
The Wraith And The Chocolate
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Ningning's fever stubbornly refused to subside, her worsening cough and rapid weight loss painting a grim picture. With limited resources at their disposal, they struggled to provide her with proper nourishment and medication. Though her convulsions had ceased, Ningning's need for immediate treatment remained critical.


The following day, Lia shared the dire situation with Giselle, prompting the formation of a small expeditionary team consisting of Giselle, Lia, and Jeno. They were chosen for their peak physical condition, fully aware of the challenges they would face on the hazardous journey ahead, whether from raiders or lurking wraiths.


While the research facility lay just an hour's drive from the library, they anticipated a lengthy and treacherous journey. Blocked roads and unforeseen dangers loomed ahead, but they had no choice but to press on—Ningning's life hung in the balance.


"Be careful." Jaemin cautioned as he helped load up the car. "You should have enough gas to make it there."


Jeno embraced Jaemin warmly, exchanging reassuring pats on the back. "You all take care too. Look after everyone, aight?"


Their mission was clear: transport Ningning to the research facility, ensure its safety, and communicate their status via radio once they had secured the premises. If the previous radio signal was indeed from the facility, they could rely on their prearranged code to confirm its safety—a beacon of hope for their stranded companions back at the library.


In the event of radio silence from Giselle's group after three days, they resolved to leave the library behind and embark on a rescue mission. Though initially hesitant, Giselle voiced concerns about endangering the rest of the group, but the others remained steadfast in their determination to follow through.


"Go on, quickly." Yuna urged, hurrying them into the car. Once their belongings were stowed away, Jeno briefly returned to the library to retrieve Ningning, who had fallen asleep by the fireplace, cocooned in warmth.


"Ning, time to go." Jeno whispered softly, carefully lifting her into his arms. Returning to the car, he settled Ningning in the backseat beside Giselle, who had already prepared a cozy nest of blankets to keep her comfortable.


With farewells exchanged, Jeno started the engine, and they set off.


"Let's hope we don't run into trouble—Ningning needs a break." Lia murmured, fastening her seatbelt. Giselle held Ningning close, providing what little comfort she could.


"Yeah..." Giselle whispered, the gravity of their mission weighing heavily upon them. With hearts heavy and nerves taut, they embarked on their journey, their prayers echoing in the confines of the car as they sought to bring Ningning to safety and treatment.


But, the peaceful tranquility of their thirty-minute drive abruptly shattered as they fell into an ambush by raiders.


"! Hang on!" Jeno's urgent cry pierced the air as he accelerated, weaving the car to evade the raiders' onslaught.


"Jeno?! What are you—?" Lia's question was swallowed by the chaos as Jeno skillfully maneuvered around the attackers, their car colliding with two raiders, prompting gasps from Lia and Giselle.




"I don't care! Ningning's safety comes first!" Jeno's determination rang through the chaos as he pressed on, the car bumping over another raider's body.


"God..." Giselle's voice trembled as she clutched Ningning protectively, shielding her from harm.


Despite a blow to the head from a raider's bat, Jeno persisted, blood streaming down his face, his vision obscured.


"Jeno, please!" Lia's panic escalated as the raiders closed in, their intentions menacingly clear.


"Damn it—Lia, help me steer!" Jeno's voice was strained as he fought to maintain control of the car.


Their desperate struggle continued for what felt like an eternity, making little progress as Jeno battled dizziness from his injury while Lia aided him in navigating through the chaos.


"We're almost there." Jeno's resolve remained unshaken as he pushed forward, despite the car's windows shattering and a wheel flattening under the raiders' assault.


As the raiders closed in, and their hopes began to wane, the sudden sound of gunfire broke through the tension, drawing the attention of both raiders and wraiths alike.


"What now?!" Lia's frustration boiled over as they braced for the unknown.


"Giselle! Try to—. Giselle?!" Jeno's voice cracked with panic as he frantically glanced at the rearview mirror. Giselle lay slumped and unconscious, blood trickling from a wound on her head. It dawned on them that Giselle had been injured amidst the chaos, their focus consumed by the relentless onslaught of raiders.


Seconds stretched into agonizing uncertainty, Lia's desperation palpable as she awaited their fate.


Then, an eerie silence descended, engulfing them in its ominous embrace.


"What's going on?" Lia's voice cut through the lingering tension as she gingerly sat up, surveying their surroundings. The raiders had vanished, prompting her to cautiously peek outside, where she gasped in astonishment. The raiders lay strewn on the ground, bearing gunshot wounds across their bodies. Before long, the heavy thud of boots echoed nearby, signaling the approach of military personnel.


"Survivors! Medic!" A soldier's authoritative command rang out, swiftly followed by assistance offered to Jeno and Lia to exit the car. Meanwhile, three other soldiers rushed to aid Giselle and Ningning.


"You're fortunate ones. We were on patrol, hoping to find survivors heading towards the facility. Did you receive our message? We attempted to broadc

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I'm slowly losing confident writing, but your comments helps and encourages me to keep going. So, thanks a lot! ♡


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224 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 28: Oh, winter 😭😭
0 points #2
Chapter 28: NAURRRR
Arikin 0 points #3
Chapter 28: i think it's bc her emotion and her memory ...
but please don't be ghost for too long ...
oofiee 1079 streak 0 points #4
Chapter 28: nooo.... the sad wraith probably....
addicted03 0 points #5
Chapter 28: Omg nooooo!! What happened to our BB Winter 😭😭 thank you for continuing to update this, pls don’t lose confidence, your writing and original storylines are so good! We’re greedy for more really 🥹
SSERAITZ 0 points #6
0 points #7
Chapter 28: why do i feel like bc winter can’t handle being overwhelmed, she withdrawn from feeling her emotions so she went back to being a wraith??
xandra_01 0 points #8
Chapter 28: OMG NOO
AliciaBelen 0 points #9
11 streak 0 points #10
Chapter 28: NOOOOOO 😭