Matched (Final)

Misana Clichés
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“Is there anything you’d like to say to Mina-shi?”


“Hmm.” Sana ponders for a bit her demeanour visibly changing, “There’s a lot I’d like to tell her.” Sana says, her eyes starting to water, “Ahhhh.” She whines, looking up trying to stop her tears from falling, “To Myoui Mina-San.” Sana finally looks at the camera again with a soft smile, “Thank you for being the best partner I could ever ask for. You care a lot through actions and although we seem to have completely different styles, we seem to match perfectly well.” Sana chuckles lightly, “Through this, you’ve somehow become an important presence in my life. We’ve made a lot of memories together and even though our time here is over, I hope that you’ll cherish this memory as much as I will. Mitan~ Mitan~ arigato.” Sana smiles widely, waving her hands as her eyes brim with unshed tears.




“Is there anything you’d like to say to Sana-shi?” It was now Mina’s turn to do a solo interview, hers was conducted after their final goodbye.


“To my precious friend Sana.” Mina smiles shyly at the camera, “We’ve known each other for a long time already, but somehow through this, I saw sides of you that I didn’t know before. But I also saw the Sana I laughed and cried with. My best friend who I lost for a bit there. Ahhh..” Mina laughs softly, blinking her eyes to stop her tears, “You had asked me if I would have changed anything in the past and at the time my words may seem flowery, but I want you to know that I meant it. If given the chance, I would not have changed anything, because any decision that led me to you will always be the right choice. You’ve become such a constant in my life again and for that, thank you.” The girl bows, “Always know that I’m here for you.” She smiles.


The video ends with a montage of the two that was unaired as well as photos taken by the production team.


-not the production team releasing unreleased footage a week later.


-I was wondering what happened to the individual interviews.


-All the couples crying during these interviews got me.


-Our precious misana..let’s be friends for a long time.




-My heart..I can’t.


-Guys they called each other a constant in their lives…I–...what if I want them to be endgame fr?


~ ~ ~


“Satang.” Mina pokes Sana’s cheek, pulling the girl from her own thoughts, “You were kinda in your own world just now, you good?” Mina asks, with a slight frown.


“Hmm I’m fine.” Sana nods, leaning her chin on her hands as she watches Mina cook, “If you're bored here, go join the others out there.” Mina motions towards the living room where the 7 other girls were playing uno. It was a rare day for all their schedules to be clear so Jihyo took it upon herself to try and gather everyone together at their new dorm. However, Momo knows the girl has a hidden agenda.


“I’m perfectly fine right here Mitang.” Sana offers a small smile and Mina sighs, “You know, I can tell something’s been bothering you lately, mind telling me what that is?”


“It’s just weird..” Sana pouts, “Not having a dedicated day or two with my favourite person.”


“But you live with Momo.” Mina replies, knowing where she stood in Sana’s life as her friend. Yes, the two are best friends..but you can have more than one best friend and Mina understands that. She knows how much Sana relies on Momo and vice versa.


“Sometimes Mitan you…” Sana begins with a sigh, only to be interrupted by a rowdy Nayeon followed by Momo, who was holding something behind her back.


“Mina help.” Nayeon hugs Mina from behind, turning the girl and using her as a shield against Momo.


“What happened?” Mina asks, patting Nayeon’s hand that’s wrapped around her stomach to loosen the hold because the older girl was quite literally crushing her stomach with how tightly she was holding Mina.


“She’s just scared of this.” Momo pulls out the rubber snake from behind which causes Nayeon to jump onto Mina’s back, “AHHHHH I HATE THAT! MINAAAA!” She yells eyes closed, while the others, minus Tzuyu who was too busy playing with Boo and Dobby, take a video of the hilarious moment.


“Momo.” Sana’s icy tone wasn’t missed by the girl.


“Okay okay. I’ll put it away unnie.” Momo gives Sana an apologetic look before disappearing into her room.


“It’s safe.” Mina says softly and Nayeon peeks out of one eye cautiously.


“I..” Nayeon smiles, clearly embarrassed.


“You know I’ll never let you live this down.” Jeongyeon teases, sensing the icy aura from Sana who was seated right next to where she was standing.


“Yoo Jeongyeon you.” Nayeon marches towards the girl.


“What what.” Jeongyeon taunts.


“Jeong..please..” Mina sighs, “Why don’t you guys go watch some TV? I should be done here soon.” The girl says in a tone that gives no room for the two to argue.


