The Prologue Pt. 1

The Elzard

Warning: Slight language, and a bit bloody fight

Roars of the winds fighting with the flashes of lightning entered their ears as the ground began shaking with the screams of people outside are evident of the start of something disastrous…


People screaming their attacks and grunts of pain as well as cries of help were all over the Magic Realm, a place where all kinds of people unite and can enjoy their life in peace…



Until now



Ten figures did not flinch from those sounds, probably used to it by now however their bodies are tensed from being highly aware of what is going to happen right now…


The Shadow and Magic War


‘’Being one of the most powerful elzards made me go through many experiences’’ A wise voice spoke upon ten members in a long table. The owner of the voice started floating from his position which was at end of the table signifying his high position


‘’I cried blood, sweat, and tears to perfect my element to prepare for the upcoming war…and the time finally came’’


The grim atmosphere making the ten figures tensed once again


‘’We all prepared for this, and it’s time for us to show them that the Magic Realm is not to be trifled with.’’


‘’Are we really ready for this?’’ Another voice finally spoke up softly, a woman’s voice to be exact.


‘’Park, I know you’re worried for your infant’’ The floating figure said and looked around, eyeing 3 families


‘’…or rather, infants’’


‘’You don’t need to worry’’ He said  ‘’I sent CL and the others to protect your children’’


Their shoulders visibly relaxed knowing one of the most powerful group of Elzards are protecting their children


‘’Thank you Yang’’ Clare whispered making her husband grip her hand tightly to sooth her


Yang, their head member of the Elzard Council, nodded ‘’I want your head in the war. I don’t want all of you getting distracted’’ He said coldly making Clare clenched her fist but got her emotion in check.


‘’Seungri, status report’’ Yang ordered as a young man in his 20’s bowed his head and said in an emotionless voice


‘’The Shadow Realm's forces have finally arrived at the borders of the Magic Realm, their warriors have begun descending attacks as soon as they crossed the borders, instantly killing our first wall of defense’’


They're all shocked to learn that their first line of defense was dispatched like they were flies. Seungri then continued ‘’We already have hundreds of casualties and all light elzards are already doing their best to treat badly injured elzards. They are not relenting their attacks and what’s worse…’’ His voice darkened


‘’The Dark Shadow hasn’t arrived yet’’


They all gulped, the Dark Shadow is a dark entity that appeared from even before the Elzards were discovered. It was an ancient being that has unlimited power with a goal to find the perfect vessel so that it would gain a physical form...and dominate the whole world


Years before the Elzard Council was even developed, all masters of all elements band together to seal the Dark Shadow and split the borders into two which is right now, the Magic Realm and the Shadow Realm.


The Magic Realm is where all humans lived together and practiced their elements in peace…it was a normal perfect Earth


The Shadow Realm however, is where the masters of all element sealed the Dark Shadow so that it wouldn’t harm the humans in the Magic Realm


The Elzard Council has been investigating a year ago why the seal was weakening until Mason warned that his element is going haywire and as soon as Mason said that, a dark blast hit them with a booming voice that said


‘’You mortals dare to defy me! I declare war!’’


They all did their best to strengthen the seal once again but it only lasts for a whole year because they were just not that strong as were the elzards in the beginning of time…


So they used the whole year to strategize and train their powers before they could face the Dark Shadow once again.


Another figure suddenly entered the council making their heads turn towards the intruder, an intimidating woman with a strong but lean built. She bowed and looked at the head council member with stoic eyes. 


‘’What are you doing here CL? Didn’t I ask you to look after their infants?!’’ Yang shouted, clearly disliking disobedience from his subordinates


CL bowed once again at them and spoke in a hardened voice ‘’Minzy returned from her journey to find a sealing device, so I came here to deliver it while Minzy took over my post to guard Lalisa Manoban.’’


