Knight in Shining Armor

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The morning sun cast a warm glow across the spacious kitchen of Seungwan's mansion as she skillfully prepared breakfast. The delightful aroma of cheese lasagna filled the air, a dish that held a special place in the heart of Seungwan's little daughter, Minjeong. Seungwan hummed a soft tune as she meticulously layered the lasagna, infusing each step with a mother's love. The clinking of utensils against pans echoed in the room, creating a comforting symphony that spoke of routine and warmth. As the lasagna finished baking to perfection, Seungwan carefully transferred it onto a pristine white serving dish. The savory scent wafted through the air, enticing anyone who caught a whiff. With the dish ready, Seungwan walked to the playroom where Minjeong was engrossed in building a colorful Lego. The door creaked open, revealing Seungwan's fond smile as she watched her daughter's creative play.

"Sweetheart, let's have breakfast. Mommy has prepared lasagna cheese for you." Seungwan announced with a tender voice.

"Lasagna!!" Minjeong cheered, the sheer delight evident in her voice. With boundless enthusiasm, she darted towards Seungwan, eager for the promised breakfast. Seungwan scooped her up in her arms. The mother-daughter duo made their way towards the dining table, where the lasagna awaited. Seated at the dining table, Seungwan settled Minjeong into her chair, a perfect fit for the little girl. As Minjeong enthusiastically dug into her plate, savoring the cheesy layers of lasagna, Seungwan chuckled, her heart swelling with affection. 

"Eat slowly, princess." she advised

"Mommy, when will Joohyun unnie come?" Between bites, Minjeong looked up at Seungwan with wide eyes. Seungwan paused, meeting Minjeong's gaze with a tender smile.

"It's still early, Minjeong. Joohyun unnie will come later," she reassured her.

"Do you miss Joohyun unnie?" Seungwan asked, she reached for a napkin and began to clean Minjeong's smeared mouth. Minjeong nodded enthusiastically, her eyes shining with affection for the babysitter she adored. 

"Mommy misses Joohyun unnie too." Seungwan's smile lingered, but a thoughtful expression crossed her face. 

"Minjeong-ah, can Mommy ask you something?" Minjeong nodded, set down her spoon and focused intently on Seungwan. 

"Right now, Mommy is close to Joohyun unnie." Seungwan began, her voice carrying a gentle cadence.

“Mommy likes Joohyun unnie . . . more than friends. Mommy likes Joohyun unnie as a woman. Mommy will continue to like Joohyun unnie if Minjeong allows Joohyun unnie to be part of us. But if Minjeong doesn't agree, of course, Mommy has to stop Mommy's feelings. Because Minjeong is Mommy's number one priority." Seungwan explained slowly and gently, choosing her words with care to ensure Minjeong could easily understand the significance of her sentences.

"Mommy, don’t stop liking Joohyun unnie. Minjeong likes Joohyun unnie too.  She is beautiful and has the heart of an angel. Minjeong wants Mommy to date Joohyun unnie, not somebody else.” Minjeong's eyes sparkled with innocent as she responded, her words held a purity that made Seungwan raise her eyebrows, didn't expect her daughter would be wise beyond her years, Minjeong is definitely her clever little girl. The mother leaning over, she planted a gentle kiss on Minjeong's forehead before wrapping her in a warm embrace, Seungwan’s heart b with love for her understanding and supportive daughter. 

"Thank you, Minjeong. Mommy loves you very much" Seungwan whispered. Her eyes shimmered with gratitude.

"Please look after and protect Joohyun unnie, Mommy. Minjeong doesn't want to lose Joohyun unnie like we lost Mama." Minjeong spoke with a sincerity that went straight to Seungwan's heart. She expressed her words carrying a vulnerability. Seungwan felt a lump forming in , and she tightened her hug around Minjeong, nodding in silent understanding. 

"Let's protect Joohyun unnie together." Seungwan affirmed, her voice steady despite the emotions stirring within her. Minjeong, reassured by her mother's commitment, reciprocated with a nod.  

"If Mommy dates Joohyun unnie, does that mean Joohyun unnie is my new Mama?" the little girl asked, her eyes wide with anticipation. Seungwan gently released their hug, looking into Minjeong's eyes with a tender smile. 

