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The night was dark and stormy, mirroring the turmoil inside Joohyun's home. Her father, Bae Yong-joon once again under the influence of alcohol, had spiraled into a violent rage. He stumbled around the house, knocking over furniture, and shouting for money to fuel his addiction. His rage knew no bounds, and he had even laid his hands on Joohyun's mother, Bae Hae-sun leaving her bruised and sobbing in a corner. Yong-joon seemed hell-bent on tearing their home apart to locate the money. The chaos that had already enveloped their lives was now manifesting physically within their walls. Joohyun couldn't bear to see her mother in pain any longer. Her frustration with her father's destructive behavior bubbled up like a volcano ready to erupt. As her father continued his tirade, demanding money and cursing their fate, Joohyun's patience finally snapped.

"You've ruined us, Dad!" Joohyun shouted, her voice trembling with anger and tears. "You're nothing but a burden! All you ever do is drink and cause trouble. You've dragged us down with your debts and your addiction. You've beaten Mom, and I won't stand for it anymore!" Her father, though intoxicated, could sense the determination and anger in Joohyun's voice. 

He slurred his words, " I need the money for... for important things. Just give it to me!" Joohyun's frustration boiled over. She had seen her mother suffer for far too long, and her father's destructive behavior had pushed her to her breaking point. " Important things? Like more booze and gambling? You're a disgrace, Dad! I won't give you a single cent. I'm tired of cleaning up your ing mess." Tears streamed down Joohyun's face as she stood up to her father. She had always tried to protect her mother and shield her from the worst of his abuse, but this was the moment she had enough. Her words were a painful reflection of the truth that had haunted their family for years. Her father, still reeling from the effects of alcohol, staggered back, 

“ Ahh. . .I just remembered, you received the scholarship money every month. Just give that damn money to me “ Yong-joon staggered toward his daughter's room, fueled by the compulsion to find the envelope that represented a lifeline to Joohyun's education. Joohyun, her heart pounding with anxiety, watched in horror as her father tore through her room, wreaking havoc in his frenzied search. He is tearing apart everything. Books were flung from shelves, clothes were strewn across the floor, and the sound of shattering glass filled the air as he overturned furniture in his desperate hunt. Joohyun hurriedly followed him, she couldn't fathom the destruction he was causing. She stepped forward to confront her father. She knew that she couldn't allow him to dismantle their lives any further. Yong-joon had secured the envelope, containing Joohyun scholarship money on her bag. Joohyun lunged toward her father, trying to wrestle the envelope from his grip. But he was stronger, and in his drunken rage, he pushed her away with a force that sent her crashing into a nearby table. Pain shot through her body as she collided with the hard surface. Red blood dripped from the corner of her temple.

" Dad, please, stop! " Joohyun pleaded, her voice full of rage " You can't do this. That money is for my college! “  Yong-joon, lost in his own world of addiction and despair, seemed impervious to her pleas, he rushed rapidly toward the front door. Joohyun picked herself up, her temple throbbing and her body aching from the collision with the table. She tried to stop his father, but Yong-joon slammed the door shut, leaving the wreckage of their home. Joohyun collapsed to the floor, tears streaming down her cheeks, and her sobs wracking her body. The weight of her father's actions, the pain of his abuse, and the destruction of her safe haven proved to be too much to bear. The home that should have been a place of love and security had become a warfare, and Joohyun felt powerless in the face of her father's addiction and violence. 

In the aftermath of that painful and chaotic night, Yong-joon's absence that he had vanished without a trace created a mixed sense of relief and anxiety within their home. While Joohyun and her mother were relieved to be free from the immediate threat of his abuse and unpredictable behavior,  he left behind a mountain of unpaid debts and creditors pounding on their door. His disappearance had only worsened their situation, as the creditors demanded repayment, and Joohyun was left to bear the weight of her father's transgressions. She knew that it was her father's addiction and irresponsibility that had brought their family to this point, but she couldn't abandon her mother in their time of need. Joohyun has shouldering the responsibility of managing her father's outstanding debts, as the loan sharks he had dealt with began to make frequent and intimidating visits to their home. The relentless pressure of their visits, occurring almost three times a week, cast a constant shadow over Joohyun and her mother's lives. It was a stark reminder of the chaos her father had wrought and the dangerous world he had drawn them into. Yong-joon, a man who had once been a loving figure in her life, had fallen victim to alcoholism. He had become reckless and abusive, one who not only ruined his own life but brought chaos to the lives of those who loved him. His addiction had led him to borrow money from loan sharks, making dangerous deals that had spiraled out of control. With a heavy heart and a deep sense of responsibility, Joohyun set out on a journey to find a part-time job. She jiggled her college coursework while scouring the town for employment opportunities. She applied to numerous places, ranging from cafes to bookstores, but competition was fierce, it was hard to secure a job. Until she gets a call from the babysitting agency named ‘Night Owl’ . With a mix of excitement and nervousness, Joohyun eagerly accepted the interview offer. It was a chance for her to earn a steady income and take a significant step towards financial stability. She knew that balancing work with her college studies would be challenging, but she was determined to do whatever it took to pay her father's debt from the creditors' relentless pursuit.


