First Kiss

The Elzard

“No, you will not force us to go to that stupid freshman party.”

Chaeyoung crossed her arms and glared defiantly to Bom, their master since she saw them training in the wilderness one summer when they were young.

“Just because you trained us and all doesn’t mean you get to make us go to that party” Chaeyoung scoffed “It’s full of…people there!” Chaeyoung scrunched her face in disdain

“What she means is” Jisoo sighed, grabbing Chaeyoung’s shoulder to calm her down “Partying with the people who bully us is not our scene, especially since my sisters will be there”

Bom sighed before smiling sadly “I know but…you two have each other since you were young, heck I even just got to know you when you were just teenagers!”

“What you mean is?” Chaeyoung raised her eyebrows

Bom walked closer to them and said in a sincere tone “You need more people around you…I get that Wendy is the only person you trust right now beside me, but you need to expand your social circle”

Bom looked at Jisoo “How could you heal people as an elzard doctor if they don’t trust you? If they don’t know what you’re capable of?”

Bom then looked at Chaeyoung “And how can you protect people when you’re always in the shadows hiding from them when they need help? Could you really protect the people when you’re limiting yourself to the sides?”

Chaeyoung narrowed her eyes “Are you saying to let out our elements?” She growled “We don’t need that unnecessary attention. We’ll release our elements when the situation calls for it but in this stage of our lives as just freshies from college? It’s too early.”

“I’m not saying that” Bom rubbed her forehead in distress of the stubborn younger girl. Jisoo looks to be contemplating it but Chaeyoung pursued lips obviously showed that she’s still declining this idea.

“I’m just saying that you need to expand your social circle; the two of you won’t always be together in the future. You need interactions with other people and not rely on each other too much”


Chaeyoung gave her a pointed look but Bom ignored it


“So, you need acquaintances” Bom emphasized it so that Chaeyoung will not react.


She will definitely react if she said friends but that’s for the future


“To help you in your time of need and vice versa. Think of it as a mutual relationship.”


“More like friends with benefits” Chaeyoung muttered grumpily and saying a quiet ‘ow’ when Jisoo elbowed her at the rib

“Stop that” Jisoo giggled before finally looking at their mentor’s hopeful look and answered

“Fine we’ll go”

Bom’s ecstatic look and Chaeyoung’s shocked expression turned towards her

“What?!” Chaeyoung hissed before taking a deep breath and saying in a soft voice “Are you sure about this Jisoo-unnie?”

“Yes, I’m sure” Jisoo smiled “Besides, Wendy will be there. Bom-unnie didn’t said that we’ll stay there for long. Only to attend.”

Bom shook her head with a smile seeing the knowing smirk of Jisoo and the sighing Chaeyoung

“I knew I could count on you to find a loophole” Bom said jokingly before ruffling their hair which made Chaeyoung pout and cross her arms.

“…fine, we’ll go to the stupid party”


Chaeyoung fidgeted while scrunching her face due to her uncomfortableness to the situation she is in right now.

The council is having an immediate meeting right now while Sandara will announce something relating to their first match on their next meeting as well as for their next course in action for the sport. So right now, Chaeyoung is stuck with Jisoo, Jennie, Lisa, and even Wendy…but it’s not them that Chaeyoung is uncomfortable with.

Suzy, Hyeri, Irene, Seulgi, Yeri, and Joy are also with them. They are outside of the stadium after Sandara gathered the team earlier for her set of schedules to be announced which means it was just a short meeting before she went away.

Chaeyoung didn’t miss the knowing smirk that Sandara sent to her before going away to possibly catch up with the council in an attempt to fix the stadium.  

“Of course she would know I’m hiding my metal element…” Chaeyoung sighed; being a metal elzard herself, Sandara must have known long ago that she’s hiding something. The lightning element must have been a surprise for her but the metal one?

Chaeyoung is sure that Sandara might have known it since their first training

“Explanation please?” Jennie tapped her feet impatiently “A metal element Rosie? Am I just imagining this or did you really have it since then?”

Chaeyoung sighed and knew she could no longer hide it since secondary element is almost impossible to recreate when you don’t have that element manifested in you, especially if it’s metal.

“I do have it” Chaeyoung told them the truth seeing that everyone that’s in their social circle right now saw what happened earlier. She opened her palm and a silver ball slowly formed out of thin air as Chaeyoung let the silver glow of her hand flow freely in the air.

“I can’t believe it” Hyeri whispered “Is that why you punch like a machine on our first training? Because I swear your fist is like made of iron that day.” She then chuckled, rubbing her head unconsciously

“Can’t believe that it is…literally”

Suzy laughed lightly, her eyes twinkling in interest “The more I get to know you, the more you attract me Chaeyoung" She smirked and flick embers of fire towards her.

Chaeyoung scrunched her nose and flinched a bit from the fire which made the silver glow in her hand dissipate

Joy raised an eyebrow at Suzy before turning her attention back to Chaeyoung “So, a lightning and metal elzard huh. No wonder you were able to attract lightning in such high amount when you and the other three were battling the dark elzard in Halloween…” Joy muttered

Irene crossed her arms “Not bad Park, not bad at all. How long did you have this element?”

Chaeyoung looked at Irene and blinked, feeling something once again inside of her before she opened to answer “It was…” Chaeyoung’s eyes darkened making Jisoo grab her hand and squeeze it, eyes knowing what caused Chaeyoung’s metal element to manifest quite strongly…

“It was?” Seulgi pushed through

“It was…” Chaeyoung gritted her teeth and a pulse of energy escaped from her making the others step back and shiver a bit, some were looking at her with wide eyes like Irene and Joy

“…Chae?” Lisa looked on with concern, grabbing her shoulders “You alright?”

Chaeyoung looked around for something conspicuously but she saw nothing out of ordinary. She narrowed her eyes and answered Lisa

“It was nothing…that was nothing”

Jisoo looked at her knowingly and knew something was up for Chaeyoung to release an energy like that…


It’s been a while since Chaeyoung did that


Chaeyoung cleared and continued speaking “It was way back then; I think it was before high school.”

