
The Elzard



‘’Pathetic elementless!’’


‘’They should just give up’’


‘’My little sister can do even better than that’’










Jisoo ignored all the insults and sneers of her classmates and returned to her seat after conjuring a very small water sphere, an assessment from their high school elemental teacher. She sat next to Chaeyoung who just quietly let the whispers of their classmates enter her ear and exit to her other one.


Years of being treated like this almost made them immune; Besides, they can’t physically bully them because they’re also the daughters of Hyuna and Jisung, so they mostly settled on verbal insults.


The teacher sighed and marked Jisoo’s grade based on her weak performance ‘’Next, Lalisa Manoban’’


Lisa smirked and walked up front, raising her hand to conjure a large water sphere almost reaching the ceiling of the room. The class watched in awe at her talent and cheered, feeding Lisa’s ego even more as she sent a smug smirk to Jisoo and Chaeyoung’s direction.

The teacher smiled proudly ‘’Amazing work Lisa, as expected from the daughters of the council head’’

Lisa shrugged ‘’Next time, give us something more challenging please’’ Lisa said before sending a condescending look to the other two elementless ‘’Weakling should just stay out of the academy, and maybe giving something more of a challenge to true elzards will finally make them leave.’’

‘’We’re just following the curriculum given to us, you’ve got to talk to your father about that’’ The teacher said with an apologetic tone.

Lisa scoffed and went back to her seat, but not before bumping to Chaeyoung’s shoulder quite harsh.


‘’Next Jennie Kim’’


Jennie sighed and walked in front, lazily showed her palm with a sphere of water. It’s not big but it’s definitely better than Jisoo’s pint sized water ball.

‘’I’m a fire user, you can’t expect me to do better than this’’ Jennie rolled her eyes ‘’At least it’s strong’’

‘’How do you know that?’’ The teacher asked

Jennie smirked and with no remorse, threw the water sphere to Jisoo who was unable to quickly dodge it.




Water dripped from Jisoo’s form while the whole class laughed at what Jennie did. Chaeyoung glared at the smirking Kim and took off her jacket to cover it to Jisoo’s shivering frame. She looked at the older girl and felt her heart clench at the hidden emotions in Jisoo’s eyes…emotions like hurt, embarrassment, and anger.


Jennie laughed seeing the teacher panic at the sudden attack as she said


‘’I hope that shows you that it’s strong despite its size.’’

‘’Good morning class!’’ Park Bom said cheerfully ‘’Did you all enjoy your party last weekend?’’

Joy laughed loudly ‘’Definitely!’’ She shouted with enthusiasm

‘’Oh why is that Ms. Joy?’’ Bom asked in amusement, as if knowing what just happened.

‘’Me and my Rosie just won against Hyeri and Suzy in beer pong’’

Bom looked interested ‘’They’re from the other sections of freshmen I’ve heard, and apparently one of top students also.’’

‘’Yup,’’ Joy winked at Chaeyoung who was just ignoring what’s happening ‘’I knew Rosie’s arm would be a huge help to the game, not to mention how great she is at manipulating different elements.’’

‘’Is that true Ms. Park?’’ Bom looked at Chaeyoung

‘’It’s just a small amount of energy’’ Chaeyoung shrugged ‘’Almost as small as an ant, so it was easy to get a hang of it.’’

‘’You’re elementless right?’’

Chaeyoung nodded

Bom hummed before nodding to herself with a knowing smile ‘’Alright! Then it’s time to start our first lesson’’

Bom opened her hand as students watch her conjured a simple fireball ‘’So let’s start with something very basic’’ She grinned ‘’Today’s lesson is about conjuring a fireball, but the catch is’’

The fireball grew in Bom’s hand until it was the size of a basketball, and as she walked around the room, some students were sweating at how hot the fire was

‘’I need it bigger and hotter’’

Bom distinguished it while explaining ‘’In your high school years, teachers are teaching you to get the feeling of different elements, but here in college? You’ll have to grasp it and make it as if your own. That’s why I’m not accepting fireball which is as small as an ant, or a fireball that is large but lacks the heat.’’