"Mommy is still in the early stages of being close to Joohyun unnie and hasn't thought about it yet, but... if everything goes well, definitely. There's a possibility. " Seungwan explained, her words carrying a sense of openness to the future.

“Yeayyy! Joohyun unnie is my Mama!!” Minjeong, overjoyed by the prospect, couldn't contain her excitement. She clapped her hands and danced happily in her seat, a burst of pure joy radiating from her. Seungwan, enchanted by her daughter's infectious happiness, chuckled and ruffled Minjeong's hair.

"Mommy, can we go to the playground park to celebrate it? Minjeong wants to play on the slide." Seungwan, charmed by her daughter's enthusiasm, affectionately nodded her head. 

“Alright, after Minjeong finished your breakfast, okay?" she agreed, her voice is gentle warmth. Minjeong's face lit up with a radiant smile, and Seungwan couldn't help but chuckle. 


Seungwan accompanied Minjeong to the lively playground, where the vibrant sounds of children playing echoed in the air. Minjeong, bubbling with excitement, eagerly explored every corner, from slides to swings, seamlessly blending in with the other children her age. Seungwan sat on a park bench, a gentle smile on her face, as she watched Minjeong happily explore the playground park. 

"Be careful, Minjeong," Seungwan called out softly, a mother's instinct prompting her to remind her daughter of caution. From the bench, she occasionally captured precious moments with her camera, freezing in time of Minjeong's playful escapades. Her eyes sparkling with delight, took turns on the slide with a group of lively little girls. Despite being strangers just moments ago, the girls quickly formed a magical bond, their laughter echoing as if they had been friends for a lifetime. The joyous play continued beyond the slides, evolving into a delightful game of chasing one another around the playground. Giggles filled the air as Minjeong and her newfound companions ran through the vibrant space, their tiny feet creating a symphony of playful pitter-patter. Embarking on the timeless adventure of hide and seek, the girls found secret corners and nooks to conceal themselves. The thrill of anticipation heightened as Minjeong, along with her giggling comrades, discovered the perfect spots to hide. It’s behind the playground structure, beneath the swaying branches of a nearby tree. A girl with a ponytail and a distinctive beauty mark near her lips followed Minjeong with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, choosing the same hiding spot as Minjeong. The girl reached out and gently grasped Minjeong's hand with a warm smile. Minjeong, spellbound by the little girl beauty, felt as if she had encountered a dreamy friend—someone almost too perfect to be real.

"You're so pretty, like a doll," Minjeong was entranced  by the girl beside her, who seemed to emanate a charm that captivated her.

"Thank you. You're pretty too, like a little star." The girl responded with a grateful smile and the two girls giggled. 

"What's your name?” The girl with the ponytail, inquired, her voice a melodic note of curiosity.

"Son Minjeong. Minjeong-ie. You?” Minjeong, her eyes sparkling with genuine interest in her new friend, replied. 

"Kim Jimin. Jimin-ie.” With a playful grin, Jimin answered. Their hands clasped in the small, shared space behind the tree, Minjeong and Jimin exchanged smiles. Jimin noticed the glistening sweat on Minjeong's forehead, evidence of their energetic play. She swiftly rummages through her backpack, retrieving a small drinking bottle and handing it to Minjeong, who graciously accepts the refreshing offer and takes a sip. 

"Thank you," Minjeong beamed, returning the bottle to its owner. Minjeong's eyes caught sight of a nametag pinned to Jimin's clothing. It read Blossom Kindergarten.

"Have Jimin come home from kindergarten?” Minjeong asked, her words reflective of the unfettered interest that only children possess.

"Eung... the kindergarten is close to here. I'm waiting to be picked up. Where is your kindergarten? This is the first time I've met you.” Jimin  responded, her ponytail swaying with the rhythm of her nod. But, Minjeong's mood suddenly shifted, her expression turning somber. 

"Minjeong doesn't go to kindergarten because it was scary." In a voice heavy with emotion, Minjeong revealed.