Jennie frowned and felt like there’s something more but decided to let her be. She remained mum as Joy spoke afterwards

“Wow Rosie, hiding two elements for a whole decade. That’s kind of amazing” Joy chuckled before slightly pushing Lisa back to cling at Chaeyoung’s arm confidently “I always knew I had to really keep an eye on you” She smirked while Lisa growled for being pushed away

Chaeyoung tried to push Joy off of her but sighed in defeat once again when the older girl’s grip on her is quite tight. She is beginning to wonder if Joy is also a metal elzard like her for she has quite a grip.

Suzy frowned when Joy’s eyes turned to her and flashed fire, an arrogant smirk on her face. Hyeri chuckled at the situation at hand, nudging a growling Suzy to get herself together and Irene looked at Wendy who was sighing but smiling towards Chaeyoung.

“You knew about this don’t you” Irene let out a small smile while raising a knowing eyebrow to Wendy

“Of course I do” Wendy chuckled and winked at the thankful smiles of Chaesoo “We always keep each other’s secrets after all.”

“Is there more Wendy?” Jennie raised an eyebrow at her, beckoning her to let out more secrets if possible about the two.

Wendy just grinned and zipped while Yeri snickered

“Don’t tell me these two have more elements than we know?” She said and then looked at Chaeyoung with an excited glint in her eyes

“But I really am glad to know that there’s another metal elzard that I know. So far, you’re the only one aside from Ms. Sandara to be a metal elzard. I would love to spar or exchange information with you Chaeyoung.”

Chaeyoung looked surprise when Yeri opened her own palm and produced a silver ball just like what she did earlier

“You’re…a metal elzard as well huh” Chaeyoung whispered before letting out a small smirk “Sure Yeri, I would like to have more information about my element. I assume that it’s your main?”

Yeri nodded and Chaeyoung’s eyebrows rose in surprise

“Lava and metal…you have quite unique main elements huh”

Yeri eyes twinkled in mischievousness and said with a smirk “So are you




Lisa shouted making everyone look at her


“We should probably get going, our family is also probably going to have a similar talk like this when we get home so we should…go on ahead”


Seulgi nodded “yeah…it’s been a tiring day for us. We would have won that match if it wasn’t for those monsters” she said sadly

“Don’t worry Seulgi,” Chaeyoung gave her a pat to show support and a small forced smile since she’s not used to smiling like this but Seulgi really managed to get through her shell slowly. She’s like Wendy, her warm presence and even cute bear-like face are enough to soften even Chaeyoung for her.

“I’m sure we can win again if a rematch is required, after all” Chaeyoung’s eyes flashed dark violet and smirked “I made sure they won’t underestimate us…even me”

“Won’t that make them a harder opponent then?” Joy asked her but Chaeyoung rolled her eyes and with a slight glow of silver on her hand, slightly pushed Joy away from clinging to her arm

“That’s what makes it fun and challenging.”

“Leave it to Chaeyoung to want a challenge instead of a breeze win” Jisoo chuckled and tugged Chaeyoung towards her

“We should go home.”

Jennie still kept mum as the others talk and continued gazing at Chaeyoung before finally speaking “Yeah…we should” She confidently grabbed Chaeyoung’s other hand and sent a fiery gaze to the others, especially Suzy and Joy; eyes burning with a bright fire that far surpasses Joy’s or even Suzy’s.

Joy quietly growled at the show of dominance while Suzy narrowed her eyes in confusion and suspicion on why Jennie was looking at her like that.

Nevertheless, they kept quiet to not cause any more fights especially since they’ve went through some surprise ambush from the monsters.

Chaeyoung can’t help but admire the sudden show of power of Jennie but was also confused why she was doing that.

“Maybe because she noticed I’m uncomfortable with them?”

Lisa pouted and also grabbed Jennie’s hand who looked at her confused but finally understood why she did it when Lisa gave Chaeyoung a devilish grin.

“You know what to do Chae”

Chaeyoung smirked when she noticed the dread look of Jennie and the stifled giggle of Jisoo when she saw her sister’s face.

“Bye guys”

Chaeyoung managed to say before going super-sonic back home followed by Jennie’s scream of fright



“Well…” Hyeri said awkwardly and scratch the back of her head “That was certainly eventful. Who knew two elementless apparently have two main elements that they’ve been hiding for nearly a decade huh Suzy” She mused, a lesson that she’s slowly learning that everyone has their own story…

Hyeri does wonder why the two didn’t just showcase their elements like everybody else to avoid getting pushed around

“Maybe we’ll know more in the future…if we managed to keep in contact with them”  Hyeri thought before musing "And maybe...even become their friends"

Suzy turned away “Yeah…they’re good, and we judged them greatly for it.” She started walking away with a thought

“And…it’s definitely why Chaeyoung won’t let me become much closer to her”

Suzy has to admit, ever since her mysterious knock-out on their last drinking game with Chaeyoung and Joy, she has been curious on why she suddenly fell asleep when she just looked at Chaeyoung’s eyes. She already explained it to Hyeri who just laughed at her and said it’s because of her low alcohol tolerance.

“Maybe I’m overthinking this…I should just focus on getting stronger and bond with her during practice.”


Suzy knows those eyes hold more stories than they let on…and she is determined to find out all of them. If there is one of all the various things that Suzy likes, it’s discovering something or in this case, someone, interesting and knowing the answers behind them.


“Should we go home?” Wendy asked the girls after Hyeri and Suzy left as well

“Yeah…it must be a tiring day for Seulgi here” Irene pat Seulgi in the head in which the bear-like girl pouted at her

“You know me better than that unnie…”

Irene chuckled “I do know”

“I swear, unnie’s sense of humor is non-existent” Joy rolled her eyes and ignored the glare that was directed to her.

