

Seunghyun played with his toy cars in the living room while his parents relaxed on the couch.

Suddenly, the 4-year-old looked up with curiosity sparkling in his eyes. "Mommy, Daddy, can you tell me how you two met? Were you always together?"


"No we weren't, sweetheart. It's actually a pretty funny story." Seungwan replied.


Joohyun and Seungwan smiled fondly at each other. "I think he's old enough to hear the story now," Joohyun said.


Seungwan patted his lap. "Come here son, let's take you back to when Mommy and Daddy were young."

Seunghyun climbed eagerly onto his father's knee. Joohyun began the tale as Seungwan wrapped an arm around them both.

"It all started many years ago, your Daddy and I were university students..."


Flashback sequence begins


Seoul National University, 10 years ago. The campus was bustling with new and returning students at the start of the semester. Among them was Son Seungwan, a new talented young law student who supplemented his studies by playing guitar in the campus jazz band.


That afternoon, the band was setting up for an outdoor concert. As Seungwan tuned his instrument, he noticed a petite girl across the lawn, surrounded by giggling friends. Even from a distance, her kind eyes and radiant smile stood out.


"Who's that?" he asked his bandmate Seulgi. But before Seulgi could reply, the girl's name was called - Bae Joohyun by her friends. She waved goodbye and set off across the lawn.


Just then, from behind Joohyun appeared a stray soccer ball, flying directly towards her unsuspecting form. Seungwan's heart leapt into his throat - she was mere steps away from a painful collision.


Without thinking, Seungwan dropped his guitar and sprinted. "Look out!" he yelled, grabbing Joohyun firmly around the waist and twisting them both out of harm's way. They tumbled safely to the grass in a tangle of limbs.


For a moment Seungwan was lost, gazing into Joohyun's wide doe eyes from mere inches away. But then her gaggle of friends descended, shrieking and pulling her protectively to her feet.


"Are you okay? That guy nearly killed you!" one of her friend shrieked, shooting Seungwan a nasty look.

Before Seungwan could respond, Seulgi was hauling him back towards the stage, gushing praises for the save.


Joohyun brushed herself off, cheeks pink. But she couldn't help glancing back at the mysterious stranger as her friends dragged her off, already gossiping about his audacity.

Little did they know, Seungwan was experiencing whirlwind of emotions - attraction, regret, and longing to properly introduce himself. But for now their chance encounter was left unfinished, like a song abruptly ending before the .


Few months passed as their schedules kept them apart. Joohyun immersed herself in her business classes, dreaming of starting her own store one day. Seungwan couldn't get Joohyun out of his mind. He went back to the spot where they collided, hoping to run into her again. But she was nowhere to be found.


Seungwan kept an eye out for her beautiful face on campus. He asked around her classes, but none of her friends seemed to know him well enough to help. His pursuits remained fruitless.


One autumn evening, Joohyun was strolling through a festival on campus when the sound of a soulful guitar drifted her way. Drawn like a moth to a flame, she wandered towards the stage and her breath caught.


There, the stranger from weeks ago, coaxing such bittersweet lyrics from his strings that Joohyun felt them stir her heart. When Seungwan glanced up and their eyes met across the crowd, something profound passed between them.


As the song ended to raucous applause, she tried to push through the throng towards him. But then a familiar arm s around her waist - Sehun had arrived, pulling her possessively away. "What are you doing over here alone?" he scolded, leaving Joohyun no choice but to reluctant once more.


That time, Seungwan spotted Joohyun from afar, walking hand in hand with a handsome senior named Oh Sehun, heir to a huge corporation. His smile didn't quite reach his eyes. When they kissed goodbye, Seungwan's heart sank - she was taken.


Still, he didn't want to give up hope of to know her as friends. The next time Seungwan's band had a show, he subtly checked if Joohyun was in the crowd. Sure enough, her radiant smile was there as always.


The next day, Seulgi happened to run into Joohyun and Sehun on campus. After bonding over music interests, Seulgi casually dropped Seungwan's name. "We're having a jam session tonight, you should come listen!"


To Seulgi's delight, Joohyun's interest was piqued. That evening found her greeting Seungwan properly for the first time over bottles of soju, as their friends looked on in approval around the glow of a crackling fire.


Seungwan introduced himself properly. "We met a while back but never got to talk. I'm Seungwan."


Joohyun blushed, remembering. "I'm Joohyun. You play beautifully."