Bom looked at a certain girl and smiled ‘’Ms. Jennie Kim, I’ve heard you are a user of the fire element. Will you explain to us what kind of energy that fire users have?’’

Jennie nodded and answered ‘’Fire element is something that is continuously blazing; For non-fire elzards, it can feel really scary as if you’ll burn yourself to the flames. In order to grasp the blazing energy, you just have to fully accept it and take the risk of going into that fire.’’

Bom clapped with enthusiasm at the well-made explanation ‘’That’s correct! Fire element is something that is blazing continuously thus can be quite hard to control if you don’t know how to calm it down. They’re unpredictable so you really have to become one with them.’’

‘’Unfortunately though,’’ Bom continued ‘’Just because you became one with that energy doesn’t mean you’re a fire elzard already. It just means you got the energy concept and can conjure basic spells. But for a stronger and complicated ones? You’ll lack the main energy of it and it will definitely run out of fuel if you tried to force it. Elzard magic is not just in the energy within our bodies, but also in our soul. So your body might grasp the fire element but your soul will not because it already has its chosen elements that already showed up or is taking time to show up. The right timing of your main element will come at your 7th birthday and maybe even later.’’

‘’So!’’ Bom grinned ‘’Go and practice. I’ll be here if you need more advice, just raise your hand and I’ll come to you.’’

‘’Hey Rosie!’’ Joy grinned, quickly walking up to her ‘’Do you need help? I’m a fire elzard!’’


‘’Come on’’ Joy pouted ‘’At least let me help you after everything you did to me during the party.’’

‘’Thank Seulgi for that, she took care of you not me’’

‘’But she’s not the one who drank the rest of the shot while I’m drunk as .’’

Chaeyoung wanted to smack herself for being kind ‘’Whatever’’ She turned to Jisoo who was already practicing the spell, creating a well-sized fireball in her hand.

Jisoo touched the fireball and sighed, feeling it ice cold despite its appearance as flames ‘’This is going to take longer than I thought…’’ She muttered

Chaeyoung smiled slightly ‘’Having a hard time?’’  She teased ‘’I can’t believe Elsa is conjuring fire, think of how many events that will be altered if Elsa could conjure fire’’

Jisoo giggled ‘’You’re such a dork Chaeyoungie’’ She said, her eyes twinkling in amusement

Joy frowned, not liking the feeling of being left out. So with a devious mind, she raised her hand ‘’Ms. Bom!’’

Bom turned to look at her ‘’Yes Ms. Joy?’’

‘’Rosie here is having a hard time conjuring a fireball’’ She pouted to make herself look innocent ‘’Can I be her tutor for today?’’

‘’Show me your fireball first’’

Joy smirked deviously and immediately, a huge fireball erupted from Joy’s hand surprising the others at how strong Joy’s fire element is that even Lisa started to sweat lightly from how hot Joy’s fire is!

‘’Impressive’’ Bom commented with a look of surprise before returning it to a cheerful one ‘’You got perfect score for that Ms. Joy good job!’’ She smiled before adding something that made Chaeyoung want to glare at the professor for somehow always sending her these teasing looks.

‘’And you can take Ms. Chaeyoung here, teach her what you know and who knows? Maybe she’ll conjure a fireball as huge as yours’’

‘’That’s definitely noted Ms.Bom’’ Joy smiled innocently before grabbing Chaeyoung’s hand ‘’Let’s go my Rosie~’’

‘’Can it be here?’’ Chaeyoung said with irritation. What is up with Joy and her stupid crush on her? Heck Chaeyoung didn't even do anything to make Joy like her!