“So…is no one going to talk about the surge of power earlier?” Yeri asked as they started walking back home “It felt…cold”

Irene nodded and looked back where they all talked earlier

“It definitely is…looks like we’re going to just wait and find out what’s that all about.” Irene looked at Wendy who just smiled at them

“Yeah…in the future maybe” Wendy said in her soft voice as they all walked in quietness with the moonlight shining on the road and on the five girls as they slowly disappeared along the shadows of the night…

A hand slowly soothed Jennie’s back as she panted harshly and her face turning a bit green from her motion sickness; Chaeyoung’s super-sonic speed can be really compared to a rollercoaster but faster

“At least you’re getting better on your motion sickness” Chaeyoung smirked softly while her hand soothed Jennie’s back.

Jennie let out a small blush and pushed Chaeyoung’s hand away to glare at her “Hmp. If you’re going to tell me this is training for my motion sickness, I’ll melt your hand to oblivion”

Chaeyoung chuckled and her eyes twinkled making Jennie look at her in slight wonder as child Rosie just flashed before her eyes.



Chaeyoung tilted her head just like when she was young causing Jennie to smile softly, hand slowly rising to hopefully poke her cheek but Jisoo cleared that ruined the moment.

Jennie rolled her eyes and stopped her actions, eyes fleeting to Lisa who was looking at her with a strange expression before shaking her head and giving Jennie a shaky smile and wink that says

‘I see what you’re trying’

Jennie resisted the urge to roll her eyes at Lisa’s ‘support’ to her…feelings “Oh well…at least Lisa knows about it.” Jennie looked at her sister “Does my sister knows as well?”

“Anyways,” Jisoo said, cutting off Jennie’s thoughts “Seeing that classes are suspended and it’s still not night, I was wondering we could spar Chaeyoungie” She smiled before looking at Chaeyoung’s tussled form. Jisoo has been itching to train with Chaeyoung again because lately…there haven’t been any moments where they’re totally alone for the whole day.


She missed trading blows with Chaeyoung, it’s as if they have their own world of each other


“That is…you still have enough energy?”

Chaeyoung looked at the sky and saw that it’s still an hour before sunset and smirked

“You wound me unnie…” Chaeyoung faced her with determined eyes “You should know that I have more than enough energy for a spar”

Jisoo chuckled and returned her smirk with her own “I was going to doubt who you are if you refused anyway” She joked

Jennie and Lisa looked at each other and took this as an opportunity to watch how they battle with each other (to hopefully also see if they are on par with them or maybe even stronger)

“Can we watch Chae?”

Chaeyoung looked surprised that Lisa and Jennie wanted to watch and looked at Jisoo for confirmation. Jisoo nodded and spoke


“Why not? You two probably know about us anyway…”


“At least more than we started college anyways…”


“Let’s go to the training ground then”

Jennie and Lisa walked at the training grounds in wonder and even nostalgia; it’s been quite a while since they have trained here…heck the last time they were here was probably when Seungri visited them and Chaeyoung stopped their fight.

Chaeyoung and Jisoo stood opposite at each other, eyes talking to each other as if sending a message that there are other people other themselves.

“You ready for this unnie?” Chaeyoung punched her palm and lightning immediately enveloped her hands, crackling with life.

Jisoo craned her neck, slightly rising from the ground with her air element and hands glowing white with her eyes that made Jennie slightly grit her teeth at the show of the light element.


“How long were you hiding this Jisoo…” Jennie furrowed her eyebrows, to think that her own sister which she bullied and shown up in strength actually has the rarest element in the world…


It was a hard blow on her pride


The wind slightly blew their hairs and soon, the two former elementless charged towards each other with respectable speed.


“Lightning Strike”


“Light Blast!”


Jennie and Lisa slightly squinted their eyes as the light from their attacks is a bit too much for their eyes and they could already hear the two attacks colliding each other and obviously trying to overpower one another.

Chaeyoung smirked seeing her lightning overpowering Jisoo’s attack but her smirk was quickly wiped from her face when she was blasted to the sides near to Jennie and Lisa’s.

The two watching girls looked on at Chaeyoung who shook her head rapidly from the attack and mumbled

“An air attack…as expected from you unnie”

Chaeyoung then zapped towards Jisoo in a burst of speed courtesy of her element, and Jisoo swayed through her right with difficulty as Chaeyoung’s silver fist grazed her cheek. The older girl quickly put her distance between her and Chaeyoung seeing that Chaeyoung still has the upper hand even though she has the light element to help her physical form.

Jisoo knew her air attacks won’t damage Chaeyoung so much because of her lightning element plus her metal element as well.

“If only…”

Jisoo’s eyes fleeted towards Jennie and Lisa who were still watching them intently but was knocked off from her thoughts when she felt a strong jab to her chest which sent her flying towards the wall with an audible crash.


Lisa’s eyes widened while she shouted seeing Chaeyoung punched Jisoo hard on the chest with her iron fists.

“Damn Chae didn’t hold back in that huh” Lisa winced and glanced at Jennie who was just watching with a stoic expression

“What do you think unnie?”

Jennie sighed

“That’s probably nothing for Jisoo…after all, she’s a light elzard; she can easily heal herself. Plus, a light elzard has stronger physical conditions than any normal human.”

And true to Jennie’s word, Jisoo got out of the wall with a small grimace but nonetheless, still in fighting condition.

“It’s been a while since we sparred huh…” Jisoo chuckled and could feel relief when she put her glowing white hand to her chest to heal any injury.

Chaeyoung smirked “Yeah, and you should know I still got some tricks up on my sleeve…” Chaeyoung clapped her hands and slowly conjured a standard sword with the use of her metal element.

“Oh no you don’t!”

Jisoo flew towards her with one hand glowing white knowing Chaeyoung is dangerous to fight with a sword.

“Expanding Light Bolts!”

