Complicated I

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Seungwan dropped Joohyun off at her home after their incredible date, Joohyun entered her room, and the exhilaration of the night still pulsed through her veins. She couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of happiness and excitement. With a giddy smile that seemed almost permanent, Joohyun sat on her bed, she reached for her phone, eager to relive the unforgettable moments of their date. She opened the picture that Seungwan had sent her, and her heart soared at the sight. In the photo, both Joohyun and Seungwan smiled warmly, their eyes filled with affection, with the stunning beach as their backdrop. It was a snapshot of a perfect moment in time, a memory to treasure. What truly made Joohyun's heart flutter was the way Seungwan had pulled her waist in the picture. It was a small, intimate gesture captured on camera, and it filled Joohyun with happiness and warmth. Joohyun covered her face with both hands. Her heart raced as she relived the enchanting moments of their date, each memory etching itself deeper into her mind. Among all the beautiful moments, one stood out vividly in Joohyun's memory—the moment when Seungwan had gently her cheek and locked eyes with her. It had been an electrifying instant, a connection that had transcended words and left Joohyun feeling like she was floating on a cloud. Joohyun couldn't contain the rush of emotions coursing through her body. The feelings of butterflies, and sheer happiness had her practically bursting with joy. She flopped onto her mattress and began rolling around, her legs kicking up and down in a dance of pure exhilaration. Seungwan's sweetness and consideration during their date had left Joohyun feeling utterly overwhelmed. It was as if her heart had taken flight, and she couldn't help but express her excitement in the most animated way possible. Joohyun let out a soft, self-deprecating grumble. 

"I must be crazy," she murmured to herself, her cheeks flushing with a mixture of delight and disbelief. Joohyun abruptly stopped rolling around and tried to hold her chest, which was pounding with a rapid, almost erratic rhythm. 

"What's wrong with me?" Her voice quivered as she spoke to herself, her thoughts pouring out in a bewildered whisper. Joohyun felt her entire body tingle with excitement, and a swarm of butterflies seemed to have taken up residence in her stomach. Her heartbeat quickened every time she thought of Seungwan, and her energy levels surged whenever they were together. It was both thrilling and unnerving.

"Is this a sign that I like Ms. Son?!! No, no way!?!" Joohyun gasped and her eyes widened in astonishment at this newfound realization, and she couldn't ignore the truth any longer. In an attempt to make sense of it all, Joohyun sat up on her bed. 

" I'm messed up!!!" she exclaimed, ruffled her own hair in disbelief, trying to make sense of the unexpected surge of emotions.

Joohyun's room door creaked open, and her mother, Hae-sun, entered. She watched her daughter in breakdown. Concerned by her daughter's gasp, Hae-sun sat beside Joohyun. Sensing her daughter's distress, Hae-sun wrapped her arms around Joohyun in a comforting hug. 

" What happened, Joohyun? Are you okay?" she asked gently, her motherly instincts kicking in. Joohyun clung to her mother, taking solace in her comforting presence. She knew she could confide in her mother about anything. With a shaky voice, Joohyun began to speak. 

"Mom, I... I think I'm starting to like someone." Joohyun said stammering. Hae-sun paused before said,

"Is it Ms. Son?" she asked, a knowing smile on her face. Joohyun's eyes widened in surprise. She released their hug. 

"How did you know, Mom?" Joohyun asked, her voice filled with curiosity.

"It's just transparent, Joohyun. " Hae-sun replied, laughing softly. 

" Ms. Son is a genuinely good and charming person. I believed that there were probably many other women who admired and had a crush on someone as remarkable as Ms. Son. Who's not? If I'm still young, I'll like her too. " Hae-sun's laughter filled the room, and it's embarrassing Joohyun more. It's like she's being exposed. 

" Ahhhh. . Momm!!!! " Joohyun was flustered by her mother's playful teasing. Hae-sun wiped her laugh tears before notice that her daughter Joohyun was wearing a particularly beautiful dress, and her overall appearance seemed different from her usual self.

" Oh, why is my daughter so pretty tonight? Is today a special day, Joohyun?" Hae-sun asked, with a warm smile. Joohyun nodded, her cheeks slightly flushed with a shyness. 

"I just went on date with Ms. Son." she admitted. Hae-sun's smile widened as she heard the reason behind her daughter's transformation. She wrapped her arms around Joohyun once again, giving her a loving hug. 

"Ah, that's why your feeling start to bloom for Ms. Son? It's okay, Joohyun. It's perfectly normal to like someone, to have feelings for someone. It's a beautiful part of life." Hae-sun said softly. 

