Matched (4)

Misana Clichés
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“I meant it. Every word.”


Sana sighs, her mind replaying the words Mina had said a few nights ago. The conversation that night ended with those words when a drunk Nayeon came barging up the rooftop looking for Mina. Sana couldn’t do anything but to help Mina get Nayeon back downstairs and soon her members were dragging her back home. Honestly, she could have called or texted Mina, but their schedule had been so hectic the last few days with preparing for their comeback that Sana just didn’t get a chance…and Mina was also out of the country promoting SK-II in Japan.


“Hey.” Jihyo enters Sana’s room, settling in the bed with her, “You okay?” Jihyo asks softly, she’s noticed how the usually bright girl was a bit more pensive the past few days. How Sana’s smile hasn’t been reaching her eyes lightly, how her laugh seemed forced on camera.


“I…” Sana trails off, “I don’t know.” She answers honestly.


“Do you want to talk about it? You know I won’t judge you.”


“I know…but I..” Sana looks at the girl, “You know.” She says firmly.


“I don’t know what happened between you two, but I do know that it was you she referred to that night. I saw the way she looked at you when she said those words.”


“She never told me how she felt.” Sana opens up to Jihyo.


“Did you feel the same?” Jihyo asks, but seeing the pain flash in Sana’s eyes gives her the answer she was looking for, “You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.”


“I did.” Sana admits, “God of course I did. Mina, she isn’t hard to love. She’s sweet, caring, intelligent, talented, beautiful..she doesn’t lack anything. She’s perfect.”


“Then why?”


“She left me.”




“Without even saying goodbye, she just left. And then..when I came here to train I found out that she had flown out to train at her agency. She left me behind when we promised each other that we’ll do it together. That we’ll get to the stage together.”


“You hate her because she broke your promises.” Jihyo summarises and Sana stays quiet, “She might have a reason, Sana. You never talked about it and just assumed. I know you two talked about something that night.”


“We didn’t talk about anything, Nayeon came up looking for Mina.”


“Ah so that’s where she ran off to, Jeong was freaking out when she disappeared from the couch suddenly.”


“Yeah well.” Sana rolls her eyes at the memory of Nayeon clinging onto Mina, “Nothing was said.”


“Then go talk to her.” Jihyo gives a simple solution, “Instead of you sitting here over thinking.”




“I’m sure Mina’s also itching to talk to you.” And like magic Sana’s phone beeped on her lap.


Hey..can we talk? Meet me at the lake. -Mina

Please? -Mina

I’ll wait for you. -Mina


The two both look down at the phone and Jihyo smiles, “Well, looks like that’s your sign right?” Jihyo taps Sana’s hand, getting up from the girl’s bed, “I’ll be outside if you need me.”


After Jihyo left, Sana stared at her phone, her mind weighing out the pros and cons of meeting the girl.


Pros: She’ll see Mina and they might fix things.

Con: She’ll see Mina and they’ll have to talk about something that hurt Sana more than she would like to admit.


“Ahhh!” Sana whines, kicking her feet, deciding to nap. Sana knows how stubborn Mina is, but she also knows that Mina won’t do anything rash like wait outside for hours where the chances of fans seeing her is high.


After a few hours, Sana woke up from her nap only to be greeted by the texts Mina had sent.


“Ahhhh whyyy~” Sana whines, her mind going back to the pros and cons she listed earlier, with the addition of one more pro.


Pro: She misses Mina more than she would like to admit.


And that was enough reason for Sana to get out of bed, throw on the most nondescript pair of sweats she has and ask Jihyo to drive her to Seokchon lake, hoping that Mina was still there.




It’s been a few hours since Mina sent that text to Sana but the girl was still nowhere in sight.


“I’ve always been stubborn, know that.” Mina sighs, making herself as comfortable as possible on the bench located right in front of the lake. Even if it would be hours on end, even if her fans would notice her, even if the weather got bad, Mina decided that she would wait, no matter how slim the chances are, she’d wait for Sana..afterall, the girl’s been waiting for years now.


-Minari, where are you? It’s late and you have an early schedule tomorrow. -Nabongs


Nayeon, worried that Mina’s been out for so long, texted. It was unusual for Mina to go out alone and even more so for the girl to be gone the whole day.


