busy with the preparation of Ruby Jane's new branch," Miyeon pointed out, her tone laced with pragmatism.

"No matter how hard it is, I should try," Seungwan declared as the lift doors slid open, Seungwan and Miyeon stepped out into the bustling lobby of the Skyscraper building. Their senses immediately assailed by the clamor of voices, drawing their attention towards a gathering crowd near the entrance. A middle-aged man could be heard protesting loudly. 

"Let me meet my daughter's girlfriend!! She is the owner of this company!" he exclaimed, his words echoing off the walls of the lobby. The man, flanked by several security guards, was attempting to make his way through the building. Seungwan, upon witnessing the commotion, instinctively halted in her tracks before moving closer to the scene, she approached one of the security guards.  

"What happened?" she asks, the employees and security guards in the vicinity immediately recognized Seungwan and bowed respectfully in her presence. 

"Ms. Son," they chorused in unison. 

"He said he wanted to meet his daughter's girlfriend." One of the guards stepped forward, explaining the situation. Seungwan's eyebrows furrowed, her attention was drawn to the man, who continued to struggle against the guards' grasp, his voice growing increasingly desperate. 

"You! You are my daughter's lover, right? My daughter, Bae Joohyun?!! It's me, her father, Bae Yong-joon!!" he exclaimed, his voice echoing through the lobby. Seungwan paused for a moment, processing his words. Seungwan observed  The man, whose name was revealed to be Bae Yong-joon, Joohyun's father, closely, noting his unkempt appearance and the unmistakable scent of alcohol that clung to him.

"Let him go, I know him," Seungwan instructed, her voice firm and authoritative. Miyeon, sensing the gravity of the situation, attempted to intercede. 

"Ms. Son, perhaps we should handle this differently." she suggested, her voice tinged with concern. Seungwan, however, raised her palm in a gesture of assurance, signaling that she had the situation under control. "It's okay. '' she reassured her. With a nod from Seungwan, the security guards released their hold on the man, allowing him to approach Seungwan. Bae Yong-joon wore a grin of relief as he straightened his disheveled attire. Seungwan greeted him with a respectful bow.

"Come with me, Mr. Bae," she said, leading the way towards the Gangnam Estate cafeteria where they could speak in private. The tension in the air dissipated as they made their way through the bustling lobby, leaving behind the chaos of the earlier confrontation.

Settling into their seats at the cafeteria, with Miyeon and several security guards remaining nearby, their presence serving as a precautionary measure should the situation escalate. Seungwan maintained a composed demeanor, her gaze steady to Yong-joon. 

"This is the first time I have met you, Mr. Bae. What is the need for you to want to see me?" Seungwan asked, her tone measured yet firm. Yong-joon chuckled in response, his laughter laced with bitterness.

"Why? I’m not allowed to meet my daughter's girlfriend? I'm curious about the person who is dating my daughter," he retorted, his words dripping with sarcasm. Seungwan's eyebrows furrowed at Yong-joon's response, a hint of skepticism coloring her features. 

"You haven't been home for a while, haven't you seen your family? They work hard to pay your debt. They shouldn't bear the burden that you caused, Mr. Bae." Seungwan pointed out, her tone tinged with reproach. 

"I didn't ask them to cover my debt though. Even so, they shouldn't have to bother now because you paid all my debt anyway." Yeong-joon remarked. Seungwan's jaw tightened at the mention of the debt that had plagued Joohyun's family. She was aware of the hardships Joohyun had endured, working tirelessly to support her family in the face of financial hardship. Seungwan felt a surge of anger rise within her at Yong-joon's cavalier attitude towards his family's struggles. 

"Your family cannot ignore the debt collectors who knock on your door almost every day. They destroyed your wife's restaurant, and hurt them, did you know that? They are under threat." Seungwan responded, her voice tight with restrained fury as she clenched her hands under the table. Bae Yong-joon chuckled dismissively, seemingly unfazed by Seungwan's words. 

"You're very kind to pay all my debt, it seems like you really love my daughter, I'll accept you as my daughter-in-law." he remarked, his words laden with irony. Seungwan's gaze hardened as she locked eyes with Yong-joon, her eyes betraying a flicker of anger beneath her steely facade. 