Today was the interview day, Joohyun made sure to prepare herself thoroughly. She dressed in a cream colored shirt with white capri pants and sneakers, rehearsed her answers to potential questions, and left home with a sense of purpose. As she entered the babysitting agency's office, she was immediately struck by the cozy and welcoming atmosphere. The room exudes warmth, with soft colors and playful decorations that make it feel like a haven for children. Joohyun approached the front desk, and a friendly employee greeted her with a warm smile. "Hello there! How can we assist you today?" Joohyun returned the smile and replied, "I'm here for an interview. I received a call from Ms. Kwon Boa." The employee's smile grew wider as she recognized Joohyun's purpose. "Ah, you must be Joohyun! Ms. Kwon is expecting you. Please follow me, and I'll take you to the company office." Joohyun followed the employee through the office, passing by colorful playrooms and children's artwork displayed on the walls. It was clear that this agency prioritized creating a safe and enjoyable environment for the children under their care. As they reached the company office, the employee knocked on the door and the person inside the room let them in.  The employee gives a sign to Joohyun to come inside. She opening the door and there’s might be Ms. Kwon sitting behind the desk. Her office filled with photos of happy children and families they had served over the years.

“ Hello “ Joohyun greeted the woman in front of her. 

“ Hi, Bae Joohyun right? Please have a seat. “ Kwon Bo-ah's voice exudes warmth. 

“ It's wonderful to meet you, I’m Kwon Boa, the owner of  ‘Night Owl’ agency. " Ms. Kwon said, extending her hand in greeting. Joohyun, feeling at ease in the welcoming environment. 

“ Can you tell me a little bit about your background and why you're interested in babysitting? “ Boa asked as she took her seat. 

“ Well, I'm currently a first-year college student, and I've been fortunate enough to receive a scholarship. However, my family is going through some financial difficulties, and I'm determined to help out. I've always had a passion for working with children, and I believe this job would not only allow me to do what I love but also contribute to my family's income. “ Joohyun explained confidently. 

“ That's admirable, Joohyun. Family always comes first. Can you share any previous experience you have with babysitting or working with children?” 

“ Certainly. I've been volunteering at a local community center for the past year, assisting in after-school programs for kids aged 6 to 12. I've learned a lot about providing a safe and engaging environment for them. Plus, I have a younger sibling, so I'm used to taking care of children on a daily basis. “ 

“ It sounds like you have a solid foundation in childcare. What do you believe are the most important qualities a babysitter should possess? “

“ I think patience and attentiveness are crucial. Every child is unique, and it's important to be adaptable to their needs. Trust and communication with both the children and their parents are also key. And, of course, a strong sense of responsibility to ensure their safety and well-being. “ Ms. Kwon listened attentively, nodding in approval as Joohyun spoke. 

“ Excellent points, Joohyun. How do you handle challenging situations or emergencies when caring for children? “

“ I believe in staying calm and collected in difficult situations. Quick thinking is essential, but I also know the importance of following safety protocols and seeking help when necessary. I've received basic first aid training, and I'm confident in my ability to respond appropriately in emergencies. “

“ That's reassuring to hear. One last question, Joohyun. Can you describe your availability and your flexibility when it comes to work hours? “

“ I'm dedicated to my studies, but I've structured my class schedule to ensure that I have the flexibility to work afternoons, evenings, and weekends. I'm committed to being reliable and punctual, and I'll do my best to accommodate the agency's needs. “ Kwon Boa had left a strong impression on Joohyun. 