Their ears perk up as their eyes widen ‘’Minzy finally returned?’’ Lee, a master of the Ice element, said


Kim Jisung, master of the Fire and Lava element, said ‘’It’s been a full year since she started looking for a way to strengthen the seal…’’


CL nodded and showed them an ancient box with a white seal that translates to the word ‘Bind’


Marco Manoban grabbed the box and inspect it, closing his eyes as he spread his Wood element at the box ‘’It’s so ancient…so old that I don’t how it’s even made’’


Mason extended his hand ‘’Maybe it’s Metal? Let me check’’


Marco gave the box to Mason who closed his eyes to inspect it and he shivered a bit ‘’It’s…cold, and made from something that is mixed from something…not only that’’ He opened his eyes to look at CL as he stated


‘’It’s highly reacting to my Dark element’’


CL sighed and nodded ‘’Yeah…it reacted to mine too. So I assumed it’s something that can really seal the Dark Shadow as its element is connected to ours as well’’


Jinyoung, a master of the Grass element, looked at Yang ‘’Do we have a plan now that we got a sealing device?’’


Yang looked at CL appreciatively ‘’Thank you CL for this good news. You are now dismissed, don’t forget to guard those girls with your lives.’’


CL nodded and said ‘’You all should really get out and fight. Taeyang and the others wouldn’t be able to hold them all any much longer…’’ She then glanced at the Kims, Parks, and Manobans with a small smile ‘’We’ll take care of them don’t worry.’’


‘’Thank you CL’’ Chittip finally smiled since the start of the meeting ‘’I’m worried my little Lalisa would be crying ever since we left…’’


CL chuckled ‘’She’s having fun messing with Minzy when I left them. They will be fine’’


Chittip nodded once again to thank her as CL finally left them in their own devices. Looking at the three senior council members talking quietly, she spoke to the others


‘’Do you think the girls would be fine?’’


Mason smiled comfortingly ‘’Our Chaeyoung would be fine. She’s quite a disciplined girl’’


‘’Same with Jisoo’’ Hyuna smiled softly as Jiyung puffed his chest with a proud smile


‘’as well as Jennie’’


Hyuna rolled her eyes ‘’She looks like me, but she certainly got her father’s feisty attitude’’


‘’Honey, I’m a Fire and Lava user…what do you expect?’’


The three families chuckled as Yang cleared his throat, looking at each of them with a determined look


‘’Here’s what we’ll do’’


‘’Hyuna look out!’’


Chittip made a water dragon and launched it at the dark projectile heading towards Hyuna who was healing her husband’s side that was bleeding profusely

‘’Don’t lose focus!’’ Jinyoung growled, a master of the Grass element, as he controlled the vines to swat them at the shadow knights

‘’I’m doing my best!’’ Hyuna snapped ‘’It’s already night so my powers are weakening!’’

‘’Honey, I’m fine now thank you’’ Jisung muttered and grunted in pain as he stood up with his wife supporting him.

Mason furrowed his eyebrows at the Dark Shadow that he, Clare, and Yang was facing. The others are too busy handling the minions and knights that just kept coming on their way. They succeeded in getting their attention and away from the public so that the elementless humans could evacuate.


The Dark Shadow is just a shadow entity that took advantage of the time which is night…


The time where the Dark element is at its strongest as the Dark Shadow bellowed out a loud laughter, shaking with giddiness


‘’I can’t wait to finish you all…’’ It then zoomed towards Mason, sensing the power of his element ‘’You…You’ll be my vessel!’’  It hissed in pain as a storm was coming…and a lightning bolt struck it at its chest making it yell in agony


‘’I’m going to kill all of you!’’ The Dark Shadow roared and started shaping shadows of monsters, and not just monsters…


Dinosaur-like monsters. Some were flying, crawling, and roaring loudly as they gained life from the night and power from the Dark Shadow.


‘’This is bad’’ Mason muttered ‘’There is no way in hell that we’ll have enough energy to seal it when we’re done with these dinosaurs’’

The others began grouping towards them as they observed the growling creatures before them

‘’What now?’’ Marco panted

‘’We’re going to die at this point’’ Lee gritted his teeth in agitation. He looked at their broken weapons so they have no choice but to attack by fist and casting spells.