"Scary?" Jimin asked, her eyebrows furrowed, her warm smile replaced with concern. 

"Minjeong was in kindergarten before, but when my Mama left, my kindergarten friends laughed at me because Minjeong didn't have a Mama anymore. It makes me afraid to go to kindergarten." Minjeong’s voice carries the weight of her painful memory. 

"How can they do that!" A surge of irritability flashed in Jimin's eyes, unable to comprehend the evilness of Minjeong's former classmates. Minjeong looked down, tears streaming down her cheeks, as the hurt that lingered in her heart. 

"Minjeong don't know, It just made me feel really sad, and Minjeong don't want to feel that way again." Minjeong whispered as Jimin wrapped her arms around Minjeong in a comforting embrace. 

"Come to the kindergarten with me,  I can protect you from anyone bothering you. I've just started learning Taekwondo as a hobby, but I promise I'll kick them for you." Jimin declared, her protective instincts kicking in. Minjeong, touched by Jimin's offer of friendship and protection.

"Really?" she whispered, her voice tinged with hope. Jimin nodded, her ponytail brushing against Minjeong's cheek. 

“Of course! Friends stick together, and I won't let anyone hurt you," Jimin assured, reinforcing the sincerity of her promise.

"Friends?" Minjeong asked, seeking affirmation. Jimin ended their hug and nodded, her eyes sparkling with sincerity. 

"Yes! We're friends now!" she proclaimed, her joy infectious. Minjeong observed Jimin for a moment, her tears now replaced by a tentative smile. The weight of fear seemed to lift as the prospect of a genuine friendship blossomed between them.

"Jimin-ah." A woman's voice called out, Jimin turned towards the voice source, her face lighting up with excitement. 

“Mommy!” Jimin was about to run towards her mother, but she paused, turned back, and reached into her bag. With a warm smile, she handed Minjeong a pen shaped like a whale. 

"This is the symbol of my promise. I hope we can meet at the kindergarten! I'll be your knight in shining armor!" Jimin expressed with genuine sincerity, her eyes reflecting the earnestness of her words. With a final wave, she ran towards her waiting mother. Minjeong clutched the whale-shaped pen close to her heart, watched as Jimin got into the car, waved once more, and disappeared from her sight. With hurry steps, Minjeong ran toward her mother, who was seated on a bench in the park, her eyes following Minjeong's every move. Minjeong threw herself into Seungwan's embrace, hugging her tightly. Seungwan, momentarily surprised by the sudden affection, crouched down to meet Minjeong's gaze. 

"What's wrong, Minjeong? Minjeong wants to go home?” Seungwan gently asks. For a moment, Minjeong remained silent, her gaze fixated on the whale-shaped pen that Jimin had given her. 

"Mommy, Minjeong wants to go to kindergarten." Summoning her courage, Minjeong spoke,  Seungwan, taken aback by the unexpected request. She was well aware of Minjeong's previous reluctance to attend kindergarten following the passing of her Mama, So Hee. 

"Minjeong wants to go to kindergarten?" Seungwan sought confirmation, her eyes searching Minjeong's face for the sincerity behind her words. The little girl nodded firmly, determination shining in her eyes.

"Minjeong, sweetheart, are you sure you want to go back to kindergarten?”

"I met a new friend, her name is Jimin-ie and she said she will protect me like a knight in shining armor so no one will hurt me..I want to go and play with her.”

"Jimin-ie? I'm glad you made a new friend, Minjeong. But, you remember what happened before, right? Mommy doesn't want you to be hurt again" Seungwan inquired, her curiosity piqued. She gently brushed Minjeong's hair, processing the significance of her daughter's newfound friendship. Minjeong's face saddened, and she nodded, understanding her mother's worries. 

"Minjeong remember, Mommy. But this time is different. We just met today, but we became friends. She promised to look out for me. Minjeong thinks Jimin-ie is a cool friend." Minjeong said with a shy smile lighting up her face. Seungwan couldn't help but smile at Minjeong's newfound friendship. 

