Sword Training

The Elzard

‘’Come on Chaeyoung you can do it!’’


Chaeyoung gritted her teeth and gripped the wooden sword tightly ‘’Ha!’’  She charged ferociously and swung her sword with strength and precision at her opponent. Her whole form dripping with sweat and obviously tired from the continuous training but her eyes held determination in defeating her opponent at the end of this match.


‘’More speed…’’ Chaeyoung thought ‘’More…’’


A flurry of strikes of swords came from Chaeyoung but still her opponent either swing it to the side or block it with her own




Chaeyoung’s arms are burning with fatigue but still she continued attacking her opponent with lots of sword strikes








Her opponent held her stomach in pain and dropped to one knee, coughing as Chaeyoung actually managed to hit a part of her stomach making her chuckle


‘’Impressive’’ She said ‘’You’re definitely improving as years go by Chaeyoung.’’


Chaeyoung panted and wiped her sweats with her hand, her hand letting her wooden sword hang by the back of her neck.


‘’It was a small improvement but I’ll take it’’


Her opponent laughed with mirth ‘’As blunt as always, accept the compliment will you?’’ She said in amusement ‘’Sooner or later, I’ll let you hold a real sword. That’s where the real training starts.’’


Chaeyoung nodded and finally let her body fall to the grassy field




Chaeyoung nodded sleepily ‘’Yeah…’’


‘’Why did you choose to learn how to wield a sword than any other weapons out there anyway?’’


Chaeyoung looked at the sky, the answer just in front of her as she whispered solemnly


‘’…to remember her’’

‘’Okay class, pick up your wooden swords and we’ll start the warm ups!’’

It was another normal sunny day for the college students of the elzard academy; freshmen are dressed in their P.E attire as they are now in an open field near to the forest side of the academy.

‘’You two,’’ Sandara looked at a certain pair ‘’Come with me, I’ll teach you some techniques in sword fighting as I’ve promised.’’

‘’Will be with you boss’’ Lisa grinned excitedly then turned to Jennie ‘’Isn’t it so cool that we’re going to learn how to use a sword?! I’ve seen some action movies and I’ve been itching to try and learn one!’’

Jennie grunted when she picked up the wooden sword ‘’I definitely prefer the arrows than this…’’

‘’You’re such a light weight’’ Lisa teased before looking at another girl just near them, swinging her wooden sword with practiced ease

‘’Hey, boss said we should come with her’’ Lisa informed her

Chaeyoung nodded and looked at Jisoo ‘’I’ll come back in just a moment’’ She whispered softly and she received a radiant smile from Jisoo

‘’Sure Chaeyoungie! I’ll just be here don’t worry’’ Jisoo smiled at her

Chaeyoung let out a small smile ‘’Note to self, use the cuddle technique to cheer her up when she’s upset.’’ She never knew her unnie is the clingy type but she’s happy that Jisoo’s not upset with her anymore so together with Lisa, they began to walk towards Sandara who was already showing students how to warm up.


Jisoo looked at Jennie with a confused look on her face…because why the heck is Jennie talking to her randomly? Nevertheless, she replied back


Jennie hesitated for a bit, but she knows she has to interact with Jisoo if she wants to know about Lisa’s suspicious behavior last night

‘’Did Chaeyoung said anything to you regarding about what she and Lisa talked about?’’

Jisoo blinked ‘’And why do you want to know about that?’’

Jennie scoffed ‘’Lisa isn’t like that’’ She pointed out to the maknae who was speaking to Chaeyoung, albeit a bit casually than before ‘’She hates her’’ Jennie then pointed out to the nodding Chaeyoung

‘’Not only that, Chaeyoung is even responding to her’’ Jennie said and Jisoo has to admit, Jennie is right. She looked at Chaeyoung who was actually speaking a few words to Lisa as well. If it was months ago before they talked, the two would be having a great distance with each other right now and definitely not talking like that.

 ‘’So I say, something definitely happened at their talk last night that made them put aside a bit of their differences.’’

Jisoo looked thoughtful for a moment before speaking ‘’All Lisa did is ask Chaeyoung if she has an element since she did pretty well against that shadow monster they encountered.’’

Jennie looked suspicious ‘’That’s weird…if Lisa would ask something like that, she wouldn’t need to talk to Chaeyoung alone, she would have just straight up tell it to her even if the family is there and would rather choose embarrassing her in public than actually be alone with her.’’ Jennie looked at the listening Lisa

‘’What are you up to really?''

Jisoo noticed the look on her sister’s face and can’t help but sneak a glance to Chaeyoung also, who was already warming up herself while holding her own wooden sword. ‘’Why do I get a feeling that you’re not telling me everything Chaeyoung?’’

Jisoo could feel that Jennie’s suspicion on the two are spot on, but Chaeyoung wouldn’t lie to her right? They’ve been through everything together so that should be enough reason for Chaeyoung not to hide anything from her.

But Chaeyoung’s sudden lowered hostility to Lisa is pretty weird for Jisoo as well, she could feel Chaeyoung’s still tense aura around the younger girl but it’s not that guarded anymore unlike before. Is it really okay for Jisoo to feel the same feeling of suspicion that her sister is currently experiencing?

‘’Hey you two Kim! Warm up now or you’ll lag behind the others’’

Jennie and Jisoo stiffened at the sudden yell of Sandara and immediately began warming up as well but they’re actually sharing the same thought

‘’What did the both of you really talked about?’’

Sandara eyed Chaeyoung’s form as she practiced basic strikes at the trees along with Lisa, they’re separated a bit from their other classmates since Sandara would be personally guiding them instead of just giving tips.