Yang took a deep breath to strengthen his resolve ‘’Distract them. Jisung, Hyuna, Mason and Clare stay with me. I have a plan’’

The others nodded and started distracting the creatures with grunts and shouts of their attacks

‘’I have an advanced sealing air technique’’ Yang immediately said, his eyes eyeing the Dark Shadow

‘’And? What does it do?’’ Jisung said impatiently

‘’Basically I can trap any entity using my air manipulation…the downside of it all is that I will not be able to move in my position. I can make the air bend towards my will and affect gravity to make the Dark Shadow have more density’’ He looked at Mason

‘’Mason, I need you to create a dome of dark particles as high as a tower but tough and powerful. We need it trapped and since your power is the strongest at this point...make it tough.’’ Then he switched his gaze to Clare

‘’You must immediately paralyze it the moment I used my technique so that Mason’s spell can prolong’’ Clare nodded in understanding

‘’Now,’’ He looked at the Kims ‘’It depends on you two now. Jisung I need you to create something relating to the sun and with Hyuna’s help, make it brighter.’’ He then looked specifically to Hyuna

‘’You must use that technique to temporarily make him stay in place Hyuna’’

Hyuna trembled ‘’But…it’s night Yang. I don’t think I have enough energy to pull that off’’

‘’You have to’’ Yang’s eyes hardened ‘’With Jisung’s bright fire powers, you must as it is our only shot’’


The Dark Shadow scowled seeing his creatures losing, these council members are no joke. If it wants to take over the world and devour it…


The Dark Shadow have to get rid of the council members but first


It switched its gaze to a determined Mason looking at it with no fear making the Dark Shadow amused.


‘’He’ll make a fine vessel…he might even be the Dark Chosen One’’ It smirked maniacally




Yang closed his eyes and felt his body become stiff and steady, sweats running down his face and thanks to the other council members; He was able to get the manipulation correct as the Dark Shadow growled and felt itself getting heavier


Suddenly, a dark dome as huge as a building appeared around it, paired with a blast of lightning effectively making the monster shout in pain and felt numb


As the darkness around became more brighter thanks to Jiyung and Hyuna, the Dark Shadow felt its power weakening drastically. It glared angrily at Yang who was smirking victoriously despite the fatigue on its face. The Dark Shadow growled and as fast as lightning, he launched a dark spear towards Yang at the same time as white swords pinned it to the ground.




‘’Quick the seal!’’


Jisung rushed towards Yang who was now laying in his own pool of blood, the spear hitting his lungs fatally as he gasped for air.


‘’Jisung! The seal!’’ Hyuna yelled in frustration ‘’Quick! I-I can’t hold it much longer!’’ White swords holding the Dark Shadow struggling at the power of it while the sun they created temporarily started to lose its brightness due to Hyuna’s weakening state


‘’Jisung! Hurry up!’’


Jisung snatched the seal from Yang as he was supposed to be the one to seal it when Hyuna cast her spell so he threw it up and yelled


‘’Mason seal it!’’


Mason quickly caught the seal and immediately rushed towards the Dark Shadow. They made eye contact and Mason shivered feeling the cold and ill intent of the monster


‘’You…’’ Mason reeled back in shock hearing the dark sinister voice in his head ‘’You…you have something special…’’


‘’Mason hurry up!’’ Clare shouted ‘’Hyuna is getting weaker!’’


Mason glared and shook off the bad feeling that he felt as he started chanting out the spell of the seal, and with his Dark element, it made the process faster since the entity they’re sealing is related to the Dark element.




And just like that…


The Dark Shadow was sealed and the shadow creatures started disappearing out of thin air as well as the dark knights…


‘’All that…’’ Seungri said in shock ‘’It was all…the Dark Shadow’s power all along?’’


‘’Yeah…’’ Chittip panted as she went down in one knee next to her husband


‘’That’s…’’ Marco whispered ‘’That’s scary…what if it found a vessel before the war happened’’


Lee scoffed ‘’We would have lost…terribly’’


‘’Yang hang on, you can get through this’’ Jisung said but Yang shook his head

‘’It’s okay Jisung,..I’m ready to accept death especially now in my old age’’ Yang chuckled ‘’And also…’’

Yang glanced fleetly at Mason who was staring at the sealing box with a troubled look on his face with Clare looking at him worriedly

‘’Make…Mason…the next…head of the council’’ Yang whispered before finally closing his eyes towards death

Jisung closed his eyes and clenched his fist as one of the masters of Air has now left the Magic Realm…

He stood up and immediately went towards his wife who’s close to fainting, the moment Jisung is close to her, Hyuna fainted at his arms.