“ Nice, You'll be a perfect fit for our agency. Would you be available to start work tomorrow?" “

“ Tomorrow? Does that mean I'm accepted? “

“ Exactly, You'll be babysitting a 4-year-old girl named Son Minjeong. Her mother, Son Seungwan, is a hardworking businesswoman and single parent had an urgent need for a babysitter due to her demanding work schedule. “ Joohyun couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope that this opportunity could be the turning point she desperately needed.

" I can start tomorrow Ms. Kwon. " Joohyun's heart swelled with bliss and anticipation. She can’t believe she got accepted right after the interview. 

" Great! Ms. Son values Minjeong’s education, so incorporating learning into your activities would be appreciated. We'll provide you with contact information in case of emergencies or if you need to reach Ms. Son and we will send you her house address through a message right after this. " Kwon Boa explained the details.  Joohyun could sense the genuine commitment of the agency to provide the best care for the children they served. " Minjeong is a bright and lively girl " Ms. Kwon continued. " She's allergic to peanuts, so it's absolutely vital that you check food labels carefully and make sure she doesn't come into contact with any peanut products. Her safety is our top priority." Joohyun nodded attentively and took out a notebook to jot down the information. 

Ms. Kwon went on, " In terms of her likes and dislikes, Minjeong enjoys creative activities like drawing and painting. She's also quite the explorer and loves spending time outdoors, especially in the garden. She's fond of storytime and enjoys hearing new stories. Also, she's a huge fan of Frozen, her favorite character is Olaf. On the flip side, she can be a bit picky when it comes to eating vegetables, so you might need to get a little creative with meals." Joohyun appreciated the valuable insights and asked, 

" Is there anything specific she doesn't like or any routines I should be aware of?"

" Minjeong is not a fan of bath time, so be prepared for a little resistance there. But she's generally cooperative with her bedtime routine, which includes reading her favorite bedtime story. Also, she takes a short nap in the afternoon, so it's important to ensure she gets some rest." Ms. Kwon replied, Joohyun diligently recorded all this information in her notebook. " I'll make sure to be mindful of her allergies and preferences. “ 

" I'm confident you'll do wonderfully, Joohyun. Minjeong's safety and happiness are in capable hands. For your services, you will receive a competitive hourly rate of 15,000 won per hour." Ms. Kwon explains futherly “ That’s all that I need to tell you, Joohyun. Do you have a question? “ she added 

“ No, that’s all. Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity Ms Kwon.” Gratitude welled up in Joohyun's eyes as she replied.

“ Your welcome, dear. If you ever have questions or need assistance, don't hesitate to reach out. “ Joohyun bowed to Kwon Boa with a sense of responsibility and excitement, she left the office, ready to embark on her journey as Minjeong's babysitter. She was determined to create a safe and nurturing environment for the little girl, ensuring that her time spent with Joohyun would be filled with laughter, learning, and most importantly, care.


The day of Joohyun’s first day on the job, she went back early from the college, her heart b with anticipation. She donned comfortable attire, a cream patterned crop top blouse with skinny jeans and sneakers stood at the doorstep of what could only be described as a mansion, her eyes widening in awe at the sheer opulence of the place. This was a far cry from the modest home she had grown up in. She took a deep breath and rang the doorbell, her heart pounding with nervousness. Moments later, the grand doors swung open, revealing a woman who was the embodiment of sophistication and elegance. She might be Ms. Son Seungwan, with her short hair and immaculate suit, exuded an air of confidence and affluence that took Joohyun by surprise. She couldn't have been much older than 30, which left Joohyun momentarily stunned. 

"Hello," Seungwan greeted with a warm yet professional smile. " You must be Joohyun. I've been looking forward to meeting you." The woman said, radiating gratitude and exhaustion. Joohyun, still somewhat in awe, managed to find her voice.

" Yes, I'm Joohyun. It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Son." Seungwan extended her hand gracefully, and Joohyun shook it, her mind racing to process the unexpected encounter. She had expected the home of a businesswoman to be impressive, but this mansion and Seungwan's youthful appearance had taken her by surprise.

“ Please, come inside. " The woman stepped to the side so Joohyun could walk in. As they inside the lavish home, Joohyun’s eyes still wide with wonder as she takes in the immaculate surroundings. The white walls and consistent color scheme gave the mansion an air of elegance and simplicity that was simply breathtaking. Joohyun couldn't help but wonder about the story behind Seungwan's success and her journey as a single mother. 

