Why did I think like that?

Cruel Summer
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Hi! Long time no post! 



“Your dad is back,”


It took a while for those words to register inside Jimin's brain.


She couldn’t believe what she just heard.


“What?” She looked at her sisters, just to confirm if what she just heard was true, “He…how…why?”


Memories from before flooded her mind. From when she bonds with her dad playing the piano to her winning awards with him as her number-one cheerleader. Him starting to ignore her needs, not being present at home, and had fights with her mom, him officially leaving them behind.






“Why is he back?” Jimin tries her best to keep her emotions in check. She can’t afford to lose it without knowing why. She clenched her fists as she looked at the rest of her family, “..why?”


She sees her mother looking at her eldest sister before starting, “your dad…he is going through something…and right now…he needs us-”


“Then let him be,” Jimin snapped.


“Jimin!” Jisoo didn’t like the tone of their youngest Yoo, but Joohyun held her off. Joohyun looked back at the raven-haired girl and said, “I know you’re still upset about what happened in the past, but...”


“He left us, Unnie. He chose to leave us and leave all his debt to us. Of course, I am still upset. I’ll always be upset.”


“He is still our dad, Jiminie,” Jisoo said, “and he needs us now.”


“Wow,” Jimin forced a chuckle, “so he came back cuz’ he now needs us? When we needed him, where was he? When I needed him, where was he? He wasn’t there, Unnie.” Jimin can feel the tears forming in her eyes. She doesn’t want to cry, especially in front of her family. She stood up from her seat, “clearly, you guys decided to accept him back without me so feel free to entertain him.”


Jimin hears her family call her name as she was about to leave the place when she saw him.


Her father.


The one who left her.




Jimin was too shocked to see him again. She didn’t expect to see him now. ‘After all these years…,’ she thought.


Her father was still the same.






Jimin can vividly remember her father being tall, strong, and had a warm smile.


Now, she could only see a frail tall man, with pale skin, barely any life in him.


Without her noticing, her father slowly walked up to her and was reaching out to her, “my Jimin,”


She snapped from her thoughts and moved away. Jimin immediately saw the hurt on her father’s face as she rejected him. Before she could react further, Joohyun intervened, “Appa,”


“He doesn’t have long,” Jimin looked back, only to see Jisoo walking up to her. “Appa is dying.” She saw the sadness on her older sister’s face, “he needs us right now, Jiminie.”


“He needs us, Jiminie.”


“He needs us.”


Those words echoed in Jimin’s ears as everything around her melted to oblivion. Jimin closed her eyes and covered her ears as the voices grows louder and louder.






She slowly opened her eyes and looked around, but only saw darkness. “Hello?”


No answer.


“Hello?” She spoke louder.


“Is anyone there?”


Still no answer.


The silence was deafening, it was making her panic.


“Where’s everyone? Hello?”


“Jimin..” She looked over to where the voice was, and there he was, her father.


Her frail father.




He slowly walked to her as he continues to call her name, “Jimin…” and reached out to her.


But Jimin stepped back.


She stepped back, like how she did before.


“Don’t come any closer!”


She sees her father’s dejected expression, “but…”


“You left us already…why…why come back?”


Voices from before came back to taunt her, “he needs us.”


“He needs us.”


She closed her eyes once again and cover her ears. She shook her head, “Stop…”


“He needs us right now, Jiminie.”


“I said stop…”


“He needs us right now.”


“Just stop!”


“You need him too, Jimin.”


Jimin woke up in cold sweat, gasping for air. She sat up as she tried to process everything. She pants as she brushed her hand to her hair,


It was just a dream.


A dream.


She sighs in relief.


A dream.


Not a pleasant one.


It has been a while since she had a dream that was that vivid. And it was about–


Jimin shook her head.


She doesn’t want to entertain those thoughts for now. It’s too much for her.


She sighs once again and looks around.


She was in Minjeong’s room. Ah, right. She remembered crying in her girlfriend’s arms and then passing out. I must be really tired that I passed out, she thought.