Seungwan beamed. At least she seemed open to friendship, despite dating another.


From then on, Seungwan frequented spots where he might run into Joohyun - the garden, library, her building department. Each chance meeting deepened their bond beyond mere acquaintances.


Joohyun found comfort in Seungwan's warmth and humor. While Sehun was serious and driven, Seungwan brought lightness to her days. Still, she remained faithful, unaware of Seungwan's budding feelings.


Their pure, journey towards blossoming romance began in as they started off as friends. The spark between Seungwan and Joohyun was impossible to deny or suppress. But true love always finds a way, even in the face of obstacles. The rest, as they say, was history...


End flashback


"Wow Daddy saved Mommy like a superhero!" Seunghyun exclaimed in awe. "I'm glad you two finally got together."


Seungwan kissed Joohyun's cheek. "Me too. It was fate that brought your Mommy and I together."


"It took me some time, but eventually I realized we were meant to be together. And now here we are with you!" Joohyun smiled.


Seungwan squeezed his her hand lovingly. "The start of our beautiful story."


After putting Seunghyun to bed that night, Joohyun and Seungwan sat together on the couch, basking in nostalgia from retelling their youthful romance.


Joohyun sighed contentedly. "I still can't believe how fate brought us together all those years ago."


Seungwan took her hands in his, gazing at her tenderly. "There's something I never told you from back then, my love."


Sensing his serious tone, Joohyun looked at him questioningly. Seungwan continued, "The truth is, from the moment I caught you that first day...I was captivated."


Joohyun's breath caught in . Seungwan caressed her cheek gently as he confessed, "You were the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. I watched you from afar, longing to know you better each day."


Seungwan stared lovingly into Joohyun's eyes. "And you have no idea was just how much I searched for you after that first meeting."


Joohyun looked at him curiously. "Searched for me? But we weren't in any classes together."


Seungwan nodded. "I know. But I asked around until I found out you were a business major, a senior. After that, I made excuses to walk by your department buildings, hoping to catch a glimpse of you. But I never see you."


"Really?" Joohyun asked in surprise.


"Yes," Seungwan smiled shyly. "I must have looked like a fool, lurking around and pretending to tie my shoe or chat with friends. But I just had to find you again, no matter what."


Joohyun felt her heart swell at his confession. "Aw, Wan-ah. That's so sweet of you."

"It was months of that when I finally spotted you one day," Seungwan continued. "You were under a tree, watching me playing guitar with my band and our eyes locked. You looked like an angel."


"But you were always surrounded by friends, or with your boyfriend. I didn't want to disrespect your relationship," he said ruefully. "So I kept my feelings hidden, hoping fate would bring us together somehow."


Joohyun's mind reeled, remembering fleeting glimpses of Seungwan in those early days that now took on deeper meaning. Her heart squeezed impossibly fuller with love for this man.


Seungwan cupped her face tenderly. "Finding you again was all worth it. All these years later and my love for you has only magnified a thousandfold. You stole my heart at first sight, Joohyun-ah."


Tears flowed freely down Joohyun's cheeks. "I had no idea you were searching for me...if only I noticed my feelings sooner," she sniffed.


Seungwan brushed a gentle hand against her cheek. "I didn't want to scare you off. But I was mesmerized from the start, Joohyun-ah."


She leaned into his caress, heart full. "Then, all those little 'coincidences' we kept running into - when we were friends, they were you seeking me out, weren't they?"


He nodded shyly. "I just wanted to be near you, even for a moment. Your smile made all the effort worthwhile."


Joohyun gazed deeply into his caring eyes. "To think, this whole time I thought you a casual friend. When really..."


She trailed off, awash in new understanding. Seungwan had secretly nurtured deep affection long before she was aware.


Joohyun smiled as a memory came to her. "Now that I think about it, there was one time I remember seeing you acting strangely when we were friends..."

Seungwan raised his eyebrows curiously. "Oh? What moment is that?"


"It was near the end of my second year," Joohyun recalled. "I was leaving the library late one night when I spotted you across the courtyard."


Seungwan chuckled self-deprecatingly. "I'm assuming I didn't look very smooth?"


Joohyun giggled. "Not at all. You were standing under a tree, poking through your backpack like you'd lost something important. But then you just stood there, not moving an inch when your friend called you."


She gave him a playful nudge. Seungwan rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.