Lisa’s eyebrows shot up hearing a similar move to her own water element and mumbled

“I didn’t know the light element can also do that…”

Bolts of light energy came out of Jisoo’s hand and quickly attached themselves to Chaeyoung’s forming sword and destroyed it.

Chaeyoung stopped her creating and backflipped out of Jisoo’s fire of bolts towards her. A single bolt managed to nicked her leg and she bit her lip in pain seeing the light element spreading to her leg and pulsing with power that managed to slow her down.

Chaeyoung powered up lightning to her right hand and smashed the ground to create a smoke of debris and get out of Jisoo’s view.

Jisoo chuckled knowing what Chaeyoung is trying to do and the wind around her picked up before Jisoo commanded it to blow away the smoke.

Chaeyoung jumped up high at the same time the wind hit the smoke, eyes glowing dark violet and multiple lightning mini balls appeared out of thin air around Chaeyoung…


and when I say multiple it’s covering at least one fourth of the training ground.


Jisoo’s eyes widened at the onslaught of mini balls powered with lightning, she racked her mind to avoid getting paralyzed and knew she has to rely on her light element for this.

Chaeyoung smirked and projected some of her lightning balls to the lights above them and managed to cut off some light in an effort to weaken Jisoo’s light element. She wanted to laugh at the slight glare that Jisoo directed to her but she needs to focus.

Jisoo growled and soon the area is getting brighter by Jisoo’s powerful light aura and soon a small glow appeared beside her


Everything was in slow motion as Jennie and Lisa were in awe seeing the two girls’ aura glowing brightly plus Jisoo’s elemental beast; the dark violet aura enveloping Chaeyoung’s side while the glowing white aura just turned brighter thanks to Dalgom’s additional strength.

“Lend me your strength Dalgom…” Jisoo narrowed her eyes seeing Chaeyoung is now forming a small sword and infused it with lightning and soon gravity will start pulling her down anytime soon. Dalgom is already transferring additional energy to her and a light energy is beginning to take a huge form behind her.

“We’re going to create a huge wave…”


Chaeyoung took no time for Jisoo to get ready for her attack and dashed towards her with the help of gravity to increase her speed.


“Lightning Bolt Cut!”


“Radiant Torrent Blast!”


Sparks of lightning and light energy emerged from both girls as they hit each other with a resounding clash and the pulse of power escaped from them with a great blast as Jennie stomped her feet to the ground to hold on while Lisa crouched down tightly with a concentrated face.

“This…are they really…?” Jennie bit her lip, eyes squinting from the bright light in front of her. Her respect for them has definitely grew from this spar and she could observe that the area they were fighting is getting really damaged by the rate they’re going at.

“Chae…Jisoo-unnie…you two really hid this from us?” Lisa could only frown at the feeling of secrecy that is between them but she wouldn’t fault the two since she and Jennie were their main bullies throughout their years, not just by words, but also by actions that have probably hurt them deeply in their heart.


Lisa wondered…


Have Jisoo and Chaeyoung forgave them already for their mistakes?


Soon the light faded and their breaths hitched in anticipation to see who is the victor of the major clash.


“Nice shot Chaeyoungie…”


“I could say the same for you Jichu…”


The watching girls’ eyes widened seeing Chaeyoung’s small sword close to Jisoo’s neck and that one more inch closer would have made Jisoo bleed; Chaeyoung’s hand pushing Jisoo to the ground making Chaeyoung on top of her so that Jisoo wouldn’t move.




Jisoo’s right hand formed a small wind dagger and was aimed at Chaeyoung’s neck behind her, her other hand on Chaeyoung’s stomach and glowing white that Chaeyoung flinched feeling the burn of her light attack.


“Amazing…” Jennie whispered, slowly standing up in her position in shock but with a slight admiration at the amazing spar.


“So…who won?” Lisa voiced out


Chaeyoung and Jisoo continued gazing at each other’s eyes, panting in exhaustion from using large scale attacks. Jisoo detected a hint of a soft smile at Chaeyoung which made her smile as well as she said out loud for everyone to hear.


“Well…looks like it’s another tie for us”


Chaeyoung laughed lightly and cut off her attack, standing up and offering her hand to Jisoo who graciously accepted it.

“Another tie…” Chaeyoung shook her head “It happens most of the time.”

“Most of the time?” Jennie raised her eyebrow and took the cue to finally walk towards them with Lisa.

“Yeah…” Jisoo nodded “There were times when Chaeyoung wins a spar and sometimes I win as well.” Jisoo shrugged

“It’s nothing, this is just a spar after all.”

“You guys were amazing!” Lisa exclaimed “I didn’t know what you had a light version of my own attack Jisoo-unnie”

Jisoo laughed a bit “It’s in the scroll in the library, it’s actually pretty normal. I bet the other elements could do it too”

Jennie noticed Chaeyoung holding her stomach a bit and asked her quietly while Lisoo talked with each other.

“Are you feeling okay?”

Chaeyoung nodded and lifted her shirt a bit to reveal a small burn on her toned stomach

“Yeah…just a bit burned from Jisoo-unnie’s attack.”

Jennie sneaked a glance at Lisoo before her hand touched Chaeyoung’s stomach

“Hey, what are you...?” Chaeyoung was taken aback at the contact, cheeks flaring up a bit before finally feeling the soothing heal of grass energy coming from Jennie.

“This must take a lot of concentration for her being a fire and earth elzard…”

But for an amazing elzard like Jennie, she didn’t even look like she’s having a hard time healing a small burn from Chaeyoung’s stomach.

“There, all healed Rosie”

Jennie gave Chaeyoung a small gummy smile that Chaeyoung has to look away because she was feeling a bit…nervous, but not the kind of nervous that makes her want to run away but rather…


Chaeyoung shook her head and took on a look of indifference as she mumbled “Thanks…”

Jennie chuckled and her eyes smiled as well when she said

“You’re welcome.”

The two once close childhood friends gazed at each other with a softer look until their moment was cut off by Jisoo grabbing Chaeyoung’s hand.