‘’This girl,’’ Sandara’s eyes narrowed ‘’her form is calm yet alert at the same time…well-disciplined stance and even precise strikes.’’ If the tree was human and Chaeyoung was holding a real sword, it would be definitely killed because of how Chaeyoung struck the vital spots of a human; the heart, head, lungs, some specific parts of the stomach, and many more.


‘’Chaeyoung,’’ Sandara called out making Chaeyoung look at her questioningly


‘’Come here’’


Chaeyoung’s eyes narrowed but did what she told


‘’Get into fighting stance’’


Chaeyoung looked confused but followed her again anyways; her left foot just a width apart from her own right foot. She gripped the handle with the correct distance between her two hands, positioning the handle just near her left cheek and her wooden sword pointing towards Sandara, bending slightly to feel more comfortable at her own stance not knowing she’s not using the basic stance that Sandara taught to others. Her form relaxed but alert as always and her eyes sharpened which always happens when she’s in this stance.

Sandara raised an eyebrow and gripped the wooden sword just behind her back ‘’Interesting…she didn’t use the basic sword stance where the sword’s tip is pointing upwards.’’


She has to test her possible theory that Chaeyoung actually knows what she’s doing.


Lisa’s eyes widened seeing Sandara suddenly dashing towards Chaeyoung in impressive speed. She was about to yell out for Chaeyoung to get out of the way but her surprise turned to shock seeing Chaeyoung, in a split second, block Sandara’s overhead strike with the strong point of her sword which was the middle part.

They fought for a dominance in strength that their swords are shaking from their strength making Sandara grin in excitement, whispering to Chaeyoung


Sandara jumped back a bit for distance and swung her sword in an upward arc that made Chaeyoung lean her head away and rushed at her, her body on auto-pilot while her eyes already labeling Sandara as an opponent.

Chaeyoung swung her wooden sword for an overhead strike

‘’Which is pretty easy to dodge and predict’’ Sandara analyzed as she started to sidestepped out of the way but her eyes widened slightly seeing the overhead strike suddenly dropping and almost a mere centimeter on hitting her legs if Sandara’s battle instincts were too slow.

Chaeyoung watched Sandara not too affected at her feint attack as she just quickly flipped out of her sword’s way ‘’As expected from someone who’s a weapon master…’’


Chaeyoung went back to her fighting stance seeing Sandara just looking at her with serious eyes…


And her grip on her sword tightened when Sandara suddenly cackled


‘’Are all professors here so weird?’’ Chaeyoung thought


‘’Still not letting your guard down huh’’ Sandara said in amusement still seeing Chaeyoung on her sword stance despite already dropping her own guard.


‘’Perfect then’’


Chaeyoung’s eyes widened when Sandara suddenly appeared in front of her and attacking her with a flurry sets of sword strikes. She immediately blocked and swung the strikes out of the way and tried to counterattack with a swing on her midsection but Sandara just blocked it with a strong upward slash that would have made Chaeyoung’s wooden sword fly away however Chaeyoung is quick to grip it tighter, continuing their sets of attacks to each other.


Chaeyoung’s eyebrows furrowed and immediately grabbed Sandara’s wrist making her one hand just hold the sword but still keeping its strength on countering Sandara’s strong swing.


‘’Oh so you can also use it one-handed’’ Sandara said, a surprised but excited tone in her voice ‘’I should probably kick it up a notch don’t you think Ms. Chaeyoung?’’


Chaeyoung ignored what she said and flipped Sandara to the other side but Sandara just casually let gravity become her friend and landed on the ground with a loud thud but still definitely standing. Chaeyoung’s ear perked up at her right side and quickly swung her wooden sword to the right but like the master she is, Sandara blocked it with her own.


The chipmunk girl ducked when she saw Sandara on her peripheral vision swing the sword to her head, so in this position; she spun and quickly attacked her sword in an effort to hit Sandara’s leg who just jumped to get out of the way.


On her momentum, Sandara attempted to stab Chaeyoung as she began to go down but her student just rolled out of the way so Sandara quickly changed position and instead, ran at her to initiate another start of blocking and striking of swords with impressive speed and precision.


Lisa watched in shock seeing Chaeyoung actually keeping up with Sandara’s speed, she was mostly getting hit by some of Sandara’s strikes but Chaeyoung actually managed to hit her cheek, quite powerful too seeing Sandara’s cheek bleeding


‘’What the…actual ?’’ Lisa whispered; how much more secrets Chaeyoung hid to them anyway?


‘’Is this real?’’


‘’An elementless actually having a good sword fight with our professor? I think I’m not blind’’


‘’Maybe this is her only strength because she has no elements so she focused on weapons. Take that off and she’s back as a weakling’’


‘’But you got to admit, she’s really good’’


Jennie’s mouth dropped in shock and looked at Jisoo to see if her reaction is just the same but was met by a practicing one.


‘’Hey, are you seeing this?’’ Jennie asked her


‘’Hm?’’ Jisoo glanced at the fighting Chaeyoung and Sandara ‘’So? What?’’


‘’Did you know about this?’’ Jennie said ‘’That Chaeyoung is actually a good user of swords?’’


‘’Of course I do’’ Jisoo rolled her eyes, her lips curling to a smirk ‘’Our bond is tighter than glue. Of course I would know about this.’’


‘’Can she beat our professor than? How good is she?’’


‘’Good enough to be considered as a threat’’

Chaeyoung panted, staring at the sword just by her neck making her unable to move ‘’I yield’’ She whispered, she knew to herself when she lost however she’s still confused by Sandara suddenly attacked her.

‘’Even her manners huh…’’ Sandara thought as she hummed, letting go of Chaeyoung and looking at her sweat-filled face

‘’How long have you learned how to fight with a sword?’’ Sandara asked with curiosity on her voice

‘’Not long.’’

