University II


10 years ago


Three months passed since Seungwan saved Joohyun from the fall and Joohyun had started dating Sehun.


Joohyun noticed changes in Sehun's behaviour since the month they started dating. He kept cancelling their dinner plans last minute for "work". Had enough, Joohyun decided to pay him a surprise visit at his apartment. But when she arrived, a horrifying sight awaited.


Through the partially open window, Joohyun saw Sehun reclined on the sofa - with a lithe girl in his lap, kissing passionately. Her blood turned to ice in her veins. Without thinking, she stumbled forward and slammed open the front door.


Sehun leapt up in shock, nearly sending the girl toppling to the floor. "Joohyun! It's not what you think-" he began lamely.


"Oh really? You looked pretty cozy to me." Joohyun burned with humiliation. 

"How long has this been going on behind my back? Am I that undesirable to you?" Her voice cracked with pent-up hurt.


Sehun hesitated, avoiding her eyes. That was answer enough. 


"You know what, I don't even care about the details. I just want this to be over," Joohyun stated quietly.


He glanced up in alarm. "Come on Joohyun, don't be like that. I said it was a mistake!" 


"No, the mistake was trusting you." She shook her head. "Was I just a game to you?"


Sehun opened his mouth but she held up a hand. "Don't bother with excuses. Just please let me go in peace, Sehun."


Sehun begged. "Joohyun, please...I'm begging you, don't leave me." 


Joohyun had enough of living a lie. "As much as it hurts, staying would only damage me more in the long run. It's over, Sehun." Joohyun stepped back.


The other girl watched in stunned silence. Finally, Sehun managed to pin Joohyun's wrists and yelled for her to calm down. But she spit in his face furiously.


"Don't ever speak to me again, you cheating bastard!" Joohyun screamed.  "I hope you rot in hell!" She ripped free of Sehun's grasp, snatched up her purse and fled into the night.


After discovering Sehun's betrayal, Joohyun wandered the city streets aimlessly not caring where her feet took her. "I'm disappointed with myself. Can't believe I trusted that bastard. I knew it didn't feel right with him."


"But why did breaking up with Sehun bring a strange, relief?" Joohyun pondered.


Joohun stepped inside a cozy bar tucked away in a quiet alley. As she stepped inside, the mellow sounds of jazz music enveloped her frayed nerves.It was there that Seungwan and his jazz band played regular gigs. But she barely register the sound of the music distracted by her complex emotions.


Sitting at the bar counter,Joohyun ordered the hardest drink available. She welcomed the burning numbness sliding down , as few months of wasting away in a lie, freedom should feel glorious. Shot after shot was swallowed in quick succession.


Joohyun signaled for another drink, realizing too late the dangers of self-medicating without understanding her own heart first. Liquid courage had become liquid oblivion as the bar swirled dizzyingly. 


Across the room tending to his instrument, Seungwan's attentive gaze fell upon Joohyun with dread - and she was far nursing her sixth shots of vodka.


Her beautiful eyes were dimmed by sadness. Seungwan ached to hold her, yet remained dutifully on stage. When the set ended and Joohyun showed no signs of stopping, concern gripped him tightly.

Finishing the set as hastily as possible, Seungwan rushed to Joohyun's side. By then her speech had dissolved into incoherent slurring and she could barely sit upright on the stool. 


Through hazy vision she spotted a familiar silhouette. "Seungwan...?" Her lips struggled to form the name.


He rushed over in concern. "Joohyun, what's wrong? How much have you had?" Gently but firmly, Seungwan guided her unsteady form from the stool.


"No..more, please...I wan' stay," Joohyun slurred, feet tangling as she stumbled. Seungwan swept her into his arms bridal style, nodding apologies to the bartender.


Joohyun gazed sadly at Seungwan's worried expression. "Weird.. didn't...feel that sad...for break up.. You mus' think I'm weird." 


He brushed hair from her damp forehead tenderly. "Of course not. Breakups are hard, it's normal to feel lost."


She laughed mirthlessly. "But I don' feel anythin'! Tha's why I'm drinkin'. Shouldn' I be cryin' over dat jerk?"