“If you're sure and you promise to tell Mommy if anything bothers you, then we can give it a try. But your safety and happiness are the most important things to Mommy.” The mother embracing the little girl tightly, she marveled at the resilience and courage displayed by her daughter, a catalyst for healing and growth . The words Minjeong had just spoken were a revelation, a breakthrough Seungwan had long hoped for. She had tried a few times before to convince Minjeong to go to kindergarten, but each attempt ended in tears. The mere mention of it would cause Minjeong distress, so Seungwan had refrained from bringing it up. Overwhelmed, Seungwan's tears fell. 

“I'm so proud of you, Sweetheart." Seungwan whispered, her voice filled with love but a trace of worry lingered. 


The polished marble floors echoed with the distinct click-clack of Son Seungwan's high heels as she strode through the sleek, modern lobby of Kwon Corp. Seungwan exuded confidence and authority as she navigated the corporate landscape. Beside her, Miyeon, her dedicated secretary, a tablet and document in hand containing the latest reports necessary for the meeting. Seungwan's long-standing friendship with Kwon Boa, the formidable head of the investor company they were visiting, had opened doors to lucrative business associations. The two women had met during a business summit in Japan, and their connection had only deepened over time. As they reached the entrance of Kwon Corp's imposing building, Seungwan exchanged pleasantries with the receptionist, a familiar face from their previous visits. Mark Lee, recognizing Seungwan, nodded respectfully and gestured towards the elevators.

"Ms. Son, Ms. Miyeon, please follow me," Mark said, leading them through the gleaming corridors. The high ceilings and contemporary art adorning the walls spoke of the wealth and influence wielded by Kwon Corp. They arrived at the designated meeting room. Mark opened the door with a courteous bow, allowing Seungwan and Miyeon to step into the sophisticated space. The room was bathed in natural light, thanks to the floor-to-ceiling windows that offered a panoramic view of the city skyline. 

"Please wait a moment, Ms. Son; Ms. Kwon Boa will be here shortly." Mark informed, before excusing himselves, leaving Seungwan and Miyeon in the impeccably decorated room. They take a seat and Seungwan admires the sleek design and luxurious furnishings that adorned the meeting room. Miyeon, ever the efficient secretary, began setting up the documents on the large, mahogany conference table.

"Ms. Son," Miyeon said, her voice steady and professional, Seungwan turned her attention to Miyeon, her brow raising slightly. 

"Your photos with Ms. Joohyun have spread on the internet. It has become a hot topic, and I've been doing my best to contain the situation. I've asked journalists and the guests from the ball event to take it down and offered them something in return, but despite our efforts, there are still people reposting those photos online." The mention of Joohyun's name brought a soft smile to Seungwan's face. The memories of the ball event by the beach, with fireworks illuminating the night sky as they shared a kiss, flooded her mind. The news and photos had sparked widespread discussions because Seungwan had chosen the mysterious woman over the daughter of a Japanese conglomerate, Sana Minatozaki. The mysterious woman, Joohyun, who had captured Seungwan's heart fueled the curiosity of the business world and the public alike. Seungwan leaned back in her chair, taking a moment to process the information. She, maintaining her composure, nodded thoughtfully.

"It's okay, Miyeon. These things tend to die down with time. I appreciate your efforts in trying to manage the situation. Just make sure that none of the photos show Joohyun's face. She doesn't like being the center of attention, and I don't want the public trying to pry into her background or disturb her peace. " Miyeon nodded in understanding. 

"Yes, Ms. Son. I'll continue to monitor the situation and take the necessary steps to mitigate any further spread of the photos." 

"Thank you, Miyeon'' Seungwan offered a reassuring smile. Then, Seungwan's phone buzzed in her suit pocket. Retrieving it, she saw Joohyun's name lighting up the screen, and a smile automatically graced Seungwan's lips. She walked toward the large windows, her eyes scanned the cloudy cityscape beyond it.

"Hello," Seungwan answered,

"Hello Ms. Son, Am I disturbing your time?" Joohyun's voice, soft and sweet, flowed through the phone. 

"No, Joohyun, do you need something?" Seungwan replied, the affection evident in her voice.

"Erm… Can I take Minjeong to my mother's restaurant? Minjeong kept saying she wants to meet my sister and my mother. " Joohyun inquired, a considerate note in her words.

