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The morning light seeped into Minjeong's room, rousing Seungwan from her sleep  feeling the warmth of the sun streaming in through the curtains. She had spent the night with her daughter. As Seungwan slowly stirred, she reached out to feel the mattress beside her, expecting to find Minjeong's warm presence there. However, her searching hand came up empty, and a flicker of confusion crossed her face. With a soft yawn and a stretch, Seungwan finally opened her eyes, scanning the room in search of her daughter. But Minjeong was nowhere to be seen. The woman got out of bed and began to search for Minjeong all over the house. She first checked Minjeong's playroom, thinking that maybe she had woken up early and was playing in her playroom. But, the room was empty, and the toys were neatly arranged. Seungwan made her way to the living room and her gaze landed on the little girl sitting in front of the main door with her legs crossed, her eyes wide with anticipation. Minjeong's tiny frame was framed by the morning light filtering through the windows.

" Minjeong, sweetheart, what are you doing there by the door? " Seungwan asked with a soft and caring tone as she approached her daughter. Minjeong turned her head and brightened up at the sight of her mother. Seungwan gently picked up her little girl.

" Joohyun unnie." Minjeong replied in her innocent, childlike voice, Minjeong must have missed Joohyun so much that she couldn't wait for her to arrive, even on a day when she wasn't scheduled to babysit. 

“ Joohyun unnie wouldn't be visiting today, it’s her day off. “ Seungwan explained and the little girl's face fell in frustration, clearly not pleased with the news. Minjeong began to squirm and went down from her mother's arms, expressing her discontent. 

“ Minjeong wants Joohyun unnie. " She said with an adorable pout, Seungwan couldn't help but chuckle at her daughter's determination. Minjeong's attachment to Joohyun was apparent, and it both touched and amused her mother. Knowing that she needed to turn the situation around, Seungwan decided to make breakfast for both of them. As she worked in the kitchen, she pondered how to lift Minjeong's spirits. 

“ Let’s go to a bookstore today and you can choose whatever books you want.” Seungwan said try to cheer her up, but, instead of eliciting excitement, Minjeong rolled her eyes, her little arms crossed defiantly. 

“ Did you just roll your eyes at Mommy, young princess?? “ Seungwan was momentarily stunned by her daughter's antics but couldn't help but laugh. At four years old her daughter acted like a teenager. She’s way too smart. 

“ Please stop being mad, love. “ Seungwan said, "Alright, my little sunshine, let's brush our teeth together, shall we?" She added, knelt down, ruffled Minjeong's hair playfully, together, they headed to the bathroom. Seungwan chuckled and scooped her daughter up in her arms, carrying Minjeong to perched on a stool, they each took their toothbrushes and began to brush their teeth in synch. After they were done brushing, Seungwan lifted Minjeong onto her shoulders and carried her to the kitchen for breakfast. Seungwan placed Minjeong at the dining chair, and she went back to the kitchen counter, skillfully whipped up a batch of fluffy pancakes, the scent of warm batter filling the air. Despite her initial disappointment, Minjeong's eyes couldn't help but be drawn to the delicious breakfast Seungwan was preparing. Seungwan set the table, placing a plate of pancakes in front of Minjeong. She tried to give her daughter a reassuring smile. Seungwan understood that Minjeong's feelings were valid, and she hoped to brighten her mood. 

Seungwan took a seat across from Minjeong, watched Minjeong sulk and pick at her pancakes, memories of her late wife, So Hee, flooded her mind. Minjeong and So Hee had been remarkably similar in many ways, Minjeong's stubbornness and strong personality mirrored her late wife. It was moments like these that brought back fond memories of So Hee. Seungwan took a moment to reflect on the past, a soft smile tugging at her lips as she remembered So Hee's playful and sometimes stubborn nature. Though her wife was no longer with them. Seungwan hoped that, just like she used to with So Hee, she could find a way to ease Minjeong's frustration and bring a smile back to her face, even if it meant indulging her daughter's moods from time to time.

