Raining Questions


It was a rainy day in Seoul. Through the window, Seungwan watched raindrops smack against the glass and race each other down to the bottom of the frame. Dark clouds loomed overhead, blocking out the sun.


He turned away from the gloominess outside and focused on his son seated at the small table in their kitchen. Seungwan placed a bowl of porridge in front of his son Seunghyun. It was shaping up to be another cozy morning indoors.


Seunghyun was just over four years old now, still so small but growing up fast. Each day it seemed the little boy had more questions and his vocabulary expanded. Today was proving no different as Seunghyun munched on his toast and eyed his father expectantly.


“Daddy, why is the sky crying?” Seunghyun asked. His big brown eyes were filled with innocent curiosity.


Seungwan smiled gently at his son. “The sky isn’t actually crying, sweetheart. Those are raindrops falling from the clouds because it’s too warm in the sky for the water to stay up there. So it rains and cools everything down here on the ground.”


Seunghyun nodded slowly as he processed the information. Seungwan could see the cogs turning in his head as more questions formed. It never ceased to amaze him how inquisitive children were at this age. But he found these moments with his son to be precious, a time to nurture his naturalsense of wonder.


“Why is the water in the clouds?” came Seunghyun’s next question, right on cue.


Seungwan took a sip of his coffee as he considered the best way to explain it simply. “The sun warms up the oceans and seas which causes some of the water to evaporate up into the sky as a gas. The water clump together and form clouds. That’s where all the water is stored until it gets too heavy and falls back down as rain.”


Seunghyun seemed satisfied with that answer for now and went back to eating his toast. But a thoughtful look had come over his little face and Seungwan knew more questions were brewing in that clever mind of his.


Just then, light footsteps approached the kitchen and Seungwan glanced up to see his wife Joohyun entering with a soft smile. Her long black hair was tied into a messy bun and she wore a loose sweater and leggings, clearly dressed for a day at home. Joohyun came up behind Seunghyun’s chair and gently rested her hands on his small shoulders.


“What are my two favorite boys talking about this morning?” she asked gently.


Seunghyun turned his head up to beam at his mother. “Daddy was telling me why the sky is crying! He said the clouds are keeping the water from getting too warm.”


Joohyun glanced at Seungwan with amused affection. “Is that so? Well you’d better keep asking Daddy questions, I want to learn more too.” She pressed a kiss to the top of Seunghyun’s head before moving to the counter to fix herself a cup of tea.


Seungwan watched his wife with a soft smile, feeling blessed beyond words for the life and family they had created. He turned back to Seunghyun just as the boy opened his mouth to ask another question.


“Daddy, if the sun warms up the water, why doesn’t it get too warm in the oceans? Won't the fish get hot?”


An excellent point, Seungwan thought proudly. His son was learning to think beyond the surface level explanations. “That’s a smart question, Seunghyun. The oceans are actually very big, way bigger than you can imagine, and they hold so much water. So even though the sun warms parts of the surface, the whole ocean doesn’t get hot all at once. Also, the deeper you go in the water the colder it gets. So the fish live where it’s comfortable for them, either near the surface or farther down.”


Seunghyun nodded slowly as he digested this information. Joohyun listened with an affectionate smile from where she stood by the counter sipping her tea. Their son never ceased to surprise them with his thought-provoking questions.


“But what if a fish wants to swim up high where it’s warmer? How does it not get too hot?” Seunghyun pressed, proving once more that he wasn’t satisfied with a surface level reply.


Seungwan ran a hand through his hair as he considered the boy’s question. These types of inquiries showed a level of thought beyond Seunghyun’s years. He was clearly a curious and intelligent child. “That’s a wonderful point. You see, fish have developed ways to regulate their body temperature so it doesn’t overheat even in warmer water near the surface. Some have special cells full of blood vessels near their skin to help cool down. And they can also swim deeper if needed to stay comfortable.”


Seunghyun nodded slowly, seeming to accept this explanation for now as he mulled it over. His little mind was clearly working hard to comprehend these new concepts. Seungwan beamed with pride at his son’s curiosity and intellect.


Joohyun came over then to collect Seunghyun’s empty plate. “It seems my boys are having a very interesting conversation this morning,” she remarked with a smiling glance between them.


