First Bonding

The Elzard

‘’Why do you have to train so excessively Chaeyoungie?’’ Jisoo grumbled, seeing lots of bruises and slashes on Chaeyoung’s form. They were now back to their bedroom after another normal dinner (them just being quiet while the family talked about random things) and Chaeyoung finally letting out a groan of pain the moment they stepped in their room, taking off her jacket to reveal her tank top as well as bruised body

‘’I just…’’ Chaeyoung grimaced feeling Jisoo healing a particular painful injury ‘’I need to get stronger…’’

‘’Chaeyoungie…’’ Jisoo sighed ‘’Sometimes I don’t get why you still have to fulfill that promise of yours to Lisa’s mother, Lisa is fine and getting stronger than the both of us. They got training from mother and father and yet’’ Jisoo looked at the younger girl with a bit of frustration on her eyes, heart clenching seeing how Chaeyoung always push herself too much and sometimes getting too much injuries like right now. 

‘’Just…why are you pushing yourself too hard?’’

‘’It’s not just about Lisa unnie…’’ Chaeyoung whispered ‘’It’s about the people important to me too; I don’t ever want to experience that kind of pain again’’ Chaeyoung tightened her fist and could feel her eyes getting teary

‘’I…’’ Chaeyoung choked out ‘’I-it’s too painful…my biological parents left me and I can’t even remember their faces or even know what they sound like’’ She laughed bitterly

‘’I grew up with the Manobans for as long as I can remember, I gradually began to love them as my own parents’’

‘’Then those monsters attacked’’ Chaeyoung whispered darkly making Jisoo stop healing her wound and tentatively hold her hand in support

‘’I could only run away because that’s what mommy said’’ Chaeyoung wiped away her tears furiously seeing that she’s already crying from remembering the tragedy

‘’And then they died too’’

Jisoo saw Chaeyoung’s hand glowing and whispered ‘’Calm down Chaeyoungie…please’’ She cupped her cheek and made the vulnerable girl look at her

‘’You did your best to protect you and Lisa’’ Jisoo soothed ‘’There’s only so much the both of you can do especially at that age…and it’s really brave and amazing of you to actually run away from those monsters.’’

‘’And here you are’’ Jisoo wiped away her tears ‘’Alive, and getting stronger…I’m proud of you, you know that right?’’

Chaeyoung cried even more; she wouldn’t know what to do without Jisoo’s guidance and kind personality. If it wasn’t for her, maybe Chaeyoung would have forget her promise to Chittip and ran away on her own…


Or the worst case of scenario,


Kill herself


‘’Thank you Jichu…’’ Chaeyoung looked at Jisoo gratefully ‘’For being there for me and you know’’ She chuckled and gestured Jisoo's hands which are healing her to lighten up the vulnerable atmosphere

Jisoo giggled and looked at her lovingly as she said jokingly

’'You really got to learn how to heal yourself properly you know?’’

Quickly after dinner, Lisa pulled Jennie to her room to talk about what just happened.


Specifically Hyuna’s excitement tomorrow night


‘’What heck are we going to do unnie?!’’


‘’Would you stop pacing around for just a minute so that I could think of something’’ Jennie hissed and Lisa finally stopped pacing around to look at her nervously

‘’We should have just told mom that we’re having a hard time doing that technique’’ Lisa groaned

‘’And let Jisoo outclass us? No way’’ Jennie scoffed ‘’Lisa, you know that the both of us are in the top tier in our department; we don’t want mom and dad to be disappointed to us right? Elemental class is the easiest subject for us since they trained us, while those two’’ She said referring to Chaeyoung and Jisoo ‘’don’t have anyone to train them with. Besides,’’

Jennie looked at Lisa with a serious look ‘’Aren’t you wondering how the hell Jisoo mastered that when even you couldn’t do it immediately?’’

‘’I’m more used to using offensive and defensive techniques of my element anyways’’ Lisa mumbled ‘’And didn’t Jisoo-unnie said that Chaeyoung always get small injuries like that that’s why she already mastered it?’’


‘’I don’t think that’s it Lisa…’’


‘’Unnie,’’ Lisa said ‘’Are you saying that Jisoo-unnie has gotten her element?’’


Jennie clenched her jaw ‘’I…I think so’’


Lisa’s eyes widened and took a step back in shock ‘’Are you serious?!’’