"Please, Mommy!!" In the background, Minjeong's enthusiastic plea reached Seungwan's ears, prompting a gentle laugh from the CEO. Minjeong's excitement was palpable even through the phone. Seungwan chuckled. 

"Yes, Joohyun, it's okay. Minjeong has asked me to go there several times, but I haven't had the chance"

"Alright, Ms. Son," Joohyun affirmed. But before they could end the call, Seungwan impulsively interrupted. 

"Joohyun, wait " Seungwan interjected quickly. 

"Yes, Ms. Son?" Joohyun responded. Seungwan hesitated only briefly before confessing. "I miss you." Joohyun's laughter filled the line.

"Didn't we just meet this afternoon?" Seungwan, still smiling, scratched her temple.

"I miss you all the time. There's no day I don't think of you" She playfully admitted, Miyeon, who was discreetly eavesdropping, let out an accidental cough, unable to contain her amusement. Seungwan glanced back at her secretary, who wore an apologetic expression but couldn't hide the glint of humor in her eyes. Returning her attention to the call, Seungwan continued, 

"Can you send me a photo of you and Minjeong? I really want to see my girls." Joohyun chuckled affectionately,

"Alright, I'll send them after this."

"Thank you, and don't forget to bring an umbrella, I think it's going to rain today. See you later, Joohyun," Seungwan bid farewell before ending the call. With a contented sigh, she walked back to her seat. Seungwan's cell phone rang once again. Glancing at the screen, she noted an incoming message from Joohyun. A spark of anticipation and warmth filled her as she opened the message. The screen displayed two photos, and Seungwan's heart swelled at the sight. The first photo captured Minjeong, wearing a bag with her hair styled in a pucca hair, sitting on the floor. The sheer innocence and joy radiating from the image painted a vivid picture of Seungwan's beloved daughter. The second photo showcased Joohyun in a selca, her smiling face illuminated by the soft glow of her phone's screen. Joohyun's shoulder peeked into the frame, adding a subtle touch of intimacy to the image. The warmth in her eyes conveyed a happiness that mirrored Seungwan's own feelings. Seungwan’s heart skips a beat at the genuine happiness radiating from Joohyun's expression. Seungwan couldn't help but smile affectionately at the picture of the two most important girls in her life – Minjeong, her beloved daughter, and Joohyun, her cherished girlfriend. The warmth and delight emanating from the images were like a bouquet of flowers blooming in her heart.

Seungwan was engrossed in the blissful pictures on her phone, she even didn't realize that Kwon Boa had quietly walked into the meeting room. Her keen eyes immediately caught Seungwan's smile, and a curious expression crossed her face as she observed Seungwan's unguarded expression. The usually composed and authoritative CEO was lost in a moment of genuine happiness, a sight Boa rarely witnessed in the cutthroat world they navigated together. Boa cleared , announcing her presence. Startled, Seungwan looked up from her phone, her smile lingering. 

"Boa unnie. I didn't realize you were here. " Seungwan admitted. Boa chuckled, her eyes glinting with amusement. 

"Clearly,who has the power to make the formidable Son Seungwan smile like that? the girl you kiss at the Ball party, I presume? Your news is all over the internet right now" Boa teased, a playful glint in her eyes. Seungwan grinned, feeling a slight flush of embarrassment. She set her phone down, composed herself, and gestured for Boa to take a seat. Boa strolled closer, and took the seat opposite Seungwan, her gaze inquisitive. 

"So, who's that girl? Do I know her?" Boa asked, curiosity evident in her tone. Seungwan smiled, her thoughts momentarily lingering on Joohyun. She took a deliberate moment before answering, relishing the anticipation in Boa's eyes.

"She's your employee, Unnie. Minjeong’s babysitter." Seungwan replied, taking a moment before responding. Boa's brow furrowed in thought, processing the information. 

"It's...Bae Joohyun?!" After a beat, she gasped, her eyes widening.  Seungwan nodded, her cheeks now tinged with a rosy hue. Boa, realizing the significance of Seungwan's choice, couldn't help but chuckle. 