“ I don’t know what to do with my feelings, Mom “ Joohyun mumbled in the embrace. 

"It's okay not to have all the answers right now, Joohyun. These things take time. You'll figure out what to do with your feelings slowly but surely. Remember, there's no rush in matters of the heart. What's important is that you're honest with yourself and with Ms. Son about your emotions." She told Joohyun, and Joohyun nodded, finding comfort in her mother's words. 


Joohyun spent her break at the university library with her friends, Sooyoung and Seulgi. They were all gathered around a table, studying and occasionally chatting as they worked on their assignments. However, Seulgi couldn't help but notice something different about Joohyun. She narrowed her eyes and observed her friend closely.

"There's something different about you today." Seulgi whispered, she exchanged a knowing glance with Sooyoung, who nodded in agreement.

"Hmm, you’re right, She’s dressed up, and honestly, she looks prettier than usual." Sooyoung chimed in. Joohyun blushed at the unexpected compliments from her friends. 

"What you’re saying guys." She tried to play it cool and shrugged, attempting to downplay the change in her appearance. However, Seulgi and Sooyoung weren't convinced. They exchanged puzzled glances and then looked back at Joohyun. 

"I look as usual though." Joohyun fake coughed and shook her head. But Seulgi and Sooyoung were having none of it. They continued to give Joohyun skeptical looks.

“ Joohyun, are you hiding something from us?" Seulgi's keen intuition had picked up on the subtle changes in Joohyun's appearance, and she wanted answers.

"Is this all related to Ms. Son?" Sooyoung probed and Joohyun took a deep breath, she really can’t hide her secrets from her best friends. She looked at her friends, who were eagerly awaiting her response, and then decided to confide in them. 

"Hah, I really can’t hide anything from both of you “ In a hushed tone, she replied. Joohyun had a long pause before continuing.

“ Last night, I’m going on a date with Ms. Son." She added, 

“ Heol!! Daebak!! “ Seulgi and Sooyoung gasped in surprise, their reactions so loud that they drew the attention of other library-goers. Joohyun quickly placed her index finger to her lips, silently signaling her friends to lower their voices. 

“ I won! “ Seulgi couldn't hide her excitement as she declared victory, and Sooyoung begrudgingly handed over 100,000 won, looking a bit defeated. Seulgi's triumphant smile was evident as she happily pocketed the money. Joohyun, however, was utterly bewildered by her friends' behavior. She couldn't fathom why they were exchanging money. 

"What are you two doing?" Perplexed, Joohyun questioned. 

" We were betting on when you and Ms. Son are going on a date. I bet it would happen soon, and Sooyoung was convinced it would take a few more months." Seulgi, still grinning, explained the unusual situation. Joohyun's eyes widened in disbelief at her friends' audacity. 

"Yah!!" Joohyun raised her voice, whisper-yelling at them. The commotion they caused made more people in the library turn around, shooting annoyed glances in their direction, and urging them to be quieter. 

“ Are both of you really my best friends?! Oh my lord.“ Joohyun brushed her hair back, trying to lower her voice more. 

“ Just continue your explanation, Joohyun.“ Sooyoung demanded, and Joohyun shook her head in disbelief. The revelation that Joohyun had been going on a date with Seungwan left Seulgi and Sooyoung in shock, and their minds buzzed with questions. It was clear that Joohyun had some explaining to do, and her friends were eager to hear all the details.

“ Hah, I can’t believe it. Fine! “ Joohyun was frustrated and added “ It was actually Minjeong requested. Ms. Son had made a promise to Minjeong, and that's why she had asked me to go on the date. It was all just to please Minjeong, and there was nothing more to it. “ Joohyun rolled her eyes, annoyed at her best friends. 

"Sometimes even the smallest steps can lead to something more significant." Sooyoung, with a thoughtful expression, responded. 

"Exactly. Who knows where this could lead? It might be the beginning of something special." Seulgi nodded in agreement. 

"Then, spill it. What's with dressing up and putting effort into your appearance today? Is it because Ms. Son?" Sooyoung couldn't contain her curiosity and pressed further. Joohyun bit inside her cheek before nodding a bit, feeling a bit embarrassed, but she mustered the courage to admit, Her cheeks flushed as she confessed her newfound emotions. Upon hearing Joohyun's confession, Sooyoung and Seulgi couldn't hide their excitement. They exchanged delighted smiles and playfully hit each other, clearly thrilled by their friend's revelation. 