“We should probably rest up before dinner Chaeyoungie” Jisoo smiled at her “I’m sure you need to take shower after the day you had” She joked seeing Chaeyoung still in her Thief uniform.

“You’re right” Chaeyoung scrunched her face and could feel herself itching for a set of fresh clothes right now. She nodded to Lisa and Jennie

“We’ll see you two later”

Jennie nodded in acknowledgement while Lisa smiled at them

“Yeah…you should probably prepare for an explanation for mom and dad” Lisa said jokingly


Chaeyoung groaned


She hates to say it but Chaeyoung has got to take Lisa’s suggestion while she showers


It will be troublesome if she didn’t

“To know that you also inherited your father’s element…” Jisung chuckled, eyes twinkling in fondness at Chaeyoung who was grumbling after a long explanation which involves that she discovered her metal element just in their teenage years. She didn’t specifically say when since she saw how Jisoo’s eyes sobered and shuddered a bit remembering how she got it…

“You truly are your father’s child” Jisung smiled at Chaeyoung softly

Hyuna also smiled happily “To think she has Mason and Clare’s element…she really is their daughte-“

Hyuna’s thought was cut off suddenly

Chaeyoung growled lowly “He is not my father.” She turned away from Jisung and Hyuna’s shocked eyes; probably the first time they’ve heard her b hatred to her so-called biological parents.

“Marco is my father, not him.”

Lisa didn’t know whether to feel elated at that or feel awkward but she could slightly see that pained look in their current mother’s eyes so she’s feeling conflicted as of right now.


Hyuna stopped talking because Jisung put a hand on her shoulder and shook his head

“Not now…”

Hyuna realized that it’s obvious that Chaeyoung has a real and deep reason why she’s acting like this…something must have happened to make her hate her real parents this much, probably something traumatic and life-changing.

“Anyways,” Jisung cleared his throat to disperse the tense atmosphere they unknowingly created “How advance are you in your metal element?”

Chaeyoung looked deep in thought, munching a pork on slowly before swallowing “I can create light-medium weapons easily, heavy weapons usually take some time but not for really long. My magnetism to metal objects is also high in my radius, but probably just as big as 3-5 houses. If I concentrate harder though, I can maybe make it further.”

“Not to mention her ridiculous increase of physical strength” Lisa quipped in and Chaeyoung nodded at that.

Jennie looks interested, she didn’t talk much about that metal element with Yeri but now that Chaeyoung has it…

“Does this mean you can also increase your defense with it?”

Chaeyoung also nodded at that “Yeah, probably same as yours but its sturdiness depends on me.” Chaeyoung shrugged “I don’t want to say that my defense is higher than yours Jennie, since I focus much more on offense anyways.”

Chaeyoung then smirked “But I could probably give you a run for your money when it comes to defense.”

Jennie’s eyes flashed earthly brown in challenge “I would love to test it someday”

Jisung laughed “I remembered back in the day that I could never beat Mason’s defense” He said “His element is just too tough than mine” Jisung suddenly grinned “Thankfully I have my lava element to melt his metal huh”

Jennie snickered and winked at Chaeyoung “Maybe I’ll get the same luck huh dad”

“I like to see you try” Chaeyoung kept her smirk and soon she was finished eating “I’m going upstairs now. Thank you for the food”

Jisung and Hyuna are glad that they are all close enough for Chaeyoung to at least say something after eating dinner. They just smiled and nodded at her to go on.

Jisoo also stood up, now done eating “I’ll also go upstairs now, the spar did a number on me”

“Spar?” Hyuna asked, a bit confused before Jennie just shrugged and told them about what happened earlier.

“Wait Chae!”

Lisa realized what she has done when all eyes turned to her, all because of her nagging curiosity if she and Chaeyoung will have their first hunt tonight. Judging from Chaeyoung’s scrunched face that Lisa should have talked to her upstairs…

Lisa knew she has to say something now

But thankfully, Chaeyoung herself saved her

“I’m tired right now Lis,” Chaeyoung looked at her straight in the eyes “Whatever our Thief’s coach probably said to you, you can tell it to me tomorrow.”

Lisa laughed sheepishly, inwardly glad that Chaeyoung has a sharp mind “A-Ah yeah tomorrow. Rest well then Chae” She smiled and waved at her.

Chaeyoung waved back before going upstairs followed by Jisoo, who locked eyes with Jennie. A small communication between them and Jisoo just shook her head, telling Jennie with her eyes to stand down for now.

Jennie nodded, unobserved by the family and continued on talking about the spar to Jisung and Hyuna.

“Well…” Jennie thought “I hope nothing happens tomorrow…I have had enough thoughts to feed a village”

Jennie certainly hopes so

“Good day class! And I hope our Thief players here in our class are safe and sound” Seungri smiled, nodding towards Chaeyoung, Lisa, and Seulgi.

The Thief club were probably going to talk more later after class hence Lisa just nodded, Seulgi gave a shy smile, and Chaeyoung ignored him.

“So for today, we’re going to just have a fun and light potion.” Seungri grinned and took out a potion that’s colored pink and shining with positive energy. Seungri has to hide his inward cringe at touching the potion but hence he needs to do this to avoid suspicion from his dear students.

Joy squealed “I know that potion!” She said in awe “I can’t believe it’s real!”

Her eyes looking at Chaeyoung who was actually sitting quite close to her with only Jennie being between them. The four sisters plus all of Joy’s best friends are actually sitting in one long table as Seungri arranged it that way, much to the dismay of Chaesoo because they’re used of having a singular table by themselves.

Joy smirked and Yeri could only shake her head but a growing smirk is becoming apparent on her features

“Well, this is troublesome…”

Jisoo stiffened seeing the potion and her eyes quickly looked at Joy who was already looking at Chaeyoung with a devious glint.

