
Running Away Together?
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Taeyeon's pov.....


Contrary to what Dr. Hawkins said yesterday, I've stayed here for another two days. I wanted to be discharged early but because my body wasn't healthy enough so he extended my stay. The good thing is Ms Lucy and Mark visited me on the first day and handed down the video clips and the pictures of the trip. I was surprised that they visited me, but when they told me that Jiyong have told them what happen, they rush to the hospital. I was happy that they visited and we chatted for a while until their shop called them.

On the second day, Jiyong ask me if we are going to call our families in Korea. At first I didn't thought of that. My mind was filled with excitement for this whole Journey that my family didn't came into my mind at all. I mean, I already sent a video message to them. Well a very controversial message at that but still I didn't talk to them at least.

It was the morning of our 6 day in Australia and now I was going to be discharged from this hospital. Dr. Hawkins have cleared me for travel as long as I was taking my meds. I was waiting for Jiyong who went out to fill up some form for my discharged from the hospital when I have thought of an answer. I was packing my things I saw Jiyong coming in.

"Dr. Hawkins really is good man, I mean he already paid your stay here" He said to me as he went to me and help me pack my things. "Oh yeah our flight to Hongkong will be tomorrow. And it is in 10 in the morning so we need to be up early okay?" He then flick my head like he used to and I just pouted at him.

"Yeah Dr. Hawkins is good man while you are a bad boy, I have a pain in my head and you always flicked it." I said to him.

"I flicked it so you will feel something else rather than the pain that you are afraid off" He said to me. "And please don't pout like that, you're already 27 and you make face like a kid"

"Well I'm a Kid Leader so what?" I said to him with a smug and we laugh at our silliness. "Hongkong huh... at least it's near Macau" I said to him.

"Dr. Hawkins, recommend you to a Neurologist in Hongkong so we need to make a short stop in your journey" He answered. I then remember last night conversation with Dr. Hawkins about my illness.


"Ms Kim, the thing about your condition is that we don't know when will it happen again. So it is best to be prepared" Dr. Hawkins said to us.

"Sir, about what you have said before, were there anyone who reply to you?" Jiyong ask him

"Ohh about that, my friend in HongKong emailed me, and she was intrigued about Ms. Kim condition. She said that she wanted to meet you and if you have time you could visit her in her office"

"I just hope she could help us" Jiyong said.

"Mr. Kwon I told you, I told you just be positive okay. Being pessimistic about all of this will not help Ms. Kim. So if you wanted her to get better, be positive and hopeful"

"Yeah Ji, beside I trust you. I know that you will never break your promise to me" I said to him, giving of a smile for him.

"Sorry... Taeng, You're right, I will make sure you will be better again" He said to me

(end of flashback)

We were in the car right now when I told him of my answer.

"Are you sure about that?" He ask me "I mean everything is set even the videos and the pictures of our adventure here"

"Yes" I answer him "we are gone for almost a month now but still we haven't talk to them personally to explain ourselves"

"Will you be okay?" He said to me worriedly "you know that your doctor said you can't feel extreme sadness that will weigh down your body"

"I will be okay.. you're here with me, and I know that you will never leave me" I said to him. Yes I believe that he will never leave me, and sometimes I hope that it will be forever.

He look at me and just ruffle my hair like I was some kind of a dog. "Hey I'm not your pet" I said to him

"Well you're cute enough to be one.." He tease me. But that toothed smile of his really making my hear beat faster and my face turn to red. Weirdly I like it.

After the long ride we arrive at the hotel and like clock work we started our plan again.

Back In Korea:


No one's pov...


SM ent conference was full packed. Why? Because for almost 2 weeks of no contacts from Taeyeon and Jiyong, they were surprised that Seohyun's phone rang in the middle of a photoshoot with Tiffany and Yuri. When she pick it up, Taeyeon's cheerful voice was heard. Of course Tiffany nag Taeyeon again for running away. But Taeyeon just shrug it off.