Joohyun arrived at Seungwan's mansion, her hands holding a prepared lunch box made by her mother. Alongside the food, she carried a special keychain featuring figures of a mother and her little daughter, a heartfelt gift she had picked up at a roadside shop during her commute from the university. It was a Joohyun gift for Seungwan's birthday. Approaching the mansion, Joohyun noticed that the door was slightly ajar, so she entered. There stood Seungwan, and by her side was a woman  Joohyun had seen before, whom she thought must be Sana, a name that Minjeong had mentioned. Joohyun watched Sana lovingly greet Seungwan "Happy birthday, love" Sana said, with a cheerful tone before planting a kiss on Seungwan's cheeks. Sana presented Seungwan with a key. 

" It's the key for a brand new car. " Sana revealed her grand birthday present to Seungwan. 

" Sana, I think it's excessive " Seungwan, clearly taken aback by the extravagant gift. Sana shook her head lovingly and said, 

" You're a car collector, so I give you what you like the most. Also, The gift was a mere token compared to my deep love for you, Seungwan. " It was a heartfelt statement that left Seungwan momentarily speechless. Joohyun couldn't help but stand there in stunned silence as she observed the scene unfolding before her. Seungwan's gaze shifted, and she noticed the hurt in Joohyun's eyes. The older woman's heart ached as she saw them. In a reflexive motion, Seungwan called out her name.

" Joohyun " Their eyes locked, and an unspoken tension filled the room as they stared at each other. Joohyun, feeling incredibly vulnerable and aware of her own presence, swallowed hard and instinctively hid the gifts she had brought for Seungwan behind her back. Sana turned to Joohyun with a warm smile and acknowledged,

" You must be Minjeong's babysitter, right? We haven't had the chance to get to know each other, have we? I'm Sana Minatozaki, and just call me Sana. " With a gracious gesture, she extended her hand toward Joohyun, introducing herself. 

" I'm Joohyun." Joohyun, though still feeling somewhat uncomfortable, managed to muster a small, polite smile and accepted Sana's handshake.

Then, Minjeong excitedly ran into the room. She approached Joohyun and clung to her leg tightly, clearly happy to see her. Joohyun, ever the thoughtful and caring babysitter, quickly seized the opportunity to diffuse any lingering awkwardness. 

"How about we go play in the playroom together, Minjeong?" She suggested it to Minjeong, and the little girl nodded excitedly. Joohyun left the room with Minjeong to the playroom, Seungwan's gaze lingered on her until she disappeared from view.

" Seungwan, should we go to dinner with my family right now? Minjeong's babysitter is already here " Sana inquired, 

"I'll say goodbye to Minjeong first, wait me in the car" Seungwan replied, Her words were met with an enthusiastic response from Sana. 

"Okay, babe."


Joohyun and Minjeong settled down in the playroom, their hands busy with crayons and paper, Minjeong began to sketch a drawing. Joohyun couldn't help but glance over, curious about what Minjeong was drawing. The picture depicted two women and a little girl in the middle.

"Who is the person in your drawing, Minjeong?" Intrigued, Joohyun gently asked Minjeong. 

"It's Mommy, Minjeong, and you, unnie." Minjeong, with the innocence of a child, replied. Joohyun's eyebrows shot up in surprise. 

" Me??" She couldn't help but inquire further.

" Yes! Because we're family, unnie. And Minjeong loves you like my Mama." Minjeong's response with a bright smile, Joohyun was taken aback by the sincerity and sweetness of Minjeong's words. Although she had heard Minjeong express this sentiment before, it never failed to surprise and touch her. 

" You. . .love me? “ Joohyun stammered, and the little girl nodded. Joohyun was on the verge of tears. Minjeong, a precious girl in Joohyun's life, held a special place in her heart, and she wanted nothing more than to protect her. Minjeong, the little girl turned to Joohyun with her big, round eyes sparkling with sincerity. Holding Joohyun's hand. 

"Joohyun unnie is so kind, and being with unnie is easy, like playing with my toys." With a wide, toothy grin, Minjeong replied. 

"Minjeong, you are such a special and wonderful girl. I love you too, with all my heart." Joohyun whispered, her voice quivering with emotion. Joohyun instinctively hugged Minjeong tightly. 

" Can unnie be my Mama forever? And please don't leave Minjeong and Mommy. Minjeong doesn't want Unnie to leave us, like So Hee Mama did. Mommy and Minjeong were really sad, especially Mommy, she was crying every night after Mama So Hee left us." Joohyun's heart ached at Minjeong's words. It must be a hard time for both of them because of So Hee's sudden death. With a lump in , Joohyun nodded, her eyes glistening with tears. 