“Good thing I’m sitting beside Chaeyoungie…”

Wendy looked confused at the looks of Joy, Yeri, and even Jisoo. She nudged her girlfriend and whispered


“Babe…what’s with this potion”


Irene sighed and answered


“It’s…a love potion”


Wendy drops in surprise “Those potions really exist?” Irene nodded and sent a lovely smirk to Wendy

“Yeah…good thing you’re already in love with me” she said smugly making Wendy roll her eyes but a whipped smile is on her lips

“So today, we’re going to make a love potion!” Seungri grinned joyously and the whole class immediately murmured in excitement, some were bored, while some were just agitated of being able to do this.

“Are love potions even real?” Chaeyoung scrunched her face, posture already becoming bored as Seungri started dispersing the ingredients needed to make a love potion.

Seungri, however, heard Chaeyoung’s question and turned to her with that same carefree grin “It’s real alright! But don’t worry, there’s no permanent effect of a love potion. For all we know, it varies with different people. Some only for days, others for weeks…and few last for years

Jennie looked at the ingredients in front of her and quickly sneak a glance to Chaeyoung who was staring hard on Seungri, lips on a hidden sneer. She also caught the wary look that Lisa sent to her, who was actually sitting next to Jisoo at the other end. Jennie scrunched her face at her before turning her attention back to Seungri.

“It couldn’t possibly work…right?”

You see, Jennie Kim never really studies potion. She thinks it’s a waste of time during battle and could actually be a hindrance on carrying it unless you have a sealing bag where you can store it. So, she never really believes on it but she does acknowledge its usefulness.

But this…how could this possibly help in battle?

“Seungri did say this is just for fun…”

“So, if you’re thinking…how would I grade you?” Seungri smiled “No need to worry for everyone as I am a master of potion-making and dark elzard myself meaning I can sense if it’s a genuine love potion or not as we all know that love is an emotion in which the dark element specializes in.”

“For a quick history lesson, love potions from way before are actually used in espionage missions of elzard warriors to gain information on the enemies…they are used as seduction and…”

Jennie hid a yawn hearing Seungri explaining the history behind it, though her eyes picked up Joy’s devious smirk which made her immediately look at Chaeyoung who was listening boringly at the lesson for today.

She scowled; Jennie is absolutely sure that Joy will find a way to drink her potion. “Not to worry…I’m sitting between them anyways. I’ll make sure Joy doesn’t do anything to my Rosie”

Who wouldn’t be though?

Jennie is sure that Jisoo and Lisa also have their guards up though Chaeyoung is just oblivious to Joy’s plan from her bored expression.

Seulgi raised her hand and Seungri turned his attention to her

“Yes, a question?”

The Seulgi stood up and asked “What would happen if you were to drink your own potion?”

Seungri smiled “That’s a great question and to answer that...”

Everyone waited in suspense for Seungri to answer it but he laughed and waved his hands


Seulgi sweat-dropped “…nothing?”

Seungri nodded “Yes nothing, you can’t possibly be in love with your own love potion” He said jokingly “So instead, it will just taste like a fresh juice; quite delicious actually. It is said that if you drink your own love potion, whatever discomfort you’re feeling will melt away like magic, kind of like a healing potion.”

Seungri went back to his station at the top center of the room where all the class could see him “Follow my instructions and we’ll finish this day without a jiffy!”

Chaeyoung sighed and started to work


“First, pour in some pure water; it will be easily be able to accept whatever content that will be mixed it in.”


“Then, put in some love roses. Only put the petals though, don’t include the stem so be careful of the prickles.”


Joy started chuckling as she efficiently put on the ingredients with amazing energy. Wendy noticed her and could have an inkling idea what’s got her so cheery…


‘’Joy, you’re crazy you know that?’’ Wendy flinched seeing Jisoo give her a warning look since she’s next to Joy who was starting to hum happily.

Joy turned to Wendy with a confident smile ‘’Don’t worry unnie~ I’ll make sure Ms. Protector over there won’t hurt you’’

Wendy gulped when Jisoo’s warning look turned into a glare

“This is a bad idea Joy…stop it if what I’m thinking is correct” Wendy whispered to her before turning to Irene

“Can’t you please stop her?”

Irene continued working on her potion and answered without looking at her girlfriend “She’s your daughter not mine”

Seulgi laughed and shook her head at her best friends, watching Wendy’s exasperated face, Irene’s stoic one, Joy’s happy one, and even Yeri’s devilish smile.

“Our dynamic is strangely weird but I'm just glad we're as tight as glue…” Seulgi smile dimmed a bit, they went through a lot as a group…she’s just glad that everything between them is just stronger than ever.

Joy gave Seulgi a wink and Seulgi sighed, because she loved her best friends so much and she just lost recently to Joy; she has to do something for her.

“Sorry about this Wendy…”

“…and for the last ingredient, it’s an essence of ourselves which means just a tiny drip of blood.” Seungri easily cut his finger making blood appear “And when I say tiny, I meant just one drop of it.”

Everyone watched as their blood mixed with the water inside of it and the petals even swirled, turning to a heart before dispersing into small glowing glitters of red.

Chaeyoung hummed grabbing her potion and swirling it “So this is a love potion…” She murmured

Lisa chuckled “Why, you have someone to want to try it on Chae?” She teased

Chaeyoung scoffed, putting down her potion “No, I’m fine.”

Joy leaned towards her with a grin “You want to try mine Rosie?” She said innocently

Chaeyoung looked blankly at her


Joy giggled and flicked Chaeyoung’s forehead, everyone not noticing the red glow of Joy’s fingertips “You’re just scared you’ll really fall in love with me” She teased

Jennie growled and used her right arm to put Joy back to her seat “Will you behave?!” She hissed

Joy scoffed but inwardly she’s smirking in triumph

“Only a matter of time now…”

Chaeyoung shifted her position at her chair, feeling strangely…not well. It’s like there’s something itching in her body but she can’t pinpoint what it is.

