Yoo Jimin, will you be my girlfriend?

Cruel Summer
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This is a bad idea, this is a bad idea, she thought as she walked back and forth outside the room of the girl she needed to ask a huge favor with.


If it’s her choice, she wouldn’t want to talk to her. She was able to last 2 years in University without having a proper conversation with her other than the basic everyday greetings.




That’s a story for another day. After all, she had moved on from the past, yes, she doesn’t want to dwell with what happened years ago.


But still, do I really need to do this? Ask her?


Minjeong sighed heavily. She can’t believe she was in this predicament, though, she should have expected this from a mile away. The moment she tried to lie to her older cousin, her fate was doomed. It’s not that she’s a bad liar, she’s actually good at it, it’s more on the karma she gets by lying. It varies from worse to worse, and this might be one of the worst ones.


She then remembered her talk with Yizhuo a while ago.


“What are you going to do now, Unnie?”


Minjeong doesn’t really know what to do. The younger girl sighed and suggested, “You really need to talk to Jimin Unnie about this.”




“She needs to be aware of this, you know. I mean, you did drag her name into this. You owe her an explanation.”


Minjeong got up from her chair and was trying to calm herself by walking around the kitchen. “Ugh, I shouldn't have lied in the first place.”


Yizhuo could only shake her head, "What's done is done, Unnie. You now need to focus on how you are going to convince Jimin Unnie to ride on to this lie of yours." Minjeong looked at her best friend pleadingly, and instantly, the younger girl knew that look. "No."


"C'mon, Ning. Can't you be the one instead?" Minjeong immediately latched onto her friend, embracing her as if her life depends on it.


"Ew, no, Unnie."


Yizhuo continues to struggle under Minjeong's embrace, "Kim Minjeong! Do you understand what you are asking me?"


"I want you to be my girlfriend?"


"Hell no." Yizhuo was able to get away, "and besides, you are definitely not my type."


"Likewise. But this is a matter of life and death, Ning!" Minjeong was able to grab both Yizhuo's hands and almost tried to kneel in front of her, "Why won't you help your awesome best friend?"


The younger girl could only sigh, "Are you stupid, Unnie? I am not the person you name-dropped to your cousin. And if we try to change that, they wouldn't believe us and would call it BS." She again was able to remove her hands from the older girl and managed to lift Minjeong up from kneeling.


"Just ask Jimin Unnie, for god's sake, Kim Minjeong. Unnie is kind, and you know that. She will hear you out."


"No, she won't. She hates me, and..." Yizhuo could only roll her eyes, "Well, I don't have a comment about that. After all, you never even disclosed to me what really happened 5 years ago."


Minjeong tried to say something but eventually closed . "See?" The younger girl shakes her head, "Whatever, Unnie. You are on your own with this. Ask Jimin Unnie out."


She defeatedly sighs, Easier said than done.


She tried to think of other possible ways to get out of the solution, but unfortunately, this was the only option that is both easy and hard.


Yoo Jimin was the only solution.


Minjeong gathered enough courage and knocked on the door. She heard some noise from the other side.


Oh crap, this is really a bad idea. The blonde girl was getting cold feet. She turned around and was about to flee, but the door suddenly opened, "Minjeong?"


She immediately stopped the moment she heard her voice. It has been a while since she hears Jimin's voice calling her name. The way the other girl called her name, was reminiscent of the past, it made Minjeong remembered the old times. 


She missed her voice.


"What are you doing here?" The coldness of the question made Minjeong wake up from her trance. She slowly turned around to see the girl she's been trying to ignore at all cost, Yoo Jimin.


Jimin looked fresh, her hair was still a bit wet, and she was wearing comfortable clothes, a worn-out shirt, and black shorts. It seemed she might just have been out from the shower. She looked ethereal without even trying.


"Hi...?" Minjeong was able to speak at least one word in front of her.


Jimin furrowed her eyebrows and crossed her arms. She seemed to be confused as to why Minjeong was in front of her dorm room. "Do you need something? Minjeong-sshi?" Her cold tone made Minjeong squirm a bit. Her voice was the opposite from a while ago.




"If you are looking for Aeri, she's not here-"


"I know." Minjeong cut her off accidentally. "I mean," she clears before continuing, "I am actually here...to talk to...you." She peaked a glimpse at Jimin's face and noticed that the other girl was shocked before regaining back her composure. "Oh."


Out of nowhere, both girls hear some of their dorm mates coming up from downstairs, chattering. "Let's not talk here," Jimin opened her door a bit more, offering Minjeong to go inside. "Uh..oh...Okay."


Minjeong meekly entered Jimin and Aeri's room. It wasn't her first time there, but it was her first time being in one room with Jimin since...years ago. She looked all over the place, looking for clues or signs if Jimin knew what was going on in their social media. She then noticed a phone charging at the bedside table in between 2 beds. It looked untouched. This gave her hope (a bit) that maybe, just maybe, Jimin doesn't know yet.


"So," Minjeong's attention then switched back to the raven-haired girl, who was now looking at her warily, "what do you want to talk about?"


The blonde girl clears and tries to compose herself. This is now or never, she thought as she gathers enough courage to say the next words confidently.


"I know this is sudden," Minjeong was looking everywhere but at Jimin, "and this is really random. I mean, we are not on talking terms or anything..."


"Minjeong." She heard the other girl's cold voice, she gulped. She knows that they are not friends, but this was harder than she expected. She sighed one last time before looking straight at the raven-haired girl, "Yoo Jimin, will you be my girlfriend?"


The room became silent. 


Minjeong tried to read Jimin's face but to no avail. She used to be good at reading the raven-haired girl, but she guessed that them being not friends anymore sure had affected everything.


A few minutes had passed, and no one tried to speak up. The blonde girl was getting restless. She is not liking where this conversation (was this even a conversation to be with?) is going.


"You know what," the blonde girl waved her hands frantically, "forget about what I just said. This was a bad idea." Minjeong hastily walks to the door, however, Jimin holds her arm and does not let her leave. "Wait."


Jimin looked at her, "why are you asking me to be your girlfriend?" Minjeong tried to reply but Jimin's phone suddenly rang. Both of them looked over it, "Don't mind that." Jimin's attention was back at Minjeong, waiting for the blonde girl to answer her query.


However, Jimin's phone continues to ring endlessly, which makes the raven-haired girl frustrated. She let go of Minjeong's arm and said, "don't go just yet, I'm not done with you." Like a puppy, Minjeong stayed

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Next chapter on Sunday 👍👍


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Chapter 6: i hope you will update this story author
Chapter 23: rereading one of my comfort fics :<
I hope you're doing okayy authorr
Faithyouri #3
still waiting for you:))
moshiryu #4
Chapter 26: miss u :(
will this continue?
naevidzy #6
Chapter 26: hope this will be updated soon
Coleeee #7
There's been a lot of hindrances since the moment they met. They do have little happy moments buy it only lasts for a while and it doesn't justify the amount of pain that they have to go through in exchange for it. Kinda makes you think that maybe they are not really meant for each other?

Winrina learning about Ryujin's intervention in past could have been the perfect of the story. Ryujin's acceptance and Winrina finally being together with no strings attached could have been the perfect ending, but it seems like they're facing yet another dilemma and I don't think I can take it anymore 😅

It's been fun reading it but this is it for me. Had enough of winrina angst 😅 God they're everywhere. Wish you all the best author! Hope your hand heal soon.
Chapter 26: damn. i reread the whole story coz i forgot the plot 😂 welcome back! thanks for the update hehe
Chapter 26: yeayy you updated ! thank you ^^
they are so cute
888 streak #10
Chapter 26: hehe 🥰