“Fine.” The two say together, marching back to the living room followed by Dahyun and Chaeyoung who were still laughing quietly.


“I’m sorry about them.” Mina apologises.


“I guess having you cook makes up for it.” Jihyo chuckles, taking the seat next to Sana.


“Being caught as the mafia paid off.” Mina smiles.


“Yes, but also if anyone else lost our kitchen might have burnt down.” Jihyo jokes, but it was only Mina who laughed along with her. Sana had been quiet…too quiet.


“Are you just boiling it down?” Jihyo asks, sensing Sana’s mood, “ should be done in a bit.”


“Okay..I’ll watch it..why don’t you go show Mina your room Sana.”


“My room?” Sana finally speaks up, puzzled by the sudden suggestion from Jihyo.


“Yeah..we all finally have our own rooms.” Jihyo smiles, looking at Sana and then at Mina, who seemed to understand the hidden message.


“Oh but it’s not..I mean it’s still..”


“Just go. I’ll take care of things here.” Jihyo says, nudging Sana with her elbow until the girl got off her chair.


“Well?” Mina asks and Sana relents.




“It’s still messy..” Sana says as she closes the door behind them.


“You just moved in..that’s understandable.” Mina says walking around and looking at some of the things Sana has displayed, “Oh.” Mina smiles, seeing a familiar photo, “You kept this.” She turns around, only to be met with a teary-eyed Sana, “Hey..what’s wrong?” Mina was by Sana’s side in a flash, holding the girl in her arms and the strong facade Sana had been keeping finally crumbles and she cries in Mina’s arms.


“Are you finally going to tell me what’s wrong?” Mina asks after Sana’s calmed down, the two now seated on Sana’s bed. But the girl stays quiet, just hugging Mina tightly, “Satang. I’m worried. You think I didn’t notice, but I know you’ve been avoiding me..did I do something wrong? Are you sad because of me?” Mina’s tone was laced with worry, but also pleading. She didn’t understand why Sana suddenly became distant after the program ended. She thought things would stay the way they were..that they would be okay.


“You said you meant it.” Sana begins, voice hoarse, lifting her head from Mina’s shoulder to look her in the eyes, “On the rooftop that night…before we had our talk.”

“I did. I meant it. Every word.” Mina echoes the words she said that night before they were interrupted by a drunk Nayeon. Waiting in silence for what Sana might say next, trying to keep her own anxiousness at bay.


“We talked about our past..but we never talked about that. Why?”


“I…does it matter?”


“Of course it matters!”


“Why? It’s the past…” Mina trails off, unable to bring herself to say anything else that may betray her own truth.


“Really?” Sana’s tone was bitter and Mina frowned at that, she knew Sana was trying to get at something..and she really couldn’t deal with beating around the bush any longer, “What would you rather hear? Do you want me to be honest or do you want the lie? Which one would make you feel at ease?”Mina echoes the same questions she asked Sana that night.


“I thought we said no more secrets.”


“Alright.” Mina nods, steeling her own heart for the heartbreak that she’s sure will come, “You’re my first love Sana..and since I’m being honest about that..I want to make it clear that my feelings haven’t changed. But, I know where I stand in your life, so I’m okay with how we we’ve been. I’m slowly learning how to let go.”


“That’s why then.” Sana nods, finally understanding that look Mina gave her at the airport..that look the cameras didn’t catch.


“Why what?”


“Why you looked at me like I was suddenly so far away. Why you looked so hurt.”


“When did I?”


“At the airport..when we were filming..”


“Oh..” Mina was surprised by this, she didn’t realise her own face betrayed her like that, “Maybe because it suddenly felt that way. I mean…I was given a chance to show the girl I’ve been in-love with affection that I could never do as friends..only to be brought back to my reality after a few you’d have to give me some time to adjust back to being your friend.”


“You are such a cliche know that?”




“Actually..we both are.” Sana sighs, running a hand through her hair, “I can’t believe I live in a reality where I fall in love with my best friend.”

“EH?!” Mina stands, Sana’s words finally dawning on her.


“I was scared..confused...” Sana speaks up after a few moments of silence pass by them.


“Of?” Mina crouches down, because now Sana refused to look her in the eyes, “Your words. Your actions.”


“My words and actions?”


