Chapter twenty-three

Sea Prince.
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  Hey guys, I just want to thank you all, It wouldn't have been possible without you all, i am very grateful and I really appreciate your support.       Jiyong's heart hammered violently against his ribcage, he quickly turned to the pool and dived back into the water. He couldn't bare to see the terrified expression on his wife's face, of course who wouldn't be terrified of such a creature like him, he's not like Sehun, Sehun had human skin despite his many scales, but in his case there wasn't a single spot of human skin, his entire body was covered in scales, even his face and he couldn't imagine how his wife must be feeling right now. Sehun was right, he should've told his wife, he should've started their relationship with honesty, but the fear of loosing Taeyeon was too great to let him, he couldn't do it back then and now she had found out in a way he wasn't expecting. He had done a great job on keeping his and his son's identity hidden, he had always refused and always turned his wife down whenever she asked him to go for vacation or to any place that had a beach, all in attempt to keep his identity hidden and now he wished he had told her sooner. Now she would hate him and might probably not want anything to do with him anymore. He sank to the lowest part of the pool in attempt to hide himself even more, as blue tears rolled down his cheeks. He couldn't imagine a life without his family, he'd rather die than to experience a life where there was no Taeyeon and Jiyeon in it. He had tried really hard to live like a human for years, hoping to blend in and be like them. He only goes into the sea once after every decade to ease the dryness of his skin and to  hunt for raw fish and keep his siren part content for a short  moment.  He hadn't been in saltwater since he met his wife. But all that effort had gone down the drain, he cried harder and buried his face in his scale covered hand.
Sehun let out a sigh, he glanced at his sister in-law who was still on her knees mouth and eyes still wide, then to Kai's parents who have an equal stunned expression on their faces.  "Kai can you please get us some pants?" Kai blinked, then he turned his gaze to Sehun before he nodded and walked out. "He's like you?" Jungkook was the one that spoke. Sehun nodded. "Yeah he's like me and related to me as well" All their eyes widened even more,  "I thought your grandmother was the last Siren" Jimin spoke in their native tongue. "Not anymore, he's her nephew." He told Jimin in same language. Jimin nodded, then he turned to Jungkook. "Let's go give them some space, it's a family matter" Jungkook hummed and he wrapped his arms around Jimin's waist as they both exited the pool room.  Sehun shared a brief look with Taeyeon before he dived to where Jiyong was still hiding underwater. The siren was hiding himself as much as he could. Sehun felt his heart breaking at the sight, he brought a hand and run it through Jiyong's hair. Jiyong lifted his violet–grey eyes to look at Sehun.  "Hyung" Sehun called in a the gentliest voice he could muster. "You should stop hiding in here and go talk to your wife." "I can't– I am scared." He admitted. "I know you are, but hiding in here won't change anything. It won't solve anything. She's your wife and the mother of your child, if she really loves you i am sure she'll understand, and you being different won't change how she feels about you." He made his point. "You think so?" Sehun nodded. "I am certain." He said. " Now c'mon." He pulled the siren and they two broke the surface. "Jiy–baby!" Taeyeon called, rushing to get to her husband. Sehun swam to the edge of the pool and pulled himself out, Mr. Kim coming to give him a hand which Sehun gratefully accepted.  Jiyong followed right behind him and Taeyeon was quick to help her husband out of the pool. "Tae–" he choked out glancing at down at his tail.  Taeyeon brought both hands to cup his face and Jiyong's breath hitched.  "You're– you're not frightened by my appearance?" She shook her head. "No I am not, and I am sorry if I made it seem that way, I was just shocked and surprised because I never expected you to be from the Sea" she chuckled softly. "Now that I know it all made sense why you always refused to go to the beach– I am sorry baby I didn't–" "No" Jiyong shook his head violently. "You have nothing to apologise for, I should be the one saying sorry for keeping it from you." Taeyeon nodded. "Yeah I am still upset about that, you should have trusted me, I would never judge you or leave you just because you're not human. I love you Kwon Jiyong and that would never change. Love isn't just between humans or genders, love can happen to anyone just like how it happened to my brother and myself." "I am so terribly sorry for keeping it from you. I had my reason– but still I should have told you." "Yeah you should have." Taeyeon agreed, her fingers tracing patterns on her husband's scaled face. "you're so soft I thought the scales will be like that of a fish."   "I've been there before" Kai said walking into the pool room holding two pairs of pants in his hands. "I thought so too when I first touched Sehun's." His eyes flickers to said merman. Jiyong chuckled breathly, his shark like teeth coming to view. "Yeah but I still look horrible, Sehun is more human than I am," "That's not true, you're beautiful." She said thumbing at his cheeks. "You're so so beautiful. Is– is our son like you too?" "Yes he is, if he came in contact with saltwater he'll grow a tail and have scales too, but am not sure if he'll be exactly like me or maybe only his tail will be covered in scales–" "It doesn't matter, I love our son no matter what he is" Mr. Kim came to crouch next to his daughter and Jiyong snapped his head to look at him, body shrinking to appear smaller which made Mr. Kim laugh a little. "You don't have to be wary of me." "I am sorry for deceiving you into marrying your daughter without telling you who I really was back then." Mr  Kim hummed, nodding as he stared at Jiyong. "You did deceived us, even my wife who was very good at reading and sensing sea creatures couldn't–" "I am really sorry about that." Mr. Kim hummed once again. "I know you are and that's why I decided to forgive you. But don't ever keep something important from your family again, I don't care if you're a sea God, a mermaid–" "It's merman Dad and no, hyung is not a mer he's a siren" Kai corrected . Sehun giggled from where he was sat beside the pool with a towel in his hand. Mr. Kim made a dismissive gesture with his hand. "that's what I said." "No honey, mer and Siren are two different  species." His wife said with a chuckle, striding to where her husband was. "The one that saved Kai was a Siren, just like Jiyong and now i understand why Sehun has the same aura as her."  "Okay" Mr. Kim nodded. "As I was saying, I don't care if you're a Siren, you're my son too, I consider you as one and family don't keep important things from each other." Jiyong nodded, blue tears continuously rolling down his cheeks. "Thank you so much for accepting me as one of you." "You've been accepted long ago son, we just forgave you for not telling us about what you really are" Mrs. Kim added, now running her fingers through Jiyong's hair. "Thank you" the siren said again. "Why are his tears blue?" Mr  Kim asked, turning slightly to look at Sehun.  "Because he's a siren, and even merfolk have blue tears while in their true form" Sehun replied and Mr. Kim nodded in understanding. "Alright let's give them some space" the elder said, ruffling Jiyong's hair like a father does to his son before rising to his feet.  "Technically Jiyong hyung is the oldest in here"Sehun supplied. "he's a century old" All their eyes widened at that."R-really?" Mr. Kim asked, looking at Jiyong who nodded. "Whoa. You lived that long?" "Yes father, I did" "Oh I don't know how to feel about a century old person calling me father". Mr. Kim said in a playful tone, but his amazement remained. "But I think it fuel my ego, keep calling me that." He added and they all chuckled. "C'mon" he ushered his wife out, but just when he was at the door he paused and turned to face Jiyong. "It doesn't matter and you being a century old wouldn't change the fact that I see you as my son." Jiyong smiled, mouth full of sharp teeth. "I'll keep that in mind" Mr. Kim nodded and smiled before proceeding to exit the pool room. And just then Sehun's body jerked, like it did sometimes when changing. His scales disappeared, giving room for human skin as a pair of legs appeared. He quickly stood up and put on his pants, then he glanced at Jiyong and noticed the siren was still in his true form. He knit his brows, tilting his head, wondering why Jiyong hadn't still changed back. "why are you still in this form?" He gestured at the elder. "It usually takes more time than it should to change back, because I don't usually change like I was supposed to. I take years to go into sea water and it takes thirty minutes sometimes or an hour or even a few hours before I get my legs to grow back." He explained. "Wait how do you survive without getting into sea water? I know how Sehun start hurting if he didn't get in the pool for a few days" Kai wondered, coming to rest a hand on Sehun's waist.  "It's because I am fully a Siren and we have more durability than mers, it hurts to stay that long away from saltwater but I usually heal myself, so it was bearable." Kai nodded in understanding, he squeezed Sehun's waist a little. "We're gonna leave you two now to talk some more."  "Thank you" Jiyong said. "Both of you" Kai nodded once again, before guiding Sehun out of the room.