The mansion doorbell rang and Seungwan immediately opened the door to find Sana Minatozaki standing there with a warm smile, looking radiant as ever. Before Seungwan could react, Sana stepped forward and enveloped Seungwan in a clinging hug. Seungwan's connection with Sana's family went beyond just a potential romantic relationship. It was through Sana's father, Mr. Hirai Minatozaki, that Seungwan had initially established a successful business partnership with a Japanese real estate conglomerate. They had worked together on several high-profile projects that brought immense profits to Seungwan's real estate agency. He shared how Sana was looking to make new friends in Seoul, and perhaps even find someone special. Mr. Hirai, a traditional man who valued family connections, suggested that Seungwan and Sana should meet. Seungwan, although initially surprised by the proposal, agreed to the blind date out of respect for her business partner. She thought it wouldn't hurt to get to know Sana, even if it was just as friends. After all, she had admired Mr. Hirai's business acumen and had developed a strong professional relationship with him over the years. One day, over a business dinner in a fancy Tokyo restaurant, Mr. Hirai had casually mentioned his daughter, Sana, who had recently moved to Seoul. Their first meeting was at a charming cafe in Seoul. Sana had a warm smile and a friendly demeanor that put Seungwan at ease. They talked about their interests, hobbies, and shared stories about their respective lives. Seungwan found herself enjoying Sana's company more than she had expected. As they continued to meet, their friendship grew, and they discovered many common interests. They both had a passion for travel, enjoyed trying new cuisines, and had a love for art and culture. Seungwan realized that Sana wasn't just sweet and nice; she was also intelligent, kind-hearted, and genuine. Although Seungwan wasn't sure where their relationship would lead, she was grateful for the opportunity to know Sana. They continued to spend time together. Seungwan's feelings for Sana remained cautious, wanting to ensure that their connection was built on a solid foundation of friendship and trust. Both women were still in the process of getting to know each other. 

“ I miss you, babe. " Sana greeted, her eyes sparkled, taking a step back to properly look at Seungwan. 

“ Please, come in." Seungwan gestured for Sana to enter her home.

“ I've really missed our dates, Seungwan. It's been too long since our last date, and I've missed our moments together. Last night, when we had to cancel, I felt a bit disappointed. “ Sana said honestly, the woman pouting.

“ I'm sorry about that. It was unavoidable.” Seungwan's voice softened as she replied, 

“ How about today?” Sana asks, trying to find another opportunity to have a date with the woman she has a crush on. 

" I can't today. I made a promise to my daughter, Minjeong, to take her out. " Sana's heart sank a little but she understood Seungwan's commitment to her daughter. Sana admired Seungwan's ability to balance her demanding  job and her role as a loving mother; it was her unwavering dedication as a mother and her caring nature that truly captured Sana's heart. It was heartwarming to see how Seungwan always put Minjeong's well-being and happiness first.

“ I have a meeting at your favorite restaurant tomorrow night, let’s meet there.” Seungwan stated, offered an alternative. 

“ I'd love to have dinner with you. It’s dinner date then? “ Sana asked, couldn't contain her excitement and Seungwan nodded. As Sana and Seungwan were discussing their plans, Minjeong suddenly appeared, 

“ Mommy! “ her little voice interrupted their conversation. She had a frown expression on her face, and it was clear that she was not happy about their plans. Seungwan looks down to her daughter, the little girl glares at Sana and giving her mother an evil look makes Seungwan chuckles. 

" Don't worry sweetheart, our plan won't be canceled. "  The woman said, carrying Minjeong in her arms. 


Seungwan couldn't help but steal glances at Minjeong, who sat beside her in the passenger seat as they made their way to the bookstore. The little girl's pout was still evident. 

“ Minjeong, are you going to be mad with Mommy forever?" Unable to bear the silence, Seungwan asked, gently broached the subject, her voice soft and filled with concern. Minjeong looked up, her eyes reflecting a mixture of emotions.  

" Minjeong is not mad, Mommy. Minjeong is sad. " Minjeong’s eyes fixed on the passing scenery outside the car window, replied softly.

" I'm sad too when you're mad at Mommy. '' the woman replied honestly. Minjeong's eyes softened, and she turned to her mother. 

" Can Joohyun unnie live at our house? So, Minjeong can see her every day." she suggested innocently. 

“ W. .what? “ Seungwan shutters, lost for words. She hadn't anticipated this. 

" You really like Joohyun unnie so much." Seungwan gently probed, her curiosity about Minjeong's fondness for Joohyun persisted. 

"Unnie is always kind and beautiful, just like Mama So Hee used to be." Minjeong, still buckled up in her car seat, thought for a moment before responding, Seungwan felt a pang in her heart at the mention of her late wife. 

" Joohyun unnie is like a little piece of Mama that Minjeong wishes could have with me. " Minjeong looked at her mother with earnest eyes.