‘’I’m still not sure okay?’’ Jennie looked away ‘’Call it a…’’


‘’Sister’s intuition?’’ Lisa smirked teasingly


‘’Yah!’’ Jennie blushed with embarrassment


‘’A-anyways! I have a plan now’’


‘’What is it?’’


‘’We have to blackmail them’’


‘’What?!’’ Lisa shouted and Jennie glared at her to shut her up ‘’How the hell are we going to do that?! Threaten them?’’ She whispered loudly


Jennie rolled her eyes ‘’Do you think that’ll work?! We’re not little children anymore Lisa and you saw how they can fight back now so that's already a no!’’


‘’Then what are we going to do?’’


‘’We have to find something that’s important to them that will make Jisoo teach us what she knows about the healing technique’’




‘’One of us has to sneak in their room and find something that might be valuable to either of them. It doesn’t matter who’s since Chaeyoung and Jisoo are always together anyways’’ Jennie grumbled ''Blackmail either of them and I'm sure one of them will agree and convince the other.''


‘’So who’s going to sneak in their room then?’’ Lisa asked and Jennie looked at her knowingly making her shake her head numerously


‘’Why do I have to be the one to do it?!’’ Lisa whined making Jennie prevent herself from smacking the maknae like a child she is


‘’Because you’re graceful and quite stealthy if you put your mind to it.’’ Jennie answered as if it’s the basic thing in the world


‘’You just want me to let them corner me…’’ Lisa mumbled ‘’How the hell would I be able to sneak to them when they’re probably in their room by now?’’


On cue, they heard two familiar voices


‘’Hey unnie, I’m just going out for the convenience store’’


‘’Again? I thought you did it already last night?’’


They heard Chaeyoung cough a bit while Jennie turned a bit of pink remembering last night


‘’I uh…forgot something’’


‘’Silly Chaeyoungie’’ Jisoo laughed ‘’Aish let me come with you so that you won’t forget a thing. Anything you want me to know just in case you forget it?’’ She teased


‘’Shut up unnie, let’s just go’’


Lisa looked at Jennie dumb-founded ‘’Either your luck is super great, or my own ones are just too bad’’


Jennie snickered ‘’Yours are just too bad Manoban’’ She said smugly


‘’I’m still not sure about this…’’


‘’Just do it if you don’t want us to embarrass ourselves in front of mom and dad!’’

Lisa stood in front of Chaeyoung and Jisoo’s room ‘’How the heck I’ve gotten into this position anyway’’ She grumbled angrily ‘’I should be having my rest right about now…’’ Lisa sighed to herself and steeled herself to touch the door knob and twist it 

She entered the room quietly and wanted to clap herself for her senses ‘’Good, now find something Lisa so that you could get this over with’’ She whispered to herself and started to search the whole room

‘’Wow, they really cleaned up huh’’ Lisa mumbled. There are two beds on either side of the room; a purple bed on the right side and a blue bed on the left side. Their walls are painted grey but not the dull one, rather it’s the cool kind of grey. There were shelves for books on the right side of the wall while there are scrolls and musical posters on the left side. There’s also a large closet between the two beds and another door on the near left of where Lisa is standing

‘’If I’m going to assume whose beds are these,’’ Lisa said ‘’Chaeyoung’s bed is the blue one…since it’s her favorite color when…’’ Her mood lowered as she whispered


‘’when…we were kids’’


‘’And,’’ Lisa’s eyes softened, walking towards Chaeyoung’s side of the room ‘’She…she liked music so much when we were younger’’

‘’Shhh Lisa please don’t cry’’

Marco tried to quiet down his youngest but the girl just won’t stop crying. His wife is outside hanging out with their friends so he was left alone with the two girls


Marco contemplated whether to call Chittip but he doesn’t have the heart to call his wife in this rare day where she gets to hang out and enjoy the day without council responsibilities

‘’Do you want to play with daddy kiddo?’’ Marco tried to coax the maknae but she just shook her head excessively

‘’I don’t wanna!’’ Lisa whined

‘’Oh Lisa’’ Marco sighed; this is one of those times where Lisa is really hard to take care of. Thankfully Chaeyoung is really as disciplined as what Mason said so they don’t have a harder time taking care of her…


Well except feeding her because Christ that girl has a stomach of a dinosaur


‘’Lisa? Daddy?’’