Sandara’s eyebrows raised at the vague answer ‘’You’ve fought pretty well against me, your form is different but good, your strikes are precise but with strength, heck even your manners are well-disciplined’’

Chaeyoung shrugged ‘’Can I go back to my own training now?’’




Chaeyoung blinked confusingly, what the heck is she supposed to do now?


‘’You passed’’


‘’What?’’ Chaeyoung said ‘’What do you mean?’’


Sandara chuckled ‘’You passed, you don’t have to do anymore activities for this day. I’ll teach Lisa for now, you look like you need a drink from how long we’ve fought.’’

Lisa felt disappointed that she won’t be learning with Chaeyoung, but at least Sandara’s attention is solely on her now so that meant more learnings from her. Looks like Chaeyoung knows more about this so definitely, Lisa won’t embarrass herself by suddenly sparring with her when she’s sure she won’t be able to come close with Sandara’s way of fighting earlier.

Chaeyoung nodded and bowed respectfully ‘’Thank you Ms. Sandara.’’ Chaeyoung gave Lisa a nod of acknowledgement before going back to the other side of the field since she put her water bottle near Jisoo’s position.

Lisa watched Chaeyoung’s form walking farther away from them, she was mesmerized at the way Chaeyoung fought Sandara, her Thief coach! Sandara’s a well-known weapon master and Chaeyoung just gave her a really good fight!


Chaeyoung earned a little bit of Lisa’s respect at that…


But the feeling of bitterness also appeared on Lisa’s emotions because how strong was Chaeyoung? ‘’She’s already strong enough with just being an elementless…she only uses basic techniques but she uses them in such a way it looked pretty useful and powerful, and now she already knows how to wield a weapon…’’


Lisa wants to discover more about Chaeyoung; her heart hurts because from way before, she knew Chaeyoung like the back of her hand, but now?


Lisa doesn’t even know if Chaeyoung still hates avocado or not


She doesn't know if Chaeyoung still loves food more than her


She doesn't know if Chaeyoung can cuddle to someone to make that someone feel safe and warm...


Someone like her when they were kids


That’s how they are strangers to each other now…


‘’Are you two close?’’


Lisa stiffened at that question but answered truthfully ‘’…We used to’’


Sandara looked at Lisa’s longing eyes towards Chaeyoung and couldn’t help but question her favorite Thief player ‘’What happened then?’’


Lisa looked down a bit while gripping her own wooden sword tightly


‘’Death…’’ Lisa whispered bitterly ‘’…of our loved ones’’

Chaeyoung noticed most of her classmates looking at her differently…most are sneers which is what she expected anyways


But now she noticed there’s a bit of slight awe on their faces as well. She ignored it once again, not wanting to garner enough attention and grabbed a water bottle to finally quench her thirst. Chaeyoung felt a pair of slender arms wrapping itself around her other arm again and she sighed knowing who it is.


‘’What now Joy?’’


Joy grinned ‘’You looked amazing earlier Chaeyoung! Now I know why your arms are so toned because you’ve been training with a sword!’’


Chaeyoung tried to shrug Joy away but with no avail, so once again she gave up and just hopes that Joy would let go eventually


‘’So what happened?’’ Wendy also joined the two of them ‘’Your lesson with Ms. Sandara done already?’’


Chaeyoung shook her head ‘’Nope, she just said I passed and said that she’ll train Lisa alone then’’


Joy gasped ‘’That meant you’re amazing enough to pass this assessment! That’s so great Chaeyoung!’’ She cheered happily, and somehow that tugged a small smile on Chaeyoung’s face at Joy’s obvious happiness on her achievements.


It felt nice to be appreciated even if it’s from someone you’re annoyed at.


Speaking of someone appreciating her…


Chaeyoung searched for Jisoo and saw her having trouble on her form so she decided to help her unnie. Joy rolled her eyes and frowned, she lets go of Chaeyoung’s arm as she walked toward Jisoo seeing that Chaeyoung’s attention is on her now. Wendy chuckled at Joy’s expense

‘’You never give up don’t you?’’ Wendy teased

Joy just smiled ‘’You know me unnie.’’ She said deviously ‘’It’s an addictive feeling.’’

Jisoo struggled getting her form right ‘’How Chaeyoung managed to steady herself while holding swords heavier than this amazes me’’ She muttered

A soft hand touched Jisoo’s hand and Jisoo’s breathing hitched  knowing who it is from ‘’Relax Jichu…you’re too tense.’’ Chaeyoung whispered to her ears. She was almost back hugging Jisoo to guide her into a basic sword stance which is holding the sword in front of her and pointing it a bit diagonal to the sky.

‘’Stand your feet almost shoulders width apart, erect your back but not too much. Put your left foot just behind your right foot with a comfortable distance’’ Chaeyoung continued whispering, not knowing her effect to the older girl.

‘’U-uh…’’ Jisoo stuttered but did what she just told her ‘’L-like this?’’

Chaeyoung chuckled ‘’Are you actually nervous just wielding a wooden sword?’’ She asked in amusement

‘’No, I’m nervous how close you are to me and you whispering to my ears like that’’ Jisoo thought but bit her lip to calm her beating heart.

‘’Remember to relax your grip okay? Feel the sword’s weight and you’ll get the hang of it’’  Chaeyoung noticed Jisoo’s hand being too close to each other so she grabbed both of her hands and gave it a much more comfortable distance.

‘’There, all set’’

Jisoo felt slightly disappointed not feeling Chaeyoung’s warmth anymore ‘’Thank you Chaeyoungie’’ She whispered, she really did feel more comfortable at her formation now and began practicing with basic swings.

Chaeyoung just gave her a small smile and continued on guiding her unnie, not noticing they were being watched by three frowning eyes…

Sandara nodded in approval ‘’More strength Lisa, you need to have more strength’’

Lisa groaned ‘’Learning swords are harder than I thought…if these wooden swords are already this hard to strike with, what more could it be if it’s a real one?’’