"What is your real purpose in meeting me, Mr. Bae?" she demanded. Yong-joon glanced around the cafeteria before leaning in closer to Seungwan, his voice lowered to a conspiratorial whisper. 

"Give me 300 million won, daughter-in-law. Your company is so big, I'm sure 300 million won is nothing to you," he requested, his tone dripping with entitlement.  Seungwan knew that giving in to Bae Yong-joon's demands would only enable his destructive behavior further. 

"I can't give you any amount of money," Seungwan asserted, her voice unwavering as she addressed Yeong-joon's request. 

"I've hurt Joohyun's feelings before because I paid your debt. My actions inadvertently caused Joohyun discomfort. Even though I have paid your debt, Joohyun and her mother are trying to pay me back in installments. Joohyun wants our relationship to be built on mutual respect and I will support that decision because I respect Joohyun. I don't want to disappoint her." Yeong-joon laughed loudly, drawing the attention of nearby cafeteria patrons. His expression twisted with derision as he listened to Seungwan's words. 

"It's just 300 million won. Are you really not going to give your father-in-law any money?" Yeong-joon challenged, his voice dripping with scorn. Seungwan maintained her composure, bowing her head respectfully. 

"I'm sorry, Mr Bae." she replied calmly,  her tone resolute. A ripple of frustration crossed Yong-joon's features, his expression darkened with anger. Rising from his seat, he fixed Seungwan with a piercing stare as his fists clenched at his sides. 

"Hah...  I misjudged you. You're not as good a daughter-in-law as I thought. My patience is starting to run out." Yeong-joon spat, his hand rose menacingly, poised to strike Seungwan's cheek, but a guard intervened, grabbing his outstretched hand mid-swing before his blow could land. Several guards swiftly moved to restrain Yong-joon, preventing him from causing any harm. Yong-joon struggled against the guards' hold, his voice raised in frustration and anger. 

"Let go!!" he shouted, his face contorted with rage. Seungwan stood up from her seat,  unshaken by Yeong-joon's insults. Miyeon hurried to her side, concern etched on her features. 

"Are you okay, Ms. Son?" she asked anxiously. Seungwan nodded, her gaze never leaving Yong-joon.

" him out of the building, and don't hurt him," she instructed. The guards nodded in acknowledgement, leading Yong-joon away from the cafeteria. Yong-joon's shouts reverberated through the cafeteria, his insults aimed squarely at Seungwan. 

"You are a bastard daughter-in-law! Damn it! Let me go!" he bellowed, his struggles intensifying. Seungwan watched silently as Yong-joon was led away, her expression unreadable.


Seungwan and Miyeon stepped out of the car, the soft purr of the engine fading into the background, they were greeted by the polished surface of Ruby Jane Estate's Seoul branch building. It stood tall and imposing, a testament to modern architectural brilliance. The glass façade reflected the surrounding cityscape, blending seamlessly with the urban landscape yet commanding attention with its grandeur. Miyeon handed the car keys over to the valet with a polite smile before heading the way into the building with Seungwan followed from behind. She straightened her blazer, her heels clicking softly against the marble flooring. Entering through the revolving doors, Seungwan  admired the architectural marvel before her. The interior of the building was a masterful blend of modern sophistication and timeless elegance. Towering columns adorned with intricate carvings stretched towards the high ceiling, while crystal chandeliers hung like delicate jewels, casting a soft glow over the space and illuminating the meticulously crafted reception desk at the center of the room. Seungwan noticed the attention to detail in every aspect of the design. From the plush velvet couch to the intricate artwork adorning the walls,  showcasing the company's impressive portfolio of properties from around the world, every element seemed to exude luxury.  Ruby Jane Estate was not just a rival; it was a symbol of excellence in the real estate industry, and Seungwan had always looked up to them as one of her role models. 

"Ms. Son, please wait in the lobby couch, I will talk to the receptionist." Seungwan nodded in agreement, her eyes scanning the lobby as she made her way to the plush couches arranged neatly in one corner. Settling onto the plush couch, Seungwan observed Miyeon as she engaged in conversation with some of Ruby Jane's employees. Moments later, Miyeon approached Seungwan, accompanied by a woman with short hair wearing a sharp black suit. 