Speaking of the dinosaur,


‘’Oh Chaeyoung dear’’ Marco smiled widely though a bit strained since Lisa is still crying loudly ‘’You’re awake, did we wake you up?’’

Chaeyoung yawned and shook her head cutely ‘’Why is Lisa crying?’’ She asked, a sad frown on her face hearing Lisa cry

‘’She just misses mommy too much today’’ Marco chuckled while still rocking the crying girl

Chaeyoung walked towards the crying Lisa and whispered ‘’Yahhh, Lisa-yah’’

Lisa quieted down for a bit still sniffing, looking at Chaeyoung with red-rimmed eyes indicating she’s been crying for a long time now

Chaeyoung smiled cutely and opened her arms wide

Marco looked surprise to feel Lisa actually wanting to go to Chaeyoung’s arms and let her be; kneeling down to Chaeyoung’s level and let Lisa get out from his embrace and into Chaeyoung’s

Lisa sniffed and hugged Chaeyoung tightly, feeling her warmth calming her down but a few stray tears are still rolling down her cheeks

Chaeyoung hummed a familiar tune that even Marco immediately recognized which made him smile proudly at the younger girl, but what happened next really surprised him but at the same time, made his heart swell in happiness.


This one heart why does it have to

Want so much and be so complex

 If you just care a bit for me

Just enough for us to do a lot together


Sometimes though it’s okay if you are far

Sometimes I understand if you forget me.

 Sometimes doesn’t go as planned, but don’t regret.

Just let it be


When you have no one, then just think about me.

Make yourself comfy and let’s meet in our dream.

Tell me all about the good times that you had.

No more than just those things.

Let us love softly


‘’A-amazing’’ Marco muttered, seeing Lisa now sleeping contently in Chaeyoung’s arms who just continued singing in her cute kid-like voice

Marco shook his head and patted Chaeyoung’s head proudly ‘’You really know how to sing Thai well’’ he winked and Chaeyoung just blushed at the compliment and held Lisa tighter against her embrace

‘’It’s Lisa’s favorite song, so I thought I could help her stop crying by singing it’’

Marco smiled and thought happily

‘’You really have a gift Chaeyoung…’’

‘’Does she…still sing?’’ Lisa whispered, grazing her hand at Chaeyoung’s posters

‘’What the heck am I doing? I should find blackmails, not prancing around their room’’ Lisa shook her head and decided to go to Jisoo’s side of the bed since Jisoo is their target so that she could teach them about the grass element version of healing.

‘’If I were Jisoo-unnie, where would I hide my precious things?’’

Lisa looked under the bed and saw nothing but the clean floor. She grumbled and decided to look at their closet

She opened it wide and was met by an organized sets of clothes ranging from tank tops to hoodies. It’s actually kind of mixed meaning Chaeyoung and Jisoo really do share their clothes with each other.

‘’So they share clothes huh’’ Lisa mumbled and decided to carefully look around the corners but ended up feeling frustrated because she can’t find anything else

‘’How the heck are we supposed to blackmail them?!’’

Lisa sighed and after another half an hour searching around the room, even their bathroom! Lisa decided to plop down on Chaeyoung’s bed while groaning

‘’We should just abort this and just tell mom the truth…even if it hurts our pride’’ Lisa muttered and decided to steel herself; yeah they should just definitely do that, heck Chaeyoung and Jisoo might return any minute now so she better gets the hell out now.

As Lisa was about to stand up, something caught her eye on Chaeyoung’s bed at the down corner, almost under her bed but mostly hidden in the shadows.

‘’What…’’ Lisa narrowed her eyes and decided to just get it, maybe it would be of help to blackmail Jisoo, or even tell Chaeyoung to let Jisoo teach them by using this mysterious object. She reached out and then her eyes caught on something that’s resembling a thing that she cherishes in her own room…

Her eyes widened ‘’C-could it be?’’ Lisa’s hands were shaking a bit as she reached out for the object and felt its soft texture. She slowly took the object out and what her mind is thinking has been confirmed

Lisa grabbed it and traced her fingers to the object, her heart clenching and eyes tearing up at bit ‘’She…she still kept it after all these years’’


It was the teddy bear that Marco made them on that day…


Lisa’s 7th birthday…the day where Lisa’s elements manifests and also the day when her parents dies….


