Chapter nineteen.

Sea Prince.
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Taehyung turned to face Sehun with wide eyes. "You have siren blood in you?" Sehun nodded. "Yeah I do." "Then use your voice. Sing the infamous Siren's song to enchant them and bend them to your will" he spoke in mer tongue, the one he knew the humans wouldn't understand. Taehyung's father quickly shook his head almost frantically. "No, Don't do it your highness." He said hands coming to hold onto Sehun's. "A pregnant Siren's song meant death, it is very powerful, if you sing it, all the humans in this city will die, the only human that will be spared will be your lifebond." Sehun's eyes widened. "How can a single song cause so much destruction?" "I thought you knew, the sea will answer your call and it will swallow every human in its way, sirens are the royals of the ocean, the sea itself worship them." "My mother thought me the song even though she's not a siren.I thought siren songs are just to lure sailors or enchant humans" "It's more than that. Your highness. When a pregnant siren sings, the sea will assume they're sad and will act on that to protect them from whatever comes its way, It will swallow every human hoping to punish whomever might have hurt the siren. In other words the sea is very protective of its masters." Sehun didn't really understand, but he nodded, if his freedom meant catastrophe– disaster for the humans then he wouldn't sing, he didn't want to harm anyone, especially not when Kai's family were involved. "I won't sing  but I will find a way to–" "Okay chitchat over fishes!" Irene voiced, sufficiently cutting Sehun off, crossing her arms over her chest. "Get the royal." She ordered looking at the men beside her. Taehyung moved to shield Sehun in a protective manner."No please you can't do this. he's pregnant, you shouldn't –" "He's pregnant, this is interesting. More reason to drain him." She grinned, eyes glinting with something Sehun didn't quite recognize. "You're a mother Irene, you should at least have the compassion for other parents like you." Taehyung's father tried to reason. "Well in my world, men don't bear children,  women does that, and he's not a woman, which means he's not a mother. So forgive me if am not being sentimental here." Taehyung's father shook his head dejectedly."Let the kid be, you can have me instead. You might not understand this, but I am a taker just like the prince, I know how it feels for one's child to be hurt." he spoke again. Irene tsked. "I don't need you for now, Taejoon." She jerked her head toward Sehun. "Get him, I wanted to have a chat before the extraction but I've changed my mind, we can chat after taking some of his spinal and uterus fluid." She said moving to stand aside. The men, jumped into the water, some immediately went to hold Taehyung and his father, while the others surrounded Sehun. Sehun was not a fighter, but at least he would try and he did tried only that he wasn't strong enough to fight 10 men at a time but he was able to injure most of them with his teeth and tail before they successfully held him and tranquilized him once again. *** Cold, very cold. And dark. Silence and the scent of antiseptic. His limps felt numb and there was a dull ache in his head and lungs. As if he was oxygen deprived for too long. Maybe he was? That would explain the cold, darkness and silence. He tried to move but his limps didn't follow. He tried to open his eyes but the bright light he was met with rushed through him as a sharp pain, adding to the headache. As Sehun's foggy mind slowly cleared he tried to remember where he was. What happened? His first clear thought went to Kai and somehow it made him relax a little.  Sehun startled awake, his dreams too fleeting to grasp. His throat felt dry, and his skin prickled with discomfort. He swallowed. He wanted to escape from the stifling tank, back to the vast ocean and dive into the deep blue. He realized he's in another different tank, this one smaller than the one he was previously in. He felt bloated and his tail rested on the glass, heavy and tingling. Already knowing that the enclosure was a poor distractor from the current situation. There was a sudden splash and Sehun swam to the edge of the tank , wide-eyed. He drew back when he caught sight of a black mesh heading down toward him.  Sehun twisted in the water in agony. He lashed out when he felt something on his hand, and he realised that they were the same humans that pulled him out of the bigger tank. They had strange flippers on their legs, and disturbing contraptions on their faces. Before he could bare his sharp teeth, one of them clapped something over his mouth and he cried out, a trickle of blood escaping into the water. He twisted his tail and hit one of the humans but the other one dragged the black mesh over him and he couldn't tear through the material, no matter how much he clawed at it with his shark like teeth. They must have taken precautions because of what Sehun did to them earlier. Where are they taking me again? A ripple of pain ran up Sehun's body and he curled into himself, wrapping his arms around himself. He shivered, chills running through his body. The mesh smothered him and one raked against the gills on the sides of his neck. He screamed, but they were swallowed by the muzzle and he thrashed about the mesh, pain and terror overwhelming him. Fearing he would damage his gills, he stilled, taking shuddering breaths. The humans took him out of the water and put him in a smaller tank, enclosed entirely. He felt them moving it around, before he was lifted up again, the foul thing around his mouth ripped off and then he felt himself being pulled out and dropped on a huge table. Before he could react some of the men were holding him down as some restrained his hand with some sort of lather, another was clapped over his tail, the middle and another just above his caudal fin. He tried to free himself but of course it was futile, because he's all tired up and could barely move his hands. There was a big counter on the wall to his right with a lot of drawers and shelves and medical . Right next to him was a table with things Sehun couldn't identify but he definitely knew that he'd rather stay far away from them. On his left was a glass cabinet filled with small bottles, containers, cups and test tubs. Everything filled with dubious liquids. Sehun would rather not know what exactly all that was. With everything he discovered he found that he'd rather not be here. "Well done boys, now set everything up for the extraction." Came Irene's voice. Sehun snapped his head to look at her.
