Her Secretary (2)

Misana Clichés
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Nayeon and Mina have been friends since high school. The two met when their family's companies merged. Of course the language barrier made it hard, but Nayeon found the two siblings very interesting, more specifically Mina since the two were close in age. So of course, Nayeon stuck to the girl like glue until finally Mina opened herself up more to Nayeon. It’s been a decade but there are times when Mina surprises Nayeon…and Mina keeping Sana as her secretary is one of these times.


“It’s weird right, Jeongyeonnie.” Nayeon paces up and down her office while Jeongyeon watches her boss carefully, “I can’t say yes or no unless you tell me Ms…I mean Nayeon.” Jeongyeon clears when she sees the small pout on Nayeon’s face when she was about to refer to her as Ms. Im. It’s still a habit the younger one is trying to fix.


“I’m talking about Mina and why she refuses to fire Sana and refuses a second secretary.” Nayeon exclaims, “Something’s up.” She has that glint in her eyes that screams trouble.

“Sana’s a good secretary, I mean yes she’s a bit clumsy sometimes, but her organisational skills have gotten exceptionally better.” Jeongyeon defends Sana, the two having gotten much closer since Jeongyeon offered to help her.


“Okay that’s true, but remember like 3 weeks ago..when you told me that you saw them leave together during lunch?”


“Yes and then you whined because Ms. Myoui made you attend the board meeting…yep I clearly remember.”


“Okay well something shifted after that..they’ve been..I don’t know..close.” Nayeon squints.


“And? Is that a bad thing? I mean it’s good that they get along. Ms. Myoui is hard to please.”


“Exactly, she’s hard to please…but there’s something.. GAHH!” Nayeon waves her hand, “We’ve got a case watson.” She says in a failed attempt at a British accent.


“Or you could just ask Ms. Myoui.”


“Nah, she won’t tell me the truth and also where’s the fun in that?”


“Or maybe you could just let it be. Sana’s a good employee and my friend.”


“But I’m curious.” Nayeon whines, “Wait since you guys are friends…” Nayeon has that smirk that often leads to trouble.




“Woah! This place is nice..very cozy.” Nayeon smiles, looking around the small cafe.


“Yep, her friends own it. It’s a little bit of a hidden gem and the owners want to keep it that way, so no posting on sns got it?” Jeongyeon warns, knowing Nayeon’s need to have an ‘aesthetic’ page.


“Yep, got it. But where is she?” Nayeon looks around.


“She texted me that she’ll be a few minutes late and to order ahead.”


“Alright.” Nayeon nods, heading towards the counter.


“Hi, welcome to Peaches, how can I..Oh hey Jeongyeon!” Jihyo happily greets the short haired girl coming from behind Nayeon.


“Hey Ji.” Jeongyeon smiles, having come here with Sana a few times, she too has become friends with Momo, Jihyo, and Chaeyoung, “You brought a friend today.”


“Oh right, where are my manners?” Jeongeyon face palms, “Nayeon this is Jihyo she co-owns this place with two of her friends. Jihyo, this is Nayeon.”


“Hi, nice to meet you.” Nayeon smiles, bowing slightly.


“Nice to meet you too.” Jihyo returns the gesture, “What can I get you guys?”


“Can I get two of Sana’s usual, what would you like Nayeon?”


“What’s Sana’s usual?” Nayeon asks.


“Fruit smoothie and a raspberry tart.”


“Oh I’ll have that too then.”


“Alright, got it!” Jihyo nods, not even punching the orders in the register.


“Ah not again Ji.” Jeongyeon huffs, “Let us pay..actually let her pay she’s rich.” She points to Nayeon who just smiled awkwardly.


“I don’t care if she owns the place you work at Jeong, no friend of ours pays it’s a rule.” Jihyo says sternly, “Now go sit.”


“Fine..oh Sana’s coming too, she’s just running late. So can we get our order when she comes?” Jeongyeon adds and Jihyo gives her an okay sign.




“Okay so what exactly are you planning with this little meet-up?” Jeongyeon asks as soon as the two sit down.


“I just want to know what Mina sees.”




“Mhm. Mina’s a perfectionist, not liking anything being out of line…but for some reason she’s kept Sana as her secretary..Sana, who gets sent home at least once a week.” Nayeon points out, “But Sana’s really good at her job though, I’ve seen her work.” Jeongyeon adds.


“Yes, she is. I won’t deny that. But, why out of the hundreds that applied for this role, did Mina choose Sana?”


“Well the girl is very personable.”


“Maybe, but Mina’s not the type to choose just cause a candidate is friendly. She knows they’re all there to kiss hoping to get the job.”


“True.” Jeongyeon nods.

“So I want to get to know the woman who, for some reason, Myoui Mina herself can’t seem to le..”


“Satang what happened!” Momo yells, causing everyone’s attention to focus on the girl, dripping wet from the rain, but still smiling, “This puppy, it’s hurt.” She stands at the doorway, a small little puppy bundled in her jacket, shivering.