As well as her hate for Chaeyoung started


The teddy bear looked exactly like her own…they’re matching teddy bears and it’s a reminder of Marco’s gifts and love towards the both of them, and it really reminds her of that day yet she still kept it despite the pain of losing them because it's her father's gift to her and Chaeyoung that also means that they should have each other's back no matter what hence the reason why they're matching


‘’Why did she kept it?’’ Lisa whispered, grazing the well taken care teddy bear judging from its texture  ‘’I thought…I thought she hated me?’’


If Chaeyoung hated her, she would have destroyed or thrown this teddy bear…


‘’Does this mean she misses me?’’


Does Chaeyoung remember all their memories together while holding this bear? Does she think of her every once in a while? Did Chaeyoung really hate her? Did she even really hate the chipmunk girl?


Or maybe because it’s Marco’s gift to them and that’s all that matters to Chaeyoung?


‘’Chaeyoung…’’ Lisa stared at the bear and finally smelling Chaeyoung’s scent on it…


As well as their home


The home where the both of them grew up together making Lisa swallow the lump on , the overwhelming feelings coming strong to her the longer Lisa hold and stare at Chaeyoung’s own teddy bear.


Lisa was so busy with her own thoughts that she didn’t hear the door open and a stern voice speaking that made Lisa’s face turn white at being caught


‘’What the are you doing in our room?’’


‘’Well…’’ Lisa slowly turned around and there she saw Chaeyoung’s cold eyes piercing against her own panicked ones




Instantly her mind began to draw excuses


‘’A-ah y-you see’’ Lisa stuttered and if the air could get cold by just Chaeyoung’s stare, Lisa’s definitely in the North Pole by now


‘’I-I uhm’’


Chaeyoung’s eyes flickered at the bear that Lisa is holding and it considerably softened. She sighed and massaged her forehead in distress to talk in a monotone voice


‘’What are you doing here Lisa?’’


‘’If I told her I came here to find some blackmail material, she won’t definitely help us and not only that…’’ Lisa bit her lips ‘’Our partnership…it might break’’


Lisa definitely doesn’t want to let go of that, not after the train of feelings she’s experiencing right now. Her mind trying to find reason as she visibly sweated in nervousness making Chaeyoung narrow her eyes even further to the maknae


‘’I just uh…’’ Lisa clenched her jaw and decided to just it


‘’I want you to help us learn the spell about healing’’ Lisa closed her eyes tightly and gripped her fists with the same intensity


She can’t believe she’s asking for guidance to an elementless especially if it’s Chaeyoung and Jisoo




‘’Me and Jennie’’


A moment of silence took over them with Lisa not opening her eyes because she’s readying herself for the most likely rejection while Chaeyoung took this moment to drop in surprise, blinking at Lisa’s form rapidly before the reasoning behind it dinged in her head


‘’Ah…so I see’’


‘’But earlier on dinner you guys said it was easy?’’ Chaeyoung raised her eyebrows, a bit of amusement and surprise that Lisa and Jennie are actually letting down their guard and pride just to prove to Hyuna they’re doing well in their studies.


‘’It’s…’’ Lisa blushed with embarrassment and a ruined pride on her face ‘’It’s a lie.’’


That dropped the bomb and Chaeyoung couldn’t help herself, chuckling loudly in amusement that made Lisa glare at her with a tinted face


‘’A-at least I don’t hide a teddy bear just because  I’m embarrassed at it!’’ Lisa huffed


‘’You have the same teddy bear’’


‘’I don’t hide it unlike you!’’


Chaeyoung rolled her eyes ‘’Shut up will you?’’ She walked closer to her ‘’Be thankful that Jisoo decided to cook something for some snacks, the both of us catching you in our room will definitely not be a good surprise for us.’’


Lisa scoffed ‘’As if you guys could do something to me’’


Chaeyoung sent her a smirk ‘’And yet here you are, asking help from Jisoo-unnie because you lied earlier’’


Lisa grumbled ‘’so…’’ she said awkwardly, waiting for Chaeyoung’s response to their request.


Chaeyoung let out a small smile while Lisa is not looking; it felt good to be able to talk to each other like this without their usual tension.