" This way. I'll take you to Minjeong's playroom." Joohyun followed Seungwan, her footsteps echoing softly on the polished marble floors. As they reached Minjeong's playroom, Seungwan pushed open the door, revealing a beautifully decorated and spacious space. The room is frozen themed. Toys were neatly arranged on shelves, and there was a cozy reading corner with a small bookshelf filled with children's books.

" Minjeong's playroom," Seungwan said with a fond smile. Joohyun's eyes fell upon the adorable sight of the little girl playing with her Barbie doll. She’s so tiny. Minjeong's face lit up with a radiant smile as she noticed her mother, Seungwan, entering the room. With unbridled excitement, she abandoned her toy and ran into her mother's open arms. Seungwan gently picked up Minjeong, her love for her daughter evident in every gesture. Joohyun couldn't help but smile at the heartwarming scene. Minjeong's innocence and joy were truly infectious.

 " She spends most of her time here when she's not in the garden. Please make yourself comfortable, Joohyun." Joohyun nodded, her heart warmed by the attention that had gone into creating such a delightful space for Minjeong. The little girl turned to Joohyun, who stood nearby.

" Minjeong, this is Joohyun unnie. She's going to spend time with you while Mommy is at work." Minjeong, her big, curious eyes shining with curiosity, looked at Joohyun and gave a shy but friendly wave. " Hi " Minjeong said in a sweet voice, her excitement palpable. The little girl's initial shyness quickly faded as she felt the genuine warmth in Joohyun's smile.

" Hello, Minjeong. It's so nice to meet you. I brought some fun things to do together. We're going to have a great time." Minjeong's face lit up with anticipation, and Joohyun could tell that they were off to a good start. 

“ Mommy gotta go to work, so you should be with Joohyun’s unnie okay? “ Seungwan carefully handed Minjeong over to Joohyun, ensuring that the transition was smooth and reassuring her daughter with a loving smile. Minjeong, still a bit shy but clearly growing more comfortable with Joohyun, clung to her mother's hand for a moment before accepting Joohyun's gentle reassurance. 

“ Mommy go? “ Minjeong frowned, her lips trembling and her eyes watering. Her mother's departure was clearly upsetting to the little girl. Seungwan, ever the comforting presence, gently wiped away the beginnings of Minjeong's tears.

" Minjeong, my sweet girl," Seungwan whispered softly, " You're too pretty to cry, you know that? Mommy will be back before you know it." Minjeong's frown persisted, but she seemed to take comfort in her mother's words. She slowly rested her head on Joohyun's shoulder, seeking solace in the presence of her new babysitter. Joohyun's heart melted as she held Minjeong close, offering a gentle pat on the back. " It's okay, Minjeong. We're going to have so much fun together. How about we start with something fun right now?" Seungwan leaned down and placed a loving kiss on Minjeong's forehead, her gesture of affection calming the little girl further. Joohyun was a little nervous when the older woman was too close to her. 

" Listen to unnie, Minjeong. She's going to make sure you have the best time today. And Mommy will be back soon, okay? " Minjeong nodded, her tearful frown slowly giving way to a more hopeful expression. 

“ I need to go, Joohyun, if there are any problems please call me. I’ll be back around nine tonight “ Before heading out the door, Seungwan took a moment to turn around, 

" I've left my black card on the kitchen counter. If Minjeong needs anything or if you get hungry, feel free to use it. I want you both to be comfortable and have everything you need. " Joohyun was touched by Seungwan's trust and generosity. 

" Thank you so much, Ms. Son. I'll make sure Minjeong has a wonderful time, and I’ll take good care of everything." With a final wave to Minjeong, Seungwan left for work, leaving Joohyun alone with her young charge. 

Joohyun brings Minjeong to make their way to the cozy playroom, and the two of them settle down on the soft olaf carpet. With a playful grin, Joohyun reached into a bag she had brought and pulled out a brand-new little olaf doll, carefully chosen to delight Minjeong on their first day together. She handed it to Minjeong, her eyes twinkling with enchant.

" Minjeong, this is for you," Joohyun said with a warm smile. "A little gift to celebrate our first day together." Minjeong's face lit up with joy, and she eagerly accepted the doll, her happiness radiating as she wrapped her arms around Joohyun in a big hug. Joohyun was deeply moved by the gesture and returned the hug with tenderness. 

“ You remind me of Mama “ Minjeong's innocent comment about Joohyun's appearance reminding her of someone left Joohyun feeling a bit perplexed. She gently ended their embrace and watched the girl attentively.