Sandara chuckled at her favorite Thief player ‘’Why don’t you try a katana then? They’re much lighter’’

Lisa’s ears perk up at that ‘’Are they still sharp like swords?’’ Sandara nodded and Lisa immediately felt excited learning one

‘’Are we learning one?’’

Sandara once again nodded ‘’Yes, after this swords training actually since they’re quite similar’’

‘’Still, I can’t believe Chaeyoung is actually good at wielding swords’’ Lisa commented ‘’What do you say about her performance earlier?’’

Sandara hummed ‘’She’s definitely training with a sword for years. Her form is too well-practiced, and the way she strikes is no joke.’’ She pointed to her sliced cheek ‘’See this? If I didn’t move my head, I would have been definitely been experiencing a concussion right now’’

‘’And also…’’

Lisa’s eyes widened seeing Sandara lift her shirt up a bit, revealing a dark spot on her side ‘’She hits quite hard, and with precision too because if I didn’t move my body well enough, she would have struck an important part of my stomach.’’

‘’Wha-‘’ Lisa said in shock ‘’I didn’t even see you flinch!’’

Sandara laughed ‘’Because we were going on about it too fast for someone who’s not used to seeing a swords fight.’’ She said ‘’And also, I’m just that awesome’’

Her student snorted ‘’That’s amazing’’ Lisa muttered

‘’Who’s amazing?’’

Lisa jumped and held her heart in a comical way ‘’Mom?! What are you doing here?’’

Hyuna laughed at her daughter’s reaction ‘’I was just passing by and saw my four beautiful daughters practicing swordsmanship’’ She said in amusement then looked at Sandara

‘’What happened to you?’’ Hyuna asked, eyes looking at her sliced cheek and dark spot on her side

‘’Just an interesting battle with your daughter’’ Sandara grinned ‘’And no don’t heal it, these are my battle scars’’

Hyuna chuckled at that ‘’Oh, I didn’t know Lisa is good at wielding swords’’

Sandara laughed boisterously at that ‘’That’s funny Hyuna, this kid here could barely correct her form’’ Lisa scoffed at that ‘’I was talking about your other daughter. Park Chaeyoung’’

Hyuna’s eyes opened a bit at that information ‘’Chaeyoung knows how to wield a sword?’’

Sandara nodded ‘’And quite expertly too. I dismissed her for today’s training. On our next meeting we would be having spars and drills before we move on to another topic. I’m training them today for basic stances and strikes.’’

‘’And Chaeyoung did that to you?’’

Sandara laughed again ‘’Yeah, quite a workout for me if I say so myself. I would love to spar with her again but without the school setting.’’

‘’Interesting’’ Hyuna muttered and looked at Chaeyoung who’s teaching Jisoo some basic strikes. Seeing Chaeyoung wielding a sword made Hyuna reminisce all her trainings with the younger girl’s mother…

‘’That’s scary Clare’’ Hyuna giggled ‘’Now I know why your own husband is afraid of you’’

Clare chuckled, making another flurry of complex strikes in the air ‘’What can I say? I’m a deadly woman’’

‘’That’s a special kind of sword right?’’ Hyuna asked and Clare nodded

‘’Mason made this himself, he said that I could infuse my element with it’’ On cue, Clare’s sword turned lightning blue making Hyuna stare at it in amazement

‘’Wow, that looks so cool’’ Hyuna exclaimed

‘’One slash, and I can paralyze my opponent with it’’ Clare smiled ‘’Quite scary right?’’

‘’And that’s why I’m the perfect target because I’m an earth elzard right Clare?’’

Clare giggled ‘’You have strong defenses Jisung, don’t blame me if you’re too slow to dodge my attacks’’ She teased

‘’That’s not fair!’’ Jisung pouted making Hyuna shake her head at her husband’s silliness

‘’Just admit that you’re too slow dear’’ Hyuna said

‘’Not you too my love!’’ Jisung clutched his own heart comically

‘’Why did you fell in love with this dimwit anyway?’’ Clare laughed and continued on training herself with her sword, striking some training dummies with her lightning element using her sword.

Hyuna giggled ‘’I don’t know too myself’’

‘’I challenge you Clare Park! I’ll prove to my wife I’m no slowpoke!’’

And that’s the day Kim Jisung realized to never challenge a lightning elzard wielding a sword, especially if it’s Clare Park.

‘’You remind me so much of her Chaeyoung…’’ Hyuna thought, watching Chaeyoung getting bored and decided to practice some strikes of her own to a tree. She watched Chaeyoung deliver strong strikes and she could somehow feel how much Chaeyoung actually enjoys wielding a sword.

‘’You look so much like your mother right now…’’

‘’So how’s P.E?’’ Jisung asked, night time is already outside so it means that it’s time for dinner already.

‘’Exhausting’’ Jensoo groaned and looked at each other at their unison before quickly looking away, gaining amused looks from their parents, albeit a bit more loving in Hyuna’s part

‘’Looks like college are really helping their bond than their high school days…’’ Hyuna thought happily

‘’My arms feel like jelly and my back could use a massage right now’’ Lisa winced, trying to find a comfortable position while sitting

‘’Just fine.’’ Chaeyoung then answered, not looking at them and just eating.


That’s Park Chaeyoung for you folks; no matter what or how many universes are in there, Park Chaeyoung would always be focusing on foods.


‘’If there’s one thing I like in this household, it’s definitely the food’’ Chaeyoung thought absentmindedly, munching another meat in .


‘’I’m a bit sad that I didn’t see you spar with Sandara much earlier thought’’ Hyuna piped up making Chaeyoung look at her with a bit of alert


‘’You were there?’’