‘’I need you to concentrate Rosie, and you can’t do that if Ms. Protector is next to you’’ Joy smiled sweetly that made Jisoo look at her with a critical eye

‘’Don’t worry Chaeyoungie, I’m fine’’ Jisoo gave a strained smile ‘’Wendy is with me anyways. Go and let Joy teach you’’

Chaeyoung’s eyebrows furrowed…Jisoo’s tone, it’s like it has a hint of




Jennie watched Joy drag a puzzled Chaeyoung to a corner. ‘’Will she be able to conjure a fireball today?’’ She muttered to herself. Ever since last party, she wasn’t able to become herself, not after witnessing Chaeyoung saving Lisa from a ert and how Jennie felt slightly intimidated when Chaeyoung faced her while holding Lisa protectively.

‘’But she’s an elementless…why did I feel even a slight bit of intimidation from her of all people?’’

Speaking of Lisa though, Jennie wants to thank the heavens above that Lisa didn’t remember what happened to her. She can’t bear to tell Lisa the truth because it might make her despise herself for letting herself almost taken advantage…

And might also add to Lisa’s confusion if she told her that Chaeyoung saved her

Jennie noticed it, the lingering longing in Lisa’s eyes every time she looks at Chaeyoung. She’s not stupid, and she’s definitely not blind when she looks at the two of them. They have a different bond compared to the rest, even Jisoo…and even from way before when they were just children.

And as much as how it sounds so selfish, Jennie wants to hide that information to Lisa at least for now. She wants to keep an eye to the girl that Joy just dragged to the corner, especially after that party.


No one escapes from Jennie Kim


And what Jennie wants? Jennie gets.


So Chaeyoung better be prepared for whatever schemes Jennie has in mind.


She’ll definitely need it.

‘’So can you conjure a simple fire ball for me Rosie?’’

Chaeyoung blinked ‘’Is this really Joy?’’ She's suddenly stopped being clingy to her and acted like a true tutor when they now have their own space.

They were alone in the corner of the room, some subtly glancing at them as if expecting Joy to do something drastic, heck that’s what Chaeyoung’s expecting to that’s why she’s so tense ever since Joy dragged her in this part of the room.

‘’Uhm Rosie? I know I’m beautiful like Aphrodite herself but you really need to concentrate’’ Joy smirked

Chaeyoung scoffed ‘’Please, I know someone who is so much pretty than you’’

‘’That’s harsh Rosie, hurts my pretty feelings’’ Joy mockingly held her heart ‘’Is it Ms. Protector there?’’

Chaeyoung glanced at Jisoo who sighed again after feeling her fire ball still cold like ice. She admired Jisoo’s visuals, her side view, her jawline, those pretty eyes, heck even her heart-shaped lips. Chaeyoung has absolutely no idea why Jisoo still has no suitors vying for her attention when she looks drop dead gorgeous and you can look at her for hours and still won’t get bored at how perfect her face is.

‘’Jeez, I know me and Jisoo are pretty but you don’t have to look like a high school girl who has a crush in front of me’’ Joy scoffed, grabbing Chaeyoung’s face and forced it to look at her.

‘’Look at me.’’ Joy demanded

Chaeyoung blinked, now that she noticed…

Joy looks kind of similar to Jisoo, and maybe if she wasn’t so headstrong and annoying, Chaeyoung would have found her pretty and someone she’ll trust and be friends with.

‘’And then what?’’ Chaeyoung finally spoke out

‘’Are you two going to kiss or going back to the lesson today?’’

Chaeyoung leaned away to look at the source to see Bom giving her that teasing look that made Chaeyoung feel annoyed

‘’You gave me the wrong tutor then’’ Chaeyoung said bluntly ‘’Can I return to my seat now?’’

‘’No.’’ Bom and Joy answered her making Chaeyoung’s shoulder slump a bit

‘’Let’s get started anyways will you?’’ Chaeyoung said to Joy with an annoyed look

Joy snickered, finally feeling Chaeyoung’s attention focused on her making her feel more alive than ever.

‘’First close your eyes’’ Joy said when Bom finally left them

Chaeyoung followed her instructions but with a tense thought ‘’What if she pulled another stunt like during our beer pong game?’’