" Minjeong-ah, can Mommy ask why you suddenly want to have a new Mama? You're against it before " the woman asked, frowned. 

" Minjeong saw Mommy crying every night in the workroom. Minjeong doesn't want Mommy sad anymore. Mommy can have a new Mama but it should be Joohyun unnie not anyone. Minjeong wish Mommy could be happy like Mommy were with So Hee Mama " Seungwan's eyes welled up with tears as she listened to Minjeong's innocent and heartfelt words. She parked the car in front of the bookstore and turned to face her daughter, 

"Minjeong, my sweet angel," Seungwan began, gently squeezed Minjeong's hand, her voice gentle and tender. " Mommy didn't realize you've been worried about me all this time. Mommy promised you, Mommy doesn't want to be sad anymore either. Mommy wants to be happy, and Mommy wants you to be happy too." Seungwan's voice quivering with emotion. Minjeong nodded earnestly, her tiny hand reaching out to wipe away a tear that had escaped from Seungwan's eye. 

" Minjeong know, Mommy. Joohyun unnie would be a good Mama for Minjeong and make us happy again." Seungwan smiled through her tears, her heart overflowing with love and gratitude for her wise and caring daughter. She realized just how perceptive and empathetic her daughter was, even at such a young age.  She leaned over and kissed Minjeong's forehead, whispering, 

" You're such a special girl, Minjeong. We'll figure things out together, okay? " Minjeong's face lit up with a bright smile, and she hugged her mother tightly.


After visit to their favorite bookstore. Minjeong's ask Seungwan to going picnic, so Seungwan decided to bring her daughter to Han River, but because Seungwan don't any plans to go picnic beforehand, she need buy some picnic stuffs. Seungwan and Minjeong went to supermarket conveniently located nearby the Han River. They're through the aisles, picking out a picnic rug, a vibrant patchwork of colors and selecting a variety of goodies for their picnic, picking up kimbab, along with an assortment of snacks to munch on. Minjeong insisted on getting her favorite ice cream for dessert, and a soap bubble toys for playtime and Seungwan happily obliged.

Seungwan and Minjeong found a perfect spot by the Han River to enjoy their impromptu picnic. They spread out the picnic rugs and sat down, surrounded by the serene beauty of the riverside. The weather was delightful, with the sun casting a warm glow on everything around them. Minjeong's eyes sparkled with excitement as she dug into the kimbab, her small fingers making it disappear in no time. Seungwan couldn't help but chuckle at her daughter's enthusiasm. 

Minjeong couldn't contain her excitement as she held the soap bubble toy in her hands. She had spotted it at the supermarket earlier, and now, by the serene Han River, she was ready to unleash its magic. With her little fingers, she dipped the wand into the soapy solution and waved it gently in the air. Bubbles of all sizes and colors floated gracefully around her. Minjeong's eyes sparkled with delight as she chased after the floating wonders, trying to pop them with her tiny hands. The sun glistened on the iridescent bubbles, creating a mesmerizing display. People passing by couldn't help but smile at the adorable sight of Minjeong and her soap bubbles. Some children even joined in the fun, creating a small, bubble party by the river. Seungwan watched her daughter's pure joy with a warm heart. She cherished these moments of simple happiness, knowing that they were the ones that mattered most. As Minjeong continued to blow bubbles and giggle with glee, the riverbank became a place of laughter, Minjeong's eyes widened with excitement as she spotted Joohyun in the distance, sitting at a picnic with her friends by the Han River. Without a second thought, she dropped her soap bubble toy and dashed towards the woman she had been eagerly waiting for all morning. As Minjeong approached, her little legs carrying her as fast as they could, Joohyun turned her head, her eyes widening in surprise. Before she could react, Minjeong threw her arms around Joohyun's neck and hugged her tightly. Joohyun's friends chuckled at the adorable sight, and Joohyun herself was taken aback by the unexpected hug. 

"Joohyun-unnie!" Minjeong exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine happiness.

"Minjeong missed unnie so much!" Joohyun blinked in disbelief, still trying to process the fact that Minjeong was right here, in the midst of her picnic with friends. She gently returned the hug, her heart warmed by the little girl's affection.

"I missed you too, Minjeong," Joohyun replied with a soft smile. "What are you doing here? Where's your Mommy?" Minjeong pulled away slightly, Minjeong's small finger, pointing to the direction she played the soap bubbles before. 

"Minjeong saw you, and Minjeong wanted to be with you." Minjeong looked at Joohyun with bright eyes. 