“Must be my lightning element again…”

Though it’s weird if it was her lightning element acting up…she’s regularly releasing it now but why was she feeling this way if it’s not that?

“I’ll start grading you guys now so you can leave early” Seungri grinned before walking to the first row of students.

Lisa looked at her love potion and bit her lip in curiosity “What if…Chae drank my potion? Will something change?” Lisa let out a small blush and shook her head defiantly.

Why the heck was she thinking about that?

Lisa glanced at Chaeyoung who was actually turning a bit red

“Chae? You okay?” She asked making some of the occupants in their table look at her

“Yeah…I’m fine don’t worry about it” Chaeyoung muttered and just laid her head on the table, causing concern to be written on Jensoo’s face as well.

Jisoo glanced at her potion but held her chin up high “No…it’s immoral of me to even think Chaeyoung would drink my potion” Jisoo’s face twitched; she had read about this potion back in the library and even managed to successfully created one…without Chaeyoung of course and it’s just not right if Chaeyoung would fall in love with her in that way.

Jisoo looked down and bit her lip…


It would actually feel great if Chaeyoung did become lovestruck at her, she’ll finally experience let’s say the…


Girlfriend experience


Jennie sighed and lean back on her chair “This is stupid…I swear if I didn’t get a perfect score for just creating this potion I’m going to explode in embarrassment”

Seungri walked over to another group of students who are oddly staring at each other warily ‘’Is there something wrong?’’ He asked but the group just shook their head and presented their own love potions for Seungri to look at individually

“Not at all sir” Seulgi answered for them and Seungri closed his eyes, letting out a small pulse of dark energy to efficiently grade their potions.

Some of girls in the table shivered at the feeling, especially Jennie and Lisa.

“Is this the power of a dark elzard?” Jennie narrowed her eyes; she encountered some dark elzards like Bom and even the woman who attacked the Halloween party…

But none of them felt as cold and dark as Seungri’s

Lisa actually scooted closer to Jisoo to feel a bit warm “Jeez…that’s kind of”

“Unsettling?” Jisoo finished her sentence and Lisa nodded in agreement.

Soon the pulse stopped and Seungri grinned “You all pass! Just wait here and I’ll dismiss you all soon.”

Chaeyoung sighed and leaned back on her chair, sweat slowly forming around her and actually feeling parched. She can’t leave since Seungri just said to wait, and Chaeyoung’s doesn’t have the heart to rebel and to hell with the rules because of what she’s feeling right now.

Chaeyoung narrowed her eyes, numerous sweats going down her face ‘’Why the is it so hot in here?’’ She muttered, itching to drink something.

‘’Are you okay Chaeyoungie?’’ Jisoo looked at Chaeyoung worriedly seeing her sweating like crazy ‘’Are you sick?’’

Chaeyoung shook her head and sent Jisoo a small smile to know that she’s fine

“Are you sure?” Jisoo asked making Jennie and Lisa look at her

Jennie narrowed her eyes “This seems familiar…”

“I’m fine I’m fine…” Chaeyoung scrunched her face and wiped away the sweats “Why the heck am I only feeling this heat?! They all seemed perfectly normal!”

Chaeyoung glanced at Joy suspiciously but she was busy talking to Yeri while Wendy, Irene, and Seulgi were also in a conversation,

Chaeyoung pulled her shirt for a bit of air to enter her body but she was still in burning up. She accidentally eyed her potion and a thought entered her

‘’He said that the love potion that you made won’t have any effect on the creator…I should just do it’’

Joy saw Chaeyoung eyeing her potion and smirked; a finger snapped and soon a ball of fire appeared on Joy’s hand and she quietly threw it at the plants beside Lisa.

As soon as that happened, Joy shouted

“Guys! Fire beside Lisa!”

Everyone jumped in surprise and looked at the growing fire beside Lisa who immediately started conjuring a huge water ball.

Joy sent a knowing look at Seulgi who sighed and began using her air element to replace Chaeyoung’s love potion and Joy’s own potion…


“What are you doing Seul?”


Wendy turned to her feeling a slight breeze, raising an eyebrow at her. Seulgi yelped and lost her concentration but she felt like she successfully switched the potions.


“…I think so?” Seulgi bit her lips and answered “I uhm…nothing just surprised at the sudden fire” She laughed nervously and wanted to curse at herself for losing a match against Joy yesterday because it made her owe a favor to the younger girl.

“All good!” Lisa exclaimed and Seungri nodded in thanks at her though he murmured “How the hell did a fire appeared out of nowhere?”

Chaeyoung couldn’t take the heat anymore, as dry as a desert so she grabbed the potion in front of her.

“What are you doing Chaeyoungie?” Jisoo blinked at her confusingly

“I just…I need something to drink” Chaeyoung furrowed her eyebrows and tried to look like she’s not in a state of dehydration

“And I’m not going to wait around for him to finish his rounds when I’m parched” Chaeyoung scoffed and put her lips on the potion, drinking rather quickly.


Joy bounced her knees excitedly, eyes twinkling in mischief and lips turning into an excited smirk


“This is it…”




Chaeyoung’s eyes widened dropping the bottle she’s holding, her heart beating erratically which made her hold her chest.


‘’This…this is not mine!’’


Instead of a cooling breeze of juice that she’s supposed to feel, she felt her whole-body tingling; her mind thinking of a certain person and her heart swelling in happiness and…


“I-is this what love is supposed to feel?”




Jisoo shook Chaeyoung who finally snapped out of her stupor


“I-I” Chaeyoung stuttered, standing up and shakily backing down; locking eyes with every person at the table and her beats even more when one person kept her gaze steady at her

Chaeyoung shook her head and she could already feel her body wanting to cling to that person and wanting to say something sweet which is absolutely not on her vocabulary.

“Rosie what’s wrong?” Joy asked though her eyes twinkled in mischief seeing Chaeyoung in a breath before turning around and running away.

