Chapter eleven.

Sea Prince.
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        "Boy–?" His dad's eyes widened, then slowly his mouth formed an 'O'shape as he nodded. "Never knew you swing that way" was his father's response. "Didn't know I do either until I met Sehun." Kai replied, tightened his grip on Sehun's hand. "Okay" his dad nodded once again. "So uhm what's his family's name?"  Kai, Sehun, Mrs. Kim and Taeyeon all shared a look. Sehun's hand twitched, he seemed nervous of what Kai's answer would be. Kai opened his mouth to speak but his mom beat him to it.  "He's one of my friends son" she said nodding towards her husband. "Your friend? Who? I think I know all of them." Mr. Kim said moving towards his wife and sat next to her. She shook her head. "No you don't know this one, we went to high school together, she moved to Seattle and got married there–" "Hyoyeon!" His Dad cut off. "Please stop." He shook his head, letting out a sigh. "I know you well enough to know when you're not telling the truth." He moved closer to take ahold of her hands. "Do you trust me?" His mom's eyes were wide as she nodded. "Of course I do." "Then what are you trying to hide from me?" He turned to look at them all. "All of you." He asked, eyes flickering from one person to another. "Perhaps is he from a dangerous family and you feared i won't allow him to be with my son?" "What? No" Kai instantly shook his head. "He's not from such family." "Then why are you protecting his heritage?" "We're not, it's complicated Dad." Taeyeon was the one that spoke. "It's hard to explain. You won't believe it" "Try me" Mr. Kim said, fixing his gaze on his daughter. Kai sent a wary glance towards his sister. He just hoped she wasn't going to tell their dad who Sehun really was. He trusted his father but still he's not certain the man would take it well. "Heechul! Why don't you just drop this please?" Mrs. Kim said pleadingly. Heechul looked like he wanted to say something but didn't and he nodded instead. "Alright. Just so you know, I won't care about Sehun's heritage as long as he loves my son, that's all that matters." Kai let out a breath he didn't know he had been holding. He tightened his grip on Sehun's hand once again. "Does this means you're okay with us– i mean having a boyfriend and turning the marriage down?" His Dad rose to stand and walked to where Kai stood, he placed a hand on his son's shoulder as he spoke. "I am your father Kai, I love you and will respect whatever you do and whomever you decided to be with. If you're not into girls that's okay, if you want to marry Sehun even without me knowing who he really is, that's also okay as long as he makes you happy. I arranged your marriage with Jennie because her father came to me and told me how his daughter has an eye for you, he's a friend and he asked to set you two together, i didn't refuse because I didn't know you were seeing anyone. Believe me son I would never have wanted you to have a cold, arranged, impersonal, empty union done for personal gain to obtain money or political influence or both. " Kai nodded along with his father's words. 
It's been two years since his last relationship and today was the first time his dad was meeting Sehun as someone Kai was dating. He understood his dad and he was happy to have a father who was simple and open minded like his dad.  "I will have a talk with Jennie's father and call off the engagement. And I will not ask questions about Sehun. I will wait for you to trust me enough to tell me about him yourself." "No Dad it's not like that, I swear I trust you. It's just that–" Kai bit on his lower lip, casting his gaze down. "It's okay son" he squeezed Kai's shoulder. "All that matters is you're happy right?" Kai nodded."Yes Dad he makes me so happy." His dad smiled before moving towards Sehun. He cupped the merman's face starting intently into his eyes. Sehun squirmed a little but didn't say a word. "You love my son, don't you?" "Yes I do" "Good, I am happy he found his happiness in you." He kissed Sehun's forehead before withdrawing his hands. Sehun felt his heart skipped a beat, he didn't still understand the ground-walkers but this man in front of him radiated such warmth that was similar to his father's. He seemed trust worthy and that was all it took for his mouth to start speaking before his mind could stop him. "I came from the sea, a merman– i am a merman." He found himself said. "Sehun–" Kai tried to stop him but Sehun shook his head. "He's your father Kai, he needs to know the man his son chooses to be with, even if he rejects me after understanding who i really am. I love you Kai and I have faith in our love." He then turned  to face Kai's dad. "I met your son years back and fell in love with him, I am a creature from the Sea, the second prince of my kind, I will understand if you reject me as your son's boyfriend. But I will have you know that what I feel for Kai is real, I left my home and come to the surface just to be with him." Mr. Kim brows shot up, his mouth opening and closing for a moment, like he had lost his ability to speak, his eyes went to his wife and she was looking at him expectantly. Then he looked at his daughter who was smiling and looking at Sehun with fondness and something akin to respect. Kai on the other hand seemed nervous as he gripped Sehun's hand once again as if that would make things easier, as if, if his Dad saw how much in love Kai was with the merman he would approve of their relationship. It took a few minutes but