Jisung looked fondly to his wife ‘’We did it Hyuna…’’ He looked around the destroyed city of the Magic Realms. What was once a living perfect city, now turned into a battlefield wit dead bodies of other elzards and citizens of the realm.


‘’We’ve won the war…’’


‘’How could Yang do this to me?!’’ Seungri growled and smashed the table in half, his dark element flaring dangerously around him


‘’I’m his subordinate!’’ He glared menacingly to the two healing senior council members


‘’I should be the ing next head of the council!’’


Jinyoung chuckled ‘’Do you think you have what it takes?’’ He said smugly ‘’Look kid, all members of the council are old and powerful. Heck you’re the only baby in the council and I don’t even know why Yang keeps you around’’


Seungri glowers before Jinyoung ‘’You want to test that old man?’’ He sneered


‘’Don’t waste your energy especially since the war just ended’’ Lee said in an emotionless tone


‘’Do you think I care?’’ Seungri tilted his head ‘’I just don’t understand why Yang just has to choose Mason ing Park to become the next head of the council! I should be the one who will be the head! I've been training under Yang for years already!’’


Jinyoung snickered ‘’Then why don’t you kill him and get it over with? Who knows you might become the next head’’


Lee shook his head ‘’That’s a waste of energy. We don’t have enough masters of element to become a council member.’’


Seungri looked thoughtful for a moment and smirked devilishly making the two masters narrowed their eyes…


One of amusement and one of curiosity

Clare kissed Chaeyoung at the forehead as the baby slept peacefully at her crib. Mason sighed tiredly and rubbed his forehead in distress

‘’What’s wrong with you?’’ Clare whispered and hugged her husband tenderly ‘’You’ve been acting troubled since the war ended…and that’s months ago dear’’

‘’It’s just that…’’ Mason glanced at the sealed box containing the Dark Shadow ‘’I just got this bad feeling…’’

‘’What do you mean?’’

‘’It…’’ Mason hesitated ‘’I think the Dark Shadow is planning…even right now. I could feel its core’’

‘’Should we find a way to tighten up the seal?’’ Clare asked

Mason nodded slowly ‘’Yeah…but we’re lacking information regarding the sealing box and how did it even existed at the first place.’’ He stood up ‘’I have to talk to Minzy tomorrow’’

‘’Look at you, acting like a real council head’’ Clare giggled

‘’I am a council head you know’’ Mason chuckled. He was pleasantly surprised when Jiyung announced to everyone that Yang has declared Mason to be the next head of the council. He got some grunts and congratulations from his friends, the Kims and the Manobans.

‘’Our girl is growing up huh’’ Clare looked at Chaeyoung lovingly

‘’Yeah she is…’’ Mason whispered and kissed Chaeyoung’s forehead who gurgled in happiness as she slept ‘’Can’t believe it’s going to be a year since she’s born you know?’’

Suddenly they felt their senses go haywire as Mason whispered ‘’This feels familiar…call Jisung and Marco.’’ He said so seriously that Clare complied immediately, dialing the Kims and breathed a sigh of relief hearing her close friend.

‘’Hurry up Hyuna…I think someone’s is plotting against u-‘’ A shout of pain was heard and Clare's heart began to beat out of her chest in fear remembering her baby girl

‘’Oh God Chaeyoung!’’

Clare left the phone hanging hearing the shouts of Hyuna and Chittip if everything’s okay or not




‘’Clare be careful! There’s a sinister dark potion all over the house that’s messing our emotions!’’


Clare started going hysterical ‘’Mason! Where’s our daughter?!’’ Mason cursed seeing the potion immediately taking its effect to his wife

‘’Chaeyoung’s fine Clare! I have a dark dome protecting her!’’ ‘’As well as the sealed box…it will be bad if the enemy got their hands on it’’

A dark fog started fill the room and blurring their vision even more. Mason struggled to get his vision in check ‘’This fog…it’s an illegal dark potion that causes hallucinations if inhaled or even enveloped by it’’


Whoever was suddenly attacking their home, it was really well planned as if their every action is predicted by the attacker…


But what was the goal?


‘’You…’’ Mason heard a low growl from his left and dodged a slash but hissed in pain feeling a numbing feeling at his left arm.