Seungwan regarded her with empathy but no pity. "Or maybe you've already grieved the relationship secretly for a while. And now it's a relief to finally let go."


Joohyun wasn't ready to stop herself from drinking just yet. "can't b'lieve..dated a cheating scumbag.".


"Joohyun-ah, let me take you home. You've had enough sad drinking for one night." But she shoved him away petulantly.


"Leave me 'lone...." Her words were slurred nearly beyond recognition. Seungwan sighed.


"As your friend, I can't leave you like this. Please let me help." His tone was soft yet insistent. After several moments, Joohyun's stubborn resolves crumbled under his compassion.


Weakly she allowed Seungwan to haul her to her feet. But standing proved too difficult a task. Without hesitation, Seungwan swept Joohyun into his strong arms, cradling her protectively against his chest.


His gentle embrace brought comfort even through her drunken haze. Joohyun snuggled closer against him with a small sigh, unaware of Seungwan's heart swelling at the gesture.


Slowly, Seungwan piggybacked the sleeping Joohyun all the way to her dorm. As he approached the building, he was surprised to see some of Joohyun's friends waiting outside looking worried.


One of the girls, Sooyoung, gasped when she spotted Seungwan carrying Joohyun. "What did you do to her?!" she demanded angrily, rushing over with the others.


Seungwan sighed, exhausted but patient. "She had too much to drink. I'm just bringing her home safely."


But Sooyoung was suspicious. "I remember you - you're the guy who knocked her over that day!"


Seungwan frowned, confused. Then realization dawned - they thought he had pushed Joohyun, not saved her. No wonder they disliked him so much.


Before things could escalate, Joohyun stirred awake groggily. "Wan..?" she mumbled, noticing the tension.


Her friends immediately crowded around in concern. "Joohyun unnie, are you okay? Did he hurt you?" asked Sooyoung.


Joohyun shook her head slowly, glancing between Seungwan and the girls in confusion. Then the memories from that first day resurfaced.


"No...he helped me. That ball almost hit and Seungwan caught me," she slurred softly.


Her words hung heavily in the chilly air. Seungwan and the others exchanged ashamed looks, finally understanding.


Seungwan smiled kindly. "It's in the past. Right now Joohyun needs rest. Can you help get her inside?"


The girls sprang into action, opening the dorm door and guiding Seungwan inside. They laid Joohyun gently on her bed, finally getting to properly thank Seungwan for his selfless care that night.


As he turned to leave, Sooyoung caught his arm apologetically. "We misjudged you. Joohyun unnie is lucky to have a friend like you."


Seungwan only bid them goodnight, refusing any praise for his basic human decency. But internally, he was glad the misunderstanding was cleared - one less barrier between himself and Joohyun's heart.


Joohyun awoke with a splitting headache, memories of the previous night slowly filtering back in fragments. She recalled her conversation with Seungwan, and his gentle care in seeing her home safely.


Though embarrassed, a warm glow blossomed in her chest at the thought of his compassion. Joohyun resolved to properly thank him.


That evening, she gathered her courage and went to the bar where Seungwan was getting ready for his part time working.


"Joohyun-ah, how are you feeling?" Seungwan asked softly. His eyes shone with sincere concern.


"Much better, thanks to you," she replied shyly. "I wanted to apologize for last night...and express how grateful I am for your kindness."


Seungwan waved off her apologies. "You have nothing to be sorry for. I'm just glad I could offer some comfort in your time of need."

In the following weeks, Seungwan and Joohyun had been spending time more together. They also often started to study together, though Seungwan felt nervous around her.


However, lately Joohyun couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched when she walked to her class. She kept glancing over her shoulder but never saw anyone. Chalking it up to tired paranoia, Joohyun hurried her pace and tugged her jacket tighter around herself for security. 


Her heart raced as Joohyun went for classes almost everyday, constantly looking behind her now. 


Over the next few weeks, more strange incidents occurred. Joohyun would find flowers or notes left on her doorstep, see the nondescript dark figure in the distance when walking alone, and even heard footsteps following her a few times.


