

It was a sunny Sunday morning and the Son family decided to take a walk at the park.


Seunghyun excitedly walked between Seungwan and Joohyun, holding both of their hand.


As usual, Seunghyun couldn't stop his chatty self. He spoke well for his age, despite his r's and w's get mixed up a lot of time.


"Daddy, daddy!" said Seunghyun, tugging on Seungwan's arm. "Look, an ice cream twuck!" He pointed to the colorful truck parked up ahead.


Seungwan smiled. "Do you want some ice cream buddy?"


"Yes please!" said Seunghyun eagerly.


They walked over to the truck. Seungwan bought Seunghyun a vanilla ice cream cone along with Joohyun. Seunghyun happily his treat as they continued their stroll.


As they passed by a playground filled with laughing children, Seunghyun noticed a pregnant woman sitting on a bench nearby. Her round belly was obvious even under her loose fitting shirt.


"Daddy, how did the baby get in the lady's tummy?" Seunghyun asked innocently, tilting his head up to look at them with curious eyes.


Seungwan and Joohyun exchanged an amused glance. "Well son, when a mommy and daddy love each other very much, they decide they want to have a baby," Seungwan began.


Joohyun smiled down at his son reassuringly. "It's a special gift that God gives to married couples. He blesses them with a baby to love and take care of."


But Seunghyun was not so easily satisfied. "But how does the baby get from God into Mommy's tummy?" he pressed, his little brow furrowed in thought.


Joohyun bit her lip, turning even redder by the second. She hadn't expected to have this particular conversation so soon. Seungwan chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his neck. "Um, you see...when a mommy and daddy show their love for each other, God uses that love the mommy's body get ready. He puts a tiny baby seed inside mommy from daddy so it can grow big and strong until it's time to meet the parents."


Seunghyun thought about this for a moment before asking his next question. "But how does the seed get inside? Does Mommy eat it?"


Joohyun covered her face with her hands, too embarrassed to respond. Seungwan shot her an apologetic look before turning back to their son. "No, son, Mommy don't eat the...seed. it there in a very special way when Mommy and Daddy hug each other tightly in a special way."


"Oooh," Seunghyun replied, seeming to accept this vague answer for now. But Joohyun knew her clever little boy would surely have more inquiries later. She glanced up at Seungwan helplessly, wondering how on earth they were going to have an honest, age-appropriate discussion about human reproduction with their four-year-old. Seungwan simply grinned and shrugged, at a loss as well.


Seunghyun processed this new information slowly. "So you and daddy hugged in a special way and that's how I got in your tummy?"


Joohyun nodded, hoping she hadn't gone into too much detail for his young age. "Exactly. Are you understanding a little better now?"


"I think so," said Seunghyun thoughtfully.


Luckily they reached the duck pond, distracting Seunghyun from continuing his line of questioning. "Ducks! Look at all the duckies!"


Seunghyun ran over to the water's edge and watched in delight as the ducks swam by. Seungwan and Joohyun breathed a sigh of relief, grateful for the temporary change in subject.


They started walking back, Seunghyun holding both of his parents' hands as he mulled over everything he had learned. As they reached the edge of the park, he looked up at Seungwan.


"Daddy! I'm glad you and mommy hugged and God put the seed in her tummy to make me. I love being your son."


Seungwan smiled warmly down at Seunghyun. "I'm glad too. We both love being your daddy and mommy very much."


And with that, their family of three continued home, Seunghyun satisfied—for now—with his new found understanding of how babies are brought into the world through the love of a mommy and daddy.

As they finished dinner at home, Seunghyun was playing in the living room with Seungwan. Another question suddenly popped into his head.


"Daddy, how did you and mommy first know I was growing in her tummy?" Seunghyun asked eagerly.


Seungwan smiled, always impressed by his son's endless curiosity. "That's a good question buddy. Come, sit with me."


Seungwan lifted Seunghyun up and settled on his lap. Seunghyun looked at his father expectantly.


"Well, a while before you were born, your mom started feeling sick in the mornings. Her tummy was feeling different too," Seungwan began.


"What was diffewent?" Seunghyun interrupted.