It’s a first, after so many years tearing each other’s apart in their minds.


A surprising but kind of not a bad feeling


‘’will you teach us?’’


‘’I’ll see what I can do’’

‘’I’m surprised the both of you are actually on time’’


Jennie and Lisa grumbled, seeing Jisoo wearing that knowing grin while Chaeyoung is beside her; all of their hair messy from their sleep but quite fixed after a quick wash-up then heading straight to their backyard.

‘’Let’s just get this over with’’ Jennie huffed

‘’You guys wanted help, it’ll take a while if you’re that too eager to get out of our space’’ Jisoo smirked then looked at Lisa curiously

‘’Though I do wonder why you didn’t know about this, you’re a great grass element user’’ Jisoo commented ‘’I just found this spell in the family’s library.’’

‘’I don’t read much unlike you book nerd’’ Lisa answered

Chaeyoung narrowed her eyes ‘’If you want help, you should at least learn to appreciate that Jisoo-unnie is helping you.’’ She snarked ‘’At least with a little bit of respect.’’

‘’I don’t expect that from them Chaeyoungie, don’t bother’’ Jisoo shrugged

‘’Then why did you still decided to help them despite expecting this kind of treatment?’’ Chaeyoung crossed her arms; Jisoo’s mind is really a wonder for Chaeyoung, she could never truly guess what the older girl is thinking sometimes…

Like how she just agreed after thinking about their request for about a few seconds

Lisa and Jennie also looked to Jisoo because she’s been quiet after Chaeyoung asked that question. They felt a bit of regret and shame for not lowering down their attitude towards them even if they were the ones who are helping them right now despite their history.

‘’…I just want to’’ Jisoo said nonchalantly before looking at Jennie and Lisa  ‘’From what I observed and know, you two only know how to attack and defend yourselves. Using this simple technique, this could give you more energy to last longer in a fight and gain an advantage to your opponent. I’m actually surprised Ms. Bom is teaching this technique since it’s mostly disregarded by most elzards but I quite agree on her reason on why she decided to teach this technique’’

‘’She’s right’’ Jennie looks a bit stunned, so her sister still managed to get to know them better despite their lack of communication. Jennie and Lisa really don’t know this spell, heck this is the first time they’ve heard of it!

The benefits of learning this technique will be quite worth it if you see it in a different perspective

‘’It’s actually quite an easy spell, but not that easy for fire users like you Jendeukie’’ Jisoo commented and nodded at Chaeyoung

Chaeyoung sighed and like yesterday, she held out her arm and cut herself without much flinching. The cut itself was not that deep unlike yesterday but some blood is already flowing from it.

‘’Am I always going to be your test subject?’’ Chaeyoung remarked making Jisoo chuckle as she answered playfully

‘’You’re my favorite test subject’’

‘’Only because I’m your only test subject’’ Chaeyoung rolled her eyes before looking at Lisa and Jennie ‘’You guys willing to be test subjects as well?’’

‘’Actually, you guys need to be’’ Jisoo suddenly said

‘’What do you mean?’’ Lisa asked

‘’So that you could get a feeling what this version of healing feels like.’’ Jisoo answered ‘’But I’ll tell you some tips right now as I heal Ms. Grumpy Pants here’’

Jennie and Lisa chuckled seeing Chaeyoung glare at Jisoo who’s probably used to that kind of glare to Chaeyoung.

‘’So first, the grass element has some similarities to the light element when it comes to its feeling’’ Jisoo said ‘’That’s the reason why there’s even a grass version of healing. The grass element is calming…’’ Jisoo took a deep breath and relaxed her mind, closing her eyes and pouring the said energy to her hand making a light green glow

‘’It’s soft…even warm like the light element is.’’

Chaeyoung felt that warm cold sensation once again as Jisoo started stitching up her cut

‘’So you must feel that same emotion at the same time’’ Jisoo said calmly ‘’If you’re frustrated too much doing this technique, it might only cut you thus, making you hurt yourself even more than do you any good.’’

Just like that, Chaeyoung’s cut is healed once again as Jisoo looked at the other two with expectant eyes.