The constant feeling of being watched and stalked scared her. But what terrified Joohyun most were the increasingly angry and threatening messages left on her phone from an his ex. She deleted them without reading, not wanting to indulge him further. Realisation struck, it was her ex that had been stalking her.


Her friends hadn't noticed anything wrong when Joohyun brought it up casually. Not wanting to worry them, she played it off as just an overactive imagination. Alone with her fear, Joohyun started jumping at every small noise and hardly went anywhere without looking over her shoulder.


It was taking a toll on her schoolwork and social life. She just wanted whoever was terrorizing her to leave her alone, but calling the police felt too risky if it turned out to be an empty threat. Joohyun decided suffering in silence was safer for now.


That night at the library, Joohyun was having trouble concentrating through her anxiety. The shadows cast by the dim study carrels seemed sinister rather than cozy. When she packed up to leave, Joohyun debated waiting until more people surrounded her for safety in numbers.


Just then a friendly voice asked, "Leaving already? Want some company walking back?" She turned to find Seungwan smiling warmly at her. He had noticed her growing distraction and offered to keep her company without prying for details.


"Are you okay?" Seungwan asked with concern. "You seem really jumpy tonight."


"Oh, I'm fine!" Joohyun said quickly, forcing a smile. "Just tired I guess. Ready to get back and sleep."


In truth, she had noticed a hooded figure following her around campus over the past week. And her ex Sehun had been texting her incessantly trying to get back together, becoming angrily obsessive. But Joohyun didn't want to worry Seungwan with the details of her stalker ex. 


 Seungwan hesitated before saying gently "I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable in any way, but would you feel safer if I walked you back to your dorm? Just to ease my own mind." Might as well because he had a crush on her.


"It's no trouble, really. I'd never forgive myself if something happened to you alone in the dark," he said with gentle sincerity.


Despite the two dorm are at opposite ends of the university, Seungwan accompanied her tirelessly without complaint, keeping her spirits lifted with witty banter.



Over the next few weeks, Joohyun became increasingly anxious and paranoid, constantly feeling like she was being watched. She noticed the hooded figure more frequently, lurking near the library or her dorm.


Seungwan observed her jumpiness and paranoia growing. "Joohyun, I really think something is bothering you," he said worriedly after she practically shrieked at a bike rattling by on campus. "Please, you can tell me if something is wrong."


Not wanting to make a big deal of it, Joohyun just said she hadn't been sleeping well lately. Seungwan's brow remained furrowed with concern, but he didn't push her.



It was a chilly autumn evening as Joohyun was about to exit the library as usual. Seungwan's semester exam had run unusually late. Due to the unfortunate circumstances, Joohyun walked back alone, left her vulnerable.


Up ahead lurking in the shadows, Sehun seethed as he spotted her. Ever since Joohyun dumped him, the volatile man had stalked her movements repeatedly.


Tonight was the opportunity for retaliation Sehun had been craving. As their paths crossed at a dark street corner, he suddenly blocked Joohyun's way with a menacing sneer.


"Well look who it is, my little of an ex. Stop flirting with that guy! You're mine and always will be." Sehun's hot alcohol breath made her recoil.


“We broke up months ago, you have no claim over me!” she shouted.


Sehun’s expression twisted into a mask of rage. “You !”  He raised his hand and backhanded Joohyun with a vicious slap. 


She cried out, the force sending her crashing to the ground in shock and pain. Sehun towered over her menacing form, eyes glinting with unrestrained malice.


"Now you're gonna pay, ." His hand gripped tightly as Joohyun clawed in panic. Joohyun clawed in panic at Sehun's vice grip around . Her lungs burned for air as fingers dug cruelly into flesh.


With the last of her strength, she swung her arm back and felt it connect solidly with Sehun's jaw. His grip loosened just enough for Joohyun to breath in a ragged gasp.


Through a haze, she saw Sehun draw back his fist to deliver another blow. But before the hit could land, a blur knocked him off his feet.


Seungwan knelt by Joohyun's side, gently cupping her bruised cheek. "Are you hurt anywhere else? Can you stand?" She nodded weakly, still trembling from the ordeal. Seungwan slid an arm around her waist securely.


