
Sea Prince.
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Four years later.



Kai was sat on the floor, the twins and Sehun sprawled out on the couch, his husband dozing off, head rested backward, lips slightly parted, enjoying the mid afternoon of Saturday (a work free day), when a soft knock resonated in the living room, He rose to his feet and went to get the door. A beautiful lady– woman in long grey dress was standing with a pretty smile on her face. Kai knit his brows because he had never met her before but somehow she looked familiar, maybe it was the calming aura she was radiating. "Hi" he greeted, unsure but he had a friendly smile curling his lips. "Hello Kai!" She reached to ruffle his hair and that's when he recognized who she was, she looked different in human form, Kai was used to seeing her skin covered in scales. "Grandma!" He beamed, automatically moving to give her a hug. She giggled, bringing her arms to wrap them around his shoulers."Is good to see you too" she ran a hand down his back. It had been over 8 months since they last saw each other, it was when they went for Jayden's 3rd birthday ( Kris and Luhan's son) and a year before that when she invited them to the sea, to pass down her immortality to Kai – that's right Kai was now immortal. And also to give out her other abilities to the twins like she promised but she couldn't do that at the time because the twins were just 2 years and few months old. Their bodies were too young to carry such powers, which was why she decided to stay a little longer in other to fulfill her promise. When they met during Jayden's birthday, she had told Kai that she would come visit when she was certain the twins were ready and strong enough to accept and keep her powers.  It seemed the time had come– "Uncle Kai!" Kai heard his nephew's voice sufficiently cutting his train of thought, he looked up and saw Jiyeon running toward them, his father (Jiyong) following right behind him. Kai pulled back and crouched to pick the boy up."Hey buddy!" "I went to visit them and they decided to follow me" the grandma said with a fond smile. Kai nodded, and smiled. "Hey hyung!" He greeted the moment his brother in-law joined them. "Hey!"Jiyong said, grinning as he placed a hand on his aunt's shoulder. The older siren only grinned at the gesture. "C'mon in" he invited and they all walked into the house. "Gamma!" Dae exclaimed excitedly, rising to stand and strode to where the grandma was. She crouched down and instantly opened her arms to receive the boy. To how Dae was able to recognize her in non-scaled form was amusing and lost to Kai. Jae'in shrieked and hopped down from the couch to join the embrace, wrapping his tiny arms around her neck. She kissed them both. Sehun groaned, moving into a sitting position, the noise must have woken him up. Kai quickly moved to help his pregnant husband – yes Sehun was five months in of his second pregnancy. The merman glanced at his children and his eyes instantly widened, a wide smile gracing his pretty face. "Grandma!" He called, shuffling to stand, and moved toward said siren.  "Look at you" she cooed, gesturing at his rounded belly, "Having another baby already" she smiled, glancing briefly at Kai, "You didn't give him a break did you?" She accused but there was no heat in her tone, it came out in a teasing way instead. Kai blushed, ducking his head slightly. "Its – uhm it's–" he scratched the back of his head sheepishly.  "C'mon aunt you're embarrassing him" Jiyong said coming to stand close to where Kai stood. Sehun's grandma giggled. "I was just teasing him" she rose to stand, holding both kids in her arms. "Can't I have a little fun?" She asked with a slight pout. Kai ducked his head futher, adjusting his hold on Jiyeon who was looking between the adults. Sehun only shook his head fondly at her before throwing himself into her arms."So happy to see you" the pregnant said, wrapping his arms around her. She could only nuzzle his neck, since her both arms were occupied with the twins.  "I am happy to see too."