" Who's this little girl, Joohyun? " Sooyoung asked, she was amused by how her friend had such an endearing interaction with the little girl.

" She's Minjeong, the girl I babysit." Joohyun answered and their friends' eyes widened, the girl so undeniable cuteness and charm. 

" She's absolutely adorable!" Seulgi exclaimed, her eyes still fixed on Minjeong. Sooyoung nodded in agreement. Minjeong, basking in the praise, giggled happily.

" Oh my god, why are you so cute! '' Sooyoung exclaimed, ruffling Minjeong's hair affectionately.

" Minjeong-ah, you couldn't just run off like that. It would worry your Mommy." Joohyun's gentle words resonated with Minjeong, and the little girl nodded, 

" Let's find your Mommy, she might be panicking right now " Before Joohyun could get up to help Minjeong find her mother, they saw Seungwan approaching, she ran panting hard, her face etched with worry. Seungwan's heart had been pounding with fear when she realized that Minjeong had suddenly disappeared. 

" Minjeong! I was so worried!" Seungwan exclaimed, her voice filled with relief as she reached out to hug her daughter tightly. 

" Sorry, Mommy." Minjeong, still wrapped up in Seungwan's loving embrace, mumbled,

"I'm really sorry for interrupting your picnic." Seungwan said, feeling apologetic, addressed Joohyun's friends with a warm smile. 

" No need to apologize, Ms. Son. It's nice to meet Minjeong here. " Joohyun said, reassuring her. 

" Ahh, right, Ms. Son. This is Seulgi and Sooyoung, my closest friends. And guys, this is Minjeong’s mother, Ms. Son Seungwan." Joohyun introduced her friends to Seungwan, Sooyoung's eyes widened after hearing Seungwan's full name. 

"Wait, Son Seungwan, the CEO of Gangnam Real Estate Agencies?!! The owner of all those apartment buildings in Gangnam?!! '' Sooyoung asked, in disbelief. Both of her hands closed her wide mouth. Seungwan smiled awkwardly, and didn't expect they'd recognize her. 

"Wow, Joohyun didn't mention that you're such a successful businesswoman ." Seulgi joined in, equally impressed. 

"Well, it's not something I often bring up in casual conversations, but it's a pleasure to meet Joohyun's friends." Seungwan said humbly. Sooyoung and Seulgi were impressed by Seungwan's down-to-earth attitude.  Joohyun couldn't help but be dumbfounded by the new information about Seungwan's impressive title as the CEO of Gangnam Real Estate Agency, especially considering the prestigious nature of Gangnam real estate in South Korea. The fact that Seungwan had never mentioned this before only added to Joohyun's amazement. It struck Joohyun how genuinely low-profile Seungwan was, despite her remarkable success. This only made Joohyun admire Seungwan even more.

“ We’ve to go, Minjeong '' the older woman said, tucked Minjeong's mane of hair behind her tiny ear.

“ Minjeong doesn't want to go, Minjeong will be with Joohyun unnie “ the little girl shakes her head and clings on Joohyun's arm. Joohyun gently patted Minjeong's back, trying to soothe her. "Hey, sweetie, it's time to go home." Joohyun said in a soft, reassuring voice. 

"No, Minjeong wants to stay with you." she whimpered, her eyes welling up with tears. 

" We'll be going to Joohyun's mother's restaurant after this, you and Minjeong can join us Ms. Son. It might help Minjeong to spend more time with Joohyun. " Sooyoung took a glance at Joohyun asking for an agreement. 

" Ahh, right, it's okay to join us Ms. Son." Joohyun said, and Seungwan smiled gratefully at the invitation. 

"We'd love to join you all, as long as we're not causing any inconvenience." Joohyun waved off Seungwan's concern with a grin. 

" No, Ms. Son. we'd be delighted to have you both. "

"Yeah, we'll make sure Minjeong has a great time." Seulgi chimed in,

Seungwan looked at Minjeong, who had perked up at the idea of more fun with Joohyun's friends. 

" What do you think, sweetie? Would you like to go to the restaurant with Joohyun unnie and her friends?" Minjeong nodded enthusiastically, her previous reluctance now forgotten. 

"Yes, Mommy, let's go!" Seungwan chuckled and ruffled Minjeong's hair affectionately.  