"Ms. Son, she is Ms. Lisa, secretary of Ms. Kim Jennie," Miyeon introduced. Seungwan stood up and extended her hand towards the woman named Lisa, greeting her with a warm smile.

"Nice to meet you, Ms. Lisa," Seungwan said politely. Lisa returned the gesture, professional yet welcoming. 

"Just call me Lisa, Ms. Son. Please, sit down," she replied, motioning towards the couch. Seungwan and Miyeon followed her lead, taking their seats on the plush couch and Lisa settled herself in front of them. 

"It's an honor for us that the CEO of Gangnam Estate has come to Ruby Jane's branch in person. But, I will represent Ms. Jennie today to meet you because her schedule is quite hectic, especially with the preparations for our Seoul branch inauguration.” Lisa said, apologetic.

“ It’s okay, Lisa. I understand.”

“So, what brings you to Ruby Jane Estate, Ms. Son?" Lisa asks with a polite smile. 

"We've submitted our proposals for partnership multiple times, but unfortunately, we haven't received any feedback yet. I'm beginning to wonder if Ms. Kim Jennie hasn't had the chance to review them or perhaps they didn't pique her interest?" Seungwan explained, her voice tinged with a hint of concern. Lisa nodded thoughtfully, her gaze flickering between Seungwan and Miyeon as she processed the information.

"Ruby Jane Estate has received many partnership proposals from various companies. Ms. Kim Jennie recently has indeed reviewed numerous of them, but none have met her expectations or sparked her interest, including the proposal from your company, Ms. Son," Lisa replied, her tone measured yet informative. Seungwan, though expecting the answer,  felt disappointed at the confirmation. 

"Can I know the reason why the proposals of all the companies that proposed partnership were rejected?" Seungwan inquired. Lisa paused for a moment, considering her response carefully before speaking.

"I can't tell you the exact criteria, but from my perspective, having worked with Ms. Jennie for over three years, I believe she is very detailed in the architectural, interior, and exterior design of the building. Not only because the design is attractive, but Ms. Jennie is also meticulous in the function of each design," Lisa explained, Seungwan nodded, absorbing Lisa's insight as she tried to decipher its implications.

"Take a look at the crystal chandeliers above," Lisa prompted, gesturing towards the ceiling of the lobby.

"The chandeliers are not only the striking center of attention in this room because of their beauty, but it’s serve as both lighting at night and as a reflector of sunlight which will cast a soft glow over the space and illuminating the meticulously crafted reception desk at the center of the room even though it is not lit." Seungwan followed Lisa's gaze, marveling at the intricate details of the chandeliers above.

"I see what you mean," Seungwan mused. She was impressed by the meticulous thought and care that had gone into every aspect of the building's design. 

“Oh. . Wow” Miyeon gasped by the information, 

"So I think you should give the most impressive impression to the architectural, interior and exterior design of your next proposal, Ms. Son," Lisa concluded, Seungwan listened intently as Lisa's words painted a vivid picture of the high standards and attention to detail that defined Ruby Jane Estate's approach to architectural design. She felt a surge of admiration for Kim Jennie's commitment to excellence, even as she grappled with the realization that their previous proposals may have fallen short of these exacting standards. Seungwan is determined to create something truly remarkable in their next proposal.


Joohyun made her way to Blossom Kindergarten to pick up Minjeong after returning from college. As she approached the building, she peered through the window and noticed that the students were still engrossed in their learning activities. Glancing at her watch, Joohyun realized she had arrived early; Minjeong's class wouldn't be over for another 20 minutes. Joohyun decided to wait on a park bench nestled beneath a sprawling, shady tree nearby. Surrounding her, the garden bloomed with an array of colorful flowers, each petal swaying gently in the breeze. 

"So pretty.” Joohyun whispered to herself, to pass the time, Joohyun retrieved her notebook and pen from her bag. With practiced ease, she began to sketch the blossoming flowers, and the charming Blossom Kindergarten building in the background, capturing the intricate details of each object with precision. Each of her pen brought the scene to life, the lines flowing effortlessly as if guided by an unseen hand. A sense of peace washed over her, the act of creation serving as a welcome reprieve from the complex of her life. A faint breeze swept through, teasing her hair and sending her bangs fluttering in the wind. Closing her eyes, she allowed herself to be carried away by the sensation, reveling in the feeling of freedom. 