‘’Relax Rosie…’’ Joy soothed, her voice hypnotizing and sweet like honey ‘’Follow my voice’’

Chaeyoung took a deep breath and calmed herself down ‘’That’s weird…’’ Chaeyoung thought, there’s something she’s feeling but she doesn’t know what it is. It’s as if it’s touching her own energy and twirling around it.

‘’Good, you got it’’ Joy smirked as she continued to whisper ‘’Now from the sea of energy inside you…focus on the one that’s making you feel hot. The energy that is blazing inside you…’’

Chaeyoung unconsciously followed Joy’s voice, being quite obedient for once in her life ‘’I got it’’ Chaeyoung said

‘’Grab it, pull it towards you’’

Chaeyoung felt something breathing in front of her face but somehow, her body and mind ignored it as she continued to pull that energy to her, feeling her body get hotter and burning.

Joy watched Chaeyoung’s face started to sweat, her eyes followed the trickle of sweat going from Chaeyoung’s forehead, to her nose, and then to her lips that made Joy her lips a bit.

‘’God Rosie, I’m so thankful that you’re an elementless. Gives me more chance to be with you’’

‘’Continue pulling that energy and direct it to your palm…’’ Joy said before lowering her voice


‘’Look at me…then lean forward for just a tiny bit’’


Chaeyoung snapped her eyes open and suddenly moved backed away from Joy, her eyes looking at her suspiciously.

Joy watched the process of the fireball in Chaeyoung’s hand slowly disappear ‘’Aw Rosie, you almost got it! You should have continued following my voice’’ She pouted


Joy tilted her head at her but a subtle smirk is on her face ‘’Yes?’’

Chaeyoung narrowed her eyes ‘’You…’’


Chaeyoung snapped her neck to Jisoo’s direction and felt rage seeing her holding her backside which has burns and definitely looked like a fireball hit her judging from the black circle on her back.

‘’Aww Jennie-unnie accidentally hit her’’ Lisa snickered, summoning a water ball ‘’Want something to cool you off unnie?’’

Chaeyoung watched in anger seeing Lisa launch a water ball to pained Jisoo, she power walked towards Jisoo while giving the two offenders the glare that she’s famous for.

‘’Jichu…’’ Chaeyoung whispered worriedly, seeing her sweat and eyes screaming in pain since it was no plain attack. It was obviously charged with more power that’s why Jisoo is hurting more than ever.

‘’Ms. Jisoo!’’

Bom panicked and turned to Wendy ‘’Bring her to the infirmary quick!’’ Bom watched Wendy, who just finished showing her fireball, nodded frantically and hurriedly helped Jisoo to her feet as they went out of the classroom.

Then she looked at the snickering Lisa and Jennie with a hard stare

‘’You two!’’

The two stopped snickering and felt a shiver run down their spines when Bom glared at them harshly

‘’I do not tolerate bullying in this class! No one will get hurt during my period!’’ Bom’s aura started to grow and the room is shaking a bit, the lights flickering on and off making the students feel fear to the council member

‘’Am I understood?!”’ She roared

The students aren’t answering her that made Bom become more angrier

‘’I said am I understood?!’’

The students gulped at the darker voice of their usually cheery professor as they stuttered an answer

‘’Y-Yes Ms. Bom!’’

Bom started calming down, her showcase of power made the students feel awe and fear to her. Jennie gulped while Lisa looked away when Bom is still looking at them.

Bom narrowed her eyes as she said in a loud and clear voice ‘’Let this be a warning to you Ms. Jennie and Ms. Lisa. I don’t care if you two are the daughters of the council head but I repeat, I don’t tolerate bullying in my class. Follow my rules and you’ll be spare from punishments.’’

‘’Am I understood?’’ Bom said to the two of them

‘’Yes.’’ Jennie and Lisa quietly answered.