"Stay behind me," he said in a low tone, rage simmering just below the surface. Joohyun gripped his shirt tightly as he rose steadily.


Sehun spat, barely conscious but defiant as ever. "This is have no right interfering!"


Seungwan's eyes narrowed into icy slits. All restraint evaporated in his need to neutralize the threat once and for all. "Back off Sehun, the lady wants nothing to do with you anymore. She told you it's over, yet you couldn't accept it," Seungwan said in a deadly calm. "Now you'll pay the price."


Before Sehun could react, Seungwan's fist connected with his jaw in a swift, brutal hook. Cartilage cracked sickeningly under the force. Seungwan's fists rained down mercilessly upon Sehun's bloody visage. "Listen closely because I'll only say this once."


"If you ever come near her again, I will end you." Seungwan snarled with unbridled fury.


Sehun sneered through swelling lips. "You think you're so tough? I'm not afraid of yo—"


He was cut off by Seungwan slamming him back against the wall in a chokehold. Sehun gasped raggedly, legs dangling helplessly above ground.


Leaning in so their noses almost touched, Seungwan spoke slowly and deliberately. "Touch her again and you will regret it. This will be the LAST mistake you ever make!"


With that he shoved Sehun away in disgust. The man fell into a wheezing heap, finally glimpsing the full force of the rage he'd awakened.


Without another word or look back, Seungwan returned to hold Joohyun protectively as Sehun crawled away into the night, lessons thoroughly learned. Joohyun gasped, unaccustomed to such violence from her gentle friend. But seeing Sehun finally crumple, she felt only relief wash over frazzled nerves.


Seungwan features softening once more as he hugged Joohyun protectively. "It's over. You're safe now, I promise." She clung to his steady heartbeat, trauma fading under his soothing embrace. Joohyun knew without a doubt that she was safest by Seungwan's side.


Joohyun collapsed sobbing into Seungwan's waiting arms, overwhelmed by emotions. He gently rocked her until ragged sobs subsided to hiccups.


"It's all right, I've got you," Seungwan promised in a whisper, pressing a tender kiss to her hair.


As adrenaline faded, Joohyun realized with a start that Seungwan's shirt was damp with her tears. She tried to pull away in embarrassment, but he held her gaze with kind eyes.


Seungwan draped his jacket tenderly around Joohyun's trembling form. “Let’s get you to the hospital,” Seungwan said, escorting Joohyun gently but quickly out of the alley. She protested weakly that it was nothing and she’d be fine, but Seungwan insisted on checking for injuries properly.


At the emergency room, Seungwan waited anxiously as Joohyun received scans and tests. The doctor examined her carefully, paying close attention to her neck and facial swelling.


“Luckily nothing is broken but you’ll have severe bruising. Try to avoid strenuous activity and have a good rest,” he advised. Joohyun nodded gratefully.



Finally Joohyun found her voice again, small and fearful, as Seungwan drove her back.  "Thank you...for everything."


"I thought Sehun was a good guy. At first he appeared so charming, showering me with affection. But it didn't take long for his true colour to emerge..." she trailed off.


"It's been getting worse...Sehun stalking me, I mean. He shows up everywhere..." Hot tears spilled anew as the trauma fully set in.


Seungwan rubbed her back soothingly. "You don't have to say more if you don't want to... Joohyun-ah." Seungwan listened without judgment, rubbing her back soothingly. 


A dam seemed to break inside Joohyun then. She confessed in a rush how Sehun had begun stalking her classes, spamming her phone day and night with abusive texts.


"I tried getting help but no one took it seriously!" Joohyun cried angrily. "If you hadn't come tonight..." Her voice broke off, unable to finish.


Seungwan gathered her tightly into his lap. "Shh, it's okay now. I promise I won't let any harm come to you again."


"We should report this assault properly," he insisted. She hesitantly agreed, hoping justice would prevail.


The next morning,At the police station, the officers took their statements with disinterest. When they learned Sehun's last name - a powerful chaebol family - their attitudes changed. "Are you sure it's not just a lovers' quarrel? These things tend to blow over," one shrugged.