Jimin took a bit of time to identify what time it was. She reached out for her phone at the bedside, but it was off. Ah, she remembered she didn’t want to entertain anyone at the moment.


Especially her family.


She put her phone back and looked out the window. The sky was gloomy and it was raining.


Heavy rain.




Like her mood.


Sure, the weather coincided with her feelings.


*knock knock*


She looked up to where the sound came from, only to see Minjeong smiling warmly at her.




Jimin smiled in reply, “hey.” She looked at what the other girl was holding, it was a tray full of food.


“I figured you will be hungry the moment you woke up,” Minjeong said as she approached the bed, “I didn't expect you to be awake now though.”


Jimin let out a small chuckle, “Surprise,”


It made Minjeong chuckle as well. She put the tray down on the bed. “You must be famished,”


“Now that you mentioned it,” Jimin sighed, “I am.”


Minjeong gave Jimin a set of utensils to use, “Dig in.”


“Thank you,”


“No problem.”


As the raven-haired girl took the first bite, her mood changed.


The breakfast was really tasty.


“Is it good?” The blonde-haired girl asks,


“You have no idea,” it made Minjeong smile, “good to know.”


“Are you not going to eat?”


“I already drank coffee already,” Jimin gave her a look, “what?”


“Coffee? Really?” Jimin questions.


“There is nothing wrong with having coffee in the morning,”


“Mindoongie, you cooked all of this food,” Jimin pointed out, “and you won’t eat it?”


“I made them all for you,” Minjeong retorts.


“Baby, I love you so much for this, but I don’t think I can finish this all,”


“Okay, okay,” Minjeong gave up, “I’ll eat with you,” Jimin smiles triumphantly. She cupped Minjeong’s face and kissed her chastely.


She really loves this girl.


Both of them continue their light talk as they eat breakfast.


It was simple.




But everything Jimin wanted.




It’s times like this when Jimin feels at peace.


With Minjeong, she feels at ease.


“Yooji,” Jimin snapped. “Huh?”


“You’re staring,” Minjeong pointed out. Their breakfast was already done minutes ago, with the tray already on the floor. They were just casually talking on the bed. Oh, the raven-haired girl blinked, “sorry,”


“Are you…okay?” She hears Minjeong ask softly. She hears the worry in her tone, Ah,


All this time, Minjeong had been worried for her.


“I am,” She gave Minjeong a tired smile as she squeezed her arm, “really.”


She can still see the worry in Minjeong’s eyes, she knows that Minjeong knows she’s not.


Of course, she would’ve. Especially after what happened yesterday,


She cried hard.






Personally, Jimin is tired of crying. She’s been doing that for so many days now and she’s so t

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Next chapter on Sunday 👍👍


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Chapter 6: i hope you will update this story author
Chapter 23: rereading one of my comfort fics :<
I hope you're doing okayy authorr
Faithyouri #3
still waiting for you:))
moshiryu #4
Chapter 26: miss u :(
will this continue?
naevidzy #6
Chapter 26: hope this will be updated soon
Coleeee #7
There's been a lot of hindrances since the moment they met. They do have little happy moments buy it only lasts for a while and it doesn't justify the amount of pain that they have to go through in exchange for it. Kinda makes you think that maybe they are not really meant for each other?

Winrina learning about Ryujin's intervention in past could have been the perfect of the story. Ryujin's acceptance and Winrina finally being together with no strings attached could have been the perfect ending, but it seems like they're facing yet another dilemma and I don't think I can take it anymore 😅

It's been fun reading it but this is it for me. Had enough of winrina angst 😅 God they're everywhere. Wish you all the best author! Hope your hand heal soon.
Chapter 26: damn. i reread the whole story coz i forgot the plot 😂 welcome back! thanks for the update hehe
Chapter 26: yeayy you updated ! thank you ^^
they are so cute
888 streak #10
Chapter 26: hehe 🥰