This is a lesson to never get to Park Bom’s bad side unless you want to have nightmares everyday during the class every time you see her. Her dark aura made her look like a devil earlier…which is honestly can cause trauma to kids if they ever saw it.

Chaeyoung clenched her fist, ignoring what just happened. ‘’Jichu…’’ The worry is not leaving her even if Wendy is with Jisoo. She’s not used being away from the girl for too long especially if she’s injured.

Heck the academy isn’t even safe for them anymore

Chaeyoung wanted to be on Jisoo’s side, especially in this kind of situation where she’s hurt and the possibility of her getting hurt even more made Chaeyoung finally stand up.


She can’t take it


She has to come to her aid


Apparently, her standing up attracted the others’ attention to her as Chaeyoung started to walk away hurriedly; her mind filled with Jisoo’s pained face and the anxiety is not leaving her


‘’Don’t worry Jichu, I’m coming’’


‘’Ms. Chaeyoung,’’ Bom said sternly ‘’You can’t leave until you finish your task today. Ms. Jisoo’s exempted for now because of her sudden injury. There’s a reason why I let Ms. Wendy help her instead of you’’

Chaeyoung gritted her teeth, and glared at the professor ‘’Let me out’’ She said coldly


‘’No.’’ Bom answered back just as coldly


Chaeyoung scowled and showed her palm…


For students to gasp as a large fireball, almost as large as Joy, came out from Chaeyoung’s hand and it was heading towards Bom’s way! The heat of Chaeyoung’s fire is hot and you can feel it even in the back of the room!


Bom wordlessly grabbed Chaeyoung’s fireball, not flinching at all as she perished it with ease.


Chaeyoung looked at Bom for a minute, before silently turning around and leaving the room.


Bom looked at her burnt hand and let out a small smile, she looked at the surprised Joy at the corner of the room and said in a cheerful voice as if nothing happened

‘’Great job on teaching her Ms. Joy!’’


Chaeyoung entered the infirmary and saw Jisoo just laying at the bed with closed eyes. Wendy looked at her and said

‘’Don’t worry, she’s healed already.’’

Chaeyoung sighed in relief ‘’Nothing happened…’’

Chaeyoung gave Wendy a nod ‘’I know…I’m just’’

‘’Just worried like a girlfriend’’ Wendy playfully rolled her eyes ‘’I’ll let you take care of her now. I don’t want to let my bunny think of something bad when I took too long.’’

‘’She has mean streak of jealousy isn’t she?’’

Wendy barked out a loud laugh ‘’You have no idea.’’

Jisoo groaned ‘’Stop being so loud…’’

Wendy snickered before finally leaving them alone. Chaeyoung replaced Wendy’s position and grabbed Jisoo’s hand

‘’How are you feeling?’’

‘’Fine and dandy don’t worry’’ Jisoo chuckled ‘’I’m tough enough to handle things like that. You know it’’

‘’It’s just that…’’ Chaeyoung sighed and spoke in a vulnerable voice ‘’Jichu…’’ She said softly ‘’We’re not safe even in the academy anymore…there's definitely something going on as most of our professors are from the council...’’

Jisoo’s eyes softened; So that’s why Chaeyoung immediately came after her…her heart filling up with happiness and warmth that Chaeyoung is going to such great lengths for her. She squeezed Chaeyoung’s hand while whispering


‘’I know…’’


‘’What are we going to do now?’’ Chaeyoung asked, looking at Jisoo like a lost puppy that made her smile


‘’What we always do’’ Jisoo answered


‘’Get stronger…together’’

‘’Why did you launch it to Jisoo-unnie anyway?’’ Lisa asked to Jennie after class ended for today

‘’It’s the only way for Chaeyoung’s attention to be shifted away’’ Jennie answered as they walk back home.

‘’What do you mean?’’ Lisa narrowed her eyes before saying in an accusing tone ‘’Why are you…so focused on Chaeyoung nowadays unnie?’’

Jennie stopped walking and looked at her with raised eyebrows ‘’What do you mean Lalisa?’’