The cozy restaurant owned by Bae Hae-sun was filled with laughter and chatter as Joohyun, Seungwan, Sooyoung, and Seulgi enjoyed their meal together. It was a simple yet warm place, perfect for family gatherings and close friends. Minjeong was having a blast, giggling uncontrollably as Joohyun's sister, Yeri, playfully spun her around in her arms. Yeri had a natural way with children, and her bright smile was infectious, making Minjeong laugh even harder. She couldn't have asked for a better playmate. Seungwan couldn't help but smile as she watched Minjeong's joyous interactions with Yeri. She was grateful to Joohyun's friends and family for their kindness and the warm welcome they had extended to both her and Minjeong.

"I'm glad Minjeong is having fun. Your family and friends are lovely " Seungwan leaned over and whispered to Joohyun, the babysitter wasn't expecting the proximity, she blinked hard. 

" Ah. . Yes, she's really enjoying herself." Joohyun stammered, made fake coughs. Joohyun noticed Sooyoung was staring at her with a smirk. Her best friend might be witnessing her flustered face. 

Joohyun's mother, Bae Hae-sun, who was also the chef of the restaurant, came over to their table,

" It's wonderful to have you here, Ms. Son." Hae-sun said with a warm smile on her face.

"Thank you for having us. The food is amazing." Seungwan returned the smile. Minjeong, who had been playing with Joohyun's sister, Yeri, suddenly darted toward Hae-sun. The little girl's enthusiasm was undeniable as she tugged on Hae-sun's apron to get her attention. Hae-sun turned her warm gaze toward Minjeong, her eyes twinkling with affection. 

"What is it, sweetie?" she asked, bending down to Minjeong's eye level. Minjeong, her face radiant with excitement, grinned and said, 

" You're going to be my grandma, and my Mommy is going to be your daughter-in-law! Please take care of us! " Seungwan, who was in the midst of sipping her drink, spit it out when she heard Minjeong's unexpected proclamation. The entire restaurant seemed to go silent and become awkward. only the sound of Seungwan's cough could be heard.  Sooyoung, ever the quick thinker, came to the rescue with a hearty laugh, breaking the awkward silence that had settled over the restaurant after Minjeong's unexpected declaration. Her laughter was infectious, and soon, Seulgi joined in, their cheerful chuckles filling the space. Joohyun, still blushing and trying to regain her composure, appreciated her friends' efforts to diffuse the tension. She joined in the laughter, albeit a bit nervously, and it didn't take long for the entire table to be enveloped in a lighthearted atmosphere once again. Minjeong, not fully understanding the impact of her words, simply continued to giggle, unaware of the playful chaos she had caused. Hae-sun, displaying her grace and kindness, embraced Minjeong's words with open arms. 

"Well, that sounds lovely, dear. I'd be honored to be your grandma, and your Mommy would make a fantastic daughter-in-law." Hae-sun replied, patted Minjeong's head gently. Minjeong beamed with pride at her matchmaking skills. 

The peaceful atmosphere inside the restaurant was shattered as several people wielding baseball bats forcibly broke through the glass door. The sound of shattering glass and the sudden intrusion sent shockwaves through everyone inside. Minjeong, in her innocent fright, burst into tears, and Hae-sun swiftly scooped the frightened child into her arms, offering her comfort and protection. Joohyun's friends and sister were in a state of panic and confusion as they tried to make sense of the alarming situation. Joohyun instinctively moved closer to Minjeong and Hae-sun, doing her best to shield them from any potential danger. The attackers faces obscured by masks, appeared to be causing chaos and destruction in the restaurant. 

"Where's Bae Yong-joon?!!" One of the men in the group, his voice filled with anger, shouted. They were determined to find Yong-joon, and they seemed willing to destroy everything in their path to do so.

"My father isn't here. He hasn't shown up for a while. We don't know where he is." Summoning all her courage, Joohyun stepped forward and firmly declared. The man who had shouted seemed unconvinced, his eyes narrowing as he surveyed the restaurant. He believed that Yong-joon was hiding somewhere in the establishment. Tensions escalated, the attackers grew increasingly agitated and impatient. A few of them, fueled by frustration, began to rampage through the restaurant, overturning tables, shattering glasses, and smashing plates. The once-cozy eatery was quickly transformed into a scene of a battlefield. Hae-sun watched in horror as her beloved restaurant crumbled before her eyes. 