" I'll be here for you Minjeong-ah. Don't worry." she said softly. 

As they embraced in a warm hug, neither of them noticed that Seungwan had been quietly watching them from beside the playroom's door. Seungwan couldn't help but smile warmly as she observed this heartwarming scene. It was moments like these that reassured her that Minjeong was in good hands and that Joohyun was not just a babysitter but someone who genuinely cared for and loved her daughter. With a soft, contented sigh, Seungwan stepped into the room, making her presence known. Both Joohyun and Minjeong turned to look at her. Minjeong's face lit up, 

"Mommy!" she immediately called out. Her joy was infectious, and it brought a smile to Seungwan's face. Joohyun, on the other hand, trying to hide her tears, quickly wiped her eyes and turned away, hoping Seungwan hadn't noticed her emotional moment. However, Seungwan, ever perceptive, saw through the act and couldn't help but chuckle at Joohyun's attempt to conceal her tears. Seungwan walked over and joined them on the olaf rug. 

"Sweetie, what did you do to make Joohyun unnie cry?" Seungwan asked with a loving smile. 

"Mommy, Joohyun unnie's tears are tears of happiness! Minjeong told her that Minjeong loves her because she's a good person, and she's going to be my Mama forever!" Minjeong beamed with pride. Seungwan chuckled and reached out to ruffle Minjeong's hair. 

"That's wonderful, Minjeong. We're lucky to have Joohyun unnie in our lives. But, we should not push Joohyun unnie too often. It might make her uncomfortable, okay, sweetheart?" Seungwan gently said. Minjeong, her enthusiasm slightly dampened, pouted for a moment. She had a heart full of love for Joohyun and sometimes couldn't contain her excitement at the thought of having her as a new Mama. However, she understood her mother's advice and didn't want to make Joohyun feel pressured. 

"It's okay, Ms. Son. Minjeong's just expressing her love. I don't mind at all." Joohyun, noticing Minjeong's pout, immediately waved both her hands with a reassuring smile. 

"Joohyun unnie doesn't mind, Mommy! We're family!" Minjeong declared with a beaming smile, her words carrying the purest sense of belonging. Seungwan chuckled affectionately at her daughter's response. 

"Mommy, this is your birthday gift!" Minjeong announced proudly. She handed Seungwan a drawing she had created, a portrait of the three of them together. Seungwan's heart melted at the sight of her daughter's thoughtful gift. She took the drawing into her hands, examining it with delight. 

"Thank you, princess. This is so cute."

"Mommy, Joohyun unnie also has a gift for you" Joohyun, however, was momentarily taken aback. She hadn't expected Minjeong to reveal her gift. She had initially intended to hide the gift she brought for Seungwan. She'd even contemplated not giving it at all, feeling insecure about how her modest offering compared to what Sana give to the woman. But Minjeong's excitement had other plans. Seungwan, her curiosity piqued, looked at Joohyun with a playful yet expectant expression. 

"Really? What is Joohyun? " she asked. Joohyun, feeling a bit flustered, finally brought out the gift she had carefully prepared. It was a beautifully wrapped lunchbox, adorned with a charming keychain featuring mother and child figures. Minjeong, eager to help, took the keychain and lunchbox from Joohyun and handed them over to her mother with a proud grin. Seungwan took the gifts in her hands, admiring the intricate design of the keychain. 

"These are lovely," she said sincerely. 

"The lunchbox contains Milk Noodles, made by my mother. I remember you mentioning it was your favorite on the menu at my mother's restaurant. So, Happy birthday Ms. Son" Joohyun said, her face slightly flushed with shyness. 

"Thank you Joohyun and please send my gratitude to your mother." Seungwan said, looking at Joohyun with appreciation. 

" Can you put them in the fridge for me, Joohyun? I'll eat them later. I had to leave. " Joohyun nodded in understanding, albeit with a subtle hint of disappointment. 

"Mommy, are you going with Aunt Sana?" Minjeong furrowed eyebrows and disapproving tone hinted at her feelings towards Sana, who seemed to be taking up a significant amount of Seungwan's time lately. "Again?" she added, emphasizing her displeasure.

"Sweetheart, I'll be back soon, Aunt Sana needs my help, but you know you're my number one priority." Seungwan, ever the caring mother, sensed her daughter's unease. Despite Seungwan's reassurances, Minjeong's disappointment lingered. Feeling upset, she turned to Joohyun and hugged her tightly, silently expressing her feelings of frustration.  