“It's wonderful," the voice exclaimed, startled Joohyun. Joohyun's eyes snapped open, her gaze darting to the source of the sound, to find a woman with impeccable fashion sense standing before her. Dressed in a white t-shirt, a sleek black Chanel jacket, jeans, and stylish boots.

“Eh?" Joohyun stammered, her confusion evident. The woman smiled warmly and nodded towards Joohyun's sketch. 

"Your sketch. That's very beautiful. Are you an artist?" Flustered by the compliment, Joohyun shook her head. 

"Ah, no. I'm an architecture student," She admitted shyly.

"Really?" The stranger exclaimed, clearly impressed, before promptly taking a seat next to Joohyun on the bench.

"No wonder your drawing is really good. I also studied architecture when I was still in college back then. What semester are you in?" the woman asked. Joohyun blinked several times, still processing the encounter. 

"I'm still a freshman," Joohyun answered,

"Freshman? No way, you're so talented. Your sketch reminds me of Le Corbusier's works. He's my favorite architect. Can I have it?” the woman gestured towards the sketch. Joohyun hesitated for a moment before nodding.

"Eh, ah sure, Le Corbusier is my role model. He is the great pioneer of Modernism in architecture. I don't think I deserve to be compared with him. He is a legend.” Joohyun replied, tearing the sketch sheet from her notebook and handing it to the woman, she gratefully accepting the sketch. 

"Ahh, that's why your sketches have a similar style to his. However, you blend his technique with your own to get these extraordinary outcomes. What's your name?” the stranger smiled and extended her hand for a handshake, 

"Uh, thank you. I’m Bae Joohyun." Joohyun responded, 

"I'm Jennie, Kim Jennie.” The woman took Joohyun's hand and introduced herself. Just then, the sound of children's laughter comes through, signaling the end of the kindergarten day. In the distance, their attention is drawn to the two little figures, running towards them hand in hand, a bright smile lighting up their face.

"Unnie!" Minjeong called out, her voice filled with excitement as she approached Joohyun. Minjeong reached Joohyun's fingertips, her small hand tightly gripping them. Beside her, Jimin breaks away from Minjeong and rushes into Jennie's waiting arms.

"Mommy!" Jimin exclaimed, 

"Hi, sweetheart," Jennie greeted her daughter with a warm smile, enveloping her in a tender embrace.

"Mommy, this is Minjeong. My friend that I told you about," Jimin said, gesturing towards Minjeong with a beaming smile. Jennie's eyes twinkled with amusement as she looked at Minjeong. 

"Hi, Minjeong! Jimin often talks about you almost all the time. You've definitely captured Jimin's heart," The woman named Jennie remarked, her tone affectionate. Minjeong smiled shyly, clinging to Joohyun's hand. Jennie's heart melted at the sight, and she couldn't help but comment, "Aren’t you so lovely, Minjeong." Turning her attention to Joohyun,  "Is Minjeong your sister?" Jennie asked, and Joohyun shook her head, a small smile playing on her lips. 

"Ahh, no. I'm a part-timer. I'm Minjeong's babysitter," she explained softly. 

"I see. You both look alike, beautiful and shy girls" Jennie remarked, Joohyun felt flattered by the compliment.

"You compliment me a lot today, Ms. Kim, but thank you," Joohyun replied with a grateful smile.


Seungwan sat in the back seat of the car, her thoughts consumed by the encounter with Yong-joon at her company. Massaging her temples, she couldn't shake off the worry that lingered in her mind. Seungwan kind of regrets not giving Yong-joon the money he asked for, his desperation for money could lead him to seek out Joohyun or her family, putting them in potential risk. The memory of Yong-joon's near-violent outburst flashed through Seungwan's mind, and she wondered if Joohyun and her family often experienced similar episodes of aggression abuse from Yong-joon before. The thought weighed heavily on her heart. Miyeon, who was focused on driving, glanced at Seungwan's reflection in the rearview mirror, noticing the furrow of the CEO's brow and the tension in her expression. 

"Are you okay, Ms. Son?" Miyeon asked, her voice gentle yet probing. Seungwan remained silent for a moment, her mind racing with concerns.