‘’Lately you’re always saying her name, you’re always looking at her and Jisoo-unnie or sometimes only at her!’’ Lisa pointed out ‘’Are you hiding something from me unnie?’’

Jennie contemplated to herself if she should tell Lisa the truth and opened

‘’I’m not hiding something; I’m just observing them.’’

‘’For what?’’

‘’I’ll tell you after I finally get some answers’’

Lisa stared intently to Jennie’s face before continued walking home without waiting for her with one thought on her mind

‘’You’re hiding something from me unnie, I feel it. I’ll find out what it is even if I have to face Chaeyoung myself…’’

Lately she’s been feeling like something happened in her life but no matter how much Lisa thinks about it, the answer never really come to her…

And Lisa hates it that Chaeyoung is always on her mind afterwards. Her soft cheeks that Lisa desperately wants to squeeze, her eyes that kid Lisa always wants to stare into, her cute nose that kid Lisa always bopped when they were taking a bath together, her shapely lips that curls to a warm smile but now became a deadly cold thin line, and her warmth…

Chaeyoung’s warmth feels like it’s been stuck to Lisa’s body since the party happened so Lisa knows she has an encounter with Chaeyoung and apparently Jennie knows why but is not telling her


Jennie stared at Lisa’s back, her heart hurting a bit for hiding her plans to the youngest ‘’I’m sorry Lisa, I can’t risk you getting in my way…’’

This is her chance; to finally get to know Chaeyoung if Jisoo stays out of the way now since Lisa will probably never get in close contact with Chaeyoung after so many years and it will definitely won’t be close when they do fix each other’s bond.

‘’It’s my chance and I won’t waste it.’’

As if fate heard her, Jennie’s peripheral vision saw a walking dark blonde hair going to the garden behind the house.

‘’Is that…?’’

Looks like Jennie’s luck is still on fire despite in a different world.

Chaeyoung took a deep breath and stared at her hand; She was at the garden of the house and once again, Jisung and Hyuna are not in the house so that gives her more privacy to train by herself since Jisoo prefers to rest for now and read some books.

Chaeyoung narrowed her eyes remembering Joy’s lesson; She didn’t know why but she suddenly felt a connection to her and that’s something that made Chaeyoung snap out of her focus and look at Joy with suspicion

‘’What the was that…’’ Chaeyoung whispered, it was no ordinary connection; It was something different…and Chaeyoung didn’t whether to feel good or bad about it.

‘’Is it because that’s how fire elzards use their energy?’’ Chaeyoung has absolutely no idea on the deeper concepts of the fire element, but what she didn’t know the answer is just behind her back.

‘’What are you doing here?’’

Chaeyoung tensed, hearing that familiar voice as she answered stoically

‘’Is it going to be your hobby now? Following me around?’’

Jennie shrugged ‘’I just think it’s weird to see you back here in the garden and staring at your hand for like a minute.’’

‘’So you’ve been looking at me like a stalker for a minute?” Chaeyoung turned around to give Jennie a teasing smirk.

‘’You didn’t answer my question’’

‘’Geez is it always going to be like this? You interrogating me for what?’’

‘’You’ve been acting suspicious, you and Jisoo’’ Jennie said before lowering her voice to a softer one


Chaeyoung tensed once again when Jennie walked closer to her personal space

‘’It’s absolutely okay if you found your element now’’ Jennie whispered, looking at Chaeyoung in the eyes, her own cat eyes letting down its walls for Chaeyoung to see the happiness and yearning in it

‘’I got a feeling that you have your element since Lisa’s 7th birthday…’’ Jennie shared, raising her hand to touch Chaeyoung’s cheek making her heart jump a bit at the feeling ‘’I know that Lisa said that you’re elementless, but my gut feeling is telling something otherwise’’

‘’Shut the hell up Kim’’ Chaeyoung growled, smacking Jennie’s hand away from her face ‘’What the is wrong with you? Are you bipolar now?’’