“Ms. Chaeyoung!” Seungri yelled at her and was confused at what happened. Seungri went to their table and knelt down, touching the broken glass of what Chaeyoung drank and could feel his jaw drop.

“She…” Seungri stood up and looked at the running Chaeyoung “She drank someone else’s potion…”


The girls at the table yelled in shock especially Jisoo, Lisa, and Jennie; their eyes wide and standing up abruptly.

“What the heck?! When…” Jisoo narrowed her eyes and locked eyes with Joy who was obviously trying to hide her smirk

“You…” Jisoo growled and pointed at Joy “You did it to her!”

Everyone knew immediately that it was indeed Joy since she’s always the one pining after Chaeyoung and likes pranking her…


Looks like even class can’t stop Park Joy from her schemes


Jennie scowled “I knew what was happening to Chaeyoung was familiar! It was a fire spell that’s used to ‘burn’ up someone from the inside. From the looks of it, you used it in a way it’s to make the person sick

Lisa’s eyes glowed blue, lips in a snarl “You’re going to pay for this Joy!” She said furiously

Joy laughed before turning around and blasting away with a stream of fire to help in her speed “I like to see you guys try” She shouted smugly before going after Chaeyoung.

Everyone on the class stood up and rushed in after her, clearly interested on what’s probably a scandal going to happen.

“Come back here!” Jennie yelled and ran after Joy

Lisa also ran, heart beating in nervousness and even fear “What will happen to Chae?”

Jisoo was also leading the chase to Joy but then she sent a quick glare at Wendy “I warned you about her!” She hissed

Wendy raised her hands up “I swear I am! She was even talking to Yeri and even Seulgi!”

“Then how the heck did she switch it up?!”

Wendy bit her lip “I…really don’t know to be honest. Is there a way to reverse the potion?”

Jisoo shook her head “No…it’s hard to take off a person’s blood mixed to the said potion even having the light element. It’s probably already mixed with Chaeyoung’s blood.” Jisoo gritted her teeth and soon they were in the grassy area of the school where they take classes in P.E with Sandara.

Chaeyoung was trapped in a wall of fire courtesy of Joy who was now slowly walking towards Chaeyoung.


Chaeyoung stiffened hearing Joy call out to her, and soon she felt at least the whole class earlier coming towards her. Chaeyoung could feel her own consciousness slipping from her, replacing it with that warm feeling as if something is taking over her system. She clutched her chest tightly as if fighting it.








Her heart skipped another beat hearing them call for her and soon…


Her arms laid limp on her sides and was still for a moment.


“Joy! Stop it!”


Joy ignored Wendy calling out to her and grabbed Chaeyoung’s shoulder and turned her around. Joy smiled “Hi Rosie! How are you feeling?”

Chaeyoung was in a daze and opened to whisper “I…”

Joy cupped Chaeyoung’s cheek “You what?” She said cheekily

“You…” Chaeyoung stared at Joy’s eyes, grabbing Joy’s hand on her cheek in which devastated Jisoo, Jennie, and Lisa

“C-Chae” Lisa’s eyes widened seeing that action

“Please let it just be for some few hours...” Jisoo closed her eyes and looked away

“Damn you Joy…” Jennie eyes flickered in fire and was about to fling them apart until a shout entered their ears


“Get out of my way!”


Chaeyoung pushed Joy out of her way, glaring at her


“W-what?!” Joy’s mouth dropped in shock “B-but our professor said that all our love potions passed!”


“Does this mean she drank from another person!?”


Chaeyoung scrunched her face and then looked forward at the crowd…a huge grin forming on her lips, eyes crinkling in happiness as she shouted and run


“My wifey!”


Everyone watched dumbfounded as Chaeyoung lunged at Jennie cupping her cheeks and whispering gently as if she wants the wind to carry her voice towards Jennie’s ears only


"I love you…”


Jennie’s heart stopped and her eyes were wide as saucers when she felt a soft pair of lips met her own ones and could only stay still, heart exploding in shock and butterflies travelling all around her body as Chaeyoung claimed Jennie’s first ever kiss.

Hello everyone! I really do apologize for making you wait :( It's been 2 months since I have updated but I do try to write during those two months. I hope that this long chapter is enough to suffice for my absence. I applaud everyone who got the person right for the love potion flashback way back Chapter 14 (I think?). 

I have 3 more weeks before my first semester ends so please bear with me! I may update frequently but nevertheless, I won't abandon an unfinished story. It's kind of a promise that I made to myself for you guys. Please stay safe everyone and I just want to say to love Blackpink and support Lisa's solo even though promotions are done. Our baby maknae deserves the world. Let's wait for Jisoo's comeback next! Stay tuned also for Snowdrop since I've heard it will start airing at around December. That's all guys, thank you for patiently waiting. Love you all!


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dianawalker0204 #1
Chapter 38: Seeing this update brightened my day! This is one of the few fics that I'm waiting on and looking forward to read every time. The world building is great and I really like how Chaeyoung's relationship with each member develops
Winter_02 #2
Chapter 38: I hope it will be chaesoo end game, cause they have each other like no one else like their bond was stronger. If chaennie or chaelisa it is something wrong like maybe consider the way they treat chaeyoung in the past like no elements but now they like puufff they like her?? Ahuh so yeah i hope it chaesoo bec. Jisoo she did not leave rosé behind or what. They trained together to be strong and protect each other.
This is like blades of light and shadow from the choices game
Intersting , gonna read it and find out
Chapter 37: tô sentindo que a revelação do elemento escuro da chae está vindo
Chapter 37: Still wanting chaesoo ending!!! Hahhaa gaaaad, i miss this story!
Chapter 37: Omg!!!!!! Welcome back!
reader555 #7
Chapter 36: im here still waiting for ud😔
Afkm_07 #8
Chapter 36: Quand est la suite ?!?! 😭❤
bety_liz #9
Chapter 36: I really enjoy how you write the story :) but I wonder what happened to jisoo and chaeyoung 🤔