‘’Clare! It’s me Mason!’’ He shouted seeing his wife holding her fixed sword

‘’What are you doing attacking our house!’’ Clare shouted, clearly thinking Mason is the intruder. Mason gritted his teeth ‘’I got to get  her out of this fog!’’

Mason closed his eyes and hid at the shadows to not get hurt by his wife

‘’You may hide from your wife Mason Park’’ A sinister voice echoed around the fog ‘’But you can never hide from me’’

Mason’s eyes flew open and jumped up high, taking a deep breath and blowing away the fog using his minor element, Air.

‘’M-Mason?’’ Clare snapped out of her stupor

Mason froze and said ‘’C-Clare’’

Clare could see a hand at her chest, blood dripping down as she coughed out blood, her eyes drooping slowly and her arms sagged lifelessly beside her

Mason started trembling ‘’C-Clare!’’ He shouted in agitation

‘’Oh this is too easy Mason Park’’ The intruder chuckled as he harshly put his hand away from Clare Park’s chest.

‘’Who would have thought that the tough council head just needs a little dose of potion to lose his composure’’ The intruder laughed making Mason tremble in anger

‘’You ing bastard!’’ He roared

‘’I’m going to kill you!’’

Mason’s eyes widened as everything disappeared in the blink of an eye when he launched himself with dark glowing hands to the intruder.

‘’And who would have thought that master of the Dark element, Mason Park, has been affected by a potion’’

That was all Mason could hear as well as his wife’s scream seeing himself at the body length mirror, a black coated man shoving his dark claws to his chest.

Mason could finally feel the surging pain in his chest as he coughed out blood. On what he thought what his wife experienced as he realized…


It was all a hallucination


‘’Y-you…’’ He gurgled out ‘’H-how did you get a hold of t-these ingredients…t-these are illegal’’

The figure laughed darkly ‘’The Shadow Realm has more interesting ingredients than I thought’’ He said in a sinister voice

‘’So that’s why it’s so strong…it’s from the Shadow Realm, the origin and sealing place of the Dark Shadow….’’

‘’Mason!’’ Clare screeched as thunderstorms are starting to get near their house, its lightning rumbling loudly reacting strongly to Clare’s element

‘’I’m going to kill you !’’ Clare looked at the hooded figure with murderous intent ‘’Lightning Dragon!’’

The hooded figure watched in amazement as the roof of the house started to get destroyed due to the sheer power of the lightning, as the lightning started to shape in to a dragon and launched towards the hooded figure

‘’I could really see why you’re a master of lightning’’

Clare growled, her eyes burning with tears as she looked at her bleeding husband ‘’I don’t know why you’re doing this…but you’re going to pay dearly for messing with my family’’

‘’Oh you want me to kill your precious daughter too?’’ The hooded figure chuckled and as the lightning dragon hit the figure, Clare widened her eyes seeing the figure disappeared in front of her very own eyes…


As well as her very own dragon!


‘’W-what is happening?!’’


‘’You dying’’


An emotionless voice said behind her and then saw her own sword ed to her own chest…

The figure chuckled and pulled out the sword as Clare landed with a thud at the floor next to her barely breathing husband…

‘’It’s amazing how the ingredients in the Shadow Realm could really affect the masters’’ He said in an intrigued voice

‘’W-why…’’ Clare coughed out ‘’W-why us? W-we didn’t even do anything to you’’

The figure growled ‘’Yes you did…’’ He said darkly

‘’Your husband stole my position…I’m just taking back what’s rightfully mine’’

Mason spit at him with blood ‘’I hope you go to hell’’

The figure chuckled and took off his hood

Clare and Mason’s eyes widened in shock and betrayal




Seungri smirked and knelt down, flaunting his victory ‘’Yes…now that you’re done for, tell me’’ He switched his gaze to a serious one

‘’Where’s the sealed box?’’