"Miyeon, change the meeting schedule. Let's go to Minjeong's Kindergarten. It's time for Minjeong's school to be over, and Joohyun might be there to pick her up. I just want to check on her." Seungwan instructed, glancing at her watch. 

"Yes, Ms. Son," Miyeon replied dutifully, her hands adjusting the steering wheel as she changed the car's direction.


Seungwan stepped out of the car, a smile plastered her face as she saw Joohyun and Minjeong near a shady tree, both looking as beautiful and radiant as ever. From a distance, she observed her girlfriend chatting away with a woman, Seungwan wondered who the person was. When Seungwan gets closer, her brow furrows and the smile on her face fades as she catches snippets of their conversation.

"I see. You both look alike, beautiful and shy girls," the unfamiliar woman remarked, drawing a grateful smile from Joohyun. 

"You complimented me a lot today, Ms. Kim, but thank you."  Joohyun replied politely. Suddenly, the woman pointed out a leaf on Joohyun's head, and tried to help her to remove them. It reminded Seungwan of the K-Drama scene she recently watched; where under the cool shade of a tree, the lead character noticed a leaf resting on the other lead's hair. With a gentle smile, they reached out, their fingers delicately brushing the leaf away. The other lead blushed, grateful for the gesture. Seungwan's eyes widened comically at the similarities of the scene in front of her. 

"Oh no, the dreaded leaf of doom!" Seungwan exclaimed dramatically, her arms flailing as if warding off an impending disaster. With exaggerated urgency, Seungwan rushed over, 

"Fear not, fair maiden! I shall save you from the treacherous leaf!" The CEO declared, before clumsily attempting to pluck the leaf from Joohyun's hair. But just as she reached out, she tripped over her own feet in her haste. Seungwan immediately tried to hold her balance by grabbing Joohyun's arm. Eliciting a chorus of exaggerated gasps from nearby onlookers.

"Ms.Son!" Joohyun reflex to turn around and catch the woman,

“Damn it..." Seungwan muttered, her face turning beet red with embarrassment. But, she tried to salvage the situation by quickly wrapping her arm around Joohyun's waist, pulling her closer with a flourish. 

"Hi, honey!" she exclaimed, her voice pitched several octaves too high in her attempt to sound suave. Joohyun blinked in confusion, her eyes widened and she felt Seungwan's touch, her cheeks flushing at the sudden intimacy. Joohyun's attempts to squirm out of her grasp only fueled Seungwan's to hold her close. 

"Mommy!" Minjeong excitedly greeted her Mother cheerfully , 

"Hi, princess!" Seungwan exclaimed, her grip on Joohyun's waist remaining firm. Joohyun's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she felt the weight of Seungwan's hand on her waist, and she couldn't help but shoot the woman a look.

"Ms. Son, what are you doing? Please let go of your hand," Joohyun whispered and Seungwan pretended to cough, 

"Why? I'm your girlfriend!" Seungwan declared loudly, making sure Jennie could hear every word. Jennie had been watching the entire scene unfold with amusement, and couldn't help but giggle. Joohyun feels that Seungwan is silently asserting her claim over her. Like Seungwan wanted to make it clear to both Joohyun and the stranger that Joohyun belonged to her. 

"We have to go, Jimin." Jennie said and Jimin automatically bowed to Joohyun and Seungwan. 

“Be careful on the way home, Jimin” Joohyun smile warmly in awkward situation, 

"Yes, unnie! See you tomorrow, Minjeong!" Jimin chirping,

"Eung! See you tomorrow!" Minjeong, caught up in the excitement, echoed.

"Joohyun, thank you for the sketch,"  Jennie said, waving the sketch that Joohyun had given her. Joohyun waved her hand dismissively.

"Ah, it's nothing, Ms. Kim," she replied modestly. Jennie glanced mischievously at Seungwan, a smirk playing on her lips before said,

"Just call me unnie, Joohyun. I think we'll be meeting often," With a final bow, Jennie her heel and sauntered away. Leaving Seungwan speechless, her face scrunched in a witty exaggerated scowl with hanging open in disbelief. 

“What the. .'' Seungwan mumbles, her attention was momentarily diverted to Jennie, Joohyun seized the opportunity to discreetly remove the woman's hand from her hip.

"What are you doing, Ms. Son?" Joohyun interrogate, shooting her a questioning look. Seungwan blinked innocently, feigning ignorance. 

