Chapter seventeen

Sea Prince.
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One month later.

    A handful of days had passed since their first lovemaking, and they had shared many more afterward. Each as loving and thorough, numinous and freeing—those moments when they were together, not necessarily connected physically but just sharing the same space, were the definition of mated(bonded) bliss. After their first night together and as cliché as it may sound, everything had a renewed luster to it. Plenty of times since then, Sehun caught himself smiling like an idiot at the memories weaved in Kai’s bed. It always been his favorite thing to fall asleep in Kai's arms and with his body heat and blanketed with kisses, to wake up in his embrace and to see his face first thing when he opened his eyes and be greeted with a smile—he had never felt happier or more at home. Sehun wanted this joy to last forever, this luck to never ran out, this love and passion to always burn.  Thoughts of Kai monopolized all his attention. This love was like sunlight, it made everything inside his heart and soul grow as if plants and trees and everything living on Earth. His increasing love for Kai was similar to a paper boat over water—lacking wind to move along, the water underneath quickly seeped into the paper and turned it to mush. He was lost in this thought when he heard a repeated knock on the door. Groaning, Sehun rose from the couch to go get the door. Someone had been knocking non-stop disturbing the merman's resting time. An irritated sigh bursted out of him as one of his hands carded through his hair. He didn't know what was wrong with him these days, he kept lazing around and eating like a glutton. But the disturbing part was how his usual pale skin had even turned paler and he kept having headaches and the urge to puke almost every morning. Some days he would run a fever and some it's just the constant headache and stomach upset. Kai had been really worried about his health and even wanted to take Sehun to see a doctor but Sehun reminded him how he couldn't see a doctor because he's not human and the humans didn't have the means to treat someone like him. Kai's parents had been worried as well when they came to see them two days back. Mr. Kim suggested the same thing as Kai but Mrs. Kim reminded her husband how it wouldn't be possible. She suggested for Sehun to go back to the sea so he could get treatment, but he couldn't go back. With another tired sigh he unlocked the door and there stood Jimin, clad in black skinny and white button up shirt. He looked beautifully human like this. It's been two weeks since he last saw Jimin(when chanbaek and Jimin came to visit) the other had been staying with his brother and Jimin seemed to really enjoy being around his family.
He'd asked Sehun if he should come back to Kai's house but the prince had told his friend to stay a little longer with his brother and Sehun knew his friend really appreciated him being thoughtful and considerate. Jimin's eyes raked over Sehun's form, a smile tugging on his lips. "Won't you invite me in?" He said, hands moving to brush through his blonde hair.  Sehun managed a smile, pulling the other into a hug. "Missed you" he said, burying his face in the crook of jimin's neck. Jimin hugged him back giggling as he ran his hands down Sehun's body. "Missed you too." They pulled back and Sehun ushered his friend into the house. They sat on the couch a moment later, a can of soda in Jimin's hand."So how have you been?" Sehun asked, resting his head on Jimin's shoulder. "Fine and you?" "Not so good." "What happened?" Jimin instantly cupped Sehun's face to examine his friend. "Now that you've mentioned it, you really look sick." Sehun nodded, nuzzling Jimin's palm."been puking, having headaches and fever." "Oh dear, you really look so pale." "Yeah I know–" "Wait a second" Jimin suddenly said, sufficiently cutting Sehun mid-sentence. "You said you've been having fever?" Sehun nodded. "I don't know about the puking though but our kind only have fever when our lifebond rejected us and when– oh my God Sehun did you have with Kai?" Jimin's eyes were wide. Sehun blushed, of course they've had multiple times after the first time, he blinked at his friend not understanding what the other was implying but he nods. "Yes, we did." "Have you given him your scale?" Sehun nodded. "Yeah I did. Why?" "The human male biology is different from ours, but if a mer chooses a human as their lifebond and feed them their scale then–" "Then what?" Sehun cut in impatiently. "They can conceive." "Of course I can conceive, I am a taker Jimin just like you."He reminded. "Yes I know that, but the human body doesn't have what it takes to get us pregnant, a human can only do that if he ate a mer's scale and you said you fed Kai your scale then you had –" "Yes Jimin that's what I said, so for the love of the seas what are you implying?" "You still don't get it, do you?" There's a eating grin on Jimin's face.  "Get what?" "That you're pregnant Sehun." Sehun's eyes almost fell off from their sockets, he knew he looked funny right now but he didn't care. "What? How did you even know that?" His hand subconsciously went to his stomach. "All the signs are there Sehun. the fever–." Jimin smiled, moving his hand towards Sehun's stomach, but the prince hissed, baring his sharp teeth as he pushed Jimin's hand away. Jimin didn't look the least offended, instead he giggled, shaking his head in amusement. "See, your taker instincts has surfaced, even though you know I am your friend and I will never hurt your baby, you still couldn't help it, your Instincts are telling you to keep your baby away from anyone other than it's human father. This only proves I'm right, you're pregnant hunnie." Sehun blinked at that, he wasn't aware of his actions until Jimin just pointed it, true he felt the need to keep Jimin's hand away from his stomach and that was something he'd never felt before. The thought of actually being pregnant made his heart to skip a beat but in the best way. If this was true then he's having Kai's baby, holy seas, they're going to start a family,  "Back to earth Hun" Jimin flicked his fingers in front of Sehun's eyes, making him to jerk a little. "Mother of pearls" He breathed out, heart thumping in his chest, "I can't believe this is actually happening." He lifted his shirt to inspect his stomach and that was when he noticed the small swell of his lower abdomen. A smile graced his face as he rubbed his belly with so much happiness, he feared his heart wouldn't be able to contain it. "I am actually pregnant." He grinned raising his head to glance at his smiling friend."I am really pregnant!" "Told yah" Jimin giggled, pulling Sehun into his arms. "I am so happy for you dear friend." He whispered and Sehun easily detected the sincerity in those words. "I am gonna be the Godfather." Sehun couldn't help but laugh a little. 
"Whatever you want Jimin. My pup is also yours" Jimin patted his back, seemingly very pleased with Sehun's statement. "Thanks Hun. I am sure kookie will be very happy to hear this too." Sehun pulled back, brows raised in confusion. "Why would Jungkook be happy about my pregnancy?" "It means I can have his child too, he's been taking–" "Oh dear seas, you and Jungkook are?–" "Yeah, he's been spending a lot of his time with me trying to court me, I didn't say yes though but–" "Are you serious?" Sehun almost screamed, he's so freaking happy to hear this, if Jimin chose Jungkook as his lifebond then Jimin would stay on the surface and that meant Sehun would have his best friend with him. "You're going to stay here too?" He couldn't hide his excitement. Jimin shrugged. "Yeah if Kook did it right, I will stay, beside I wouldn't miss much leaving the sea for good." "What about your parents?" Sehun knew how Jimin was very fond of his parents, the man always have a glint in his eyes whenever he spoke about them. And he's not sure how Jimin would feel about living without his parents. "They'll understand, i can go visit them– or i can't since I'll be banished from the pod and the Seas entirely." Sehun opened his mouth to speak but Jimin raised a hand, stopping him. "It's okay, my parents won't abandon me because i chose to stay here, they'll find a way to come visit, because as far as I know, now they're both okay with hyung's decision and I am certain they will be okay with mine." Sehun nodded, smiling at that."That's good Chim. I am so happy to hear this." He placed a hand on Jimin's shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. "I have a question." "Shoot" Sehun chuckled."you're using the humans way of speaking." He shook his head a little "Well the thing I am curious about is, if a giver mer mated a human male can they have fingerlings?" "Yes they can, you mean like Chanyeol and Baekhyun hyung right?" Sehun nodded. "It will take time but eventually the scale in the human system will reshape some of his reproductive organs and he'll be able to conceive." "So Baekhyun can have Chanyeol's children?" "Yes he can, but like I said it'll takes years before he could do that." "Oh that's a relief. How did you know all that?" Jimin shrugged. "I did a few research of my own while traveling across the seven seas." "Yeah it's typical of you" they both chuckled at that. "Ah my skin feel so dry." Sehun mumbled caressing his skin. "Yeah, now you'll need to be in water more than ever, the baby will be absorbing most of your body moistures." Sehun nodded. "Speaking of that, how did you manage to keep yourself wet, I mean Chanyeol's house is in the middle of the city no beach or–" "Oh he has a huge tank full of sea water, that's how he changes too and it's big enough to accommodate four people. So we do have a good time swimming together." Sehun smiled. "That's good to hear." Then his smile faded, he looked up at his friend with wide eyes. "Do you think Kai will be happy about the baby?" Jimin brushed his fingers through Sehun's hair. A smile gracing his face. "You shouldn't doubt his love for you hunnie." "I am not doubting it– I am just suddenly scared, what if he doesn't want to start a family now?" "Kai loves you Hun, he'll love and appreciate your pregnancy regardless of the time, I am certain he'll be happy about this." "You think so?" "I don't think Sehun. I know. I believe" Sehun heaved a sig
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I will update the next chapter, earlier than usual. Maybe Saturday or Sunday.


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747 streak #1
Chapter 27: I was going to thank you for not killing off Grandma, I would have been so sad to see her go. This was such a sweet story, I was glad that it was not an angst-ridden plot that kept SeKai apart half the time. My favorite character were Grandma and Luhan.
Chapter 27: The kids are just a bundle of joy! Hahaha though they can cause trouble all together. So cute…
Chapter 26: Imagine seeing Sehun with Twins latching on him
Chapter 23: I thought I was going to finish this today, by my eyes are really betraying me
gogo15eoul #6
Chapter 27: I like how you care about the slightest details, it was cute and sooo funny
gogo15eoul #7
Chapter 24: Kai is wanna make love to a mer kkkk but we're kinker, imagining and loving it
gogo15eoul #8
Chapter 22: Ooh jiyong suits to be a siren
But why Tae's Opa forgave his husband, he abused tae and never admit Tae and Namjoon as hires
Jennie too, shouldn't left out like she didn't do nothing, her memory is manipulated too?
gogo15eoul #9
Chapter 21: I like how luhan is talking
Thank you for this amazing story, while you were pregnant at that time. It's so funny to read all your stories with pregnancy and babiessssss