Lisa contemplated it for a minute, before nodding to herself with determination. If she wants to be more useful to the suicidal mission that she and Chaeyoung has, it’s better to have this technique as well other than her other spells in her arsenal. She cut her arm just like Chaeyoung and offered it to Jisoo

‘’Teach me.’’ She said

Jisoo smiled, finally she could see the confident Lisa that she saw in their childhood. It might not be the cheerful kind of confidence, but it’s still there.

‘’Maybe it’s her pride or something that’s driving her like this…’’

As Jisoo healed Lisa’s cut to make her feel the healing components of the grass element, Jennie talked to Chaeyoung who was just looking at them…not coldly but rather


Kind of normal, like they don’t hate each other’s guts as this teaching session is ongoing


‘’So,’’ Jennie started talking as Chaeyoung looked at her questioningly ‘’You’re her test subject?’’


‘’We have the same room and share almost everything, even learning spells and potions’’ Chaeyoung said ‘’So yeah, I’m mostly her test subject whenever she’s trying something new’’

‘’Anymore stories I should know about other than you cutting yourself like it’s normal?’’

Chaeyoung snorted a bit, Jennie can be unintentionally funny even if she’s not joking. She then remembered Jisoo’s potion to change hair color and decided to test it to Chaeyoung…but instead of changing her hair color, it changed her hairstyle, from straight to wavy like a spaghetti.


Hence Jisoo’s secret nickname to her which is pasta.


She remembered the way Jisoo laughed so hard after her initial shock and how Chaeyoung turned red in embarrassment, looking at her reflection in horror before quickly running to her bed and hiding from Jisoo’s laughs and teasing remarks.


She’s confident that the whole house heard Jisoo’s obnoxious laughter that sometimes made her wonder why the hell is she close with Kim Jisoo


And she’s also confident that Jennie will have the same reaction so she said one simple word




Jennie rolled her eyes ‘’There’s definitely more, and I’ll be staying around to find out’’ She smirked teasingly to Chaeyoung before cutting her arm and walking towards her sister.


‘’I think I got it’’ Lisa whispered, eyes a bit wide in amazement seeing her arm all healed up. Jisoo chuckled and said ‘’Of course you did, you’re a grass element user, and an amazing one at that’’ She complimented the younger girl which made Lisa feel a bit of surprise

‘’I…’’ Lisa whispered, looking at Jisoo then to Chaeyoung which made her have a gut feeling that Chaeyoung is the one updating Jisoo about her status…


She didn’t know why but her gut feeling is screaming that possibility


‘’Thank…’’ Lisa hesitated for a bit before finally uttering out ‘’Thank you…’’


Jisoo smiled a bit ‘’You’re welcome, now go and try practicing it. It’s my grumpy sister’s turn now’’

‘’I’m not grumpy!’’ Jennie pursued her lips, almost in a pout

‘’Yes you are Jendeuk’’

‘’I told you! I’m not clingy!’’

Lisa shook her head at the bickering siblings and left them alone, going to Chaeyoung’s side who already has a new injury that she’s trying to heal though her glow is a bit smaller compared to Jisoo’s. She got this idea to make them both learn a bit faster though she’s not sure if it will work. ‘’Eh, what the hell just go for it Manoban’’ She thought to herself ‘’Just do it softly so there won’t be any tension’’


Chaeyoung looked at her ‘’Hm?’’

‘’Can…’’ Lisa said softly ‘’Can I heal that instead? I assure you that I’ll let you practice your spell on me, it’ll be much easier to grasp that element much better especially since you know.’’

‘’I’m an elementless, I get it Lisa no need to hold back just because we’re helping you’’

‘’I…yeah,’’ Lisa felt awkward; this was the first time the four of them hang out together without their usual tension yet here they are training because of a simple healing technique.


Lisa felt a bit of weight lift off her chest seeing Chaeyoung offering her still injured arm, not quite progress was made from how long Chaeyoung was practicing already. ‘’Wow, you’re really having a hard time at this technique huh’’

Chaeyoung rolled her eyes at the slight teasing tone from the maknae’s voice ‘’Says the one who asked help from Jisoo-unnie despite having the grass as her main element’’


‘’Don’t feel frustrated now, I don’t want you cutting me’’ Chaeyoung smirked

‘’I won’t! Watch me!’’ Lisa took a deep breath, closing her eyes and easily grasping her element.