Seungwan demanded taking action to protect Joohyun. "She told him it's over, yet he refuses to accept it. How many more chances do you plan to give this psycho?"


Word must have reached the university dean as well. When Seungwan took Joohyun's situation to him, a stern reply followed.


"Sehun comes from an influential family. Making accusations could damage the school's reputation. I suggest handling this privately between the parties."


Seungwan slammed his fists down in frustration. Joohyun could only watch helplessly as all official avenues hit brick walls. Sehun was untouchable due to family connections.


When official complaints fell on deaf ears, Seungwan and Joohyun realized they had to take more extreme measures. Seungwan knew he had to take a more legalistic approach as a law student himself.


Seungwan did some digging and uncovered public records of Sehun's numerous past assaults and arrests that were suspiciously expunged. With this new evidence, he paid a visit to Sehun's wealthy parents.


In a tense meeting, Seungwan laid it all out - Sehun's escalating stalking, attempted strangulation, and history of violence against women. Faced with undeniable proof of their son's monstrous actions, the parents were forced to take action.


The well-connected parents began to sweat - Seungwan hinted at pursuing the case through legal advocacy groups if they didn't voluntarily cooperate.


A few days later, Seungwan received a call from the dean's office. Sehun's parents were pulling strings to sweep this under the rug, as usual. But not this time - they informed Seungwan that Sehun had been sent overseas for an indefinite "study abroad" program, effectively exiling him.


When Seungwan broke the news to Joohyun, she collapsed into his arms in relief. "It's finally over. I'm free from that monster forever." 


Six months had passed since that fateful night Seungwan chased the darkness from Joohyun's life for good. In the time since, an unbreakable bond grew between them.


Where once there was only trauma and fear, now laughter and joy flowed as they explored the city on weekends. Over dinners and late-night study sessions, deep conversations cemented their friendship.


To any outside observer, it was clear Seungwan doted on Joohyun with tender affection. Yet he remained with her without pressure or expectation, just unconditional support.


Joohyun flourished under his gentle care, scars of the past slowly fading. Though grateful, she remained clueless to Seungwan's true feelings carefully tamped down each day.


One afternoon, the sun was warm as Seungwan and Joohyun studied under the blooming cherry trees. A peaceful silence had fallen, each absorbed in their work, but Seungwan's mind wandered elsewhere. 

He gazed at Joohyun's radiant profile, wondering what it would be like to hold her hand casually among these petals or steal a kiss in shadowed alcoves. But daring not risk their bond pursuing his heart alone.


Clearing his throat subtly, Seungwan asked, "Have you thought more about dating again soon?" Joohyun glanced up, eyes unreadable.  


"Why do you ask?" Her tone held no accusation, only soft curiosity. Seungwan scrambled for an excuse.


"Just curious. If you feel ready to put yourself out there once more when you're comfortable," he said carefully.


Joohyun considered this with same calm empathy warming Seungwan since they met. "I'm in a much better place now thanks to you. But, I'm still not ready to open myself fully."


Seungwan felt his heart sank yet bloomed with affection, he nodded understandingly. "You went through trauma. Healing takes time."


Relief swept over her as always at his calm reassurance. But Joohyun missed the glint of sadness that passed through his smile.






Thanks for reading !!! and also for the comments <3

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Favebolous 13 streak #1
Chapter 7: More
Favebolous 13 streak #2
Chapter 2: Cutee
Chapter 8: I'm happy reading Irene who is jealous haha
Chapter 8: Not me thinking that Rosé saw them k-i-s-s-i-n-g. Joohyun seeing them kissing is so kdrama scene and i love it! Ijbol joohyun. I would be Hella embarrassed if i ever meet meet my sister in law. Love how supportive her sister is to him.
Chapter 2: I'm crying 😭 this is too soft oh god i love domestic wenrene so much
1699 streak #6
Chapter 8: I love this au so much~
Bltrx82 #7
Chapter 7: Can't wait for next chapter. Fighting author-nim
Chapter 4: Honestly, I really like stories with family themes like this. always feel warm when reading it and smile when imagining it 🥰
Chapter 7: ♨♨♨
Let's 🏃😤