They all took their seats in the living room, Kai went to get them something to drink before joining them. Grandma took a sip of her drink and she grimaced."what's this?" She asked. "Orange juice!" Sehun supplied. "It taste weird" she took another sip. Jiyeon giggled. "That's because you're used to drinking saltwater, which is why  the taste felt weird" the six year old said, he extended his hand toward the older siren. "Here, let me help you with that" he added, causing a fits of laughter to erupt in the living room. "Nuh-ah" she shook her head. "Not gonna happen." "But you don't seem to like it, and as you can see I really love orange juice!" "Allow this old lady to experience the taste will yah?" Jiyeon pouted but he nodded.  "How's noona and the baby doing?" Sehun asked, lifting his head to look at Jiyong. His sister(Taeyeon) has had another baby 7 months ago, it was a girl. Both Kai and Sehun loved to spend time just holding the little princess(sooyeon), which was why they decided to have another child of their own. "They're both doing good" Jiyong smiled with a nod. "I can't believe you people kept making babies like it is one easy job" grandma said, genuine curiosity swirling in her bluish-gray eyes. Kai laughed a little. "Oh it's easy" he said and that earned him a smack on the head from his husband. "Thats easy for you to say you assho–,"he stopped to glance at his sons. Taking a deep breath for a moment. "since obviously you're not the one carrying the babies in your belly for 6-7 freaking months" Sehun snapped, like Kai had said the most outrageous thing on earth. Which it was, considering if you're pregnant. "Let's not even start with how stuck I get inside the fuc–" he paused glancing at his kids once again, who were both staring at him with wide eyes. "Freaking house, I only get to go out to see that freaking lake, Every freaking week, its so fu– freaking tiring" he finished with a heavy breath. "Papa!" Jae'in called softly. "Why are you mentioning freaking over and over again?" "Because I can't freaking curse and I so badly want to throw some curses at your Dad's face right now" he answered, looking up to glare at Kai. "Baby!" Kai called in a small voice. "I didn't mean it that way, I know it's not easy for you and believe me, you have my respect. Always." He brought a hand and ran it through Sehun's hair. "I am sorry, please forgive me." Sehun closed his eyes, letting out a heavy sigh, he seemed to relax a bit. "Just don't freaking say it's easy, because it is fu–freaking not" Kai nodded immediately. "I know baby, I know and am so freaking sorry, okay?" He began to rub Sehun's bloated belly comfortingly.  "Alright, I forgive you" Sehun finally relaxed altogether. Grandma suddenly clapped her hands together. as though that was what she's been waiting to hear. "since all has been settled, I will like to do what I came here to do." "I thought you came to visit." Sehun knit his brows, slowly pushing Kai's hand away from his belly so he could turn to face his grandma properly. "Oh_" she glanced at Kai briefly. "Your husband didn't tell you?" "Tell me what?" She swallowed, tilting her head slightly as she looked between Kai and Sehun."That I will visit when I deemed the twins ready to have my powers" Sehun made a perfect O shape with his mouth and he nodded. "Yeah, yeah he told me, it just slipped out of my mind." She sighed in what seemed to be in relief, as if she was dreading the drama Sehun would make if that hadn't been the case, if Kai hadn't told him. "Okay then, let's get over with it". "You're really going to pass over after this?" Sehun asked in a small voice, placing both hands on his belly. "Not immediately, I mean you people keep getting pregnant and having babies, and I really want to see all your children before I leave, but at least I don't have to worry about Taeyeon, she told me she's not having more babies,  Luhan is pregnant again and you –" "Wait, what? Luhan hyung is pregnant?" 