Only this time, she’s trying to bring back the warm and relaxing sensation she felt while Jisoo was healing her ‘’Focus on the warmer side of nature…reach out to it’’ Lisa felt herself grow warmer and tried to calm herself down to continue this feeling, not knowing she’s already succeeding at this moment.

Chaeyoung watched in amazement seeing Lisa’s hands grow a brighter and definitely bigger green glow, much better than even Jisoo’s!

‘’As much as I despise them, they’re actually one hell of an elzard. A really strong one’’ Chaeyoung somehow hated a bit at the fact that Jennie and Lisa really hold true to their words that they’re one of the best, it’s the reason why they actually have every right to brag and be smug about it.

But right now?

Chaeyoung is actually not feeling that at all, it all seems genuine that it made Chaeyoung finally relax at their presence for the first time in a while. Her injury healing and even making her also feel the relaxing energy of the grass element…Lisa’s element.

‘’You did it.’’

Lisa opened her eyes and indeed Chaeyoung’s skin is back to the way it’s supposed to be ‘’I…I did it!’’ She said in astonishment ‘’Wow! In my first try!’’

Chaeyoung laughed lightly at Lisa’s childlike exclaim ‘’Yeah you did’’

Lisa froze a bit hearing that melodious laugh even if it’s just short; her heart felt full at the fact she’s the one who elicit that reaction!


Chaeyoung raised her eyebrows ‘’you what?’’

‘’I yeah’’ Lisa cleared , cutting her arm making a bit of blood seep out ‘’A deal is a deal. Do your best and please’’ She smirked teasingly at the older girl

‘’Do your best to cut me, I could need it to improve my defense’’

Chaeyoung glared competitively to Lisa before cracking her neck to pump herself

‘’Let’s get started then.’’

‘’Is it true that you mastered this technique because of Chaeyoung?’’

Jisoo hummed ‘’Yeah actually, if only you guys knew how many injuries I have to heal from Chaeyoung. It’s like water’’ Jisoo shared ‘’You could never count them’’

‘’I’m surprise that she doesn’t have scars’’

Jisoo laughed a bit ‘’This is only a minor healing technique Jendeukie; it’s not that much of an injury to leave a scar’’

‘’Stop calling me clingy!’’

‘’Yah! Don’t move too much!’’ Jisoo complained ‘’Instead of asking questions, why not just focus on what you’re feeling while I’m healing you’’

‘’It’s…’’ Jennie’s eyes softened, finally realizing and feeling the soft touch of her sister’s hand. Her heart squeezing in longingness on how Jisoo used to be her teddy bear whenever she’s scared of being alone in her room.

‘’warm…and soft’’

Jisoo looked at Jennie’s eyes and indeed her instincts are right when she saw that it lacks the usual hate in it.

‘’Like fire right? Only calmer’’

Jennie nodded, finally getting the technique a bit

‘’Use that warm sensation to easily grasp the grass element. I know it will be hard for you since you’re a fire and earth user but you’re a great kid Jendeukie, you’ll grasp it soon.’’

‘’I’m not a kid’’ Jennie grumbled

Jisoo laughed again and patted Jennie a bit on her head ‘’Yeah, actually you still kind of are’’

Jennie’s heart jumps a bit at the action and took a step back in shock, looking at Jisoo with the same emotion

Jisoo realized what she just did and coughed a bit to hide her embarrassment


Blame her sisterly and longing heart for that action


‘’Yeah, you should just try practicing on me since the other two seems a bit busy’’ Jennie looked at Lisa and Chaeyoung and indeed they are actually helping each other out.

‘’I…’’ Jennie looked at them then to Jisoo before finally giving in ‘’Sure, why not’’

Jisoo nodded and cut herself lightly ‘’Here, an easier cut and when you heal it good enough, I’ll cut it deeper.’’

Jennie hesitated for a bit ‘’Isn’t it much better if you cut it deep so that you won’t cut it again?’’ She said, she can’t believe she’s feeling a little bit of concern to her sister but hey! It’s not painless when you cut yourself okay?