“You said that your first love never knew that you had loved her..loved...past tense. Then we’d film together and you’d be so sweet and caring..and doing all these simple but sweet romantic things that made me feel like there was more..that there could be more, but then the cameras would go away and that person would be gone too. Instead I’m left with the Mina who would buy other people food, who would let other people feed her, who would let other people hold her, who would let all these other people be close to her, but me.. Yes, we’ve gotten close again like how we were before but I could feel the distance you still tried to keep. It’s like you were trying to keep me at arm’s length and it hurt even more after Japan because of that look and I just felt all these things and my thoughts have been a mess..but I always knew how you made me feel and how I felt about you..and as each day passed my feelings began to scare me, because I was just someone you had loved once but not now..not in the way I want you to.” Sana confesses, feeling her tears coming.


“Sana..I..” Mina stands, dumbfounded by the sudden confession, “I..” She sighs, having no words, because never did she think that Sana would have any sort of romantic feelings for her. Mina’s happy of course, ecstatic even…but a small part of her, the stupidly rational one knows the risk of acting on these feelings they have. Acting as a couple on screen is one thing..but being a real couple comes with risks..risks that can jeopardise everything they along with their friends have worked so hard for. Acting on their feelings means risking not only their dreams, but also the dreams of 7 other precious people.


“I know it wouldn’t be smart to act on our feelings.” Sana speaks up, seeing the internal turmoil Mina was going through, “I know the risks and what’s at stake…” She trails off, “I know all that..but..the selfish part of me would still want to try.” The girl was serious, the intensity that she looked at Mina was enough indication of that.


“But what if things don’t work out? Is losing each other again worth it?”


“I think I’d somehow end up losing you more if we don’t…being around you as just your’s hard.” Sana admits, “Acting like you don’t mean more to me…I don’t know how you do it.”


“You really want to try?” Mina asks one last time, giving Sana a chance to change her mind.


“I much.” Sana takes Mina’s hand, holding onto it tightly…the determination she had earlier disappearing with each second of silence that passes over them.


“Alright then.” Mina says in a voice so soft that Sana almost didn’t catch her words, “Let’s try.”

“Really?” Sana looks up at Mina with sparkling eyes.


“Yes, really.” Mina smiles, “I don’t think I could ever deny you of anything.” She admits to the girl.


“Hmm really?” Sana stands, looking at Mina with an indecipherable look.


“Yes really.” Mina nods, already regretting her words.


“Then..” Sana smirks, stepping even closer into Mina’s bubble.


“Then?” Mina gulps, nervous as Sana just stands there, her eyes holding Mina’s.


“Then this means that today's our first day as a couple.” Sana steps back, a wide satisfied smile on her face.


“I…” Mina shakes her head, knowing full well that Sana did all that on purpose, “Yes Satang.”


“Ahhh!” Sana yells, smiling as she throws her hands around Mina, hugging her tightly.


“But we have to be careful, okay? Getting caught won’t just put us in trouble but the others too.” Mina warns.


“I know.”


“That means no unnecessary PDA, Satang.”


“Don’t worry…people already know I’m affectionate towards my friends.” She cheekily replies.


“I..” Mina was interrupted by a knock on the door, “You guys done? It’s time to eat.” Momo peeks her head through the door.


“Yeah, we’re done here.” Sana smiles, dragging Mina out before Momo starts asking questions.


~ ~ ~ ~


The days and weeks pass by in what felt like a blink of an eye. Twice and 5Mix both had very busy schedules. Twice currently in LA for their encore show and 5Mix wrapping up their own Japan Dome tour. However, no matter how busy, Mina and Sana made it a point to check in with each other even if it’s just a quick text or a 5 min phone call.


“Psst Mina.” Nayeon wakes Mina up from her sleep.


“Are we late?” Mina panics, getting up from bed, “I’ll be quick, let me just..”


“Mina chill.” Nayeon quickly holds Mina by her shoulders, “We’re not late, it’s our last day is our free day remember?”


“Ohhh right.” Mina nods, “It’s our free day…so then why are you up at 8am?” She teases Nayeon who tends to be hard to wake up when they’re overseas.


“Well..Jeong and I were talking..”


“Oh no. Whatever you two have concocted I..”


“Wait, hear us out first.” Nayeon interrupts and takes Mina’s silence as permission, “Alright so basically we want to go to Disney.”


“Then go?”


“But I want all of us to go..and Tzu’s already agreed.”




“’s just” Nayeon gives Mina her puppy dog eyes, batting her eyelashes, “Can we have a disney day?”


“Sure, since everyone else is already going.”


“Yay!” Nayeon happily jumps, hugging Mina.


“Alright alright calm down. Have you two figured out how we’re getting there?”