" Please stop!! What did my father do this time??" Joohyun desperately tried to reason with the men, pleading for them to stop, but her words fell on deaf ears. They swung the baseball bat forcefully, smashing it into one of the dining tables.  The loud noise and the violent act had pushed Minjeong further into a state of fear. She clung tightly to Hae-sun. That's when Seungwan, fueled by anger and protectiveness over Minjeong, decided she had had enough. Without a second thought, Seungwan stepped forward, her rage evident on her face. She couldn't tolerate these attackers causing such chaos and scaring her daughter. With a fierce, she hurled a table at them, creating a momentary diversion. When they attempted to strike her with a baseball bat, she expertly dodged their attacks, her movements fluid and precise. However, in a momentary lapse, one of the attackers managed to snap the bat, causing Seungwan to lose her balance and fall to the floor. Blood trickled down from a gash on her forehead, 

“ Mommy!!! “her daughter called her, full of tears. Sooyoung discreetly pulled out her phone and dialed 911. She knew that the situation was escalating dangerously, and the safety of everyone present was at risk. Seungwan quickly got up, she seized a baseball bat from one of the attackers, turning the tide of the battle in her favor. With a fierce resolve, she swung the bat with incredible skill, using it as an extension of her own strength. Her blows were relentless and powerful, catching the attackers off guard. Seungwan's determination was unwavering. She engaged each attacker, pummeling them into helplessness. 

With the blaring sirens of the police cars echoing through the area, the officers swiftly arrived at the restaurant. They wasted no time in securing the scene, apprehending the attackers who had caused chaos and threatened the safety of everyone inside. The attackers were placed in handcuffs and led away by the police. The police had taken statements from everyone and the attackers were safely in custody, Joohyun turned her attention to Seungwan, who had sustained injuries during the confrontation. Gently, she took Seungwan’s hand, led her to a quiet corner of the restaurant, away from the commotion. Seungwan sat down at the couch, her forehead still bleeding from the earlier blow. Joohyun reached into a small cabinet and pulled out a first-aid kit. She sits beside Seungwan. With careful hands, she cleaned the wound and applied an antiseptic. Seungwan winced at the sting but didn't complain. 

" Why did you do that, Ms. Son? You could have been seriously hurt." Joohyun's voice quivered as she spoke, her hands shaking slightly as she cleaned the injury on Seungwan's forehead.

" They had weapons, and they could have done much worse to you." She continued, her concern evident in her voice. The older woman looked into Joohyun's eyes, understanding the worry in them. Gently, she reached out and held Joohyun's trembling hand.

"Joohyun," Seungwan started softly, "I couldn't stand by and watch them hurt Minjeong, and you or everyone. My first instinct was to protect the people I care about, and I couldn't think twice about it."

Joohyun's eyes glistened with unshed tears, and she fought to hold back her emotions. But as Seungwan held her arm gently and then embraced her, the floodgates opened, and Joohyun couldn't contain her tears any longer. She buried her face in Seungwan's shoulder, letting out the pent-up fear and her frustration. Seungwan held Joohyun tightly, offering her comfort and solace in the form of a warm embrace. 

“ We were safe now and everything would be okay.” Seungwan whispered, her heart ached to see Joohyun so vulnerable. 

" I'm so sorry for being such a burden to you. Ms. Son " Joohyun's voice trembled as she spoke softly, her words filled with remorse. Seungwan shook her head gently, her fingers tracing soothing patterns on Joohyun's back.

" You're not a burden to me, you've never been. " she replied with sincerity. 

“ Joohyun’s unnie “ Just then, Minjeong approached them, making the two women separated from their embrace. Joohyun feels the sudden loss of warmth. Innocently and tenderly, Minjeong reached out to gently wipe away Joohyun's tears, her small hand touching Joohyun's cheek. 

“ Please don’t cry unnie, Mommy and Minjeong are here for you. “ the little girl said. Joohyun was deeply moved by the sweet gesture and couldn't help but smile through her tears. She was overwhelmed by the love and comfort that her little angel provided. 

Then, Minjeong couldn't help but feel a deep sadness when she saw the plaster on her mother's forehead, and she gestured to Seungwan to be held and the woman immediately moved Minjeong to sit on her lap. Minjeong kissed the wound on Seungwan’s forehead, which made the woman smile. 

“ Joohyun unnie please give my Mommy a kiss on her wound, it will help to heal faster “ Minjeong state, caught both Seungwan and Joohyun off guard. They exchanged a brief, surprised glance, their hearts racing in unison.

Minjeong, their innocent little cupid, looked at Joohyun with her big, hopeful eyes.