Hyuna nodded ‘’Yeah but you were teaching Jisoo when I arrived.’’ She answered before asking ‘’When did you learn how to use a sword anyway?’’


All eyes turned to her, Chaeyoung continued chewing her food while thinking about what she will say. She actually looked quite thoughtful tonight maybe because she gets to fight someone who’s also good at swords and released some stress hormones at that fight, or maybe it was the food right now?


Chaeyoung swallowed and opened to answer ‘’Not too long ago’’


Jennie’s eyebrows twitched, they spent almost a minute watching Chaeyoung chew her food and she only gave them vague answers so she said, with a restrained irritated voice,


‘’Can you please be more specific?’’


‘’In high school.’’


‘’Wow, she must be in a good mood’’ Jisoo thought; normally Chaeyoung would just give the family the silent treatment and of course snark back if they pester her too much, but today seems different.


Chaeyoung stood up ‘’I’ll go on ahead’’ The others noticed that she’s already done eating which made some sweat-dropped at how fast she ate


‘’Her appetite never did change…’’ Lisa shook her head, but a small smile is threatening to split her face and the urge to tease the older girl by a month is really strong right now but she kept it underneath her mind.


‘’Do you have something to do?’’ Jisoo whispered and Chaeyoung gave her that look that says ‘training’ that made Jisoo shake her head ‘’Training even at night…maybe I should…’’


Chaeyoung waited for Jisoo to give a nod, but what surprised her is to see Jisoo quickly finish her own food that could make her cough but this is Kim Jisoo we’re talking about


The Kim Jisoo who could eat a burger the fastest among them


Jisoo stood up and said ‘’I’m done also,’’ She grabbed Chaeyoung’s hand and gave her a wink that made Chaeyoung chuckle because her unnie still don’t know how to wink well.

Chaeyoung nodded and together, they went upstairs leaving a quiet family members at the dining table

‘’Well..’’ Jisung said ‘’That was weird, are they going somewhere?’’

Hyuna gasped ‘’Are they already in the rebelling stage?!’’ She said with a horrified tone that made Jisung chuckle a bit

‘’Honey, that’s on their high school days not college.’’

‘’You never know Jisung…’’

Jisung sighed and let her wife rant about the rebelling stage of a teenager; he was just about to tell her wife that it’s a bit impossible the two would go out especially if the shadow monsters issue is still not settled but it’s been a while since they’ve been a normal family with Chaeyoung and Jisoo actually not giving them that cold aura tonight so Jisung decided to just savor it.


Who knows what will happen right?

‘’Try that pattern again and I’ll block your strikes’’

Jisoo nodded and got into position, swinging her wooden sword first at the right, then the left before moving down to strike Chaeyoung’s left leg and then her right leg. All her strikes are of course blocked by yours truly but Jisoo continued on getting used to this pattern, stabbing Chaeyoung at the stomach and then moved to her left and right shoulders.

Chaeyoung hummed in approval, blocking the final overhead strike from Jisoo ‘’Not bad unnie, you’re getting used to it now’’

Jisoo chuckled ‘’I’m slightly regretting not joining you in your sword training’’


‘’Hey, I would never want to fight against you using your own weapon’’


‘’Aww is Chaeyoungie afraid of a little dagger?’’


‘’If you’re the one using it, then yes’’


Jisoo laughed loudly and Chaeyoung couldn’t help but smile at hearing Jisoo’s happiness through her laugh. Her unnie is really beautiful especially under the moonlight, it’s as if the stars are raining down on her like a goddess.


A happy goddess


‘’Let’s get you used in moving around while holding the wooden sword then.’’ Chaeyoung smirked mischievously as she said


‘’Let’s play a game!’’



Jisoo snorted, eyes twinkling in amusement and happiness at their moment ‘’What game?’’


‘’Let’s play tag!’’


Jisoo grinned at Chaeyoung’s rare childish excitement, one of Chaeyoung’s side that only she can see with her own eyes. She could consider herself lucky or even blessed knowing Chaeyoung in and out so she shouldn’t doubt her, not even a bit


Even if what she and Lisa talked about is bothering her; if Chaeyoung isn’t ready to tell her the full details, she’ll respect the younger’s girl’s decision


‘’Besides,’’ Jisoo thought ‘’It must be important for her so I should trust her on that and just wait for her to tell me the full truth’’


‘’Jichu? You listening?’’


Jisoo snapped out from her thoughts ‘’We’re going to play tag and use this sword as our way of tagging each other am I right?’’ She said, though she kind of expected it from the way Chaeyoung clutch her own wooden sword tightly.

Chaeyoung nodded rather fast ‘’Yes! We can also strike each other but not too strong, this is to ensure you can move around well and still use your sword rather well.’’


‘’So who’s it?’’


Chaeyoung looked at her intensely and closed her fist, making Jisoo do the same and together they yelled out


‘’Kai, Bai, Bo!’’


Chaeyoung stomped her feet angrily seeing that her hand is paper while Jisoo’s hand showed scissor ‘’This is so unfair! Why do I always lose in this kind of game!’’ She whined


Jisoo laughed ‘’Maybe because you use paper too much!’’ She teased making Chaeyoung huff


‘’I do not use paper too much!’’ Chaeyoung disagreed but seeing Jisoo’s raised eyebrow at her made her face turn a bit red from embarrassment


‘’Okay maybe I do use it too much…’’


‘’Well you’re it Chaeyoungie! Come and chase me!’’ Jisoo laughed before sprinting away from Chaeyoung.


Thank God the garden behind their house is big enough for them to run around even from way before when they were just kids.


‘’Yah! Here I come Kim Jisoo!’’