-I’m with a friend, don’t worry I’ll be back before midnight.- Minari <3


-Alright, take care. I saved you some food, make sure you eat it. ( ˘▽˘)っ♨-Nabongs


-Hai hai (^-^*)ノ -Minari <3


“You really did wait.” Sana says in Japanese from behind Mina, even though it was dark, even though Mina was wearing a hat, Sana knew it was her.


“Of course I did.” Mina smiles to herself before turning around to meet Sana, “I told you I would.”


“You’ve told me a lot of things.” Sana says with a huff, sitting next to Mina on the bench, “What’d you want to talk about?” She feigns ignorance.


“We never got to finish talking that night. I wanted to text or call, but I think this is something that I need to tell you in person.”


“What else needs…”


“Let me talk first.” Mina interrupts, “Let me say it all, because I don’t think you’ll give me this chance again.” Mina tries her best to smile at Sana, who merely nods.


“What I said that night, you already know that I meant every word. You’re my first love Sana. I loved you even before I fully understood what it meant to love someone. And I also know that I let you down. That I broke all our promises, but I did have my reasons.”


-Flashback: Japan 20XX-


“Mina, your father and I got a call today.”


“About?” Mina asks, the girl enjoying a day of lounging in her living room watching cartoons.


“It was from Teudoong entertainment in Seoul.”


“Eh?!” Mina stands up, “What did they want?”


“They want you to join the company!” Her parents say happily.






“Wow.” Mina blinks, but she frowns, “What about Satang?”


“Her parents called us the other day, it seems like Sana-chan got offered a spot at JYP but the girl is hesitant to take it, they actually want you to talk to her.”


“She did?” Mina frowns, thinking that this might be why Sana had been so deep in thought the past few days.


“Mhm. So what do you want to do?” Mina’s mother asks, sitting on the couch with her daughter.


“I want to go, but can I go early?” Mina asks.


“Why? They said you can leave after the school year ends.”


“I just want to…please?”


-End flashback-


“You were worried about me right? That you’d be leaving me in Japan alone. I knew you were hesitant because we talked about doing it together, that we wouldn’t go unless a company would take us both. That’s why I left first. I knew it would have made you angry at me, but I didn’t want to be the one that stood in the way of your dreams. Our trainee days were hard and till now I wonder how I survived without you by my side, but when I saw you finally make your debut I thought that this was what you were born to do. So I worked even harder so I can finally face you again.”


“I..” Sana looks away from Mina, “I know what I would have given up if I said no, that’s how much our promise meant to me.”


“I know Sana, I know. That’s why I had to be the one to break that trust, because this was a one in a million chance for you..and there was no guarantee that a company would take us both. I was lucky that Teudoong even offered me anything.”


“So you let me misunderstand you this long?” Sana stands, angry, more at herself than anything.


“By the time we saw each other again, the wound was already too deep. And I knew that.” Mina shrugs, “I ruined your trust in me and it wasn’t something I could rebuild so easily.”


“Mina,” Sana closes her eyes, “It was hard for me y'know.”


“I know.”


“I had to come here without you…I was lucky to have met Momo who wa

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1188 streak #1
Chapter 52: Oh this 🥺 this hurt my feelings 😭 Mina that was one hell of a insane choice to make
1188 streak #2
Chapter 50: Well at least she has admitted to having already jumped off the bridge in love with Mina in this one haha
qwertyuiop1216 #3
Chapter 50: Pleaseeeeeeee do namo, btw hello again author-nim!
You are the best as usual.
I really want misana to work as well aaaaaaaaa <3
ShibaPenguin #4
Chapter 50: I love your work and ideas. It's so fun to read.

I haven't seen any namo fic either so I hope you make one or more too....maybe I did read but i don't remember now 🥹
Chapter 48: let’s keep rolling! i appreciate you💕
1188 streak #6
Chapter 46: A new story let's go!!!!!
210603 #7
Chapter 48: the story is so good. thanks for the updates♥️
Kiiarrah #8
Chapter 48: I like the story please go for the 4th.. Thanks
1188 streak #9
Chapter 44: I feel this is more of a bittersweet ending then a bad ending, thank you for the story 💚