"It was starting to get a little bigger and harder. That's a sign the baby is growing inside," Seungwan explained.


Seunghyun nodded seriously, fascinated by this new information. "Then what happened?"


"Your mom took a special test that can tell very early if a baby is in the belly. And sure enough, the test showed that a baby was on the way. So we knew it was you," Seungwan continued.


"Was mommy happy?" asked Seunghyun.


Seungwan smiled at the memory. "She was so happy. And I was very happy too, because we had always wanted to have you as our son. We had the special hugged and celebrated the good news."


Seunghyun grinned, liking the idea of his parents being joyful about him. "Then what? Did you throw me a party for being in mommy's tummy?"


Chuckling, Seungwan shook his head. "No, the baby was still too tiny for a party then. But we started getting the nursery ready and buying things for when you would arrive. Your mom's tummy kept growing each month as you grew bigger and stronger inside."


Seunghyun looked thoughtfully at his father's belly, then his own little one. "Could a baby gwow in my tummy?"


"No son, only women can have babies in their tummies. Men help make the baby but it grows inside the mommy," Seungwan explained patiently.


Nodding once more, Seunghyun seemed satisfied with that answer. But Seungwan could tell he was still thinking hard about something. "What else is on your mind?"


"I'm glad you and mommy wanted me in her tummy. I'm happy I got to be your son," Seunghyun said with a big smile. Just then, Joohyun overheard them while smiling to herself. 


Seungwan hugged him close. "And I'm so happy you're my son. You make me and your mother very proud every single day."


At this, Joohyun couldn't help but joined them at the living room.


"Mommy! when I was in your tummy, could I talk to you?"


Joohyun smiled indulgently. "No sweetie, babies can't talk when they're that little. You were too tiny inside me."


Seunghyun tilted his head, obviously not satisfied with that answer. "But how did you know what I wanted? Like when I was hungwy?"


"Mommy has a special connection to the baby inside them even though we couldn't talk out loud. I could feel when you moved more, telling me you were hungry or needed changed. And you would moved and kicked certain way when I talked to you, so I knew you could hear me." Joohyun smiled warmly at her son.


Seungwan added, "And your mom's tummy would grumble louder when you were hungry too. So she always knew just what her little man needed."


Seunghyun grinned at the mental image. "That's so cool! I'm glad we could talk without words."


Joohyun chuckled and ruffled his hair affectionately. "Me too, my boy. It was our own special language just for us."


Seunghyun beamed at the answer but had one more question. "But, could you feel me kicking weally hard, Mommy?"


"Yes, you used to kick so much! Especially later when you had less room. I would feel little feet or hands pushing against the inside of my belly. It tickled but also let me know you were happy and healthy in there," Joohyun explained, recalling the experience fondly.


Seungwan nodded in agreement. "Your mom's belly would wiggle all over when you were having a dance party inside!"


Seunghyun giggled, thoroughly enjoying learning about his time in Joohyun's womb. "I'm glad I didn't huwt you when I kicked, Mommy."


Joohyun leaned over to kiss his chubby cheek. "You were my little joy, you could never hurt me. I loved feeling you move around in there."


Satisfied for now, Seunghyun went back to playing, fascinated by this new insight into his time as a baby. His parents were pleased by how curious yet open-minded he was to learn more about where he came from and his earliest experiences, even if he didn't fully comprehend it all yet. 


That night, after Seunghyun's bath and bedtime story, Seungwan went to check on him one last time. He found his son fast asleep, cuddling his favorite teddy bear. Smiling to himself, Seungwan softly closed the bedroom door.


Seungwan went to his bedroom, where Joohyun was already tucked under the covers reading a book. She looked up as Seungwan climbed into bed beside her.


"Seunghyun finally down for the night?" Joohyun asked, slipping a bookmark between the pages and setting her book aside.


Seungwan set up the baby monitor on the bedside table. "Out like a light. Our little one must be tired after such an active day. I think today's questioning wore him out."


Joohyun chuckled and nodded in agreement. "He certainly had a lot on his mind after our talk in the park. I don't think I've ever seen anyone so intensely curious about where babies come from at that age."