"Minjeong, are you mad at Mommy?" Worried that she might have upset Minjeong further, Seungwan gently asked. Minjeong, still holding onto Joohyun, nodded with a pout on her face, confirming. 

"I'm so sorry, princess. But, Mommy has to go. " Seungwan said after taking a deep breath.  

"I'll head out now, Joohyun.'' Seungwan rose from the Olaf rug, she acknowledged Minjeong's reluctance to let go and her preference for Joohyun's comforting presence.

"Don't worry about Minjeong Ms. Son; we'll have a good time together." Joohyun replied, Seungwan smiled, placing her trust in Joohyun's ability to care for Minjeong, with that, she left the playroom. 


Seungwan found herself at the pinnacle of elegance as she dined with the Minatozaki family, at a modern Japanese restaurant situated on the 38th floor of the prestigious LOTTE HOTEL SEOUL's Main Tower. This restaurant proudly boasted the most breathtaking panoramic view of the city, from the majestic Bukhansan Mountain to the iconic Namsan Tower and the bustling downtown Seoul. The japanese restaurant was renowned for its luxurious ambiance and impeccable service, and they were seated in a private room with large windows that added an extra layer of exclusivity to their night. The decor exudes sophistication, with traditional Japanese elements subtly blended into the modern design. 

" Thank you Seungwan for taking the time out of your busy schedule to have dinner with us" Mr. Hirai extended his gratitude. 

"It's truly a pleasure to have dinner with the Minatozaki family." Seungwan responded with a warm smile, and replied graciously. Her words elicited smiles all around the table, bringing a sense of warmth and appreciation to the moment. Sana and her mother, Ms. Airi, exchanged glances and smiled, clearly touched by Seungwan's kind sentiment. However, it was Mr. Hirai who beamed the brightest smile, a sign of his genuine appreciation for Seungwan's gesture.

" How has your recent project in Gangnam been progressing?" Hirai expression reflects a blend of seriousness and curiosity.

"The Gangnam project has been a significant undertaking for us. We've managed to secure some prime locations, and our team has been working diligently on the developments. The demand for luxury properties in the Gangnam district remains strong." Seungwan leaned in slightly, eager to share her insights.

"That's excellent to hear, Seungwan. Gangnam's reputation for luxury properties is well-known even in Japan. I've been keeping an eye on your ventures there. How about the challenges of navigating the ever-changing market trends?" Hirai's interest was piqued.

"We've noticed an increasing demand for eco-friendly features in residential properties. Green spaces, energy-efficient designs, and sustainable materials are becoming selling points. It's fascinating how the market is evolving." Seungwan shared. 

"Japan has been embracing similar trends, particularly in Tokyo. Sustainable living is a global concern, and it's heartening to see our industry aligning with these values." Hirai nodded in agreement.

"It's not like a family dinner, but a business dinner." Sana remarks with a mischievous grin directed at her father and Seungwan. Her playfully words brought a lighthearted atmosphere to the dinner table.

"You're right, Sana, we did get carried away with business talk, didn't we? My apologies."Mr. Hirai joined in the playful banter, sharing a hearty laugh and realizing the humor in the situation. Sana and Ms. Airi shake their heads and chuckle. 

"Seungwan," Hirai took a pause, a contemplative look in his eyes.

"It's been a while since you and Sana got to know each other." He continued and Seungwan nodded, sipping her tea. 

"I think it's a good time for you and Sana to step into the next level of your relationship." Seungwan stayed still for a moment as she processed Mr. Hirai's suggestion. Seungwan already expected this. She's being invited to a family dinner for a reason. 

" I appreciate your consideration, and I value the relationship I have with Sana. However, as the Minatozaki family already knows, I have a little girl, Minjeong, who still needs a lot of attention and care." After a deep breath, Seungwan responded, her tone composed and thoughtful. 

"At this moment, I haven't thought about getting married again because the most important thing for me right now is my daughter's happiness and ensuring that I can provide her with the care and support she needs." She continued. Seungwan chose her words carefully, not wanting to offend the Minatozaki family, who had been gracious hosts throughout the night.

"Seungwan, if you and Sana married, I'm sure Sana would be more than willing to help you look after and care for Minjeong." Ms. Airi interjected gently. 

