
The Wraith And The Chocolate
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Karina and Yuna had just returned from the challenging task of bathing Winter. Despite the wraith's weakened state, it took nearly two hours of struggle to coax her into the bathroom. Finally, with Winter still resisting, they succeeded, though Karina and Yuna ended up soaked themselves, prompting them to take a shower afterward.


A disgruntled Winter sat behind Giselle, seeking refuge. Giselle gently took Winter's hands, which clung to her shirt, and began rubbing them to console the sulking wraith. It almost looked as though Winter was embracing Giselle from behind.


Adding to the tension, Mark had broken the news of Jaemin's disappearance. Yeji promptly informed Karina and Yuna as they settled in the room.


Mark woke up to find himself alone in their room early in the morning. Initially assuming Jaemin had gone to the bathroom, Mark grew increasingly worried as thirty minutes passed with no sign of his friend. After checking the girls' room to no avail, Mark returned to their room only to find it empty except for a note left on Jaemin's bed.


The note revealed Jaemin's sudden decision to enlist in the military without informing the group, anticipating their disapproval. Mark, at first attributing it to Jaemin's impulsiveness, began to doubt its authenticity as he fully awoke. It simply didn't align with Jaemin's character. Frustrated and confused, Mark stormed back into the girls' room, where Karina and Yuna had already left with Winter.


"It's my fault, I'm sorry." Giselle admitted, holding Winter's hands tightly. "I should've shared my suspicions about Jeno and Lia's sudden disappearance. And Ningning too..."


"I should've noticed Jaemin leaving..." Mark confessed, his frustration evident as he sat in the corner of the room, running his hands through his hair.


Yuna grabbed a pillow and delivered a solid smack to both Giselle and Mark's heads, startling them. Before they could protest, Yuna's stern gaze silenced them. It was a rare display of seriousness from Yuna, leaving Karina and Yeji equally taken aback.


"So, are you going to wallow in self-blame all day, or are you going to take action?" Yuna scolded them. She believed it wasn't the time for moping and regret; Yuna's perspective resonated with Yeji, who had remained quiet throughout the discussion. Although she felt a twinge of frustration that Giselle hadn't immediately shared her suspicions, Yeji understood Giselle's intentions were well-meaning—to prioritize the group's rest upon their arrival. Yeji's group had endured a great deal on their journey to the facility.


While Yeji's group could have handled the news better, dwelling on it served no purpose. The priority now was to move forward and strategize their next steps.


"I... I need Winter..." Karina suddenly interjected, her eyes darting to the wraith hiding behind Giselle. Karina's panic was palpable; her recent trauma left her particularly vulnerable to bad news.


Karina's unexpected admission elicited a soft chuckle from the tense group, which quickly escalated into full-blown laughter. Karina looked around, bewildered by their amusement.


"You're like a lost child looking for her mom." Yeji teased. "Your expression was priceless."


"What?" Karina pouted, feeling a bit stung by their laughter at her distress. However, the sincerity in Karina's vulnerability, coupled with her endearing dependence on Winter, seemed to momentarily lift the group's spirits, providing an unexpected respite from their worries.


"But Winter's still upset with you." Yeji added, suppressing a laugh as she gestured to the glaring wraith.


"Winter?" Karina called out tentatively. Winter let out a huff and retreated further behind Giselle. "Come on, I'm sorry."


"Let me hug you instead, Karina." Yeji offered, wanting to comfort her friend. However, they all momentarily forgot Winter's animosity towards Yeji, and before anyone could intervene, Yeji attempted to embrace Karina.


In a flash, Winter darted forward, forcefully shoving Yeji into the wall, causing her to collide face-first. The wraith shielded Karina with her body, growling menacingly at Yeji, who groaned in pain, clutching her bleeding nose as Yuna rushed to her aid.


"You idiots." Giselle chuckled, wiping away tears that had escaped during the chaotic scene. Yuna shot her a smile.


"Finally got your together?"


"Don't leave me, Yuna!" Yeji cried out as Winter lunged towards her again. Mark quickly intervened, restraining Winter to prevent further harm.


Yuna joined in the effort to calm Winter. Then, Giselle remembered that Winter hadn't eaten properly since their arrival a

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I'm slowly losing confident writing, but your comments helps and encourages me to keep going. So, thanks a lot! ♡


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224 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 28: Oh, winter 😭😭
0 points #2
Chapter 28: NAURRRR
Arikin 0 points #3
Chapter 28: i think it's bc her emotion and her memory ...
but please don't be ghost for too long ...
oofiee 1079 streak 0 points #4
Chapter 28: nooo.... the sad wraith probably....
addicted03 0 points #5
Chapter 28: Omg nooooo!! What happened to our BB Winter 😭😭 thank you for continuing to update this, pls don’t lose confidence, your writing and original storylines are so good! We’re greedy for more really 🥹
SSERAITZ 0 points #6
0 points #7
Chapter 28: why do i feel like bc winter can’t handle being overwhelmed, she withdrawn from feeling her emotions so she went back to being a wraith??
xandra_01 0 points #8
Chapter 28: OMG NOO
AliciaBelen 0 points #9
11 streak 0 points #10
Chapter 28: NOOOOOO 😭