When they went back into the living room, Jungkook and Jimin were of sight again, it was only Mr and Mrs. Kim, Mr Kim was dropping small kisses on his wife's lips. Kai groaned, while Sehun cleared his throat and the elders simultaneously turned to look at them. "Sorry" he sheepishly said, ducking his head as if he's the one that got caught kissing his fiance. Mr. Kim just shook his head. "Don't be" Kai was the first to take his seat and Sehun was about to do the same when the door bell rang, he glanced at Kai who was about to stand.(obviously to get the door) he placed a hand on his shoulder. "I will get it"He said and Kai nodded, adjusting his position on the couch. He made his way to the door and the moment he opened It, he stumbled backward, breath catching in his throat and his eyes wide at the sight of Jennie. Sehun let out a yelp– scream and Jennie quickly shook her head, probably sensing his fears. "No please–"He choked. " Kai! –"he called out but she cut him off. "I am not here to hurt you" she said and even in his condition,  Sehun could sense the sincerity in her tone. "I came here to apologize for what I did" In less than 3 seconds Kai was already standing beside Sehun, not just him but both Mr and Mrs. kim were now by the door as well. Kai quickly moved to stand in front of Sehun, putting himself between Jennie and the mer, shielding him protectively, one of his hands holding Sehun's in a tight grip. "What the hell are you doing here again? Perhaps do you have a death wish? How dare you show up at my door after what you did to my fiance?" Kai asked through clenched teeth. Jennie recoiled, making herself to appear smaller. "I am not here to cause any trouble" she said glancing at Mr. Kim briefly. "Again." She lowered her head "I am here to apologize, you might not believe me but I swear what I did has been bugging me, I need you all to forgive me, especially Sehun. Please." "Oh really?" Kai scoffed. "And what difference will it make huh? You think forgiving you will change anything? will it suddenly make me want to marry you?" "No" she shook her head. "That's not what I was aiming for, I know you'll never be mine and I've come to terms with that." "Good" Kai let out. "now get the hell out of my house" He shouted but not loud enough to call the attention of the other house inhabitants. Sehun could literally feel the anger radiating from his boyfriend, he could even feel Kai's body shaking slightly, and amidst the apprehension how Kai's body shielded his own felt amazing and it made him feel safe and protected. He knew Jenni
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I will update the next chapter, earlier than usual. Maybe Saturday or Sunday.

Are you in for another ? but this will be interspecies .



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747 streak #1
Chapter 27: I was going to thank you for not killing off Grandma, I would have been so sad to see her go. This was such a sweet story, I was glad that it was not an angst-ridden plot that kept SeKai apart half the time. My favorite character were Grandma and Luhan.
Chapter 27: The kids are just a bundle of joy! Hahaha though they can cause trouble all together. So cute…
Chapter 26: Imagine seeing Sehun with Twins latching on him
Chapter 23: I thought I was going to finish this today, by my eyes are really betraying me
gogo15eoul #6
Chapter 27: I like how you care about the slightest details, it was cute and sooo funny
gogo15eoul #7
Chapter 24: Kai is wanna make love to a mer kkkk but we're kinker, imagining and loving it
gogo15eoul #8
Chapter 22: Ooh jiyong suits to be a siren
But why Tae's Opa forgave his husband, he abused tae and never admit Tae and Namjoon as hires
Jennie too, shouldn't left out like she didn't do nothing, her memory is manipulated too?
gogo15eoul #9
Chapter 21: I like how luhan is talking
Thank you for this amazing story, while you were pregnant at that time. It's so funny to read all your stories with pregnancy and babiessssss