Jennie narrowed her eyes ‘’So the gentle approach didn’t work also…’’

Jennie sighed, though Chaeyoung noticed like it’s a fake one, ‘’Fine, don’t tell me. So answer my other question.’’

‘’I swear this girl definitely has a double personality disorder’’ Chaeyoung just can’t seem to figure out the older girl; There are times that Chaeyoung really admires her for her strength and even her charismatic form like everything she does is so perfect. There are also times (which is actually most of the time) that she hates this cute girl with passion for being one of the reasons of making their life a living hell. There are also times Chaeyoung wants to uncover the secrets behind Jennie’s eyes because it held so many hidden meanings that Chaeyoung’s curiosity is getting her too much, but apparently her hate for her and Lisa is always overshadowing that.

‘’It’s about Joy’’ Chaeyoung said truthfully, maybe telling Jennie some truth will make them stop having encounters like this

‘’What about her?’’

‘’I…’’ Chaeyoung hesitated a bit and looked around to notice it’s only the two of them. ‘’I felt a connection with her when she’s teaching me about the fire element.’’

Jennie clenched her fist ‘’Is that so…’’ Just when she thought Jisoo is the only obstacle, Joy is quickly joining in their issues

‘’I don’t know whether to feel good or bad about it though’’ Chaeyoung said ‘’It’s just…different.’’

‘’More different than you and Jisoo?’’

Chaeyoung nodded

‘’Have you ever thought that maybe you like her?’’ Jennie asked, almost bitterly ‘’If it’s way different from you and Jisoo, it must be special.’’

Chaeyoung is surprised to this normal conversation between them; Looks like when Lisa and Jisoo is out of the picture, they seem to be act civil to each other but Chaeyoung is still not going to let her guard down just because of that.

‘’No.’’ Chaeyoung answered ‘’It’s nothing special. Forget about it, maybe I’m just being paranoid.’’

‘’Can you show me your fireball?’’

Chaeyoung looked at her a bit confused ‘’Wha-‘’

‘’Just show me.’’

Then an idea clicked to Chaeyoung’s head ‘’Jennie’s a fire elzard…she might be able to help me’’ Chaeyoung nodded and opened her hand to summon a simple fireball.

Jennie analyzed it and grabbed her fireball

‘’It’s heat is normal…the size is a bit small though that means you’re not pushing enough energy to make it look decent’’

Chaeyoung looked surprised, the heat is normal? How is that possible when it’s already making her sweat? Looking at Jennie and seeing she actually looks normal as if she’s just dealing with water

‘’Make it bigger’’ Jennie said bluntly ‘’Like what you launched to Ms. Bom earlier.’’

Chaeyoung concentrated more but it only grew like half an inch and muttered ‘’How the heck did I launch something big earlier?’’

Jennie put her hand under Chaeyoung’s working hand ‘’Can you feel my element?’’


Chaeyoung flinched


Yup she is definitely feeling it


And it’s burning hot! Like lava hot!


Chaeyoung swore it’s like touching large forest fires that not even a huge douse of water can fix!


‘’Yeah, you’re’’ Chaeyoung gritted her teeth feeling her hand burn so much ‘’so hot’’


Jennie smirked ‘’I know I am’’ She winked and somehow that made Chaeyoung let out a small blush


Chaeyoung watch her fireball grow hotter and brighter, not only that, it was growing size! If there were people passing by the house, they would definitely notice something bright behind the house especially since the sun is already setting.

Chaeyoung stopped pouring energy and put her hand away from Jennie’s touch with slight pants ‘’She really is a strong elzard’’ She thought, she underestimated Jennie for a bit there.

Jennie raised her eyebrow ‘’What’s wrong?’’

‘’N-nothing’’ Chaeyoung flinched once again and glanced at her backhand to see it having a small burn.

‘’Did I hurt you?’’ Jenine asked, a bit of worry in her tone

Chaeyoung shook her head ‘’It’s just a small burn, don’t worry about it.’’