Kai asked cutting her off and she responded with a nod. "Oh my God!" He barked out a laugh. "I can't believe this– i mean Kris was teasing me when I told him Sehun is pregnant again, he was telling me how early it was for us to have another baby." He laughed again this time a little harder. "I thought he'll take like 5 years or more before he knocked Luhan up again– because that's what he said. Dear god, I am gonna enjoy rubbing this at his face." He knew he had a wicked grin on his face right now, from how they're all blinking at him but he didn't mind, not when he have something to hold against Kris. He and Kris had been playing those games and now it seemed the universe was on Kai's side. So interesting. "Is that so?" Jiyong asked, though he didn't sound much curious. "Yup" Kai bobbed his head with so much enthusiasm than nessecary. Sehun only groaned, lolling his head to the side. "So as I was saying" grandma continued. "And I am sure you're going to have another baby after this one." She gestured at Sehun's belly. Sehun opened his mouth obviously to protest but she raised a hand, stopping him. "which is why I decided to live for another ten more years, I am sure by that time all of you have had the babies you wanted" Their lips curled up in a wide smile. "I'd like that, I want to have you around much longer." Kai said and he meant it,  "Me too." Sehun nodded. "I was going to protest about having more babies, but if that is what will keep you much longer, then I won't mind having as much." He glanced at Kai briefly."Really." "Grandma, Jiyong hyung!" Kai called, he then turned to face the kids. "And you three kids" then he placed a hand on Sehun's belly. "You too little one. I want you all to bear witness, Sehun agreed to have more babies which I am very okay with, and I promise to give him as much babies as he wants. but–" he drawled "I don't want to him to complain in the future and blame me for all the cute, pretty, fabulous babies we're going to make" Sehun's grandma and Jiyong burst out laughing. but Sehun didn't laugh, instead he glared at his husband warningly. The kids only blinked at them, then Jae'in spoke. "Daddy how are babies made?" The boy asked, innocently and curiously.  Kai choked on his saliva, eyes widening as he looked at his son, he coughed a few times, rubbing his chest dramatically. He gave Sehun those puppy eyes he knew works on him, silently asking for help. Jiyong cleared his throat. "Uhm Jae'in, you'll learn that when the time is right, now you're too little to know such thing. Okay?" He told the boy and surprisingly the boy nodded without asking further questions. "Okay!" He said and rested his head on his papa's lap and Sehun instinctively began to through the boys brunet locks. Kai felt a smile tugging on his lips at the sight, damn he love his family so  much. "And" Jiyong added looking at Kai and Sehun. "I would love to help born your babies. Always." "Jae! Dae come here sweeties" grandma beckoned them closer, the two stood up and moved to where she sat. She held their hands."You're gonna feel a little strange but I promise you'll be okay, it will be just for a few minutes. Okay?" Both boys nodded.  "Grandma, I thought you won't be giving them the powers now since you've decided to stay a bit longer" Sehun voiced. "I want them to have it now, so they can get used to the powers and the sooner the powers recognize their bodies the better, it will take years before they'll be able to use them." She explained. Sehun bobbed his head in understanding. She then proceeded, instructing the twins to close their eyes and she did the same too, all Kai could see were two different colors emitting from either hands of the siren, the one holding Jae had bright blue, and the one holding Dae had bright purple. He watched in awe as the lights entered into his sons' bodies, making them glow like florescent. A moment later the glowing stopped and grandma opened her eyes, asking the Boys to open theirs as well. Jae's eyes glowed blue and Dae's glowed purple, like small stars swirling in their grey eyes that now had several shades of colors. "Now you have the powers of a royal siren" she told them and both boys looked up at her. "You know what that meant?" they shook their heads. "You're the most powerful sea c
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I will update the next chapter, earlier than usual. Maybe Saturday or Sunday.


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747 streak #1
Chapter 27: I was going to thank you for not killing off Grandma, I would have been so sad to see her go. This was such a sweet story, I was glad that it was not an angst-ridden plot that kept SeKai apart half the time. My favorite character were Grandma and Luhan.
Chapter 27: The kids are just a bundle of joy! Hahaha though they can cause trouble all together. So cute…
Chapter 26: Imagine seeing Sehun with Twins latching on him
Chapter 23: I thought I was going to finish this today, by my eyes are really betraying me
gogo15eoul #6
Chapter 27: I like how you care about the slightest details, it was cute and sooo funny
gogo15eoul #7
Chapter 24: Kai is wanna make love to a mer kkkk but we're kinker, imagining and loving it
gogo15eoul #8
Chapter 22: Ooh jiyong suits to be a siren
But why Tae's Opa forgave his husband, he abused tae and never admit Tae and Namjoon as hires
Jennie too, shouldn't left out like she didn't do nothing, her memory is manipulated too?
gogo15eoul #9
Chapter 21: I like how luhan is talking
Thank you for this amazing story, while you were pregnant at that time. It's so funny to read all your stories with pregnancy and babiessssss