Jisoo raised her eyebrows ‘’Awww is Jendeukie worried for me?’’ She teased

Jennie huffed ‘’Whatever! Let’s get this stupid technique over with anyway!’’ She closed her eyes and tried to find the same energy that’s warm like her fire element but lesser the hotness. It took a while and she released a bit sigh of relief finally grasping the grass element

‘’I got it…’’

Jisoo nodded ‘’Now, direct it to your hand and remember to stay calm’’

Jennie trembled a bit because she’s not that comfortable with Jisoo yet so she just nodded and did what she said.

Jisoo flinched feeling Jennie’s spell a bit too hot ‘’Yah, I know you’re a fire user but could you please turn it down a notch?’’ She said lightly to not fully anger her younger sister.

‘’Shut up so I can concentrate’’

‘’How will you learn if you’re just closing your eyes and not listening to me?’’

‘’Ugh. Fine’’

Half an hour later with the sun slowly rising up to morning, the four of them are still in the backyard. Only two people are still trying to learn the not so simple grass healing technique and already their stomachs are growling for some breakfast before Hyuna and Jisung could catch them.

‘’Yah! Stop cutting my arm!’’

‘’Would you please not shout?! I’m trying hard to concentrate here!’’

‘’I’m losing blood to your so-called concentration’’

Chaeyoung growled ‘’I swear to God you’re so infuriating’’

Lisa rolled her eyes ‘’and I swear to God you really at this’’ She smirked

‘’I said shut up!’’

‘’Would the two of you please shut your mouth!?’’ Jennie shouted at them ‘’I’m trying to learn here!’’

‘’More like burning my arm…’’ Jisoo muttered, looking at some scorch marks on her arm

‘’Seriously, the two of you really at this’’ Lisa commented

‘’Lalisa I swear your bangs would be obliterated by tomorrow morning’’ Jennie snarled

‘’Yah Kim Jennie I told you to calm down! Look at my arm! It’s already on the verge of finally being cooked!’’ Jisoo scolded before looking at Chaeyoung ‘’And you too Chaeyoungie! Don’t think I’m not watching you too! Lisa’s arms are looking like candy cane from your cuts!’’

‘’Yes Jisoo/Jisoo-unnie…’’ Jennie and Chaeyoung grumbled before going back to their task at hand. Jisoo and Lisa looked at each other before chuckling a bit

This morning certainly seems to be interesting and kind of fun; the four of them didn’t know that this is actually a sign where their bridges are connecting bit by bit as they somehow grew closer to this weird situation but nonetheless, they were too busy on realizing the fact…


The fact that they’re actually bonding

I'm back from the dead!!!! I am so terribly sorry for almost a month hiatus and some are even messaging me about the updates :(( Like I told them, there's no need to worry guys because I don't abandon my stories ;) I hoped you liked this OT4 bonding because I really miss them so much right now since LSG era has ended a month ago :(( I hope all are safe and that you all enjoyed this chapter! Christmas is coming and again I can't promise to update weekly because my family is whole by December so I don't have any space to write :(( Also, class has started for me so another busy sched for that. Rest assured that updates will still continue, just the time is the one I'm in doubt of. Once again, thank you for your time and patience for waiting on this update! Love you all and please take care of yourselves everyone!


P.S Baobao is the song Child Chaeyoung sang to Child Lisa

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dianawalker0204 #1
Chapter 38: Seeing this update brightened my day! This is one of the few fics that I'm waiting on and looking forward to read every time. The world building is great and I really like how Chaeyoung's relationship with each member develops
Winter_02 #2
Chapter 38: I hope it will be chaesoo end game, cause they have each other like no one else like their bond was stronger. If chaennie or chaelisa it is something wrong like maybe consider the way they treat chaeyoung in the past like no elements but now they like puufff they like her?? Ahuh so yeah i hope it chaesoo bec. Jisoo she did not leave rosé behind or what. They trained together to be strong and protect each other.
This is like blades of light and shadow from the choices game
Intersting , gonna read it and find out
Chapter 37: tô sentindo que a revelação do elemento escuro da chae está vindo
Chapter 37: Still wanting chaesoo ending!!! Hahhaa gaaaad, i miss this story!
Chapter 37: Omg!!!!!! Welcome back!
reader555 #7
Chapter 36: im here still waiting for ud😔
Afkm_07 #8
Chapter 36: Quand est la suite ?!?! 😭❤
bety_liz #9
Chapter 36: I really enjoy how you write the story :) but I wonder what happened to jisoo and chaeyoung 🤔