“Here let’s see.” Momo, followed by Chaeyoung and Jihyo with towels rush to the girl, “Let’s take it to my office.”


“Jeongyeon-ah..ohh Ms. Im.” Sana bows still standing from the doorway, “I’m sorry I’m late, I…yah Jihyo-ah..” Sana complains when Jihyo suddenly drops a towel over her head, drying her hair, “We’re just gonna dry her up before she gets sick.” Jihyo yells at the two, already dragging Sana with her towards Momo’s office.


“I see.” Nayeon nods a smile on her face.




“Nothing nothing.” Nayeon shakes her head, “But…who’s watching the cafe?” She asks, noticing how the three are all now in Momo’s office and no one’s out there.




“Sorry I’m late Jeongyeon, Ms. Im.” Sana bows before sitting down, hair still slightly damp with a change of clothes, “If I had known I would have ra..”


“It’s fine Sana.” Jeongyeon interrupts with a smile, “Is the puppy going to be okay?” Nayeon asks.


“I hope so…Momo’s taken him to the vet.” Sana looks down, playing with her fingers, clearly anxious.


“Hey, he’ll be fine.” Jeongyeon places a hand on Sana’s shoulder, patting her, “Alright?”




“Is that why you were late?” Nayeon asks.


“Oh..uh..yeah.” Sana stands, “I’m terribly sorry Ms. Im, if I had known..”


“Nayeon. Call me Nayeon.”


“Eh?” Sana looks at the COO like she’s grown a second head, “Ms. I..”


“Atatatata what did I just say?” Nayeon pouts.


“I mean Nayeon...I don’t think that would be, I mean we’re not..”


“We’re friends, from now on, so just call me Nayeon.” Nayeon says, clinging onto a wide-eyed Sana and a gaping Jeongyeon.


“I..don’..I mean..we..you..me…is this a hidden camera?” Sana looks around the cafe and Nayeon laughs, “No it’s not..look.” She turns serious, “I admit I may not have been favourable towards you, but that’s because Mina’s well Mina…she’s a perfectionist through and through, but sometimes Mina..” Nayeon chuckles, “I just, I get it now. So yeah…Sana, we're friends now, don’t be acting all professional around me, got it?” Nayeon warns.


“Uhm okay?” Sana just nods.


“What? I’m still lost.” Jeongyeon points to herself while looking at the two, “What are you going on about now Nayeon?”


“I just feel more relaxed around you guys. Is it wrong for me to have friends aside from Mina?” Nayeon pouts.


“Yeah I guess we can be friends, since you already treat me like one.” Jeongyeon grumbles, trying to hide her own concern over Nayeon’s words.


“Well??” Nayeon turns to Sana with puppy dog eyes.


“Friends.” Sana laughs that melodious laugh of hers and Nayeon smiles.




“Satang, the pup’s at the vet.” Momo walks in, folding her umbrella and making her way towards the girl, “Little guy’s a bit malnourished and he hurt his hind leg, but thankfully it isn’t broken.”


“That’s a relief.” Sana smiles, the worry finally leaving her body, “Thanks Momoring.”


“You’re welcome Satang.” Momo ruffles Sana’s hair playfully before noticing the new face at the table, “You brought another friend?”


“Momoring this is Im Nayeon. Nayeon, this is Hirai Momo, my best friend .” Sana introduces the two.


“Nice to meet you Momo.”


“Nice to meet you too.” Momo nods, “Well a friend of Sana’s is a friend of ours, so hope to see you around more.” The girl smiles, before excusing herself to tend to customers.


“I like them, your friends.” Nayeon smiles after Momo’s left to join Jihyo and Chaeyoung behind the counter.


“Yeah, they’re great, a little insufferable but still great.” Sana laughs.


“Alright so, since we’re all friends now.” Sana speaks up, “I want to know why you,” She points at Jeongyeon, “didn’t tell me that she was coming?” She moves her finger over to Nayeo

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1188 streak #1
Chapter 52: Oh this 🥺 this hurt my feelings 😭 Mina that was one hell of a insane choice to make
1188 streak #2
Chapter 50: Well at least she has admitted to having already jumped off the bridge in love with Mina in this one haha
qwertyuiop1216 #3
Chapter 50: Pleaseeeeeeee do namo, btw hello again author-nim!
You are the best as usual.
I really want misana to work as well aaaaaaaaa <3
ShibaPenguin #4
Chapter 50: I love your work and ideas. It's so fun to read.

I haven't seen any namo fic either so I hope you make one or more too....maybe I did read but i don't remember now 🥹
Chapter 48: let’s keep rolling! i appreciate you💕
1188 streak #6
Chapter 46: A new story let's go!!!!!
210603 #7
Chapter 48: the story is so good. thanks for the updates♥️
Kiiarrah #8
Chapter 48: I like the story please go for the 4th.. Thanks
1188 streak #9
Chapter 44: I feel this is more of a bittersweet ending then a bad ending, thank you for the story 💚