"Oh my God, I'm happy for you. She's a pretty girl and truly admirable."  Boa leaned back in her chair, studying Seungwan with a teasing glint in her eyes.

"How did it happen? You never told me about this," Boa prodded.

"Hmm... I don't know, It just happened. I'm just happy being with her." Seungwan confessed, her eyes glinting with a sparkle that revealed the depth of her emotions.

"Your eyes say it all, let's schedule dinner together with Joohyun and Minjeong. " Boa remarked, shaking her head and chuckling at the obvious affection radiating from Seungwan. Seungwan, not one to deny the truth. 

“Ofcourse, let’s schedule it” Seungwan nodded, the joy she found in her relationship with Joohyun was evident in every aspect of her being. 

Attempting to steer the conversation back to business matters, Seungwan said, 

"Unnie, you already know about  my company crisis right?" Boa's expression shifted, her playful demeanor giving way to a more serious focus. 

"I heard all the details from Miyeon. Mr. Hirai is so unprofessional for boycotting your company in Japan just because you refused to engage with his daughter," Boa remarked, a hint of disdain in her voice. 

"Here's the detailed document of the company's loss this week, Ms. Kwon." Miyeon explained, handing the documents to Boa. Boa accepted the document, her gaze scanning the figures and statistics. As she read, a furrow formed on her forehead, and she shook her head in disbelief. 

"Mr. Hirai is really trying to undermine your company's finances. He's very cunning," Boa observed, a touch of frustration evident in her voice. 

"The only way to restore your company's crisis is by working with Ruby Jane Estate, New York's largest real estate company." A contemplative silence settled in the room as Seungwan absorbed Boa's words. 

 "You know what's interesting? Ruby Jane Estate is the largest investor in Hirai Corp. Ruby Jane played a significant role in giving Hirai Corp control in Japanese real estate." Boa continued, Seungwan crossed her arms, deep in thought, contemplating the potential ramifications of such a collaboration. The intricate web of connections between Ruby Jane Estate, Hirai Corp, and the real estate landscape in Japan unfolded before her. 

"Seungwan, you have two options. You can either let your company face the consequences of Mr. Hirai's vendetta, or you can strategically align with Ruby Jane Estate to counteract his influence.” Boa leaned forward, her gaze meeting Seungwan's. Boa reached into her purse and retrieved a sleek business card, which she elegantly placed on the table in front of Seungwan. Seungwan took the card, her fingers tracing the raised letters as she read it carefully. The gold-embossed letters spelled out Kim Jennie - CEO, Ruby Jane Estate.

"Kim Jennie," Boa began, her tone carrying a note of respect. 

"She is the successor of Ruby Jane Estate. I met her at an investor event in New York, and The stock in Ruby Jane Estate has increased dramatically since she became CEO. She's a thorough and intelligent person. If you want to align with Ruby Jane Estate, maximize what you offer to her. It will be challenging, but I'm totally sure it will work for your company." 

"I don't know if it's true or not," Boa continued, her eyes searching for Seungwan's reaction. 

"I heard she's in Seoul right now because Ruby Jane Estate plans to open a company branch here. But you need to make sure."

"I get it, Unnie. Hopefully, I can reach her." Seungwan's brows furrowed with a mix of determination and uncertainty. 

"You're capable, Seungwan. Just be strategic, and don't underestimate the power of a well-thought-out proposal. Kim Jennie values excellence and innovation. Highlight those aspects, and you'll make a lasting impression." Boa offered a reassuring smile. Frowning in contemplation, Seungwan began to formulate a plan in her mind. The intricate dance of corporate negotiations was about to begin, and she needed to ensure that Gangnam Real Estate presented an irresistible proposal to Ruby Jane Estate. 


The night rain had painted the city in hues of wet asphalt and glistening pavements, and Seungwan found herself caught in the inevitable traffic that accompanied such weather. Her car moved at a snail's pace through the congested streets, the rhythmic patter of raindrops on the roof accompanying the hum of engines that matched her thoughts. She couldn't help but feel the weight of the day's stress pressing against her. After what felt like an eternity, Seungwan parked her car near Bae Hae-sun's restaurant. She hurriedly got out, half-running to seek refuge from the downpour. The neon sign of the restaurant flickered, casting an ethereal glow on the wet pavement as she pushed open the door. Inside, Hae-sun was tidying up for closing time. Her eyes widened in surprise when she saw Seungwan. 