Jennie is about to reach out but stopped herself, she’s making progress if Chaeyoung is talking to her in a civil way. She better not push her luck too much


Chaeyoung stared at her as if waiting for her to continue what she just said

‘’A fire elzard’s power comes from their emotion’’ Jennie opened her palm to conjure flames ‘’Anger…anguish….despair…desire’’ She said

‘’And most of all, love’’

Chaeyoung wanted to snort ‘’Love? Does she even know that?’’ She thought bemused at the thought of Jennie Kim using love as her fuel

‘’The stronger your emotion is, the stronger your fire is’’ Jennie continued speaking ‘’It’s what you will use to push your fire energy in the way you want to.’’

‘’Emotions huh,’’ Chaeyoung muttered.

Jennie laughed ‘’It won’t be so easy to you since you’re such an emotionless person. You hardly let out your true feelings.’’

‘’What’s the point of letting out my feelings if it just ends up with nothing?’’ Chaeyoung stated ‘’You become rash in your decisions and actions if you let your feelings control you. It’s not a good trait.’’

‘’But it’s a needed one’’

Chaeyoung scoffed ‘’Yeah right, and you have feelings?’’

‘’I’m a strong elzard right?’’ Jennie smirked ‘’I do have feelings, and I don’t shy away from what I feel like doing.’’

‘’Like how you always attack us any time you want?’’ Chaeyoung asked bitterly


The truth easily came out from Jennie’s mouth that it made Chaeyoung hated it even more because Jennie Kim never hides her feelings or what she wants to say…and she held true to it.


Chaeyoung said angrily and conjured a large fire ball like what she threw at Bom earlier. It stayed like that for a whole minute, the wind picking up Chaeyoung’s hair as her energy runs rampant around the blazing fireball.

Jennie can finally feel the heat of Chaeyoung’s anger in the form of the large fire ball. She smiled proudly inside seeing Chaeyoung using her element.

She hummed ‘’It’s definitely better than what you used earlier in school.’’

Chaeyoung cut the flow of energy and looked away ‘’Yeah, you’re right.’’ She started walking away as she finally got a bit of answers from Jennie but not before whispering a small




Jennie watched Chaeyoung walk away and back to the house, whispering thoughtfully to herself


‘’Why is it every time I talk to you, you only leave me more questions instead of answers…’’

Surprise surprise! We're now slowly getting into a series of events now that introductions are over and this chapter is a start of that! I hope all of you are getting the snippets that I write at every start of a chapter! As I've said, some are from the past, and some are from the future. It's up to you guys to guess which is which. I hope you all liked this chapter and have understood the concept of elements in my story! Thank you once again for your support and I'll see you all once again in the next chapter!

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dianawalker0204 #1
Chapter 38: Seeing this update brightened my day! This is one of the few fics that I'm waiting on and looking forward to read every time. The world building is great and I really like how Chaeyoung's relationship with each member develops
Winter_02 #2
Chapter 38: I hope it will be chaesoo end game, cause they have each other like no one else like their bond was stronger. If chaennie or chaelisa it is something wrong like maybe consider the way they treat chaeyoung in the past like no elements but now they like puufff they like her?? Ahuh so yeah i hope it chaesoo bec. Jisoo she did not leave rosé behind or what. They trained together to be strong and protect each other.
This is like blades of light and shadow from the choices game
Intersting , gonna read it and find out
Chapter 37: tô sentindo que a revelação do elemento escuro da chae está vindo
Chapter 37: Still wanting chaesoo ending!!! Hahhaa gaaaad, i miss this story!
Chapter 37: Omg!!!!!! Welcome back!
reader555 #7
Chapter 36: im here still waiting for ud😔
Afkm_07 #8
Chapter 36: Quand est la suite ?!?! 😭❤
bety_liz #9
Chapter 36: I really enjoy how you write the story :) but I wonder what happened to jisoo and chaeyoung 🤔