"It's good that he wants to learn, but I wonder how much more he'll ask before he's satisfied?" Joohyun pondered aloud as she cuddled into Seungwan's waiting arm.


"There's no telling with that inquisitive mind of his. But we'll continue being honest within reason, right?" Seungwan asked, dropping a kiss to the top of her head.


"Of course. I'm proud he feels comfortable coming to us with anything. It's sweet how fascinated he is by his own origins too," she mused fondly.


Seungwan hummed in acknowledgement. "Remember how amazed we were the first time we saw his little face on the ultrasound? To think that tiny peanut is now our chatty four-year-old."


Joohyun smiled softly at the memory. "Watching him grow these past years has been the greatest joy. From the first kicks inside me to his first steps, it's all gone by so quickly yet been so precious."


Seungwan hugged her tighter as he gently traced patterns on Joohyun's back with his fingers. "You did so well bringing him into this world, my love. I'll always be grateful for the family we've created."


She snuggled deeper into his embrace. "As will I. You give me strength and fill my every day with happiness, both of you. I look forward to many more years creating lovely memories together."


She leaned in for a soft kiss, which Seungwan happily returned. As they parted, he brushed some hair from Joohyun's face tenderly.


"There's no one else I'd rather build a family with. I love you," Seungwan said warmly.


"I love you too. Now and forever," Joohyun replied, giving Seungwan a peck on his lips.


"Remember when Seunghyun was so curious about that 'special hug'?" Seungwan chuckled, suddenly tickling Joohyun's side.


Joohyun giggled, squirming away from his fingers. "How could I forget, you were such a flustered mess trying to explain it!"


Seungwan continued to attack her sides with tickles. "You're one to talk, your face is red as I am."


"Yah! You're enjoying this too much," Joohyun teased, poking his stomach in return.


Seungwan caught her hand, intertwining their fingers. "Well I seem to recall someone was quite the eager participant when I explained about the special hugs too."


Joohyun flushed, meeting his gaze shyly. “Maaaaybe. But can you blame me for wanting my handsome husband?”


Seungwan smiled tenderly, brushing her hair back softly. “Certainly not. I’m always honored to be yours.”


Leaning in, their lips met in a sweet kiss that quickly became more passionate. As they parted breathlessly, Seungwan nuzzled his nose to hers.


“Well...since we're reminiscing. Fancy a special hug of our own?” Seungwan asked suggestively. 


Joohyun bit her lips coquettishly, “Thought you’d never ask.”


Feeling warmth pool low in her belly, Joohyun deepened their kiss eagerly. Seungwan responded in kind, caressing her sides languidly.


After a while, Seungwan gently nudged Joohyun onto her back, positioning himself above her without breaking the kiss.


When they broke for air, Joohyun gasped, "Wait...lock the bedroom door."


Arousal sparked in Seungwan's eyes. "Eager for that hug are we?"


Joohyun nodded, cheeks flushed. "I want you all to myself. No interruptions."


Seungwan stole one more searing kiss before standing up. He crossed the room and turned the lock with an audible click.


When he returned to the bed, Joohyun lay waiting, legs parted invitingly. "Now where were we?"


With a playful growl, Seungwan descended upon his  wife, rediscovering her body between passion-filled embraces late into night.


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Favebolous 13 streak #1
Chapter 7: More
Favebolous 13 streak #2
Chapter 2: Cutee
Chapter 8: I'm happy reading Irene who is jealous haha
Chapter 8: Not me thinking that Rosé saw them k-i-s-s-i-n-g. Joohyun seeing them kissing is so kdrama scene and i love it! Ijbol joohyun. I would be Hella embarrassed if i ever meet meet my sister in law. Love how supportive her sister is to him.
Chapter 2: I'm crying 😭 this is too soft oh god i love domestic wenrene so much
1699 streak #6
Chapter 8: I love this au so much~
Bltrx82 #7
Chapter 7: Can't wait for next chapter. Fighting author-nim
Chapter 4: Honestly, I really like stories with family themes like this. always feel warm when reading it and smile when imagining it 🥰
Chapter 7: ♨♨♨
Let's 🏃😤