“Yep! We already asked Kyungjin unnie and she’s willing to drive.”




“Okay mission accomplished!” Jeongyeon and Nayeon high fived each other as the 5, including Kyungjin, arrived at the entrance of Disneyland.


“I mean it’s Disney…I wouldn’t have said no.” Mina replies.


“Same. It’s just fun to tease you two.” Tzuyu high fives Mina with a wide smile.


“Ah unnie the two kiddos are being mean!” Nayeon cutely complains to Kyungjin.


“I knew I should have asked Yongjin to play another round of rock, paper, scissors, before agreeing.”


“Please unnie, we all know you love hanging out with us.” Jeongyeon places an arm around Kyungjin’s shoulder, “Only cause I’m salaried.” Kyungjin teases even more.


“Alright can we all please head inside? We’ve been standing here idling when Disney’s literally 5 metres away?!” Tzuyu says, her eyes sparkling with excitement.


“Alright! C’mon let’s go.” Mina hooks an arm around Tzuyu’s, the two leading them to the gates.


“Wahh!! Disney~” The girls all cheer as they see Sleeping Beauty’s castle.


“Alright, please try not to separate okay? I’m looking at you, Im Nayeon.” Kyungjin gives her a warning look, knowing how distracted Nayeon could get, causing her to not pay attention to her surroundings.


“I will, I will! Now let’s go to the castle first!” Nayeon runs ahead of everyone, after Kyungjin just said not to separate.


“Unnie! Wait for us!” Jeongyeon grabs Tzuyu and runs after Nayeon.


“Don’t worry unnie..I’ll help you keep an eye on them.” Mina smiles, walking with Kyungjin.


“Until girlfriend duties call that is.” Kyungjin couldn’t help herself from teasing Mina, who blushes at the comment.


“I..well..I mean..with the time difference she might be resting by now..”


“I’m just teasing you Mina.” Kyungjin smiles, finding a flustered Mina cute, “It’s nice to see you like this…truly happy. Not that you weren’t before, but I don’t just seem lighter.”


“Unnie, are you really trying to be all emotional at the happiest place on earth?” It was Mina’s turn to tease the older woman, who shook her head at this quip, “I’m not, I just wanted to give you more peace of mind. Don’t worry about anything else Mina.” Kyungjin pats the girl’s shoulder before speeding up to catch up to the other members.




The day at Disney went by faster than anyone would like, although it could probably be due to having to chase Nayeon and surprisingly, Tzuyu around the park. Of course some fans spotted them but they didn’t approach the girls, instead taking photos/videos from afar.


“That Once on the ride with us was so funny.” Nayeon clutches her stomach as they walk towards Sleeping Beauty’s castle to watch the fireworks for the evening.


“When they told her to line up behind Jeongyeon, I thought she was going to faint.” Mina said worried about the fan who was a single rider and was assigned the seat next to Jeongyeon.


“AHH DISNEY IS THE BEST! TWICE IS THE BEST!” Nayeon mimics the fan who rode with them.

“I think we gave her a good memory.” Tzuyu smiles remembering how happy the fan was when the girls offered to sign the photo she bought as well as take a photo with her.


“Yeah, I like it when we make our fans happy like that.” Mina says and Nayeon catches the split second flash of worry in Mina’s eyes.


“Ladies and gentlemen.” An a

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1188 streak #1
Chapter 52: Oh this 🥺 this hurt my feelings 😭 Mina that was one hell of a insane choice to make
1188 streak #2
Chapter 50: Well at least she has admitted to having already jumped off the bridge in love with Mina in this one haha
qwertyuiop1216 #3
Chapter 50: Pleaseeeeeeee do namo, btw hello again author-nim!
You are the best as usual.
I really want misana to work as well aaaaaaaaa <3
ShibaPenguin #4
Chapter 50: I love your work and ideas. It's so fun to read.

I haven't seen any namo fic either so I hope you make one or more too....maybe I did read but i don't remember now 🥹
Chapter 48: let’s keep rolling! i appreciate you💕
1188 streak #6
Chapter 46: A new story let's go!!!!!
210603 #7
Chapter 48: the story is so good. thanks for the updates♥️
Kiiarrah #8
Chapter 48: I like the story please go for the 4th.. Thanks
1188 streak #9
Chapter 44: I feel this is more of a bittersweet ending then a bad ending, thank you for the story 💚
1188 streak #10
Chapter 43: Sitting on the edge of my seat