Mr. Kim eventually spoke. "Sehun!" He called for the merman's attention. Sehun raised his head and looked at the elder. "I am happy to know you trust me enough to tell me about who you really are, and I promise you as long as I live, I will never see you any less of a human. You're welcome into my family Sehun. Like I've said earlier all that matters is my son's happiness." Sehun smiled, head bowing in gratitude. "Thank you Mr. Kim for accepting me." "No need to thank me." "He's the one that woke mum up." Taeyeon told her Dad, now that he knew about Sehun it was only a matter of time before he learned about his abilities. Mr Kim's eye widened."Dear God, really?" Kai nodded. "Yes Dad, he cured mom." Mr. Kim placed a hand over his mouth as he stared at Sehun with so much adoration. "Thank you son, thank you very much. I will forever be in your debts." Sehun shook his head, moving take a hold of Mr. Kim's hands."Please don't thank me, I did what I had to do for mother." He nodded but he couldn't help pulling Sehun into his arms. Sehun smiled and he brought his arms to wrap around Kai's dad. "I have no words to–" he paused and abruptly pulled back, his eyes wide. "How did Sehun did that?" He asked now looking at his son. "Did what?" Kai asked "Heal, how did he heal your mother?" "I don't know much, but I saw a bright light emitting from his hand." "Oh no," "What– what is it?" "There's a camera in this room, I asked the doctors to install it in oder to monitor your mother's condition– I am not sure how much is recorded but–" There was a melancholic, muddled look on Kai's face."Oh God!" He cut off going in full blown panic "Dad no one should find out about Sehun's abilities if they saw how he healed mom they'll– they'll –oh my God" he released Sehun's hand and began pacing the room. "Kai!" His sister helpfully stepped in,  placing a hand on his shoulder to keep him in place. "Calm down." She tried but Kai wasn't having it. His mind was in chaos , what if someone had seen it? And they come after Sehun? What if they take Sehun away and use him as an object for healing humans? What if they drained of all his blood In so called name of humanity, to save humanity? No Kai would die before he let that happen. He wasn't going to let Sehun– "Kai!" His dad called. Kai snapped his head to face the elder. "I am going to take care of it. Trust me, I won't let any harm come your boyfriend's way. I promise." "How dad? What if someone had already seen it? And they're just waiting for the perfect time to take him away." "No I doubt it, if they've seen it, the room will be swamping with SWAT team or the military as we speak. So calm down. I am gonna go and retrieve the recording. Now" he didn't wait for Kai's response as he hurried out of the room. Sehun let out a deep breath and turned to face Kai's mom who had an equal worried expression as Kai's, and a hint of guilt. He moved toward her and sat next to her before taking her hands in his. "Mother everything is going to be alright." He told her. She smiled at him, warm and affectionate. "I should be the one saying that to you Sehun." She squeezed his hand. "I Know my husband will do all it takes to make sure you're safe, but I can't help the guilt rising in my gut. If you hadn't–" "No mother, don't say that. Even if something goes wrong I won't ever regret saving you." He said and he meant it. Her eyes gartherd unshed tears, so many emotions in them that Sehun couldn't distinguish. "Ohh Sehun. How are so good hearted?" Before Sehun could respond, Mr Kim walked back into the room, with a USB drive in his hand. Kai practically ran to his dad. "I've deleted the recordings and demanded for the other ones so they won't suspect anything." His dad told him. Kai let out a breath that got stuck in his throat. Taeyeon heaved a sigh of relief as well. "I told you, I will take care of it." His dad said nodding towards Sehun. "Thanks Dad." Kai said turning to smile at his boyfriend. "We should probably get going." He check the time on his wrist watch. "It's late already. " Sehun nodded. He gave Kai's mom a hug before moving towards Taeyeon. "I haven't thank you properly for the flowe
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I will update the next chapter, earlier than usual. Maybe Saturday or Sunday.


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747 streak #1
Chapter 27: I was going to thank you for not killing off Grandma, I would have been so sad to see her go. This was such a sweet story, I was glad that it was not an angst-ridden plot that kept SeKai apart half the time. My favorite character were Grandma and Luhan.
Chapter 27: The kids are just a bundle of joy! Hahaha though they can cause trouble all together. So cute…
Chapter 26: Imagine seeing Sehun with Twins latching on him
Chapter 23: I thought I was going to finish this today, by my eyes are really betraying me
gogo15eoul #6
Chapter 27: I like how you care about the slightest details, it was cute and sooo funny
gogo15eoul #7
Chapter 24: Kai is wanna make love to a mer kkkk but we're kinker, imagining and loving it
gogo15eoul #8
Chapter 22: Ooh jiyong suits to be a siren
But why Tae's Opa forgave his husband, he abused tae and never admit Tae and Namjoon as hires
Jennie too, shouldn't left out like she didn't do nothing, her memory is manipulated too?
gogo15eoul #9
Chapter 21: I like how luhan is talking
Thank you for this amazing story, while you were pregnant at that time. It's so funny to read all your stories with pregnancy and babiessssss