“ Mama? “ Joohyun couldn't help but be curious, so she asked, Minjeong, with her bright eyes and childlike honesty, responded, 

" Son So Hee. My Mama. She's the one who gave birth to me." Joohyun's heart skipped a beat as she realized the significance of what Minjeong had just shared. She understood that Minjeong had two mothers, and So Hee was one of them. It was a beautiful revelation that filled Joohyun with admiration for the diversity and love that could be found in families. However, Joohyun was impressed by how good Minjeong vocabulary is. 

" Minjeong, it sounds like you have two wonderful mothers who love you very much. I'm sure they are both very special." Joohyun said with a warm smile, Minjeong nodded with a proud and contented smile. " Mommy Seungwan and Mama So Hee. I love them." Minjeong said as she continues to stare at the babysitter for a while before she speaks up. 

“ Are you going to be my new Mama? “ Joohyun choked on air as she heard the question. Minjeong's innocent question caught Joohyun by surprise, she struggled to find the right words.

“ No, cutie." Joohyun's voice softened as she replied. Minjeong's face fell, her eyes welling up with tears as she processed Joohyun's response. 

" But Mama So Hee left us," Minjeong said, her voice trembling. " Mommy needed a new Mama because Mama So Hee isn't here anymore. . Mommy is sad and lonely. I need Mama to take care of me. '' Joohyun's heart ached at Minjeong's words. She could sense the confusion and sadness in the little girl's heart. She leaned down and gently hugged Minjeong, offering comfort and reassurance. 

“ You have your Mommy, who loves you very much and is taking good care of you. And you have me now as your friend and babysitter. We'll be here for you, okay? And your Mommy will be fine because she has a lovely daughter like you. " Joohyun tried to cheer her up. Minjeong clung to Joohyun, seeking solace in her words and the comforting embrace.

“ How about we play in the garden? We can take Olaf with us. “ the babysitter tried to assure the little girl and Minjeong nodded excitedly. 

After an enjoyable time spent playing and bonding, Joohyun carefully re-heated the delicious dinner that Seungwan had prepared for Minjeong. The little girl eagerly enjoyed her meal, and as her tummy was full, she began to show signs of drowsiness. Minjeong soon drifted off to sleep in Joohyun's lap, her small chest rising and falling with the rhythm of deep slumber. Joohyun couldn't help but smile at the sight of the peacefully sleeping child. With great care, Joohyun lifted Minjeong into her arms, cradling her gently. She made her way to Minjeong's bedroom, which was conveniently located next to the playroom. Joohyun laid Minjeong down on her comfortable bed, ensuring she was tucked in securely. As Joohyun stood in Minjeong's bedroom, her eyes fell upon a picture frame sitting on the table. Inside the frame was a cherished photograph. It depicted Minjeong, nestled securely in Seungwan's arms, with a woman standing beside them, her smile radiating happiness and warmth. They looked like a content and loving family. In another frame nearby, there was a picture of Seungwan dressed in a sharp black tuxedo, and the woman beside her was adorned in a beautiful bridal gown. They stood at the altar, the embodiment of joy and love. Joohyun couldn't help but deduce that the woman in the photos presumably was Minjeong's Mama and Seungwan's wife. She was undeniably beautiful, and Joohyun noticed that Minjeong bore a striking resemblance to her Mama. Exhausted from a day filled with play and care, Joohyun eventually succumbed to her own fatigue and fell asleep beside Minjeong. It was her first deep, dreamless sleep she had after a long time, and time passed without her awareness.

Joohyun finally stirred awake, she was met with a surprise. Seungwan stood there, a soft smile on her face as she watched Joohyun and Minjeong sleep. It was evident that she had been observing them for some time. 

" I'm so sorry, Ms. Son. I didn't mean to fall asleep. " Joohyun rumbled in whispers, she adjusts Minjeong that sleeps against her, she stands up and quickly regains her composure. 

" It's quite alright, Joohyun. I understand that you're not only working but also studying. You must be very tired and It seems both of you have gotten closer. I don't need to be worried then. Thank you for being here for her." Seungwan's understanding response put Joohyun at ease. Joohyun was deeply touched by Seungwan's kindness and understanding. In a world that often felt indifferent. The woman wouldn’t stop impressing Joohyun.