Seungwan sighed. "I'm just too nervous seeing you. I probably tried to gather my courage to talk to you. "


Joohyun laughed. "It was very clear now! But I had no idea your focus was on me at the time."


He grinned fondly at the memory. "I just couldn't help. You take my breath away in that moonlight."


"As I was walking out, I saw you try to approach me. You seemed nervous about something," Joohyun recalled fondly.


Seungwan chuckled embarrassedly. "I'm sure I made a total fool of myself."


"You offered to walk me back to my dorm, even though yours was all the way across campus," Joohyun continued.


Seungwan nodded sheepishly. "I just wanted an excuse to spend more time with you."


Joohyun took his hand. "It was so sweet of you to insist, just to ease my walk home alone in the dark."


Joohyun recalled another vivid detail from that late night stroll years ago.

"I also remember you trying so hard to make conversation, but you were stuttering," she said with a gentle smile.

Seungwan squeaked. "Ugh, I'm sure I said something awkward or embarrassing."


"It was honestly quite endearing," Joohyun assured him. "You asked about my studies, what books I'd been reading..."


"Then there was a long, awkward silence." Seungwan cringed, covering his eyes. "I'm sure I panicked, blurting out the first thing that came to mind."


Joohyun nodded amusedly. "You suddenly said 'The stars sure are bright tonight, huh?' Very smooth."


They both laughed at his long-ago flustered self. Joohyun leaned her head against his shoulder as they recalled every sweet detail.

"I will always be grateful for your company immensely. It had been a tough semester because of that guy...," she confessed softly. Darker memories from her troubled time with Sehun crept in.


Seungwan concerned, taking her in his embrace. "'re okay now. We're safe."


"You know how he was after the breakup, refusing to accept it was over," she said solemnly. "That cheating bastard began stalking and harassing me."


Seungwan held her close as he saw raw fear in her eyes and pulled her tighter. 


She burrowed into his touch, drawing strength. "I was really terrified. His behavior escalated so quickly..."


"That night, when Sehun confronted me. You came stood boldly between me and him. And you warned him, Touch her and you'll regret it."


"After what had happened, you escorted me back to the dorm every time I stayed up late. Thank you, Seungwan-ah, for always being next to me even though at that time, we were just friends."


Seungwan smiled warmly. "I cared about you and your safety. That was most important. Seeing you happy and free from fear was all the thanks I needed. Now, since that guy is behind bars forever, we can ease our worry."


"Still, I want to properly express my gratitude, for everything you've done. Especially what you've been through," Joohyun brushed a scar on his lower abdomen.


Seungwan leaned to her touch. "You had me from the moment our eyes first met. I would do it all again in a heartbeat. And now you and our son safety and happiness will always been my priority."


Seungwan wrapped an arm around her, pressing a kiss to her hair. 


"I'm sorry it took me so long to see what was right before me," Joohyun murmured regretfully.


Against her lips, Seungwan whispered. "You have nothing to apologize for. I'm just grateful our story had a happy ending with our little boy."



Overcome, Joohyun threw her arms around Seungwan's neck. Their passionate kiss conveyed years of repressed feelings, both relieved and reinforced in their eternal bond.


Joohyun smiled through happy tears. "You gave me the best gift - a family and a love to last lifetimes. I love you so much, my Wan."


Seungwan wiped her tears away gently, "And I, loves you more Bae Joohyun. My soulmate, now and forever."








Had my examinations for the past 2 weeks. Thus i went awol ㅋㅋ im gonna continue writing day after tomorrow when the exam ends.



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Favebolous 13 streak #1
Chapter 7: More
Favebolous 13 streak #2
Chapter 2: Cutee
Chapter 8: I'm happy reading Irene who is jealous haha
Chapter 8: Not me thinking that Rosé saw them k-i-s-s-i-n-g. Joohyun seeing them kissing is so kdrama scene and i love it! Ijbol joohyun. I would be Hella embarrassed if i ever meet meet my sister in law. Love how supportive her sister is to him.
Chapter 2: I'm crying 😭 this is too soft oh god i love domestic wenrene so much
1699 streak #6
Chapter 8: I love this au so much~
Bltrx82 #7
Chapter 7: Can't wait for next chapter. Fighting author-nim
Chapter 4: Honestly, I really like stories with family themes like this. always feel warm when reading it and smile when imagining it 🥰
Chapter 7: ♨♨♨
Let's 🏃😤