"My daughter and I still need time to heal before replacing the role of a new Mama for her and a life partner for myself. Losing my late wife in that car accident was a profound loss for both of us, and we've been on a journey of healing and adjustment since then. I value the connection I have with Sana, and I appreciate your understanding." With a soft, heartfelt tone, Seungwan explained. She bowed her head in respect for the Minatozaki family. 

"Of course, Seungwan, take all the time you need. It doesn't mean you're refusing, right?; you're being thoughtful and considerate about what's best for you and Minjeong. So, it's good things." Sana's attempt to lighten the atmosphere and express her understanding brought a moment of relief to the conversation.  Sana's words resonated with empathy and compassion, and they eased some of the tension that had briefly settled at the table. While Seungwan remained quiet for a moment, deep in thought. 


Joohyun stirred from her sleep, her senses gradually awakening to the soft, ambient light filtering into the room. She glanced at the clock on the wall, its hands indicating the midnight hour.  Joohyun shifted in the bed, she was mindful not to disturb the small figure beside her. Minjeong lay sound asleep, her delicate features serene in the moonlight. Joohyun couldn't help but smile as she watched the rhythmic rise and fall of Minjeong's chest, the child's small hand still clinging to her. Carefully and quietly, Joohyun extricated herself from the bed. Tucking a stray strand of hair behind Minjeong's ear, Joohyun tiptoed out of the room. The rest of the mansion was cloaked in darkness. Joohyun navigated through the familiar space, her steps near-silent as she moved toward the living room and found Seungwan sitting quietly on the couch. There, on the table, was the empty lunchbox that Joohyun had prepared for Seungwan earlier. Beside it lay two bottles of soju, their labels glistening faintly in the low light.  Joohyun drew closer, and Seungwan looked up from her thoughts. The older woman's smile, though faint,  as she acknowledged Joohyun's presence. 

" Joohyun. . I'm sorry for coming home late and making you stay over again. Ahh. . and the milk noodles are really good. " Seungwan mumbles in a nearly drunken state. Joohyun noticed the telltale signs in Seungwan's eyes—redness and a hint of vulnerability that suggested tears had been shed. Concern welled up within Joohyun, and without hesitation, she took a seat beside Seungwan. 

" You should change to comfortable clothes, Joohyun. You've been in my room before, so you should be able to find something suitable for yourself. Feel free to choose whatever you like." Seungwan continued, attempt to shoo Joohyun, 

" Are you okay, Ms. Son?" Joohyun can't help but ask. Seungwan paused, her gaze fixed on the glass of soju in her hand. With a determined gulp, she emptied the glass in one swift motion, the burn of the alcohol serving as a temporary distraction. She closed her eyes, taking a moment to gather her thoughts. Joohyun watched Seungwan closely, her worry deepening as she waited for a response. 

" It's been more than a year has passed since I lost my late wife, So Hee. But, why did I feel guilty about the possibility of moving on and forgetting her? " Seungwan's voice trembled as she finally opened up abou

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Wow, I am absolutely overwhelmed by the incredible support and community promotion for Fluttering Feelings😭Your generosity & kindness have truly touched my heart & I can't thank you enough🥺Your encouragement is what motivates me to keep updating the story, and I promise to do so as soon as I can🙏


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WluvsBaetokki #1
Chapter 8: What do you mean by only 1 chapter left???? 😩 Nooooo! Lol
I need to see them build a family. Joo-Hyun being preggers and all that huhuhuhu
WenRene_77 13 streak #2
Chapter 7: You mother er yong Joon!! Go rot in hell!!😡😡 I hope seungwan and joohyun will be okay🥺💙🩷
Favebolous 13 streak #3
Chapter 8: NICEE LIKE IT
1699 streak #4
Chapter 8: The anxious wait and angst is so worth it in the end. I thought Seungwan's wound wouldn't heal 'coz constant abuse lol, will wait for epilogue~
Chapter 8: Phew, I survived the angsts. I’m glad for Seungwan’s patience since it’s Joohyun’s first r/s and it must be difficult for her to manage such complicated situation.

All these visuals added are fantastic! Will be looking out for your new story too!
Favebolous 13 streak #6
Chapter 7: Waiting
Favebolous 13 streak #7
Chapter 3: Mr.Hirai 😡
Favebolous 13 streak #8
Chapter 2: Minjeong so cute
Favebolous 13 streak #9
Chapter 1: Like it
wenrene012 #10
Chapter 7: Oh thank goodness Jennie is married, I don't want a love triangle 😭 lmao. Way to go back to updating and you dropped this intense chapter!! You're so good at writing. I can't wait to read the next one!!' Please come back soon