Chaeyoung run towards Jisoo with her own wooden sword at her right hand, her smile wide and happy at this thrilling set up that they’re currently doing. She quickly caught up with her unnie and raised her weapon.


‘’Yah Park Chaeyoung you hit me too hard!’’


‘’Catch me if you can slow unnie!’’


‘’Oh you’re so going to get it!’’


Jisoo laughed and chased Chaeyoung, swinging her wooden sword in an arc but Chaeyoung quickly swat it away with her own


‘’You got to hit it harder than that’’ Chaeyoung teased


‘’Prepared to have your arms become pasta then’’ Jisoo smirked ‘’Pasta’’


‘’Yah I told you that was just one time!’’ Chaeyoung shouted at her ‘’It’s not my fault your potion failed on me!’’


‘’Can you have spaghetti hair again? I would really love to use it on you again’’


Chaeyoung blocked Jisoo’s strike with a struggling smirk matching Jisoo’s competitive grin as they battled it out, their swords struggling at their own strength


‘’I would like to keep my hair straight thank you’’ Chaeyoung stuck out her tongue making Jisoo snort


‘’Wavy looks good on you though’’ Jisoo smirked


‘’Don’t say i-‘’




‘’Yah Kim Jisoo!’’


Jisoo laughed and purposely weakened her strike making Chaeyoung yelp at the sudden move, her own sword quickly going down. Jisoo snickered and jumped high while Chaeyoung is flailing a bit, she hit her head with a light poke before sprinting away


‘’You snooze you lose Pasta!’’


‘’Come back here Kim Jisoo!’’

Half an hour later, the two girls still continued chasing each other, sometimes parring hits and strikes and even initiating a sword fight with them just blocking and attacking each other jokingly, evidently enjoying their night session, not noticing there are two figures slowly walking over the commotion.


‘’I got you now!’’


Chaeyoung yelped when Jisoo sidestepped out of the way again, using another feint attack on Chaeyoung effectively. Chaeyoung however while falling, grabbed Jisoo’s hand making her fall on top of her.




Chaeyoung grunted ‘’Did you gain weight?’’ She panted tiredly but a teasing tone is on her voice


That made Jisoo quickly lift herself up face to face with a teasing Chaeyoung as she glared at her ‘’Yah!’’ She growled and pinched Chaeyoung’s side making her squirm and giggle a bit at Jisoo’s reaction ‘’Are you saying I’m fat?!’’


Chaeyoung laughed freely ‘’Even if you’re fat, you’re really beautiful you know that right?’’ She said quite charmingly, her eyes twinkling at the fun adrenaline they’re experiencing right now.


Jisoo blushed furiously and pinched Chaeyoung’s cheek quite hard, earning a loud ‘Ow’ from the younger girl ‘’Since when are you such a charmer huh Park Chaeyoung!’’ She leaned closer to Chaeyoung’s face with her eyes widening a bit


‘’Are you practicing flirting with someone I don’t know?!’’


Chaeyoung yelped again, this time in pain since Jisoo pinched her cheek even harder that she knew it’s going to be red after she lets go. She wants to laugh at Jisoo’s expression right now but the screams of pain on her cheek is distracting her


‘’Ack! No unnie! I promise I’m not flirting with anyone right now! I’m a cold person you know!’’


‘’You sure you don’t have someone more important than me?!’’


‘’Yes yes I’m sure now please let go!’’


Jisoo let go of Chaeyoung’s cheek with a satisfied smile. Chaeyoung groaned and rubbed her abused cheek, mourning a bit


‘’You’re such a meanie…’’


Jisoo chuckled and leaned forward ‘’Here let me kiss it better’’


Chaeyoung’s eyes widened and immediately her face turned red at the sudden sentence, she saw Jisoo about to kiss her cheek but a voice stopped her


‘’What are you two doing?’’


They looked at the source and saw Jennie and Lisa, looking at them with sharp eyes. Jisoo could feel that it’s directed to her and just sent them a knowing smirk


‘’Oh Jennie, Lisa’’ Jisoo said casually, as if her sitting on Chaeyoung and their faces close are just a normal thing to them. ‘’The better question is, what are you both doing here’’


‘’We heard a commotion so we decided to check on it…’’ Jennie narrowed her eyes seeing the two still not moving ‘’Are you two always like that?’’






Chaeyoung looked at Jisoo a bit weirdly ‘’We’re always like this?’’ She whispered, because yeah they’re close but not this close wherein Chaeyoung’s being a blushing idiot.


‘’We cuddled last night remember?’’ Jisoo smiled sweetly at her, and for the first time in her life, she enjoys the glares that she’s receiving right now ‘’So yeah I think we’re close like this.’’

Chaeyoung made an ‘oooh’ expression ‘’Ah so what she meant is our closeness so yeah we are close like this’’


Jennie and Lisa has their fists and jaw clenched respectively seeing them like that




Chaeyoung heard Lisa finally speaking after just looking at them with those critical eyes so she looked at her questioningly


‘’Come with me.’’


‘’What is it this time Manoban?’’ This time it was Jisoo who asked


‘’I need to talk to her,’’ Lisa’s eyes hardened a bit, clearly not liking their position ‘’Now can you please get off of her?’’


Jisoo looked at Chaeyoung who just nodded making her sigh in resignation ‘’And here I thought we would be able to have fun in peace…’’ Jisoo gave the two a small glare ‘’Why do they have to interrupt us nowadays…’’


Chaeyoung stood up on her own and she could finally feel her body straining making her wince ‘’Wow unnie’’ Chaeyoung said to Jisoo ‘’You really improved, not bad.’’

‘’Next time I’m not using a sword’’

Chaeyoung sweated a bit and gave her a look that says ‘please don’t’ before looking at Lisa, nodding at her.

Lisa turned around and gestured for Chaeyoung to follow her in which she did, leaving the two sisters together again.