" No need to thank me Ms. Son, it's my responsibility as her babysitter. " Joohyun took a glance at her wristwatch, it was almost 10pm. “ I have to go Ms. Son “ Joohyun bowed and bid her farewell, but Seungwan stopped her and presented her with an envelope filled with money. Joohyun was initially taken aback, 

“ Oh, I would be paid by the babysitting agency Ms. Son, so you don’t need to give me again. “ She tried to decline the unexpected gesture, However, Seungwan insisted,  "Joohyun, consider it a tip for your excellent care today. I truly appreciate it." The woman said, her warm smile unwavering. Joohyun, touched by Seungwan's kindness and generosity, eventually accepted the envelope with a thankful smile. " Thank you, Ms. Son. I'm really grateful for your appreciation." The babysitter said as they both walked to the front door.

“ How do you get home? ” Seungwan asked, looking at her in concern. 

“ Buss might have stopped operating at this hour, so I’ll take the train “ she said, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. 

“ The train station was quite far from here. I called a taxi for you. It's late, and I wouldn't want you to travel alone. “  Seungwan said as she pulled out her phone and made a call. 

“ Oh, it's really not necessary. I don't want to trouble you Ms.Son" Joohyun, hesitant to accept such an offer, initially refused. She felt that it might be a hassle. But Seungwan didn't listen to her and persisted to call the taxi on her phone, so Joohyun gave up and waited at the imposing gate of Seungwan's mansion for the taxi to arrive with the older woman by her side. The silence filled the streets and the air was chilling. 

" Minjeong is really a smart girl. " Joohyun remarked, breaking the stillness.

"Yes, she is. She started reading and speaking at a very young age. I'm incredibly proud of her." Seungwan said, readily agreed. Joohyun couldn't help but smile, appreciating the genuine love and pride in Seungwan's words. The sincerity in Seungwan's eyes was evident, and it warmed Joohyun's heart. Joohyun found herself momentarily lost in looking at Seungwan's side profile, captivated by her beauty and the depth of her emotions. Her heart raced, and it took a moment for her to realize that she had been caught staring. She quickly averted her gaze, feeling a blush creep onto her cheeks.

Joohyun prepared to say goodbye when the taxi finally arrived and pulled her focus away from Seungwan and their captivating moment. " I'll see you tomorrow Ms. Son. " She bid farewell to Seungwan with a polite bow, expressing her gratitude for the kindness and attention she had received throughout the day. Seungwan, always the gracious host, paid the taxi fare and offered a final piece of advice to the driver: "Please drive safely." Joohyun's heart was filled with admiration as she settled into the taxi. She watched the mansion's gate recede in the distance, her thoughts drifting back to the wonderful day she had spent with Minjeong and the warmth of Seungwan's presence.


Joohyun at the campus cafeteria with her friends, Seulgi and Sooyoung after a long day of classes,  they were all busy working on assignments on their own laptop and enjoying each other's company. It was a welcome break from the academic rigors of college. As they discussed their day, Joohyun couldn't help but share an inter

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Wow, I am absolutely overwhelmed by the incredible support and community promotion for Fluttering Feelings😭Your generosity & kindness have truly touched my heart & I can't thank you enough🥺Your encouragement is what motivates me to keep updating the story, and I promise to do so as soon as I can🙏


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WluvsBaetokki #1
Chapter 8: What do you mean by only 1 chapter left???? 😩 Nooooo! Lol
I need to see them build a family. Joo-Hyun being preggers and all that huhuhuhu
WenRene_77 #2
Chapter 7: You mother er yong Joon!! Go rot in hell!!😡😡 I hope seungwan and joohyun will be okay🥺💙🩷
Favebolous #3
Chapter 8: NICEE LIKE IT
1692 streak #4
Chapter 8: The anxious wait and angst is so worth it in the end. I thought Seungwan's wound wouldn't heal 'coz constant abuse lol, will wait for epilogue~
Chapter 8: Phew, I survived the angsts. I’m glad for Seungwan’s patience since it’s Joohyun’s first r/s and it must be difficult for her to manage such complicated situation.

All these visuals added are fantastic! Will be looking out for your new story too!
Favebolous #6
Chapter 7: Waiting
Favebolous #7
Chapter 3: Mr.Hirai 😡
Favebolous #8
Chapter 2: Minjeong so cute
Favebolous #9
Chapter 1: Like it
wenrene012 #10
Chapter 7: Oh thank goodness Jennie is married, I don't want a love triangle 😭 lmao. Way to go back to updating and you dropped this intense chapter!! You're so good at writing. I can't wait to read the next one!!' Please come back soon