"Minjeong, sweetheart, I think your kiss is enough, it's all better already." Seungwan tried to defuse the tension with a faint smile. Joohyun nodded in agreement, her cheeks slightly flushed. " That's right, Minjeong. Your kiss was like magic." But Minjeong wasn't easily swayed. 

“ No, no! Minjeong wants Joohyun unnie to kiss it too!" the girl insisted, Seungwan and Joohyun shared another glance, silently communicating their uncertainty. It was a strange, unexpected request, but they both felt a magnetic pull toward each other, one that neither could deny. Joohyun and Seungwan locked eyes, time seemed to slow down. Their heartbeats resonated like a synchronized melody, echoing the unspoken feelings. Joohyun didn’t have a choice, but mustered the courage to take a small step closer to Seungwan. With a hint of nervousness, Joohyun leaned in, her warm breath brushing against Seungwan's forehead. Seungwan was in a trance, her senses overwhelmed by the proximity of Joohyun's soft lips. Every inch that Joohyun closed seemed like an eternity, and Seungwan's heart raced faster with each passing second. Then, it happened, Joohyun pressed a gentle kiss on Seungwan's plastered forehead. It was a tender, fleeting touch, but it sent shivers down their spines as Joohyun's lips made contact, and for a brief moment, time stood still. Seungwan's body was frozen, not from the cold, but from the electrifying sensation of Joohyun's kiss. It was just a simple forehead kiss, yet it held a profound significance, igniting a spark between them that neither could deny. The room fell into a deep silence, broken only by Minjeong's delighted giggle. Seungwan and Joohyun pulled away, their faces tinged with a rosy hue. Joohyun’s cheeks were flushed, and she couldn't meet Seungwan's gaze. Seungwan, too, was stunned by the intensity of the moment. They exchanged another glance, this one holding an unspoken acknowledgment of a connection leaving them both breathless. Minjeong's innocent laughter shattered the spell, and Seungwan and Joohyun focused their attention on the precious little girl. It was a small, seemingly insignificant kiss, but it had sown the seeds of something much deeper. 


Joohyun had messaged Seungwan, letting her know that she would be late coming over to her house because of an important matter. Seungwan, concerned for Joohyun's well-being, quickly replied, expressing her understanding and telling Joohyun to take her time.

Joohyun just got a call from the police to come to the police station, they want to give more details about the attacker yesterday. The police station was bustling with activity as Joohyun entered. She approached the officer who had called her and asked about the situation regarding her mother's restaurant.

" We've been investigating the incident at your mother's restaurant. It appears that the attackers who broke in were creditors trying to recover your father's debt." Joohyun's heart was heavy with anger and sorrow as she processed the news. 

" Your mother's restaurant was sold to these creditors by your father, Bae Yong-joon, in an attempt to pay off his debts. However, it seems the sale wasn't enough to cover what he owed. " Tears welled up in Joohyun's eyes, her father, Bae Yong-joon, selling her mother's cherished restaurant to the creditors. It was a betrayal that cut deep, and she couldn't fathom how her own father could have done such a thing. 

Joohyun left the police station, clenched her fists, her knuckles turning white. The anger was a seething fire within her, fueled by the injustice her mother had suffered. Hae-sun had worked tirelessly to build and maintain the restaurant, pouring her heart and soul into it, and now it was being torn away from her. Joohyun's frustration and pain had reached a breaking point. The weight of her father's actions, the betrayal, and the harm inflicted on her and her mother had become too much to bear. Passersby couldn't help but notice the distraught young woman, but Joohyun paid no attention to their curious glances. She just needed an outlet for the storm of emotions raging within her. With trembling hands, she wiped away the tears that blurred her vision, her body shaking as she let out a gut-wrenching sob.


Joohyun entered Seungwan's mansion, Minjeong's presence greeted her with warmth and comfort. She ran toward Joohyun, she immediately scooped the girl up in her arms. Joohyun's puffy eyes didn't go unnoticed by the observant Minjeong. 

" Are you alright, unnie? " The little girl's concern and sensitivity were truly remarkable. Minjeong's immediate concern for Joohyun's well-being was heartwarming. Even though she was just a child, her empathy shone brightly. Joohyun managed a small, reassuring smile as she looked into Minjeong's caring eyes.