‘’Okay I can’t take this’’ Jennie growled

Jisoo looked at her sister broadly ‘’What do you mean?’’

‘’This suspense! I hate this suddenness and feeling confused on what they’re talking about!’’ Jennie stomped her feet angrily making the earth rumble a bit ‘’don’t they trust us?!’’

Jisoo shrugged ‘’I’m sure Chaeyoungie would tell me sooner or later what they talked about’’

‘’No, we’re finding out right now’’

Jisoo looked surprised ‘’Are you saying we should eavesdrop on them?’’

‘’Unless you’re too much of a coward’’ Jennie snarked

Jisoo scoffed ‘’I just respect Chaeyoungie’s privacy, unlike you’’ She said savagely as they stared each other down


Two Kim being savage to each other, they truly are sisters but whose wits is going to win?

 ‘’So what is it this time?’’ Chaeyoung said ‘’You do know that what you just said can make the two of them more suspicious right?’’


‘’Yet you followed me anyways’’ Lisa smirked making Chaeyoung scoff


‘’Only because I thought you might have more information about those shadow monsters since we left dinner pretty early. Maybe they revealed something to you.’’ She said referring to Jisung and Hyuna.


‘’No, I don’t have much sources right now’’ Lisa muttered then something came to her mind ‘’Actually now that you mention it…’’


‘’I heard boss say something about monsters a year ago’’ Lisa scrunched her nose cutely making Chaeyoung let out a ghostly smile seeing a bit of the old Lisa right now ‘’But…I don’t remember anything after that. I must have fallen asleep rather quick because I woke up in my bed, morning is already up and my clothes still the same as that day.’’


''Dad didn't said anything about when those monsters arrived...but maybe others know something about it, like our P.E professor''


‘’Why don’t you ask her about it then?’’ Chaeyoung suggested


‘’You’re right, our mother and boss seem to be pretty close from how they talked earlier’’ Lisa said and nodded ‘’Alright, I’ll ask her after tryouts.’’


Chaeyoung nodded ‘’When is your tryouts then?’’


Lisa sighed ‘’It was supposed to be this week but dad is too busy to finish the latest renovation on the field. So we won’t know for sure, maybe this month but it’s definitely not this week yet.’’


‘’That’s enough time to train more then,’’ Chaeyoung said


‘’Should we try to hu-‘’ Lisa was cut off by a hand on which made her eyes widen a bit, skin quickly warming up at the sudden contact with the person she was supposed to hate.




Lisa then noticed that Chaeyoung closed her eyes, feeling something cold around them ‘’What is she doing?’’


Chaeyoung suddenly relaxed and whispered ‘’Someone was listening so I have to quiet you down’’




Chaeyoung shrugged ‘’Doesn’t matter, they’re gone now. Sense them yourself’’


Lisa closed her eyes and could feel some retreating figures ‘’Yeah…good job on sensing them’’ She muttered


‘’What were you saying then?’’


‘’I was thinking about hunting shadow monsters’’ Lisa said but immediately received a disagree action from Chaeyoung which made her a bit mad ‘’Why?’’ She said angrily


‘’We need to prepare more’’ Chaeyoung answered ‘’Those monsters are no ordinary ones and you know that. We’re not even close to Chittip and Marco’s strength and they were killed by them. We have to train and get more information before we could safely hunt them down ourselves’’


Lisa relaxed a bit; this was the reason why she wanted Chaeyoung to be her partner-in-crime, it’s because of her calm way of thinking and careful planning as well as her strong assets despite being an elementless. So she just grumbled and nodded in agreement




A moment of silence took over them and Lisa noticed Chaeyoung is about to say farewell to her but she didn’t want to let her go just yet so speaking of strong assets…


‘’How are you so good with swords by the way?’’


‘’Countless of trainings’’


‘’You cried blood sweat tears then?’’ Lisa snicked but Chaeyoung’s blank face said so otherwise


‘’I’m an elementless, so I need to have something to defend me by not just basic spells’’ Chaeyoung said a bit coldly


‘’Can you teach me then?’’


Chaeyoung looked surprised seeing Lisa looking away and muttering that out. She saw how the younger girl swallowed down her hate and pride quite evidently which made her feel a bit proud to see Lisa maturing even for just a bit but she’s a bit hesitant


‘’I don’t know…’’


‘’What?’’ Lisa said in shock ‘’I thought you wanted us to train more! So why are you disagreeing?!’’ She fumed like a child who didn’t get her candy that made Chaeyoung really know that Lisa is the maknae between them.


‘’I say we train but not together’’ Chaeyoung answered back ‘’It will be too suspicious for others if they noticed us training together’’


‘’Oh so other’s opinions now matter to you’’ Lisa crossed her arms ‘’Since when did you care about other’s opinion Chaeyoung?’’


Chaeyoung scoffed ‘’You’re not getting it Lalisa,’’ Her eyes hardened as she continued ‘’First of all, Jisung and Hyuna are one of the top elzards in the world right now. They know that we know about the shadow monsters, it won’t be hard for them to connect the dots that we’re being independent at this sort of thing especially when they see us actually communicating to each other especially if we're training!’’


‘’Secondly,’’ Chaeyoung continued ‘’We hate each other’s guts Lisa, we’re partners when it comes to knowing more about these shadow monsters but outside of that?’’


Chaeyoung looked at Lisa who has hurt in her eyes when Chaeyoung finished her sentence.


‘’We’re strangers’’


Lisa reeled back a bit at that and can’t help but feel angry and sad because Chaeyoung is right. She thought this would be a chance to train with Chaeyoung…


Just like how she trained with Jisoo with earlier…


Lisa, along with Jennie, watched them having fun while training and she could definitely see Jisoo improving her handling to swords so Lisa thought…


Maybe Chaeyoung could be like that to her too?