"Omo, omo, you're soaked, Ms. Son," she exclaimed, concern etched on her face.

"The traffic was unbearable due to the rain," Seungwan explained. She was breathing heavily, wiped her wet face with her hand, leaving a streak of moisture on her forehead. 

"Joohyun-ah, come here." Hae-sun, quick to respond, her maternal instincts kicking in. Joohyun, who emerged from the kitchen, her eyes widening as she took in Seungwan's damp state.

"Joohyun, take Ms. Son to our home to change clothes. She'll catch a cold if she doesn't." Hae-sun instructed, her gaze shifting between the two.

 "Ah, yes." Joohyun nodded.

"Where is Minjeong?" Seungwan inquired, and couldn't help but ask about the whereabouts of her beloved Minjeong. 

"She's at home with Yeri. They haven't stopped playing since we got here." Joohyun, with a smile that radiated warmth, answered. Seungwan's lips curved into a smile at the thought of her daughter having a good time with Joohyun's sister, enjoying each other's company eased her fatigue of the day.

"Mom will close the restaurant. Go home with Ms. Son. She is already shivering," Hae-sun intervened, handing Joohyun an umbrella, she gently nudged the two towards the door. 

“Mom has another umbrella, right?" she reassured, 

"Yes, don't worry. Our house is only a few steps from here." Hae-sun pushed them gently towards the exit, offering a final piece of assurance. Seungwan bowed to Hae-sun, before followed Joohyun outside. The raindrops were relentless, but the umbrella shielded them as they walked together through the quiet streets. Joohyun held the umbrella as they walked side by side, expertly navigating through the rain-soaked paths. She couldn't help but notice the chill in the air and the visible breaths escaping Seungwan's lips.

"It's cold, isn't it?" Joohyun with a concerned expression softly asked.

"A little."  Seungwan, her breath visible in the crisp air, answered. Joohyun sensed the cold seeping through and reached for Seungwan's right hand, and they continued their walk hand in hand. 

"We'll be there in a minute. Hold on, okay?" Joohyun reassured, a small smile played on Seungwan's lips as she looked at their intertwined fingers.

"Your hands are very warm." The older woman remarked, her eyes reflecting the affection she felt. Joohyun, momentarily lost in her thoughts, turned around and didn't quite catch Seungwan's words.

"Hmm?" she inquired.

"Your hands are very warm, Joohyun." Seungwan repeated, this time looking at her with gentle admiration. Joohyun, feeling a mix of nervousness and confusion, turned away, unable to meet Seungwan's gaze. Seungwan was captivated by the blush that adorned Joohyun's cheeks. Before Joohyun could move further, Seungwan, filled with playful mischief, seized Joohyun's hold .

"You're shy, aren't you?" A bashful smile tugged at Joohyun's lips as she shook her head, attempting to deny the evident truth. 

"You avoided my gaze." Seungwan said with a broad smile.

"No... I'm not "  Joohyun, still in denial, stammered, her words trailed off as Seungwan took a step closer to Joohyun, closing the gap between them. She held Joohyun's waist tighter. Joohyun looked into Seungwan's eyes, in confusion.

"Here," Seungwan said, tapping her lips with her index finger, causing Joohyun to frown. 

"Right on the lips." the older woman continues and makes Joohyun realize that Seungwan was asking for a kiss. Joohyun turned right and left to check her surroundings, her embarrassment evident. 

"We're on the street, Ms. Son. People might see us," Joohyun answered shyly, and Seungwan chuckled.

"No one is here" Seungwan teased, a glint of mischief in her eyes. Joohyun's face turned even redder as she avoided Seungwan's gaze. The playful exchange continued until Seungwan had an idea. 

"You have an eyelash stuck on that side of your cheek." with a sly grin, Seungwan diverted Joohyun's attention.