Mason narrowed his eyes ‘’F- you’’

Seungri’s lips in a thin line and stood up ‘’If that’s the case…’’ He’s now sporting a sick grin

‘’How about me and your daughter play hide and seek hm?’’ Seungri laughed in glee seeing the horrified looks of the Parks ‘’You did a quick job hiding her Mason…but I feel the sealed box somewhere around here I just can’t pinpoint it…’’


Then they heard crying…


A baby’s cry


‘’Looks like your daughter wants to be found’’ He chuckled

‘’Please Seungri…’’ Clare is crying right now in pain and devastation

‘’P-please don’t hurt our daughter…’’

Seungri chuckled ‘’Begging suits you’’ He sneered and kicked Clare harshly

‘’Y-You’re going to pay for everything you’ve done Seungri’’ Mason spat at him

Seungri just grinned at him and left them to die in their own pool of blood

‘’C-Chaeyoung…’’ Clare cried out as Mason grunted while crawling towards his wife to hug her in their final moments.

‘’Everything will be fine Clare…’’ Mason weakly said and kissed his wife’s forehead

‘’The Kims and Manobans will take care of her…’’

They stared at each other with their eyes drooping close to a permanent sleep as they died with only thought

‘’We love you Park Chaeyoung, our daughter…’’

Seungri walked closer to the sound of a crying baby and soon…


He came upon a dark dome and as he come closer to it, he could feel the dedication that Mason put on this seal. He put his hand around the dome and distinguish it immediately, smirking darkly when he saw a crying baby girl…


And next to her is the sealed box where the Dark Shadow is currently residing


‘’Finally…’’ Seungri could feel his element flaring up at the power behind the sealed box


‘’Your power will be mine!’’


However, as soon as Seungri touched the box, he immediately cried out in pain and he was pushed back by a repulsion.


His eyes widened when he saw the sealed box reacting violently, dark whips destroying the room accompanied by the increasing loudness of Chaeyoung’s cries. Seungri swiftly dodged the whips and hissed in pain when something slashed his face, dropping blood on the floor.


His senses heightened even more when he heard the doors slamming open




‘’Clare! Where are you guys?!’’


‘’Quick Marco find Chaeyoung!’’


‘’’’ Seungri cursed, he looked at the violent sealed box and decided to let it be…for now


He had done his mission to kill the council head and as he blended with the shadows, he subtly glanced at Chaeyoung with narrowed eyes


‘’I’ll think of what I’ll do with you in the future…maybe as my assassin’’


The moment he left was that moment when Marco entered the room to find a crying Chaeyoung, as if she just knew what happened in their household


Marco knelt down and picked up Chaeyoung, shushing her and rocking her like a dad ‘’Shhh Chaeyoung, uncle is here now…don’t cry’’


Chaeyoung visibly calmed down but is still sniffling and her eyes finally fluttered open, looking so innocent and it hurt Marco that in such a very young age…they were attacked




Marco looked behind and saw the tear-stricken faces of Hyuna and his wife, with Jisung clenching his fists and his eyes teary


‘’Marco…’’ Chittip sobbed


‘’Mason and Clare…they’re dead’’

Welcome to my first fantasy story! However, we cannot continue yet to the main part of the story and the prologue is still just in part 1. Stay tuned for part 2! I welcome you all to The Elzard! Let's have a fun and fantastic adventure!




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dianawalker0204 #1
Chapter 38: Seeing this update brightened my day! This is one of the few fics that I'm waiting on and looking forward to read every time. The world building is great and I really like how Chaeyoung's relationship with each member develops
Winter_02 #2
Chapter 38: I hope it will be chaesoo end game, cause they have each other like no one else like their bond was stronger. If chaennie or chaelisa it is something wrong like maybe consider the way they treat chaeyoung in the past like no elements but now they like puufff they like her?? Ahuh so yeah i hope it chaesoo bec. Jisoo she did not leave rosé behind or what. They trained together to be strong and protect each other.
This is like blades of light and shadow from the choices game
Intersting , gonna read it and find out
Chapter 37: tô sentindo que a revelação do elemento escuro da chae está vindo
Chapter 37: Still wanting chaesoo ending!!! Hahhaa gaaaad, i miss this story!
Chapter 37: Omg!!!!!! Welcome back!
reader555 #7
Chapter 36: im here still waiting for ud😔
Afkm_07 #8
Chapter 36: Quand est la suite ?!?! 😭❤
bety_liz #9
Chapter 36: I really enjoy how you write the story :) but I wonder what happened to jisoo and chaeyoung 🤔