But her hope has dashed down once again because Chaeyoung has a point…and she didn’t want Jisung and Hyuna facing them and might even punish them for disobeying. This partnership is her only closure to Chaeyoung right now so she has to swallow it and just let it be.


‘’Fine..you’re right’’ Lisa whispered defeatedly


Chaeyoung’s eyes softened a bit, curse her kind heart for not wanting to see Lisa like this ‘’I…’’ Chaeyoung hesitated a bit ‘’I can give you an advice though’’


Lisa’s ears perk up at that and looked at Chaeyoung with a wonderment of a child that made Chaeyoung slightly laugh inwardly at that ‘’What is it?’’ Lisa asked, desperately hiding the excitement in her voice


‘’You shouldn’t use a sword’’ Chaeyoung said which made Lisa tilt her head in confusion ‘’What do you mean?’’ She asked


‘’You’re a graceful fighter Lisa’’ Chaeyoung answered ‘’I noticed that your moves are like water, which is to be expected since it’s your main element. The way you move is also like nature itself, quite mesmerizing’’

Lisa blushed at the compliment, she could feel her heart full at that ‘’So she has been observing me…’’

 Chaeyoung finally realized what she’s saying and coughed a bit to get rid of the awkwardness

‘’I-I mean, your way of fighting is like dancing’’ Chaeyoung said ‘’And swords are more on warrior’s kind of fight. So I suggest you use a katana instead’’

‘’That’s what Sandara also said to me!’’ Lisa’s eyes widened at the information ‘’Looks like Chaeyoung really knows what she’s doing…’’

‘’A katana is lighter than a sword which gives you more speed and agility’’ Chaeyoung said ‘’You’ll be striking opponents left and right as if you’re dancing and you’ll be able to move more freely.’’

Lisa considered it for a moment and nodded ‘’Okay, I’ll try it. It’s our next lesson anyways in boss’ schedule.’’

Chaeyoung nodded ‘’Okay then, let’s go back to the other two before they get too suspicious.’’

Lisa sighed, wanting to keep Chaeyoung more but she knows she’s overstepping her boundaries now. She feels more confused than ever about what she’s feeling so it’s better if they go back to their own rooms.

‘’Let’s go then’’

‘’Why did we went away?’’ Jennie hissed at Jisoo who kept on pulling her a distance away from Chaelisa ‘’Lisa was about to say something important!’’

‘’Because they sensed us! Don’t you feel that sensation earlier?’’

‘’I did but I just ignored it!’’

Jisoo scoffed ‘’You’re so dumb Jendeukie, if that was an enemy would you stay longer when they already sensed you?’’

‘’But Chaeyoung and Lisa are not enemies!’’ Jennie said angrily ‘’Why are you labeling them as enemies anyways?!’’

‘’I’m just stating an example’’

Jennie snorted ‘’Don’t take me as a fool; you’re just scared that your precious Chaeyoungie will be mad at you for eavesdropping’’

Jisoo shrugged, not wanting to show that Jennie is right ‘’I can always say you dragged me with you’’

Jennie snickered at that ‘’As if she’ll believe you when I hate your guts’’

Jennie and Jisoo stared each other down until finally, Chaelisa walked up to them

‘’Had a nice talk?’’ Jennie said heatedly

‘’Yeah,’’ Lisa shrugged ‘’I’m going back to my room now.’’ She gave Chaeyoung a pointed look before walking away from them

‘’We should also get going Jisoo-unnie’’ Chaeyoung yawned ‘’I’m sleepy already’’

Jisoo nodded, grabbing Chaeyoung’s hand in an attempt to show Jennie that they’re fine ‘’Yeah we should go’’ She sent a smirk to Jennie seeing Chaeyoung just letting her be which made Jennie fume at her, reminded once again why she hates her sister’s guts.

‘’I swear I’ll find out what you and Lisa talked about’’ Jennie thought, looking at Chaeyoung’s back as they started walking back to the house

‘’I’ll know soon enough…just you wait’’

I'm back! I had a blast at my best friend's party and I am now back in updating the story! This is supposed to be posted in celebration of BP's Documentary so yeah! A bit longer chapter too because of the recent exposure of Blackpink like Knowing Brothers and Running Man! Please watch them because BP hardly ever became guests to variety shows since AIIYL. Support our girls and also BP also won another award! This story deserves a double update for that but alas, I don't have enough time to write another chapter. I hope you enjoyed this kind of lighter chapter because why not? Thank you once again for reading and love you all!

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dianawalker0204 #1
Chapter 38: Seeing this update brightened my day! This is one of the few fics that I'm waiting on and looking forward to read every time. The world building is great and I really like how Chaeyoung's relationship with each member develops
Winter_02 #2
Chapter 38: I hope it will be chaesoo end game, cause they have each other like no one else like their bond was stronger. If chaennie or chaelisa it is something wrong like maybe consider the way they treat chaeyoung in the past like no elements but now they like puufff they like her?? Ahuh so yeah i hope it chaesoo bec. Jisoo she did not leave rosé behind or what. They trained together to be strong and protect each other.
This is like blades of light and shadow from the choices game
Intersting , gonna read it and find out
Chapter 37: tô sentindo que a revelação do elemento escuro da chae está vindo
Chapter 37: Still wanting chaesoo ending!!! Hahhaa gaaaad, i miss this story!
Chapter 37: Omg!!!!!! Welcome back!
reader555 #7
Chapter 36: im here still waiting for ud😔
Afkm_07 #8
Chapter 36: Quand est la suite ?!?! 😭❤
bety_liz #9
Chapter 36: I really enjoy how you write the story :) but I wonder what happened to jisoo and chaeyoung 🤔