Matched (8)

Misana Clichés
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“I told you to stop watching that.” Jeongyeon sighs, sitting on the couch with Nayeon.


“Why wouldn’t I watch it? One of us is on the show, I should support it.” Nayeon says with a smile.


“I…alright, whatever makes you happy Nay.”


“It’s not what you think Jeong.” The oldest member says without removing her eyes from the TV, the 8th episode of Matched currently airing.


“Really now? Do tell, what do you think I’m thinking?” Jeongyeon challenges, wanting to hear it from the bunny’s mouth.


“You think that I have feelings for Mina right?”


“Don’t you?”


“Who knows.”


“You.” Jeongyeon says matter of factly.


“It’s starting.” Nayeon ends the conversation, “Let’s just watch this.”


“Alright.” The younger girl relents, knowing that pushing Nayeon to talk isn’t going to get them anywhere.


“Have you noticed that the Misana couple have been stuck in their house the most?” Narae comments as Mina’s and Sana’s segment on the show begin.


“Well Mina-shi’s a homebody so.” Sooyoung nods, “She’s like Sunny, they don’t go out unless they have to.”


“Mitang~” Sana’s heard whining from the living room, but there’s no reply.


“Mitang~” Sana tries again and still no reply.


“She’s annoyed, she’s annoyed.” Key chuckles.


“She’s about to call her by her full name just watch.” Sooyoung adds in.


“MYOUI MINA-SAN!” Sana yells.


“See I told you.” Sooyoung and the other panellists all laugh.


“What, what happened?!” Mina comes running out of the bedroom clearly flustered.


Sana stares at the girl sighing, “I’m bored.” She pouts.


“Do you want to go out then?”


“Really?” Sana sits up on the couch, looking at Mina expectantly, “Hmm, do you want to go anywhere specific?” The dark haired girl asks.


“Hmmm.” Sana purses her lips, thinking, “Ah ah ah ah!” She jumps while giggling, “Can we go to the zoo?”


“Alright.” Mina smiles, reaching a hand out to pat Sana’s head, “Let’s go to the zoo then.”


“Aigooo stop being so cute!” Narae says, clutching her heart.


The scene then fades to a commercial break and Jeongyeon eyes Nayeon again.


“It’s good that they’re friends.” Nayeon comments, something she’s been saying for a while now.


“Yeah..” Jeongyeon could do nothing but agree, even though they both see it..the way Mina looks at Sana like she’s the most precious thing in the world. And the younger sits there wondering if Nayeon says that to remind herself that Mina and Sana are just friends or to remind herself that she and Mina are just friends.

“Wahh look at that crowd.” Jaesuk comments seeing how the two were being encircled around people, while the staff and managers try to keep them back.


“Wah! So Pretty!”


“Daebak Daebak!”


“I can’t believe it.”




“Hi~” Mina and Sana greet the fans with a smile, while holding hands.


“Are you guys here on a trip?” Sana asks.


“Field trip, field trip.” The students yell.


“Ahh.” She nods, gripping Mina’s hand tighter, knowing how much the girl hates being crowded like this.


“What if someone gets hurt?” Narae asks worriedly.


“I’m sure the security will come soon.” Key nods and like clockwork, security quickly comes over to help control the crowd.


“You two are a good match!” The crowd yells.


“Guys please, back up.” The security and the managers are heard and seen trying to control the crowd.


“Everyone!” Sana yells and everyone goes quiet, “How about we all take a group picture?”




“Unnie, are you guys on a date right now?” One of the students asked as she stood shyly next to Mina.


“Mhm.” Mina smiles.


“YAH! YOU GUYS ARE BOTHERING THEIR DATE LET’S TAKE THIS PHOTO AND GO!” The same student yells out, causing everyone and the panellists to all laugh out loud.


“That student is amazing.” Sooyoung clutches her stomach from laughter.


“She’s so tiny but her voice echoed.” Jaesuk says while laughing.


“But look, the students are actually leaving them alone now.” Narae says, amazed.


“What do you want to see first?” Mina asks after the crowd leaves and it quiets down around them.


“Hmm..” Sana looks at the map, “Ah..c’mon.” She claps her hands and looks at Mina, before grabbing the girl and dragging her towards an unknown destination.


“Where are they going?” Jaesuk asks as the scene is played at double speed.


“Penguins?” Sooyoung asks.


“We made it! Look Mitang, it's you.” Sana laughs, pointing at all the penguins.


“Here let me take your photo.” Sana says pushing Mina towards the barricade.


“Okay let’s take one together.” Sana says and Mina follows along to whatever the girl wants.


The two wandered around the zoo until dark. Taking photos and eating snacks, with the episode ending with the two lounging at home looking at the photos from today.


“Another memory to be tucked away.” The screen reads.


-That student was so funny lol she really got them to leave Misana alone


-2 more episodes guys

-Don’t remind me


-That was so cute the way Sana tried imitating the giraffe, my heart.


-Okay but I can’t be the only one that notices the way Mina be looking at Sana and vice versa right?

-No cause I see it too

-And those photos of them hanging out with Jeongyeon and Momo.

-Don’t forget the ones from the cafe

-Do you guys think…maybe…perhaps.

-I think they’ve just gotten closer..we shouldn’t read into it too much.

-But we can be delusional lol


~ ~ ~ ~


Mina came home that evening later than usual. Her schedule today was packed. She had to record an OST, then go to a shoot for Vogue Japan, and then she needed to practise for their upcoming comeback that she’s had to miss because of the filming days for Matched. The girl was exhausted, but she loved her work and took pride in it.


I know your schedule’s been packed lately, so I’m here to remind you to rest -Satang (✿◠‿◠)


Thank too, take care of yourself. Goodnight -Mitang ♡^▽^♡

“Tired?” Nayeon’s voice pulls Mina out of her head, not even remembering what exactly it was she was thinking so hard about, “Oh’re still up?” Mina frowns, it’s past 1am and she knows the older girl has an early schedule.


“Couldn’t sleep.” Nayeon shrugs, “Did you eat?”


“A bit. But first, let’s get you to bed?” Mina smiles, guiding Nayeon back towards her room.


“Let’s eat first. Maybe I can sleep after about you go change and wash up, while I reheat the leftovers from earlier.” Nayeon turns around, so now she’s pushing Mina towards the washroom.


“You have to be up in a few hours and you’ll be bloa..”


“Myoui Mina.” Nayeon’s voice was stern and Mina knew not to argue anymore, “Alright alright.” She sighs defeated.


After 10 minutes, Mina came back to the kitchen in her pyjamas.


“That was quick.” Nayeon comments.


“I don’t want you to wait for

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1188 streak #1
Chapter 52: Oh this 🥺 this hurt my feelings 😭 Mina that was one hell of a insane choice to make
1188 streak #2
Chapter 50: Well at least she has admitted to having already jumped off the bridge in love with Mina in this one haha
qwertyuiop1216 #3
Chapter 50: Pleaseeeeeeee do namo, btw hello again author-nim!
You are the best as usual.
I really want misana to work as well aaaaaaaaa <3
ShibaPenguin #4
Chapter 50: I love your work and ideas. It's so fun to read.

I haven't seen any namo fic either so I hope you make one or more too....maybe I did read but i don't remember now 🥹
Chapter 48: let’s keep rolling! i appreciate you💕
1188 streak #6
Chapter 46: A new story let's go!!!!!
210603 #7
Chapter 48: the story is so good. thanks for the updates♥️
Kiiarrah #8
Chapter 48: I like the story please go for the 4th.. Thanks
1188 streak #9
Chapter 44: I feel this is more of a bittersweet ending then a bad ending, thank you for the story 💚