"I'm okay, Minjeong, Thank you for asking. '' Joohyun replied softly, her voice carrying a hint of gratitude. Seungwan approached Minjeong and Joohyun, Joohyun stared at the way the older woman's body looked in her sports bra and tight short leggings, revealing her well-defined abs glistening with sweat. Her gaze involuntarily fixed on Seungwan's athletic form, and her heart began to race. Joohyun swallowed hard, trying to regain her composure. Seungwan's dedication to her workouts and her toned physique were undeniably attractive, and the sight of her in this state had a powerful effect on Joohyun. She felt a flutter in her chest. As Joohyun was lost in her thoughts and too focused on Seungwan's appearance, she didn't realize that the woman was already in front of her, she felt Seungwan's gentle touch on her cheek, her thumb brushing lightly. It was a tender and caring gesture, Joohyun shuddered slightly at the intimate contact, feeling a mix of emotions. Seungwan's closeness and the warmth of her touch were both comforting and unsettling. Seungwan watched Joohyun with a deep sense of concern, her worry evident in her gaze. 

" What happened? " Seungwan asked, she noticed that something was clearly troubling Joohyun, and her instinct was to reach out and offer comfort. The older woman's worry only deepened as Joohyun looked down and remained silent. 

"Joohyun? " Seungwan leaned in a little closer, her voice soft and soothing. 

" My mother's restaurant. . was sold by my father and. . the attackers last night were creditors. " Joohyun's tears began to fall, Seungwan acted swiftly, gently placing Minjeong down, enveloping Joohyun in a warm and comforting hug. Joohyun buried her face in Seungwan's shoulder, letting out her pent-up emotions as Seungwan held her close. Seungwan's strong shoulders had become a reliable source of support, a safe place where Joohyun could lean on when she needed to vent her tears or share her thoughts. It was a realization that brought a sense of warmth and contentment to Joohyun's heart. She appreciated the fact that Seungwan had always been there for her, offering not just a listening ear but also the physical comfort of a warm hug.

“ It must be hard for you “ In the back of Seungwan's mind, she knew that Joohyun was going through a difficult time, burdened by the financial responsibility of paying her father's debt and dealing with the repercussions of his actions. Seungwan wanted to find a way to help Joohyun, to offer her support and protection in any way she could. She understood that life had dealt Joohyun a challenging hand, and she admired Joohyun's strength and resilience in the face of adversity. Whether it was through emotional support, financial assistance, or simply being a listening ear, Seungwan was determined to stand by Joohyun's side. She wanted to ease the burden that Joohyun carried and help her navigate the challenges she faced.

" But, I'm sorry for hugging you like this, all sweaty. '' Seungwan added, softly whispering, Joohyun's tears seemed to dry up as she let out a light chuckle instead of being bothered by it. 

"You worry about the strangest things, Ms. Son." Joohyun said, her smile returning, breaking the heaviness in the room. They stayed in a hug for a while, the embrace serving as a silent reassurance that Seungwan was there to support her. The emotional atm

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Wow, I am absolutely overwhelmed by the incredible support and community promotion for Fluttering Feelings😭Your generosity & kindness have truly touched my heart & I can't thank you enough🥺Your encouragement is what motivates me to keep updating the story, and I promise to do so as soon as I can🙏


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WluvsBaetokki #1
Chapter 8: What do you mean by only 1 chapter left???? 😩 Nooooo! Lol
I need to see them build a family. Joo-Hyun being preggers and all that huhuhuhu
WenRene_77 14 streak #2
Chapter 7: You mother er yong Joon!! Go rot in hell!!😡😡 I hope seungwan and joohyun will be okay🥺💙🩷
Favebolous 13 streak #3
Chapter 8: NICEE LIKE IT
1700 streak #4
Chapter 8: The anxious wait and angst is so worth it in the end. I thought Seungwan's wound wouldn't heal 'coz constant abuse lol, will wait for epilogue~
Chapter 8: Phew, I survived the angsts. I’m glad for Seungwan’s patience since it’s Joohyun’s first r/s and it must be difficult for her to manage such complicated situation.

All these visuals added are fantastic! Will be looking out for your new story too!
Favebolous 13 streak #6
Chapter 7: Waiting
Favebolous 13 streak #7
Chapter 3: Mr.Hirai 😡
Favebolous 13 streak #8
Chapter 2: Minjeong so cute
Favebolous 13 streak #9
Chapter 1: Like it
wenrene012 #10
Chapter 7: Oh thank goodness Jennie is married, I don't want a love triangle 😭 lmao. Way to go back to updating and you dropped this intense chapter!! You're so good at writing. I can't wait to read the next one!!' Please come back soon