"I didn't do anything." she replied. Joohyun let out an exasperated sigh, shaking her head in disbelief. "You're acting strange," the younger remarked.

"Me? Acting strange? No way!" Seungwan protested, 

"That woman was the strange one! Why did she call you beautiful? And you even gave her your sketch! You never give me one. Then she tried to wipe your hair and asked you to call her 'Unnie'! You don't even call me Unnie, despite being your girlfriend!" Seungwan lamented, punctuating her words with an adorable grunt. Joohyun, initially taken aback by Seungwan's outburst, but then she suddenly realize,

"Ms. Son, are you perhaps jealous?" Joohyun asks, a mischievous twinkle in her eye. Seungwan scoffed, trying to play it cool. 

"Me? Jealous? Hah, nope!" Seungwan responded, her cheeks flushing slightly. She turned her face away in an attempt to hide her embarrassment. Joohyun couldn't contain her smile at Seungwan's obvious denial. 

"Oh, come on, Ms. Son. Your jealousy is written all over your face." Joohyun teased, unable to resist poking fun at the CEO. Seungwan huffed in frustration, her pride wounded by Joohyun's teasing, the woman had been caught red-handed. 

"Hah, look, you still call me 'Ms. Son'!" Seungwan grumbled, her tone petulant as she walked away deliberately stomping her foot in a comically exaggerated display. 

"Mommy, why are you sulking like a child?" Minjeong chimed in, watching the exchange with amusement, causing Joohyun to burst into laughter as she followed Seungwan towards her car with Minjeong, the little girl not stopping to giggled. 


The emergency board meeting of Gangnam Real Estate was convened amidst the crisis sparked by the boycott from the Japanese Governor. Before stepping in, Son Seungwan took a moment to compose herself by adjusting her blazer. Miyeon opened the door, and with a deep breath, Seungwan entered the room. She couldn't ignore the weight of the situation hanging in the air like a thick fog. The eyes of the board of directors bore into her, it was filled with tension. Taking her place at the head of the table, she glanced at the engraved plaque that bore her name—CEO, Son Seungwan—a reminder of the position she held. 

"I know you are all concerned about Mr. Hirai's boycott, we are actively working to mend the situation. Our efforts to align with Ruby Jane estate are still underway, and I assure you, progress is being made. Please, have patience." Seungwan began, meeting the gaze of each director in turn. 

"I've heard about the repeated rejections of our proposals by Ruby Jane estate," Siwon, the Creative Director, interjected with a pointed question that echoed the doubts lingering in the minds of many.

"Given their stature in the industry, do you truly believe there's still a chance for a partnership, Ms.Son?" Siwon remarked, his skepticism evident in his tone. The question sent ripples of murmurs across the boardroom, a collective expression of doubt and apprehension. 

"I won't deny the challenges we face, I remain optimistic about the possibility of collaboration," Seungwan replied firmly.

"Well, Ms. Son, perhaps if you had accepted Mr. Hirai's offer to engaged with his daughter instead of publicly locking lips with someone else at such a high-profile event like a ball party, we wouldn't find ourselves in this mess. Your decisions seem to be quite the detriment to Gangnam Real Estate, wouldn't you agree?'' Siwon sneered with a sarcastic smirk. His words cut through the already tense atmosphere like a sharp blade.  His sarcasm dripped with disdain as he addressed Seungwan directly. The room seemed to hold its breath, each member of the board uncomfortably shifting in their seats as they awaited Seungwan's response. Seungwan's jaw clenched as she listened to Siwon's accusations, a personal attack veiled within Siwon's thinly veiled criticism.

"Ah, Siwon-ssi," Seungwan said, her voice tinged with a mix of weariness and defiance. 

"I don't know you're that kind of person. How disappointing." Seungwan's gaze hardened, her eyes locking onto Siwon's with an intensity. Siwon's smirk faltered slightly at the rebuke, his eyebrows knitted together in annoyance as he awaited Seungwan's further response.

"But let's address your insinuations, shall we?" Seungwan continued, 

"Yes, I made a choice—a choice to follow my heart and pursue a relationship with someone I deeply care about. And while my actions may have garnered attention, they were not made lightly nor without consideration for the company. I understand the concerns about our company's image, But I refuse to compromise my principles for the sake of appeasing societal expectations or securing business deals through dubious means." Seungwan's voice was measured, a barely contained edge of anger seeping through her words.