"Huh? Where?" Joohyun, slightly flustered, responded with a puzzled expression, she attempted to locate and remove the imaginary eyelash. Seungwan reached up and cupped Joohyun's face in her hands. Their breaths, visible in the crisp air, mingled as Seungwan closed the final distance between them. Their lips met in a sweet, lingering kiss as the umbrella slipped from Joohyun’s grasp, forgotten on the wet pavement. Joohyun's eyes widened in surprise, and her initial instinct was to push Seungwan's shoulder gently. However, Seungwan, determined to deepen their kiss, held her closer. Seungwan could feel the warmth of Joohyun's cheeks against her palms. Joohyun, in turn, felt the fevered heat that flushed Seungwan's skin. The raindrops, like tiny witnesses, slid down their faces. The world around them blurred as the rain intensified, cascading around the two figures entwined in a kiss. Joohyun, initially taken aback, gradually succumbed to the warmth of Seungwan's lips, her resistance giving way to the undeniable pull of their feelings. Seungwan's heartbeat echoed in her ears, a rapid cadence matching the unexpected rush of adrenaline. Seungwan could feel the fluttering of Joohyun's heart against her fingertips as it traced a delicate path down Joohyun's neck, leaving a trail of warmth in their wake. The taste of rain on their lips became the flavor of a moment that would linger in their memories. Slowly Seungwan broke the kiss, their breaths mingling in the damp air. Her eyes fixed on Joohyun's with a fond intensity. The air between them hung heavy with shared breaths. Seungwan, with a soft smile, couldn't help but express the overwhelming charm Joohyun held over her.  

"You're driving me crazy." Seungwan admitted with a hint of exasperation, her eyes glittering with genuine feelings. Joohyun, still catching her breath, managed a soft chuckle at the older woman's sudden statement. Not far from them there are murmurs of the pedestrians who will pass by, immediately Seungwan taking Joohyun's hand in hers, led them towards a narrow alley nestled between the buildings. The soft glow of distant streetlights danced on the rain-slicked pavement, creating a romantic ambiance in the secluded space. Against the backdrop of the alley, Seungwan gently pressed Joohyun against the brick wall, their lips meeting once again in a passionate movement. Joohyun slowly encircled her arms around Seungwan's neck. The embrace deepened, their bodies fitting together seamlessly as if drawn by an invisible force. The warmth that emanated from their burning feeling eclipsed the coolness of the damp alley. The heat radiating from their bodies penetrates their thin soaked cotton fabric. The raindrops added a rhythmic melody to their shared exploration of each other's lips between gasps and whispers. They're cold

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Wow, I am absolutely overwhelmed by the incredible support and community promotion for Fluttering Feelings😭Your generosity & kindness have truly touched my heart & I can't thank you enough🥺Your encouragement is what motivates me to keep updating the story, and I promise to do so as soon as I can🙏


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WluvsBaetokki #1
Chapter 8: What do you mean by only 1 chapter left???? 😩 Nooooo! Lol
I need to see them build a family. Joo-Hyun being preggers and all that huhuhuhu
WenRene_77 #2
Chapter 7: You mother er yong Joon!! Go rot in hell!!😡😡 I hope seungwan and joohyun will be okay🥺💙🩷
Favebolous #3
Chapter 8: NICEE LIKE IT
1692 streak #4
Chapter 8: The anxious wait and angst is so worth it in the end. I thought Seungwan's wound wouldn't heal 'coz constant abuse lol, will wait for epilogue~
Chapter 8: Phew, I survived the angsts. I’m glad for Seungwan’s patience since it’s Joohyun’s first r/s and it must be difficult for her to manage such complicated situation.

All these visuals added are fantastic! Will be looking out for your new story too!
Favebolous #6
Chapter 7: Waiting
Favebolous #7
Chapter 3: Mr.Hirai 😡
Favebolous #8
Chapter 2: Minjeong so cute
Favebolous #9
Chapter 1: Like it
wenrene012 #10
Chapter 7: Oh thank goodness Jennie is married, I don't want a love triangle 😭 lmao. Way to go back to updating and you dropped this intense chapter!! You're so good at writing. I can't wait to read the next one!!' Please come back soon