"What did you do to Taehyung and his father?." He asked. But she ignored him moving to check the straps around his tail. "Answer me!" He screamed. "Oh they're you people after all huh? You just met them and you're already worried about them." She cluck her tongue. "Well I am sure they appreciate your concern but they can handle whatever it is I am doing to them– more like my men are doing to them, they've been for years now." She moved to pick a huge syringe from the metal table, Sehun gulped at the size."What are you going to do to me?" He asked, trying as best to hide his fear. "All you have to do is relax, I am gonna take some samples from your fetus." "What– what does that mean?" He eyed the syringe warily as she approached his stomach. "The baby growing in you" she told him. Taking a cotton from another container and used it to wipe some part of his lower stomach. Sehun's eyes widened at the realization of what the woman was about to do. "No, Please don't hurt my baby. I–" Sehun never felt so vulnerable before, completely exposed and forcefully held in place. He realized rather quick that he was nothing but a test object. A rat for the scientist. "I am not going to hurt you baby Sehun, I am not as cruel as you think I am, I am just ambitious– beside why harm it when I can use it later in the future, so relax as I take what I need, if you move too much, you'll end up hurting your baby." She said. Sehun forced himself to relax, even though his position didn't warrant such thing, he still tried for the sake of his unborn child. He hissed when the needle pricked his skin, his eyes wide as he watched Irene drawing some red/silver–grey liquid from his abdomen. "I believe this is Kai's child huh?" Sehun ignored her, he hissed again when she withdrew the needle. "You ruined my daughter's life. You know" she continued. Sehun glared at her. "How the hell did I ruin her life?" "You stole her man, she liked Kai and really wanted to marry him, she told me and i asked her father to make it happen, but you have to come in between and ruin it for my baby girl." She said, moving to take another syringe, this time bigger than the previous one she used. Sehun averted his gaze from her hand and fixed it on her face instead. "Kai doesn't have feelings for her, he wasn't going to marry her even if I wasn't in the picture." She hummed, tapping her fingers on the table beside her. "He might not have feelings for my daughter, but he would have, if they were given the chance." She then pressed a button right at the edge of the table Sehun's laying on, and he gasped when he felt his body being turned upside down, now his back was facing the ceiling while his front was facing the floor. "I wish I could make you pay for all the nights she spent pining over Kai." "So this is personal?" He asked through clenched teeth when he felt a sharp pain coursing through his back. "Ah–" he let out a high pitched scream. "What–What are you doing to me?" He couldn't see her, all he could feel was the pain. And now he realized the table must have had a hole that exposed his back for her to be able to do whatever it was she's doing to him. "Taking some of your spinal fluid– and oh did I forget to mention it hurts?" she chuckled. "Your bad then. You know I've learned that your healing powers are mostly in a your spinal cord." She twisted the needle.  Sehun bit his lower lip to muffle his scream. It hurt so bad. So this was what she's been doing to Taehyung's father, and Taehyung himself? He couldn't imagine how the elder had felt, how he could endure so much pain for years without breaking. He's going to fre
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I will update the next chapter, earlier than usual. Maybe Saturday or Sunday.


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747 streak #1
Chapter 27: I was going to thank you for not killing off Grandma, I would have been so sad to see her go. This was such a sweet story, I was glad that it was not an angst-ridden plot that kept SeKai apart half the time. My favorite character were Grandma and Luhan.
Chapter 27: The kids are just a bundle of joy! Hahaha though they can cause trouble all together. So cute…
Chapter 26: Imagine seeing Sehun with Twins latching on him
Chapter 23: I thought I was going to finish this today, by my eyes are really betraying me
gogo15eoul #6
Chapter 27: I like how you care about the slightest details, it was cute and sooo funny
gogo15eoul #7
Chapter 24: Kai is wanna make love to a mer kkkk but we're kinker, imagining and loving it
gogo15eoul #8
Chapter 22: Ooh jiyong suits to be a siren
But why Tae's Opa forgave his husband, he abused tae and never admit Tae and Namjoon as hires
Jennie too, shouldn't left out like she didn't do nothing, her memory is manipulated too?
gogo15eoul #9
Chapter 21: I like how luhan is talking
Thank you for this amazing story, while you were pregnant at that time. It's so funny to read all your stories with pregnancy and babiessssss