"Your idealism will be the downfall of this company, Ms. Son," Siwon retorted sharply. 

"In the cutthroat world of business, sentimentality has no place.'' Siwon added, his expression hardened. A bitter chuckle escaped Seungwan's lips at Siwon's words.

"And yet, it's precisely that sentimentality that sets me apart from individuals like you, Siwon-ssi, I choose to lead with integrity and conviction, not by resorting to underhanded tactics to secure my position. I stand by my decisions, regardless of the consequences, and if that means enduring criticism or facing challenges along the way, then so be it. But I refuse to compromise my values for the sake of expediency." the CEO countered, Siwon retorted, caught in his throat as Seungwan's unwavering gaze bore into him.

"Ms. Kim Jennie, the CEO of Ruby Jane, is currently in Seoul to inaugurate their new branch. In fact, the timing couldn't be more opportune. I intend to use this opportunity to engage with her directly, to plead our case and seek common ground." Seungwan leaned forward, her eyes sweeping across the faces gathered around the table. 

"According to her secretary, our partnership proposal was rejected due to discrepancies in our architectural, interior, and exterior designs, which were deemed inadequate by Ruby Jane Estate standart." Seungwan said, dripping with frustration. 

"I propose a new approach: I will personally oversee the creative direction temporarily, while we search for architecture designers that are capable of meeting the standards required. This means someone else will have to step down from their role." Siwon's eyes widened in outrage, feeling the sting of Seungwan's implication that he wasn't up to the task. His anger boiled over as he shot back, 

"So you're saying it's my fault? That I'm not good enough as Creative Director?" Siwon's voice crackled with restrained fury, his pride wounded by the suggestion of incompetence. Seungwan maintained her calm behavior, unfazed by Siwon's thinly veiled aggression.

"I'm not questioning your capabilities, Siwon-ssi. I'm saying we need someone with a fresh perspective and a better understanding of what Ruby Jane Estate demands. If you can't handle that, then perhaps you're not the right fit for this project." Seungwan retorted.

"So you're suggesting that I step aside and allow you to take over?" Siwon scoffed, and the woman nodded, 

"Temporarily, until this project is done." she clarified.

"You're making a mistake, Ms. Son," Siwon warned, his fists clenched in frustration, trembling with suppressed anger. 

"You'll regret this decision. Mark my words." Siwon spat as he rose from his seat. He stormed out of the room with a resounding thud, leaving a stunned silence in his wake. The remaining directors exchanged uneasy glances, their discomfort palpable as they grappled with the abrupt departure. Seungwan remained unmoved,

"Any objections? If so, now is the time to speak up." The CEO demanded, the room remained silent. None dared to challenge Seungwan's authority. With a collective murmur of compliance, they acquiesced to her leadership, their silent agreement echoing through the room.

"I take it as agreement then" Seungwan concluded,

"I understand the gravity of our situation, but I ask for your trust and support as we navigate through this turbulent time. Give me one month, and I promise to do everything to steer Gangnam Real Estate back from the brink of crisis." Seungwan declared. 


Joohyun and Minjeong were engrossed in a playful game of Barbie dolls in the mansion living room. They’re sitting cross-legged on the rug, carefully adjusting the tiny outfits on the dolls while Minjeong watches with rapt attention.

"Okay, Minjeong-ah, now it's Barbie's turn to go to the fancy ball." Joohyun said, her voice light and melodious as she gave the Barbie doll a regal twirl. Minjeong's eyes sparkled with excitement as she eagerly grabbed her own Barbie doll. 

"Yes, Joohyun unnie! I want my Barbie to be a princess too!" she exclaimed with enthusiasm. Joohyun chuckled softly, delighted by Minjeong's infectious energy. 

"Alright, let's make her the most beautiful princess in the kingdom." Joohyun replied, her fingers deftly adjusting the doll's gown. The little girl's imagination knew no bounds as she animatedly acted out scenes with her Barbie doll, mimicking Joohyun's playful mannerisms with surprising accuracy.

"Wow, Minjeong-ah, you're really good at this." 