"Juhyun, I want you to do exactly what I'm going to say. Gather my family and Jiyong's family members in one place, also our members too and BigBang members too." she said to her Maknae

"Unnie... please just go home now okay. The board of director are furious they might file a case against you" The maknae reason out

"Taeng if you have any problem lets talk it out.... don't just avoid it" Tiffany beg her.

"Please just gather them in one place okay.. I know all of you are in Korea right now. I will going to hang-up now and will call you after 3 hour's gather them for us okay".

After the call, Tiffany immediately called, Sooyoung and the rest of SNSD and then Yuri called Youngbae and the boys and also told them about what Taeyeon wants. So in just three hours, YG and two of his executive and their legal council, with the Kwon family and BigBang members are now in the SM conference, with the Kim Family and SNSD member, and also Lee Sooman and 2 executive and a legal councilor of SM.

"Seohyun are you sure about what she told you" Lee Sooman ask

"Yes sir, she said she will call after 3 hours" Seohyun answered.

"What is Taeyeon thinking running away like that" Mrs Kim said. Since they know of what Taeyeon have done. They wanted to know what happened and why their child have done this.

"Umma.. Surely unnie have a reason for this let's just wait" Hayeon console her mother.

"Mrs Kim, I'm sorry if my child drag your's into this" Mrs Kwon apologize.

"No, we were the one who should be apologizing, our child is the one who made this crazy idea" Mr. Kim. said.

"Nonetheless, if Jiyong didn't agree about this, and just bring Taeyeon home --" Kwom Dami was going to say something when Youngbae's phone ring.

"Yeah, Jiyong they are all here. Yes.... what!!. Okay. Were just gonna set it up okay. okay I will give you my skype account so cool okay." Youngbae ended the call.

"Is it Jiyong?" YG inquire.

"Yes sir" Youngbae answer him "and he wanted to talk to us through video chat on Skype. Lee Sooman sir, can we set it up here with the Flat screen T.V" Youngabe politely ask. 

Lee Sooman then call some technician and order them to set up the needed device. After they have set it up and Youngbae Skype was now activated a message pop up that is someone wants to video call him. And when he click agreed, They saw the two people who started this mess sitting together and smiling to them.

No one's pov


Taeyeon and Jiyong was now in a local net cafe near our Hotel. They rent a private room for them to video call their families through Skype. When Jiyong log in his account and saw Youngbae profile he immediately request him for a video chat.

The internet connection here was super fast that they already connected to the other line. There they saw Taeyeon parents, her sister and brother, Jiyong's family, SNSD members and BB member.

"Umma, Appa, hello ~~" Taeyeon said wit so much cheerfulness but suddenly turn sour when she sees the SM executives, but she still continue on "Umma... have you seen the pictures, the place there was amazing, Yoona, Sooyoung, Hayeon, they were right the sunset near mount Fuji was magical"

Even though she was cheerful the people there were not amuse of what they are hearing. Especially the SM CEO. 

"Taeyeon-shi I hope you didn't video chat us for this." CEO Kim said seriously but Taeyeon and Jiyong just shrug it off.

"Yuri, I went to where Dara unnie went and it is really a great place, but still a little hot for comfort though, there were some cool spring's and lake there that you can dive in and ---" but before Taeyeon can finish her tale her mother interrupted her and in a sad tone she says.

"Taeyeon-ah.....  what happen? Why are you doing this? Please stop this, and come back home" her mom beg me. Her heart clench when she hear her mother beg for  her to come home but Jiyong tight hold on her hand reminded her again of why they are doing this.

"Taeyeon,.. you're members have told me that you were the one who planned this. Please... if you have any problem, me, your mom, your brother, and your little sister are here to help you so please ... My child go home now" now her father was the one who talk to her practically asking her to go home. She was about to answer but Jiyong beat her to it.

"Mr Kim, Ms. Kim, I apologize in behalf of Taeyeon and I, but we can't comply to your request"

"Yah Jiyong, do you know what are you saying!" now Jiyong's sister shouted. "Do you know what's happening here? The whole country is in chaos because of what you two have done. People are now wondering where the hell are you"

"Ms Kwon is right...." Taeyeon brother agreed "Taeyeon, Jiyong what the two of you have done will destroy the two of you have build in your career. So please Sis just go home now, you already have your fun, come back home and we can ---" but before he could finish she cut him off.