Joohyun's eyes were filled with admiration as she watched her son and husband bonding over these thought-provoking questions and answers.


"Your daddy is so smart. Make sure to listen carefully, my little scientist."


Seunghyun grinned up at his mom. “Daddy is telling me all about how the sky works and the oceans and the fish! Did you know the clouds keep the water from getting too hot?”


“I did not know that,” Joohyun replied warmly. “You’ll have to tell me more later, sweetheart. For now it’s time to get dressed - I think the rain has let up a bit so we can go to the park if you’d like.”


Seunghyun’s eyes lit up at the suggestion. “Yay, the park!” he cheered, sliding out of his chair. He scurried off to his bedroom to get dressed, chattering excitedly about the playground and swings.


Joohyun watched him go with a fond smile before turning back to Seungwan. Leaning down, she pressed a tender kiss to his lips. “Thank you for indulging our little scientist this morning. He’s growing up so fast - it warms my heart to see you nurturing his curiosity.”


Seungwan wrapped an arm around her waist, savoring the closeness with his wife. “These moments with him are some of the most precious. I learn as much from his questions as he does from my answers. We’re so lucky, Joohyun.”


She nodded, leaning her head on his shoulder. They stayed like that for a quiet moment, soaking in the happiness and love within their lives together as a family. But soon Seunghyun’s little voice could be heard calling for his parents in the other room. "Mommy, daddy, help me!"


“We’d better go help him get ready,” Joohyun remarked with amusement. They headed off hand in hand down the hall to where their son was pulling on his jacket, impatient to get to the park.


They found him struggling with the buttons, tiny hands slipping in frustration. Joohyun stepped in to assist quickly fastening them up. "There you go sweetie."


Seungwan grabbed the plastic boots sitting by the door. "Let's get these on so your feet stay dry too." He smiled as Seunghyun wriggled his toes impatiently.


 "What do you say we check that you have everything you need before we leave buddy?" Seungwan said before heading out.


Seunghyun led his dad to the door. "I have my shoes..." he pointed to his tiny boots. "And my jacket..." he patted the pockets of his jacket. Seungwan made sure everything was completed including his favourite bunny stuffed animals.


"Okay team, I think we're all set to go!" Seungwan said.


Seunghyun jumped up and down excitedly. "Yay, park time!"


Joohyun clicked off the lights and locked the front door behind them. "Everyone in the car then."


As they walked to the vehicle, Seungwan caught Seunghyun around the waist. "Not so fast little man!"


He blew a big, wet raspberry on Seunghyun's cheek, making the boy erupted into giggles.


"Daddy! No. It tickles!" Seunghyun shrieked with laughter.


Joohyun smiled at her boys. "You two are too much, get in already!"


Seungwan moved to open the passenger door for Joohyun. "After you my dear."


As Joohyun leaned in, Seungwan struck. He blew a loud raspberry on her neck, catching her by surprise.


"Yah! Seungwan!" She yelled, trying to feign annoyance but couldn't hide her grin.


Seungwan just chuckled. "Had to get you too honey."


He helped Seunghyun into his car seat while Joohyun shook her head, still smiling at her silly husband's antics.


Soon they were on the road, Seunghyun singing songs as the family enjoyed the ride to the park together. Laughter and love filled their car on the journey.


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Favebolous 13 streak #1
Chapter 7: More
Favebolous 13 streak #2
Chapter 2: Cutee
Chapter 8: I'm happy reading Irene who is jealous haha
Chapter 8: Not me thinking that Rosé saw them k-i-s-s-i-n-g. Joohyun seeing them kissing is so kdrama scene and i love it! Ijbol joohyun. I would be Hella embarrassed if i ever meet meet my sister in law. Love how supportive her sister is to him.
Chapter 2: I'm crying 😭 this is too soft oh god i love domestic wenrene so much
1699 streak #6
Chapter 8: I love this au so much~
Bltrx82 #7
Chapter 7: Can't wait for next chapter. Fighting author-nim
Chapter 4: Honestly, I really like stories with family themes like this. always feel warm when reading it and smile when imagining it 🥰
Chapter 7: ♨♨♨
Let's 🏃😤