Then, the mansion bell rang through the spacious halls, Joohyun wondered who could be visiting.

"Minjeong, wait just a moment, unnie will go and open the door," Joohyun said, gently patting the little girl's head. Minjeong nodded, engrossed once more in her Barbie world as Joohyun made her way towards the entrance and swung open the grand door, revealing the familiar figures of Son Eun-seo and Son Hyun-jo, Seungwan's parents. A smile instantly graced her lips as she greeted them by bowing respectfully.

"Oh, Mom, Dad," Joohyun said warmly, her eyes bright with affection. Eun-seo's eyes lit up with delight as she enveloped Joohyun in a tight embrace. Joohyun returned the hug, feeling a surge of gratitude for the woman who had always treated her like her own daughter. 

"Joohyun, my dear, I've missed you so much." Eun-seo declared with genuineness.

"I've missed you too, Mom. Please, come in," Joohyun said, stepping back to allow them entry. With smiles adorning their faces, Eun-seo and Hyun-jo stepped into the mansion, their eyes lighting up at the sight of their beloved granddaughter. 

"Minjeong-ah!" Eun-seo called out. Minjeong, hearing her grandmother's voice, turned with a squeal of delight, her Barbie forgotten for the moment. 

"Grandma! Grandpa!" she cried out, her feet carrying her in a blur of excitement towards her grandparents. Eun-seo and Hyun-jo showered Minjeong with hugs and kisses. The living room was filled with the sounds of laughter and affectionate greetings, their joy contagious. Joohyun watched the scene unfold with a heart full of warmth. 

"Seungwan hasn't come home from work yet, Joohyun?" Eun-seo's ask as she explored the clock. 

"No, she said she would come home late tonight" Joohyun shook her head gently. 

"Aigoo, she still works too hard. If she comes home late, will she have dinner outside?"  Eun-seo mused aloud as made her way to the kitchen with Joohyun followed from behind,

"No, Mom. Ms. Son always eats at home. Every time I come here, I bring my mother's cooking, which is made especially for Ms. Son and Minjeong." Joohyun assured Eun-seo. Eun-seo's eyes widened in surprise as she opened the refrigerator, revealing an array of home-cooked meals neatly stored in containers. 

"Omo, omo. Your mother is truly kind, Joohyun. Seungwan often skips meals because she's too busy working. If it's like this, I don't have to worry. " 

"Yes, she does, but I always make sure there's something for her to eat when she gets home." Joohyun nodded, agreed softly. 

"How sweet of you, dear." Eun-seo smiled gratefully at Joohyun's thoughtfulness, her affection for her growing with each

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Wow, I am absolutely overwhelmed by the incredible support and community promotion for Fluttering Feelings😭Your generosity & kindness have truly touched my heart & I can't thank you enough🥺Your encouragement is what motivates me to keep updating the story, and I promise to do so as soon as I can🙏


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WluvsBaetokki #1
Chapter 8: What do you mean by only 1 chapter left???? 😩 Nooooo! Lol
I need to see them build a family. Joo-Hyun being preggers and all that huhuhuhu
WenRene_77 13 streak #2
Chapter 7: You mother er yong Joon!! Go rot in hell!!😡😡 I hope seungwan and joohyun will be okay🥺💙🩷
Favebolous 13 streak #3
Chapter 8: NICEE LIKE IT
1699 streak #4
Chapter 8: The anxious wait and angst is so worth it in the end. I thought Seungwan's wound wouldn't heal 'coz constant abuse lol, will wait for epilogue~
Chapter 8: Phew, I survived the angsts. I’m glad for Seungwan’s patience since it’s Joohyun’s first r/s and it must be difficult for her to manage such complicated situation.

All these visuals added are fantastic! Will be looking out for your new story too!
Favebolous 13 streak #6
Chapter 7: Waiting
Favebolous 13 streak #7
Chapter 3: Mr.Hirai 😡
Favebolous 13 streak #8
Chapter 2: Minjeong so cute
Favebolous 13 streak #9
Chapter 1: Like it
wenrene012 #10
Chapter 7: Oh thank goodness Jennie is married, I don't want a love triangle 😭 lmao. Way to go back to updating and you dropped this intense chapter!! You're so good at writing. I can't wait to read the next one!!' Please come back soon