"No!" She find her voice and said to him "I won't go home, not now that I already started this. Umma, Appa, please understand this, I wanted to do this and Jiyong have promised me to help me in this journey"

They were shock of what she've said. They didn't expect their daughter to be this rebellious, well except for the fact that she choose this profession but still she was obedient.

"Kwon Jiyong!! are you crazy?!" Jiyong's mother shouted which all of the young one's jump even the two culprit. "You encouraged this girl to this crazy stuff. You should persuade her not to do it. What are you thinking?"

"Mrs. Kwon please don't be angry with Jiyong he is only concern of my well being and my safety that's why he agreed to this" I suddenly blurted out.

"You two... are you in any way in a relationship?" now Jiyong's father's speak up and his question silence the crowd and look at the two asking the same thing.

The way they treat each other, the way they speak for each other right now, who would not think of that. Beside the way they see it they are comfortable with each other.

"Appa, we are not in any relationship or any way you think off" Jiyong answered "Didn't you watch the video we posted in my Instagram account? We already said that we are doing this for our own happiness. The fact we are together is because we have the same goal and that's it"

"As if we believe that!" Now SM CEO Kim, enter the discussion. "Your own happiness, Mr. Kwon Jiyong, have you thought of your member or your company? With this new wave of scandal you created do you think you will bounce back from it?" CEO Kim challenged him.

"Yes, of course" Jiyong declared proudly "if you don't want to believe me, then make a bet with me. If after Taeyeon and I have finished our journey and comeback to Korea and I still hit number 1 you will forget what Taeyeon have done and just leave her alone and her decisions" he challenged.

"Jiyong stop this!" CEO Yang intervene. "Have you gone insane! Do you know what are you talking about?"

"Jiyong-shi you don't have any right to say that to us!" Lee Sooman also reprimand him.

"Taeyeon shi if you decide to go on this path you know what will happen, SM will file a case against you" SM CEO Kim said.

"Then do it! I dare you!" Taeyeon said to them. "Seohyun can you give your phone to him" Taeyeon then order the makane. Seohyun agreed and suddenly a text was heard and when CEO Kim read it then erase the message, he eyed Taeyeon and then said "You don't dare.."

"Yes and I can... and I will. Why is it hard for all of you to understand that all I need is just a few months, a break, a vacation. I just wanted to be happy for once! Am I not entitled to have one?!! Is being selfish for my own well being a bad thing?!! And why do I need permission for every time I wanted to be happy. Is it hard for you to understand that I just wanted to be happy!! " Taeyeon shouted then walk out from the video call.

Seeing Taeyon's ouburst Jiyong follow her and left the video call.


At the net cafe....


"Taeng....." Jiyong called out to her "That's why I said to you that this a bad idea" He suddenly wrap Taeyeon into a hug.

"I know but seeing them like that.... and hearing them trying to bring me back.... I just don't know oppa" Taeyeon silently cry in his embrace.

"Taeyeon, you are the one who said that you don't want to go home, and I believe you when you said to me that you don't want them to see that your in pain. So lets go back and talk to them calmly okay and at least make a lie that can ease your family's heart." Jiyong then guided her back but wipe the tears in her face by his bare hand. And this was seen by the people in the conference room


Back to Korea

The people was shock of Taeyeon's outburst. They didn't even know Taeyeon can do that. A sile

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tyeam0309 #1
Chapter 23: I love this story so much.
Mihyun101 #2
Keep on writing gtae! I have never enjoyed reading a hetero fanfic- i love u!
tyeam0309 #3
Chapter 1: I don't know how many times I reread this but it's really good story. You are a great writer. ALL your story are good. PLEASE keep on writing Gtae if they are not real at least there is story to read.
Chapter 31: Scary jiyong
Chapter 29: Love it ❤️
Chapter 27: Thanks GOD
Chapter 26: Feels 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Chapter 22: too much feels
Chapter 17: What did that ceo did!!!!!
Chapter 13: Finally!!!!!